Help application. Reference application GOST 12.3 046 91 automatic fire extinguishing installations

Unofficial edition

GOST 12.3.046-91


Occupational Safety Standards System


General technical requirements

Date of introduction 01/01/93

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized automatic fire extinguishing installations (systems) designed to localize or extinguish and eliminate a fire and at the same time performing the functions of an automatic fire alarm, and establishes general technical requirements.

The requirements established by the standard are mandatory.

The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in the appendix.

1. Design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and operation of the automatic control system should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation and technical specifications for a specific type of automatic control system.

2. AUP is subdivided:

by design - sprinkler, deluge, aggregate, modular;

by appearance fire extinguishing agent- for water, foam, gas, powder.

3. The need to use and the choice of the type of fire control system is determined by the level of fire danger of a particular facility, taking into account the rate of fire development in the initial stage and the economic feasibility of their use in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.

4. Design solutions of the AUP must comply with the requirements of GOST 15150 in terms of performance categories for resistance to climatic influences;

requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and GOST 12.1.012 regarding seismicity and vibration;

features of building structures of protected objects;

possibility of interfacing with technological automation of the protected object;

the location and operation of technological and handling equipment in order to eliminate mechanical damage and false alarms of the automatic control system;

requirements of SNiP 3.05.05, GOST 356 and GOST 9544 - in terms of strength and tightness.

5. AUP must be safe in operation, installation and setup for service personnel and persons working in the protected area, in accordance with GOST 12.4.009.

6. The design of the electrical equipment included in the AUP must comply with the operating requirements and the fire and explosion hazard category of the protected premises and the aggressiveness of the environment in accordance with PUE, GOST 12.2.003, GOST, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 12.1.019, SNiP P -M.2.

7. AUP must provide:

activation within a time less than the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free fire development) according to GOST 12.1.004;

localization of the fire within the time required for the deployment of operational forces and means;

extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate it;

supply intensity and (or) concentration of fire extinguishing agent;

required operational reliability (localization or extinguishing).

8. AUP must be equipped with the following devices:

issuing sound and light fire warning signals;

control of pressure (level) in filled pipelines and containers containing fire extinguishing agent, and (or) control of the mass of fire extinguishing agent;

for repair and monitoring of the performance of control and starting units, distribution devices and pumps without releasing the fire extinguishing agent from the distribution network and (or) containers containing the fire extinguishing agent (except for modular fire extinguishing agents);

supply of fire extinguishing agent from a mobile fire equipment(for water and foam AUP);

supplying gas and (or) liquid for flushing (purging) pipelines and during testing;

for installation and maintenance of sprinklers and pipelines at a given height of their placement.

9. During volumetric fire extinguishing, fire control units must ensure the formation of a command impulse:

to automatically turn off ventilation and, if necessary, block openings to adjacent rooms before the release of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected room;

for self-closing doors;

to delay the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the protected volume for the time required for the evacuation of people in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, but not less than 30 s.

10. When automatic volumetric fire extinguishing systems are triggered inside the protected premises, a signal must be issued in the form of an inscription on the light displays “Gas (foam, powder) - go away!” and an audible warning signal. At the entrance to the protected premises, a light signal “Gas (foam, powder) - do not enter!” should turn on, and in the premises of the duty personnel - a corresponding signal with information about the supply of fire extinguishing agent.

11. AUP, except sprinkler ones, must be equipped with a manual start:

remote - from devices located at the entrance to the protected premises, and, if necessary, from the fire station;

local - from devices installed at the locking and starting unit and (or) at the fire extinguishing station located inside the protected premises.

12. Manual starting devices must be protected from accidental activation and mechanical damage and must be located outside the possible combustion zone.

13. Foam AUPs must be provided with devices for preparing a solution or automatically dispensing a foaming agent, preventing the penetration of a foaming agent (foaming agent solution) into the drinking and industrial water supply networks, as well as containers for draining the foaming agent from pipelines and the distribution network.

14. AFS, except for water ones, must be provided with a 100% supply of fire extinguishing agent in relation to the calculated one.

15. Foam and gas extinguishing agents must have a 100% reserve of fire extinguishing agent.

16. When carbon dioxide and compositions similar in volume increase during a phase transition are used in gas fire extinguishing agents, devices for pressure relief must be provided in the protected premises.




Term Explanation
1. Automatic fire extinguishing installation According to GOST 12.2.047
2. Fire Uncontrolled combustion developing in time and space
3. Fire localization According to GOST 12.1.033
4. Fire extinguishing According to GOST 12.1.033
5. Firefighting According to GOST 12.1.033
6. Fire extinguishing agent According to GOST 12.1.033
7. Fire danger According to GOST 12.1.033
8. Reserve fire extinguishing agent The required quantity of extinguishing agent, ready for immediate use in cases of re-ignition or failure of the fire extinguishing installation to fulfill its task
9. Supply of fire extinguishing agent The required amount of fire extinguishing agent stored at the facility for the purpose of prompt restoration of fire extinguishing agent charges in fire extinguishing installations
10. Modular fire extinguishing installation According to GOST 12.2.047
11. Volumetric fire extinguishing installation According to GOST 12.2.047
12. Aggregate fire extinguishing installation A fire extinguishing installation in which the technical means of fire detection, storage, release and transportation of the fire extinguishing agent are structurally independent units mounted directly on the protected object


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs


L.K. Tubashov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (topic leader); A. P. Evdakov; L. I. Gaputina; V. A. Turbin

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 29, 1991

3. Date of the first inspection - 1996. Inspection frequency - 5 years



Interstate standard GOST 12.3.046-91
"System of occupational safety standards. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements"
(approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard of December 29, 1991 N 2382)

Occupational safety standards system. Automatic fire fighting systems. General technical requirements

Introduced for the first time

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized automatic fire extinguishing installations (systems) designed to localize or extinguish and eliminate a fire and at the same time performing the functions of an automatic fire alarm, and establishes general technical requirements.

The requirements established by the standard are mandatory.

The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in the Appendix.

1. Design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and operation of the automatic control system should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation and technical specifications for a specific type of automatic control system.

2. AUP is subdivided:

by design - sprinkler, deluge, aggregate, modular;

by type of fire extinguishing agent - water, foam, gas, powder.

3. The need for use and choice of the type of fire control system are determined by the level of fire danger of a particular facility, taking into account the rate of fire development in the initial stage and the economic feasibility of their use in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.

4. Design solutions of the AUP must comply with:

7. AUP must provide:

operation within a time less than the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free fire development) according to GOST 12.1.004;

localization of the fire within the time required for the deployment of operational forces and means;

extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate it;

supply intensity and (or) concentration of fire extinguishing agent;

required operational reliability (localization or extinguishing).

8. AUP must be equipped with the following devices:

issuing sound and light fire warning signals;

control of pressure (level) in filled pipelines and containers containing fire extinguishing agent, and (or) control of the mass of fire extinguishing agent;

for repair and monitoring of the performance of control and starting units, distribution devices and pumps without releasing the fire extinguishing agent from the distribution network and (or) containers containing the fire extinguishing agent (except for modular fire extinguishing agents);

supply of fire extinguishing agent from mobile fire fighting equipment (for water and foam fire fighting equipment);

supplying gas and (or) liquid for flushing (purging) pipelines and during testing;

for installation and maintenance of sprinklers and pipelines at a given height of their placement.

9. During volumetric fire extinguishing, fire control units must ensure the formation of a command impulse:

to automatically turn off ventilation and, if necessary, block openings to adjacent rooms before the release of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected room;

for self-closing doors;

to delay the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the protected volume for the time required for the evacuation of people in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, but not less than 30 s.

10. When automatic volumetric fire extinguishing systems are triggered inside the protected premises, a signal must be issued in the form of an inscription on the light displays “Gas (foam, powder) - go away!” and an audible warning signal. At the entrance to the protected premises, a light signal “Gas (foam, powder) - do not enter!” should turn on, and in the premises of the duty personnel - a corresponding signal with information about the supply of fire extinguishing agent.

11. AUP, except sprinkler ones, must be equipped with a manual start:

remote - from devices located at the entrance to the protected premises, and, if necessary, from the fire station;

local - from devices installed at the shut-off and start-up unit and (or) at the fire extinguishing station located inside the protected premises.

12. Manual starting devices must be protected from accidental activation and mechanical damage and must be located outside the possible combustion zone.

13. Foam AUPs must be provided with devices for preparing a solution or automatically dispensing a foaming agent, preventing the penetration of a foaming agent (foaming agent solution) into the drinking and industrial water supply networks, as well as containers for draining the foaming agent from pipelines and the distribution network.

GOST 12.3.046-91







Occupational Safety Standards System


General technical requirements

Occupational safety standards system. Automatic fire fighting systems.
General technical requirements


Date of introduction 01.01.93

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized automatic fire extinguishing installations (systems) designed to localize or extinguish and eliminate a fire and at the same time performing the functions of an automatic fire alarm, and establishes general technical requirements.

The requirements established by the standard are mandatory.

The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in the appendix.

1. The design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and operation of AUP should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation and technical specifications for a specific type of AUP.

2. AUP is subdivided:

by design - sprinkler, deluge, aggregate, modular; by type of fire extinguishing agent - water, foam, gas, powder.

3. The need for use and choice of the type of fire control system are determined by the level of fire danger of a particular facility, taking into account the rate of fire development in the initial stage and the economic feasibility of their use in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.

4. Design solutions of the AUP must comply with:

6. The design of the electrical equipment included in the AUP must comply with the operating requirements and the fire and explosion hazard category of the protected premises and the aggressiveness of the environment in accordance with PUE, GOST 12.2.003, GOST, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 12.1.019, SNiP P -M.2.

7. AUP must provide:

operation within a time less than the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free fire development) according to GOST 12.1.004;

localization of the fire within the time required for the deployment of operational forces and means;

extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate it;

supply intensity and (or) concentration of fire extinguishing agent;

required operational reliability (localization or extinguishing).

8. AUP must be equipped with the following devices:

issuing sound and light fire warning signals;

control of pressure (level) in filled pipelines and containers containing fire extinguishing agent, and (or) control of the mass of fire extinguishing agent;

for repair and monitoring of the performance of control and starting units, distribution devices and pumps without releasing the fire extinguishing agent from the distribution network and (or) containers containing the fire extinguishing agent (except for modular fire extinguishing agents);

supply of fire extinguishing agent from mobile fire fighting equipment (for water and foam fire fighting equipment);

supplying gas and (or) liquid for flushing (purging) pipelines and during testing;

for installation and maintenance of sprinklers and pipelines at a given height of their placement.

9. During volumetric fire extinguishing, fire control units must ensure the formation of a command impulse:

to automatically turn off ventilation and, if necessary, block openings to adjacent rooms before the release of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected room;

for self-closing doors;

to delay the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the protected volume for the time required for the evacuation of people in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, but not less than 30 s.

10. When automatic volumetric fire extinguishing systems are triggered inside the protected premises, a signal must be issued in the form of an inscription on the light displays “Gas (foam, powder) - go away!” and an audible warning signal. At the entrance to the protected premises, a light signal “Gas (foam, powder) - do not enter!” should turn on, and in the premises of the duty personnel - a corresponding signal with information about the supply of fire extinguishing agent.

11. AUP, except for sprinklers, must be equipped with a manual start: remote - from devices located at the entrance to the protected premises, and, when

if necessary, from the fire station;

local - from devices installed at the shut-off and start-up unit and (or) at the fire extinguishing station located inside the protected premises.

12. Manual starting devices must be protected from accidental activation and mechanical damage and must be located outside the possible combustion zone.

13. Foam AUPs must be provided with devices for preparing a solution or automatically dispensing a foaming agent, preventing the penetration of a foaming agent (foaming agent solution) into the drinking and industrial water supply networks, as well as containers for draining the foaming agent from pipelines and the distribution network.

14. AFS, except for water ones, must be provided with a 100% supply of fire extinguishing agent in relation to the calculated one.

15. Foam and gas extinguishing agents must have a 100% reserve of fire extinguishing agent.

16. When carbon dioxide and compositions similar in volume increase during a phase transition are used in gas fire extinguishing agents, devices for pressure relief must be provided in the protected premises.





1. Automatic fire extinguishing installation

2. Fire

Uncontrolled combustion developing in time and space

3. Fire localization

4. Fire extinguishing

5. Firefighting

6. Fire extinguishing agent

7. Fire danger

8. Reserve fire extinguishing agent

The required quantity of extinguishing agent, ready for immediate use in cases of re-ignition or failure of the fire extinguishing installation to fulfill its task

9. Supply of fire extinguishing agent

The required amount of fire extinguishing agent stored at the facility for the purpose of prompt restoration of fire extinguishing agent charges in fire extinguishing installations

10. Modular fire extinguishing installation

11. Volumetric fire extinguishing installation

12. Aggregate fire extinguishing installation

A fire extinguishing installation in which the technical means of fire detection, storage, release and transportation of the fire extinguishing agent are structurally independent units mounted directly on the protected object


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 29, 1991 No. 2382



Designation NTD,
to which the link is given

Item number, application

Designation NTD,
to which the link is given

Item number, application


GOST 12.3.046-91

Group P77


Occupational Safety Standards System


General technical requirements

Occupational safety standards system. Automatic fire fighting systems. General technical requirements

Date of introduction 1993-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 29, 1991 N 2382



Application item number

GOST 12.1.004-91

GOST 12.1.012-90

GOST 12.1.019-79

GOST 12.1.033-81


GOST 12.2.003-91


GOST 12.2.047-86


GOST 12.4.009-83

GOST 9544-93

GOST 15150-69

SNiP 2.04.02-84

SNiP 3.05.05-84

SNiP P-M.2-72

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized automatic fire extinguishing installations (systems) designed to localize or extinguish and eliminate a fire and at the same time performing the functions of an automatic fire alarm, and establishes general technical requirements.

The requirements established by the standard are mandatory.

The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in the appendix.

1. Design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and operation of the automatic control system should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation and technical specifications for a specific type of automatic control system.

2. AUP is subdivided:

by design - sprinkler, deluge, aggregate, modular:

by type of fire extinguishing agent - water, foam, gas, powder.

3. The need to use and the choice of the type of fire control system is determined by the level of fire danger of a particular facility, taking into account the rate of fire development in the initial stage and the economic feasibility of their use in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.

4. Design solutions of the AUP must comply with:

requirements of GOST 15150 - regarding performance categories for resistance to climatic influences;

requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and GOST 12.1.012 - regarding seismicity and vibration;

features of building structures of protected objects;

possibility of interfacing with technological automation of the protected object;

the location and operation of technological and handling equipment in order to eliminate mechanical damage and false alarms of the automatic control system;

requirements of SNiP 3.05.05, GOST 356 and GOST 9544 - in terms of strength and tightness.

5. AUP must be safe in operation, installation and commissioning for maintenance personnel and persons working in the protected area, in accordance with GOST 12.4.009.

6. The design of the electrical equipment included in the AUP must comply with the operating requirements and the fire and explosion hazard category of the protected premises and the aggressiveness of the environment in accordance with PUE, GOST 12.2.003, GOST, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 12.1.019, SNiP P -M.2.

7. AUP must provide:

activation within a time less than the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free fire development) according to GOST 12.1.004;

localization of the fire within the time required for the deployment of operational forces and means;

extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate it;

supply intensity and (or) concentration of fire extinguishing agent;

required operational reliability (localization or extinguishing).

8. AUP must be equipped with the following devices:

issuing sound and light fire warning signals;

control of pressure (level) in filled pipelines and containers containing fire extinguishing agent, and (or) control of the mass of fire extinguishing agent;

for repair and monitoring of the performance of control and starting units, distribution devices and pumps without releasing the fire extinguishing agent from the distribution network and (or) containers containing the fire extinguishing agent (except for modular fire extinguishing agents);

supply of fire extinguishing agent from mobile fire fighting equipment (for water and foam fire fighting equipment);

supply of gas and (or) liquid for flushing (purging) of pipelines and during testing;

for installation and maintenance of sprinklers and pipelines at a given height of their placement.

9. During volumetric fire extinguishing, fire control units must ensure the formation of a command impulse:

to automatically turn off ventilation and, if necessary, block openings to adjacent rooms before the release of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected room;

for self-closing doors;

to delay the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the protected volume for the time required for the evacuation of people in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, but not less than 30 s.

10. When automatic volumetric fire extinguishing systems are triggered inside the protected premises, a signal must be issued in the form of an inscription on the light displays “Gas (foam, powder) - go away!” and an audible warning signal. At the entrance to the protected premises, a light signal “Gas (foam, powder) - do not enter!” should turn on, and in the premises of the duty personnel - a corresponding signal with information about the supply of fire extinguishing agent.

11. AUP, except sprinkler ones, must be equipped with a manual start:

remote - from devices located at the entrance to the protected premises, and, if necessary, from the fire station;

local - from devices installed at the shut-off and start-up unit and (or) at the fire extinguishing station located inside the protected premises.

12. Manual starting devices must be protected from accidental activation and mechanical damage and must be located outside the possible combustion zone.

13. Foam AUPs must be provided with devices for preparing a solution or automatically dispensing a foaming agent, preventing the penetration of a foaming agent (foaming agent solution) into the drinking and industrial water supply networks, as well as containers for draining the foaming agent from pipelines and the distribution network.

14. AFS, except for water ones, must be provided with a 100% supply of fire extinguishing agent in relation to the calculated one.

15. Foam and gas extinguishing agents must have a 100% reserve of fire extinguishing agent.

16. When carbon dioxide and compositions similar in volume increase during a phase transition are used in gas fire extinguishing agents, devices for pressure relief must be provided in the protected premises.





1. Automatic fire extinguishing installation

According to GOST 12.2.047

Uncontrolled combustion developing in time and space

3. Fire localization

According to GOST 12.1.033

4. Fire extinguishing

According to GOST 12.1.033

5. Firefighting

According to GOST 12.1.033

6. Fire extinguishing agent

According to GOST 12.1.033

7. Fire danger

According to GOST 12.1.033

8. Reserve fire extinguishing agent

The required quantity of extinguishing agent, ready for immediate use in cases of re-ignition or failure of the fire extinguishing installation to fulfill its task

9. Supply of fire extinguishing agent

The required amount of fire extinguishing agent stored at the facility for the purpose of prompt restoration of fire extinguishing agent charges in fire extinguishing installations

10. Modular fire extinguishing installation

According to GOST 12.2.047

11. Volumetric fire extinguishing installation

According to GOST 12.2.047

12. Aggregate fire extinguishing installation

A fire extinguishing installation in which the technical means of fire detection, storage, release and transportation of the fire extinguishing agent are structurally independent units mounted directly on the protected object

The text of the document is verified according to:

official publication

System of occupational safety standards. Sat. GOST. - M.: IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2001


Item number, application

GOST 12.1.004-91

GOST 12.1.012-90

GOST 12.1.019-79

GOST 12.1.033-81


GOST 12.2.003-91


GOST 12.2.047-86


GOST 12.4.009-83

GOST 9544-75

GOST 15150-69

SNiP 2.04.02-84

SNiP 3.05.05-84

SNiP P-M.2-72

5. REPUBLICATION. March 2001

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized automatic fire extinguishing installations (systems) designed to localize or extinguish and eliminate a fire and at the same time performing the functions of an automatic fire alarm, and establishes general technical requirements.

The requirements established by the standard are mandatory.

The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in the appendix.

1. Design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and operation of the automatic control system should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation and technical specifications for a specific type of automatic control system.

2. AUP is subdivided:

by design - sprinkler, deluge, aggregate, modular;

by type of fire extinguishing agent - water, foam, gas, powder.

3. The need to use and the choice of the type of fire control system is determined by the level of fire danger of a particular facility, taking into account the rate of fire development in the initial stage and the economic feasibility of their use in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.

4. Design solutions of the AUP must comply with:

requirements of GOST 15150 regarding performance categories for resistance to climatic influences;

requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and GOST 12.1.012 regarding seismicity and vibration;

features of building structures of protected objects;

possibility of interfacing with technological automation of the protected object;

the location and operation of technological and handling equipment in order to eliminate mechanical damage and false alarms of the automatic control system;

requirements of SNiP 3.05.05, GOST 356 and GOST 9544 - in terms of strength and tightness.

5. AUP must be safe in operation, installation and commissioning for maintenance personnel and persons working in the protected area, in accordance with GOST 12.4.009.

6. The design of the electrical equipment included in the AUP must comply with the operating requirements and the fire and explosion hazard category of the protected premises and the aggressiveness of the environment in accordance with PUE, GOST 12.2.003, GOST, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 12.1.019, SNiP P -M.2.

7. AUP must provide:

activation within a time less than the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free fire development) according to GOST 12.1.004;

localization of the fire within the time required for the deployment of operational forces and means;

extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate it;

supply intensity and (or) concentration of fire extinguishing agent;

required operational reliability (localization or extinguishing).

8. AUP must be equipped with the following devices:

issuing sound and light fire warning signals;

control of pressure (level) in filled pipelines and containers containing fire extinguishing agent, and (or) control of the mass of fire extinguishing agent;

for repair and monitoring of the performance of control and starting units, distribution devices and pumps without releasing the fire extinguishing agent from the distribution network and (or) containers containing the fire extinguishing agent (except for modular fire extinguishing agents);

supply of fire extinguishing agent from mobile fire fighting equipment (for water and foam fire fighting equipment);

supplying gas and (or) liquid for flushing (purging) pipelines and during testing;

for installation and maintenance of sprinklers and pipelines at a given height of their placement.

9. During volumetric fire extinguishing, fire control units must ensure the formation of a command impulse:

to automatically turn off ventilation and, if necessary, block openings to adjacent rooms before the release of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected room;

for self-closing doors;

to delay the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the protected volume for the time required for the evacuation of people in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, but not less than 30 s.

10. When automatic volumetric fire extinguishing systems are triggered inside the protected premises, a signal must be issued in the form of an inscription on the light displays “Gas (foam, powder) - go away!” and an audible warning signal. At the entrance to the protected premises, a light signal “Gas (foam, powder) - do not enter!” should turn on, and in the premises of the duty personnel - a corresponding signal with information about the supply of fire extinguishing agent.

11. AUP, except sprinkler ones, must be equipped with a manual start:

remote - from devices located at the entrance to the protected premises, and, if necessary, from the fire station;

local - from devices installed at the shut-off and start-up unit and (or) at the fire extinguishing station located inside the protected premises.

12. Manual starting devices must be protected from accidental activation and mechanical damage and must be located outside the possible combustion zone.

13. Foam AUPs must be provided with devices for preparing a solution or automatically dispensing a foaming agent, preventing the penetration of a foaming agent (foaming agent solution) into the drinking and industrial water supply networks, as well as containers for draining the foaming agent from pipelines and the distribution network.

14. AFS, except for water ones, must be provided with a 100% supply of fire extinguishing agent in relation to the calculated one.

15. Foam and gas extinguishing agents must have a 100% reserve of fire extinguishing agent.

16. When carbon dioxide and compositions similar in volume increase during a phase transition are used in gas fire extinguishing agents, devices for pressure relief must be provided in the protected premises.





1. Automatic fire extinguishing installation

According to GOST 12.2.047

Uncontrolled combustion developing in time and space

3. Fire localization

According to GOST 12.1.033

4. Fire extinguishing

According to GOST 12.1.033

5. Firefighting

According to GOST 12.1.033

6. Fire extinguishing agent

According to GOST 12.1.033

7. Fire danger

According to GOST 12.1.033

8. Fire extinguishing agent reserve

The required quantity of extinguishing agent, ready for immediate use in cases of re-ignition or failure of the fire extinguishing installation to fulfill its task

9. Supply of fire extinguishing agent

The required amount of fire extinguishing agent stored at the facility for the purpose of prompt restoration of fire extinguishing agent charges in fire extinguishing installations

10. Modular fire extinguishing installation

According to GOST 12.2.047

11. Volumetric fire extinguishing installation

According to GOST 12.2.047

12. Aggregate fire extinguishing installation

A fire extinguishing installation in which the technical means of fire detection, storage, release and transportation of the fire extinguishing agent are structurally independent units mounted directly on the protected object