Prepare documents for the child at the MFC. Registration of child benefits for a child through the MFC. Preparing a package of documents for child benefits

Child benefits due to the family, including through the multifunctional center(MFC). To do this, you should take a list there in advance necessary documents. Next, the applicant needs to collect documents according to this list and submit them to the MFC, where a specialist will check completeness and correctness of information. If everything is correct, the benefit will be assigned.

After the birth (adoption) of a child, the family has the right to different types government support, for example, such as:

How to apply for child benefits at the MFC

You can contact the MFC to apply for child benefits in one of the available ways, namely:

  • via terminal electronic queue in person;
  • by calling the MFC phone number;
  • on the official website of the MFC “My Documents” (not in all regions).

Also in some regions of the Russian Federation, the ability to record through the State Services portal has been launched in test mode, but, unfortunately, this function does not always work correctly.

Upon initial contact, an MFC employee will provide a list, which will list the documents for receiving benefits, and will set a time next visit. Next, on the agreed date you must bring originals and copies documents (if there are no copies, an MFC employee takes them on the spot).

After checking the data, if they are provided in full and correct, the MFC specialist makes document acceptance record in a special journal and fills out 2 receipts. He gives one to the applicant. This completes the registration procedure, then you should wait benefits calculation.

Documents for receiving child benefits under 18 years of age at the MFC


Since the conditions for receiving benefits are established by regional legislation, to clarify the list of documents you must contact at the MFC or at the social security office at your place of residence.

What documents are needed to apply for child benefits up to 1.5 years old at the MFC

Child care benefits under 1.5 years of age are issued to a relative who actually looks after him. This can be not only the mother, but also the father, grandmother or aunt.

The appointment is made either through the employer or through the social protection authorities. The fact that the applicant is employed also affects the amount paid:

  • for working people the benefit is calculated from the average wages for the previous 2 calendar years (but cannot be less 4512 rub. for the firstborn and 6554.89 rub.- for the second and each subsequent child);

    Maximum size benefits for workers is 26152.27 rubles, it is calculated from the maximum FSS base for the previous 2 years.

  • for unemployed specific amounts have been established, which amount to 3277.45 rub. for the first child and 6554.89 rub.- on the second and subsequent ones.

Documents, which are required to assign child care benefits up to 1.5 years through the MFC:

  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificate of the child(ren);
  • a certificate of non-receipt of payment by the second parent (or a document confirming his absence);
  • document on adoption (guardianship), if the applicant is an adoptive parent (guardian);
  • details for transferring funds.

Documents for Putin's benefits up to 1.5 years

The so-called Putin's manual is an additional measure of support for the first and second child. It is paid monthly until the child reaches one and a half years of age and amounts to children's living wage established in the region for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

It is initially assigned for 1 year. Then, if the family still meets the means test, they must apply again and it will be paid for another six months. Conditions for receiving The presidential benefits are as follows:

  • the average income for each family member should not be more than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum for those of working age, established in the 2nd quarter of the last year in the region;
  • the child was born (adopted) no earlier than January 1, 2018;
  • the parent (adoptive parent) and the child, with whose birth the right to benefits arises, must have Russian citizenship and live on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Additional information

The benefit is assigned woman(who gave birth or adopted a child). If the mother is absent, then the payment may be assigned to the father (adoptive parent) or guardian.

The documents required to assign Putin payments to the MFC are as follows:

  • application (filled immediately at the MFC);
  • documents confirming the citizenship of the parent and child;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth (or adoption) certificate of the child;
  • income certificates for all family members;
  • Bank details for depositing funds.

Comments Shown 8 out of 8

  • Hello. I submitted documents for a monthly benefit for up to 1.5 years through the MFC on 04/25/18. The child was born on 02/15/17. I received an SMS from the MFC on 04/27/18 that the package of documents is ready for issue. Registration in a passport of another region. We have temporary registration in Sochi. There must be a request to the social security of our region regarding registration. When can we expect the transfer?

    data-id="46" data-respond="comment">

If you need help with information and legal matters (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses them altogether), then we offer free legal advice: (24 hours a day, seven days a week):

  • MOSCOW and MO: +7 499 93-840-69
  • SAINT PETERSBURG and LO: +7 812 425-14-34 -
  • REGIONS OF THE RF: 8 800 350-84-13 - ext. 638

For the convenience of processing social assistance throughout the territory Russian Federation multifunctional service centers for citizens were created. This approach involves simplifying the procedure for submitting documents for the population. The applicant can receive advice on all necessary issues at the MFC for registration child benefit and submit the necessary documents. The center employees themselves transfer all the data to the organization that will accrue funds.

Definition of state aid

Child benefit is a state subsidy from the country's budget intended for material support of motherhood. If a woman is an insured person, the payment is made by the Social Insurance Fund.

All types of material financing are carried out in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, which determines the amount of payments, terms of provision and categories of the population.

The procedure is regulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 81 “On state benefits citizens with children."

The accrued benefit is paid every month. The exception is maternity benefits. It is paid one time. Its size is calculated according to the age of the woman in labor, the number of babies born in the family and place of residence.

Types of benefits

The procedure for providing child subsidies is reviewed annually. Starting from February 1 of the current year, all accrued amounts are indexed. The amount depends on the type of assistance accrued. All child care benefits are divided into: the following categories:

The amount of payment at the birth of the first child in the family differs from the accrued amounts for the second and subsequent infants.

Right to payments

Only certain categories of citizens can contact the MFC to apply for child benefits. Applicants for assistance are:

  • low-income citizens;
  • families that include unemployed people.

Insufficient income is calculated based on the minimum subsistence level established during the period the benefit was assigned. Each region sets its own size.

Submitting an application for child benefits through the MFC can be carried out:

If the applicant is unable to personally apply for child benefits, this function is carried out by his representative. In this case, registration is required notarized power of attorney. This situation may arise for citizens who apply for child benefits not at their place of registration, but at their actual place of residence.

To apply for a child birth benefit at the MFC, first you will need to do the following:

  • register the child where one of the parents is registered;
  • determine the nearest service center at your place of residence;
  • obtain preliminary telephone consultation regarding the provision of the service;
  • make an appointment using a coupon or electronic queue;
  • prepare the required documents to receive state subsidies.

List of required documents

Documents are accepted after the applicant fills out the form according to the provided sample. After which the center employee takes the required documents. In return, the applicant receives a receipt for acceptance of papers from registration number and the date of submission of documents.

The multifunctional center is an intermediary institution between citizens and government agencies. Therefore, the appointment of public assistance may take a little longer than sending documents directly to the social security authorities.

Before receiving a payment, the applicant needs to know what documents are needed for benefits at the MFC. Registration of state payments providing for child care until he reaches the age of one and a half years is the same for all age categories. Only the package of documents may differ.

Documents for this type of benefit are accepted from all families, regardless of the fact of employment. They provide the following list:

  • documents certifying the citizenship of both parents, along with copies;
  • certificate of family composition and marriage certificate;
  • certificate certifying the birth of the baby, with a copy;
  • application for benefits at the MFC;
  • bank application with the recipient's account number and details;
  • a certificate of income for each working family member for three months;
  • a certificate from the employment service from an unemployed parent or from the place of study, if studying at an educational institution;

A sample to fill out is located in the multifunctional center along with the forms. If the applicant does not understand how to fill out the application, an employee of the establishment will provide advice.

Registration of child benefits through the MFC is especially convenient for young mothers, as it saves their personal time. To speed up the process, you should do the following recommendations:

Reasons for refusal

Although receiving child benefits through the MFC is an absolutely legal measure, some families may be denied benefits. Cases of refusal are possible for the following reasons:

  • if the applicant provided false information about family members, including their income;
  • in the absence of all required documents;
  • provision by the applicant of fictitious certificates to receive benefits;
  • if the recipient loses the right to payments;
  • after 6 months from the date of birth of the baby;
  • if the average monthly total family income exceeds the subsistence level in the region where the applicant lives;
  • when the newborn is fully supported by the state;
  • when depriving the right to raise a child.

If you are confident that the refusal by the social security authorities is unlawful, you can write a written statement addressed to the head of the institution asking for an explanation of the reason for the refusal. Further, with such a written explanation, the decision of the social institution is subject to appeal in court or the prosecutor's office.

Termination of an already assigned payment may occur under such circumstances:

  • upon discovery of the fact of forgery of documents;
  • when traveling abroad for permanent residence;
  • when transferring a child to state support;
  • at the end of the payment period;
  • when the applicant is deprived of rights to a child;
  • at official employment the applicant;
  • when registering a benefit recipient with the employment service;
  • in the event of death of the applicant or child.

If the question arises whether it is possible to apply for a child benefit at the MFC, the applicant must be sure that he has legal grounds to pay all subsidies provided for by current legislation.

If you need help with legal information (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to fill out documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses altogether), then we offer free legal advice: (24 hours a day, seven days a week).

Registration of child benefits is an issue that concerns all couples preparing to become parents (both for the first time and those expecting another baby). Previously, in order to obtain a treasured document, you had to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. With the advent MFC procedure has been significantly simplified, which cannot but please new mothers and fathers. From this article you will learn everything about applying for a child benefit, as well as what documents are required for this, what types of benefits there are and in what cases they may be refused.

Surely any parents will be interested in what the amount of payments will be. This directly depends on where the family lives. Also play a role total income moms and dads, how many people are in the family, as well as how many months in the period when the payment will be made. On average in the Russian Federation the amount is three hundred rubles per quarter.

BY THE WAY, for some categories of families (such as low-income, disabled, large families) the size of the benefit will be different - the amount will increase.

What you need to do to apply for benefits

ATTENTION! The child must obtain registration at the place of residence before you apply for the service!

In order to apply for child benefits, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Check to see if the selected MFC provides registration services. BY THE WAY, if the desired center does not have such a service, you can try to apply for the service at any other: there is no connection to the place of permanent or temporary registration.;
  2. Prepare documents;
  3. Make an appointment by phone (or you can simply take a place in line by picking up a ticket at the center);
  4. Wait for your turn and hand over the papers to the employee;
  5. The employee will check your documents and, if everything is in order, will accept them from you;
  6. In return, you will receive a receipt for your documents. You will also be informed about the timing of the procedure and the start of payments.

What documents will be required?

Before contacting the MFC for the procedure, parents need to start collecting and preparing documents. You will need:

  • Relevant statement;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Birth certificate (if you don’t have a passport yet);
  • Certificate of family income (must include the last 3 months);
  • Passports of both parents (originals and copies);
  • Certificate from educational institution (if the child is over 16 years old).

ATTENTION! It is important to remember that the benefit is paid until the child is 16 years old. After reaching this age, payments will be received only if the child continues education.

Dear readers! Legal issues are often case-specific. You have a unique opportunity to consult with competent specialists who are ready to provide the necessary assistance within 15 minutes. Submit your question in the form below. There are no unsolvable situations!

Registration of monthly benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old

Absolutely all categories of families can apply for benefits for children under one and a half years old. Payments of such benefits amount to no more than 17,790 rubles.

BY THE WAY, if there are several children in a given age range under the care of a parent, then the payments will be summed up. In this case, the final amount should not exceed the total family income.

What documents will be required?

Working citizens should prepare for going to the MFC:

  • Statement;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Birth certificate of the baby;
  • Certificate of income for the last trimester;
  • Mom and Dad's passports (and copies).

Non-working parents and students must also attach to this package:

  • Certificate of presence at the labor exchange;
  • Diploma or certificate.

Allowance for a child one and a half to three years old for large families

How benefits will be calculated for large families and what the amount will be depends on several factors. Firstly, from the region, and secondly, from the cost of living. When receiving this type of benefit, it is better to first consult with a center employee in order to obtain the most complete information.

Benefit for the birth of a third child

At the birth of a third child, parents who are citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a lump sum payment. Today the amount is 16,350 rubles. To obtain it, the minimum package of documents is:

  • Application for the head of the company;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Family information.

ATTENTION! On this type Only officially working parents or guardians are entitled to benefits! Such payment will arrive no later than ten days after submitting the application.

In what cases can they refuse?

Just 17 years ago, almost any family in Russia could receive child benefits. Now, only those families whose income does not exceed the regional subsistence level can apply for payments.

IMPORTANT! If you are denied service, be sure to request an official letter containing the reason for the decision. If they cannot provide you with this, then you can safely contact authorities like the court and the prosecutor’s office.

The most common reason for refusal is that the family income is higher than the cost of living in the region of residence. In order not to face a refusal and not waste your time, it is important to read the rules and instructions, to know about your responsibilities and rights.


Dear readers! Legal issues are often case-specific. You have a unique opportunity to consult with competent specialists who are ready to provide the necessary assistance within 15 minutes. Submit your question in the form below. There are no unsolvable situations!

Registration of documents such as child benefits is always bureaucracy and paperwork, which is very inappropriate for parents when a baby is born and they want to devote as much free time as possible to the family. At such moments, the appearance of multifunctional centers is valued even more: even if you have to spend time and effort collecting the necessary documents, at least their submission will be quick and easy, without worries and wasted time in traffic jams and queues.

Future parents should find out before the baby is born what they are entitled to. Previously, registration was carried out at the social protection authorities, and it was necessary to collect large number documents in various authorities and wait in line for a long time for reception.

Since 2017, the procedure for receiving benefits has changed. You can arrange it. Thus, the procedure is significantly simplified and citizens can save time.

What is the procedure for applying for child benefits?

Initially, parents should find out whether it is possible to complete the registration procedure. For this purpose, citizens are required to make or visit the institution on their own.

If the corresponding service is available, it must be done by a specialist. Clients also have the opportunity directly in the center get a ticket in line. Visitors must wait for your number to be announced on the scoreboard, and then go to the desired employee of the institution.

Actions in the absence of a service in the organization?

If the MFC at your location does not provide the required registration service, this can be done in another branch.

Before contacting an organization, you should clarify what services it provides in order to reduce time costs.

Preparing a package of documents for child benefits

Before contacting higher authorities, citizens must collect the following documents:

  • an application addressed to the manager, which is drawn up according to the sample;
  • or a passport if the child is over 13 years old;
  • a certificate indicating information about family income for the last three months;
  • certificates confirming the identity of the parents;
  • certificate of completion of training for those children who have reached the age of 16.

Child benefit is paid for children whose age does not exceed 16 years. Payments will be extended if he has not completed his training. After presenting documents to the multifunctional center, an employee of the organization issues a receipt for their acceptance and advises citizens on issues related to the calculation of payments.

Amount of child benefit payments

The amount of benefits is determined depending on the region of residence of clients. Payments are made every quarter. On average in Russia they receive 300 rubles monthly. It is noteworthy that the amount must be equal to or less than the subsistence minimum. It can be calculated using the following formula:

Important information: Alimony through MFC

SD = D / H / T

D – total income of parents for a specific period, determined by place of residence.

N – number of family members in accordance with the information in the certificate.

T – the number of months during which payments will be made.

In certain cases, the amount of state assistance may increase for the following categories of citizens:

  • low-income families;
  • single mothers upon provision of the relevant certificate;
  • disabled people with a certificate;
  • large families;
  • military families.

Is there a benefit for children under 1.5 years of age?

In Russia, child care benefits are paid every month until the child is one and a half years old. It applies to all categories of families, regardless of income, employment and other characteristics. Its registration can be carried out at the social protection department or at the MFC.

The amount of payments cannot be higher 17 thousand 990 rubles regardless of the income of family members. When one of the parents is caring for several children who have not reached the age of one and a half years, due payments will be summed up. In such a situation, they cannot be more than the total family income.

Required documents

Employed parents must prepare documents: an application, which is drawn up according to the sample; ; ; a certificate confirming income for the last three months. Students and unemployed persons must provide the following documents:

  • school leaving certificate or diploma of education received;
  • certificate of registration at the labor exchange or study at a university.

Important information: We enter the child into the parents’ passport through the MFC

Decoration for large families

Multifunctional centers individually calculate the procedure for calculating social assistance due to large families. The region of residence is taken into account. Basically, the payment amount is equal to the subsistence minimum.

When applying for state aid of this type, you need to clarify the information with a center employee in order to find out what the calculation method will be and what documents need to be prepared.

Third child benefit

Families in which a third child is born next child, are endowed with the opportunity to issue a lump sum payment. This service is available to one of the parents who is officially working. This year the amount of payments is equal to 16 thousand 350 rubles.

When contacting higher authorities, you should fill out an application addressed to the head of the company and provide the following documents:

  • passport and its copy; for whom social assistance is issued;

Ten working days from the moment clients apply, payments should begin to be made to them.

Actions in case of refusal

Monthly benefits are available to all parents and legal guardians, regardless of the nature of employment and type of social assistance. However, there are situations in which citizens may be refused. They need to know exactly what to do in such cases.

Only those clients whose profit level is greater than the subsistence level, depending on the place of registration, have grounds to refuse payments.

At the same time, until 2001, the procedure had no restrictions and was available to absolutely all families in Russia, but conditions changed after the introduction of new legislative requirements.

If parents have been denied the provision of appropriate services, they must necessarily request a written justification from the MFC, which indicates the specific reasons for the refusal.

Important information: Pension through MFC

If employees have not fulfilled this condition or refused to fulfill it, citizens have the right to file a complaint, appeal to the prosecutor's office or court to protect their rights.


Having reviewed the information presented, we can conclude that this year social assistance Regardless of its type, it can be processed in specialized institutions.

Contacting the multifunctional center greatly simplifies the procedure, since you do not need to wait in line for a long time and present a large number of documents. Citizens can inquire in advance about the procedure for its payment.

Dear Muscovites!

Since January 2013 all 115 departments of social protection of the population of Moscow And Client services of social protection departments located in 46 multifunctional centers providing public services(MFC), work according to the extraterritorial principle.

Applications for 53 mass government services are accepted regardless of the citizen’s place of residence.

Accepted applications and documents on an extraterritorial basis will be sent to the social protection department at the applicant’s place of residence on the day of reception in the form of electronic images, with subsequent delivery of the necessary documents on paper. The further procedure and terms of processing remain the same, but at the same time the applicant receives a very significant advantage in service - the choice of the maximum convenient place requests for service.

The extraterritorial principle makes it possible:

· Applications of the applicant to any department of social protection of the population, regardless of the place of registration.

· Obtaining the results of the provision of public services at the place specified by the applicant.

List of public services provided by social protection departments (SSPD) and USPP Client Services in the MFC on an extraterritorial basis.

· 1. Assignment and provision of maternity benefits

· 2. Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit to women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy

· 3. Appointment and provision of additional benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

· 4. Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit to women registered in medical institutions in Moscow before 20 weeks of pregnancy.

· 5. Purpose and provision monthly allowance child care.

· 6 . Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payment for children under the age of one and a half years.

· 7. Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child.

· 8. Assignment and provision of additional one-time benefits in connection with the birth of a child to young families

· 9. Assignment and provision of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child.

· 10. Assignment and provision of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth of three or more children at the same time.

· 11. Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit when placing a child in a family for upbringing.

· 12.Payment cash for the maintenance of children under guardianship (trusteeship).

· 13. Assignment and provision of a one-time cash payment to graduates educational institutions of the city of Moscow - to orphans and children left without parental care.

· 14 . Assignment and provision of a one-time compensation payment to orphans and children left without parental care upon termination of their stay in a foster family, upon termination of guardianship due to reaching the age of 18 years.

· 15. Assignment and provision of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the adoption of an orphan or a child left without parental care.

· 16. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to the guardian (trustee) to reimburse expenses for payment for living quarters and public utilities and for use in residential premises in which a minor under guardianship (trusteeship) actually lives.

· 17. Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments individual categories children left without parental care.

· 18 . Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for children to persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying under full-time in government educational institutions vocational education married to the same persons.

· 19. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to a person who adopted after 01/01/2009. in the city of Moscow, an orphan child or one left without parental care.

· 20. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for large families.

· 21. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food products to certain categories of citizens for children under 3 years of age.

· 22 . Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for the purchase of children's goods to large families.

· 23. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and utilities to large families.

· 24. Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for the use of telephones to large families.

· 25. Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments to families with 10 or more children.

· 26 . Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments to mothers who have given birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension.

· 2 7. Assignment and provision of an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study.

· 28. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood under the age of 23.

· 29. Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments to disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood up to the age of 23 who have lost their breadwinner.

· 30 . “Preparation and issuance of a voucher to an inpatient social service institution” (providing a voucher to a boarding house for labor veterans, providing a voucher to a psychoneurological boarding school, providing a voucher to a boarding orphanage for mentally retarded children, providing a voucher to a boarding orphanage for mentally retarded children ( for a day stay).

· 31.Issuing a certificate of receipt, the amount of benefits, compensation and other social payments, or issuing a certificate of non-receipt of these payments.

· 32.Providing one-time financial assistance to citizens in difficult life situations.

· 33. Assignment and provision of monthly child benefits.

· 34 . Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for certain categories of families with children.

· 35. Assignment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of working pensioners.

· 36. Assignment of regional social supplement to non-working pensioners.

· 37.Providing monthly city cash payments.

· 38 . Providing monthly monetary compensation to pay for local telephone services to single pensioners and families consisting only of pensioners.

· Providing monthly monetary compensation to pay for local telephone services to certain categories of citizens - telephone network subscribers.

· 39.Providing city measures social support in monetary terms or in the form of social services.

· 40 . Issuing a certificate of entitlement to a state social scholarship for low-income students.

· 41. Registration and issuance social card Muscovite.

· 42. Registration of certain privileged categories of citizens in need of sanatorium and resort treatment to receive a free sanatorium and resort voucher in accordance with the regulations of the city of Moscow.

· 43. Registration of federal privileged categories of citizens in need of sanatorium and resort treatment to receive a free sanatorium and resort voucher.

· 44 . Issuing a certificate of average per capita income family or income of a citizen living alone and the cost of living in the city of Moscow in order to provide free legal assistance.

· 45.Reimbursement to rehabilitated citizens for the costs of installing a telephone.

· 46 . Assignment and provision of an annual allowance for summer recreational recreation for children of certain categories of military personnel and employees of certain federal bodies executive branch, killed (deceased), missing, or disabled in connection with the performance of tasks in the context of an armed conflict of a non-international nature in the Chechen Republic and in the immediately adjacent territories of the North Caucasus, classified as a zone of armed conflict, as well as in connection with the performance of tasks during counter-terrorism operations on the territory of the North Caucasus region, the pension provision of which is provided Pension Fund Russian Federation.

· 47. Assignment and provision of monthly benefits to children of military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies who were killed (deceased) or missing in action while performing military service duties (official duties).

· 48. Providing a voucher to the “Boarding House for the Visually Impaired”

· 49 . Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled people of group I or II (or have III or II degree of disability). labor activity).

· 50. Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit to the pregnant wife of a military personnel undergoing military service on call.

· 51 . Assignment and provision of a monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription.

· 52. Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to an unemployed woman dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization during the period of maternity leave.

· 53. Registration and issuance of a Certificate for a large family of the city of Moscow and its duplicate.

Since December 2012 citizens can apply for the following services electronically through the “personal account” of the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow:

Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit to women registered in medical institutions in Moscow before 20 weeks of pregnancy

Registration and issuance of a Moscow Large Family Certificate and its duplicate

Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments to disabled children under 18 years of age who have lost their breadwinner and to disabled children up to 23 years of age since childhood

Payment of funds for the maintenance of a child placed under guardianship (trusteeship)

Assignment and provision of additional one-time benefits in connection with the birth of a child to young families

Assignment and provision of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child

Assignment and provision of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth of three or more children at the same time

Assignment and provision of monthly child benefits

Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood under the age of 23

Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled people of group I or II (or have a III or II degree of disability)

Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food products to certain categories of citizens for children under three years of age

Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments to reimburse expenses in connection with the rising cost of living for certain categories of families with children

Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and utilities for large families

Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for telephone use to large families

Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments to families with 10 or more children

Assignment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for large families

Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for the purchase of children's goods to large families

Assignment and provision of an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study

Informing about the fact of receipt, the amount of benefits, compensation and other social payments

Applying for a certificate of entitlement to a state social scholarship for low-income students

Transfer of 20 public social protection services to electronic view will provide the opportunity to remotely apply for social support measures to about 500 thousand Muscovites.

To receive services electronically, Muscovites will only need to fill out an interactive application form, as well as attach scanned copies of documents (electronic images), depending on the type of service, and send the document through the personal account of the Public Services Portal.

After submitting a request for the provision of a public service through the “personal account” of the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow The applicant’s personal application to the USZN is not required(except for cases where the missing information cannot be obtained in the process of interdepartmental interaction).

In addition to scanned copies of documents attached to the electronic application on the Portal, paper documents are submitted to the USZN in the following cases:

· for the service “Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit to women registered in medical institutions of the city of Moscow up to 20 weeks of pregnancy” - the original certificate of registration with medical institution city ​​of Moscow.

· For the service “Registration and issuance of a Certificate for a large family of the city of Moscow and its duplicate” - photographs of both or a single parent.

The advantage of the interactive application form is that that when filling it out, the applicant can immediately determine his belonging to various preferential categories and apply for all due payments at the same time.

Goals of transferring public services into electronic form:

· Reducing the number of visits to executive authorities of the city of Moscow

· Reducing the list of documents required from the applicant

· Increasing the accessibility of government services

· Ensuring openness and transparency in the work of social services

· Reducing the risks of corruption


· Reduce time and procedures for providing services

· Reduce the list of documents required from the applicant

· Eliminates the need or significantly reduces the number of visits to social protection authorities

· Will significantly improve the quality of service to the population, the level of interdepartmental interaction between government bodies and the effectiveness of providing social support measures to the population

· Ensure openness and transparency in the work of social services in Moscow