Presentation of the month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work “For Faith, Kuban and Fatherland!” presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic. Presentation for the report at the school's pedagogical council "Military - Patriotic Education of Students" Presentation

Presentation of the project “month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work “For Faith, Kuban and Fatherland!”
MDOU - kindergarten No. 3 combined type Stanitsa Starovelichkovskaya
Patriotic education of preschool children is relevant in modern society, contributes to the unification and cohesion of our people. Defense of the Fatherland Day is close and understandable to children preschool age, because it implements a fairly simple, clear idea, known to them from fairy tales - the idea of ​​​​the confrontation between good and evil and the final victory of good. This holiday develops and strengthens a sense of justice in children, helps them understand their national identity, the peculiarity of the history of their country, and encourages them to love their homeland and loved ones.
Having drawn attention to the fact that older preschoolers suffer from a lack of knowledge about the history of their native village, do not feel their roots and do not feel attached to native land or move away from it, this already depends on the circumstances of life and upbringing, so the teachers decided to organize project activities to solve this problem. Project goal: To educate children’s patriotic feelings. Realize your national identity, the peculiarity of the history of your country. Encourage you to love your Motherland and loved ones.
Objectives: to cultivate love for the Motherland, interest in its heroic history; to form a sense of pride in warriors - defenders; to cultivate love and respect for war veterans, to evoke a desire to be like them; expand children's musical horizons. Develop interest in songs created during the days of the Great Patriotic War, introduce songs about the war created after the Victory, show the relationship between poetry and music; expand children’s understanding of human feelings and their expression in music and painting. To introduce children to the genre of narrative - historical art - posters; to teach them to convey the mood and content of musical works in movements and drawings.
Project type: creative, interdisciplinary. Dates: January–February 2016 Project manager: music director: Yaroshenko L.P. Project participants: senior preparatory teachers, middle groups, speech therapist Marchenko O.A., teacher of a short-term group Lebedeva N. E., children and parents of groups. Product of the project activity: conducting musical and physical education entertainment; an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “Together with Dad”; exhibition of handicrafts Military equipment (joint activity of parents and children); laying flowers at the eternal flame; excursion to the Museum of "Military Glory" st. Starovelichkovskaya, excursion to the library of the station. Starovelichkovskaya, “Thank you for a happy childhood!” congratulations to WWII veterans at home.
By introducing children to the musical heritage of our people, we instill in them a sense of patriotism, which is inseparable from instilling a sense of national pride.
The theme “Defenders of the Fatherland” is of particular importance within the framework of moral and patriotic education. This topic is very loved by children, especially since the bulk of our students are boys. Songs on this topic are easily remembered by children. Particularly popular among them are “Good Soldiers”, music. A. Filippenko and “We will serve in the army”, music. Yu. Chichkova. Speaking about the defenders of our Motherland, we cannot ignore the theme of the Great Victory. In this topic, we reveal to children the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier, introducing them to songs of those times and about those times.
Victory Day is a holiday that unites Russians more than others and contributes to the revival of the spirit of patriotism and love for their Motherland. Year after year it becomes more difficult to convey to the consciousness of modern children the events of those heroic years. And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by them, but passed through children's perception, they play a large role in the development of personality.
Laying flowers at the Eternal Flame
A trip to the Museum of Military Glory
Congratulations to WWII veterans
Role-playing, outdoor games
Examination of army photo albums of fathers of pupils. Exhibition of children's drawings
DIY crafts (master class with dads)
Memo for parents1. If you want to raise your child to be a worthy person and citizen, do not speak ill of the country in which you live.2. Tell your child about the trials your ancestors faced, from which they emerged with honor.3. Introduce your child to the memorable and historical places of your homeland.4. Even if you really don’t want to go with your child to a museum or exhibition on a weekend, remember that the sooner and more regularly you do this while your child is small, the more likely it is that he will visit cultural institutions in adolescence and in youth.5. Remember that the more you express dissatisfaction with every day you live, the more pessimism and dissatisfaction with life your child will express.6. When you communicate with your child, try not only to evaluate his educational and psychological problems, but also the positive aspects of his life (who helps and supports him, who he would like to make friends with and why, what interesting moments there were in kindergarten).7. Support your child’s desire to show himself on the positive side, never say to him such words and expressions as “Keep your head down!”, “Sit quietly!”, “Don’t show initiative, it is punishable!” etc. 8. Watch with him programs and films that tell about people who glorified the country in which you live, positively assess their contribution to society.9. Do not cultivate indifference in your child, it will turn against you.10. Discover in your child the ability to show positive emotions as early as possible; they will become your hope in old age.
Working with parents
Consultations: “The role of family traditions and customs in the upbringing of the younger generation” “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through music” “Formation of a civic-patriotic position in preschool children”
“How Baba Yaga saw Leshik off to the army” musical and physical education entertainment. The theme “Defenders of the Fatherland” is of particular importance within the framework of moral and patriotic education. In this topic, we reveal to children the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier, cultivate the desire to defend their Motherland, and imitate the strength and courage of the Russian soldier.
When we remembered last year’s 70th anniversary of Victory Day, we realized that in general we can say that the behavior of the guys showed how much respect they had for Victory Day, love for their country and their family.
Preschoolers have developed a natural interest in the history of their homeland and family. The children independently began the last stage - interviewing their parents about the war and the fate of their relatives who fought. Everyone wanted to know more about the involvement of family members in the liberation of Russia from the enemy
Looking at our guys, we can say with confidence that the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War will not die!
Designed a presentation on the project Musical director: Yaroshenko Larisa Petrovna Templates for presentations were created by: Shchedrova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of the preschool educational institution No. 16 “Rosinka”, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Report on the month of mass defense and military-patriotic work “Kuban is the land of military and military glory”

Since January 25, teachers of senior preschool age groups have held conversations on the topics: “Branches of the Armed Forces,” “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland,” “Military glory of our people,” “About the Day of Defender of the Fatherland...

Summary of direct educational activities (on the implementation of additional education for pupils of preparatory school group MBDOU No. 54, (within the framework of the month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work

Goal: enriching children's understanding of the life and everyday life of the Kuban Cossacks from the position of developing personality traits (strength, courage, dexterity, toughening, etc.). Objectives: - to cultivate patriotic feelings...

Opening of a month of patriotic education dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in elementary school.


education of civic and patriotic qualities in schoolchildren.


Formation of spiritual and moral values;

- instilling a sense of pride in one’s homeland

Intensifying interest in studying the history of the Russian army;

Increasing the prestige of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Respect to the exploits of the Soviet and Russian soldier;

Good afternoon. Our ceremonial meeting is dedicated to the opening of the month of military-patriotic work. slide1

Music is playing

Presenters slide 2

1Every person living on the planet feels a sense of pride in their homeland, their people and country, their land and its history

2. RUSSIA!!! The greatest and most beautiful country in the world!

You give birth to heroes who give you glory.

1.Nothing compares to your beauty. With your endless expanses and

narrow rivers, with your sunrises and sunsets.

2. All this lives and breathes with one name - Russia (together)

Peoples live as one big family, slide 3

The country of Russia is strong, like granite

On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

A Russian army soldier is standing.

We are not afraid of any bad weather!

The country has a reliable shield -

Guarding peace, happiness and freedom.

Soldier Russian Army costs.

slide 4

Presenter 1 In 2015, our country celebrates the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 2 So many years have passed, but the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the people’s memory.

Presenter 1 Today we are obliged to remember how it was.

Dramatization slides 5-6

Peacetime, beginning of war, gathering

Leading. The peaceful labor of millions of people was disrupted. The Great Patriotic War began. The entire people, young and old, rose up to defend their Motherland.

From the endless Siberian plain
To Polesie forests and swamps
The heroic people rose up,
Our great Soviet people.
He came out, free and right,
Responding war to war,
Stand up for your native state,
For our mighty country!

Girls songand boys« Ah, war..." slides 7-8

Presenter 1

Every day of the war at the front and in the rear was a feat, a manifestation of perseverance, courage and courage Soviet people, loyalty to the Motherland. slide 9

The thirteenth day of the war is roaring.
There is no respite either at night or during the day.
Explosions rise, rockets blind,
And there is not a second for silence.

It’s scary to imagine how the guys fight!
Rushing into the twentieth, thirtieth battle
For every house, path, arable land,
For every hillock that is painfully different...

Neither the deaths nor the number of attacks can be counted,
Fatigue weighed down my legs...
And it seems, take at least one more step,
And you'll drop dead by the road...

A haze fell on the forest like soot...
Well, where is the victory and the hour of reckoning?!
Every bush and trunk
Exhausted soldiers fell asleep...

Eh, if only the fearless fighters of the country knew,
To the deathly tired soldiers of the platoon,
Why wait for no help, no silence?
No need. And what about the end of the war
Not days, but four huge years.

Songboys "Oh, roads..."slide 10

Leading 2 Our soldiers performed many feats during the Great Patriotic War. The young guys sacrificed themselves for this long-awaited Victory. Many of them did not return home... slide 11

Burnt soviet tank- direct hit,
And in the tank, the commander was seriously wounded.
The armor is hot, there is a flame from under the engine,
And nothing is visible through the viewing slot.

The tankman saved the commander from the tank,
A twenty-year-old guy, handsome and broad-shouldered.
He lowered his older comrade to the ground,
In the heat of the moment, he did not notice that the enemy was watching him.

The fascist on a powerful “tiger” was waiting for them, unarmed.
He drove up slowly, stubbornly, mockingly,
And they would be crushed under the tracks of the colossus -
The fighter was not at a loss and jumped into his car.

She still burned, breathed and lived,
She still endured, as if she was waiting.
Here the young driver touched the levers
And, having rammed the “tiger”, he killed his enemies!

There were battles at sea and on land, slide 12

Shots roared all around.

Singing the song "Katyusha"

Near Rostov, Kursk and Orel.

Oh, you song, a song of fire,

Let your enemies tremble.

You sound, sound, without stopping,

Help us win quickly.

And the shells fly into the thick darkness,

And the sky is painted with fire.

We defend our native country

And “Katyusha” sings to us in battle!

perform the song "Katyusha"

Leading1 During the harsh days of the war, children fought alongside adults.Slide 13

Presenter 2Schoolchildren collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, were on duty on the roofs of houses during air raids,

Presenter 1they worked on collective farm fields, in hospitals, and organized concerts for wounded soldiers.

We were 10 years old then
We remember the night of the war:
There is not a light in the windows.
They are darkened.
Who only lived 10 years
Will remember forever
How, after extinguishing the trembling light,
There were trains.
In the darkness the troops were transported to the front,
And at night the train without a whistle
I left the stations.

Song “In a distant, anxious, war year” slide 14

Presenter 1 slide 15

And now the great long-awaited day has come - Victory Day! People waited 1418 days and nights for this holiday.

Presenter 2

Soviet soldiers walked and crawled thousands of kilometers, liberating our land from the enemy.

Presenter 1

They reached the lair of the fascists - the Reichstag. The countries of Europe were also liberated from fascism.

On the ninth day of jubilant May, slide 16

When silence fell on the ground

The news rushed from edge to edge

The world has won! The war is over!

The windows were no longer darkened anywhere

In the smoky cities of Europe.

Victory was bought at the price of blood,

May the globe always remember this!

Song “Spring of Victory” with dramatization slide 17

Presenters and readers come out (5 people) slide 18

Presenter 1Remember the war, even if it is distant and foggy.
As the years go by, commanders retire.
Presenter 2Remember the war! This, really, is not strange at all -
Remember everything that once concerned us all.

And you won’t be able to forget the war

New losses await the country:

Death of young Afghan soldiers

And Chechnya is in powder smoke.

We live in a troubled world

But it's not our fault

What do the words sound like on the air:

“Terrorism”, “Aggression”, “war”...

We are the children of a free and peaceful country,

Our great people do not want war.

And our mothers and our fathers -

Fighters for peace, for freedom, for happiness.

We are studying at school

Growing poplars

We love hiking

Into the forests and fields.

Any path in life is open to us,

We want to grow under a calm sky!

Minute of silence

Dance "Cranes" slide 20

Student Life will pass, but this will not be erased,
Sons swear allegiance to the Motherland.
It's cloudy, but it's like the sun is out,
So the soldiers' eyes are enlightened.

Student I swear tirelessly everywhere slide 21
Protect your birthmarks,
I will be your worthy son,
Mother of a soldier, my homeland.

Student I swear by reliable protection
Overshadow you in any battle.
I will not give offense to any enemies
Soldier's mother - my homeland.

Student Let there be peace, so that day after day

We study at our desks,

So that our knowledge later

Give to the Fatherland, Motherland.

Student We are against grief and war,

We want to grow up happy!

Let the sun shine from above

Over cities, fields.

Song “You live, my Russia” slide 22

Sources: Zhirenko O.E. Obukhova L.A. “The holiday is an expected miracle!” The best extracurricular activities, VAKO LLC, 2008

Methodical journal Tips for the teacher No. 2 RO IPK and PRO Rostov-on-Don 2010

The life of society today poses the most serious challenges in the field of education and training of the new generation. The state needs healthy, courageous, courageous, proactive, disciplined, competent people who would be ready to study, work for its benefit, and, if necessary, stand up for its defense. In the work of our school, one of the main tasks is to educate the younger generation. The most important component of the education process is the formation and development of patriotic feelings. Without the presence of this component, it is impossible to talk about raising a truly harmoniously developed personality. In light of these tasks, the importance of military-patriotic education of youth increases, since it is this that should make a significant contribution, and in some cases even decisive contribution in the matter of training skilled and strong defenders of the Motherland.

Based on the order of the Department of Education of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny “On holding a month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work in educational institutions", as well as the order for school 4 from "On the participation of the municipal educational institution "Secondary School 49" in the month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work in 2010" the following events were carried out:

Plan for the month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work. Project competition “Grandfather’s Victory is my Victory!” (5-9 grades) School championship in air rifle shooting Bullet shooting competition (urban) Cool watch, dedicated to the Day of Lifting the Siege of Leningrad (city) Registration for the initial military registration of young men born in 1993. Military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” Exhibition of books about the heroism of Soviet people in the battles for the Motherland “On the Roads of War”. School review-competition of formations and songs “Soldiers are brave kids”

City review-competition of formations and songs “Soldiers are brave kids” Class hours dedicated to the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Knight tournament “Come on, guys.” Meeting with WWII veterans Rally at the obelisk at 50 k-se Competition program dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland "Army Express" Class hours "Monuments to Russian soldiers" Event "Fates of Tatar writers in the Second World War" Show of the soldier's song "The song flows loudly" Drawing competition "My dad" Class hours "Soldiers of the Fatherland" Ceremonial presentation of medals to World War II veterans and workers rear.