Documents proving citizenship. What documents can confirm citizenship of the Russian Federation Confirmation of a child’s citizenship for a foreign passport

There are situations when it becomes necessary to confirm the presence of Russian citizenship. This may be required of both adults and children. Not all parents know what document is required for a child under 14 years of age. Therefore, it is worth understanding which official papers are suitable for the procedure, as well as studying situations where additional certificates may be illegally required.

Why confirm?

Confirmation of citizenship of the Russian Federation may be necessary not only for adults, but also for children under 14 years of age. But in what situations this is required, it’s worth understanding. First of all, this will make it possible to receive maternity capital and travel abroad. Also, a document confirming the citizenship of a minor may be required for admission to kindergarten or school. For those planning to travel to a foreign country with a person under 14 years of age, a foreign ID may be required. In any of these situations, it is necessary to prove that the person is truly a citizen of Russia.

As you know, a baby receives citizenship at birth. He gets it either from his parents or from his place of birth. The fact that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation can be indicated by a note in the father/mother’s passport about the birth of an heir. But it’s still better if the minor has his own document. This is especially true for those situations where the parents have new Russian passports, where they do not make records about the presence of children.

What official documents can be used to confirm citizenship?

A citizen of the Russian Federation who is under 14 years of age has various documents confirming his citizenship. Any of them will be suitable for the case when you need to undergo this procedure. By the way, since February 2007, they stopped issuing an insert in the birth certificate certifying Russian citizenship. Those born before this point do not need to throw away the insert as it can still be used for its intended purpose. The rest should think about what documents are suitable. From the general list, parents or government officials can choose the appropriate one for the occasion.

Documents for a child under 14 years of age:

  1. A foreign, official or diplomatic passport that confirms the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside its borders.
  2. Passport of the father/mother who is a citizen of Russia. Suitable not only domestic, but also foreign, official and diplomatic. It is important that information about the heir is entered.
  3. Birth certificate. It must contain information about the Russian citizenship of at least one of the parents.
  4. A mark on a Russian translation of an official paper issued by a foreign authority as evidence of the fact of registration of the birth of a child. The mark must be placed either by the FMS, or by the Russian consulate, or by a Russian mission.
  5. A mark on a birth certificate issued by an authority. In this case, the mark must also be placed at the FMS, consulate or representative office of the Russian Federation.
  6. Insert. Suitable is one issued in addition to a birth certificate before 2007, as well as one received from foreign body authorities as confirmation of the registration of the birth of the child.

Parents should remember that government bodies for the provision of services from the field of education, health and social welfare cannot legally require an additional document if one of the above was shown. They also cannot insist on a mark on the birth certificate for children under 14 years of age.

When is it not necessary to confirm citizenship with an additional document?

There are situations when authorities require to show an additional document indicating that a child of 14 years old has Russian citizenship. But in a number of situations their actions will be unlawful. You need to know when there is no need to provide another document.

It is immediately worth noting that if a person has at least one of the above papers, then this already proves that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Another certificate is not required, and if someone asks for it, the applicant has the right to refuse. For confirmation, only one identification document is needed.

As an example, we can consider common situations when no additional documents need to be shown:

  • When replacing a foreign or regular passport with a new one, the person submitting the application is not required to provide any document other than the replacement passport itself.
  • When a person under 14 years of age receives a civil or foreign passport in the Russian Federation for the first time, one certificate is sufficient to confirm their identity.
  • When receiving a passport due to loss, you should not confirm your citizenship, since the authority must record that the person already had a Russian passport.
  • Upon receipt internal passport abroad or vice versa. It is enough to show one document of the child to confirm citizenship.

If the authorities of the Russian Federation require confirmation of their registration in order to verify the child’s citizenship, then the parent is not obliged to do this. A house book or registration card can, for example, be lost or replaced with new ones, so even the fact of their absence does not mean anything. A person will still be considered a citizen of the Russian Federation if the child has at least one of the documents confirming his citizenship of the Russian Federation.

When you need to get a certificate, you have to understand the lists of papers that are provided for their preparation. In the lists, in order to obtain one or another certificate, a document confirming Russian citizenship is required. This article will tell you what lies behind this formulation.

Sample citizenship stamp

When applying for a number of certificates for children, they require paper that certifies their affiliation with the country. This is the moment when the time comes to decide which state’s flag will become native to the younger generation.

If mom and dad are Russians and live in Russia, then there is no alternative - their child will become a Russian; under other circumstances, options are possible. For children under 14 years of age, citizenship is certified by the choice of a legal representative. Older people are encouraged to make their own choice in favor of one state or another.

For children, confirmation of citizenship will be required in several cases: when receiving a foreign passport, internal document, or applying for a number of types of mortgage lending.

Documents for proof of citizenship

  • A new generation passport for a minor citizen - for those who have already issued one. Foreign ones are suitable, as well as those operating within Russia.
  • Internal passport (including a new generation) of one of the parents, in which records about the minor child have already been made.
  • Birth certificate with a note.

Certificate with a stamp on acquisition of citizenship

If there is only a birth certificate, then citizenship is determined by the following marks included in it.

  • An entry has been made indicating that mother or father or both belong to the Russian Federation. It does not matter where the child was born. If mom and dad come from different places, the baby can become a Russian or a citizen of another country of his choice.
  • A record was made that one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the second is recognized as a person without citizenship, or there is no information about where he is. In this case, the place of birth of the baby does not matter - he is Russian.
  • If the paper was issued on the territory of the Russian Federation, and mom and dad are citizens different countries, but one of them Russian citizen.

If a child is born outside the Russian Federation, a number of options are provided for confirming its identity.

Sample of a stamp at the Russian Consulate

  • If the baby was born abroad of the Russian Federation, and a foreign birth certificate was issued, then it is translated into Russian and a special mark is placed on registration at the consulate or diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation. On Russian territory, authorized migration authorities have the right to affix such a mark.
  • When children are born abroad, a Russian birth certificate is issued by consulates and diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation. A corresponding note is made in it.
  • In some cases, the supporting paper is a special insert, which was issued before February 2007 and is attached to the child’s registration certificate foreign country. Currently, such an insert has been cancelled, and a stamp is affixed instead.

Sample insert for certificate

Upon adoption

Citizenship is acquired not only by birth from Russian parents. When adopting or establishing guardianship, even if there are no records in the papers about which states the parents are citizens of, it is acquired upon the application of the guardians or adoptive parents. This procedure is possible if the ward is under 14 years of age. For children over 14, their consent is required to obtain citizenship.

Sample application

Found minor children whose parents have not been found acquire citizenship if legal representatives or relatives do not appear within 6 months from the date of discovery.

A note on Russian citizenship is also made on the certificates if the baby was born on Russian territory, the mother and father are foreigners or stateless persons, and their countries of origin do not grant citizenship to the child.

Confirmation for adults

There is a list of official papers that confirm the citizenship of an adult. The main ones are passports for internal use and for travel outside the Russian Federation. A military ID card for employees with an insert and a stamp indicating Russian citizenship is also accepted as confirmation.

A birth certificate confirms citizenship when applying for a passport for an adult.

When crossing the border and outside Russian territory, the document that certifies citizenship is a foreign passport. Outside the country, a diplomatic or service passport and a seaman's certificate are used.

When using such documents, a Russian citizen independently familiarizes himself with the entry rules and requirements of the state regarding immigration in which he lives or only enters temporarily. Abroad, a different procedure for determining citizenship in a country may operate.

There are exceptions to the rules; Belarus is cited as an example. Both passports are recognized here - domestic and foreign. Domestic is suitable for crossing the border and submitting to the competent authorities.

If a foreign passport has expired while abroad, a Russian citizen independently applies for its renewal at the consulate or diplomatic mission. The passport confirms his citizenship, but is no longer valid for a number of actions: registering a marriage, completing notarial procedures at the consulate. In such cases, the internal document of the Russian Federation is not accepted for performing these actions.

It is recommended to learn about all the features associated with the help and patronage of the Russian Federation for citizens and the validity periods of supporting documents in advance before leaving for another country, especially when it comes to obtaining permanent residence.

In our lives, we often encounter situations when it is necessary to resolve certain issues regarding a minor child in government institutions. This could be registration of a pension for a child, registration of family maternity capital in connection with the birth of a child (second and subsequent), registration of documents for medical care, registration foreign passport on the child, and you never know what other questions may arise.

And a positive solution to the issue often depends on the fact that a child under 14 years old has citizenship of the Russian Federation. Determining this citizenship is not always easy. With an adult, everything is clear, he has a passport in his hands and it’s immediately obvious that he is a Russian citizen, foreign citizen or a stateless person.

The child's birth certificate does not contain information about his citizenship. Therefore, it is not always easy to draw a conclusion about citizenship; therefore, until a certain time, parents were required to either have an insert for the child’s birth certificate or a stamp stating that the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation. And often such a requirement caused bewilderment among parents, but who should a child be if his parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and he was born in Russia?

On April 13, 2011, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 444 “On additional measures to ensure the rights and protection of the interests of minor citizens of the Russian Federation,” which defines a list of documents that confirm the citizenship of a child under 14 years of age. And in the presence of which, government agencies do not have the right to demand the provision additional documents confirming the child’s citizenship.

The presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation for a child under the age of 14 is confirmed:

  • foreign, service, diplomatic passport of a child, a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside Russia
  • a passport of a parent (including a foreign one) who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, if information about the child is included in it
  • the child’s birth certificate, if it contains information:
  1. on Russian citizenship of both parents or a single parent (regardless of the child’s place of birth)
  2. about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of one of the parents, if the second parent is stateless or declared missing (regardless of the child’s place of birth)
  3. about the Russian citizenship of one of the parents, if the second parent has foreign citizenship, if the child’s birth certificate was issued in Russia.
  • a mark on the birth certificate issued by the competent authority of the Russian Federation, a mark on the Russian translation of a document from the competent body of a foreign state in the certificate of registration of the birth of a child. The marks are affixed by the Federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of migration, a consular office or the consular department of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation.
  • an insert to a document issued by a competent authority of a foreign state as a certificate of registration of the birth of a child or to a birth certificate confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, issued in the prescribed manner before February 6, 2007.

The most common problem arising from this is the problem of undergoing this procedure for a child. After all, a minor does not have a passport, but a document capable of confirming citizenship is needed. For children born since 07/01/2002, according to the new laws introduced, confirmation of citizenship takes place through an oral or written statement from his legal representative (parents/guardian). We will talk further about what is necessary to confirm citizenship.

Required documents

To confirm Russian citizenship for persons under 18 years of age are required following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or an unexpired international passport
  • Birth certificate
  • An insert in the birth certificate indicating Russian citizenship. At the moment it is not issued, but upon confirmation it is still recognized
  • Passport of the child's representative. The passport can be either internal, foreign or diplomatic
  • Mark and certificate officials foreign state in Russian about the fact of registration of the child

Authorized bodies

After the liquidation of the Federal Migration Service in April 2016, the Ministry of Internal Affairs stepped in and is now authorized to confirm Russian citizenship. If a citizen is absent from the country, confirmation takes place in the authorities migration service Russia at the place of residence of the parent or at the place of birth of the child. If there is no registration on a permanent basis, application is allowed at the place of actual residence.

Confirmation of a child’s citizenship in Crimea

Separately, it is worth considering the case of confirming citizenship for a child who was born on the territory of Crimea. Confirmation is necessary in order to include the child in the international passport and to process social benefits from the state. And if it’s easier for newborns - in this case, Russian citizenship is granted as quickly as possible, then for other children the following procedure is provided:

  • To begin, you need to submit to Crimean branch Ministry of Internal Affairs the following documents: passport of both parents (if possible), certificate certified by a notary, registration form No. 16
  • Before submitting an application, parents must themselves be recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation
  • If the application is submitted by a single mother, the spouse’s passport is not required to be submitted, you only need a document confirming the status of a single mother
  • If a child was born after March 18, 2014 and received a certificate valid on the territory of Ukraine, the parents still have the right to confirm Russian citizenship
  • If a certificate valid on the territory of the Russian Federation was issued, no one has the right to demand confirmation of citizenship

Application Form

The application is usually drawn up in writing, in free form; blots and mistakes are not allowed. Although the application form is free, the document must still contain the following points:

  • Full name of the applicant
  • Indication of the presence of expired passports of the Russian Federation or the USSR in hand, with a description of the number, series and authority that issued the documents
  • The address where the citizen was registered at the time of 02/06/1992 and the current registration address (if there is a fact of registration)
  • Date on which you left Russia

A sample application can be found on the Internet. According to the current regulations, the period for confirmation and consideration of citizenship is 3 months from the date of registration. Exceeding this period is possible, but is not approved.