Requirements in the structure of material and technical support. Logistics support. grouping of activities by functional areas of the logistics system

The implementation of main and auxiliary activities of railway transport is impossible without the supply of materials, spare parts, fuel and other material and technical resources (MTR) of the required quality and volume on time. Untimely or incomplete performance of these functions by logistics authorities negatively affects the quality of the transportation process and, ultimately, the competitiveness of railways.
Material and technical support of logistics is a system for planning and organizing procurement, supply, distribution, storage, accounting and control of material and technical resources.
The strategic goal of the logistics system is to minimize the material component of operating costs by optimizing the costs of procurement, delivery and storage of material resources while ensuring the sustainable operation of railways and traffic safety.
Logistics support must ensure the end-to-end flow of material resources necessary to ensure an uninterrupted transportation process in order to meet the effective demand of the clientele for transportation at the lowest possible costs. In the long term
in the future, the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations of the railway
Road transport depends on the ability to find and retain customers, while ensuring the required level of profitability of the operation. This will be facilitated by effective and rational management of the supply process, which indirectly affects the end customer.
Logistics support includes: planning the need for materials and equipment based on the norms of their consumption per unit of production (work) and the planned volumes of work by type of activity; calculation of consumption rates and standards of production inventories of materials and equipment; placing orders for the production of materials and equipment at domestic and foreign enterprises and establishing business relations with them; business case choosing the form of supply (transit or warehouse); development of logistics plans; organization of acceptance and storage of materials and equipment in warehouses (subject to proper conditions and storage techniques); organizing the delivery of materials and equipment to railway transport units; record keeping, reporting and control of the movement of materials and equipment. The logistics departments of railway transport also resolve issues of developing warehousing, automation and informatization of supply processes.
The logistics management system includes such interrelated areas as supply planning, organizing supplies, rationing the consumption of material resources, organizing warehousing, inventory management, and organizing supply control (Fig. 31.1).
To achieve this goal, the logistics system must perform basic functions in a timely and high-quality manner. The content of the functions of logistics bodies includes three areas.
1. Planning, which involves:
analysis of market prices for purchased material resources, forecast of their dynamics and level in the coming period;
calculation of forecast consumption rates of fuel, electricity, materials and spare parts for the expected volume of transport work;
determination of the consolidated need of the network and railways for material resources for the long-term planning period in physical and value terms, its coordination with financial departments;
operational supply planning.
An organization that includes:
analysis of all sources of satisfying the need for material resources in order to select the most optimal one;
concluding business agreements with suppliers for the supply of products;
obtaining and organizing the delivery of real resources;
organization of warehousing, which is part of the supply authorities;
providing workshops, sites, and workplaces with the necessary material resources.
Control and coordination of work, which includes:
control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations of suppliers, their fulfillment of product delivery deadlines;
control over the consumption of material resources in production;
incoming control over the quality and completeness of incoming material resources;
control over production inventories;
making claims to suppliers and transport organizations;
analysis of the work of the supply service, development of measures to coordinate supply activities and increase its efficiency.
Depending on the method of promoting products from the manufacturing enterprise to the consumer enterprise, two forms of supply are distinguished: transit and warehouse. In the transit form of supply, products move from the manufacturer directly to the consumer, bypassing intermediate warehouses of supply (intermediary) organizations. With a warehouse form of supply, products from the manufacturer are first delivered to the warehouses of supply (intermediary) organizations, and then from these warehouses they are shipped (released) to consumers in small quantities.
The main advantage of the transit form of supply is the reduction of transportation and procurement costs for consumers, and the disadvantages are the increase in production carry-over stocks and the volume of document flow, since for each type of product it is necessary to establish economic relations with suppliers and keep records of their fulfillment of their contractual obligations. The advantages of the warehouse form of supply are the reduction of inventories and document flow, the ability to organize complex supply. The main disadvantage of the warehouse form of supply is the increase in transportation and procurement costs due to the payment of markups to the intermediary on the supplied materials.
The subject of supply process management in railway transport is the system of logistics bodies.
Currently, at the highest level of this system are Roszheldorsnab, a functional branch of JSC Russian Railways, and the Department of Planning and Standardization of Material and Technical Resources of JSC Russian Railways.
Roszheldorsnab manages activities in the field of logistics and organization of supplies of material and technical resources for the needs of JSC Russian Railways. “Roszheldorsnab” includes 7 separate structural divisions of the branch: “Tsentrzheldormetrosnab”, “Spetszheldorsnab”, “Sevzapzheldorsnab”, “Privolzhskzheldorsnab”, “Uralzheldorsnab”, “Sibzheldorsnab”, “Vosttranstop”. The main tasks of Roszheldorsnab include:
formation and implementation of the policy of JSC Russian Railways in the field of logistics;
providing the production activities of JSC Russian Railways and allocated subsidiaries with material and technical resources (MTR);
comprehensive study of the materials and equipment market;
performing the functions of the general customer of materials and equipment for the needs of JSC Russian Railways;
organizing the acceptance of applications and processing applications for materials and equipment;
formation and coordination of the general needs of JSC Russian Railways for materials and equipment;
organization and conduct of competitive procedures for the purchase of goods, work, services, financing of which is carried out at the expense of Russian Railways JSC;
preparation of the logistics budget;
formation and implementation of a procurement plan for materials and equipment;
formation and implementation of a supply plan for materials and equipment;
dispatching of supplies of materials and equipment;
organization of financial interaction of JSC Russian Railways with suppliers of materials and equipment;
rationing the needs of JSC Russian Railways for materials and equipment;
analysis of claims regarding the quality and rhythm of supplies of materials and equipment, development and implementation of measures to eliminate identified deficiencies;
development of standards for interaction of structural divisions within the MTO block, as well as with structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways;
formation of rational economic relations between enterprises and supplier organizations with the logistics authorities of JSC Russian Railways.
The central office of Roszheldorsnab includes the following main divisions: financial management, tender procurement department, information and communications department, spare parts management (cars, locomotives, tracks), fuel and heat engineering management, light, chemical and forestry industry management, track upper structure materials management, analysis and operational control Industry logistics department, marketing and pricing department, supply planning department for materials and equipment, foreign economic relations department, economic and statistical department and others.
The next level of the system is formed by the logistics services (NH services), which are part of the management apparatus of the railways - branches of JSC Russian Railways.
The main material warehouse of the road (NHG) is subordinated to the NH service. At road departments, the issues of providing enterprises with the necessary resources are dealt with by supply departments (PSD), which have a main material warehouse and branch warehouses.
Logistics and logistics bodies have at their disposal the appropriate means of production, which are a set of means and objects of labor. The means of labor include bases, warehouses, storerooms, loading and unloading and transport means, various machines and mechanisms, weighing equipment, inventory, etc. The objects of labor are various material resources that must be delivered from suppliers to consumers.
Currently, the collection of applications, planning and implementation of purchases, supply of materials to warehouses of structural divisions of railways is carried out as follows: see Fig. 31.2.
This diagram highlights two circuits:
the circuit for submitting applications for material resources and forming a supply plan;
circuit of procurement and delivery of materials.
Submitting applications for materials and creating a supply plan is carried out as follows.
1) based on the average monthly expenditure of material resources, in agreement with the economic service, the logistics service establishes the right to material resources when generating applications. This right is communicated to the technical services of the relevant farms, which, in turn, establish personal rights for subordinate structural units 60 days before the planned quarter;
on the basis of the received right, structural units form an application for material resources 40 days before the planned quarter and send it to three addresses;
technical services form a consolidated application grouped by structural divisions, within the established right to purchase material resources and taking into account adjustments 30 days before the planned quarter;
the logistics service generates a consolidated application on a separate basis;
the logistics service creates a preliminary supply plan and sends it to the technical service of the relevant farm 25 days before the planned quarter;
The farm's technical service checks and adjusts the preliminary supply plan. In case of adjustment of the supply plan, an amended application is sent to the logistics service 15 days before the planned quarter;
The logistics service creates the final supply plan 5 days before the planned quarter.
The procurement and delivery of materials circuit consists of the following operations:
the logistics service generates a request for materials in the amount of 80% of the supply plan to Roszheldorsnab;
the remaining 20% ​​of the supply plan remains for the logistics service for independent procurement. The logistics service sends offers to suppliers with guaranteed payment;
Roszheldorsnab sends offers to suppliers with a guarantee of payment. The selection of suppliers is carried out on the basis of proposals from suppliers, their ranking and approval by the tender commission;
in accordance with the supply plan, materials are delivered to the warehouses of the logistics service;
the logistics service informs the relevant departments logistical supply about the arrival of materials. Materials are supplied to the warehouses of these departments;
logistics departments inform electronic form reporting structural units about the arrival of materials and deliver them from the central warehouse to the warehouses of these units in accordance with the order.
The development of a long-term logistics plan is based on dividing all resources into the range of centralized supply and decentralized procurement. The first group includes fuel, materials, equipment and spare parts, the supply of which has a decisive influence on the smooth operation of railways. Roszheldorsnab is responsible for this group. The second group includes material and technical resources planned by railway supply authorities.
The number of nomenclature items for the most important spare parts, equipment and materials of central planning is more than 2800 units (see Table 31.1).
Approximate list of the most important spare parts, equipment and materials for centralized supply
Table 31.1 Products The number of positions whole rolled wheels 2 locomotive bandages 4 wheel pairs 4 spare parts of locomotives 216 spare cars of cargo wagons 602 Spare parts of passenger cars 60 spare parts to imported rolling stock and track vehicles 790 Batteries Locomotive, wagon and auto-blocking 10 cable-wire products 913 Welded, electric traction and throttle connectors and inter-throttle jumpers and wires PBMD 137 Locomotive and carriage bearings 8 Contact line insulators 10 Transformers 1V-VI dimensions 4 Special and branded clothing and shoes 22 Bedding 8 Rolled ferrous and non-ferrous metals 31 Diesel fuel 2 Heating oil 2 Coal 10 The development of a strategic plan for logistics begins with clarifying the promising range of consumed resources. This work is carried out on the basis of a thorough analysis of the plan for innovation and investment activities, trends in scientific and technological progress in the railways, prospects for entering new transport markets, etc.
Under the influence of these factors, the need for new material and technical resources is formed and the required amount of traditional materials is reduced. The specification of the MTO nomenclature is carried out by specialists from central authorities and the railway apparatus (RH). They exchange forecast information, agree on the future range of necessary resources and determine which department will be responsible for the acquisition of certain types of new materials. Such parallel work significantly increases the validity of forecast developments.
The main value on the basis of which the need for material resources is determined is the consumption rate. Consumption rationing is the process of establishing a planned measure of production consumption of material and technical resources. The consumption rate is the maximum permissible amount of materials, fuel, energy to perform a unit of transport work under the planned transportation conditions.
The structural components of the material consumption rate are: its net (useful) consumption and technological waste and losses. The net (useful) consumption of material for a product is the amount that is materially included in this product (usefully consumed). Technological waste of material includes the amount that cannot be used for its intended purpose in the manufacture of some product (performing work), but can be used in the manufacture of other products. Material losses should include the amount of material irretrievably lost during the production process (work).
Consumption rates are classified according to the following main characteristics: type of materials, degree of aggregation (scale of application), degree of enlargement (detail) of the range of rated materials, objects of standardization. Based on the types of materials, consumption standards are developed for various types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, timber, spare parts, etc. According to the degree of aggregation, norms are divided into individual, group and consolidated.
Individual consumption rates are established for the production or repair of a unit of specific products (repair of a locomotive, carriage, building), based on certain conditions for organizing production at a specific plant, depot, workshop, or repair site. Based on individual standards, the enterprise’s need for materials is determined and group and aggregate consumption rates are developed.
Group consumption rates are established for similar products produced at a number of similar enterprises. Such standards include, for example, consumption standards for depot repairs of electric locomotives of a certain series, carried out in various depots. In railway transport, group standards are widespread in the form of average network and average plant standards for the consumption of materials for repair and maintenance of the same series and types of rolling stock, operated and repaired in different operating conditions of railways, factories and depots.
Integrated (total) consumption rates are used when planning logistics on the scale of the entire railway transport. An example of such norms is the norms for the consumption of metal or spare parts for all types of repairs of various series of locomotives per 1 million km of their run, or the norms for the consumption of materials for all types of repair and maintenance of freight cars per 1 million km of run of these cars.
According to the degree of enlargement (detailing) of the nomenclature of materials, consumption rates are divided into specific ones, established for each specific type of materials with detailing by grade, size, brand, and consolidated ones, developed for homogeneous types of materials. For example, the rate of consumption of rolled ferrous metals for the repair of a locomotive as a whole is a consolidated rate, and when broken down by size and grade of rolled stock, it is a specified rate.
To develop standards for the consumption of materials, fuel, and energy, the following basic methods are used. The calculation method involves determining individual consumption rates based on comprehensive calculations. The main initial information when calculating standards are drawings of parts, cutting maps, production technology, and characteristics of the source material. By calculations, the net (useful) consumption of material, technological waste and losses are determined.
An experimental method for developing consumption standards is to calculate the costs of materials, fuel, energy required to produce a unit of product (work), based on measurement data, observations and determination of net consumption, waste and losses. In this case, the number of observations and measurements should be sufficient to obtain representative conclusions. Substitution of one material for another and defects should not be taken into account. For a more accurate and detailed study of the influence of various factors on the consumption of material and technical resources, observations and measurements are used, i.e. experiments are also carried out in laboratory conditions.
If it is not possible to establish consumption rates by calculation or experiment, then the so-called reporting-statistical standardization method is used. In this case, consumption rates are determined based on reported statistical data on actual consumption different resources per unit of work. However, the reporting data reflect not only the savings achieved during the analyzed period, but also all cases of cost overruns caused by poor organization of production, repair and operation of rolling stock, track facilities, irrational use of resources, etc. Therefore, reporting and statistical consumption standards are not progressive in their essence.
When developing long-term plans for logistics, as a rule, aggregated consumption rates are used, calculated in the context of strategic business units. Since forecasts are made for a long period (from 3 years), the norms used must be progressive, i.e. correspond to the best achievements of Russian and foreign railways.
Norms characterize not the present, but the future, planned level of material costs. They represent tasks for the quantity and quality of materials used in the planning period and should be set not at the level of actual costs per unit of transport work, but taking into account the improvement of equipment, technology and organization of transportation provided for in the planning period.
Main tasks forward planning logistics are the determination of the approximate needs of railway transport for electricity, fuel, materials, spare parts and other types of products and the approximate costs in monetary terms for the acquisition, delivery and storage of the necessary resources. The level of provision of material resources for the planned work program depends on how correctly the needs are identified. When determining material needs, the entire volume of work for the planning period must be taken into account: for the operational activities of railways; repair of rolling stock; other types of activities (including the production of spare parts for rolling stock, machinery and mechanisms); repair and current maintenance of buildings and structures; capital construction.
Thus, the plan or budget of material resources must contain answers to the following important questions:
how many resources of each type will be needed, when and where they will be used;
what is the gap between needed and available resources;
how to bridge the existing gap and what sources are best to use for this;
what will be the costs of eliminating the shortage of individual resources;
what will be the total costs of logistics for the future volume of railway transportation.
A number of methods are used to determine the need for material resources. The most reasonable is the direct counting method, which gives fairly accurate results. With this method, the future need is calculated by multiplying the rate of consumption of a material resource by the planned volume of work.
The method of determining material needs by analogy is also used. In this case, the transport work (products), for which it is necessary to calculate the need, is equated in terms of material resource costs to a similar type of work. If necessary, a correction factor is used that takes into account the characteristics of the consumption of individual resources and the work itself in comparison with the analogue, which affect the overall level of demand.
Long-term planning of the need for material resources is carried out for enlarged groups of materials for the entire range of works and services performed by railway enterprises. Calculations can be performed in both natural and cost terms. In cost terms, the total need for material and technical resources can be determined by the formula:
Ppi = S (Hpi " Цpi - BOi ¦ Цoi) " ^product, i =1
where Ppi is the annual consumption of the i-th type of resource, rub.;
Hpi is the rate of consumption of the i-th resource per unit of work (service);
T^- - price of the i-th resource;
Voi - the amount of waste sold;
Tsoi - the price of sold waste;
Lgproizv - annual volume of work (services) in the long-term period; N - promising nomenclature of works (services).
When planning material resources, in addition to the annual requirement, the value (standard) of production inventories of materials is also established. Calculations can be performed in one of two ways:
dividing the annual requirement by the number of supplies of materials per year;
by multiplying the average daily consumption of materials by the rate of their supply (in days).
Total need for i-th resource will be determined by the following formula:
PR І = Рр- ± LZsk,
where Ppi is the annual consumption of the i-th resource; Zsk - warehouse stocks of the i-th resource.
After determining the need for each type of material and technical resources, a consolidated procurement budget is drawn up.
When developing a long-term budget of material resources, it is recommended to especially carefully and in detail calculate the need for the most important and scarce materials. As a rule, the range of these resources is limited, and the impact on the rhythmic operation of railways is extremely great.

The concept of “material and technical support”

The concept of “logistics” is often identified with material and technical supply, traditional for a centrally planned economy. Along with supply, the term “supply” is used. Let us give a definition of the concepts “supply” and “provision”.

Supply - meeting the material needs of the population and some organizations. Procurement as a function may include various types acquisitions (purchase, rental, etc.), as well as related work: selection of suppliers, negotiations, agreement of conditions, forwarding, monitoring of supplier performance, materials handling, transportation, warehousing and acceptance of goods received from suppliers.

Supply - supply of something in the right quantity; provision of sufficient material means of living.

Material resources are part of the working capital of the enterprise. Working capital is those means of production that are completely consumed in each production cycle, transfer their entire value to finished products and, during the production process, change or lose their consumer properties. Material resources (raw materials, materials, purchased semi-finished products, components, structures, parts, fuel, etc.) are objects to which human labor is directed in order to obtain a finished product.

Material resources are raw materials, materials, components, fuel, energy (labor items), as well as machines, equipment and instruments (labor tools) necessary for the production of products (Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary).

Material and technical resources are the entire set of raw materials, parts, spare parts, tools, work in progress and finished products, for which the company maintains accounting records and which are in warehouses and in the production process.

Logistics support (MTS) is a type of commercial activity to provide material and technical resources for the production process, carried out, as a rule, before the start of production. The main goal of logistics is to bring material resources to specific production enterprises at the place of consumption predetermined by the contract.

Logistics is a way of controlling and allocating resources during the production process. Through the MTO system, the enterprise purchases and consumes raw materials for production in the most rational way. For this purpose, current consumption data is recorded, in accordance with which plans for the long term are drawn up. This allows the organization’s budget to be spent wisely, as production costs are reduced.

MTO is also considered as a mechanism whose purpose is to plan, purchase and deliver the necessary inventory items in the required quantity and at a given time to any enterprise or its division.

To those with a superficial understanding of the structure of the armed forces, the army appears to be a trivial collection of military personnel distributed by branch of service. In fact, it is a separate institution that functions in different modes, depending on the foreign policy situation. Often, internal affairs are also resolved through the involvement of armed forces. of national importance. To ensure such uninterrupted functioning, a service is needed that would deal with issues of the state of the material and technical base, not only in wartime, but also in peacetime.

The Logistics Support Service (MTO), being an integral part of the Russian Armed Forces, organizes the regulation of receipts and expenditures of funds necessary to maintain the constant combat readiness of all units.

It is possible to classify the tasks that are solved by the material and technical support of the RF Armed Forces, dividing them according to the principle of homogeneity:

  • Expense planning budget funds for the implementation of state defense orders, the work of government programs and other targeted areas.
  • Monitoring the equipment of all units with weapons, equipment, equipment, and material resources.
  • Monitoring compliance with food standards for soldiers, as well as organizing the supply of products.
  • Solving legal issues regarding the supply of funds.
  • Ensuring the activities of our own services.
  • Preparation of internal personnel reserves for the functioning of the logistics service.

Composition of the logistics service

As a prototype modern service logistics support is the quartermaster department formed by Peter I, which carried out the management of the military economy. The modern structure is represented by a number of departments and directorates that cover all types of activities in the armed forces.

The logistics headquarters of the RF Armed Forces is entrusted with organizational and management functions. His responsibilities include ensuring mobilization preparation, rear readiness, collecting operational information in the rear, logistics support for troops, and resolving issues of security and defense of the rear. The MTO also includes the department of transport support, the management of railway troops, the management utilities, Department of Food Supply and Metrology Department.

The listed departments are assigned to certain types of troops that ensure the implementation of planned and unscheduled tasks of the armed forces. Automotive troops are presented in the form of independent units dealing with transportation issues, this can be the delivery of construction materials, transportation of military personnel, evacuation, transportation of the wounded. IN Russian army brigades, regiments and battalion automobile troops were formed, reporting directly to the head of the transport support department.

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Transport communications would not exist in full if not for the activities of the road troops. Their task is to build, maintain, cover and restore military roads. Some tasks of road transport support are also within their competence. The structure of the troops is quite complex, since they include different units, but they are all subordinate to the head of the road department under the Ministry of Defense.

Railway troops provide construction or restoration work of railway tracks, their technical cover and operation. Few people know about the existence of pipeline troops. These divisions carry out the transportation of fuels and lubricants to warehouses for storage, pumping or delivery to units. Their department has not only personnel, but also relevant construction equipment. Total length of all pipeline branches is 2000 kilometers.

As a separate logistics service, the clothing service is allocated, which is responsible for bringing the personal clothing property of a serviceman back to normal. For this purpose, repairs are carried out, dry cleaning is carried out, detergents and hygiene products are purchased, and bath services are organized for soldiers. There are units in the Russian army that do not run their own farms. In this case, they are supported by other, larger units.

The food service, as an integral part of logistics, provides personnel with food. For this purpose, food supply to units, food rationing, and control are organized. This service is technically equipped, because supplies must be carried out to all army units.

The fuel and lubricants supply service includes associations involved in the transportation of rocket fuel, lubricants, special liquids, and fuel. This also includes storage areas, bases, and pipelines.

Support for the combat effectiveness of the army will be complete only with proper medical care, which is provided by the Medical Service of the RF Armed Forces. The functionality of the medical service includes not only providing assistance, but also carrying out preventive measures. The service reports to the Main Medical Directorate of the Moscow Region.

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Priority tasks

Taking into account the presented structure, as well as the grouped tasks, we will give specific examples that explain why it is necessary to maintain such a complex education as a logistics service. To do this, it is enough to remember what the army faces in the rear, what work has to be done to maintain the combat effectiveness of units and organize the life activities of military personnel.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities. The main task of the enterprise supply authorities is the timely and optimal provision of production with the necessary material resources of appropriate completeness and quality.

In solving this problem, supply workers must study and take into account supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, reduce transportation, procurement and storage costs.

The supply authorities of the enterprise perform a number of functions:

1) planning, involving:

Study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as the market for individual goods;

Forecasting and determining the need for all types of material resources, planning optimal economic relations;

Optimization of production inventories;

Planning the need for materials and setting their limit for supply to workshops; operational supply planning;

2) organizational, including:

Collecting information about required products, participating in fairs, sales exhibitions, auctions, etc.;

Analysis of all sources of satisfying the need for material resources in order to select the most optimal one;

Concluding business agreements with suppliers for the supply of products;

Receiving and organizing) the delivery of real resources;

Organization of warehousing, which is part of the supply authorities;

Providing workshops, sites, workplaces with the necessary material resources;

3) controlling and coordinating, which includes:

Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations of suppliers, their fulfillment of product delivery deadlines;

Control over the consumption of material resources in production;

Incoming control over the quality and completeness of incoming material resources;

Control over production inventories;

Making claims to suppliers and transport organizations;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the supply service, development of measures to coordinate supply activities and improve its efficiency.

In market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and therefore the right to purchase more efficient material resources. This forces the company's supply personnel to carefully study the quality characteristics of products manufactured by various suppliers.

Criteria for choosing a supplier may include reliability of delivery, the ability to choose a delivery method, time to complete an order, the possibility of providing credit, level of service, etc. and the relative importance of individual criteria may change over time.

The organizational structure, nature and methods of operation of supply services at enterprises are marked by diversity. Depending on the volumes, types and specialization of production, the material intensity of products and the territorial location of the enterprise, various conditions arise that require an appropriate delimitation of functions and the choice of the type of structure of supply bodies. In small enterprises that consume small volumes of material resources in a limited range, supply functions are assigned to small groups or individual employees of the enterprise's economic department.

At most medium and large enterprises, this function is performed by special mistletoe logistics units (OMTS), which are built on a functional or material basis. In the first case, each supply function (planning, procurement, storage, release of materials) is performed by a separate group of workers. When building supply bodies on a material basis, certain groups of workers perform all supply functions for a specific type of material.

The typical type of structure of the supply service is mixed, when product departments, groups, bureaus are specialized in supply specific types raw materials, materials, equipment. However, along with goods, the supply department includes functional units: planning, dispatching;

The mixed type of structure of the supply department is the most rational method of organization, which helps to increase the responsibility of workers and improve the logistics of production.

The planning bureau (group) performs the functions of environmental analysis and market research, determining the need for material resources, optimizing market behavior for the most profitable provision, forming a regulatory framework, developing supply plans and analyzing their implementation, monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers.

A commodity bureau (group) performs a set of planning and operational functions to ensure production with specific types of material resources: planning, accounting, delivery, storage and release of material into production, that is, it regulates the operation of material warehouses.

The dispatch bureau (group) carries out operational regulation and control over the implementation of the plan for supplying the enterprise and workshops with raw materials and materials; eliminates problems that arise during production supply; controls and regulates the supply of materials to the enterprise.

At mechanical engineering enterprises, the supply service, in addition to the MTS department, also includes an external cooperation department (or bureau, group), which may be part of the OMTS.

Departments (bureaus, groups) of external cooperation provide production with semi-finished products (blanks, parts, assemblies). They can also be built on a functional or product basis.

To implement technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, the enterprise creates equipment departments, which are usually part of capital construction.

For large enterprises (associations) consisting of a number of branches, the most appropriate type of structure is the peculiarity of which is that the divisions have their own supply services with functions for planning and operational regulation of the supply of production workshops and sites with material resources, as well as for monitoring their execution .

The formation of a regulatory framework, forecasting and development of MTS plans, the establishment of economic relations and coordination of the work of supply services included in the enterprise are concentrated on the basis of the enterprise's supply service. The interaction of the divisions of the supply service of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of functional connections, and not administrative subordination.

One of the links in the MTS organization is warehousing, the main task of which is to receive and store materials, prepare them for production consumption, and directly supply workshops with the necessary material resources. Warehouses, depending on their connection with the production process, are divided into material, production, and sales.

Accepted materials are stored in warehouses according to product groups, grades, and sizes. Racks are numbered indicating material indices.

The delivery of materials and the operation of warehouses are organized on the basis of operational procurement plans.

The development of plans for the logistics of production contributes to a more successful solution to the problems of supplying raw materials, supplies, components, fuel, energy and other resources. The implementation of the enterprise’s production program depends on the high-quality and timely substantiation of the plan.

In the cost structure of industrial production, the share of material costs reaches 70 percent or more. Therefore, reducing the material consumption of products is the most important direction in reducing its cost.

When developing a logistics plan, the greatest possible savings in resources should be considered. It is achieved by replacing expensive and scarce materials with cheaper ones, reducing waste and losses through the introduction of new progressive technological processes, reducing the weight of machines and products without compromising their quality, more accurate calculation of structures, selection of optimal safety margins, the right choice sizes, grades and material profiles. Rational use of material resources is the most important factor in increasing production efficiency. Saving material resources helps to accelerate the rate of production growth, since with the same number of objects of labor a larger volume of output can be provided.

Therefore, the task of the logistics plan is to determine the optimal needs of the enterprise for material resources to carry out production, economic and commercial activities. At the same time, a distinction is made between the need for consumption and the need for import.

The consumption requirement establishes the amount of materials that the enterprise needs to fulfill the sales volume plan and other work related to the production and sale of products, for repair and maintenance needs, capital construction, etc.

The import requirement shows how much the company must obtain materials from external sources.

The logistics plan consists of two parts:

1) calculations of the need for material and technical resources;

2) balances of material and technical support.

Calculation of the need for material and technical resources, depending on the nature of the materials used, is carried out in the following tables:

Requirement for raw materials and supplies;

Fuel and energy requirements;

Need for equipment.

The need for material resources is determined in the main areas of production and economic activity in accordance with progressive standards of their consumption, taking into account the plan of organizational and technical measures for the use of economical types of materials, production waste, secondary material and fuel and energy resources.

Balances of material and technical support are developed in the form of long-term, annual, quarterly and monthly supply plans that determine the need for material resources and the sources of their receipt.

The initial data for developing a logistics plan are:

Planned volume of product output in assortment and range;

Information on market conditions for goods;

Progressive standards for the consumption of material resources;

Analysis of the consumption of material resources in the reporting period;

Changes in work in progress balances at the beginning and end of the planning period;

Plans for technical and organizational development, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, capital construction.

The logistics plan is the basis for concluding contracts with suppliers of relevant material resources.

When planning the need for material and technical resources, a number of calculation methods are used. Their choice is determined by the characteristics of the consumption of materials and the availability of relevant information. The most common of these methods are the direct counting method; methods based on taking into account data on the recipe composition of products, standard wear periods, and chemical reaction formulas.

The distinctive features of determining the need for equipment arise from the difference in its participation in the production process compared to materials. The equipment transfers its value to the finished product in parts and practically does not change its physical and chemical properties, and materials, after their consumption, lose their use value, turning into a newly created product, and completely transfer their value to it.

The choice of demand planning methods depends on the purpose of the equipment. The main areas of use of the equipment are:

Equipping production facilities under construction;

Replacement of physically and morally obsolete equipment;

Replenishment of the fleet of existing enterprises.

An integral part of the logistics plan is to determine the enterprise's need for material resources for the formation of production reserves of raw materials and supplies. Inventories of raw materials, materials and fuel should be minimal, but their size should ensure the normal course of the production process.

The size of the production inventory depends on:

From the amount of need for various types raw materials and supplies;

From the frequency of production of products by supplier enterprises;

From the frequency of launching raw materials and materials in production;

On the seasonality of supplies of materials;

On the ratio of transit and warehouse forms of supply;

On the size of transit deliveries.

The volume of stock is determined in physical terms, in days of production supply and in monetary terms.

Ensuring the uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of the enterprise requires the creation of a standard value of work in progress, due to the need to have a certain number of semi-finished products at each workplace, during their movement, in case of accidents and other unforeseen circumstances.

Maintaining work in progress at the level of the standard value is achieved by taking into account in the volume of output of the enterprise's workshops its changes at the beginning and end of the planned period. The amount of work in progress at the beginning of the planning period is calculated on the basis of data on its availability at the end of the reporting period. Determining the standard value of work in progress at the end of the planning period requires more careful calculations, since it depends on many factors. The standard value of work in progress is calculated in physical and value terms, taking into account the types of production and methods of its organization.

In mass production, the amount of work in progress is influenced by the following factors: the number of jobs; number of products simultaneously located at one workplace; method of transferring parts (assemblies) from one site to another; production plan and unit cost.

The main sources of covering the planned requirement for materials are the expected balances of materials at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources and the import of materials from outside.

Logistics support

Logistics - strategic management(management) procurement, supply, transportation and storage of materials, parts and finished equipment (equipment, etc.). The concept also includes the management of relevant information flows, as well as financial flows.

Logistics is aimed at optimizing costs and rationalizing the process of production, sales and related services, both within one enterprise and for a group of enterprises. Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities, various logistics systems are used.

A logistics system is a set of actions of participants in the logistics chain (manufacturers, transport, trade organizations, stores, etc.), built in such a way that the main tasks of logistics are performed.

The term is of foreign language origin, the Russian equivalent is supply(similarly, logistician - supplier).

Origin of the term

The term appeared originally in the Army Quartermaster Service. The term “logistics” itself comes from the Greek λόγος (logos) and was first used in treatises on the art of war by the Byzantine emperor Leo VI.

Military logistics

The most striking manifestation of military logistics was during the Second World War. The American military contingent, leading fighting in Europe, was fully provided by rear units from another continent. The joint and well-functioning work of the military industry, transport (aviation, sea and land transport) and logistics services after the end of the war gave impetus to the use of military logistics experience in the peaceful economy.

Nowadays, the concept of “military logistics” is still preserved in some countries, but in Russian the term “logistics” is now associated primarily with business.

Business logistics

According to economic understanding, logistics is the science of managing material, financial and information flows in an enterprise with the aim of optimizing them and reducing production costs.

Logistics systems are very diverse in terms of the scope of the enterprise’s activities (and in terms of the understanding of modern Russian management). For some, logistics is simply the ability to work with databases; for others, it is supply or warehouse activities. But according to its purpose (and its main purpose is to reduce costs subject to the fulfillment of planned tasks, and therefore increase the efficiency of production activities), logistics systems should cover almost all (except accounting, personnel, etc.) areas of activity.

The concept of logistics includes many subdisciplines: purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, information logistics and others.

Companies can develop their own logistics departments, or they can attract transport and logistics organizations to resolve supply, warehousing and procurement issues. Depending on the level of involvement of independent companies to solve business problems in logistics, different levels are distinguished: 1PL - from English. "first-party logistics"- an approach in which the organization solves logistics issues independently; 3PL from English. "third-party logistics"- an approach in which the full range of logistics services from delivery and address storage to order management and tracking the movement of goods is transferred to the side of the transport and logistics organization. The functions of such a 3PL provider include organizing and managing transportation, accounting and inventory management, preparation of import-export and freight documentation, warehousing, cargo processing, and delivery to the end consumer.

Purchasing logistics

Main article: Purchasing logistics

Main goal procurement logistics is to satisfy production with materials with maximum economic efficiency, quality and the shortest possible time. Purchasing logistics involves the search and selection of alternative manufacturing suppliers. The main methods of purchasing logistics are traditional and operational methods. The traditional method is carried out by supplying the required quantity of goods at a time, and the operational method as needed for the goods. An important part of purchasing logistics is supply planning based on inventory management.

Sales logistics

The goal of sales logistics (distribution logistics) is to ensure the delivery of goods to the right place at the right time at a certain cost. Closely related to the concept of sales logistics is the concept distribution channel- a set of various organizations that deliver goods to the consumer.

Transport logistics

The main task of transport logistics is to carry out planning activities and organize the delivery of material resources from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. Transport logistics is a system for organizing delivery, namely for moving any material objects, substances, etc. from one point to another along the optimal route. The optimal route is considered to be one along which it is possible to deliver a logistics object in the shortest possible time (or within the stipulated time frame) with minimal costs, as well as with minimal harm to the delivery object. Damage to the delivery item is considered negative impact to the logistics facility both from external factors (transportation conditions) and from the temporary factor during the delivery of objects falling under this category.

Transport logistics market participants

Inventory logistics

Inventory management policy consists of decisions - what to purchase or produce, when and in what volumes. It also includes decisions about the allocation of inventories to manufacturing enterprises and in distribution centers.

The second element of inventory management policy concerns strategy. You can manage the inventory of each distribution warehouse separately, or you can centrally (requires more coordination and information support)

Warehouse logistics

The main task of warehouse logistics is to optimize the business processes of acceptance, processing, storage and shipment of goods in warehouses. Warehouse logistics determines the rules for organizing warehousing, procedures for working with goods and the corresponding resource management processes (human, technical, information). For information and technical support of such processes, specialized warehouse management systems are used

Environmental logistics

Main article: Environmental logistics

Environmental logistics ensures the movement of material during any production processes up to its transformation into a marketable product and waste, followed by waste management until disposal or safe storage in environment. Environmental logistics also ensures the collection and sorting of waste generated by the consumption of commercial products, their transportation, disposal or safe storage in the environment. It allows you to radically clean large areas contaminated with unauthorized waste.

Lean logistics

The synthesis of logistics and lean concepts made it possible to create a pull system that unites all firms and enterprises involved in the value stream, in which partial replenishment of inventories in small batches occurs. The principles of Lean technology extend to the areas of logistics, management of warehouses, inventories and transport within enterprises, and then to the management of flows external to factories. Lean logistics uses the principle of total logistics cost, Total Logistics Cost, TLC, which allows:

  • Reduce inventories throughout the chain;
  • Reduce transportation and storage costs;
  • Establish logistics cooperation.

Other Applications

Recently, there has been a tendency to apply the principles of logistics not only in economics and finance, but also in the social field (social logistics): politics (political logistics), municipalities (municipal logistics), pedagogy (pedagogical or educational logistics), psychology (pedagogical psychologized logistics ), medicine (medical logistics) and demography demographic logistics); virtual logistics, city logistics, etc.

Problems solved by logistics

  1. choosing the type of vehicle;
  2. selection of vehicle type;
  3. determining routes;
  4. organization of cargo transportation;
  5. responsible storage in warehouse areas;
  6. formation of prefabricated orders;
  7. customs services

Logistics training

Logistics specialists are trained according to comprehensive program. Logistics training itself includes topics:

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations of logistics
  • Logistics management objects
  • Logistics functions
  • Basic logistics concepts and systems
  • Applied logistics applied to production processes
  • Applied logistics as applied to supply and purchasing
  • Applied logistics as applied to transport processes
  • Applied logistics as applied to warehousing and inventory management
  • Environmental logistics
  • Municipal logistics
  • Integrated Logistics
  • Lean logistics
  • Distribution policy and