Sanitary and hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety. Rules and regulations ionizing radiation radiation safety hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety when conducting medical x-rays


Hygienic requirements
for ensuring radiation safety
when handling radiation
inspection installations

Sanitary rules and regulations

1. Developed by FGUN NIIRG im. prof. P.V. Ramzaev (A.N. Barkovsky, B.F. Vorobyov, A.S. Mishin); Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (O.V. Lipatova, S.V. Matyukhin).

2. Recommended for approval by the Commission on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards under Federal service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (protocol dated April 3, 2008 No. 1).

3. Approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated June 16, 2008 No. 37.

5. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 7, 2008, registration number 11929.

6. Introduced to replace the sanitary rules “Hygienic requirements for the production, operation and control of X-ray installations for inspection of baggage and goods” SP





About approval

No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650; 2002, No. 1 (Part 1), Art. 1; 2003, No. 2, Art. 167; No. 27 (part 1), art. 2004, no. 3607; 2006, art. 10; ; 2007, No. 1, Art. 1, Art. 27, Art. 46, Art. 6070) Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295; 2004, No. 8, Art. 663; No. 4666; 2005, No. 3953)


1. Approve SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety when handling radiation inspection installations” (Appendix).

G.G. Onishchenko





In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650; 2002, No. 1 (Part 1), Art. 1; 2003, No. 167; 2004, No. 3607; 2006, No. 10; (part 1), art. 5498; 2007, no. 1, art. 29; art. No. 49, Art. 6070) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295; 2004, Art. 663; Art. 4666;


Since the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety when handling radiation inspection installations. SanPiN" consider the sanitary rules "Hygienic requirements for the production, operation and control of X-ray installations for inspection of baggage and goods" SP to be no longer in force.



Hygienic requirements
on ensuring radiation safety when handling
with beam inspection systems

Sanitary rules and regulations

1. General provisions

1.1. Scope of application

1.1.1. These sanitary rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the rules) have been developed taking into account the requirements Federal laws"On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" No. 52-FZ dated 03/30/99, "On radiation safety of the population" No. 3-FZ dated 01/09/96, "Radiation safety standards (NRB-99)" SP* and "Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99)" SP **. They regulate the requirements for ensuring radiation safety when handling radiation inspection units (hereinafter referred to as LDU).

1.1.2. The requirements of these rules are mandatory for all legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the circulation of LDU.

1.1.3. The rules apply to the design, manufacture, supply, operation, repair, maintenance, storage, transportation and control of all types of X-ray installations for inspection of baggage and goods (RUBD), containing sources of X-ray radiation at a nominal anode voltage of up to 300 kV, as well as all types inspection and inspection accelerator complexes (IDUK), containing electron accelerators with energies up to 10 MeV.

1.1.4. The rules do not apply to X-ray scanners for screening people.

* Recognized as not requiring state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice dated July 29, 1999 No. 6014-ER).

** Recognized as not requiring state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 1, 2000 No. 4214-ER).

1.2. General requirements

1.2.1. LDUs contain a man-made source of ionizing radiation, which poses a potential radiation hazard to the health of personnel and the public.

1.2.2. X-ray tubes or electron accelerators, which are classified as generating sources of ionizing radiation, are used as sources of ionizing radiation in LDUs, i.e. sources that do not contain radioactive substances, in which ionizing radiation is generated by changing the speed of charged particles. They become sources of ionizing radiation only after supply voltage is applied to them. In a de-energized state, LDUs do not pose a radiation hazard and their transportation and storage can be carried out without any special requirements to ensure radiation safety.

1.2.3. Based on the source of ionizing radiation used, LDEs are divided into two groups:

X-ray installations for control of baggage and goods (RUDT), which include one or more X-ray tubes operating at an anode voltage of up to 300 kV,

Inspection and inspection accelerator complexes (IDUK), which include one or more electron accelerators with energy up to 10 MeV.

1.2.4. Based on the nature of their use, LDUs are divided into stationary, portable and mobile.

Stationary LDUs are used in stationary conditions and are not intended for movement. They have stationary radiation protection, ensuring radiation safety of personnel and the public during operation of the LDU.

Portable LDUs are portable and can be moved by one or two people. They do not have stationary radiation protection, and the radiation safety of personnel and the public during the operation of a portable LDU is ensured by removing people at a safe distance from the X-ray emitter.

Mobile LDUs are mounted on vehicles ah and can move with them. They are equipped with protective screens and collimators that provide the necessary protection for people or reduce the size of the radiation hazard zone. Radiation protection of personnel during the operation of a mobile LDU can be ensured by moving it outside the radiation hazardous zone or by using special radiation protection of the operator’s workplace. Radiation protection of the population is ensured by the presence of a restricted access zone and the absence of the population in this zone during operation of the installation.

1.2.5. Based on design features, operating mode and degree of radiation hazard, RUDBTs are divided into 3 types. Type 1 RUDBT includes stationary and mobile inspection installations with a closed inspection chamber and a moving control object, which is scanned by one or more X-ray beams. The inspection chamber must be surrounded by radiation protection, ensuring safe working conditions and excluding the possibility of irradiating people with a direct radiation beam. RUDBT type 2 includes stationary and mobile inspection installations with a closed inspection chamber in which the object of control is placed. It is illuminated by a beam of X-ray radiation. The inspection chamber must be surrounded by radiation protection, ensuring safe working conditions and excluding the possibility of irradiating people with a direct radiation beam. Type 3 RUDBTs include portable installations in which the X-ray source does not have stationary radiation protection. Limiting personnel exposure is achieved by removing personnel from the radiation hazardous zone or using special portable protective structures.

1.2.6. Based on design features and control technology, IDUKs are divided into 2 types. The first type of IDUK includes stationary and mobile IDUK with a stationary source of ionizing radiation and a moving control object. IDUK forms a flat beam of bremsstrahlung radiation, which scans the test object, which is forcibly moved in the direction perpendicular to the plane beam of radiation. The second type of IDUK includes stationary and mobile IDUK with a stationary control object and a moving source of ionizing radiation. The IDUK generates a flat beam of bremsstrahlung radiation, which scans a stationary test object when the IDUK is moved parallel to the longitudinal axis of the controlled object.

1.2.7. Only those LDUs, including imported ones, are allowed for use in the Russian Federation, for which there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the LDUs as products that pose a potential danger to humans.

1.2.8. Receiving, storing LDUs and carrying out work with them is possible only if you have a license to carry out activities related to generating sources of ionizing radiation, and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of working conditions with LDUs with the requirements of sanitary rules.

2. Requirements for an organization to ensure radiation safety

2.1. The organization operating the LDU ensures radiation safety at all stages of handling the LDU, as well as for their safety.

2.2. Before the start of operation of the LDU, the administration provides:

Obtaining a license to operate in the field of using generating sources of ionizing radiation and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of working conditions with LDU with the requirements of sanitary rules;

Approval of the list of persons authorized to work with LDUs, their completion of the necessary training and instructions and assignment by order of the organization to the personnel of group A and, if necessary, group B;

Appointment of persons responsible for production control of radiation safety and for accounting and storage of ionizing radiation sources;

Development and approval of radiation safety instructions when working with LDUs and instructions for personnel actions in emergency situations.

2.3. When carrying out work with LDU, the administration provides:

Creation of working conditions with LDUs that comply with the requirements of these rules, occupational health and safety rules, other sanitary standards and rules that apply to this organization, as well as radiation safety instructions in force in the organization;

Training of personnel, conducting briefings and testing knowledge on safety precautions, timely completion of medical examinations by personnel, as well as ensuring safe working conditions and compliance by personnel with all instructions and rules, the knowledge of which is necessary when performing work with LDUs;

Carrying out industrial monitoring of the radiation situation at personnel workplaces and near LDU, as well as individual dosimetric monitoring of group A personnel;

Annual completion and timely submission of the organization’s radiation-hygienic passport and federal state statistical observation forms of the Unified State System for Monitoring and Accounting for Public Exposure Doses (USKID).

2.4. Upon termination of work with LDU, the administration of the institution ensures its transfer to another organization in compliance with the requirements of OSPORB-99, safe storage or disposal in the prescribed manner, as well as informing the authority state power(or its territorial subdivision) authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in this organization, on the decommissioning of the LDU from operation or its transfer to another organization.

3. Requirements for personnel working with LDUs

3.1. Persons (including those temporarily hired) who are at least 18 years old, classified as Group A personnel by order of the organization, who have undergone a medical examination and have no medical contraindications to working with sources of ionizing radiation, who have undergone special training and have the appropriate qualifications, are allowed to work with LDUs. . Before starting work, they must undergo instruction and test their knowledge of safety rules when working with generating sources of ionizing radiation, as well as familiarize themselves with these rules, the instructions in force in the institution and technical documentation at LDU. Knowledge of work safety rules in an organization is checked by a commission before work begins and periodically, at least once a year.

3.2. Pregnant women should be exempt from working with LDUs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

3.3. Persons who have undergone special training in this species works

4. Requirements for the design, manufacture and delivery of LDU

4.1. The design, construction and manufacture of LDUs can be carried out by organizations that have received, in the prescribed manner, the appropriate license to carry out these types of activities in the field of using generating sources of ionizing radiation.

4.2. Technical documentation for the production or modernization of LDU must comply with the requirements of NRB-99, OSPORB-99 and these sanitary rules. The technical conditions for the LDU must have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

4.3. Technical documentation for LDU must include:

Main technical characteristics of LDU,

Radiation levels in places where people may be present,

Hygienic standards that regulate the requirements for LDUs and their handling,

Values ​​of standardized characteristics of LDU,

Requirements to ensure the safety of personnel and the public when handling LDUs during storage, transportation, sales, operation and decommissioning.

4.4. Calculation of radiation protection of LDUs and radiation monitoring should be carried out for operating conditions corresponding to the maximum radiation levels at controlled points. When calculating radiation protection, a safety factor of 2 should be used.

4.5. Technical documentation for group 3 RUDBT must contain information on the dimensions of the radiation hazardous zone, zone A and zone B. The design documentation must provide justification for the configuration and dimensions of these zones.

4.6. Technical documentation for LDU may contain standard project placement of an installation of this type, for which a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Federal body has been issued executive branch, authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4.7. The technical documentation for the mobile IDUK must include a diagram(s) of the complex’s location, which defines the position of the complex during operation and indicates the boundary of the access restricted zone.

4.8. The supply of LDUs to organizations and their transfer to other organizations is carried out according to orders in accordance with paragraphs. 3.5.1 - 3.5.5 OSPORB-99.

4.9. Radiation hazard signs must be placed on the outer surface of the RUDBT, as well as on the outer surface of the radiation protection of the IDUK accelerator.

5. Requirements for the design of LDU

5.1. The design of the LDU must ensure the protection of personnel and the public from exposure to ionizing radiation during operation of the installation. Turning on the installation must be accompanied by a sound and/or light signaling about its state (on, radiation is generated, off). The design of the LDU control panel must guarantee the impossibility of its unauthorized activation by unauthorized persons.

5.2. The design of the RUDBT must ensure that the following requirements are met:

5.2.1. For RUDBT of the 2nd type, interlocks must be provided to prevent the possibility of applying anode voltage to the X-ray tube when the inspection chamber is open. For RUDBT types 1 and 2, interlocks must be provided to prevent the possibility of supplying anode voltage when removable protective blocks (if any) are removed or incorrectly installed. The design of the interlocks must make it impossible to disable them without breaking the manufacturer's seals.

If the interlocks are faulty, the possibility of turning on the installation must be excluded. Information about malfunctions of the locking and alarm systems must be sent to the control panel.

5.2.2. In RUDBT types 1 and 2, protection from x-ray radiation must be structurally included in the installation and, under all possible conditions of its operation, ensure a reduction in the dose rate of x-ray radiation at any accessible point 10 cm from the outer surface of the installation to a level of no more than 2, 5 µSv/hour.

5.2.3. The entrance and exit from the inspection chamber of the 1st type RUBDT when generating X-ray radiation must be blocked with elastic protective curtains or doors that attenuate scattered radiation to permissible value. X-ray radiation should be generated only while the controlled object is passing through the control zone. When the movement of the conveyor moving the test object stops, the generation of radiation should stop.

5.2.4. In the 2nd type RUDBT, the control object must be supplied to the inspection chamber and removed through a special protective door. It must have a lock that prevents the generation of X-rays when the door is not completely closed.

5.2.5. RUDBT type 3 must have a remote control that allows the X-ray emitter to be turned on and off by an operator located outside the radiation hazardous area.

5.3. The design of the IDUK must ensure the following requirements:

5.3.1. Mobile IDUK must have special cabins for the driver and operator, ensuring the radiation safety of the personnel in them when IDUK is operating.

5.3.2. The electron accelerator of a stationary IDUK must be located in a separate room (inspection room), which ensures, under any permissible modes of operation of the IDUK, the attenuation of ionizing radiation levels in adjacent rooms and on the territory to permissible values ​​().

The control panel of a stationary IDUK must be located in a room separate from the inspection room, ensuring the radiation safety of personnel during IDUK operation. The entrance door to the inspection room must be locked with an accelerator activation system so as to exclude the possibility of accidental exposure of personnel.

5.3.3. The rooms (cabins) in which personnel workplaces are located must be equipped with systems for continuous monitoring of the radiation situation during IDUK operation.

5.3.4. IDUKs must be equipped with a video surveillance system for the restricted access zone for mobile IDUKs and an inspection room for stationary IDUKs.

5.3.5. The IDUK must have a light and sound alarm indicating the operation of the accelerator.

5.3.6. The IDUK must have interlocks that exclude the possibility of turning on the accelerator or stop the generation of radiation:

When the scanning process of a controlled object is stopped;

When the doors or security gates to the inspection hall are not closed (for stationary IDUK);

If control levels of radiation are exceeded at personnel workplaces;

When any object crosses the border of a restricted access zone (for mobile IDUK).

5.3.7. IDUK must have a light alarm (traffic light) that allows or prohibits the entry of a controlled object into the control zone.

5.3.8. In the IDUK control area, means (buttons, tripwires, etc.) must be provided to turn off the generation of radiation in emergency situations.

5.3.9. Mobile IDUK of the 1st type, in which the movement of the controlled vehicle during control is carried out by its driver, must be equipped with technical means that exclude the possibility of generating radiation when the vehicle's cabin is in the control zone and ensure that the radiation beam scans only the cargo compartment of the vehicle. The driver's radiation dose due to monitoring the vehicle he is driving should not exceed 1.0 μSv.

6. Requirements for the placement of LDUs

6.1. All stationary LDUs are located in accordance with the project developed by a design organization that has a valid license to carry out the corresponding type of work, subject to a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the LDU placement project with the requirements of sanitary rules.

For mobile and portable LDUs, a placement design is not required. If the layout of a mobile IDUK does not correspond to the layout provided for by its technical documentation, it is necessary to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from a government body (or its territorial subdivision) authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in this organization. At the same time, compliance with radiation safety conditions for the proposed layout of the mobile IDUK must be justified.

6.2. Stationary RUDBTs of the 1st and 2nd types can be placed in production premises. The floor in the places where the RUDBT is located must be covered with electrically insulating material (wood, linoleum, etc.). Workstations of type 1 and 2 RUDBT personnel are located in the same room as the RUDBT. In this case, no special premises are required to accommodate personnel.

6.3. If the organization has a type 3 RUDBT, a special room must be provided for storing these installations and spare parts for them, ensuring the safety of the RUDBT and excluding the possibility of their unauthorized use.

6.4. During operation of the installation, personnel carrying out work using the 3rd type RUDBT must be located outside the radiation hazardous zone or in specially equipped places that ensure the radiation safety of personnel during operation of the installation.

Appendix 2
Terms and definitions

In these sanitary rules, in addition to those defined in NRB-99, the following terms and definitions are used:

1. Maximum dose of ionizing radiation per hour of work - the maximum dose at a given point due to the operation of the complex (installation) for an hour with the maximum possible number of objects being inspected.

2.Inspection camera - a type 1 or 2 RUDBT area surrounded by radiation protection, in which the controlled objects are scanned.

3. Search room - a special room in which a stationary IDU K is located and inspection of controlled objects is carried out.

4. Radiation hazardous zone - the zone around the 3rd type RUDBT, in which the maximum dose of X-ray radiation per hour of operation of the RUDBT exceeds 12.0 μSv.

5. Zone A - the zone around the 3rd type RUDBT, within which the maximum dose of X-ray radiation per hour of operation of the RUDBT exceeds 2.5 μSv, but does not exceed 12.0 μSv.

6. Zone B - the zone around the 3rd type RUDBT, within which the maximum dose of X-ray radiation per hour of operation of the RUDBT exceeds 0.3 μSv, but does not exceed 2.5 μSv.

7. Access restricted area - a site allocated for the operation of the mobile IDUK, access to which by unauthorized persons must be excluded during the operation of the IDUK, and outside of which radiation safety conditions for the population are met under any permissible operating mode of the IDUK (the maximum dose per hour of operation of the IDUK does not exceed 1.0 μSv) .

8. Beam inspection installations (POISON) - inspection and inspection accelerator complexes and X-ray installations for inspection of baggage and goods.

9. Inspection and inspection accelerator complexes (IDUC) - special complexes designed to inspect the contents of various objects without opening them using the bremsstrahlung radiation method, the source of which is an electron accelerator with an energy of up to 10 MeV.

10. X-ray installations for inspection of baggage and goods (RUBD) - special installations designed to inspect contents various objects without opening them by X-ray transmission, the source of which is an X-ray tube operating at a nominal anode voltage of up to 300 kV.

Registration N 33450

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, No. 167; 2004, No. 3607, No. 1752; (Part 1), Article 5498; Article 21; Article 3213; Article 49; N 24, art. 2801; N 29 (part 1), article 3416; 2009, N 17; 2011, N 1, Art. 4596; N 50, art. 7359; 24, art. 3446; ) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 N 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004; N 8, art. 663; N 47, art. 4666; 2005, N 39, art. 3953) I decree:

1. Approve sanitary rules and standards SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection” (Appendix).

2. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2003 N 44 “On the implementation of SP” (Sanitary rules “Ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection”), registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 5 2003, registration N 4504.

Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation

A. Popova

Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection

Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN

I. Scope of application

1.2. The rules apply to design, construction, manufacturing, implementation, testing, installation, operation, maintenance, radiation monitoring, transportation, storage and disposal of x-ray flaw detectors and equipment for x-ray flaw detection, design, construction, manufacturing and operation of radiation protection equipment for x-ray flaw detection.

1.3. The Rules are mandatory for execution on the territory of the Russian Federation by all individuals and legal entities.

1.4. The rules do not apply to work with beam inspection systems and X-ray scanners for personal searches of people.

1.5. Monitoring the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. General provisions

2.1. An X-ray flaw detector is a generating source of ionizing radiation. It contains an X-ray tube, which is an intense source of X-ray radiation, which poses a potential health hazard.

Dangerous and harmful factors during the operation of X-ray flaw detectors are high voltage, ozone and nitrogen oxides formed as a result of radiolysis of air under the influence of X-ray radiation.

2.2. The X-ray tube does not contain radioactive substances and does not create them during operation. It becomes a source of ionizing radiation only after supply voltage is applied to it. During transportation and storage, de-energized X-ray flaw detectors do not pose a radiation hazard and do not require special radiation protection measures.

2.3. According to the method of use, X-ray flaw detectors are divided into stationary, portable and mobile.

Stationary X-ray flaw detectors are used in stationary conditions of flaw detection laboratories in special protective chambers that exclude people from entering the chamber when the X-ray flaw detector is operating and provide radiation protection for personnel outside the chamber.

Portable X-ray flaw detectors do not have radiation protection and are used in both stationary and non-stationary conditions. Such flaw detectors can be equipped with special collimators (diaphragms, tubes) that form a directed diverging radiation beam in the form of a cone with a given opening angle for frontal scanning, or a ring diverging radiation beam with a given opening angle for panoramic scanning. Radiation protection of the population during the operation of a portable X-ray flaw detector is ensured by establishing a restricted access zone, and of personnel by removing them to a safe distance from the X-ray emitter, or by using special protective devices.

The technical documentation for X-ray flaw detectors indicates the safe distance from the X-ray emitter when the flaw detector is operating for Group A personnel and the dimensions of the restricted access zone for the public.

Mobile X-ray flaw detectors are mounted on vehicles and can move with them. Such flaw detectors are equipped with protective screens and collimators that reduce the size of the access restriction zone necessary to ensure radiation safety of the population during the operation of the x-ray flaw detector. Radiation protection of personnel during operation of a mobile X-ray flaw detector is ensured by removing it from the X-ray emitter at a safe distance, or by using special radiation protection of the personnel workplace.

Both portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors can be used in production facilities, outdoor areas and in the field.

2.4. X-ray flaw detectors that meet the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN "Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009)" 1 (hereinafter referred to as NRB-99/2009), SP are allowed for use on the territory of the Russian Federation 10 "Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99/2010)" 2 (hereinafter referred to as OSPORB-99/2010) and Rules.

2.5. Design, construction, manufacturing, sales, testing, installation, operation, maintenance, radiation monitoring, transportation, storage and disposal of X-ray flaw detectors, design, construction, production and operation of radiation protection equipment for X-ray flaw detection is permitted with a license to carry out handling activities with sources of ionizing radiation (generating). Manufacturing, testing, installation, operation, maintenance and radiation monitoring of X-ray flaw detectors is carried out in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of working conditions with sources of ionizing radiation sanitary rules(hereinafter referred to as the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion).

2.6. Organizations engaged in the manufacture, testing, installation, operation and maintenance of X-ray flaw detectors annually submit a radiation-hygienic passport of the organization.

2.7. Persons who have no medical contraindications to working with sources of ionizing radiation, classified by the order of the manager as category A personnel, who have been trained in the rules of working with X-ray flaw detectors, radiation safety and appropriate instruction, are allowed to work with X-ray flaw detectors.

2.8. Only trained persons are allowed to install and repair X-ray flaw detectors.

2.9. The administration of the organization ensures safe working conditions for those working with x-ray flaw detectors in accordance with the requirements of the Rules, NRB-99/2009 and OSPORB-99/2010, develops and approves radiation safety instructions regulating the procedure for carrying out x-ray flaw detection work. If there is any change in working conditions, the necessary changes are made to the approved instructions.

2.10. Before the start of X-ray flaw detection work, the administration approves a list of persons authorized to carry out these works, provides them with the necessary training, and appoints persons responsible for ensuring radiation safety, for accounting and storing X-ray flaw detectors, and for conducting industrial radiation monitoring.

2.11. Persons temporarily involved in X-ray flaw detection work must comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.7 of the Rules. They receive training in safe working methods and instructions.

2.12. To constantly monitor the technical condition of X-ray flaw detectors, the administration of the organization appoints a trained specialist.

2.13. X-ray flaw detectors received by the organization are recorded in a log.

2.14. Issuance of portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors from locations permanent storage for carrying out work at sites is carried out by the person responsible for recording and storing X-ray flaw detectors, with the written permission of the head of the organization. The issue and return of X-ray flaw detectors are recorded in a log.

2.15. Receipt and transfer of X-ray flaw detectors to another organization is carried out in the manner established by clauses 3.5.1 - 3.5.4 OSPORB-99/2010.

2.16. The personnel immediately reports any violations in the operation of X-ray flaw detectors to the person responsible for ensuring radiation safety.

III. Requirements for premises of X-ray flaw detection laboratories

3.1. In organizations that carry out X-ray flaw detection, X-ray flaw detection laboratories (hereinafter referred to as laboratories) are organized.

3.2. The composition, number and size of laboratory premises are determined depending on the availability and purpose of X-ray flaw detectors, their technical parameters, as well as the volume and nature of the work performed, including the following premises:

Protective chamber (if stationary X-ray flaw detectors are available or a protective chamber is used to work with portable X-ray flaw detectors);

Control room (if there is a protective chamber);

Darkroom (when working with X-ray films);

Premises for personnel, processing and storage of control results;

Sanitary facilities;

Storage room for portable X-ray flaw detectors (if available).

The laboratory provides space to accommodate the radiation safety service (the person responsible for conducting industrial radiation monitoring).

3.3. The dimensions of the protective chamber are selected so as to ensure the ability of personnel to work, taking into account the technology of the work being carried out, the number of X-ray flaw detectors used and the size of the products being scanned.

3.4. In cases where an organization, along with radiography in stationary conditions, carries out work using portable X-ray flaw detectors, the laboratory includes a special room for storing these X-ray flaw detectors and spare parts for them.

When carrying out X-ray work outside the organization, temporary storage of portable X-ray flaw detectors is carried out under conditions that ensure their safety and exclude the possibility of unauthorized use.

3.5. If an organization, in addition to X-ray flaw detectors, uses portable radionuclide flaw detectors, it is allowed to store them (in quantities of no more than 2 pieces) in wells, niches or safes equipped in the protective chamber of a stationary X-ray flaw detector.

3.6. The floor in the protective chamber and control room is made of electrically insulating materials or covered with dielectric mats at personnel workstations.

3.7. If it is necessary to directly monitor the process of scanning products, it is planned to install a protective viewing window in the control room in the working chamber or use a television installation for these purposes.

IV. Requirements for blocking and signaling systems of X-ray flaw detectors

4.1. X-ray flaw detectors are equipped with blocking and alarm systems.

4.2. On installations with X-ray flaw detectors, local protection consisting of separate removable protective blocks is provided with locking devices to automatically turn off the X-ray flaw detector in the event of removal or incorrect installation of any removable protective block.

4.3. The X-ray flaw detector control panel is equipped with a light alarm that lights up when X-ray generation is turned on and goes out after it is turned off.

4.4. If the locking or alarm systems malfunction, the X-ray flaw detector must be turned off.

4.5. To prevent the possibility of unauthorized use, X-ray flaw detectors are equipped with a reliable locking or code device that prevents them from being turned on without using a special key or code.

4.6. All units of X-ray flaw detectors are sealed by the manufacturer so that without breaking the manufacturer's seal it is impossible to disable the blocking and alarm systems or change the characteristics of the X-ray flaw detectors that affect their safety.

V. Carrying out X-ray flaw detection in stationary conditions

5.1. Stationary X-ray flaw detectors are installed in special protective chambers, the design of radiation protection of which ensures annual radiation doses to personnel and the public no more than the basic dose limits established by NRB-99/2009. The X-ray flaw detector is controlled from the control room.

5.2. Portable X-ray flaw detectors can be used in stationary conditions in protective chambers located in production premises (shops). In this case, radiation protection of the protective chamber is carried out in such a way that, under any permissible operating conditions of the X-ray flaw detectors located in it, the ambient equivalent dose of X-ray radiation at any accessible point at a distance of 10 cm from the outer surface of the chamber, including protective devices of technological openings for supplying products for scanning and entrance doors, did not exceed 2.5 μSv/h. It is allowed to carry out X-ray flaw detection in a protective chamber of the "fence" type without a protective ceiling, located in a production room, provided that when the X-ray flaw detector is operating, the ambient equivalent dose rate of X-ray radiation at the workplaces of persons classified as Group B personnel does not exceed 2 .5 μSv/h, and in the workplaces of persons not classified as personnel, does not exceed 0.5 μSv/h.

The ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation is allowed to be no more than 10 μSv/h at a distance of 10 cm from the surface of the wall of the protective chamber within the control room, in which, during the operation of the X-ray flaw detector, the possibility of finding persons not classified as Group A personnel is excluded. At the same time, the ambient equivalent rate X-ray radiation doses at any accessible point at a distance of 10 cm from the outer surface of the control room walls should not exceed 2.5 μSv/h.

5.3. The entrance to the protective chamber located in the production room and the opening for supplying transilluminated products are located in places with the lowest levels of X-ray radiation and are equipped with radiation protection that ensures compliance with the requirements of clause 5.2 of the Rules. The construction of channels and holes in protective devices for technological purposes is carried out in places with the lowest level of X-ray radiation so that the requirements of paragraph 5.2 of the Rules are met for the outer surface of the protective devices in the places where the channels and holes pass.

5.4. The protective viewing window from the control room to the protective chamber (if necessary) is located away from the direct radiation beam. The ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation 10 cm from its outer surface during operation of the X-ray flaw detector should not exceed 20 μSv/h, and the ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation at permanent workplaces of personnel in the control room should not exceed 10 μSv/h.

5.5. There are no requirements for radiation protection of the floor of a protective chamber located on the ground floor (in the absence of basements located underneath).

5.6. The doors of the protective chambers are equipped with interlocks that ensure that the generation of X-ray radiation is stopped when any door to the protective chamber is opened. The lock should prevent the door to the protective chamber from being opened from the outside when the X-ray flaw detector is operating, but should not prevent it from being opened from the inside while simultaneously turning off the X-ray flaw detector. Restarting the X-ray flaw detector should only be done from the control panel after closing the door.

5.7. A clearly visible and easily accessible device is placed in the protective chamber to emergency shutdown the X-ray flaw detector and prohibit its activation.

5.8. A sound and (or) light alarm is installed in the protective chamber, warning of the need to immediately leave the protective chamber before turning on the X-ray flaw detector. The minimum time between the activation of the alarm and the possibility of turning on the X-ray flaw detector must be sufficient for a person to exit the protective chamber or use the emergency shutdown device for the X-ray flaw detector.

5.9. The entrance doors to the protective chamber and control room are locked, the key to which is kept by the person responsible for the operation of the X-ray flaw detector.

5.10. The entrance door to the protective chamber must open outwards.

5.11. On the control panel of the X-ray flaw detector and above the entrance to the protective chamber, light signs are installed with the warning inscription: “X-ray transmission”, which light up when the X-ray flaw detector is turned on and turn off after it is turned off.

5.12. Radiation hazard signs are placed on the entrance doors of protective chambers and on the outer surface of installations with X-ray flaw detectors in local protection.

5.13. When working with X-ray flaw detection installations equipped with a conveyor (or other device for feeding parts for scanning), organizational and technical measures are provided to prevent people from entering the control zone through the technological opening for feeding parts for scanning during operation of the X-ray flaw detector.

5.14. After installing X-ray flaw detectors, all stationary protective devices are checked for compliance with the requirements of OSPORB-99/2010 and the Rules.

5.15. Before starting work (each shift), personnel check the serviceability of the X-ray flaw detector (moving parts, electrical wiring, high-voltage cable, grounding wires in the protective chamber) and test switch on the X-ray flaw detector.

5.16. Before starting candling, personnel must make sure that there are no people in the protective chamber.

5.17. During the entire time of scanning, the flaw detector must be constantly at the control panel of the x-ray flaw detector.

5.18. X-ray flaw detectors are operated only in the modes specified in their technical documentation and technical inspection report.

5.19. After the end of the shift, all power switches are turned off, and the control knobs are returned to their original position. The removable control handles are removed. The X-ray flaw detector control panel, as well as the protective chamber and control room are locked. The keys to the protective chamber and control room, as well as the key to the locking device of the X-ray flaw detector, are handed over to the person responsible for its operation.

5.20. If it is necessary to carry out repair work, workers (electricians, mechanics) can be in the protective chamber with the X-ray flaw detector turned off and in the control room only in the presence of the person responsible for ensuring radiation safety.

VI. Carrying out X-ray flaw detection in non-stationary conditions using portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors

6.1. When carrying out X-ray flaw detection work in non-stationary conditions using portable or mobile X-ray flaw detectors outside protective chambers and special premises (in workshops, in open areas, in field conditions), the radiation safety of personnel and the public is ensured by distance from the X-ray flaw detector.

Personnel should be located in the direction opposite to the direction of the X-ray beam, at a distance or behind a protective structure that provides an average dose rate of no more than 10 μSv/h.

An access restriction zone is established in which the average dose rate during operation of the X-ray flaw detector can exceed 1 μSv/h. Measures are being taken to exclude the possibility of unauthorized persons being in the restricted access zone when the X-ray flaw detector is operating. To reduce the size of the access restriction zone, mobile radiation protection equipment (protective screens, screens) can be used.

6.2. When carrying out work with portable X-ray flaw detectors in specially designated production premises, unauthorized persons must be prevented from accessing these premises while the X-ray flaw detector is operating. At the same time, in vertically and horizontally adjacent production premises, the average dose rate should not exceed:

10 μSv/h for premises with permanent workplaces for group A personnel,

20 μSv/h for premises of temporary (no more than 50% of working time) stay of group A personnel,

40 μSv/h for premises with occasional (no more than 25% of working time) presence of group A personnel,

2.5 μSv/h for premises with permanent workplaces for group B personnel,

5.0 μSv/h for premises of temporary (no more than 50% of working time) stay of group B personnel,

10 μSv/h for premises with occasional (no more than 25% of working time) presence of group B personnel,

0.5 μSv/h for premises with permanent workplaces of workers not classified as personnel.

6.3. Protective devices for installations with X-ray flaw detectors in local protection are made so that the ambient equivalent dose rate of X-ray radiation at any accessible point at a distance of 10 cm from the outer surface of the installation or protective fence, which excludes the possibility of access by unauthorized persons during operation of the X-ray flaw detector, does not exceed 2.5 μSv/h. In this case, the ambient dose equivalent rate of x-ray radiation in places where group A personnel may be located during operation of the installation should not exceed 10 μSv/h.

6.4. When carrying out X-ray flaw detection using portable or mobile X-ray flaw detectors in workshops, in open areas and in the field, the absence of unauthorized persons in the access restricted area when the X-ray flaw detector is operating is ensured. The restricted access zone is fenced off and marked with warning posters (inscriptions), clearly visible from a distance of at least 3 meters.

6.5. X-ray work in workshops, in open areas and in the field is carried out by two workers.

6.6. To ensure radiation safety of personnel and the public when working with portable (mobile) X-ray flaw detectors, it is necessary:

Examine products at the minimum possible angle of divergence of the working beam of X-ray radiation, using collimators, diaphragms or tubes included in the set of X-ray flaw detectors;

Install a protective screen behind the item being scanned, blocking the transmitted beam of radiation;

Direct the radiation beam away from workplaces and places where people may appear, into a thick wall or other obstacle;

Reduce the transillumination time of products through the use of highly sensitive films, intensifying screens, digital systems registration;

The control panel of mobile and portable X-ray flaw detectors should be placed on the side opposite to the direction of the radiation beam at such a distance from the X-ray emitter that ensures the radiation safety of personnel in accordance with the requirements of NRB-99/2009; If this condition cannot be met, use special protective screens, or equip X-ray flaw detectors with means of automatically delaying switching on, allowing personnel to move to a safe distance before turning on the X-ray flaw detector.

6.7. Upon completion of work, the operator turns off the X-ray flaw detector, closes the locking device on its remote control and hands over the X-ray flaw detector and key to the person responsible for accounting and storage of X-ray flaw detectors.

VII. Security requirements

during installation and commissioning

and repair and maintenance work

7.1. Installation and adjustment work is carried out before the laboratory is accepted into operation, subject to safety requirements.

7.2. When carrying out installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance work, as well as during the operation of X-ray flaw detectors, it is not allowed to perform operations that are not provided for in the safety and radiation safety instructions, with the exception of actions aimed at preventing overexposure of people.

7.3. Installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance work is carried out simultaneously by at least two workers.

7.4. During installation, adjustment and repair work, the power switch is turned off and warning signs are hung on it: “Do not turn on”, “People are working”.

If during the above work it is necessary to turn on the X-ray flaw detector, then before each turn it on, workers are warned about this and ordered to leave the protective chamber. After all people leave the protective chamber, the X-ray flaw detector is turned on.

7.5. Work not directly related to the installation and repair of the X-ray flaw detector (construction, electrical) may be carried out in a protective chamber and control room after disconnecting the X-ray flaw detector from the network and obtaining permission from the person responsible for the operation of the X-ray flaw detector in his presence.

7.6. Technical inspection of the X-ray flaw detector is carried out at least once a month.

7.7. At least once a year, X-ray flaw detectors are inspected and electrically tested in the presence of representatives of the radiation safety service. In this case, electrical measuring instruments, the condition of grounding, insulation, the operability of blocking and alarm systems, and the technical condition of the X-ray flaw detector (transformer, X-ray emitter, protective devices) are checked.

The results of the inspection (indicating the deadline for eliminating the noted deficiencies) are entered into a report, which is drawn up in 2 copies. One copy of the act is stored in the laboratory, the second - in the radiation safety service of the organization.

VIII. Industrial radiation control

8.1. In organizations where X-ray flaw detection is carried out, industrial radiation monitoring is carried out.

8.2. Industrial radiation monitoring is carried out by the radiation safety service or the person responsible for conducting radiation monitoring, appointed from among employees who have undergone special training.

8.3. The administration of the organization develops and approves a radiation monitoring program that establishes the volume, nature and frequency of radiation monitoring, as well as the procedure for recording its results, taking into account the characteristics and conditions of the work performed.

8.4. The industrial radiation monitoring program includes:

8.4.1. Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation at personnel workplaces - once a quarter and with each change in the scanning conditions (increasing the operating voltage or power of the X-ray flaw detector, changing its operating mode, changing the configuration of the X-ray beam, changing the design of protective devices).

8.4.2. Measurement of individual doses of external irradiation of group A personnel - continuously with registration of results once a quarter.

8.5. When carrying out work using portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors outside the protective chamber, the following is carried out:

Checking protective devices (screens, screens) - twice a year and if visible damage is detected;

Determining the size of the access restriction zone - once a year, as well as every time the scanning conditions change;

Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate in adjacent rooms and workplaces (during flaw detection work in industrial premises) - once a year, as well as each time the scanning conditions change.

8.6. When carrying out work with X-ray flaw detectors located in protective chambers, the following is carried out:

Inspection of stationary protective devices - once a year, as well as after completion of construction and repair work affecting these protective devices;

Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate 10 cm from the outer surface of the protective chamber (for protective chambers located in production premises) - once a year, as well as each time the illumination conditions change;

Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate at workplaces (for protective chambers located in industrial premises and without a protective ceiling) - once a year, as well as each time the illumination conditions change;

Checking the serviceability of locking and alarm systems - every shift before starting work.

8.7. Inspection of radiation protection of installations with X-ray flaw detectors in local protection and technological openings is carried out once a quarter.

8.8. If the ambient x-ray dose equivalent rate exceeds permissible levels on the outer surfaces of protective devices, protective chambers, screens, it is necessary to eliminate the defect in the protection and carry out repeated measurements.

8.9. To carry out radiation monitoring, dosimetric instruments are used that have a valid verification certificate and allow measuring the ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation with an energy from 50 to 500 keV in the range from 0.1 μSv/h to 10 mSv/h. To carry out radiation monitoring of pulsed X-ray flaw detectors, dosimetric instruments are used that are designed to measure pulsed X-ray radiation.

8.10. The results of checking stationary protective devices are recorded in a protocol, which is drawn up in 2 copies. One copy is kept in the radiation safety service of the organization (with the person responsible for ensuring radiation safety), the second is kept by the head of the laboratory.

8.11. The results of industrial radiation monitoring are recorded in a special journal. Individual radiation doses to personnel are recorded quarterly. Quarterly and annual radiation doses to personnel, as well as the total radiation dose for the entire period of production activity, are recorded in individual dose cards, which are stored in the organization for 50 years. The organization annually fills out and submits a radiation-hygienic passport of the organization and a report on personnel exposure doses.

1 Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2009 N 47 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 14, 2009, registration N 14534).

2 Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2010 N 40 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 11, 2010, registration N 18115).

State Sanitary and Epidemiological
rationing of the Russian Federation

State sanitary and epidemiological
rules and regulations


Hygienic requirements
to ensure radiation safety

when procuring and selling scrap metal

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


Ministry of Health of Russia

Moscow 2001

Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during the procurement and sale of scrap metal: Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. - M.: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2001.

1. Developed by a team of authors consisting of: A. N. Barkovsky, I. P. Stamat (Federal Radiological Center at the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene), S. I. Ivanov, G. S. Perminova. E. P. Solomonova (Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia), V. M. Kozodoy, V. G. Ostanin (Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Transport (Water and Air) in the North-West Region), E. B. Kovalenko, E. A. Tuchkevich, L. I. Kutakova (Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the Moscow Region), V. A. Yamson (Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in St. Petersburg).

3. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor - First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation G. G. Onishchenko on October 29, 2000.

4. Put into effect by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2001 No. 114 “On the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during the procurement and sale of scrap metal” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 8, 2001, registration No. 2701).

5. Introduced to replace the “Temporary Regulations on Radiation Monitoring of Scrap Metal”, approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia on October 14, 1997.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation
“On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”
No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999

“State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts, establishing sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-compliance with which creates a threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases” (Article 1 ).

“Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities” (Article 39).

“For violation of sanitary legislation, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established” (Article 55).

Federal law
“On radiation safety of the population”
No. 3-FZ of January 9, 1996

“Radiation safety of the population is the state of protection of present and future generations of people from the effects of ionizing radiation harmful to their health” (Article 1).

"Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons living on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to radiation safety. This right is ensured through a set of measures to prevent radiation exposure to the human body from ionizing radiation above established standards, rules and regulations” (Article 22).


Chief State Sanitary

doctor of the Russian Federation -

First Deputy Minister

healthcare of the Russian Federation

G. G. Onishchenko


Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during the procurement and sale of scrap metal

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

5.5. If local sources or radioactive contamination of a vehicle (equipment) is detected, its owner must provide conditions and methods for storing, neutralizing, moving and burying the detected sources that are safe for public health and the environment in accordance with current sanitary rules. If you must comply with all the instructions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service, submit the vehicle (equipment) for re-examination, as well as documents confirming the implementation of the prescribed measures, incl. protocols of measurements carried out by LRC.

5.6. A vehicle (equipment) is allowed to be cut into scrap metal on the territory of the Russian Federation without any restrictions on radiation safety in the absence of sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination and when the dose rate of gamma radiation (less the contribution of the natural background) on its surface is not more than 0.2 μSv/h. For this vehicle (equipment), the state sanitary and epidemiological service authority issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on its compliance with sanitary rules.

6. Requirements for methods of radiation monitoring of scrap metal

6.1. Industrial radiation monitoring of scrap metal includes:

· radiation monitoring of all scrap metal supplied to the procurement organization in order to identify its radioactive contamination or the presence of local sources of gamma radiation in it;

· measurement of gamma radiation dose rate when an excess of background radiation is detected near a batch or piece of scrap metal.

6.2. The industrial radiation monitoring methodology should ensure:

· reliable detection of cases where gamma radiation levels near the surface of a batch of scrap metal exceed the natural background by more than 0.05 μSv/h;

· identification of all local sources in a batch of scrap metal that create an DER of gamma radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the surface of the batch (vehicle) of more than 0.2 μSv/h;

· guaranteed identification of all local sources contained in a batch of scrap metal that create an DER of gamma radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the source of more than 1 μSv/h.

6.3. Radiation monitoring of a batch of scrap metal carried out by LRC includes:

· identification of local sources of gamma radiation in a batch of scrap metal;

· carrying out measurements of gamma radiation DER on the surface of a batch of scrap metal;

· selective checking for the presence of surface contamination of scrap metal with alpha- and beta-active radionuclides;

· conducting a radiation survey of an empty vehicle intended for transporting a batch of scrap metal, as well as measuring the DER of gamma radiation on the surface of a loaded vehicle.

6.4. The methodology for radiation monitoring of a batch of scrap metal carried out by LRC must ensure:

· reliable determination of the presence of gamma radiation from radionuclides contained in scrap metal with a confidence value of the lower limit for determining the DER of gamma radiation (above the natural radiation background) of no more than 0.05 μSv/h;

· identification of all local sources in a batch of scrap metal that create an DER of gamma radiation on the surface of the batch (vehicle) of more than 0.2 μSv/h (above the natural background);

· guaranteed identification of all local sources contained in a batch of scrap metal that create an DER of gamma radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the source of more than 1 μSv/h;

· reliable detection in places of selective measurements of the presence of alpha radiation flux density exceeding 0.04 -particles/(cm 2 × With);

· reliable detection in places of selective measurements of the presence of beta radiation flux density exceeding 0.4 -particles//(cm 2 × With)).

7. Registration and issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for a batch of scrap metal

7.1. A sanitary and epidemiological certificate for a batch of scrap metal is issued based on the results of its radiation monitoring.

7.2. The issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for a batch of scrap metal is carried out by institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with the functions assigned to them:

Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Ministry of Health;

Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Ministry of Health;

state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers in the regions for transport;

centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of the Federal Administration "Medbioextrem" under the Ministry of Health of Russia.

7.3. A sanitary and epidemiological certificate for a shipment of scrap metal is issued for a loaded and ready-to-ship transport unit or several units traveling as a whole to one consignee, based on measurement reports carried out by duly accredited LRCs and a measurement report issued for this batch of scrap metal procurement organization based on the results of industrial radiation monitoring.

7.4. The sanitary and epidemiological report for a batch of scrap metal indicates:

· number of the sanitary-epidemiological report and the date of its issue;

· full name and address of the organization to which the sanitary-epidemiological certificate was issued;

· number of the contract (agreement) for the supply of scrap metal, consignee;

· total quantity (weight) and type of scrap metal, number and identification numbers of transport units (cars, containers, etc.) included in the shipment;

· the full name of the LRK that performed the measurements and the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance institution that issued the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;

· numbers of protocols and dates of measurements carried out by LRC during radiation monitoring of a batch of scrap metal;

· values ​​of monitored parameters (MMED of gamma radiation on the surface of a batch of scrap metal, a transport unit, identified levels of radioactive contamination);

· conditions of use (transportation) of a batch of scrap metal.

7.5. To obtain a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for a batch of scrap metal, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities submitted to the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection institution following documents:

· an application for a sanitary and epidemiological assessment of a batch of scrap metal;

· a copy of the license for the right to operate in the procurement (processing, sale) of scrap metal;

· measurement protocol drawn up for a batch of scrap metal by a procurement organization based on the results of industrial radiation monitoring;

· measurement protocol(s) of a duly accredited medical laboratory.

By Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2009 N 49, paragraph 7.6 of this appendix is ​​stated in a new edition.

7.6. To issue a sanitary and epidemiological report on scrap metal coming from enterprises using alpha and beta active radionuclides or accelerators that create induced activity, it is necessary to submit a protocol for monitoring the presence (absence) of alpha and beta contamination of scrap metal.

7.7. Bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation issue sanitary and epidemiological conclusions in the prescribed manner and are responsible for the validity of their issuance.

7.8. The sanitary and epidemiological report is drawn up on standard forms with established degrees of protection and is issued for a period of no more than 5 years.

8. Radiation safety during the procurement and sale of scrap metal

8.1. If scrap metal is detected, which, based on the results of radiation monitoring, cannot be allowed to be used without restrictions, the organization that carried out the radiation monitoring and the owner of the scrap metal are obliged to inform the state sanitary and epidemiological service body in whose controlled territory (controlled facility) the scrap metal is located. Further handling of scrap metal should be carried out in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

Appendix 1

Recommended form of the journal for industrial radiation monitoring of scrap metal

industrial radiation monitoring of scrap metal

Company name _____________________________________________________

Address, phone number _________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person,

person responsible for radiation control _____________________________________

The magazine was started "___" _________ 200 _

The magazine is finished "___" _________ 200 _

Number of pages

Name of received scrap metal, quantity (kg)


Number and date of the invoice (or other documents for the cargo)

Instruments used during measurements (name, serial number)

Radiation monitoring results

Background values

The presence of an excess above the background on the surface of the received scrap metal

MMED on the surface of received scrap metal

Signature of the person who carried out the radiation monitoring

Terms and definitions

Scrap metal(scrap of non-ferrous and ferrous metals) - suitable only for recycling containing non-ferrous and/or ferrous production and consumption waste generated from industrial and household products that have become unusable or have lost their consumer properties, their parts, equipment, mechanisms, structures, vehicles, military equipment etc.

Scrap metal procurement- economic activities for the collection, purchase, extraction and movement of scrap non-ferrous and ferrous metals to the place of their temporary storage, processing and/or final consumption in metallurgical production.

Sales of scrap metal- sale or transfer free of charge of harvested and/or processed scrap metal to third parties.

Local source- a separate fragment of scrap metal, near the surface of which (at a distance of no more than 10 cm) the gamma radiation DER value of the radionuclides contained in it (minus the contribution of the natural background) exceeds 0.2 μSv/h.

Gamma radiation DER- equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation of radionuclides contained in scrap metal near the surface (at a distance of no more than 10 cm) of a batch (fragment) of scrap metal (minus the contribution of the natural background).

MMED of gamma radiation- the maximum recorded value of the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation of radionuclides contained in scrap metal near the surface (at a distance of no more than 10 cm) of a batch (fragment) of scrap metal (minus the contribution of the natural background).

Scrap metal shipment:

· a separately located amount of scrap metal prepared for loading into a vehicle and intended for sale;

· scrap metal loaded into a transport unit (platform, wagon, vehicle, cargo container, etc.);

· scrap metal loaded into two or more transport units traveling simultaneously to the same recipient.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
dated May 5, 2014 No. 34

“On approval of SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection”

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650; 2002, No. 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, No. 167; 2004, No. 3607; 2006, No. 10; (Part 1), Article 5498; Article 21; Article 3213; Article 49; No. 24, Art. 2801; No. 29 (Part 1), Art. 3416; 2009, art. 17; 2011, art. 6; art. 4596; ; No. 50, Art. 24, No. 3446; 6165) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295; 2004, No. 8, Art. 663; No. 47, art. 4666; 2005, No. 39, art. 3953) I decree:

1. Approve sanitary rules and standards SanPiN 2.6.3164-14 “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection” (Appendix).

2. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2003 No. 44 “On the implementation of SP” (Sanitary rules “Ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection”), registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 5 2003, registration number 4504.

Registration No. 33450

Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN
“Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during X-ray flaw detection”

(approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2014 No. 34)

(As amended on October 30, 2017)

I. Scope of application

1.2. The rules apply to the design, construction, manufacture, implementation, testing, installation, operation, maintenance, radiation monitoring, transportation, storage and disposal of x-ray flaw detectors and equipment for x-ray flaw detection, design, design, manufacture and operation of radiation protection equipment for x-ray flaw detection.

1.3. The Rules are mandatory for execution on the territory of the Russian Federation by all individuals and legal entities.

1.4. The rules do not apply to work with beam inspection systems and X-ray scanners for personal searches of people.

1.5. Monitoring the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. General provisions

2.1. An X-ray flaw detector is a generating source of ionizing radiation. It contains an X-ray tube, which is an intense source of X-ray radiation, which poses a potential health hazard.

Dangerous and harmful factors during the operation of X-ray flaw detectors are high voltage, ozone and nitrogen oxides formed as a result of radiolysis of air under the influence of X-ray radiation.

2.2. The X-ray tube does not contain radioactive substances and does not create them during operation. It becomes a source of ionizing radiation only after supply voltage is applied to it. During transportation and storage, de-energized X-ray flaw detectors do not pose a radiation hazard and do not require special radiation protection measures.

2.3. According to the method of use, X-ray flaw detectors are divided into stationary, portable and mobile.

Stationary X-ray flaw detectors are used in stationary conditions of flaw detection laboratories in special protective chambers that exclude people from entering the chamber when the X-ray flaw detector is operating and provide radiation protection for personnel outside the chamber.

Portable X-ray flaw detectors do not have radiation protection and are used in both stationary and non-stationary conditions. Such flaw detectors can be equipped with special collimators (diaphragms, tubes) that form a directed diverging radiation beam in the form of a cone with a given opening angle for frontal scanning, or a ring diverging radiation beam with a given opening angle for panoramic scanning. Radiation protection of the population during the operation of a portable X-ray flaw detector is ensured by establishing a restricted access zone, and of personnel by removing them to a safe distance from the X-ray emitter, or by using special protective devices.

The technical documentation for X-ray flaw detectors indicates the safe distance from the X-ray emitter when the flaw detector is operating for Group A personnel and the dimensions of the restricted access zone for the public.

Mobile X-ray flaw detectors are mounted on vehicles and can move with them. Such flaw detectors are equipped with protective screens and collimators that reduce the size of the access restriction zone necessary to ensure radiation safety of the population during the operation of the x-ray flaw detector. Radiation protection of personnel during operation of a mobile X-ray flaw detector is ensured by removing it from the X-ray emitter at a safe distance, or by using special radiation protection of the personnel workplace.

Both portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors can be used in production facilities, outdoor areas and in the field.

2.4. X-ray flaw detectors that meet the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN “Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009)” * (hereinafter referred to as NRB-99/2009), SP are allowed for use on the territory of the Russian Federation 10 “Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99/2010)” ** (hereinafter referred to as OSPORB-99/2010) and Rules.


* Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2009 No. 47 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 14, 2009, registration No. 14534).

** Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2010 No. 40 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 11, 2010, registration No. 18115).

2.5. Design, construction, manufacturing, sales, testing, installation, operation, maintenance, radiation monitoring, transportation, storage and disposal of X-ray flaw detectors, design, construction, production and operation of radiation protection equipment for X-ray flaw detection is permitted with a license to carry out handling activities with sources of ionizing radiation (generating). Manufacturing, testing, installation, operation, maintenance and radiation monitoring of X-ray flaw detectors is carried out in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of working conditions with sources of ionizing radiation with sanitary rules (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion).

2.6. Organizations engaged in the manufacture, testing, installation, operation and maintenance of X-ray flaw detectors annually submit a radiation-hygienic passport of the organization.

2.16. The personnel immediately reports any violations in the operation of X-ray flaw detectors to the person responsible for ensuring radiation safety.

III. Requirements for premises of X-ray flaw detection laboratories

3.1. In organizations that carry out X-ray flaw detection, X-ray flaw detection laboratories (hereinafter referred to as laboratories) are organized.

3.2. The composition, number and size of laboratory premises are determined depending on the availability and purpose of X-ray flaw detectors, their technical parameters, as well as the volume and nature of the work performed, including the following premises:

Protective chamber (if stationary X-ray flaw detectors are available or a protective chamber is used to work with portable X-ray flaw detectors);

Control room (if there is a protective chamber);

Darkroom (when working with X-ray films);

Premises for personnel, processing and storage of control results;

Sanitary facilities;

Storage room for portable X-ray flaw detectors (if available).

The laboratory provides space to accommodate the radiation safety service (the person responsible for conducting industrial radiation monitoring).

3.3. The dimensions of the protective chamber are selected so as to ensure the ability of personnel to work, taking into account the technology of the work being carried out, the number of X-ray flaw detectors used and the size of the products being scanned.

3.4. In cases where an organization, along with radiography in stationary conditions, carries out work using portable X-ray flaw detectors, the laboratory includes a special room for storing these X-ray flaw detectors and spare parts for them.

When carrying out X-ray work outside the organization, temporary storage of portable X-ray flaw detectors is carried out under conditions that ensure their safety and exclude the possibility of unauthorized use.

3.5. If an organization, in addition to X-ray flaw detectors, uses portable radionuclide flaw detectors, it is allowed to store them (in quantities of no more than 2 pieces) in wells, niches or safes equipped in the protective chamber of a stationary X-ray flaw detector.

3.6. The floor in the protective chamber and control room is made of electrically insulating materials or covered with dielectric mats at personnel workstations.

3.7. If it is necessary to directly monitor the process of scanning products, it is planned to install a protective viewing window in the control room in the working chamber or use a television installation for these purposes.

IV. Requirements for blocking and signaling systems of X-ray flaw detectors

4.1. X-ray flaw detectors are equipped with blocking and alarm systems.

4.2. On installations with X-ray flaw detectors, local protection consisting of separate removable protective blocks is provided with locking devices to automatically turn off the X-ray flaw detector in the event of removal or incorrect installation of any removable protective block.

4.3. The X-ray flaw detector control panel is equipped with a light alarm that lights up when X-ray generation is turned on and goes out after it is turned off.

4.4. If the locking or alarm systems malfunction, the X-ray flaw detector must be turned off.

4.5. To prevent the possibility of unauthorized use, X-ray flaw detectors are equipped with a reliable locking or code device that prevents them from being turned on without using a special key or code.

4.6. All units of X-ray flaw detectors are sealed by the manufacturer so that without breaking the manufacturer's seal it is impossible to disable the blocking and alarm systems or change the characteristics of the X-ray flaw detectors that affect their safety.

V. Carrying out X-ray flaw detection in stationary conditions

5.1. Stationary X-ray flaw detectors are installed in special protective chambers, the design of radiation protection of which ensures annual radiation doses to personnel and the public no more than the basic dose limits established by NRB-99/2009. The X-ray flaw detector is controlled from the control room.

5.4. The protective viewing window from the control room to the protective chamber (if necessary) is located away from the direct radiation beam. The ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation 10 cm from its outer surface during operation of the X-ray flaw detector should not exceed 20 μSv/h, and the ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation at permanent workplaces of personnel in the control room should not exceed 10 μSv/h.

5.5. There are no requirements for radiation protection of the floor of a protective chamber located on the ground floor (in the absence of basements located underneath).

5.6. The doors of the protective chambers are equipped with interlocks that ensure that the generation of X-ray radiation is stopped when any door to the protective chamber is opened. The lock should prevent the door to the protective chamber from being opened from the outside when the X-ray flaw detector is operating, but should not prevent it from being opened from the inside while simultaneously turning off the X-ray flaw detector. Restarting the X-ray flaw detector should only be done from the control panel after closing the door.

5.7. A clearly visible and easily accessible device is placed in the protective chamber to emergency shutdown the X-ray flaw detector and prohibit its activation.

5.8. A sound and (or) light alarm is installed in the protective chamber, warning of the need to immediately leave the protective chamber before turning on the X-ray flaw detector. The minimum time between the activation of the alarm and the possibility of turning on the X-ray flaw detector must be sufficient for a person to exit the protective chamber or use the emergency shutdown device for the X-ray flaw detector.

5.9. The entrance doors to the protective chamber and control room are locked, the key to which is kept by the person responsible for the operation of the X-ray flaw detector.

5.10. The entrance door to the protective chamber should not open into the chamber.

5.11. On the control panel of the X-ray flaw detector and above the entrance to the protective chamber, light signs with a warning inscription are installed, which light up when the X-ray flaw detector is turned on and turn off after it is turned off.

(Changed version. Amended on October 30, 2017)

5.12. Radiation hazard signs are placed on the entrance doors of protective chambers and on the outer surface of installations with X-ray flaw detectors in local protection.

5.13. When working with X-ray flaw detection installations equipped with a conveyor (or other device for feeding parts for scanning), organizational and technical measures are provided to prevent people from entering the control zone through the technological opening for feeding parts for scanning during operation of the X-ray flaw detector.

5.14. After installing X-ray flaw detectors, all stationary protective devices are checked for compliance with the requirements of OSPORB-99/2010 and the Rules.

5.15. Before starting work (each shift), personnel check the serviceability of the X-ray flaw detector (moving parts, electrical wiring, high-voltage cable, grounding wires in the protective chamber) and test switch on the X-ray flaw detector.

5.16. Before starting candling, personnel must make sure that there are no people in the protective chamber.

5.17. During the entire time of scanning, the flaw detector must be constantly at the control panel of the x-ray flaw detector.

5.18. X-ray flaw detectors are operated only in the modes specified in their technical documentation and technical inspection report.

5.19. After the end of the shift, all power switches are turned off, and the control knobs are returned to their original position. The removable control handles are removed. The X-ray flaw detector control panel, as well as the protective chamber and control room are locked. The keys to the protective chamber and control room, as well as the key to the locking device of the X-ray flaw detector, are handed over to the person responsible for its operation.

5.20. If it is necessary to carry out repair work, workers (electricians, mechanics) can be in the protective chamber with the X-ray flaw detector turned off and in the control room only in the presence of the person responsible for ensuring radiation safety.

VI. Carrying out X-ray flaw detection in non-stationary conditions using portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors

6.1. When carrying out X-ray flaw detection work in non-stationary conditions using portable or mobile X-ray flaw detectors outside protective chambers and special premises (in workshops, in open areas, in field conditions), the radiation safety of personnel and the public is ensured by distance from the X-ray flaw detector.

Personnel should be located in the direction opposite to the direction of the X-ray beam, at a distance or behind a protective structure that provides an average dose rate of no more than 10 μSv/h.

An access restriction zone is established in which the average dose rate during operation of the X-ray flaw detector can exceed 1 μSv/h. Measures are being taken to exclude the possibility of unauthorized persons being in the restricted access zone when the X-ray flaw detector is operating. To reduce the size of the access restriction zone, mobile radiation protection equipment (protective screens, screens) can be used.

6.2. When carrying out work with portable X-ray flaw detectors in specially designated production premises, unauthorized persons must be prevented from accessing these premises while the X-ray flaw detector is operating. At the same time, in vertically and horizontally adjacent production premises, the average dose rate should not exceed:

10 μSv/h for premises with permanent workplaces for group A personnel,

20 μSv/h for premises of temporary (no more than 50% of working time) stay of group A personnel,

40 μSv/h for premises with occasional (no more than 25% of working time) presence of group A personnel,

2.5 μSv/h for premises with permanent workplaces for group B personnel,

5.0 μSv/h for premises of temporary (no more than 50% of working time) stay of group B personnel,

10 μSv/h for premises with occasional (no more than 25% of working time) presence of group B personnel,

0.5 μSv/h for premises with permanent workplaces of workers not classified as personnel.

6.3. Protective devices for installations with X-ray flaw detectors in local protection are made so that the ambient equivalent dose rate of X-ray radiation at any accessible point at a distance of 10 cm from the outer surface of the installation or protective fence, which excludes the possibility of access by unauthorized persons during operation of the X-ray flaw detector, does not exceed 2.5 μSv/h. In this case, the ambient dose equivalent rate of x-ray radiation in places where group A personnel may be located during operation of the installation should not exceed 10 μSv/h.

6.4. When carrying out X-ray flaw detection using portable or mobile X-ray flaw detectors in workshops, in open areas and in the field, the absence of unauthorized persons in the access restricted area when the X-ray flaw detector is operating is ensured. The restricted access zone is fenced off and marked with warning posters (inscriptions), clearly visible from a distance of at least 3 meters.

6.5. X-ray work in workshops, in open areas and in the field is carried out by two workers.

6.6. To ensure radiation safety of personnel and the public when working with portable (mobile) X-ray flaw detectors, it is necessary:

Examine products at the minimum possible angle of divergence of the working beam of X-ray radiation, using collimators, diaphragms or tubes included in the set of X-ray flaw detectors;

Install a protective screen behind the item being scanned, blocking the transmitted beam of radiation;

Direct the radiation beam away from workplaces and places where people may appear, into a thick wall or other obstacle;

Reduce the exposure time of products through the use of highly sensitive films, intensifying screens, and digital registration systems;

The control panel of mobile and portable X-ray flaw detectors should be placed on the side opposite to the direction of the radiation beam at such a distance from the X-ray emitter that ensures the radiation safety of personnel in accordance with the requirements of NRB-99/2009; If this condition cannot be met, use special protective screens, or equip X-ray flaw detectors with means of automatically delaying switching on, allowing personnel to move to a safe distance before turning on the X-ray flaw detector.

6.7. Upon completion of work, the operator turns off the X-ray flaw detector, closes the locking device on its remote control and hands over the X-ray flaw detector and key to the person responsible for accounting and storage of X-ray flaw detectors.

VII. Safety requirements for installation, commissioning, repair and maintenance work

7.1. Installation and adjustment work is carried out before the laboratory is accepted into operation, subject to safety requirements.

7.2. When carrying out installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance work, as well as during the operation of X-ray flaw detectors, it is not allowed to perform operations that are not provided for in the safety and radiation safety instructions, with the exception of actions aimed at preventing overexposure of people.

7.3. Installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance work is carried out simultaneously by at least two workers.

7.4. During installation, adjustment and repair work, the power switch is turned off and warning signs are hung on it: “Do not turn on”, “People are working”.

If during the above work it is necessary to turn on the X-ray flaw detector, then before each turn it on, workers are warned about this and ordered to leave the protective chamber. After all people leave the protective chamber, the X-ray flaw detector is turned on.

7.5. Work not directly related to the installation and repair of the X-ray flaw detector (construction, electrical) may be carried out in a protective chamber and control room after disconnecting the X-ray flaw detector from the network and obtaining permission from the person responsible for the operation of the X-ray flaw detector in his presence.

7.6. Technical inspection of the X-ray flaw detector is carried out at least once a month.

7.7. At least once a year, X-ray flaw detectors are inspected and electrically tested in the presence of representatives of the radiation safety service. In this case, electrical measuring instruments, the condition of grounding, insulation, the operability of blocking and alarm systems, and the technical condition of the X-ray flaw detector (transformer, X-ray emitter, protective devices) are checked.

The results of the inspection (indicating the deadline for eliminating the noted deficiencies) are entered into a report, which is drawn up in 2 copies. One copy of the act is stored in the laboratory, the second - in the radiation safety service of the organization.

VIII. Industrial radiation control

8.1. In organizations where X-ray flaw detection is carried out, industrial radiation monitoring is carried out.

8.2. Industrial radiation monitoring is carried out by the radiation safety service or the person responsible for conducting radiation monitoring, appointed from among employees who have undergone special training.

8.3. The administration of the organization develops and approves a radiation monitoring program that establishes the volume, nature and frequency of radiation monitoring, as well as the procedure for recording its results, taking into account the characteristics and conditions of the work performed.

8.4. The industrial radiation monitoring program includes:

8.4.1. Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation at personnel workplaces - once a quarter and with each change in the scanning conditions (increasing the operating voltage or power of the X-ray flaw detector, changing its operating mode, changing the configuration of the X-ray beam, changing the design of protective devices).

8.4.2. Measurement of individual doses of external irradiation of group A personnel - continuously with registration of results once a quarter.

8.5. When carrying out work using portable and mobile X-ray flaw detectors outside the protective chamber, the following is carried out:

Checking protective devices (screens, screens) - twice a year and if visible damage is detected;

Determining the size of the access restriction zone - once a year, as well as every time the scanning conditions change;

Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate in adjacent rooms and workplaces (during flaw detection work in industrial premises) - once a year, as well as each time the scanning conditions change.

8.6. When carrying out work with X-ray flaw detectors located in protective chambers, the following is carried out:

Inspection of stationary protective devices - once a year, as well as after completion of construction and repair work affecting these protective devices;

Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate 10 cm from the outer surface of the protective chamber (for protective chambers located in production premises) - once a year, as well as each time the illumination conditions change;

Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate at workplaces (for protective chambers located in industrial premises and without a protective ceiling) - once a year, as well as each time the illumination conditions change;

Checking the serviceability of locking and alarm systems - every shift before starting work.

8.7. Inspection of radiation protection of installations with X-ray flaw detectors in local protection and technological openings is carried out once a quarter.

8.8. If the ambient x-ray dose equivalent rate exceeds permissible levels on the outer surfaces of protective devices, protective chambers, screens, it is necessary to eliminate the defect in the protection and carry out repeated measurements.

8.9. To carry out radiation monitoring, dosimetric instruments are used that have a valid verification certificate and allow measuring the ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray radiation with an energy from 50 to 500 keV in the range from 0.1 μSv/h to 10 mSv/h. To carry out radiation monitoring of pulsed X-ray flaw detectors, dosimetric instruments are used that are designed to measure pulsed X-ray radiation.

8.10. The results of checking stationary protective devices are recorded in a protocol, which is drawn up in 2 copies. One copy is kept in the radiation safety service of the organization (with the person responsible for ensuring radiation safety), the second is kept by the head of the laboratory.

8.11. The results of industrial radiation monitoring are recorded in a special journal. Individual radiation doses to personnel are recorded quarterly. Quarterly and annual radiation doses to personnel, as well as the total radiation dose for the entire period of production activity, are recorded in individual dose cards, which are stored in the organization for 50 years. The organization annually fills out and submits a radiation-hygienic passport of the organization and a report on personnel exposure doses.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
dated June 16, 2008 No. 37
"On approval of SanPiN"

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650; 2002, No. 1 (Part 1), Art. 1; 2003, No. 167; 2004, No. 3607, No. 1752; ; No. 52 (part 1) art. 5498; 2007 No. 1 (part 1) art. 21; No. 1 (part 1) art. 29; No. 27, art. 3213, No. 46, Art. 5554; No. 49, art. 6070) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295, 2004 , No. 8, Art. 663; No. 47, Art. 4666; 2005, No. 3953)

1. Approve SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety when handling radiation inspection installations” (Appendix).


Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations
"Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety when handling
with beam inspection installations"
(approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
dated June 16, 2008 No. 37)

I. General provisions

1.1. Scope of application

1.1.1. These sanitary rules and standards (hereinafter referred to as the rules) were developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal Laws “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” No. 52-FZ dated 03.30.99, “On radiation safety of the population” No. 3-FZ dated 01.09.96, “Radiation standards safety (NRB-99)" SP* and "Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99)" SP**. They regulate the requirements for ensuring radiation safety when handling radiation inspection units (hereinafter referred to as LDU).

* Recognized as not requiring state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated July 29, 1999 No. 6014-ER).

** Recognized as not requiring state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 1, 2000 No. 4214-ER).

1.1.2. The requirements of these rules are binding on all legal and individuals, whose activities are related to the circulation of LDUs.

1.1.3. The rules apply to the design, manufacture, supply, operation, repair, maintenance, storage, transportation and control of all types of X-ray installations for inspection of baggage and goods (RUBD), containing sources of X-ray radiation at a nominal anode voltage of up to 300 kV, as well as all types inspection and inspection accelerator complexes (IDUK), containing electron accelerators with energies up to 10 MeV.

1.1.4. The rules do not apply to X-ray scanners for screening people.

1.2. General requirements

1.2.1. LDUs contain a man-made source of ionizing radiation, which poses a potential radiation hazard to the health of personnel and the public.

1.2.2. X-ray tubes or electron accelerators, which are classified as generating sources of ionizing radiation, are used as sources of ionizing radiation in LDUs, i.e. sources that do not contain radioactive substances, in which ionizing radiation is generated by changing the speed of charged particles. They become sources of ionizing radiation only after supply voltage is applied to them. In a de-energized state, LDUs do not pose a radiation hazard and their transportation and storage can be carried out without any special requirements to ensure radiation safety.

1.2.3. Based on the source of ionizing radiation used, LDEs are divided into two groups:

X-ray installations for control of baggage and goods (RUDT), which include one or more X-ray tubes operating at an anode voltage of up to 300 kV,

Inspection and inspection accelerator complexes (IDUK), which include one or more electron accelerators with energy up to 10 MeV.

1.2.4. Based on the nature of their use, LDUs are divided into stationary, portable and mobile.

Stationary LDUs are used in stationary conditions and are not intended for movement. They have stationary radiation protection, ensuring radiation safety of personnel and the public during operation of the LDU.

Portable LDUs are portable and can be moved by one or two people. They do not have stationary radiation protection, and the radiation safety of personnel and the public during the operation of a portable LDU is ensured by removing people at a safe distance from the X-ray emitter.

Mobile LDUs are mounted on vehicles and can move with them. They are equipped with protective screens and collimators that provide the necessary protection for people or reduce the size of the radiation hazard zone. Radiation protection of personnel during the operation of a mobile LDU can be ensured by moving it outside the radiation hazardous zone or by using special radiation protection of the operator’s workplace. Radiation protection of the population is ensured by the presence of a restricted access zone and the absence of the population in this zone during operation of the installation.

1.2.5. Based on design features, operating mode and degree of radiation hazard, RUDBTs are divided into 3 types. Type 1 RUDBT includes stationary and mobile inspection installations with a closed inspection chamber and a moving control object, which is scanned by one or more X-ray beams. The inspection chamber must be surrounded by radiation protection, ensuring safe working conditions and excluding the possibility of irradiating people with a direct radiation beam. RUDBT type 2 includes stationary and mobile inspection installations with a closed inspection chamber in which the object of control is placed. It is illuminated by a beam of X-ray radiation. The inspection chamber must be surrounded by radiation protection, ensuring safe working conditions and excluding the possibility of irradiating people with a direct radiation beam. Type 3 RUDBTs include portable installations in which the X-ray source does not have stationary radiation protection. Limiting personnel exposure is achieved by removing personnel from the radiation hazardous zone or using special portable protective structures.

1.2.6. Based on design features and control technology, IDUKs are divided into 2 types. The first type of IDUK includes stationary and mobile IDUK with a stationary source of ionizing radiation and a moving control object. IDUK forms a flat beam of bremsstrahlung radiation, which scans the test object, which is forcibly moved in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the radiation beam. The second type of IDUK includes stationary and mobile IDUK with a stationary control object and a moving source of ionizing radiation. The IDUK generates a flat beam of bremsstrahlung radiation, which scans a stationary test object when the IDUK is moved parallel to the longitudinal axis of the controlled object.

1.2.7. Only those LDUs, including imported ones, are allowed for use in the Russian Federation, for which there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the LDUs as products that pose a potential danger to humans.

1.2.8. Receiving, storing LDUs and carrying out work with them is possible only if you have a license to carry out activities related to generating sources of ionizing radiation, and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of working conditions with LDUs with the requirements of sanitary rules.

II. Requirements for an organization to ensure radiation safety

2.1. The organization operating the LDU ensures radiation safety at all stages of handling the LDU, as well as for their safety.

2.2. Before the start of operation of the LDU, the administration provides:

Obtaining a license to operate in the field of using generating sources of ionizing radiation and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of working conditions with LDU with the requirements of sanitary rules;

Approval of the list of persons authorized to work with LDUs, their completion of the necessary training and instructions and assignment by order of the organization to the personnel of group A and, if necessary, group B;

Appointment of persons responsible for production control of radiation safety and for accounting and storage of ionizing radiation sources;

Development and approval of radiation safety instructions when working with LDUs and instructions for personnel actions in emergency situations.

2.3. When carrying out work with LDU, the administration provides:

Creation of working conditions with LDUs that comply with the requirements of these rules, occupational health and safety rules, other sanitary standards and rules that apply to this organization, as well as radiation safety instructions in force in the organization;

Personnel training, briefing and testing of safety knowledge, timely completion of medical examinations by personnel, as well as ensuring safe conditions labor and compliance by personnel with all instructions and rules, knowledge of which is necessary when performing work with LDUs;

Carrying out industrial monitoring of the radiation situation at personnel workplaces and near LDU, as well as individual dosimetric monitoring of group A personnel;

Annual completion and timely submission of the organization’s radiation-hygienic passport and federal state statistical observation forms of the Unified State System for Monitoring and Accounting for Public Exposure Doses (USKID).

2.4. Upon termination of work with LDU, the administration of the institution ensures its transfer to another organization in compliance with the requirements of OSPORB-99, safe storage or disposal in the prescribed manner, as well as informing the government body (or its territorial subdivision) authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in this organization, on the decommissioning of the LDU or its transfer to another organization.

III. Requirements for personnel working with LDUs

3.1. Persons (including those temporarily hired) who are at least 18 years old, classified as Group A personnel by order of the organization, who have undergone a medical examination and have no medical contraindications to working with sources of ionizing radiation, who have undergone special training and have the appropriate qualifications, are allowed to work with LDUs. . Before starting work, they must undergo instruction and test their knowledge of safety rules when working with generating sources of ionizing radiation, as well as familiarize themselves with these rules, the instructions in force in the institution and the technical documentation for the LDU. Knowledge of work safety rules in an organization is checked by a commission before work begins and periodically, at least once a year.

3.2. Pregnant women should be exempt from working with LDUs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

3.3. Persons who have undergone special training in this type of work are allowed to carry out installation and repair of LDUs.

IV. Requirements for the design, manufacture and supply of LDU

4.1. The design, construction and manufacture of LDUs can be carried out by organizations that have received, in the prescribed manner, the appropriate license to carry out these types of activities in the field of using generating sources of ionizing radiation.

4.2. Technical documentation for the production or modernization of LDU must comply with the requirements of NRB-99, OSPORB-99 and these sanitary rules. The technical conditions for the LDU must have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

4.3. Technical documentation for LDU must include:

Basic technical specifications LDU,

Radiation levels in places where people may be present,

Hygienic standards that regulate the requirements for LDUs and their handling,

Values ​​of standardized characteristics of LDU,

Requirements to ensure the safety of personnel and the public when handling LDUs during storage, transportation, sales, operation and decommissioning.

4.4. Calculation of radiation protection of LDUs and radiation monitoring should be carried out for operating conditions corresponding to the maximum radiation levels at controlled points. When calculating radiation protection, a safety factor of 2 should be used.

4.5. Technical documentation for group 3 RUDBT must contain information on the dimensions of the radiation hazardous zone, zone A and zone B. The design documentation must provide justification for the configuration and dimensions of these zones.

4.6. The technical documentation for the LDU may contain a standard design for the placement of an installation of this type, for which a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion has been issued by the Federal executive body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4.7. The technical documentation for the mobile IDUK must include a diagram(s) of the complex’s location, which defines the position of the complex during operation and indicates the boundary of the access restricted zone.

4.8. The supply of LDUs to organizations and their transfer to other organizations is carried out according to orders in accordance with paragraphs. 3.5.1 - 3.5.5 OSPORB-99.

4.9. Radiation hazard signs must be placed on the outer surface of the RUDBT, as well as on the outer surface of the radiation protection of the IDUK accelerator.

V. Requirements for the design of LDU

5.1. The design of the LDU must ensure the protection of personnel and the public from exposure to ionizing radiation during operation of the installation. Turning on the installation must be accompanied by a sound and/or light signaling about its state (on, radiation is generated, off). The design of the LDU control panel must guarantee the impossibility of its unauthorized activation by unauthorized persons.

5.2. The design of the RUDBT must ensure that the following requirements are met:

5.2.1. For RUDBT of the 2nd type, interlocks must be provided to prevent the possibility of applying anode voltage to the X-ray tube when the inspection chamber is open. For RUDBT types 1 and 2, interlocks must be provided to prevent the possibility of supplying anode voltage when removable protective blocks (if any) are removed or incorrectly installed. The design of the interlocks must make it impossible to disable them without breaking the manufacturer's seals.

If the interlocks are faulty, the possibility of turning on the installation must be excluded. Information about malfunctions of the locking and alarm systems must be sent to the control panel.

5.2.2. In RUDBT types 1 and 2, protection from x-ray radiation must be structurally included in the installation and, under all possible conditions of its operation, ensure a reduction in the dose rate of x-ray radiation at any accessible point 10 cm from the outer surface of the installation to a level of no more than 2, 5 µSv/hour.

5.2.3. The entrance and exit from the inspection chamber of the 1st type RUBDT, when generating X-ray radiation, must be blocked by elastic protective curtains or doors that attenuate the scattered radiation to an acceptable value. X-ray radiation should be generated only while the controlled object is passing through the control zone. When the movement of the conveyor moving the test object stops, the generation of radiation should stop.

5.2.4. In the 2nd type RUDBT, the control object must be supplied to the inspection chamber and removed through a special protective door. It must have a lock that prevents the generation of X-rays when the door is not completely closed.

5.2.5. RUDBT type 3 must have a remote control that allows the X-ray emitter to be turned on and off by an operator located outside the radiation hazardous area.

5.3. The design of the IDUK must ensure the following requirements:

5.3.1. Mobile IDUK must have special cabins for the driver and operator, ensuring the radiation safety of the personnel in them when IDUK is operating.

5.3.2. The electron accelerator of a stationary IDUK must be located in a separate room (inspection room), which ensures, under any permissible modes of operation of the IDUK, the attenuation of ionizing radiation levels in adjacent rooms and on the territory to acceptable values ​​(clause 6.5).

The control panel of a stationary IDUK must be located in a room separate from the inspection room, ensuring the radiation safety of personnel during IDUK operation. The entrance door to the inspection room must be locked with an accelerator activation system so as to exclude the possibility of accidental exposure of personnel.

5.3.3. The rooms (cabins) in which personnel workplaces are located must be equipped with systems for continuous monitoring of the radiation situation during IDUK operation.

5.3.4. IDUKs must be equipped with a video surveillance system for the restricted access zone for mobile IDUKs and an inspection room for stationary IDUKs.

5.3.5. The IDUK must have a light and sound alarm indicating the operation of the accelerator.

5.3.6. The IDUK must have interlocks that exclude the possibility of turning on the accelerator or stop the generation of radiation:

When the scanning process of a controlled object is stopped;

When the doors or security gates to the inspection hall are not closed (for stationary IDUK);

If control levels of radiation are exceeded at personnel workplaces;

When any object crosses the border of a restricted access zone (for mobile IDUK).

5.3.7. IDUK must have a light alarm (traffic light) that allows or prohibits the entry of a controlled object into the control zone.

5.3.8. In the IDUK control area, means (buttons, tripwires, etc.) must be provided to turn off the generation of radiation in emergency situations.

5.3.9. Mobile IDUK of the 1st type, in which the movement of the controlled vehicle during control is carried out by its driver, must be equipped with technical means that exclude the possibility of generating radiation when the vehicle's cabin is in the control zone and ensure that the radiation beam scans only the cargo compartment of the vehicle. The driver's radiation dose due to monitoring the vehicle he is driving should not exceed 1.0 μSv.

VI. Requirements for the placement of LDUs

6.1. All stationary LDUs are located in accordance with the project developed by a design organization that has a valid license to carry out the corresponding type of work, subject to a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the LDU placement project with the requirements of sanitary rules.

For mobile and portable LDUs, a placement design is not required. If the layout of a mobile IDUK does not correspond to the layout provided for by its technical documentation, it is necessary to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from a government body (or its territorial subdivision) authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in this organization. At the same time, compliance with radiation safety conditions for the proposed layout of the mobile IDUK must be justified.

6.2. Stationary RUDBTs of type 1 and 2 can be located in production premises. The floor in the places where the RUDBT is located must be covered with electrically insulating material (wood, linoleum, etc.). Workstations of type 1 and 2 RUDBT personnel are located in the same room as the RUDBT. In this case, no special premises are required to accommodate personnel.

6.3. If the organization has a type 3 RUDBT, a special room must be provided for storing these installations and spare parts for them, ensuring the safety of the RUDBT and excluding the possibility of their unauthorized use.

6.4. During operation of the installation, personnel carrying out work using the 3rd type RUDBT must be located outside the radiation hazardous zone or in specially equipped places that ensure the radiation safety of personnel during operation of the installation.

6.5. When carrying out work with type 3 RUDBT in special production premises, access of unauthorized persons to these premises during operation of the installation must be prevented. At the same time, in vertically and horizontally adjacent rooms (on the territory), the maximum dose of X-ray radiation per hour of operation of the installation should not exceed:

12 μSv for permanent premises of group A personnel,

24 μSv for premises for temporary stay of group A personnel,

2.5 μSv for permanent premises of group B personnel,

0.12 µSv in any other premises and territory.

6.6. When carrying out work using type 3 RUDBT outside special premises, the following requirements must be met:

The boundary of the radiation hazardous zone must be defined and marked (or fenced) so that it is clearly visible from a distance of at least 3 m;

The presence of people in the radiation hazardous area during operation of the installation must be excluded;

The boundary of zone A must be determined and the absence of group B personnel and persons from the public within this zone must be ensured during operation of the installation;

The boundary of zone B must be determined and the absence of persons from the public within this zone must be ensured during operation of the installation;

The work must be carried out by a team of at least two people, one of whom must be constantly at the control panel, and the second must monitor the absence of people in the above areas.

6.7. Mobile IDUKs should be stored in special boxes that ensure their safety and exclude the possibility of unauthorized use of IDUKs.

6.8. When inspecting vehicles using mobile IDUKs, they are placed on a special site, and an access restriction zone is created around them. The outer perimeter of this zone is provided with technical means of restricting access to people during IDUK operation (fencing) or means of stopping the generation of radiation when people enter this zone.

6.9. The stationary IDUK should be located in an inspection room that provides radiation protection for personnel and the public.

The inspection hall must have security gates for entry and exit of control objects, equipped with a light signal indicating permission to enter the control object, and interlocks that exclude the possibility of generating bremsstrahlung radiation when the gate is not closed. For personnel to enter the inspection room, a door must be provided that ensures radiation safety in adjacent rooms during IDUK operation. It must have locks that provide:

Inability to turn on radiation generation when the door is open;

The impossibility of opening the door to enter the inspection room when radiation is generated (in this case, the door must open freely to exit the inspection room with the generation of radiation stopping).

Inside the inspection room there must be means to turn off the generation of bremsstrahlung radiation in the event of accidental entry of people, as well as a video surveillance system for the inspection room during the inspection.

6.10. The personnel of the stationary IDUK must be accommodated in special premises that ensure the radiation safety of personnel.

6.11. The boundaries of the access restriction zone for mobile IDUK of the 1st type must be set so that, under any permissible operating mode of the complex, the dose rate of the accelerator bremsstrahlung radiation at the outer boundary of the access restriction zone does not exceed 1.0 μSv/h.

The design of the inspection room for stationary IDUK of the 1st type must ensure that the dose rate of the accelerator bremsstrahlung radiation 10 cm from the outer surface of the walls and security gates of the inspection room is no more than 1.0 μSv/h.

6.12. The boundaries of the access restriction zone for mobile IDUK of the 2nd type must be set so that, under any permissible operating mode of the complex, the maximum dose of bremsstrahlung radiation per hour of IDUK operation at any point on the border of the access restriction zone does not exceed 1.0 μSv.

The design of the inspection room for stationary IDUK of the 2nd type must ensure that the maximum dose of bremsstrahlung radiation per hour of IDUK operation at any point 10 cm from the outer surface of the walls and security gates of the inspection room is no more than 1 μSv.

6.13. On the doors of each room (cabin) in which the presence of people or persons not classified as group A personnel during operation of the installation is prohibited, the purpose of the room must be indicated and a radiation hazard sign must be placed.

VII. Safety requirements when working with LDU

7.1. Work with stationary LDUs is permitted only in the premises specified in the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

7.2. The safety of LDU operation is ensured by:

Compliance with established safety requirements when working on installations;

The presence of interlocks and alarms warning of the danger of exposure;

Carrying out radiation monitoring.

7.3. The issuance of mobile and portable LDUs from storage places for work is carried out by the responsible person with the written permission of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

7.4. When planning to carry out work with portable or mobile LDUs outside an organization that is subject to a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the type of activity, you should first notify (in writing) the government body (or its territorial subdivision) authorized to carry out the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision at the site of the planned work. A new sanitary and epidemiological certificate is not required for the location of the planned work.

7.5. At intervals determined by the technical documentation for the LDU, an external inspection of the installation must be carried out, electrical measuring instruments, the condition of grounding, insulation, and the operability of interlock and alarm systems must be checked.

7.6. About all violations in the operation of the LDU, about the malfunction of protective and blocking devices service personnel must make a note in the journal and immediately report to the responsible persons.

7.7. To reduce radiation doses to personnel and the public when carrying out work using type 3 RUDBT outside special premises, it is recommended:

Install a protective screen behind the inspected object that blocks the radiation beam;

Direct the radiation beam away from workplaces and places where people may be present, choosing a direction where people are least likely to appear or where there is good protection, for example a brick wall.

VIII. Radiation control

8.1. Radiation monitoring in organizations carrying out work with LDU must ensure that necessary information about the radiation situation in the premises where these installations are located, adjacent premises, at personnel workplaces, in places where people may be present, as well as about radiation doses to personnel.

8.2. Radiation monitoring in the organization is carried out in accordance with the approved procedure for conducting industrial monitoring of radiation safety.

8.3. In an organization, depending on the volume and nature of work with LDU, production control over radiation safety is carried out by a special service or by a person responsible for radiation safety who has undergone special training.

8.4. Monitoring of individual doses of external radiation for Group A personnel working with LDUs must be carried out using individual dosimeters continuously with quarterly registration of the results in cards for recording individual doses of external radiation, copies of which must be stored in the institution for 50 years after the dismissal of the employee. If an employee is transferred to another institution, his individual dose record card must be transferred to the new place of work.

8.5. In the premises where permanently or temporarily operated RUDBTs are located, periodic radiation monitoring is carried out, which should include:

Monitoring the X-ray dose rate on the outer surface of the installation (during commissioning and each time after repair work, but at least once a year);

Monitoring the X-ray dose rate at personnel workplaces (during commissioning and each time after repair work, but at least once a year);

8.6. For RUDBT samples that allow adjustment of the X-ray beam generation parameters (anode voltage of the X-ray tube, anode current), radiation monitoring should be carried out at maximum operating parameter values.

8.7. When conducting radiation monitoring, a simulator of the inspected object must be installed in the RUDBT, for which it is recommended to use a 10-20 liter polyethylene canister filled with water. To measure the X-ray dose rate when monitoring the radiation situation at the workplaces of RUDBT operators, you should use X-ray dosimeters that have a valid metrological verification certificate and allow you to measure the X-ray dose rate from 0.1 μSv/h in the energy range from 20 to 300 keV.

8.8. To measure individual external radiation doses of personnel working with RUDBT, individual dosimeters should be used that have a valid metrological verification certificate and allow measuring the X-ray dose from 0.1 mSv in the energy range from 20 to 300 keV.

8.9. Periodic radiation monitoring is carried out in the inspection room and in adjacent rooms of stationary IDUKs, as well as at the border of the restricted access zone and at the workplaces of mobile IDUK personnel. It should include:

Control of the dose rate (dose per scan for type 2 IDUK) of bremsstrahlung radiation 10 cm from the outer surfaces of the walls and security gates of the building in which the stationary IDUK is located, or at the border of the restricted access zone for mobile IDUK (during commissioning and each once after repair work, but at least once a year);

Monitoring the bremsstrahlung radiation dose rate at personnel workplaces (during commissioning and each time after repair work, but at least once a year);

Monitoring the dose rate in the radiation beam zone of a mobile IDUK (behind the line of detectors) at the border of the restricted access zone (daily before starting work);

Monitoring individual radiation doses for group A personnel (continuously).

8.10. Radiation monitoring at the border of the restricted access zone for mobile IDUKs should be carried out without a monitoring object. For stationary and mobile IDUK of the 1st type, the dose rate is measured at each point, and for IDUK of the 2nd type - the dose per 1 scan. In the latter case, to obtain the maximum dose per hour of operation of the installation, the dose received per scan is multiplied by the maximum number of scans per hour possible for this installation.

8.11. To carry out radiation monitoring at IDUK, X-ray or gamma dosimeters must be used that have a valid metrological verification certificate and meet the following technical requirements:

The lower limit of the energy range is no more than 50 keV;

The upper limit of the energy range is not less than 10 MeV;

Possibility of measuring pulsed photon radiation with a pulse duration of more than 1.0 μs;

Availability of dose rate and dose measurement modes;

The lower limit of the dose rate measurement range of pulsed photon radiation is no more than 0.2 μSv/h;

The lower limit of the pulsed photon radiation dose measurement range is no more than 0.01 μSv.

8.12. Monitoring of individual doses of external radiation to Group A personnel working with IDUK should be carried out using individual dosimeters that allow measuring the dose of pulsed photon radiation in the energy range from 50 keV to 10 MeV, for example, TLD dosimeters based on lithium fluoride.

8.13. The results of the measurements taken are entered into the dosimetric monitoring journal and/or documented in the form of measurement reports.