Outdoor games for children of the preparatory group indoors. Card file for physical education (middle group) on the topic: outdoor game "Cats and Mice"

– Our mother’s cat and mouse game
She didn't tell us to play.

How did you not say that? Very much so! This is how you live, lazily sort out the rules of the children’s game “Cat and Mouse” for children over 4 years old, and suddenly you discover an analogue of the game “Blitz”. And this is the most exciting thing in the world. Well, except for our team’s game at the World Cup.

“Blitz” for children

Why did I remember him? The fact is that all players play at the same time and do not wait for their turn. And what comes first is the speed of reaction, the ability to react with lightning speed, and a little bit of luck.

Which we lacked so much in the game with Croatia. In general, games such as “Blitz” and “Cat and Mouse” help develop the qualities of Luka Modric in a child, and he manages to be in all places on the field at the same time.

What's in the box?

Blue start cards. There are only 4 of them, they correspond to the number of players. If the game is planned for two players, immediately put the extra blue cats aside.

Red finish cards. There are also 4 of them.

And 62 cards with arrows. These are movement cards.

What should you do before the game?

Clear the surface. It's best to play on the floor, there's plenty of space there. We'll need it. Each participant places a start card (blue cat) in front of him.

Shuffle the deck thoroughly! Red cats and cards with the same type of arrows go in a heap, it will be very disappointing to immediately lay out the Finish card. But, by the way, what to do in such a situation? We decided that if at least one movement card is laid out, then the Finish card will end the round. If not, then mix it back into the deck.

Board game for kids “Cat and Mouse”. The number of players is from 2 to 4. Develops spatial thinking, excitement and instant reaction in the child, teaches the concepts of “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”. The cost of the game (July 2018) is 450 rubles.

Rules of the game “Cat and Mouse”

So, we place the Start card in front of each player. A deck with movement cards and finish cards is available. One, two, three - let's go. All players take cards from the deck at the same time, without observing the turn order. Just don't fight!

The goal of the game is to lay out as many cards as possible before someone gets the Finish card. After reading the rules, at first I was very surprised that errors in drawing up routes are possible. Everything is elementary there, I thought. Now I don't think so. When everyone is tearing up cards and throwing them on the table, it's easy to make a mistake.

How to lay out cards?

Follow the arrows. They indicate movement. If the arrow points up, then place the next card on top. If the arrow points to the right, then place the card on the right. We place the first card randomly next to the blue cat.

Pay attention to the light bulbs. Not only the number of bonus points is drawn on them, but they also give an idea of ​​where the bottom is and where the top is.

As soon as a player plays a Finish card, the game stops. Usually at this moment in the game “Blitz” Gleb pushes a couple more cards into the prize zone, but petty cheating and hooliganism is left to the discretion of the players.

Let's look at this short round. The players managed to lay out three cards each. So, we check the routes to see if they are built correctly. The left player is doing well. All cards will count. But the one on the right has an error. Find her, by the way. Hint: Look at the light bulb.

So, all maps between the start and finish are considered prize money if the route is built correctly. If not, then only those cards that are laid out correctly. We set aside the correct cards for ourselves, then calculate their value, and mix the incorrect ones back into the deck. We discard the finish map. Let's start the next round. The game lasts 4 rounds. (Until all finish cards are drawn)

The person with the most points at the end of the fourth round wins. The number of points, I remind you, is painted on the light bulbs.

Difficult moments

What to do if the card is not suitable? It's like in the photo. Well, where should she go? Throw it back into the deck.

What to do if there are two arrows on the map? Under no circumstances should you branch the route! Choose your direction and stick to it. In this case, the upward movement is selected in the photo.

We develop by playing...

I remember now preparing for school. We were then recommended to train spatial orientation. Right, left, up, down - useful skills, I agree.

Find two errors in route construction here

The eternal confrontation between mustachioed pets and cunning rodents who want to get their hands on cheese. The eternal confrontation of these mustachioed animals is like fire and water. In the board game Cat and Mouse, everyone can take part in the pursuit of their delicacy.

Feel like a escaping prey in search of cheese or a hunter with a lot of small tasty things running before your eyes. Who will win? It just depends on the speed of the players. Move quickly so as not to become dinner for the big arrogant cat!

The eternal confrontation between mustachioed pets and cunning rodents who want to get their hands on cheese

Description and features

A ginger cat went hunting; he is incredibly cunning and placed bait for small tailed pests. Board game Cat and Mouse and its addition Cheese Pyramid Traps is designed for children aged four years and older. From three to six people can participate in it at the same time.

Why is the minimum number 3 when in most games this figure is two? In addition to two mice hunting for cheese, in the chase one participant must try on the role of a cat - in cat guise he will chase gray troublemakers, in an attempt to catch and dine at least one.

The red cat went hunting

The board game Cat and Mice includes:

  • Six cunning little mice
  • One red cat-cup
  • One delicious piece of cheese
  • Dice (one piece)
  • Twenty-four gray rodent cards
  • Cat and mouse game game rules
  • A colorful square box with sides of twenty-four centimeters and a height of eight cm.

The board game Cat and Mouse for children will amuse adults and children. It belongs to the category of developmental, because each battle develops reaction speed, speed of information perception and perseverance. To win, you need to be careful and not catch the mice before the corresponding value appears on the die. Players must react quickly, because the mice quickly scatter, and the cat quickly rushes to its prey.

Its design can be considered a plus. All components of the set are made of natural materials. They are pleasant to touch, and children will not break them the first time they play. The set refers to entertainment in which the interest is not in the victory itself, but in active participation. Pulling mice and attacking prey with a cat-glass will be interesting for all players.

All components of the set are made of natural materials

Rules of the game

The board game Cat and Mice requires some preparatory maneuvers. All of them are described in detail in the rules of the game.

Simple rules Cat and mouse games will allow children to quickly figure out what to do and quickly feel like a hungry mouse on cheese. Parents will be able to take time for themselves, because the game does not require their participation and the children can spend time with their friends without being exposed to the fascinating confrontation between rodents and domestic predators.

Preparing for the game

Brief instructions for the board game Cat and Mouse:

  • Place the felt cheese in the middle of the playing field so that all participants can reach it
  • Give everyone one rodent figurine from the cat and mouse board game kalachi and four matching cards.
  • Give the youngest player a cat cup with which he will catch little mice
  • Dice are given to the same participant who will be the hunter
  • Only in the first round there is a distribution of mustaches for kids (then everything will depend only on the players)

Mice and cheese

The game includes a delicious piece of cheese.

Progress of the game

The main task of the game for mice is to eat cheese and stay alive. The cat's goal is to dine on mice. The game begins with a roll of the dice. They have two options: a cat or a mouse. If a gray rodent falls out, everyone remains in their place. The cat is intently watching its prey, the mice happily eat the cheese. The dice are rolled again.

What if a scary red face fell out? Then everyone starts playing Cat and Mouse for themselves. The cat's task: to attack the mouse company as quickly as possible, trying to eat as much of the running deliciousness as possible. The mice, in turn, should immediately run away. Only the fastest participants will be able to win each horse.

For each animal eaten, the cat receives one card.

For each animal eaten, the cat receives one card. They are given out by the participant whose pet the hunter managed to feast on. When the predator has finished chewing its lunch, everyone returns to their starting positions, including the reincarnated mice.

The second game is no different from the first. The same player remains in the role of hunter. If his reaction in the round turns out to be faster than the dice, or rather the dice have not yet shown the cat icon, and the participant is already catching mice, then he must pay a fine in the form of one previously earned card.

The role of the cat passes to another player if the previous one was unable to feast on any rodents. Then the hungry pet looks for a new owner who can feed it. The glass is passed to the player sitting clockwise. You can only catch mice on a piece of cheese: when the animals run away from it, they become immune to bites.

End of the game

To determine the winner in the confrontation between a domestic predator and cunning mice, count all the cards obtained during the hunt. The one who has the most reward sheets in his hands wins.

If two or more players have the same number of cards, a rematch will determine the winner. If there is no time for a decisive battle, all participants with the most awards are considered winners.

The set is suitable for children's parties

Who is it suitable for?

The set is suitable for children's parties. For children who love to spend time with their friends, the game will be good and useful entertainment. If you have a birthday planned, this game will amuse all the guests, drawing you into an exciting pursuit of delicious food.

The design of the game is made in bright colors, so you can give it as a gift even without packaging. It’s nice to receive such a set for a holiday, especially since you can use it right away. Evenings with your family will be noisy and fun if you organize mouse races and cat hunts. The game will captivate boys and allow them to spend the energy accumulated during the day. The game will take girls more than an hour, because they love beautiful design.

The set will be of interest to young parents with hyperactive children who find it difficult to keep busy with one thing for more than five minutes. The excitement will captivate the kids, and the dynamics of the game will not let them get distracted.

The need to keep track of what comes up on the dice will develop perseverance in the younger generation, which will be useful in life. If your child has friends over, free up some time for yourself by getting them a set of Cats. A cat and mouse game for children, the rules of the game will allow children to have fun without the participation of parents.

Video review

If you liked the description of the set, watch the video review, which describes and shows the game in detail from all sides.

  • Leaders' Day

an active game that was born out of an ordinary family vacation. With such entertainment, everyone will be able to realize their potential by performing whimsical tasks. A hundred different cards with quests that not everyone would think of. Playing this set with your family is fun and interesting. There will be noise and din even among unfamiliar people if you decide to play at least one game. The entertainment is active and fast, so by the evening the children will go to bed on their own, without trying to object.

  • Crocodile

Dynamic entertainment that will leave children exhausted. Here you will have to jump around, show different words and do it in such a way that it is clear what was written on the card. The set is available in many variations, among which you can find themed or designed for children. This way, each player will be able to choose the most suitable version for themselves. Having fun develops your intelligence and helps you stretch your muscles after a hard day. Unfamiliar companies quickly become close, because excitement always turns out to be stronger than embarrassment.

Fight for the right to be called the Chief of the great Totauwhatau tribe. Since ancient times, these people decide who will become their leader through a tricky battle: everyone sits in a circle and opens their sheets. The first ones whose pictures match grab the totem. The first one to grab the desired figurine becomes the leader. Just imagine what kind of fights there were, because all the eucalyptus leaves are eerily similar to each other. In our time, the game has developed, so now the battle is played on cards, the designs of which vary.

Two drivers are selected - "cat" And "mouse". All children stand in a circle and join hands, as if in round dance, and then raise their arms to form a “gate.” The distance between the players should be large enough so that you can run between them. The mouse is located in a circle, and the cat is behind the circle.

At the signal, the cat chases the mouse. Task "cats"- break inside the circle and catch up "mouse". To do this, she can crawl under the arms, jump over them, or even break the chain. The rest of the players must help the “mouse” and interfere with the “cat”: at the right moment, lower their hands, holding the “cat” and raise them again, letting the “mouse” pass. It is only forbidden to place footrests and close your shoulders.

If the cat breaks inside the circle, the mouse can run outside of it (but not too far). If the “cat” still caught up with “ mouse", That " mouse" becomes " cat». « Cat"stands in a circle to rest, and the players choose a new one" mouse" and the game continues.

Video game "Cat and mouse"

Discover the ancient Russian entertainment of dexterity and ingenuity! The game "Cat and Mouse" is a simple game for young children. It helps develop reaction, attention and intelligence in children.


The team of participants must protect the mouse from the cat.


This active entertainment is designed for large number players. From 6 to 30 people can participate. Among all those gathered, 2 central figures are selected. If the number of children is more than 15, there can be 2 heroes.

Those players who were not chosen for the main roles clasp their hands and stand in a circle. A nimble mouse lives inside such a house. The mustachioed huntress is walking outside and trying to get inside.


  • Participants occupy an area indoors or outdoors.
  • Players stand in a circle and choose a cat and a mouse, solving the puzzle using a little rhyme.
  • The characters take their positions, the players clasp their hands.


After all the children have lined up in a circle and the mouse has climbed into the house, the cat begins to walk. Her task is to get inside the shelter by breaking the chain of woven hands, crawling through or jumping over an obstacle.

Having climbed into the house, the cunning one must catch up with the mouse, which can run out of the “hole”. Now the task of the players is not to let the cat out of the circle.


To avoid injury, participants are prohibited from placing footrests and closing their shoulders. Obstacles are created only with hands - players can lower and raise closed chains of hands.


For older children, you can offer a more complicated version of this entertainment. Before the start of the game, some object resembling cheese (a cube, a ball, a toy) is placed outside the circle.

In this variation, the first move is made by the mouse, which gets out of the house for a treat and then hides from the huntress. Then the game continues in the same way as in the classic version - the cat tries to get into the house and catch the rodent.


The game ends when the cat catches the mouse, that is, touches it with his hand. After this, new players are selected using a counting rhyme, and the previous pair stands in a circle.

This fun can go on for quite a long time. The game should be completed when each of the children has played the role of key characters at least once.

Find out who is faster in the outdoor game!

Simple rules PP-3 Cat and mouse.

The Cat and Mouse game is one of the simplest and at the same time one of the most active in the series. Try to become a cat and chase a mouse. True, there are several cats here, but only one mouse. And only the most dexterous and smart cat will be able to catch its prey.

Purpose of the game
Score as many points as possible.

Preparing for the game
You can play on a table or even more conveniently on the floor. Each player places in front of him one card with the inscription pi-pi, the remaining cards with this inscription do not participate in the game. This card symbolizes the beginning of the chase for the player: the path of his cat is built from it. All other cards are shuffled and laid out face down, in a pile, somewhere in the middle, so that it is convenient for everyone to take them.

Game process
The game consists of several rounds and lasts until all four cards with the inscription meow-meow are gone. The youngest player says: Pee-pee, after which the cat begins to chase the mouse. Players take strictly one card from the pile without observing the order. Each player places the card he took next to the last card he played.

The first card is applied to the initial one from any side, and each subsequent one is applied to the previous one from the side in which it points. For example, if the arrow on the last card points up, then next card is applied to it from above, and if left-right, then to the left or right of it at the request of the player. The longer the path, the better. But he should not drive onto himself or onto the adjacent path unless he touches it, and it is no longer possible to shift or remove previously laid out cards. The player can put the drawn card aside and use it at any time before the end of the round, but there is a risk that it will never play.

End of the round
As soon as one of the players lays out a card with the inscription meow-meow, he shouts: Meow-meow This means that the cat has caught the mouse, and the round ends. All constructed paths are checked: if a player has an error, then his entire path, as a penalty, is canceled and the cards from it are considered deferred. Each player returns all the cards set aside to the general pile, and puts those laid out on the way into a winning pile, from which his points will be counted. Then the next round begins according to the same rules, only the initial phrase: Pee-wee is pronounced by the participant who completed the last round.

End of the game
The game ends when there are no more cards in the pile that say meow meow. The points of each player are counted: a card with the inscription meow-meow 5 points, a card with one direction 2 points, and a card with two directions 1 point.
The one with the most points wins. The game develops the ability to distinguish between directions left-right and up-down, reaction and combinatorial thinking, the ability to read and count.
Number of players: 2-4 people
Duration of the game: from 10 to 20 minutes.


  • 62 movement cards: 12 each with one arrow and 7 each with two
  • 4 pee-pee cards that start the chase
  • 4 meow-meow cards that inevitably end the chase
  • rules
  • pouch.