Job description of the accounting department. Job description for an accountant in the production department - example. What to include in a job description

An accountant is a specialist whose duty is to document economic and financial accounting for an enterprise. In his work, the accountant strictly follows the established regulations of the current legislation.

The main areas of accounting activities include: wages, cash, currency transactions and warehouse.

In addition, many large enterprises have a whole staff of highly qualified accountants, each of whom is engaged in a certain type of activity, and each accountant has his own job responsibilities:

  • implementation accounting;
  • reception and control of everything;
  • calculation wages;
  • carrying out operations that are associated with the movement of cash and fixed assets, as well as various commodity and material assets;
  • deduction cash to insurance services, tax authorities, trade union or pension funds.


  • ability to operate with large cash flows;
  • knowledge of tax and labor codes;
  • work in special accounting programs;
  • mandatory knowledge of the basics of statistics, economics and mathematics.

A qualified accountant who is well versed in everyone and, accordingly, tax legislation, is an irreplaceable worker in the enterprise. After some time, such professionals rightfully occupy the position of chief accountant. But as a result, the accountant’s responsibility also increases.

The responsibilities of an accountant include:

  • accounting at the enterprise;
  • participation in the development and further activities directly aimed at the rational and correct use of resources;
  • receiving and monitoring primary documentation;
  • reflection on the accounts of transactions related to the constant movement of cash and fixed assets, inventory items;
  • calculation and further transfer of taxes and other fees to the local and federal budgets, various payments in banking institutions, insurance contributions to extra-budgetary state funds, and more;
  • providing investors, creditors, managers, auditors with reliable accounting reports.

In addition, the accountant's job responsibilities include: developing a working chart of accounts; participation in the implementation of economic analysis of financial and economic activity organizations; ensuring the safety of documents; formation, accumulation and maintenance of a database on the organization’s accounting; execution of the leader.

Depending on the direction of accounting activity, accountants at an enterprise can carry out certain type activities, so they have their responsibilities. The job responsibilities of a materials accountant include conducting documentary audits of the economic activities of the organization to carry out accounting of the property available at the enterprise, timely registration of the audit results, providing the necessary recommendations to facility managers to eliminate the detected causes of deficiencies and violations, monitoring the accuracy of the accounting of fixed and material assets , registration of incoming and outgoing documents, and more.

The accountant bears financial responsibility to the employing organization, as well as to state and non-state control bodies.

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Job description is being developed using the qualification directory of positions and the professional standard for accountants. The document refers to a local regulatory act governing the relationship between employee and employer.

The instruction is issued to the employee for review against signature before signing the employment contract.

The job description contains information including general provisions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities.

The accountant's instructions should include:

  • condition on non-disclosure of confidential information;
  • the right to make proposals for improving work;
  • information about financial liability.

Job responsibilities

In any production, in any institution, public or private, the accounting profession occupies a leading place. What type of work does this employee do?

  • draws up documents, maintains accounting books, prepares interim calculations, which are checked by the chief accountant;
  • calculates salaries and issues them to employees;
  • calculates payment for sick leave, travel allowances, and vacation pay;
  • is engaged in accounting and monitors the movement of finances;
  • takes into account the costs and income of the company;
  • prepares and submits financial reports in a timely manner;
  • carries out accounting using modern computer programs;
  • delivers on time tax reporting;
  • monitors the timely repayment of bank loans;
  • participates in the inventory of cash and inventory items

Only a qualified specialist can master accounting, competently maintain primary accounting documents, prepare reports, monitor changes in legislation and correctly apply them in their work. regulations. Depends on his work financial well-being every enterprise.


Adopted back in 2014. The professional standard lists the requirements not only for the level of education and experience, but also for the skills and knowledge of this specialist. Its use is mandatory in those parts of the qualification requirements that are provided, for example, by laws.

The professional standard minimized the requirements for the level of education of a simple accountant. To occupy this position, a candidate for the vacancy only needs to have an average vocational education. The work experience requirements are at least three years.

As for functional responsibilities, they remained unchanged.

Let's take a closer look at what requirements employers place on applicants.

  • the person must have at least 3 years of experience as an accountant.
  • have at least a secondary vocational education with an economic focus
  • must know the legislation on the organization of accounting;
  • know the rules of registration, systematization, processing and storage of documents
  • know the plan and correspondence of accounts;
  • be able to organize document flow in areas of accounting;
  • know the procedure for reflecting in the accounting accounts transactions related to the movement of fixed and cash assets, inventory items;
  • know labor legislation;
  • know the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, including fire safety;
  • be able to work in special accounting computer programs.

The accounting department of the organization is headed by chief accountant, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the organization.

The main task of the chief accountant is to organize management of the process of functioning and development of the accounting system in the management structure of the organization.

Chief accountant: details for an accountant

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This Regulation on Accounting reveals the main functions and tasks of the accounting department of an enterprise, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the accounting department.


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1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the accounting department of the Financial Department of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is an internal document of the Company that defines legal status, tasks and functions, structure and formation procedure, rights and responsibilities of the Accounting Department.

1.2. Accounting is a structural unit of the Department and reports to the Chief Accountant, as well as the Financial Director of the Company in accordance with the organizational structure of the Company and the order General Director Companies.

1.3. The accounting department in its activities is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Company, decisions of the Board of Directors of the Company, internal documents of the Company, instructions of the Chief Accountant, Financial Director and these Regulations.

1.4. The accounting department interacts with structural divisions in the manner determined by the Company’s internal documents.

2. Main tasks of accounting

2.1. Maintaining reliable accounting, tax and management accounting financial and economic activities of the Company.

2.2. Formation and submission of accounting, tax and management reporting of the financial and economic activities of the Company.

2.3. Interaction with state tax and other authorities within the limits of their competence.

2.4. Interaction with counterparties and financial institutions within the limits of its competence.

2.5. Making payments in cash and non-cash form in the manner determined by the Company’s internal documents.

2.6. Tax planning. Monitoring of current legislative and regulatory documents.

3. Basic functions of accounting

3.1. Formation of accounting and tax policies in accordance with current legislationvom and the needs of the Company;

3.2. Preparation and adoption of a chart of accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used for registration of business transactions, development of forms of internal accounting documents;

3.3. Timely provision of complete and reliable accounting and management informationinformation about the activities of the Company, its property status, income and expenses;

3.4. Implementation of activities aimed at strengthening financial discipline;

3.5. Accounting for all business transactions of the Company;

3.6. Accounting for the execution of the Company's budgets;

3.7. Tax accounting of the Company, preparation and timely submission oflog and other reporting required by law;

Materials accountant

A materials accountant is an employee who keeps documentary records of all materials received by the organization in accordance with legal requirements.

Such an accountant belongs to the category of specialists and must have an appropriate level of education, not lower than secondary specialized education. The length of service requirements depend on the wishes of the employer.

Job description of materials accountant

The job description of a materials accountant is drawn up by an employee of the human resources department or an employee responsible for labor protection at the enterprise, and is submitted for approval to the employee’s immediate supervisor. The latter makes his own adjustments, and the instructions from the sample turn into a full-fledged document, which is submitted for approval to the head of the organization.

The employee must be familiar with the job description upon employment. All changes made to the document should also not pass by the employee - he must sign as confirmation that he knows about the adjustment of job responsibilities.

Don't know your rights?

If for some reason an employee refuses to sign in the column for familiarization with the job description, then a report about this is drawn up and signed in the presence of the commission. But this does not relieve the employee from liability in case of improper performance of his official duties.

The job description of a materials accountant consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
    This part of the document includes the procedure for the appointment and dismissal of a materials accountant, as well as issues of replacement in the event of his absence from the workplace. We recommend indicating in general provisions name of the position and structural unit of the employee in accordance with that approved in the organization staffing table and qualification requirements for the employee.
  2. Functions and tasks.
    The main areas of activity of a materials accountant are indicated here. As a rule, these include the acceptance and documentary recording of all materials entering the organization.
  3. Job responsibilities.
    This section includes a list of the main responsibilities of a materials accountant. These include:
    • accounting of all materials owned by the enterprise;
    • calculation of the actual cost of materials;
    • acceptance and processing of primary documentation;
    • reflection on the accounting accounts of all transactions with materials;
    • compiling calculations based on the actual cost of materials, taking into account the costs incurred;
    • drawing up reconciliation reports with counterparties;
    • preparation of reports as part of its activities;
    • interaction with other services and resolving issues of receivables and accounts payable;
    • organization of materials inventory;
    • performing work on storing documentation.
  4. Rights.
    The section contains a list of employee rights with which he is entitled to properly perform his work. A number of rights of an accountant correlate with the responsibilities of other employees. For example, when it comes to the following rights:
    • requesting information from employees of the enterprise on issues of its activities;
    • gaining access to the organization’s information resources;
    • requiring colleagues to perform work, the results of which are necessary for submitting a report;
    • advanced training, etc.
    However, there is a list of general rights that are typical for any employee of an institution. For example:
    • obtaining decisions from the manager to study projects in the field of activity;
    • making proposals to superiors to improve the quality of their work, etc.
  5. Responsibility.
    An accountant is always a financially responsible person. However, in addition to this type of responsibility, this section usually includes disciplinary (in case of failure to perform / improper performance of official duties) and administrative (for example, for violation of deadlines for submitting reports to the tax office).

You can download a sample job description for a materials accountant on our website.

Thus, the job description of a materials accountant includes the main directions of his activities and lists the responsibilities and rights with which he is endowed to carry out the labor process. The employee’s signature on the document means his agreement with all the provisions stated in it.