Protective mask from paint. Classifications and characteristics of respirators for respiratory protection. Personal protective equipment

What are respirators intended for, their types, description and characteristics, how and in what way should they be put on, how do they protect the respiratory system, how to use them correctly, what are they needed for? In what situations is their use justified, and when is it simply useless? Let's try to figure it out.

Respirators are means that are designed to protect the respiratory system from aerosols, dust, smoke, fog or harmful (including carbon) gases.

Respirators can be classified as modern reliable means personal protection respiratory organs (RPE), which have come a long way from a primitive design to technological devices used in the most dangerous areas of human activity.

For the first time, the operating principle of respiratory protection was described and brought to life back in the 16th century. Then it was a cloth soaked in water, folded into several layers. This device helped to avoid powder smoke poisoning in the gun compartment of sea vessels.

A lot of time has passed since then, but the principle of operation of the device and the purpose of respirators have remained the basis of the method of its functioning.

With a huge variety of these products general principle the work can be described as follows:

  • Firstly, to prevent contamination of the respiratory organs, it isolates them from direct contact with the external polluted environment.
  • Secondly, depending on the type of respirator, it either provides a person with clean or purified air.
  • Thirdly, the equipment allows you to either exhale the used exhaust gas into the atmosphere or send it for processing for further use.

Device types

Let's look at what types of respirators there are and which one is best to use in different cases. According to the principle of operation, respirators can be divided into insulating and filtering, and for its intended purpose - on industrial and household.

In the first case, the difference lies in the source of air supply to the respiratory organs, in the second - in the design features and level of safety.

Self-contained respirators are built on the principle of complete autonomy and imply maximum safety for their owner.

These RPEs are often used in highly contaminated environments where filtration will not provide complete safety for humans. The disadvantage of this type is the limited supply of oxygen available to the owner of the equipment.

In turn, self-contained respirators are available in self-contained and hose versions:

  • Autonomous with a closed circuit, which implies complete isolation of the respiratory system from the external environment. The air exhaled by a person is sent to enrich it with oxygen for repeated repeated use;
  • Autonomous with an open circuit, which allows you to exhale used gas into the external environment;
  • Hose with continuous air supply;
  • Hose with supply as needed;
  • Hose with pressure supply.

Filtering respirators in their design they involve the process of purifying air taken from the external polluted environment. The degree of safety of such devices, in contrast to insulating ones, is lower.

However, these products confidently occupy their niche due to their long service life and low cost.

Based on the type of substances that these respirators are designed to combat, the following subtypes of filters are distinguished:

  • Anti-aerosol, allowing you to clean the air from aerosols sprayed in it, for example, smoke and dust;
  • Gas masks created to clean polluted air from harmful gases and vapors;
  • Combined(used against aerosols and gases).

Main design elements of a respirator:

  • Front part serves to isolate the respiratory organs from the external environment. There are respirators: full-face, half-mask and quarter-mask (depending on the size of the occupied part of the face);
  • Filter(for appropriate respirators);
  • Cylinder with forced supply of clean/purified air(for self-contained respirators).

There are additional design elements, but the main functions are performed by the parts of the RPE listed above.

Sanitary standards and tests

Research into RPE has been going on for decades. The production protection factor (SP) is assessed, showing the concentration ratio harmful substances in the environment to the concentration of these substances under the mask.

In foreign tests, attention is often paid to the effective protection coefficient, an indicator closer to real conditions, obtained by periodically depressurizing a respirator mask in contaminated conditions.

The equipment under test can be divided into 3 groups with the following efficiency:

  • Products with low short circuit, operating effectively when the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in the atmosphere is exceeded by no more than 10 times;
  • Devices with medium short circuit, allowing you to be in an environment where the maximum permissible concentration is 10-100 times higher;
  • Products with high short circuit(for use when the maximum permissible concentration is exceeded by more than 100 times).

In Russia, personal respiratory protection equipment, including respirators, is covered by about 100 state standards(GOST) and sanitary and epidemiological standards (SanPiN). They describe classification and labeling rules, methods for determining qualitative and quantitative reliability indicators, performance assessment, technical requirements and so on.

Industrial gas masks protect the face, eyes and respiratory tract from damaging factors in the vapor and aerosol state, as well as in the gas phase. You can find out more detailed information about industrial gas masks.

It is necessary to select a respirator based on the purpose of its use.. In the simplest cases, gauze soaked in water or disposable respirators are suitable.

If you will be in a very dusty area, for example, during construction and finishing work, it is recommended to use anti-aerosol devices with replaceable filters (by choosing full-face masks, you also reduce the risk of eye injury).

If, when carrying out finishing work, in addition to dust, you will encounter caustic paints in large quantities, it is recommended to use combined products with anti-aerosol and anti-gas filters.

Thus, filtering RPE will be useful under conditions of normal oxygen concentration in the atmosphere. In areas without sufficient oxygen concentration, the use of self-contained devices is required.

It's important to remember that great value has not only the quality of the equipment, but also the correct operation.

General instructions for use

General rules for using a respirator can be described as follows:

Need to be be especially careful with checking functionality. If the mask of the device is not tightly pressed to the face, and the design is designed for maximum tightness, the respirator will not be able to isolate the respiratory organs from the external environment, thus filtering contaminated air will no longer help.

RPE storage conditions must also be appropriate. A dark, dry room with normal humidity is suitable. You should be careful about safety by regularly replacing expired equipment with new ones.

Safety first

In conclusion, it is worth saying that, although respirators cannot provide 100% safety to their owner, these PPE remain in high demand in the personal safety equipment market.

These devices have found popularity in a variety of areas: from construction sites for dust protection to industrial enterprises with an increased risk of toxic poisoning. You should always think about your safety and be prepared for unpleasant surprises.

In conclusion, we present to your attention a video review about respirators. In this video, the expert will show and talk about the 3M 6200 and 7500 protective masks.

Inga Vasilyeva

Expert in the selection of protective equipment


One of the most common means of personal respiratory protection is a respirator. This relatively simple device can prevent contaminated air from entering the organs of the human bronchopulmonary system, thereby ensuring safe conditions work. And improved models are equipped with other options, for example, forced supply of clean and chemical purification of exhaled air. When choosing respirators, you should consider many different factors, which we will discuss in detail in this article.

What is a respirator?

To date it has been developed huge amount models of respirators with different designs. The simplest of them is a disposable half mask, which is fixed in the nose and mouth area with straps. To make such a half mask, several layers of materials are used, the structure or electrostatic charge of which helps to retain small particles on its surface.

Example. Respirator L-200is a lightweight, multi-layer fabric half mask without a valve. Air filtration is carried out due to the electrostatic action of the materials used.

An exhalation valve can be located in the center of the half mask, which can significantly reduce the humidity and temperature inside the respirator.

Example.The MOLDEX 2365 respirator (Classic series) is a multi-layer half mask with a polypropylene filter layer. The respirator is equipped with a Ventex® - Valve exhalation valve.

The most effective are half masks made of plastic or rubber and equipped with one or two replaceable filters. To ensure an optimal fit of the half mask to the face, they are equipped with an adjustable headband.

Example. The body of the RPG-67 respirator is made of hardened rubber. The outlet valve ensures free inhalation and exhalation. Two replaceable DOT filters prevent harmful vapors and gases from entering the respiratory system. The elastic, adjustable headboard ensures the tightest fit of the half mask to the face.

A full face mask is another type of respirator. It completely covers the face and has a transparent body that provides a panoramic view. The mask is equipped with an outlet valve, as well as one or more filters. Some models provide the ability to connect a forced air supply system.

Example. The PPM-88 mask is made of elastomer, equipped with two gas filters and an exhalation valve. The impact-resistant fiberglass lens provides a panoramic view.

Areas of application of respirators

Medical respirators designed to protect the respiratory organs of medical personnel from harmful chemical and biological factors that contribute to the occurrence of somatic disease.

Industrial respirators necessary to work on manufacturing enterprises and in organizations where the air is saturated with harmful vapors, gases, aerosol particles or dust.

Military respirators are used to protect the respiratory organs, face and eyes of military personnel from toxic substances, ground and radioactive dust.

Household respirators prevent construction and household dust and aerosol particles from entering the respiratory system without releasing toxic gases and vapors.

Fire respirators used by units fire department in an environment unsuitable for breathing.

In addition, the respirator is an integral part of the equipment emergency rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations performing work to eliminate accidents and their consequences at industrial enterprises. They are also issued to the civilian population at PPE distribution points during fires, terrorist attacks or industrial accidents.

Isolating or filtering?

Depending on the method of supplying air to the respiratory organs and removing used air, respirators are divided into filtering and isolating. The principle of operation of the former is based on the purification of inhaled air by filtration. The filter element can be an integral part of the half mask, or located in special cartridges attached to the half mask.

Particles of dust, gases, and vapors consist of different molecules. If dust can be retained using a fibrous structure or electrostatic discharge, then sorbents and catalysts are needed to retain vapors and gases. Consequently, fundamentally different filters (or a combination of filters) are used for filtering respirators for different purposes. And the respirators themselves are divided into three types:

· anti-dust;

· gas masks;

· universal (gas-dust-proof).

Moreover, they can be intended for single or multiple use. And each type of filter is classified according to the degree of efficiency, is subject to mandatory testing and is marked accordingly.

Insulating models are designed in such a way that air is supplied only by injection or through special manipulations. Unlike filters, they have a more complex design and can be autonomous or hose-based. The principle of operation of self-contained respirators is based on complete or partial isolation of the respiratory system from the external environment. For breathing, clean air from the breathing bag is used. The exhaled air enters the regenerative cartridge, where it is purified, saturated with oxygen and again becomes suitable for breathing, that is, the device operates in a closed circuit. Some models of self-contained respirators operate on the open circuit principle, when the used exhaled gas is not purified, but enters the external environment.

Hose respirators are designed in such a way that air compressed by a compressor to high pressure or rarefied air is used for breathing. Depending on the model of the respirator, air can be supplied continuously, as needed, or only when excess pressure is exceeded.

What is filter activity class?

Each respirator model has its own FFP filter activity class. There are three of them in total. The higher the class, the higher the ability of the respirator to retain harmful impurities in the filter material. To determine which class a respirator belongs to, you need to know the MPC readings (maximum permissible concentration of impurities in the air) and the maximum concentration of impurities.

How not to make a mistake when choosing respirators?

If the choice of respirators for domestic use is quite simple (often the simplest disposable respirator will do), then the selection of RPE for industrial production must be approached thoroughly. It is important to take into account not only the types and sources of air pollution, but also the degree of concentration of harmful impurities, as well as the degree of their impact on human health.

In order to correctly determine which respirator of which class of filtering activity will be the most effective, it is necessary to determine the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the premises where the work is to be performed. So, in rooms of average dust content with a maximum permissible concentration of 2 mg/m 3, with a good ventilation system, it is enough to use a simple, filtering respirator in the form of a half mask.

Example. The Spiro 111 respirator belongs to the first class of filtering activity and is suitable for working in conditions of dust, smoke and fog with a maximum permissible concentration of no more than 4 mg/cub.m.

Working in confined, poorly ventilated spaces, where the maximum permissible concentration exceeds 0.5 mg/m 3, requires respiratory protection with a FFP2 class respirator.

Example. The 3M 9926 respirator belongs to the second class of filtering activity, as it is capable of preventing up to 94% of gas, dust and aerosol impurities from entering the respiratory system at their maximum concentration of 12 MAC.

In particularly dangerous and hazardous industries with a high concentration of toxic impurities, it is better to use isolating respirators with a chemical air purification system, an intercom and a sound indicator that notifies the expiration date.

Example. It has a panoramic view glass, an intercom, a self-tightening headband and belongs to the highest class of filtering activity, as it retains up to 99.97% of impurities at their maximum concentration of 200 MPC.

It is also important to understand that in conditions of high toxicity and when working with potent poisons, the use of a respirator is not allowed. In this case, it is necessary to use more effective RPE, such as a gas mask.

The effectiveness of a respirator depends not only on its technical characteristics, but also on how convenient it is to use. The edges of the mask (or half-mask) should fit snugly to the face and not cause discomfort. Nothing should interfere with smooth, free breathing. To do this, most modern respirators are equipped with a seal - a device that regulates the movement of air inside the mask during inhalation and exhalation.

Providing RPE is the employer’s task

Providing workers with personal protective equipment is strictly regulated by the Constitution and is confirmed Labor Code Russian Federation. The rules for issuing RPE, as well as the degree of responsibility and the basic principles of control are reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 290 dated 06/01/2009. Workers of which professions and positions require mandatory and free issuance of RPE can be found out from the Model Standards. However, the employer has every right to improve the protection of its workers and use more effective or additional PPE.

When hiring, the employer is obliged to organize employee training and training on the use of a respirator, and conduct appropriate instructions. Practice shows that right choice respirators and their correct use by trained workers reduces the likelihood of harm to health to almost zero.

It is carried out in a special chamber equipped with technical means that provide all the conditions for an ideal paint coating and the safety of painters. The dimensions of the chamber depend on the type of equipment being processed.

Lighting, ventilation system and compliance state requirements fire safety are the same everywhere and are mandatory. metal structures are at risk of poisoning by harmful vapors and impurities contained in dyes. To avoid intoxication, it is necessary to use protective clothing: overalls, gloves, shoes, respirator and goggles.

Features of material for workwear

Overalls for painting are made from lint-free materials. This is necessary to ensure that toxic substances do not get from the sterile chamber into environment. Many modern paints are made from environmentally friendly products, for example, powder products, but their use is only possible in private services due to the complexity of the polymerization process.

Coating with a regular paint and varnish substance does not require heat chambers and is quite feasible at home. For each item of clothing there are certain rules:

  • Clothes for painting must match general requirements state standards. In most cases, nylon and viscose with the addition of polymers are used. Filament polyester fabrics with carbon threads are relevant. This composition provides complete absence static effect and protection against contact of chemical solutions with the skin. The shape of the jumpsuit is the same, completely covering the legs, body and arms (up to the wrists), as well as the head (except the face). A tight hood is wrapped around the head, keeping it out and vice versa.
  • Gloves are developed from vinyl chloride compounds and latex. They protect the skin of the hands well and are resistant to chemicals. Latex gloves fit tightly to the hands and do not interfere with the painter’s painting. Rubber products are practically unable to protect the skin from chemicals, so their use in the field of painting work is not recommended.
  • Shoes are made from high-quality leather, paying special attention to the toe. The front part of the low shoes should be harder to avoid injury to the painter when heavy objects hit the foot and the formation of burns from acid solutions.
  • A respirator for car painting or filter half masks are the most important element in workwear. The health of the painter depends on the quality of these products, since even a small breath of toxic fumes harms the respiratory system. The main part is a replaceable carbon filter material made of hypoallergenic materials.

Cost of workwear

The market price of a complete set of protective clothing for painting booths is 2,500 rubles. The price varies depending on the material. You can find a complete set for less money, but in this case you need to carefully study the quality of the product.

The overalls can be made of cotton fabrics, but a respirator is not enough to protect the face and respiratory tract. The permeability of the material and its resistance to chemicals must be carefully checked.

Conditions of spray booths

Even with good ventilation The camera operator is at great risk. Constantly staying in a room filled with harmful fumes has a serious impact on an employee's health. It is important to regularly change the filters in your respirator to ensure unobstructed air access to your lungs. Hazardous conditions may include:

  1. Aggressive effects on the skin of dyes and solvents.
  2. Impact of impurities on internal systems organs.
  3. Fire hazard when working with explosive materials.
  4. Insufficient respiratory protection when painting (in rare cases).

Some cameras do not solve problems with lighting, which can also cause defects in painting and negative factors for the health of the operator. Special suits perform two tasks: protecting the skin and organs and preventing particles of lint and hair from getting onto the sticky painted surface of the structure.

If the overalls do not have a hood, the painter must wear a protective antistatic cap. Without this attribute, entry into the painting booth is prohibited.

Features of protective equipment for the spray booth

Overalls not only protect human health, but also allow the product to be painted properly, in compliance with all sanitary standards. It is imperative that there are no foreign dirt particles in the air that can easily attach to the surface of the structure. The protective suit for painting should be designed in such a way as to provide maximum comfort to the camera operator.

Overalls for painting work

The material for reusable use of such parts of workwear is more economical and effective than the use of non-woven disposable suits. They are resistant to regular cleaning and disinfection and do not wear out even after prolonged use. The jumpsuit hides almost the entire surface of the body with the exception of the face, hands and feet.

overalls for painting

The inside of the suit is upholstered with natural cotton, which allows moisture to evaporate evenly, thereby providing the painter with comfortable working conditions. Sweat leaves the surface of the body, but hard dirty particles remain because the outer material is too dense. The advantages of overalls include:

  • The zipper runs along the entire length of the product, making it easier to put on and take off.
  • It is almost impossible to tear such a suit.
  • High temperatures do not cause the overalls to melt.
  • Quick and safe cleaning: place the suit in a solvent for a while.
  • Elastics are sewn into the hood, wrists, waist and ankles to ensure a snug fit of the material to the skin.


A respirator is a means of protecting the respiratory organs from the entry of dangerous impurities into them. The use of aerosols when painting cars and other structures has a negative impact on human health. It is strictly prohibited to be in painting booths without a respirator.

A complete mask, complete with an eye protection element, can also serve as filtering equipment. A popular respirator model is the “MSA”, the main purpose of which is to protect the respiratory system from smoke and gases.

Respirators for painting vary in the number of uses: single-use and reusable. In the latter, it is recommended to change filters after each use. Before applying the product, it is necessary to disinfect the inside with special wipes.

Protective masks for painting are also sanitized. New models have the ability to connect to an air complex that supplies clean air to the mask - important for the process of color spraying.

Any type of respirator is certified and has detailed instructions by application. Given protective agent selected depending on the conditions of the spray booth. Models of masks and respirators are different:

  • The folding form can be vertical or horizontal.
  • The material is suitable for people suffering from allergic reactions.
  • Masks have different shapes, which helps in choosing the maximum degree of reliability.


A painting suit may include a separate respirator that filters contaminated air and safety glasses. There are combined models - masks. The glasses are made from durable hypoallergenic materials that prevent fogging and provide good visibility.

The shape of the glasses should be streamlined for a better fit to the face. Glass does not allow vapors and harmful gases to pass through, thereby protecting the eye organs.

On the inside, the glasses have rubberized inserts that adhere to the front part and prevent the penetration of dangerous impurities. The composition of the glasses provides a high level of impact resistance and resistance to harsh aggressive solutions. A ventilation system is required.


The paint booth operator must wear protective latex gloves. They protect the skin of your hands from harmful effects abrasives. “Long-term work with coloring agents causes irritation and itching over time, so it is necessary to take additional care of your hands using glycerin creams and ointments.” The structure of the gloves is made in such a way that the master practically does not feel them on himself. Work becomes more convenient and faster. Workwear gloves have the following properties:

  • Good fit to the skin ensures ease of use.
  • Special inserts on the fingertips also make the painting process easier.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Resistant to paints, solvents and chemicals.

When working with gasoline and different types of resins, it is recommended to use gloves made from natural materials. This element of workwear is a thin layer that protects the skin of the hands from the harmful effects of paints.

Apply a mixture of several simple ingredients and allow to dry until completely hardened. Wearing natural gloves does not constrain your hands, so painting is much easier and more convenient. The composition of biological gloves includes:

  • glycerol;
  • casein;
  • ethanol;
  • aqueous ammonia.

At home, you can prepare such a solution yourself. The paste should be spread from the fingers and along the arm to the elbow line.


Safety boots are a must-have piece of clothing for a paint booth operator, as they protect their feet from hazardous solutions and heavy objects. There should be a tight insert at the toe line of the boot for safe operation. The height of the shoes is standard and reaches above the ankle. Any boot material can be used, but it must have good breathability and elasticity.

The sole of the safety boots has a metal plate that prevents acids from contacting the skin of the foot. Ordinary rubber is not suitable here, as it cannot perform this function.

Sometimes a steel plate is installed in the toe. The spray booth operator must provide all conditions for quality work. This applies not only to the body, but also to the legs, so it is advisable to wear socks made of natural cotton, which provide the best air circulation.

A set of protective clothing is a mandatory requirement of sanitary and hygienic standards. Neglect of safety measures can harm not only the health of the company’s employees, but also the company’s reputation.

Do you want to know everything about car painting? Read more useful articles:

  • . We paint with pleasure.
  • . You need to know this.
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Enterprise employees various industries industry, utilities, construction and other fields of activity are often forced to work in conditions of high levels of harmful gases, vapors, aerosols and dust in the air, which, if they enter the body, negatively affect health. It is important to find a supplier of quality products that can provide complete air filtration.

Vostok-Service offers a wide range of respirators for respiratory protection against various types pollution!

They prevent harmful gases and chemical compounds, poisons, as well as biological pollutants and other types of impurities from entering the human body: metal (iron, lead, steel, cast iron, copper, etc.), mineral (emery, coal, glass, cement, lime; elements of fertilizers and pigments, etc.), plant (cotton, hemp, wood, flour, tobacco, sugar, etc.), animal (horn, wool, bone, down, etc.)

Range of respirators

Anti-aerosol. Protects against harmful substances contained in the atmosphere in the form of smoke, dust or fog. They are used on construction sites, in mines and other objects with a high degree of dust.

Gas masks.Protect from gaseous pollutants. They are used at chemical industry facilities, workshops, etc. Products for protection against risk groups are marked in several colors. The color depends on what the PPE is used against: brown - from organic gases and vapors that boil at temperatures above +65°C, gray - from inorganic gases, in addition to carbon monoxide, yellow - from acidic ones, green - from ammonia and its derivatives.

Anti-gas aerosol. They are equipped with two filters and protect against both gaseous and spray substances. They are used in places where the air is both dusty and chemically polluted, for example, in auto repair shops. Combined respirators are multi-colored: a white stripe indicates the presence of an anti-aerosol filter, and one or more colored stripes indicate a gas filter.

How does it work?

The respirator is a multi-layer filtering half mask with or without an exhalation valve, with a nose clip and a headband made of two fixing elastic bands. The principle of operation depends on the design. Models of the first type protect workers with the help of an electrostatic filter, which attracts aerosol particles, and models of the second and third - with the help of carbon, which has sorbing properties and protects against organic fumes, ozone, acids, alkalis, etc. RPE options with an exhalation valve create comfortable working conditions: it is easier to breathe in them due to the fact that condensation does not accumulate in the mask.

How to choose the right respirator?

To correctly select and purchase personal protective equipment (PPE), it is necessary to assess the risk of exposure to respiratory organs. The following factors are taken into account:

  • the level of oxygen content in the air throughout the work;
  • type of harmful substances present in the air;
  • form of pollution: dust, steam, fog, fibers, smoke, microorganisms, gases, including radioactive ones;
  • the degree of impact of pollution on the human body;
  • maximum possible concentration of pollution;
  • MAC norm or safe concentration level for polluting particles;
  • the possibility of other dangerous situations related to the ongoing technological process: sparking, splash of dangerous elements, fire, etc.

Unlike the result of painting, which can be corrected even with the most tragic outcome, restoring human health is not easy, and sometimes impossible. Tons of paints and solvents pass through the paint booth, most of which actively interact with the air—the protective material of a car painting respirator separates the painter from all this chemicals. By the way, sanitary norms and standards individual funds protections were developed back in 1974 by employees of the Institute of Labor Protection of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions. Since then " Sanitary rules painting works" have undergone minimal changes.

Harmful substances

Directly during paint application, the main danger is the base of the enamel and varnish, and during drying - solvent vapors. This is due to the application method, since when a substance is sprayed, especially under high pressure, part of it is reflected from the surface and hangs in the air in the form of fog. The higher the pressure and the closer the spray gun nozzle is to the surface, the less paint remains on the car body, and in some systems up to 60-70% of the substance can be retained in the air. Those. Painting with a roller and paint is safer, although the quality leaves much to be desired.

The most dangerous substances in the paint itself are isocyanates, the vapors of which pose a danger already at a concentration of 0.1 ppm - 5-10 minutes without sufficient ventilation. Not all isocyanates and related substances are dangerous, and solvents can cause more harm. The most harmful among them are benzene, carbon disulfide and benzene derivatives (toluene and xylene). Contact with them cannot be avoided, but it is advisable to minimize it.

The lack of solvent in the system is also not a reason to remove the respirator. Hardeners based on amides and isocyanates (the most popular substances) can cause irreparable harm to health. Because of this, care must also be taken with polyurethane and epoxy materials.

Personal protective equipment

The easiest way to get rid of harmful substances is to filter them. It is this principle that all filter masks use, although their design varies markedly. A standard filtering respirator is a half mask that covers the respiratory tract with a special element optimized for certain operating conditions:

  • Anti-dust filters.
  • Universal.
  • Gas.

In its simplest form, the filter is a paper mask (U2-K) or soft porous material, secured to the head with garters. This protection has its own name - “Petal”. It’s difficult to call these filters reusable: paper ones cannot be used for painting work, but foam rubber ones are enough for 1-3 paintings if the car is painted in a ventilated area.

Filtering respirators

A conventional filter element only retains suspended dust, but you need a design that can absorb different types harmful aerosols. An example is the RU-60M, which has a classic design in which one slot is used for different types of aerosol filters. Each filter comes with its own instructions on which substances it can protect against and for how long. Unfortunately, there are no universal filters for the quality of protection and geometric parameters, i.e. 3M filters cannot be screwed onto a mask made by another company. Accordingly, the price of such protection must be considered with an eye to the future.

It’s easy to guess that the cheapest options are offered by Chinese suppliers and Russian manufacturers. A striking example of this is the RPG-67, which has already become a household name. Based on this mask, several modern means protection, costing around 300-500 rubles, but they cannot be compared with ZM products either in terms of durability or convenience.

So what is the difference between the RPG-67 and the 3M-6000/7500? There is a European standard for determining the degree of protection of the filter element - EN-149:2001. According to this certification system, three protection classes are distinguished:

  • FFP1 – MPC of a substance more than 2 mg/m³, with a dispersed phase concentration not exceeding 8 mg/m³ (plaster work, non-toxic dust).
  • FFP2 – MPC more than 0.05 mg/m³, with a dispersion concentration not exceeding 0.5 mg/m³ (asbestos and coal dust, toxic substances in the form of dust - welding, soldering, simple painting).
  • FFP3 - MPC less than 0.05 mg/m³, with a dispersion concentration not higher than 1.5 mg/m³ (cadmium, antimony, lead - painting work, soldering with acids, lead, etc.).

Self-contained respirators

No matter how effective a respirator is for working with car paintwork, there is always a concentration that can overcome this protection. In addition, carbon filters work well with most substances, but do not filter isocyanides well. The only way out when there is a high concentration of such substances in the air is complete isolation of the respiratory system.

Insulating systems correspond to the maximum expected degree of protection (EPL) - 50-10000. The NOS of filter masks corresponds to levels 5-50. Prices are high even for ventilated masks, but they can be made by upgrading the RPG-67 respirator: by connecting an air supply from a compressor to it through any vinyl hose of a suitable size.