The essence, purpose and objectives of physical education and sports pedagogy. Introduction. In the process of professional education of a specialist in physical culture and sports, pedagogical training plays a serious role. Pedagogy of physical culture and sports as a science

Educational and scientific discipline

One of the leading trends in the development of modern pedagogical science is the ever-increasing differentiation of areas of pedagogical knowledge. One of the manifestations of this trend is the emergence of a new branch of pedagogical knowledge - the pedagogy of physical culture and sports, the theoretical formulation of which began in the early 70s of the twentieth century.

The prerequisites for separating the pedagogy of physical culture and sports into an independent branch of the science of education were philosophical and progressive pedagogical traditions in the field of physical education, as well as the fact that that knowledge about the pedagogical laws of sports activity did not logically fit within the framework of the theory of physical education. The origin and formation of the pedagogy of physical culture and sports was inextricably linked with the process of development of the physical education movement and was determined by the development of other sciences, in particular, sports psychology.

In the early 70s, on the basis of fundamental research into pedagogical problems of sports (at the level of doctoral and candidate dissertations), the opportunity was determined to formulate the subject of pedagogy of physical culture and sports. In 1974, it was proposed to consider sports pedagogy as a branch of pedagogical science that studies the patterns of human formation in the process and under the influence of physical education and sports.

The textbook, published in the GDR in 1978, defines sports pedagogy as a scientific discipline that studies the patterns of conscious, purposeful, systematic and organized management of the process of development of an athlete’s personality in the conditions of sports activity.

As a branch of pedagogical science, it solves the following problems:

1) study of the patterns of use of physical culture and sports in the process of educating the younger generation;

2) study and generalization of the experience of the best sports teachers;

3) development of the most effective forms and methods of educational work in the field of physical culture and sports.

Pedagogy of physical culture is an educational and scientific discipline that studies the essence, patterns, principles, methods and forms of organization of the pedagogical (teaching and educational) process taking place in the field of physical culture and sports.

As an academic discipline, “Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports” is a major general professional discipline in the system of professional physical education. The leading position of this discipline is due to the fact that the activities of a sports teacher have, first of all, a pedagogical orientation:

Studying and improving the physical, mental and functional capabilities of a person;

Development and approval of the principles of an active and healthy lifestyle, their practical implementation through physical culture and sports;

Formation of personality, its introduction to universal human values, values ​​of physical culture and sports.

Purpose of teaching the course– create a holistic understanding of the essence, specificity, and patterns of pedagogy in the field of physical education and sports, help to navigate the diversity of pedagogical concepts, and include students in the active process of pedagogical search.

Objectives of studying the discipline.

As a result of studying the discipline, students must:

Know the essence of the holistic pedagogical process, focusing on the features of education in the field of physical culture and sports; navigate the diversity of pedagogical concepts;

Identify the conditions for optimizing the process of education and self-education; know the methods of training an athlete; features of working with children's sports teams and the student's family; know the patterns and age-related characteristics of personality development;

To be able to navigate the problems of pedagogy caused by the specifics of physical culture and sports;

Be able to clearly formulate basic pedagogical concepts;

Analyze and consciously implement the choice of educational means in building a unified pedagogical process;

Know the basic methods, means and forms of education;

Evaluate and interpret various pedagogical facts and phenomena;

Apply in practice knowledge about the formation and cohesion of children's teams.

Practical tasks

1. Indicate the connection between the pedagogy of physical education and sports and other scientific disciplines.

2. Establish the correct relationship between concepts (I –3,...)

3. Establish the correct relationship between concepts (I – 3,...)

4.Restore the text in the picture.


5.The subject of pedagogy of physical culture and sports is. . . .

6. What is the difference between the pedagogical process and socialization?


1. Prokhorova M.V., Sidorov A.A., Sinyukhin B.D., Semenov A.G. Pedagogy of physical culture M.: ALLIANCE, 2006. 287 p.

2. Gurevich P.S. Psychology and pedagogy: textbook for universities. M.: Unity, 2007. 320s.

3. Kaynova E.B. General pedagogy of physical culture and sports: textbook. allowance. M.: Publishing house "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2007.208 p.

4. Slastenin V.A., Kashirin V.P. Psychology and pedagogy: textbook. allowance. M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2001. 480 p.





1.1. The essence and objectives of physical education and sports pedagogy

Physical culture and sport as a diverse social phenomenon that performs social, economic and political functions and is part of universal human culture.

The dialectical impact of physical exercise and sports on health and personality formation within the framework of the needs of society. The emergence of pedagogy of physical culture and sports is an objective need of our time.

Sports pedagogy as an independent branch of pedagogical knowledge, which developed in the last decades of the last century. The reasons for its occurrence and the level of its current condition.

A brief historical background on the development of sports pedagogy in foreign countries and in our country.

Object and subject of scientific study of sports pedagogy. Its connection with other sciences about sports: the theory of physical culture, sociology, psychology, history of sports, theory of sports training, human anatomy and physiology.

Modern trends in the development of sports and the emergence in this regard of tasks and problems of pedagogy.

1. 2. Goals and objectives of education in physical education and sports classes.

Education in the process of physical education and sports as a section of sports pedagogy. Dynamics of the educational influence of sport. The need to subordinate the goals of education to the interests and needs of the individual and society. The dual orientation of the goals of the educational process:

a) preparation through sports for life and subsequent professional work;

b) education for success in sports.

The different ratios of these components depending on the content and focus of the classes:

  • physical culture and mass sports;

  • basic sports;

  • elite sport;

  • recreational activities;

  • rehabilitation activities and wheelchair sports.
The specificity of the tasks of education in the following areas: moral, labor, intellectual, aesthetic.

Principles of education and features of their implementation in the conditions of physical education and sports.



2.1. The structure of the educational process, its content and the specifics of the methods used

Determining the goal, set and sequence of educational tasks to achieve it.

  • Knowledge and consideration of the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

  • Mastery of all methods and a wide arsenal of methodological techniques.

  • Having a plan and following all the principles of education.

  • Organization of the place and means of pedagogical influence, organizational forms and nature of communication
Contents of educational work in the following areas:

  • formation of moral consciousness - knowledge, views, beliefs, worldviews.

  • the influence of aesthetic views and beliefs of athletes on their moral behavior

  • formation of abilities, skills, habits of behavior.

  • the formation of positive feelings and experiences associated with sports activities.

  • development of personal qualities - volitional, moral, labor and aesthetic perception of motor actions.
Features of the application of educational methods:

  • formation of moral consciousness (explanation, ethical conversations)
suggestion and example, subject to the high authority of the teacher.

  • training and exercise in disciplined behavior, management in the acquisition of skills and habits in the field of sports ethics.

  • motivation (encouragement) and inhibition (punishment) as methods of correction, activation and formation of moral feelings.
2.2.Didactics of sports. Pedagogical technologies and innovations in

the field of physical culture and sports.

Didactics of sports and principles of education. Forms of organization of the pedagogical process. The connection and unity of sports didactics with the theory and methodology of physical education and the theory of sports training.

Moral decency, culture of behavior and communication, composure, perseverance, tolerance and impartiality in assessments and relationships. Quick orientation in the environment and decisive action, the need for a constant creative search for new methodological, organizational and educational solutions.

Knowledge of scientific labor organization and management science.

5.2. Pedagogical communication and pedagogical technology

Functions of pedagogical communication. The structure of pedagogical communication. Conditions for effective communication. The content of communication from its functions (relationship to educational material; transfer of knowledge; management of education; organization of cooperation; ensuring the emotional coloring of activities; management of activities). Culture of pedagogical communication.

Communication styles: autocratic (authoritarian), democratic, liberal, mixed or integral. Pedagogical styles of communication (communication-distance, communication-intimidation, communication-flirting, communication based on joint passion and activity, communication-imitation).

Pedagogical technology. Nonverbal means of communication and their classification. Communication technique: voice placement, choice of tone and intonation, style, form, tempo and rhythm of speech. Behavior: choice of location, gestures, facial expressions, posture. Exercises in the development of personal pedagogical technique.

5.3. Teaching abilities

The concept of inclinations, abilities, giftedness and talent. General abilities that ensure success in teaching, including academic abilities.

Psychological and pedagogical components of pedagogical activity.

Design and constructive activity as the ability to see a distant pedagogical result and the prospects for subsequent stages. Diagnostic, psychomotor abilities (constructive imagination.

Organizational activity as the ability to organize and bring into a system all components of the educational process. Supporting abilities (observation, concentration).

Communicative activity – the ability to establish appropriate relationships with wards. The success of the manifestation of this ability (perception and empathy; suggestion and attraction; expression of major speech).

Gnostic activity as the ability to logically and critically comprehend the entire pedagogical process. Ways and methods of developing abilities.

Continuous education and self-education. Conditions for the emergence of the need and readiness for self-education. The main components of self-education: self-knowledge of the individual (direction, cognitive processes); drawing up a program (plan) for working on oneself (development of will, character, intuition, etc.), organizing a system (ways of working on oneself) and organizing activities (self-report, self-esteem, introspection, etc.).

5.4. Pedagogical creativity

The concept of creativity. Multifactorial conditions of real teaching activity. Non-standard decision-making in various organizational conditions and when choosing means, methods, methodological techniques and elements of personal pedagogical equipment.

Conditions for the manifestation of creativity: the teacher’s extensive and systematically supplemented knowledge, dissatisfaction with the results achieved, a constant search for optimal ways to solve educational problems and the content of educational training sessions. Application of pedagogical research methods to objectively identify rational methods.

Mastering the levels of pedagogical creativity as they become more complex:

  • adaptation of methodological recommendations and theoretical provisions to specific pedagogical actions;

  • the ability to see a range of options for solving the same problem;

  • improvement and modernization of the known in accordance with new tasks;

  • improvisation based on both accurate knowledge and competent calculation, and highly developed intuition;

  • development of new methods, forms, techniques, means in their original combinations, creation of simulators;
creation of highly effective, fundamentally new systems of training and education.

Basic concepts of the discipline:

Pedagogical process

Education, training

Moral knowledge, views, beliefs

Pedagogical communication

Knowledge, abilities, skills

Didactics of sports

Methods and techniques of education

Management of the educational process

Sports team

Pedagogical skills, teaching abilities

Levels of teaching excellence

Pedagogical skills and creativity

Pedagogical artistry

Pedagogical culture

Sports ethics

Self-education and self-improvement

Pedagogical innovations, pedagogical technologies of education (see didactic units in detail).

Tasks for test work on OZO

Section 1. Introduction to physical education pedagogy

(Make a note)

    1. Essence, subject and tasks of physical education pedagogy.

    2. State policy in the field of development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation (Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020).

    3. Main categories of pedagogy.
4. System of pedagogical sciences.

5. Pedagogy is the science of education. The emergence and development of pedagogy.

Section 2 . Didactics of physical culture and sports

(Make a note)

  1. Basic concepts of didactics of physical culture and sports.

  2. Objectives of teaching physical culture and sports.

  3. Methods and techniques of teaching. Classification of teaching methods.

  4. General pedagogical methods used in physical education.
5. Lesson as a form of organizing the pedagogical process in the work of a physical education teacher. Definition of the concept of a lesson, structural elements of a lesson.

6. Classification of lessons according to didactic purpose.

7. Requirements for the lesson. Types of physical education lessons.

8. The structure of the lesson and characteristics of its parts.

9. The essence of management and its features in the educational process.

10. Functions of pedagogical management: leadership (decision making), planning, control, correction, information service, organization, motivation.

Section No. 3. Education in conditions of physical education and sports

(Make a note)

  1. Educational goals in physical education and sports classes. Mental education and its importance for success in sports.

  2. The connection between sports training and moral education. The concept of sports ethics.

  3. Tasks of labor education and education of hard work.

  4. Objectives of aesthetic education and sports. Manifestation of aesthetics in sports.

  5. Definition of concepts – method, techniques and means of education.

  6. Classification of education methods. Methods of forming consciousness. Methods of organizing activities and conducting experience.

  7. Educational means. Methods for studying collective phenomena. Quantitative processing of results.

  8. Forms of educational work, their functions and principles. System of educational work.

  9. The concept of a sports team and its structure. Leadership in sports teams.

  10. Team leadership styles. Social and psychological climate of the team. Group moral norms, public opinion and traditions in a sports team.
Section No. 4. Specifics of activity and requirements for the personality of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports

(Make a note)

  1. Features of the profession of a coach and physical education teacher (specific conditions in the work of a physical education teacher and coach).

  2. Functions of a coach (teacher of physical education and sports).

  3. Requirements for the personality of a coach (professionally important qualities of a coach: moral, business, communication).

  4. The concept of “pedagogical abilities”, their types (didactic, academic, perceptual, speech, organizational, authoritarian, communicative, ability for pedagogical imagination, ability to distribute attention, gnostic, constructive, reflective).

  5. Pedagogical culture of a sports teacher. Structure and content of pedagogical culture.

  6. Pedagogical skills of a sports teacher. Levels of skill of a sports teacher.

  7. Pedagogical communication. Communication styles of the teacher-trainer.

  8. Pedagogical technique of a sports teacher.

  9. Speech culture of the teacher-trainer. Criteria for speech culture.

  10. The concept of “speech culture”. The educational value of speech culture.


  1. Educational goals for physical exercise and sports

  2. Methods for the formation of moral consciousness and their various forms.

  3. Features of the formation of beliefs in the process of physical activity
culture and sports.

  1. The essence and features of the educational process.

  2. Types of moral exercises in educational practice: exercises in activity; routine exercises; special exercises. Examples of using these methods in sports classes.

  3. Methods of pedagogical stimulation and behavior correction.

  4. Objectives and content of moral education in sports conditions
activities. Explain using your sport as an example.

  1. Objectives, content and features of intellectual education.

  2. Objectives and content of aesthetic education in the context of sports activities.

11. Activities of the trainer in the formation of moral knowledge, views, and beliefs of those involved.

12.Formation of moral feelings and conscience among students.

13.Formation of moral behavior - skills and habits.

14. Education of hard work in the conditions of sports activities.

15. Concepts of discipline and conditions for instilling discipline in the classroom

physical culture and sports.

16.The essence and content of sports ethics.

17.Diagnostic methods for identifying moral education

students and sports enthusiasts.

18.Collectivism and individualism as significant personal qualities.

19. The concept of a team, its characteristics. The importance of the team in the formation of the athlete’s personality.

20. Methods and means of educating a sports team.

21.Self-education as an integral part of education, its

driving forces and sources.

22. The role of the teacher in organizing self-education.

  1. 23. Professional responsibilities of a physical education teacher, coach.
24. Structural components of pedagogical activity.

25.Pedagogical communication, its functions and structure.

26. Gnostic activity of the teacher.

  1. 27. Personal pedagogical technique, its content.

  2. 28. Styles of pedagogical communication.

  3. 29.Pedagogical creativity.
30.Pedagogical innovations.

  1. The reasons that influenced the development of physical education and sports pedagogy as a scientific and educational discipline.

  2. Give a definition of sports pedagogy as a science, its subject and object.

  3. Basic concepts of physical education and sports pedagogy.

  4. Tasks of FC pedagogy and sports as an independent scientific discipline.

  5. List the sciences related to the pedagogy of physical education and sports.

  6. Didactics of FC and sports as a particular branch of general didactics, its connection with

  7. TiMFK and the theory of sports training. What are the features of didactics of physical education and sports?

  8. Basic concepts (categories) of didactics of physical culture and sports.

  9. Features of the implementation of the principles of consciousness and visibility in the pedagogy of physical education and sports.

  10. Features of the implementation of the principles of accessibility, systematicity and consistency in the pedagogy of physical education and sports.

  11. Ways to implement the principles of activity and strength in the pedagogy of physical education and sports.

  12. Expand two approaches to the classification of teaching methods: by the source of knowledge and by the nature of cognitive activity.

  13. What problems can be solved with their help?

  14. What is feedback and its role in learning motor actions.

  15. What impact do physical education classes have on the personal development of those involved?

  16. The goals of education when engaging in physical exercises and sports, their dependence on the content and focus of the activities.

  17. The essence and features of the educational process. Features of the educational process in sports activities.

  18. Expand the concepts of the principles of education, show their meanings, characterize each of the principles of education.

  19. Principles of education that ensure success in pedagogical communication.

  20. Expand the concepts of “education methods” and “education means” and determine the conditions for their choice with athletes of various qualifications.

  21. Name the main groups of educational methods and characterize the methods of forming moral consciousness and their various forms.

  22. Conditions for the effectiveness of the methods of suggestion and example. Their use in the process of pedagogical influence.

  23. Features of the formation of beliefs among those involved in physical culture and sports.

  24. Various types of moral exercises in educational practice: exercises in activity; routine exercises; special exercises. Examples of using these methods in sports classes.

  25. Methods of pedagogical stimulation and behavior correction. Requirements for methods of inducement (reward) and inhibition (punishment). Their role in the formation of moral feelings.

  26. Give examples from your sports practice.

  27. Objectives and content of moral education in the context of sports activities. Explain using your sport as an example.

  28. Objectives and content of aesthetic education in the context of sports activities. Explain using your sport as an example.

  29. Means and methods of aesthetic education. Aesthetic characteristics of various sports.

  30. Objectives, content and features of intellectual education of the individual in sports.

  31. The positive and negative impact of sport on a person when certain rules are observed or not.

  32. Possible negative impact of sport on personality (in the moral and emotional spheres).

  33. The activities of a trainer in the formation of moral knowledge, views, and beliefs of those involved.

  34. Formation of moral feelings and conscience among students. The role of the coach and comrades in this process.

  35. Formation of moral behavior - skills and habits.

  36. Explain them using the example of your sport.

  37. Nurturing hard work in sports activities. Possible reasons for indiscipline in physical education and sports, ways to overcome them.

  38. Concepts of discipline and conditions for instilling discipline in physical education and sports classes.

  39. The essence and content of sports ethics.

  40. Characteristics of diagnostic methods for identifying the moral education of students and those involved in sports.

  41. Identification of priority tasks with an integrated approach to the development of the student.

  42. Features of planning educational work in sports (depending on the contingent of participants: a) a group of beginners; b) mass athletes; c) summer health camp).

  43. The unity of educational and educational activities of a sports teacher and coach.

  44. Features of setting educational tasks that are solved during classes using the example of your sport, taking into account the specific contingent and situation.

  45. Collectivism and individualism as significant personal qualities.

  46. The concept of a team, its characteristics. The importance of the team in the formation of the athlete’s personality.

  47. Features of a sports team as a democratic association with the leading role of a teacher.

  48. The role of the primary sports team in solving educational problems.

  49. Features of the goal of orienteering in a sports team - personal, group, life goals. Perspective line system.

  50. Characteristics of the stages of team development.

  51. Methods and means of educating the team at each stage of its development.

  52. The role of public opinion in a team, its content orientation and ways of formation.

  53. Traditions as the main regulators within collective relations.

  54. Self-education as an integral part of education, its driving forces and sources.

  55. The role of the teacher in organizing self-education. Conditions that ensure successful self-education.

  56. Changes in the content of self-education as sports skills increase and the athlete matures.

  57. Self-education and re-education. Prevention of delinquency among students. Legal education.

  58. Environmental education. Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Responsibility of physical education specialists for nature protection.

  59. Professional responsibilities (functions) of a physical education teacher, coach.

  60. Requirements for the personality of a teacher in the field of physical education and sports.

  61. The concept of pedagogical activity. Structural components of pedagogical activity, gnostic, design, constructive and organizational, communicative and their characteristics.

  62. Personal abilities as a condition for the successful acquisition of professional and pedagogical skills. Characteristics of general and special features and ways of their development. (The unity of general and special abilities in the success of teaching activities).

  63. Design and constructive abilities and accompanying didactic and psychomotor abilities.

  64. Organizational skills and accompanying observation and distribution of attention.

  65. Communicative abilities and their components: perception and empathy, pedagogical tact, expressiveness and majority of communication, suggestion and attraction.

  66. Pedagogical communication, its functions and structure: modeling of upcoming communication, its organization, management of communication, analysis of the result and modeling of a new cycle.

  67. Gnostic activity of the teacher.

  68. What is the peculiarity of unifying or integrative communication?

  69. Personal pedagogical technique, its content.

  70. Styles of pedagogical communication.

  71. The concept of pedagogical leadership, the conditions for its manifestation.

  72. Pedagogical creativity. Possible levels of pedagogical creativity.

  73. Management of the pedagogical process.

  74. Levels of teaching skills.

  75. The authority of the teacher and its components. Requirements for his personal qualities

  76. Pedagogical technologies and innovations in the field of physical education and sports.

  77. Basic conditions and factors of productive pedagogical activity in the field of physical education and sports.


    1. Basic literature
7.1.1 Karpushin, B.A. Pedagogy of physical culture: textbook / B.A. Karpushin. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2013. – 300 p.

      1. Pedagogy of physical culture: textbook / team of authors: edited by. ed. V.I. Krilichevsky, A.G. Semenova, S.N. Bekasova. – M.: KNORUS, 2012. – 320 p.
7.1.3 Pedagogy of physical culture and sports: a textbook for students. Higher Uch. establishments / S.D. Neverkovich, T.V. Aronova, A.R. Baymurzin et al.; edited by S.D. Neverkovich. – M.: Academy, 2010. – 336 p.
7.2 Further reading

7.2.1 Kaynova, E.B. General pedagogy of physical culture and sports: textbook. Pos. / E.B. Kaynova. – M.: Forum: INFRA-M, 2007. - 208 p.

7.2.2 Neverkovich, S.D. Pedagogy of physical culture and sports: textbook / ed. S.D. Neverkovich. - M.: Physical culture, 2006. – 528 p.

7.2.3 Pedagogy: textbook / edited by L.P. Krivshenko. – M.: Prospekt, 2008. – 429 p.

7.2.4 Prokhorova, M.V. Pedagogy of physical culture: textbook / M.V. Prokhorova, A.A. Sidorov, B.D. Sinyukhin, A.G. Semenov. - 3rd ed., additional. And reworked. – M.: Put: Adians, 2006. – 287 p.

7.2.5 Sidorov, A.A. Pedagogy: textbook for universities in physics. Cultures / A.A. Sidorov, M.V. Prokhorova, B.D. Sinyukhin. – M.: Terra-Sport, 2000. – 272 p.

7.2.6 Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http^//

7.2.7 Federal target program “development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015” Electronic resource. – Access mode: http^//

7.3 Databases, information, reference and search systems

7.3.1 Electronic catalog of the RSL [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:// www. rsl. ru/ s97/ s339

7.3.6 Website of the Government of the Russian Federation – http:// www. gov. ru

7.3.7 EBS - Unified system for access to a collection of electronic versions of books of modern educational and scientific literature - access from the Internet.

7.3.8 EBS of the Publishing House “Infra-M” – access from the Internet.

7.3.9 Electronic catalog of UralGUFK [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:// library. uralqufk. ac. ru/

7.3.10 Scientific portal Theory.Ru [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http:// www. theory. ru

7.3.11 Electronic books on sports topics [Electronic resource]. Access mode : http:// www. theory. ru/ student/ booksport/ index. php

7.3.12 Central branch library for physical culture and sports [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:// lib. sportedu. ru/

7.3.13 Russian sports encyclopedia Electronic resource. - Access mode: http://www. http:// libsport. ru/

Topic No. 1. Introduction to physical education pedagogy .

Lecture No. 1. Introduction to the problems of modern pedagogy of physical culture and sports.

Lecture No. 2. Pedagogy of physical culture and sports as a new branch of pedagogical science

Lecture No. 3. Methods of physical training.

Topic No.2. Methodological foundations of the process of developing sportsmanship.

Lecture No. 4. Dialectical aspects of sports pedagogy

Lecture No. 5. Development of the organism's adaptive capabilities on the dialectical basis of contradictions between the organism and the environment.

Lecture No. 6. Dialectical unity of physical and technical preparedness of athletes

Topic No. 3. Fundamentals of sports psychopedagogy

Lecture No. 7. Main directions of the discipline.

Lecture No. 8. General directions in the study of the athlete .

Lecture No. 9. Psychodiagnostics of athlete conditions .

Lecture No. 10. Signs of mental stress in the training process.

Lecture No. 11. Pre-competitive and competitive mental stress, its dynamics and causes.

Lecture No. 12. Correction of mental states in preparation for competitions.

Lecture No. 13. Crisis situations in the lives of athletes and methods for overcoming them.

Topic No. 4. Methods of personality education.

Lecture No. 14. Physical culture and sport as a specific environment for the formation of a person’s personality.

Lecture No. 15. Formation of an athlete's personality

Topic No.5. Education and self-education in sports activities.

Lecture No. 16. Athlete motivation in the training process

Lecture No. 17. Psychological atmosphere as a psychophysiological phenomenon in elite sports.

Lecture No. 18. Types, forms and methods of educational work in the field of physical education.

Pedagogy of sports. Subject. Introduction to physical education pedagogy.


Introduction to the problems of modern pedagogy of physical culture and sports.

The academic discipline “Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports” is a major general professional discipline in the system of professional physical education. The core and leading position of this discipline is justified by the fact that the activities of a specialist in physical education and physical education have primarily a pedagogical focus: the study and improvement of a person’s physical, mental and functional capabilities, the development and approval of the principles of an active and healthy lifestyle, their practical implementation by means of physical culture and sports, the formation of personality, its introduction to universal human values, the values ​​of physical culture and sports.

Purpose of the discipline: to significantly strengthen the professional training of students of I.F.K. and S., providing in-depth knowledge of the pedagogy of physical culture and sports, teaching technology, developing in students the skills of practical implementation of acquired knowledge in various educational institutions and sports organizations, that is, at the place of future work of graduates . ^ Objectives of the discipline:

    To study the specifics of the application of general pedagogical principles in physical education;

    Consider the main aspects of pedagogical technology for teaching the subject “Physical Education”;

    To give an idea of ​​the patterns of formation of professional skills of a physical education and sports teacher;

    To teach students to independently work with scientific and methodological literature, to instill interest and the need for constant self-education.

    Repeat and consolidate knowledge on the theory and methodology of physical education and sports, general pedagogy acquired earlier.

Modern practice of education, training and retraining of personnel for various sectors of the country's national economy requires constant creative improvement of higher education teaching staff, ensuring the solution of this educational problem. This circumstance, in turn, places new demands on the structure and content of education in various educational institutions in the infrastructure of physical culture and sports. Physical culture is part of the culture of society, the defining aspect of which is the spiritual human function associated with the development of thinking, imagination, feelings, creativity. And also the general cultural functions include: educational, educational and health-improving, which are realized through motor activity. Sports activities instill in a person: will, hard work, courage, honesty, develop humanistic beliefs, respect for an opponent, form social activity, patriotism, sports honor, dedication to one's work. During sports activities, an educational process also occurs: new types of movements are studied, special literature is read, educational videos are watched, instructor and judge certificates are obtained, in-depth knowledge of the chosen activity is achieved, etc. Physical culture and sports are part of the health system that contributes to the prevention and reduction of diseases, rehabilitation of physically injured people, their return to sports and work activities, life expectancy and satisfaction of people in active recreation, etc.

Modern training in sports, especially in elite sports, is a complex multifunctional and multiparametric system, requiring in its implementation the training of specialists who have a special design type of thinking, the ability to think. We constantly encounter this phenomenon in the practice of physical education and sports activities. The basis of the ability to think was, is and will be a reflexive-critical attitude towards a worldview. Finding your place in it, transforming and cultivating it through deeds and actions. To help preserve and further develop this ability and its basis in future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports - this means forming in every student a philosopher-teacher, philosopher-manager, philosopher-trainer, etc. Usually, knowledge of the culture of philosophy of development and formation of thinking determines the basis for the formation of each person’s philosophical position, for example, a coach acquires specific features through penetration into the essence and content of the philosophy of a particular sport. The development of the philosophy of a coach, teacher, or manager includes two tasks. The first is to develop a greater awareness of the need to know oneself. The second task is to decide and determine the goals of one’s own professional activity, which will set precise guidelines in understanding the role of a specialist and predetermine much in behavior and the performance of one’s functions.

The interests of management practice in the field of physical culture and sports dictate the need to resolve the issue of organizing a training system for physical culture and sports personnel on the basis of the developed concept of adult education, in which the tasks of increasing the effectiveness of education correspond to only a theory that takes into account the developmental role of training and education in the formation of personality and is focused on the search for those psychological and pedagogical means with the help of which one can have a significant impact on both the general development of the individual and the development of creative abilities.

In sports pedagogical work, teachers have to deal with people of different nationalities, different education, temperament and characters, so they have to deal with the emergence of conflict situations. Therefore, an important task of a sports educator or physical education teacher is not only the prevention and elimination of conflict, but also the ability to manage them.

The textbook presents the methodology and methodology for the formation of professional thinking in the activities of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports based on the theory of developmental education by V.V. Davydov and the design methodology of G.P. Shchedrovitsky.

For students of higher educational institutions. It may be useful for students of physical education pedagogical colleges, Olympic reserve schools and physical education departments of pedagogical universities, teachers, coaches, athletes, students of faculties and institutes for advanced training in the field of physical education and sports.

Publisher: Academy, Series: Higher professional education, 2010

ISBN 978-5-7695-6399-7

Number of pages: 336.

Contents of the book “Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports”:

  • 3 Introduction
    • 8 Chapter 1. History of the formation of general and sports pedagogy
      • 8 1.1. The emergence and development of pedagogy as the art of raising and teaching children in primitive society and ancient states
      • 13 1.2. Development of pedagogical thought in the Middle Ages
      • 16 1.3. Development and formation of pedagogical theory in Russia
      • 23 1.4. Main trends in the development of sports pedagogy abroad
      • 29 1.5. The tasks of sports pedagogy as a branch of pedagogical science in connection with the problem of socialization
    • 33 Chapter 2. General methodological integrative functions of developing pedagogy of physical culture and sports
      • 33 2.1 Pedagogy of sports as a meta-subject
      • 39 2.2. Pedagogical technology: essence and evolution of the concept
      • 49 2.3. Training system in sports as an object of design and subject of research
    • 57 Chapter 3. Structure and content of professional and pedagogical competence of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports
      • 57 3.1. Modern concepts of professional competence of specialists in psychology and pedagogy
      • 62 3.2. Characteristics of the main components of competence
      • 66 3.3. Levels of competence development of specialists
      • 68 3.4. Professional competence of a sports specialist
    • 75 Chapter 4. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the functioning of vocational education
      • 75 4.1. Philosophical, methodological and historical aspects of education
      • 83 4.2. Philosophical and pedagogical aspects of education
      • 92 4.3. Sociocultural aspects of education
    • 97 Chapter 5. Comprehensive analysis of the theory and practice of the modern system of vocational education
      • 97 5.1. Regulatory acts regulating additional professional education
      • 106 5.2. Professional education in modern conditions
      • 121 5.3. The concept of additional professional education. Modern aspects of vocational education
    • 131 Chapter 6. Imagination, fantasy and improvisation in the creative activity of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports
      • 132 6.1. The concept of imagination as a system-forming component of the creative process
      • 138 6.2. Features of fantasy and its difference from imagination
      • 142 6.3. Improvisation as a component of creative activity
    • 153 Chapter 7. Reflective culture of a sports teacher
      • 153 7.1. Modern multi-subject ideas about the category “reflection”
      • 159 7.2. The essence and structure of the reflective culture of a sports teacher
    • 180 Chapter 8. Pedagogical justification for computer educational activities in higher educational institutions with a physical education profile
      • 181 8.1 Evolution of the problem of teaching theoretical disciplines and its current state
      • 182 8.2. The role and significance of computer educational activities in teaching theoretical disciplines
      • 185 8.3. Features of the use of computer teaching methods at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
    • 192 Chapter 9. Motivational and personal predisposition to mastering large volumes of scientific and educational information
      • 192 9.1. Human intellectual and information abilities
      • 203 9.2. Development of abilities to process and master large amounts of information
      • 204 9.3. Processing and analysis of information in extreme activities
    • 208 Chapter 10. Sport as a specific environment for life and personality formation
      • 208 YUL. Structure, content and developmental opportunities of sport
        • 214 10.2. Psychological and pedagogical principles of personality formation in sports
        • 219 10.3. Methods, means and forms of personality education in sports
        • 223 10.4. The team and its educational capabilities. Features of team management in children's and youth sports
    • 228 Chapter 11. Taking into account the age characteristics of the child when teaching motor actions
      • 229 11.1. Characteristics of the developmental features of children 1 - 3 years old
        • 231 11.2.Characteristics of development of children 3 - 6 years old
      • 233 11.3. Characteristics of development of children 6 - 10 years old
        • 235 11.4.Characteristics of development of children 10 - 15 years old
        • 237 11.5.Characteristics of development of children 15 - 18 years old
    • 240 Chapter 12. Organization, leadership and management of educational institutions in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism
      • 240 12.1. Modern conditions for the development of educational institutions
      • 241 12.2. The category “organization”, its functions in the modern theory of management of pedagogical systems
      • 244 12.3. The category of “leadership” in the modern theory of management of pedagogical systems
      • 245 12.4. The category of “organization management” in the modern theory of management of social systems
        • 247 12.5. Trends in the development of strategic vision in the modern theory of management of social systems
    • 256 Chapter 13. Theoretical and methodological foundations for developing a strategy for an educational institution in the field of physical education, sports and tourism
      • 256 13.1. Principles for developing strategy and managing educational institutions
      • 263 13.2. Criteria for the strategy of the organizational model of an educational institution
    • 278 Chapter 14. Organizational, methodological and psychological-pedagogical conditions for managing migration processes in sports
      • 278 14.1. The problem of migration in sports in the light of the country's national security
        • 285 14.2.Methodology for managing migration processes in sports
        • 294 14.3.Implementation of a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions in experimental work on managing migration processes in sports
  • 308 Applications