Forecasts of psychics for the Donbass for the year. Latest predictions about Novorossiya: how will the uprising in Donbass end? Elena Kurilova, her predictions

In 2012, in the small village of Alekseevo-Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, Holy Father Alexy died. He was not only good person and a clergyman, but he also knew how to do something that others cannot - see the future. Before his death, Father Alexy said:

“In two years, a war will begin in Ukraine, our village will not be affected by the war, we will have to endure hunger and cold, and after that we will live very well.”

No one asked the priest when the war in Donbass would end, since the very idea of ​​a war in Ukraine seemed absurd and implausible.

But today for Ukraine, and for many other countries, this issue is one of the most pressing. In 2014 fighting moved from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk to Donetsk and Lugansk, without affecting several small settlements, including Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. It is obvious that Father Alexy was really able to foresee the course of future events. But, unfortunately, the end date of the war remained unknown.

If you turn to the predictions of other clairvoyants, you will find that the predictions of some of them coincide, while others, on the contrary, are radically different. For example, some psychics predict the end of the war for 2019, and some of them - for the end of 2017. There are also clairvoyants who see a global apocalypse in the near future.

In order to lift the veil of the unknown at least a little, you can try to analyze the prophecies of several clairvoyants at once. Thus, based on the available matches, we will know the most accurate date for the end of the armed conflict. So, when the war in Donetsk will end - clairvoyant predictions.

Mikhail Levin is a famous astrologer who founded the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

  • Mikhail foresees that military operations in the Donbass will last for at least another 60 years. During this time, Ukraine will experience many coups d'etat and will stop growing sunflowers and other agricultural crops.
  • Ukrainian fields, according to Levin, will be completely empty.
  • European countries will be involved in the production of vegetable oil and dairy products, and Ukraine will have to buy these products three times more expensive than before.

Sergey Shevtsov

Forecaster Sergei Shevtsov believes that the war in Ukraine will end in 2019.

  • Sergei also noted that there will be no economic stability in the country due to constant coups d’etat and changes in political direction.
  • Ukrainian rulers will alternately focus their policies either on Western countries or on Russia.

Alena Zelibora

According to the predictions of psychic Alena Zelibora:

  • At the end of 2017, Ukraine will face a coup d'état caused by unaffordable prices for public utilities and food.
  • Alena foresees an attempt to overthrow Petro Poroshenko, which will ultimately be unsuccessful.
  • In 2018, there will be a new government in the country, which will give the people a promise to improve relations with the neighboring country - Russia. The war will temporarily stop.
  • Despite the fact that the new government will be able to gain popularity among residents of the DPR and LPR, the young republics will still refuse to return to Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukraine will be able to establish trade relations with these republics. However, they will not last long - soon a new coup will be carried out, during which power will again be in the hands of leaders seeking to set foot in the European Union. These events will lead to the resumption of hostilities in Donbass.
  • According to Alena Zelibora, the war in Ukraine will last several decades.


A famous fortuneteller who lived in Bulgaria made a lot of predictions regarding events taking place in different countries. Most of them turned out to be very accurate. For example, a blind seer predicted the disaster that occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl, and was also able to foresee the death of the Kursk submarine. The peculiarity of Vanga’s predictions is that the meaning of the words she said becomes clear only after the event she predicted has already happened.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the seer mentioned back in the 90s that darkness, gunpowder, a cry, and, oddly enough, a rabbit awaited Ukraine. At the time, the meaning of this prediction seemed very unclear. Today, even a child can understand what kind of “rabbit”, “gunpowder” and “cry” we were talking about. Although, perhaps, the seer associated the “cry” with the cry proclaimed on the Maidan, and the word “gunpowder” can be understood in the literal sense: gunpowder is a weapon, shooting, war.
  • Vanga said that the culprit for starting the war in Ukraine would be a certain dwarf with a black face. People began to guess who this mysterious character was only in 2014.
  • The seer believed that Ukraine would lose several of its regions, including Crimea. From 2018, we should expect rapid developments, and the war will last until 2019.

Pavel Globa

The famous astrologer Globa predicted the collapse of Soviet Union, mentioned Putin as the future Russian President, and was also able to see the wreck of the ferry "Estonia". It is worth noting that some of Globa’s predictions turned out to be not entirely correct, and some did not come true at all.

However, Paul himself emphasizes that errors in astrological forecasts are a normal and completely natural phenomenon.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the astrologer predicted the disintegration of Ukraine into several parts back in 2013. One of them will leave the subordination of Kyiv, but it will not be able to join Russia, while the other will become part of the Russian Federation.
  • The young Donbass republics face a very difficult future, which is reminiscent of the scenario that happened in Transnistria.
  • Globa also noted that 2014 will mark the beginning of the third world war.
  • Settle conflict situation in the Donbass, a new Ukrainian leader who will have strong support from the people will succeed. After he comes to power, the situation in the country will normalize, and Ukraine will be able to reach the same level as Poland and other rapidly developing countries.
  • Thanks to the very tough character of the new leader in Ukraine, it will be possible to eradicate corruption, which will have a positive impact on the further development of events.
  • However, such a leader will not appear in the country soon, so in the near future Ukraine will face instability and a difficult political and economic situation.

By the way, Glob’s economic prosperity portends not only for Ukraine, but also for Russia. However, this will happen no earlier than after 2023.

Predictions of Ulyana Kosheva

Ulyana Koshevaya lived in the Lugansk region, and with the advent of the war she left for the Poltava region. In 2015, the woman turned 104 years old. But, despite such an advanced age, Ulyana enjoys respect and popularity among her neighbors. The fact is that she has the gift of foresight and knows how to heal diseases. Despite being almost completely blind, Grandma can see what others ordinary people, they can’t see.

Prophetic visions come to Ulyana in her dreams. Most often, prophetic dreams occur at the beginning of each year - they show what it will be like.

A year before the start of the war, my grandmother began to dream of soldiers, shed blood and battles. Already living in the Poltava region, fields sown with rye and a peaceful, calm sky began to appear in her dreams.

When asked when the war in Donbass will end, Ulyana replies that very soon - at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018.

Alexander Zarev

Famous astrologer Alexander Zarev suggests that the war in Donbass may end in 2018.

Interestingly, Zarev’s predictions for 2018 for both Ukraine and Russia are very similar.

  • So, in both states next year the government may change.
  • It is these events that will lead to the fact that countries will begin to conduct peace negotiations among themselves, which will end in reconciliation.
  • The astrologer sees economic growth in both Russia and Ukraine, which will be preceded by many government reforms aimed at improving life.
  • Zarev predicts economic growth for most other countries as well.

Sergey Shevtsov

According to psychic and parapsychologist Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the cause of the war in Donbass was Uranus, which is in Aries, and Uranus is ruled by Mars. Such an arrangement of planets always leads to destruction, conflicts, famine and misfortune.

  • Ukraine will remain under the fire until 2019, after which the situation will gradually normalize.
  • When the war ends, Ukraine will experience a significant increase in the standard of living of the population.
  • The new young republics will again become part of Ukraine, although the model of their new governance will now resemble the former Crimean autonomy.
  • As for Crimea, the peninsula will never become Ukrainian.

Seryozha Vertinsky

Currently, Seryozha Vertinsky is 10 years old. The boy lives in Crimea and suffers from autism. Serezha’s mother, and all the people around him, claim that he is an unusual child. Sometimes a boy predicts upcoming events, which subsequently come true. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the baby’s words, but gradually they began to understand that their son had the gift of clairvoyance.

A year before the events in Crimea and its annexation to the Russian Federation, the boy said: “We will soon become Russia.” Later, the kid began to talk about the bloody events that were about to happen in Kyiv, on the Maidan. And recently Seryozha spoke again - the boy foresees the imminent end of the war - in the summer of 2018.

The Odessa elder Jonah many times accurately predicted future events that were about to happen in Ukraine.

Jonah Gnatenko accurately indicated the date of the start of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, and before his death he spoke about the future that awaits the country - the end of the military confrontation will be at the end of 2018.

  • When asked whether a third one awaits us world war, the elder replied that this war would not happen. And most countries, including Ukraine and Russia, will live in abundance and prosperity.
  • Regarding the future of the United States, the elder said that the great power would have to endure a terrible default, but America would quickly overcome the current situation and stabilize the economic situation.
  • As for America's relations with Russia and Ukraine, in the future these states will cooperate as equal partners. However, this will happen only after the rulers change in the Slavic states.
  • The elder also made a prediction about Novorossiya: when asked how the current conflict would end, Jonah replied that the young state would face difficult times. Despite the end of the war and the stabilization of the situation in the world, Novorossiya will not receive official status and will not be recognized by the world as a full-fledged state.

Vlad Ross

Astrologer Vlad Ross accurately predicted the resignation of Yatsenyuk, the departure of Yanukovych, the signing visa-free regime, as well as many other important events that occurred during recent years in Ukraine.

  • Ross argues that after 2017, Ukraine will begin to gradually improve its economic situation.
  • By 2023, when the symbol of wealth, Pluto, enters Aquarius, Ukrainians will become as wealthy as the Czechs, Poles and residents of other developed countries in Eastern Europe. Ross predicts the same economic stability for residents of the neighboring state - Russia. The war in Donbass will end in 2019.
  • According to the astrologer, the cause of the armed conflict was the passage of Pluto across the ascendant of Ukraine. But the complete departure of the planet from the Ukrainian ascendant will occur precisely after 2019.
  • Russia and Ukraine will again become equal partners. And after 2021-2024, the Ukrainian government will begin negotiations on joining the European Union. In 2025, good money will begin to be invested in Ukraine, and Ukrainians who left the country will soon return to their homeland.
  • When Pluto enters Aquarius, a very favorable period will begin for Ukraine to improve the economy, improve the standard of living of the people, develop business and gain recognition in the international arena.

If the course of events does not go according to the scenario of Mikhail Levin and other predictors, who foreshadow a long and protracted conflict, then we can hope for a quick end to the war in Ukraine.

    And how they “see” it all. It must be hard to live and constantly see such pictures in your head. Does anyone know where I can watch a video of Vanga making such predictions?

    Nothing good comes out of all these wars. I hope the guys from there return home to their families alive and healthy. And so that they don’t think, I’m not on anyone’s side in this conflict, I’m on the side of my relatives who are losing loved ones there every day.

    I honestly liked this forecast... Captivated me as a good and interesting science fiction novel...truly a novel with humor. :)

    I don’t trust any predictors. The whole truth is in their heads. They will not publicly share their thoughts.

    In 14-15 I fought for the DPR, I want to say the war will take over all of Russia up to the Urals, that’s all, and because Russia betrayed the Russian idea and the time for traitors has come, the vision was Donetsk will fall in 16 Moscow in 2 years - remember it will fall Novorossiya will fall Russia

    where did you get these predictions from, Konstantin, about the fall of Russia?

    Who betrayed whom?????? the fact that Russia practically supports and supports Novorossiya is a betrayal?? What else is needed??????? Many men have left or are sitting out. *waiting* - when they will be released - is this normal?????? Russia is already like that helped enough...


    Everyone talks about Novorossiya, but Novorossiya is all the lands of southeastern Ukraine! Will they enter the fold of Novorossiya?

    What is Novorossiya, where is it? What do we have in Donetsk? That’s how we were and are Ukraine, we’re just a little unwell, but we’re already on the road to recovery.

    Yana, this is probably not good for you and fascist Kyiv, and Donetsk is NO LONGER UKRAINE, but NEW RUSSIA. Hello:))

    How I wish Novorossiya could overcome difficult times, I admire the courage of these people and pray to God to help them! Russia helps as much as it can, but, unfortunately, Donbass will have to crush this reptile, the fascism of Kyiv, otherwise there will be a third world war...

    With faith and hope we observe the difficult path of formation of Novorossiya! I would like to believe the prediction about her well-being. There are many relatives and friends in Ukraine and Dombas. Our family is having a hard time experiencing the Nazi occupation of these countries. Stay strong dears, we are with you with all our hearts!

    I would like to believe in the predictions about Novorossiya Andrei Hyperborea. This long-suffering country and its people have suffered so much! Of course, as a sane person, one cannot help but be frightened by the fall of the United States; after all, we are also tied to its currency. But the Russian people will break through, this is a theorem that has been proven for more than one year! Remember: “We are Pskopskie, we will break through”))))

    I don’t believe in any predictions. Take Vanga, she didn’t say everything in direct words, but allegorically. And its allegory can be interpreted in different ways. Steel birds-planes? Brother will go against brother - it can be tied to any conflict in any country. Of course, I would like to believe that for the people in Ukraine and Dombas everything will end well, or at least neutrally. How long can you tear the country apart and fill the wallets of moneybags? Eh...

    I read the predictions and my heart rejoices. I really want to believe that everything will be fine! It is impossible for the people of Ukraine and Donbass to hate each other all their lives! It’s impossible to build something like the Berlin Wall here, in a Slavic state! People stop, we have a different mentality! We just have to stick with each other. Frau with livers - OUT! Writing off drowning people is the work of the drowning people THEMSELVES.

    I follow the predictions of the Azerbaijani clairvoyant Khayal Alekperov. I like him. His fate is difficult, he has faced many trials. I think his predictions are the most accurate. As for his predictions about Ukraine, here too they are not fundamentally different from most seers. I trust his magical opinion.

    War. Scary and mean. Impossibly scary and doubly mean- civil war. What’s happening to Ukraine is the worst kind of civil war. No matter what they try to call her! No matter how the American henchmen try to play it off, brother against brother is terrible. Looking through the news from these regions, you are involuntarily drawn to the predictions! I read them all over the internet, thanks for putting together the most popular ones!

    It was interesting to read. I would like to believe that the main predictions will come true and this terrible action will end! Let them come to some kind of agreement. You can't destroy everything in your path! I like Wang’s predictions. Unfortunately, I can’t find their full version anywhere. There is a lot to read and compare on this page. Thank you, it was informative and interesting!

    I have a mixed relationship with predictions. I believe many of them, but some I don’t perceive at all. But I will support the majority. Indeed, people of all countries are tired of the chaos that is happening in Ukraine! I come from a small village near Donbass. Now I live in Russia. Friends and relatives remained at home. Contact with them has been partially lost. I'm worried. I read this site and gained hope. Let them succeed!

    To say that war is evil means to say nothing. Our ancestors, both Russians and Ukrainians, thought that they defeated fascism in 1945, but in reality it turned out that they did not crush the reptile. And so she crawled out. First in the Baltic states and now in Ukraine. I believe that we can handle it, WE are the ones because we cannot divide peoples. We are brothers, even if we live in different countries. I welcome such predictions and believe in their validity and implementation.

    I don’t have any attitude towards politics. I don’t understand anything at all, not internally or externally. But she was always concerned about the situation of people in Ukraine and Novorossiya. Fat guys with big money are dividing the unfortunate country into parts, the people are suffering. Is this fair? I hope that the predictions about the imminent end of the conflict will be confirmed one hundred percent. And we will celebrate the New Year 2019 from all over the world in these wonderful countries.

I am confident that Ukraine will be able to implement its scenario for the return of the occupied territories

My expectations are optimistic. Next year Ukraine will return Donbass

Today, Russia is ready to give up Donbass only on its own terms. However, I am sure that Ukraine will be able to take over the initiative and implement its scenario for the return of the occupied territories. I really hope that this will happen next year, maximum by mid-2018. True, it is critical to maintain the support of Europe and the United States.

Why do I believe that Ukraine will succeed? First, we have a desire. This is the most important thing. Secondly, the support of the international community, and this should be appreciated. Unfortunately, recently our irresponsible populists have begun to say that the support of the international community is worthless and that it is not worth paying attention to. This is not so, it gives results, and significant ones.

On December 26, I specifically watched three news programs on Russian television that aired in prime time, and four political talk shows. In two programs out of three and three out of four talk shows, the issue of the unfavorable economic situation within Russia was discussed. So, discounting the factor of economic pressure on Russia is, at the very least, irresponsible.

Over the past couple of months, those populist forces that dream of early elections have begun to “spin” absolutely baseless and provocative rhetoric about the need to fence off from Donbass. Some are even advocating a return. nuclear weapons Ukraine. People either simply do not understand what they are talking about, or deliberately provoke unnecessary rumors. So far, this has caused Europeans only, to put it mildly, bewilderment. But if this rhetoric moves into the walls of the Verkhovna Rada - especially after the elections, in which the populists, apparently, will gain much more votes - this will lead to very sad consequences.

In Donbass there is widespread looting, cutting and destruction of enterprises

There are a lot of facts confirming the Kremlin’s readiness to “surrender” Donbass. The Russian Federation clearly does not see these territories as part of its composition. One of the simplest proofs is revealed by a simple comparison of the activities of Russian occupiers in Crimea and Donbass.

In Donbass, there is widespread looting, slaughter and destruction of enterprises. They actually doom the region to economic extinction. This is not observed in Crimea. The Russian government, on the contrary, is forcing large private companies to invest in Crimean business projects and infrastructure facilities. And this is the fundamental difference.

I'm an optimist. I really hope and want to believe that peace will finally come to us; that we will return both Donbass and Crimea. At the same time, in my opinion, we need to concentrate on the following aspects: the fight against internal populism, an effective fight against corruption, and a military solution to the conflict. And exactly in this sequence.

Julia Wang is an incredible psychic with amazing abilities and extraordinary appearance. She was very different from the other participants in the project, she always directly said what she thought, thereby shocking those around her and the viewers of the project themselves. Thanks to her participation in the popular television show “Battle of Psychics,” she showed what she was really capable of and deservedly won.

What awaits Ukraine in 2020

The future, what is it like?

The clairvoyant amazed TV viewers not only with her psychic abilities, but also made tough statements and predictions, claiming that this information she receives from the Universe.

Each of us is curious about what awaits us next, how events will develop between neighboring countries, whether hostilities will end, and how we will live in the future. There can be many opinions, but there can only be one truly correct prediction. So what will Julia tell us, will she answer our troubling questions, pacifying our curiosity? More details later in the article.

As you know, Julia Wang, or as she calls herself - The Spirit of Chaos does not receive clients because it considers it uninteresting. The Spirit of Chaos says that she is destined for another mission, a more global one. Based on similar motives, Julia voiced some predictions about Ukraine, Russia and the entire population of the earth.

What awaits Ukraine in 2020?

Julia Wang's predictions for Ukraine are as follows:

  • When will the war in Donbass end? According to the psychic, the war will still continue, but Russia will soon stop supporting the separatists. There is a possibility of some changes in 2020. Julia Wang says little about the future of Donbass in 2020. He predicts that the territories in Donbass and Lugansk will still return to the Ukrainian structure, but will have a special status.
  • Times of severe crisis are inevitable for Ukraine. However, despite this, the number of people in the country will increase rapidly. Indigo children will be born more often; they will be talented and very smart. What does this have to do with? With the fact that military actions and the current difficult situation in Ukraine will unite the people and people will begin to perceive each other differently, they will create strong, friendly families.
  • Thanks to the patriotic mood of the people and their actions, Ukraine will be able to get back on its feet and will begin to develop rapidly in the future, moving forward by leaps and bounds.
  • The power in the country will still have time to change once, but this time it will be a fairly large number of people. A change of government will bring good international relations and prosperity.

Julia Wang - psychic with amazing abilities

Julia previously voiced that hostilities between close nations would flare up again in 2015. In her opinion, the war was created in order to launder considerable sums of money, so to speak. However, in the future people will continue the war on their own, out of inertia. She also predicted that some cities in Ukraine would practically be wiped off the face of the earth. In general, the clairvoyant’s predictions became real and came true.

Spirit of Chaos about other countries

The psychic's prophecy reads as follows:

  1. The current relations between the countries of Ukraine and Russia could lead to the Third World War. The Ukrainian and Russian peoples will never be reconciled, but on the contrary, knee-jerk relations will worsen more and more. If the American government continues to help Ukraine, the conflict can only increase. Julia Wang says the world could soon plunge into chaos and destruction.
  2. America's fate will depend directly on the relationship between China and Russian Federation. If the Chinese government directs all its efforts to solving the country’s internal problems, then Russia will face failure and most likely collapse. Because China will regain some of the territories that belong to it.
  3. What about Russia? The psychic predicted back in 2016 that the summer for the Russian Federation could bring a likely coup attempt, but it would fail. For 2020, Julia predicts a second attempt at rebellion, which will be successful and lead to a change of power.
  4. In order for Russia's economic situation to improve, it needs to restore good relations with America and Ukraine. If conflicts are resolved and cooperation resumes, this will have a positive impact on the state of each country.

Whether the clairvoyant's predictions will be true this time - only time will tell. It is important to note that many of Julia’s predictions related to important events in different countries have already come true. And, despite the fact that Wang does not provide exact dates, there is still a possibility of their implementation.

Colleagues and other psychics categorically disagree with such predictions of the Spirit of Chaos and put forward their probable assumptions about the development of events both throughout the world and in Ukraine.

You can learn more about the predictions of the winner of the battle of psychics, Julia Wang, by watching a video on YouTube or any other sites. It is also possible to compare the predictions of the Spirit of Chaos with the prophecies of her colleagues and simply participants in other seasons of the program. In any case, time will put everything in its place. We can only believe and hope for the best, remain true to ourselves and our families, and stick together no matter what.

Just a few years ago, no one could imagine a war in Ukraine. Despite low level life in this country, nothing foreshadowed such a disaster. The situation changed dramatically in 2014, when, against the backdrop of popular unrest, V. Yanukovych left his presidential post. Radical national forces came to power, whose policies were not liked by part of the country's population. Crimea decided to throw in its lot with Russia, and it succeeded. In the southeast of Ukraine, everything went according to a different scenario. Here began a bloody confrontation with the new government in Kyiv. During the five years of war, many people died on both sides of the conflict. In Russia and Ukraine there are a large mass of people who have experienced the war between once fraternal peoples with pain. Maybe predictions about Donbass for 2019 will answer the question: What awaits Ukraine and Russia in the near future and when will the war end?

In fact, the opinions of leading psychics on this issue differ greatly from each other. Some believe that this conflict is protracted and will continue for more than one year, and maybe decades. Other media are confident that the war will soon end and life will gradually improve. We bring to your attention the full range of opinions on this issue.

Predictions from the strongest psychics

Pavel Globa

This psychic has been known in our country since Soviet times. His predictions have come true more than once with incredible accuracy. As for Donbass, he is sure that the conflict here will continue for many years. only when there is a change of power in Ukraine. After a sober politician is elected in this country, the situation will change for the better and peace will prevail in the long-suffering land of Donbass.

Kazakhstan Vanga

Vera Lyon, who is called the Kazakh Vanga, predicted that in the south-east of Ukraine in 2019 the conflict between the militias and the authorities of Kyiv will continue. True, there will be less shelling, and people will be able to breathe a sigh of relief for a while. The two independent republics will unite into a single state and will continue to cooperate closely with Russia.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya

This predictor is confident that there will soon be a change of power in Ukraine. The people will choose a worthy leader who will again maintain good relations with Russia. The authorities of the DPR and LPR will be able to come to an agreement with the new leader, and the conflict in the southeast of the country will gradually begin to subside. These two republics will remain part of Ukraine with autonomous rights.

Julia Wang

This prophetess predicts peace in the Donbass in the near future. In 2019, a new leadership of the country will be elected in Ukraine, which will give broad powers to the leaders of the rebellious regions of the country. This will lead to an end to the war and the improvement of the situation in Ukraine.

Forecast for Donbass from astrologers

Mikhail Levin

The founder of the Moscow Astrological Academy believes that the confrontation in Donbass will last several decades. During this time, the situation in Ukraine will worsen every year. The country is facing several coups d'etat, as a result of which the lives of ordinary people will not improve.

Sergey Shevtsov-Lang

The parapsychologist claims that Ukraine will constantly change its vector of development. Some rulers will strive to establish good neighborly relations with Russia, while others, on the contrary, will turn the country towards the West. As a result, the country will be constantly in a fever and there can be no talk of any stability. In 2019 there will be a fire, and the conflict in Donbass will come to naught. The predictor is confident that Crimea will never become Ukrainian.

Alena Zelibora

This soothsayer is also confident that the situation in southeast Ukraine will not improve for several decades. At some stage, the country's leadership will reach an agreement with the leaders of the LPR and DPR on the cessation of hostilities and the establishment of trade relations. However, the authorities of these two republics will not want to join Ukraine. The conflict will escalate again and the war will continue. The government will change again in Kyiv, which will again lead the country to Western values.

Vlad Ross

This astrologer has recently become incredibly popular and this is not at all accidental. He predicted in advance:
  • Yanukovych's escape;
  • departure of the Yatsenyuk government;
  • introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU.

This psychic predicts the gradual successful development of Ukraine. Very soon, in terms of living standards, Ukrainians will catch up with the Czechs and Poles. V. Ross is also confident that by 2023 the situation in Russia will stabilize. All this will lead to improved relations between Ukraine and Russia.

Ion Ignatenko

This old man from Odessa predicted the conflict in Donbass. Even though he had already died, he indicated the end date of the war in the south-eastern part of the country. Peace, in his opinion, will come at the beginning of 2019. He was also sure that happy times awaited Ukraine and Russia. There will be no third world war in the near future. America will default, but this country will withstand this test. Good neighborly relations will be established between the United States, Russia and Ukraine after the change of power in Russia. After 2025, Ukraine will experience prosperity. A huge amount of money will be invested in its economy. People's lives will become much better. Ukraine will become a respected state in the world.

What will happen to Donbass in 2019?

Many psychics are confident that peace can come to Donbass in 2019, after the presidential elections in Ukraine are held. The current government's chances of winning future elections are becoming less and less. People are tired of war and economic chaos. Most likely, a leader will be chosen who will negotiate with the LPR and DPR. Russia will welcome this state of affairs. Gradually, it will cease to comprehensively support this region and the conflict with the separatist region will end. In the future, elections will be held in uncontrolled territories according to Ukrainian laws. The people of Donbass will choose worthy leaders who will defend the interests of the local population. As a result, Donbass will return to Ukraine, but only with autonomy rights.

Part of the improvement in the situation in Donbass will come from the fact that in Russia, due to sanctions, the people will become impoverished. The Russian government will stop funding the newly declared republics of Donbass. The time will come to take care of your country.

Predictions from the Witch Olga

This famous prophetess predicted not the best scenario for Ukraine. Presidential elections will be held in 2019. After this, new trials will come for the Ukrainian people. The political forces of the country will be in tough confrontation with each other. The people will be left to their own devices. It will depend only on his will further fate states. If ordinary people If they unite, they will be able to solve any problems. Thanks to the best representatives of Donbass and Central Ukraine, the problem of Donbass can be solved. However, this will be possible if no external force intervenes. In 2019, many neighboring countries like

  • Poland,
  • Romania,
  • Hungary,

will try to reconquer their former lands from Ukraine. The Ukrainian people need to be very united in order not to allow the country to be divided. Next year there will be a very high probability of the collapse of this country. If this happens, then instead of a large country there will be a small state around Kyiv, which is unlikely to be able to conduct an independent policy in the world.

New predictions

  • Tarot reader M. Gordeev believes that oligarchic power will change in Ukraine and reforms will begin. The government will listen more to the opinions of the people. The Ukrainian authorities will be interested in ending the war in Donbass. Before feeling positive changes, the people of Ukraine will go through unprecedented difficulties.
  • Another specialist in the field of Tarot cards - O. Solomka portends an extraordinary change of power in Ukraine. Another Maidan will take place and the people will choose new government, which will serve the interests of the majority of Ukrainians. The prophet ruled out the return of Crimea to Ukraine.
  • Numerologist L. Zhukova also predicts the overthrow of the current government in Kyiv. Completely new people will come to power. One can only guess how all this will turn out for Donbass.
  • British psychic K. Parker claims that in 2019 Ukraine will become a participant in a high-profile international political scandal. We are talking about illegal supplies of weapons to other countries. There is an assumption that this concerns the DPRK. It is unknown how Ukraine’s current allies will react to this. It is unlikely that they will turn a blind eye to the secret machinations of the Ukrainian authorities. Most quickly, Ukraine itself will have to participate in resolving the conflict in Donbass.

Do you believe the predictions?
