Documents for the right to operate a small vessel. What do you need to know about the rights to a Gims boat? Why Vosvod Training Center?

Passing a medical examination for replacement driver's license, standing in line to see another specialist, I suddenly thought that it was time to check my certificate for the right to operate a small boat. The idea was correct - the certificate expired in June of this year. Without putting off this important matter, I went in search of information on the World Wide Web.

On the Rusfishing forum I read the following information: “Based on the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 19, 2007 No. 150 “On establishing the validity period of a certificate for the right to operate small vessels” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2007, registration No. 9348) it was determined , that the validity of certificates for the right to operate small vessels, issued before January 1, 1999, expires on December 31, 2008. Issued after January 1, 1999, expires 10 years from the date of their issue.” The question involuntarily arises, why not go to the GIMS website and find everything there? necessary information? For a simple person who does not have a special legal education, it will be difficult to understand all the intricacies in the allotted half hour.

Firstly, all sites except the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations ( are not official, which means that no one is responsible for the authenticity of the information provided there.

Secondly, we don’t deal with such events every day, and we simply don’t have time to keep up with all sorts of changes in legislation. Therefore, on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations I chose: – the section “State Inspectorate for Small Vessels”, – then “State Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for St. Petersburg” and ended up on the page, – in the section “Certification navigators" downloaded the state duty form for replacing the certificate. – in the section “Operating schedule of GIMS departments” – downloaded their operating mode. I would like to note that on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations I found a link to “Public Services”. That is, you can go this way, but this is for those who are familiar with “State Services”. I went to Penkovaya, 6, where the State Inspectorate for Small Boats of St. Petersburg is located.

Below is a LIST OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. It is taken from the State Services list. The replacement and issuance of a certificate is carried out after the boatmaster submits the following documents:
1. Payment receipts state duty for issuing a certificate for the right to operate a small boat;
2. Statements;
3. Previously issued certificate;
4. Medical certificate of fitness to operate a small boat;
5. Two photographs measuring 3x4;
6. Identity document (to be presented).
7. Personal card of the boatmaster, kept by the applicant.
The previously issued certificate is confiscated from the boatmaster and destroyed after a year in accordance with the established procedure.

What the law prescribes for us (information taken from the Ministry of Emergency Situations website). “Rules for certification for the right to operate small vessels supervised by the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels of the Ministry Russian Federation on business civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 27, 2014 No. 262 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), determine the procedure: According to clause 3.13. Rules, replacement of a certificate due to the expiration of its validity period is carried out without verification theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the applicant.

Thus, certification in order to replace a certificate due to the expiration of its validity period is carried out on the basis of checking the applicant’s documents necessary for certification for the declared type of small vessel and navigation area. The assembled set of the above documents is submitted for verification. Next, if everything is in order, within the specified period you come for a new certificate, and it will be of a new type.

Some numbers
– The state duty is 650 rubles,
– a photo (taken in advance) costs 150 rubles,
– copy of passport (done in advance) – 20 rubles,
– and the most expensive part is a medical certificate, now its price starts from 3,000 rubles.

While going through a medical examination to replace my driver’s license, standing in line to see another specialist, I suddenly thought that it was time to check my license to drive a small boat.

The idea was correct - the certificate expired in June of this year. Without putting off this important matter, I went in search of information on the World Wide Web.

On the Rusfishing forum I read the following information: “Based on the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 19, 2007 No. 150 “On establishing the validity period of a certificate for the right to operate small vessels” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2007, registration No. 9348) it was determined , that the validity of certificates for the right to operate small vessels, issued before January 1, 1999, expires on December 31, 2008. Issued after January 1, 1999, expires 10 years from the date of their issue.”

The question inevitably arises, why not go to the GIMS website and find all the necessary information there? Without a legal education, it will be difficult to understand all the intricacies in the allotted half hour. Firstly, all sites except the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations ( are not official, which means that no one is responsible for the authenticity of the information provided there. Secondly, we don’t deal with such events every day, and we simply don’t have time to keep up with all sorts of changes in legislation. Therefore, on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I selected the section “State Inspectorate for Small Vessels”, then “State Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for St. Petersburg” and ended up on the page In the “Certification of Boatmasters” section, I downloaded the state duty form for replacing the certificate. In the “Operating schedule of GIMS departments” section, I downloaded their operating mode.

I would like to note that on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations I found a link to “Public Services”. That is, you can go this way, but this is for those who are familiar with “State Services”. I went to Penkovaya, no. 6, where the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels St. Petersburg. Important point:

Below is a list of required documents. It is taken from the State Services list. The replacement and issuance of a certificate is carried out after the boatmaster submits the following documents:

1. Receipts for payment of the state fee for issuing a certificate for the right to operate a small vessel;
2. Statement;
3. Previously issued certificate;
4. Medical certificate of fitness to operate a small boat;
5. Two photographs measuring 3x4;
6. Identification document (to be presented).
7. Boatmaster’s personal card, kept by the applicant.
The previously issued certificate is confiscated from the boatmaster and destroyed after a year in accordance with the established procedure.

At Penkova 6 I received clarification and took the next steps.

Filled out the application. The sample, as expected, is on the wall under glass. A regular “driver’s” medical certificate is fine; there is no special form. Two photographs must be in color. They also demanded from me a copy of my passport, the first page and registration. If desired, a receipt will be issued when filling out the application, and you can pay for it at the Savings Bank on Chapaev, but it is better to do this in advance and not waste time.

What the law tells us:

Information taken from the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

“The rules for certification for the right to operate small vessels supervised by the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 27, 2014 No. 262 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), determine the procedure actions:

According to clause 3.13. Rules, the replacement of the certificate due to the expiration of its validity period is carried out without testing the applicant’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Thus, certification in order to replace a certificate due to the expiration of its validity period is carried out on the basis of checking the applicant’s documents necessary for certification for the declared type of small vessel and navigation area.

The assembled set of the above documents is submitted for verification. Next, if everything is in order, within the specified period you come for a new certificate, and it will be of a new type.

A few numbers. The state fee is 650 rubles, a photo (done in advance) costs 150 rubles, a copy of the passport (done in advance) costs 20 rubles, and the most expensive part is a medical certificate, now its price starts from 3,000 rubles.

We hope that replacing your certificate for the right to operate a small boat in GIMS will no longer be a problem for you.

Operating registered small boats requires a special certificate issued in defined by law ok. In our article we will tell you how to obtain a license for small vessels and what liability is provided for operating a floating device without the appropriate certificate.

Important! Obtaining rights to small vessels is prerequisite for citizens who want to operate an officially registered court legally (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2014 No. 262).

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 7 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation, recreational vessels whose length is up to 20 meters with a motor power of no more than 55 kW and accommodating no more than 12 passengers, jet skis with an outboard motor with a power of over 3.68 kW are small size.

Owners of floating craft whose weight is no more than 200 kg with a motor power of no more than 8 kW have the right not to register their small vessels.

A certificate giving the right to operate small vessels can be obtained only after passing certification and passing exams (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 262 of May 27, 2014 on approval of the Certification Rules for operating small vessels).

The procedure for obtaining rights to small vessels

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a certain procedure for registering rights to small vessels.

Requirements for candidates:

  1. the age of the applicant for obtaining a certificate is at least 18 years;
  2. availability of a medical certificate issued in the form of a medical institution, recognizing the applicant as fit to operate a small boat for health reasons;
  3. a document confirming completion of a course of theoretical and practical training as part of the standard program.

Certification of candidates:

Examination tests of applicants for obtaining rights to small boats are carried out certification commission, located in the department of regional inspections for small vessels under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. The commission must include at least 3 people with higher or secondary specialized education, and also have the status of certified specialists water transport.

Admission to exams:

In order to obtain admission to certification tests, the applicant must provide:

  1. application on a personal card form;
  2. medical certificate of the appropriate sample;
  3. a copy of a document confirming completion of a training course in the navigation specialty;
  4. original passport of the applicant for obtaining rights to small vessels;
  5. 2 photos.

The authorized bodies make a decision on the admission of a candidate to become a navigator and set: the time of the commission meeting, the date and place of the examination tests.

Important! The decision to refuse admission to certification exams for the right to drive small boats must have written reasons specified in the candidate’s personal card.

The applicant’s disagreement with obtaining rights to small vessels can be challenged by filing an appropriate application, based on the results of consideration of which a decision is made within 5 days.

Conducting certification tests.

The procedure for conducting examinations for obtaining licenses for small boats corresponds to the credit system. An applicant who does not answer 2 or more questions correctly on the ticket is considered to have failed the certification. Retaking the exam is possible no earlier than after 7 days.

Candidates who have successfully passed the test and provided all necessary documents, a navigator's license of the appropriate type is issued.

Important! The validity period of a navigator's license confirming the right to operate a small vessel is 10 years.

Responsibility for lack of right to operate small vessels

Current legislation provides for administrative liability for the following types of violations:

  • for driving a small boat without a certificate - a warning or a fine of 100 rubles (Part 1 of Article 11.8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • for transferring control of a small boat to a person who also does not have the appropriate document with him - a fine of 100 rubles (Part 2 of Article 11.8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • for driving a vessel by a person who does not have the right to operate a small vessel - a fine of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles (Part 2 of Article 11.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • for transferring control of a vessel to a person who does not have the right to operate a small vessel - a fine of 1000 to 2000 rubles (Part 2 of Article 11.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • for driving a small vessel by a navigator who does not have the original or a certified copy of the ship's ticket with him - a warning or an administrative fine in the amount of 100 rubles.

In accordance with Art. 28.3 of the Administrative Code, drawing up a protocol on an administrative violation and issuing a fine for the above violations is entrusted to officials state inspection bodies for small vessels, in particular:

  • The head of the state inspection for small vessels or his deputies.
  • The head of the territorial bodies of the state inspection for small vessels or his deputies.
  • State inspector for small vessels.
  • Heads of basin state inspectorates for small vessels or their deputies.

For the above violations, a small boat cannot be confiscated or sent to an impound lot. The legislation only provides for the drawing up of a protocol and an administrative fine.

If it is established that a small boat is being driven under the influence of alcohol, toxic or drugs, the water vehicle may be detained and its operation prohibited. Administrative punishment in this case provides (Article 11.9. Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses):

  1. a fine of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles,
  2. deprivation of the right to operate a small vessel for a period of 1 to 2 years.

In cases where people were injured due to the fault of an intoxicated skipper, criminal liability is provided.

How to replace licenses for small boats

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 29, 2005 N 498, navigation licenses issued after January 1, 1999 have a validity period of 10 years, after which the license for small vessels must be replaced.

The replacement of licenses for a small vessel is carried out by the GIMS bodies, without passing certification exams and testing practical skills (clause 3.13 of the Certification Rules for the management of small vessels). In exchange for the certificate, due to the expiration of its validity period, the boatmaster is issued a new license, which also indicates the types of vessels that the boatmaster is allowed to operate, as well as the permitted navigation areas.

Payment of the state fee for obtaining a new navigation license in connection with the expiration of the validity period or issuance of a duplicate due to the loss of this document is made in the amount established by Art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with clause 3.14 of the Rules, the replacement of rights to a small vessel is carried out upon provision of the following documents:

  • passport or other identification document of the boatmaster;
  • statement about the need to replace rights due to expiration;
  • a certificate that has lost its validity;
  • personal card of the navigator confirming that he has completed a course of theoretical and practical training (upon request);
  • medical certificate.

Replacement of rights to a small boat due to the loss of a document or its deterioration is carried out on the basis of the removal of the remainder of the unusable certificate (clause 3.15 of the Rules).

You will need

  • - document on professional suitability;
  • - document confirming completion of training;
  • - photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm;
  • - medical certificate.


The State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS) is a kind of analogue of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, but designed for owners of boats and small vessels. In order to get control, you need to contact the territorial division of your GIMS and take a training course on how to operate a small boat. In some cases, you may be sent to a specialized educational institution authorized by the inspection for training. At the end of the course, you will be given a license, on the basis of which a decision is made on whether to issue you to operate a ship.

GIMS is part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Therefore, you can easily find the address of your regional inspection on the official website of rescuers. It should also be listed in the address and telephone books of your city.

The exam consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. If you successfully pass the final test, you will be given a document confirming your professional suitability. Typically this inspection takes about 10 days. This is the basis for issuing you a permit to operate a small boat.

After receiving the document on professional suitability, you can apply for a boat. To do this, you will need a certain package of documents, which includes an application, a copy of a document confirming your training in the navigation profession, a medical certificate of fitness to operate a vessel, a passport and two photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm.

In ten days you will be issued your boatmaster's license. Now you can fully manage and own your small boat. The validity period of such rights is 10 years. Don't forget to also check that your ID has the appropriate mark for your category. So, for example, the right to manage which particular water body must be indicated vehicle you own a boat, speedboat, jet ski, etc.

In addition, the permit must indicate the permitted navigation area. The “MP” mark means that you can only go on your vessel into the internal sea waters and territorial seas of the Russian Federation, “VVP” allows you access to the internal waterways of the Russian Federation, “VP” only allows you into internal waters that are not included in the list inland waterways of the Russian Federation.

You must have these rights, as well as all title documents for your vessel, with you every time you go out into the water. After all, there are also checks by traffic inspectors on the water.

Useful advice

You can receive training not only in classroom GIMS or a specialized educational institution, but also remotely. The necessary program will be given to you. Such training is exactly the same as self-training in the traffic police.

Related article


  • How to get a boat license?
  • rights gims

To move on water on a motor boat, speedboat or jet ski, it is not enough to master the skills of driving these vehicles. To be able to operate small boats, you must undergo appropriate training and obtain a license. The procedure for obtaining such a document is in many ways similar to obtaining a license to drive a regular car.


Contact the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation) in your region. There you will receive detailed information about the requirements for documents on, you can read the text exam papers and sign up for preparatory courses, preparing future shipowners for driving small vessels.

Sign up for courses that train GIMS navigators. These can be either courses organized directly by the small craft inspectorate or private training. Typically these training events are held throughout the year. The approximate duration of training is one month or a little more. Classes are usually held at a convenient time two to three times a week.

If you are a busy person, look for courses with an intensive preparation program. The training program includes a theoretical part and practical