Housing and communal services work program for a sociologist. Work program of the discipline sociology. Full-time education

Department of Sociology

(36 hours)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kravchenko S.A.

MGIMO – 2004
The program of the discipline "Sociology" is compiled in accordance with the requirements (of the federal component) for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of a certified specialist in the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" of the state educational standard of higher vocational education second generation.

The program is aimed at students and listeners of the faculties of MG, MP, MO, FP MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Its features are:

– presentation of the material in multi-paradigmatic interpretation, which allows listeners to see the strengths and weaknesses of the main sociological theories, the possibility of their application only in specific spatial and temporal coordinates;

– taken into account cultural diversity through a comparative analysis of Russian realities with their Western and Eastern analogues, which contributes to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards other cultures;

– emphasis is placed on development sociological imagination, which helps to see latent aspects of social phenomena, teaches to diagnose abnormal deviations from the norm in development public institutions and relations to develop methods of “treatment” and preventive prevention of social “diseases” through the development of public relations.

Purpose of the course: to acquaint students with the generally recognized property of modern world sociological knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory state educational standard.

The main emphasis is on presenting in a concentrated form the main characteristics of society as a sociocultural system, showing the interaction and mutual influence of its various components and processes.

In the 90s, sociological science took a qualitative step in its development - fundamentally new social theories appeared, which constituted the so-called postclassical sociology. The author of the course strives to make them available to students, seeing in this the prerequisites for a truly de-ideologized, scientific analysis of the modern world community.

At the same time, students will also receive a fairly complete understanding of classical generally accepted theories, each of which, using its own tools, contributes to the general understanding of society and the social actions of people. From the variety of sociological paradigms, those that are generally recognized and widely presented in the best modern Russian and foreign sociology textbooks have been selected. In this case, a “flexible” manner of presentation of sociological theories is assumed: in all cases, both their strengths and weaknesses are noted.

The theoretical material is presented primarily in the context of modern Russian society. At the same time, comparisons of the sociocultural realities of our country with other societies and cultures are widely used.
Course objectives:
– study of the main stages in the development of world sociological thought, including classical, modern sociological theories and currently being created postmodern sociological theories;

– study of society as a special social reality and an integral self-regulating system;

– consideration of the main social institutions that carry out the production and reproduction of social relations;

– in the context of different sociological paradigms, the study of socio-cultural trends in the development of societies, mechanisms of social change; objective and subjective social reality;

– understanding the complex nature of personality, the process of its socialization, the role of the main agents of socialization; ways of adaptation of individuals to socio-cultural realities, processes of desocialization and resocialization;

– study of personality and masses; collective conscious and unconscious;

– understanding of interpersonal interaction, role conflicts, ways to resolve them;

– study of socio-cultural dynamics at the global and local levels, challenges to the global community;

– study of changes in post-socialist societies with an emphasis on their characteristics in Russia.

Place of the course in the system of general professional training of a specialist.

Sociology is an interdisciplinary science containing the foundations of knowledge of a number of natural, social and humanities. She is closely connected and influenced by such sciences as mathematics, demography, economics and social statistics, computer science, which help her in the study of all spheres of society. We especially note the connection between sociology and the social sciences.

Sociology and history. Sociology as a science of society includes the essential forms and functions of historical knowledge, uses the methodology and theory of historical science, methods and sources of their study, studies domestic historiography, world history, which is the fundamental basis of the history of sociology.

Sociology and social philosophy. Social philosophy in sociology is considered as the highest level of theoretical generalization of social phenomena and processes, revealing the features of the philosophical view of society.

Sociology and social psychology. Social psychology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge. In it, society is viewed as a mechanical set of individual acts studied in the psyche, behavior and activity.

Sociology and political science. Political science, studied by sociologists, reveals the role and place of politics in the life of modern societies, political relations and processes, political organizations and movements, sociocultural aspects of politics, world politics and international relations, national-state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation, etc.

Sociology and cultural studies. Culturology reveals the basic concepts of culture, cultural values, traditions and norms; a typology of cultures and social cultural institutions is given.

Sociology and social anthropology. Social anthropology, a discipline related to sociology, considers culture as a way of life for individuals and society.

Requirements, methodology, control over the course: the main form in teaching the course is lectures . Each topic has a specific “thesaurus” - a set of basic concepts that will enrich the scientific language of students and help them develop the foundations of sociological thinking. To increase the effectiveness of lectures, it is intended to read them in the form of a dialogue with the audience. The student must learn to use theoretical knowledge to understand and actively influence people's behavior in various complex situations. Knowledge control form: MF – written test on knowledge of theories and sociological terminology, informational analytical report, exam; MO – test; MP – test.







Diversity of the social world. Sociology as a science: its paradigmatic essence, subject.




Culture, its types. The influence of culture on sociocultural relations.




Social structure and social stratification.




Social interaction. Self-disclosure of personality. Socialization.




Social groups. Ethnic groups.




Politics, economics, labor.




Education. Religion and church.




Organization and management. Deviant behavior and social control.




Globalization and sociocultural dynamics. Changes in the world and in Russia




STRUCTURAL PARADIGM Structural functionalism




Conflict paradigms





Understanding” sociology of M. Weber




Symbolic interactionism by J. Mead, C. Cooley and G. Bloomer




Phenomenology and ethnomethodology.




Social psychoanalysis by Z. Freud, humanistic psychoanalysis by E. Fromm





Integral sociology of P. Sorokin




Unifying paradigms of A. Giddens and P. Bourdieu






Topic 1. Diversity of the social world. Sociology as a science: origin and development, its paradigmatic essence, subject.
Diversity and unity of the social world, its complexity. Sociological imagination.

Common sense and scientific knowledge about man and society.

Scientific methods (concept, operationalization, variables, correlation, dependent and independent variables, verification and control. The problem of professional ethics. Human rights in the process of conducting social research.

The emergence in sociology of a number of sociological schools and trends. Levels of analysis of social phenomena. Education of independent structural, interpretive and integral paradigms.

The crisis of the object-subject foundations of sociology at the end of the twentieth century. Modern synthetic interpretations of the subject of sociology. Rethinking views on social laws, methods of cognition of society. Synergetic approach in sociology. Modern approaches to defining the subject of sociological science. Functions of sociology in modern Russian society.
Seminar plan for topic 1.
1. The relationship between sociology and ideology, sociology and common sense. O. Comte's contribution to the separation of sociology from ideological predilections.

2. Sociocultural foundations of society and their influence on social cognition: the problem of bias in social research, the concept of partisanship in social knowledge. The principle of “freedom from value judgments”.

3. Specificity of laws on society: views of the first and modern sociologists.
Kravchenko S.A., Sociology. Textbook for universities./ S.A. Kravchenko - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003.

Mnatsakanyan M.O. Ten lectures on general sociology: Textbook. – M.: MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2003

Monson Per. Boat on the alleys of the park. Introduction to Sociology. M., 1995, sections 1-4

Training sociological dictionary. 4th edition, expanded, revised. General edition S.A. Kravchenko. M., 2001

Frolov S.S. Sociology. M., 1999. Chapters 1 and 2

Mnatsakanyan M.O. Ten lectures on general sociology: Textbook. – M.: MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2003

Bauman Z. Think sociologically. M., 1996. Introduction and chapter 12

Berger P.L. Invitation to Sociology. M., 1996. Chapters 1,2,8

Volkov Yu.G., Mostovaya I.V. Sociology. M., Gardarika, 1998. Topics 1 and 2 are recommended.

Giddens E. Sociology. – M., Editorial URSS, 1999, chapter 1.

Komarov M.S. Introduction to Sociology. M., 1994. Textbook for higher educational institutions. Chapter I shows the formation of sociology as an independent science, its difference from history, philosophy, psychology, and political science.

Novikova S.S. Sociology. History, foundations, institutionalization in Russia. Moscow – Voronezh, 2000

General sociology: Textbook/Under general. Ed. A.G. Efendieva. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000, chapter 1

Smelser N. Sociology. M., 1994. Chapter 1. Sociological approaches to the study of society are presented in a very unusual way.

Sociology. Textbook for universities. Ed. G.V. Osipova et al. M., 1996. Chapters 1 and 2 are recommended, which reveal the issues of the formation of sociology, its paradigms, object and subject.

Sociology. Basics general theory. Textbook for universities. Ed. G.V. Osipova. M., Aspect-Press, 1998. – Chapters 1 and 2 are recommended
Topic 2. Culture and its types. The influence of culture on sociocultural relations.
The meaning of culture. The study of culture and relevance to cultural context. Symbolic structure of culture. The relationship between the biological and the sociocultural. Sociobiology. The main components of culture (values, beliefs, norms, material media, language). Types of culture (cultural homogeneity, cultural differences, cultural relativism, cultural universalism, cultural integration, subcultures, counter-cultures).

Society as a sociocultural system. The influence of culture on sociocultural relations.

1. Explanatory note.
The program of the discipline “Sociology of Management” is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the mandatory minimum content and level of training for a certified specialist in specialty 080504.65 – “State and Municipal Management”.

Excerpt from the state educational standard:

SOCIOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT. Social management as a resolution of the contradiction between the managing and managed systems; three models of social management: subordination, reordination, coordination; management and manipulation, general, private and selfish interests, manipulation as the implementation of selfish interests, types of manipulation: economic, political, bureaucratic, ideological, psychological; the objective nature of state interest, natural and artificial state interest, the mechanism for developing state interest, the clash of interests within the state, state interest in time and space, the vector of time and space for state interest, the relationship of state interest with the type of state; management in an aggressive environment, management environment, managerial mentality, relationship between the state of the management environment and the purpose of management action, inert, optimal and aggressive management environment, methods of management in an aggressive social environment.

Requirements for students.“Sociology of Management” is a discipline of the federal university component. The subject is taught in the 4th year and is intended for students who have taken the courses “Fundamentals of Management”, “Economic Theory”, “Statistics”, “Sociology”, “Political Science”, “Research of Management Systems”.
Place and role of discipline as an integral part of the level of higher professional education is determined by the need to develop in students the skills necessary for their future professional activities in the field of management. The sociology of management is designed to help students understand the essence of social phenomena occurring in the country, to understand the objective dependencies between economic, social and spiritual processes in society, and to familiarize students with current problems of managing social development.
Purpose of the course: formation in students of an understanding of the main categories of the sociology of management, as well as the development of skills in the use of sociological tools for the analysis of social and managerial processes associated with management activities, and social problems that arise in the process of functioning and development of society.

Course objectives:

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

  • know the basic concepts and categories of management sociology;

  • have an idea of ​​the specifics of social and managerial relations in society, of the social mechanisms of formation and managerial regulation of social problems;

  • be able to apply acquired knowledge in practical activities on making management decisions;

  • possess the skills of social and managerial analysis of specific social situations and conduct independent sociological research of management processes.

Forms of student work: attending lectures, working in practical classes (preparing a sociological study and publicly defending the results, preparing reports, participating in discussions), completing a test. IN independent work students include mastering theoretical material, preparing for seminars, performing practical assignments, preparing for tests and tests.
Types of control:

Current - participation in discussions at the seminar, preparation of reports, completion of tests (carried out in the 6-7th week of mastering the discipline in test form).

Final - test (carried out in the form of a written detailed answer to two questions from a list compiled by the teacher ( sample questions are given in the program)).

All forms of current and final control are assessed on a 10-point scale.

Calculation of the final grade by discipline:

  • Assessments for all forms of current control are assigned coefficients that determine their weight in the final assessment:
- participation in discussions at the seminar will account for 20% of the final grade,

Making presentations at seminars – 20%,

Completing the test - 20%,

Execution practical task(preparation, conduct of sociological research, analysis and presentation of the results) - 30%.

Attendance is taken into account when assigning grades for the discipline. Penalty points are calculated using the formula:

ШБ = N missed classes - 1
Thus, the assessment for current control is given according to the formula:
ABOUT current = 0.2*O discussion + 0.2*O report + 0.2*O control + 0.3*O practical 0.5*SB

  • The final grade is formed by summing the accumulated grade, which will be 60% of the final grade, and the test grade, which will be 40% of the final grade.

The assessment for current control is given according to the formula:

ABOUT result. = 0,6* ABOUT current + 0,4* ABOUT test
2. Contents of the program
2.1. Lecture topics
Topic 1. Sociology of management in the system of sociological knowledge (4 hours)

Purpose, objectives and structure of the course. General characteristics object, subject and method of sociology. Introduction to fundamental sociological theories, middle-level sociological theories, empirical and applied sociological research. Sociology of management as a branch of sociological science. Sociological laws and their application in management.

Specifics of the subject and object of management sociology. Structure, functions, methodology and methods of sociology of management. The role of management sociology in management practice.

Topic 2. Social essence of management activities (2 hours)

Management as a social relationship. Objects and subjects of social management. Management and power. Management and leadership. Subject-subjective nature of social management in modern society.

Social management as a resolution of the contradiction between the managing and managed systems. Models of social management: subordination, reordination, coordination. Basic forms, methods and principles of management activities.

Basic principles of management activities. Socio-cultural and socio-psychological factors of management. Taking into account national-ethnic characteristics of management activities. The concept of managerial mentality and management culture.

Statuses and roles in the management process. Management as a communication system. The concept of social communications. Structure of management communications.

Inert, optimal and aggressive control environment. The relationship between the state of the management environment and the purpose of management action and the values ​​of the manager. Management in an aggressive environment. Coordination, creation of social networks, maintaining sociocultural integration, institutional and informal control as forms of management regulation.

Topic 3. Management as a social process (4 hours)

The relationship between needs, interests, values ​​and goals in human social activity and in the management process.

General, private and selfish interests. Control and manipulation. Manipulation as the realization of selfish interests. Types of manipulation: economic, political, bureaucratic, ideological, psychological. Theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of manipulation in the works of G. Le Bon and G. Tarde.

Interests of society and interests of the state in social management. Objective nature of state interest. Natural and artificial state interest. Mechanisms for developing state interest. Conflict of interests within the state. “Supranational” interests in the system of social management of global society.

Topic 4. Institutional prerequisites for management (4 hours)

Economic and sociological concepts of institutionalism. “Traditional” and “new” institutionalism. The specifics of the institutional understanding of management in the sociological theories of G. Spencer, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, J. K. Galbraith, N. Smelser. Economic understanding of institutions (T. Veblen, K. Polanyi, D. North). Understanding management through the categories “social institution”, “institutional environment”, “institutional agreement”. Natural and artificial, simple and complex institutions. Functions of management as a social institution. The problem of institutional dysfunction.

Topic 5. Management as social action (4 hours)

The concept of social action in sociology. Interpretation of social action in the works of M. Weber. T. Parsons' theory of social action. Categories “social action”, “social system”, “role”, “motive”, “deviation”. The concept of function in the theory of social action. AGIL scheme. Types of social actions. Activity characteristics of management. Deviant orientations in management.

Topic 6. Management as a way of social exchange (2 hours)

General characteristics of behaviorism, rational choice theory and social exchange theory. Conceptual foundations of the theory of social exchange in the works of J. Homans, P. Blau, G. Becker, R. Emerson. Concept of elementary social behavior. Measure of exchange. Governance as a “social transaction”. Legitimacy of management. Network of Exchange (R. Emerson, K. Cook). Violation of exchange rules in the management process and its consequences.

Topic 7. Constructivist foundations of management activities (2 hours)

Basic principles of constructivism in sociology. Book by P. Berger and T. Luckman “The Social Construction of Reality.” Identity as key element social reality. Primary and secondary socialization. Knowledge. Rutinization. Everyday life. Understanding management relationships from a constructivist perspective.

Topic 8. Dramatic understanding of management (2 hours)

Basic principles of symbolic interactionism (Mead, Bloomer). Roles and “masks”. Interpretation. Dramatic approach of I. Hoffman. Social interaction as impression management. The concept of a “total institution”. Management as “drama”.

Topic 9. Applied sociological research as a factor in the development of management practice (4 hours)

Current problems of sociology of management in domestic and foreign science. Analysis of the current state of fundamental and applied research on management problems. Principles and methods of sociological research of management. Macro- and microsociological research. Applied sociological research as a tool for understanding social processes and the basis for making management decisions. Traditions of applied research in the American sociological school. The ideas of R. Park, C. Cooley, E. Ross, L. Ward, W. Sumner and their application in social management. Social technologies as a practical result of sociological research. Sociological research of socio-economic problems as the basis of management practice.

2.2. Seminar lesson plan

Topic 1. Sociology of management in the system of sociological knowledge

The need for sociological research for the development of management knowledge.

The relationship between the sociology of management, management and the science of public administration.

Current problems of management and sociological laws.


  1. Aron, R. Stages of development of sociological thought. / R. Aron; General ed. and preface P.S. Gurevich. – M.: Progress. Univers, 1993. – 606 p.

  2. Volchkova L. T. Social management: reflection of a sociologist / L. T. Volchkova, V.A. Malyshev, V.N. Minina // Social management and planning: collection. Art. / ed. L. T. Volchkova. – St. Petersburg: Book House LLC, 2004. – P. 7 – 23.

  3. Menshikova, G.A. Sociology of management in the structure of sociological knowledge / G.A. Menshikova, V.N. Minina // Bulletin of St. Petersburg state university. 1999. – Ser. 6. – No. 3. – P. 56-61.

  4. Ritzer J. Modern sociological theories: training manual/ J. Ritzer. - 5th ed. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.- 686 p.

  5. Shilin K.I. Sociology of managerial creativity / K.I. Shilin. – M.: Vera Plus, 2003. – 381 p.
Topic 2. Social essence of management activities

Discussion (2 hours). Questions for discussion:

Management and power. Examples of the relationship between management and power in historical and modern perspectives.

Models of social management: subordination, reordination, coordination. Practical examples.

Socio-cultural and socio-psychological factors of management. Practical examples.


  1. Vilinov A.M. Management of social systems based on creativity / A.M. Vilinov; Ross. patent agency trademarks, Ross. state int intellectual. property. – M.: RIIS, 2001. – 260 p.

  2. Ivanov V.N. Innovative social technologies of state and municipal government / V.N. Ivanov, V.I. Patrushev. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Economics, 2001. – 324 p.

Topic 3. Management as a social process

Discussion (2 hours). Discussion of the topic “management and manipulation” (Based on the works of G. Le Bon “Psychology of Peoples and Masses” and G. Tarde “Social Logic”, current situations reflected in the media).


Topic 4. Institutional prerequisites for management

  1. Durkheim E.O. Separation social labor. Method of Sociology. / E. Durkheim; Ed. prepared A.B. Hoffman. – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 575 p.

  2. Polanyi K. Economy as an institutionally formalized process // Economic sociology. – 2002. – T. 3. – No. 2. – P. 62–73; http://www.ecsoc.msses.ru

Topic 5. Management as social action

Discussion of primary sources (2 hours):

  1. Weber M. Economy and society / Transl. with him. under scientific ed. L. G. Ionina. - M.: Publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics, 2010.

  2. Parsons T. On the structure of social action / T. Parsons; under general ed. V.F. Chesnokova and S.A. Belanovsky. – 2nd ed. – M.: Academician. project, 2002. – 877 p.
Topic 6. Management as a way of social exchange

Discussion of primary sources (2 hours):

  1. Blau, P. Different points of view on social structure and their common denominator / P. Blau // American sociological thought: Texts / Under V. I. Dobrenkov. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. P. 3 – 16.

  2. Skinner B. Technology of behavior / B. Skinner // American sociological thought: Texts / Under V.I. Dobrenkova. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. – P. 16 – 24.

Topic 7. Constructivist foundations of management activities

Discussion of primary sources (2 hours):

1. Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality. Treatise on the sociology of knowledge. M.: “Medium”, 1995.-324 p.

Topic 8. Dramaturgical understanding of management

Discussion of primary sources (2 hours):

  1. Hoffman I. Presenting oneself to others in everyday life / I. Hoffman; Institute of Sociology RAS. – M.: Kanon-Press-C: Kuchkovo Pole, 2000. – 302 p.
Topic 9. Applied sociological research as a factor in the development of management practice

Discussion (2 hours) “Methods of sociological research of management”


  1. Belanovsky S.A. In-depth interview: Textbook. manual for university students / S.A. Belanovsky. – M.: Niccolo M, 2001. – 320 p.

  2. Yadov V.A. Strategy of sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social. reality / V.A. Yadov in collaboration with V.V. Semenova. – 7th ed. – M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Dobrosvet, 2003. – 596 p.
Discussion (2 hours) Contemporary applied management research in the USA and Western Europe(based on materials from sociological journals (section “Sociology of Management”) and Internet publications).

Practical lesson (4 hours). "Case- studyas a method for the sociological study of managerial relations." Drawing up a program for pilot sociological research. Form of implementation: work in groups (7-10 people).
Practical lesson (2 hours). Discussion of the results of sociological research.

3. Topics of assignments on various forms of current control
3.1. Test in the form of a test (example tasks)
1. Which social philosopher was the first to use the scientific sociological method to study society?

a) O. Comte b) E. Durkheim c) P. Sorokin d) G. Spencer

2. Which of the statements is true?

a) Sociology of management is a special sociological theory.

b) Sociology of management is the Russian analogue of Sociology of management in the European and American scientific traditions.

c) The specialty “Sociology of Management” appeared in Russia in the 1980s.

d) The subject area of ​​management sociology must be defined from a combinatorial position, that is, it must be considered as a discipline that arises “at the intersection” of sociology and management theory.

3. What is coordination as one of the models of social management?

a) The relationship between the subjects of management activities, expressing the direct subordination of one to the other in the process of managing a single object.

b) A form of social interaction in an organization, the participants of which occupy an equal position.

c) Expression of vertical connections in the organization.

d) Social subordination.

4. Which of the following characterizes organic solidarity (E. Durkheim)?

a) The current state of society in which moral and cultural understanding prevails.

b) A type of social interaction in which integrity is ensured through the dominance of collective consciousness over the individual.

c) A type of social interaction in which the basis of social connections between individuals is their differences due to the division of labor.

d) Social norms, values ​​and traditions in society.

5. What characterizes the initial form of labor cooperation (according to K. Marx’s work “Capital”)?

a) Common ownership of the conditions of production.

b) Contractual distribution of responsibilities between community members.

c) Strong attachment of the individual to the clan or community.

d) Wealth inequality.

6. Which of the following is not a principle of a legal type of domination (according to the work of M. Weber “Types of Domination”)?

a) The presence of a state hierarchy.

b) Performing managerial functions as the only, or at least the main, type of occupation of an official.

c) Document flow as the basis for making management decisions.

d) Self-training on the job.

7. "P prescriptions that serve as general guidelines for social action and express social expectations of “correct” behavior.” - this is the definition:

a) interests b) needs c) values ​​d) norms

8. Management as a social action characterizes:

a) equivalence b) orientation towards a significant other c) stimulus-response scheme d) taking into account the interests and needs of subordinates

3.2. List of problems for developing a research program:

Social and managerial analysis of social problems of modern Russian society (student's choice).

Social and managerial analysis of the educational process.

Sociological study of problems of functioning and development of an organization or firm.

3.3. Questions to prepare for the test:

  1. Sociology of management as a science. Object and subject of management sociology

  2. Methodology and methods of management sociology

  3. Sociological laws and their application in the management process

  4. Sociological aspects of management research in socio-managerial theories

  5. Models of social management: subordination, reordination, coordination

  6. Basic forms, methods and principles of management activities.

  7. Sociological concepts of O. Comte, G. Spencer, E. Durkheim and their influence on the development of management science

  8. Management as a social institution

  9. M. Weber's concept and its role in the sociology of management

  10. Structural functionalism of T. Parsons and its influence on the sociological analysis of management

  11. Management as social action

  12. I. Hoffman’s socio-dramatic concept and its use for the analysis of management practice

  13. Dramaturgical approach to management

  14. The significance of the ideas of J. Homans and P. Blau for understanding management relations

  15. Management as a way of social exchange

  16. Applied Sociological Research (American School)

  17. Sociology of management in domestic science

  18. The concept of social management. Objects, subjects, methods of social management

  19. Management as a communication system

  20. Managerial relations as a specific type of social relations

  21. Control and manipulation

  22. Interests in management. Mechanisms for developing state interest

  23. Management environment as a factor in the management process

  24. Social technologies in the management system

  25. Managerial culture: essence, structure

  26. Applied sociological research as a tool for understanding social processes and the basis for making management decisions

4. Educational and methodological support of the discipline

4.1. Basic textbooks

1. Citizen V.D. Sociology of management. Textbook. - M.: Publishing house “Knorus”, 2009. – 512 p.

2. Ilyin G.L. Sociology and psychology of management. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 190 p.

3. Kashina M.A. Sociology for civil servants: A textbook for students and trainees studying in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration”. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house SZAGS, 2006. - 392 p.

4.2. Basic literature

  1. Blau P. Different points of view on social structure and their common denominator / P. Blau // American sociological thought: Texts / Under V.I. Dobrenkova. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. P. 3 – 16.

  2. Weber M. Economy and society / Transl. with him. under scientific ed. L.G. Ionina. - M.: Publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics, 2010.

  3. Weber M. Selected works: Trans. with him. / M. Weber; Comp., total. ed. and after. Yu.N. Davydova; Preface P.P. Gaidenko. – M.: Progress, 1990. – 808 p.

  4. Veblen T. Theory of the leisure class / T. Veblen. – M.: Progress, 1984. – 367 p.

  5. Goffman I. Presentation of oneself to others in everyday life/ I. Hoffman; Institute of Sociology RAS. – M.: Kanon-Press-C: Kuchkovo Pole, 2000. – 302 p.

  6. Durkheim E.O. Division of social labor. Method of sociology. / E. Durkheim; Ed. prepared A. B. Goffman. – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 575 p.

  1. Lebon G. Psychology of peoples and masses. - M.: Academic project, 2011. - 238 p.

  1. North D. Institutions and economic growth: a historical introduction / D. North // THESIS: theory and history of economic and social institutions and systems. – 1993. – No. 2. – P. 69-91.

  2. North D. Institutions, institutional changes and the functioning of the economy. / D. North. Per. from English A.N. Nesterenko, foreword. and scientific ed. B.Z. Milner. – M.: Foundation for Economic Books “BEGINNINGS”, 1997. – 180 p.

  3. North D. Institutional changes: framework of analysis / D. North // Economic Issues. – 1997. – No. 3. – P. 6-17.

  4. Parsons T. About social systems / T. Parsons; under general ed. V.F. Chesnokova and S.A. Belanovsky. – M.: Academician. project, 2002. – 831 p.

  5. Parsons T. On the structure of social action / T. Parsons; under general ed. V.F. Chesnokova and S.A. Belanovsky. – 2nd ed. – M.: Academician. project, 2002. – 877 p.

  6. Parsons T. The system of modern societies / T. Parsons; scientific ed. lane M.S. Kovaleva. – M.: Aspect Press, 1998. – 270 p.

  7. Radaev V.V. New institutional approach and deformalization of the rules of the Russian economy / V.V. Radaev; State University of Higher school economy. – M.: State University Higher School of Economics, 2001. – 77 p.

  8. Radaev V.V. New institutional approach: building a research scheme // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. – 2001. – No. 3. – P. 109 – 130.

  9. Skinner B. Technology of behavior / B. Skinner // American sociological thought: Texts / Under V.I. Dobrenkova.-M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. – P. 16 – 24.

  10. Tard G. Social logic. - St. Petersburg: Social and Psychological Center, 1996. – 500 p.

  11. Homans J. Social behavior as an exchange // Modern foreign social psychology: Texts / Ed. G.M. Andreeva and others - M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ., 1984. – P. 156 – 163.

4.3. Further reading

  1. Abels H. Interaction, identity, presentation. Introduction to interpretive sociology / H. Abels; Per. with him. language edited by N.A. Golovin and V.V. Kozlovsky. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Aletheya”, 2000. – 272 p.

  2. Abels H. The problem of social order in the sociology of T. Parsons / H. Abels // http://www.vusnet.ru./biblio/archive/abels_social_order_problem/

  3. Aron R. Stages of development of sociological thought. / R. Aron; General ed. and preface P.S. Gurevich. – M.: Progress. Univers, 1993. – 606 p.

  4. Belanovsky S.A. In-depth interview: Textbook. manual for university students / S.A. Belanovsky. – M.: Niccolo M, 2001. – 320 p.

  5. Belanovsky S.A. Interview method in research economic processes. Scientific report for the degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences / S.A. Belanovsky. – M., 1994; http://socioline.ru/_seminar/library/metod/bel_interv.rar.

  6. Belanovsky S.A. Methods and techniques of focused interview: (Training manual) / S.A. Belanovsky; Ross. AN. Institute of National Economy. forecasting. – M.: Nauka, 1993. – 349 p.

  7. Valantejus A. Current problems of pluralism in modern theory / A. Valantejus // Socis. – 2004. – No. 5. – P. 19-29.

  8. Veselov Yu.V. Classics of economic sociology: Karl Polanyi / Yu. V. Veselov // Sotsis. – 1999. – No. 1. – P. 111-115.

  9. Veselova N.G. Social management and elements of its culture: Generalization and recommendations / N.G. Veselova; Ed. V.A. Traineva; Intl. acad. Sciences Inform., Inform. processes and technologies. – M.: Dashkov and Kyo, 2002. – 337 p.

  10. Vilinov A.M. Management of social systems based on creativity / A.M. Vilinov; Ross. Agency for Patents and Trademarks, Ros. state int intellectual. property. – M.: RIIS, 2001. – 260 p.

  11. Volchkova L.T. Social management: reflection of a sociologist / L.T. Volchkova, V.A. Malyshev, V.N. Minina // Social management and planning: collection. Art. / ed. L.T. Volchkova. – St. Petersburg: Book House LLC, 2004. – P. 7 – 23.

  12. Gert G.P. The essence and content of social management. Management Science: Lecture / G.P. Gert; M-internal Del Ros. Federation, Moscow. acad. – M.: Moscow. acad. Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2001. – 31 p.

  13. Goptareva I.B. Social exchange as a cause of conflict and as a way to resolve it / I.B. Goptareva // Credo New. 1998. No. 2 // http://www.credonew.ru./

  14. Gromov I.A. Western sociology. Textbook for universities / I.A. Gromov, A.Yu. Matskevich, V.A. Semenov. – St. Petersburg: DNA Publishing House LLC, 2003. – 560 p.

  15. Devyatko I.F. Sociological theories of activity and practical rationality / I.F. Nine. – M.: “Avanta Plus”, 2003. – 336 p.

  16. Devyatko I.F. Methods of sociological research / I.F. Nine. – 2nd ed., Spanish. – M.: Book House “University”, 2002. – 296 p.

  17. Durkheim E. Suicide: A Sociological Study - M.: Mysl, 1994. - 399 p.

  18. Ivanov D.V. Sociology: theory and history / D. V. Ivanov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – 160 p.

  19. Ivanov V.N. Innovative social technologies of state and municipal management / V. N. Ivanov, V. I. Patrushev. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Economics, 2001. – 324 p.

  20. Ivanov V.N. Management paradigm of the 21st century: Textbook. manual for universities / V.N. Ivanov, A.V. Ivanov, A.O. Doronin. – M.: MGIU, 2002. – 178 p.

  21. Ivanov V.N. Sustainable development in the XXI century: social and technological support / V.N. Ivanov; Academician Sciences of Social Technologies and local government. – M.: Municipal World, 2006. – 762 p.

  22. Ivanov O.I. Sociology of social problems (basic concepts of Western sociology) / O.I. Ivanov // School of Humanities. – 1997. – No. 1. – P. 3 – 6.

  23. Ivanov O.I. Sociology of social problems as a new direction in Russian sociology / O.I. Ivanov // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Ser. 6. – 2002. – Issue. 2. – pp. 54-62.

  24. Kirdina S.G. Theory of institutional matrices: in search of a new paradigm // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. – 2001. – No. 1. – P. 101 – 115.

  25. Knorring V.I. Theory, practice and art of management / V.I. Knorring. – M.: NORM – INFRA-M, 1999. – 511 p.

  26. Kultygin V. The theory of rational choice - the emergence and current state/ V. Kultygin // Socis. – 2004. – No. 1. – P. 27-37.

  27. Kukh N.A. Comparative economics by K. Polanyi / N. A. Kukh // Bulletin of Moscow University. – Episode 6 “Economy”. -1997 – No. 3. – P. 21-40.

  28. Menshikova G.A. Sociology of management in the structure of sociological knowledge / G.A. Menshikova, V.N. Minina // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. 1999. – Ser. 6. – No. 3. – P. 56-61.

  29. Merton R.K. Social theory and social structure / R. Merton; lane from English E.N. Egorova and others - Moscow: AST: Khranitel, 2006. - 873 p.

  30. Merton R. Focused interview: Trans. from English /R. Merton, M. Fiske, P. Kendall; Ed. S.A. Belanovsky. – M.: Institute of Youth, 1991. – 345 p.

  31. Neretina E.A. Management of social processes at the federal, regional and organizational levels: Author's abstract. dis. for the job application scientist step. Doctor of Economics: Specialist. 08.00.05 / E.A. Neretina; Mordov. state University named after N.P. Ogareva. – Saransk, 2000. – 34 p.

  32. Peters T. In search of effective management / T. Peters, R. Waterman. – M.: Progress, 1986. – 423 p.

  33. Polanyi K. Economy as an institutionally formalized process // Economic sociology. – 2002. – T. 3. – No. 2. – P. 62–73; http://www.ecsoc.msses.ru

  34. Potemkin V.K. Economic psychology. Theoretical and empirical analysis / V.K. Potemkin; Ross. acad. Sci. Institute of Soc.-Econ. problems. – St. Petersburg: Riviera, 1998. – 124 p.

  35. Rakitsky B.V. Social market economics and social policy / B.V. Rakitsky // State regulation of the economy. – M., 2000. – 157 p.

  36. Ritzer J. Modern sociological theories: textbook / J. Ritzer. -5th ed. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.- 686 p.

  37. Semenova V.V. Qualitative methods: introduction to humanistic sociology / V.V. Semenov. – M.: Dobrosvet, 1998. – 292 p.

  38. Slepenkov I.M. Fundamentals of the theory of social management: Textbook. manual for universities / I.M. Slepenkov, Yu.P. Averin. – M.: Higher. school, 1990. – 302 p.

  39. Social management: Theory and methodology: Proc. allowance: In 2 hours / A.G. Gladyshev, A.V. Ivanov, V.N. Ivanov and others; Academician Sciences Social. technologies and places. self-control and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Municipal. world, 2004.

  40. Social management, communication and social project technologies: materials of Vseros. conf., dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of prof. Tamara Moiseevna Dridze, Moscow, October 5-6, 2005 / Ed. A.V. Tikhonov. – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Sociology, 2006. – 379 p.

  41. Social management: realities and problems of Russian society: collection of scientific articles and reports: in 2 hours / editorial board: prof. R.S. Tseytlin, prof. L.A. Burganova and others - Kazan: New knowledge, 2004.

  42. Social management: theory and practice: Collection of articles. – M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2005. – 186 p.

  43. Social transformations in Russia: theories, practices, comparative analysis: textbook allowance / Bogaevskaya A.N. etc.; edited by V.A. Yadova; Ross. acad. Education, Moscow. psychol.-social int. – M.: Flinta: MPSI, 2005. – 583 p.

  44. Spencer G. Personality and State / G. Spencer; lane from English edited by V.V. Bitner. – St. Petersburg: “Bulletin of Knowledge”, 1908; Cato Institute Library http://www.cato.ru

  45. Tambovtsev V.L. Standards public services/ V.L. Tambovtsev // Social sciences and modernity. - 2006 – No. 4. - P. 5-20.

  46. Tambovtsev V. Theoretical issues institutional design / V. Tambovtsev // Questions of Economics. – 1997. – No. 3. – P. 82-94.

  47. Turner J. Analytical theorizing / J. Turner // THESIS. 1994. T. 2. No. 4. pp. 119-157.

  48. Udaltsova M.V. Sociology of management / M.V. Udaltsova - M.: INFRA-M., 2000. - 142 p.

  49. Management and power: Materials of an interdisciplinary scientific seminar / Ed. O.Ya. Gelikha, V.N. Minina. – St. Petersburg: ZAO “Printing Enterprise No. 3”, 2004. – 304 p.

  50. Homans J. Return to man / J. Homans // American sociological thought: Texts / Under V. I. Dobrenkov.-M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1994. pp. 24 – 32.

  51. Shilin K.I. Sociology of managerial creativity / K.I. Shilin. – M.: Vera Plus, 2003. – 381 p.

  52. Yadov V.A. Strategy of sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social. reality / V.A. Yadov in collaboration with V.V. Semenova. – 7th ed. – M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Dobrosvet, 2003. – 596 p.

  53. Yakovlev A. On the causes of barter, non-payments and tax evasion in Russian economy/ A. Yakovlev // Economic Issues. -1999. – No. 4. – P. 102-115.

  54. Yasaveev I.G. Constructing “non-problems”: strategies for deproblematizing situations / I. G. Yasaveev // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. – 2006. – T. 9, No. 1. – P. 91-102.

  55. Yasaveev I.G. Construction of social problems by means of mass communication / I. G. Yasaveev. – Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 2004. – 200 p.

  56. Yasaveev I.G. Social problem in the sociological lexicon / I. Yasaveev // Publications of the Public Opinion Foundation. – 2006. – No. 6 // http://www.fom.ru.

  57. Albrow M. Globalization, knowledge, and society: readings from International sociology / M. Albrow, E. King. – London, Sage Pabl, 1990. – 280 rub.

  58. Becker G. S Essays in the economics of crime and punishment / G. S. Becker, W. M. Landes. – New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1974. – 268 rubles.

  59. Becker G. S. The economic approach to human behavior / G. S. Becker. – Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. – 314 rubles.

  60. Blau P.M. Exchange and power in social life. / P. Blau. – N.Y., J. Wiley, 1964. – 463 p.

  61. Camic C. Contemporary development in sociological theory: Current projects and conditions of possibility / C. Camic, N. Gross // Annual Review of Sociology. – 1998. – Vol. 24. – R. 453-476

  62. Diermeier D. Institutionalism as a Methodology / D. Diermeier, K. Krehbiel // Journal of Theoretical Politics. – 2003. – Vol. 15. – No. 2. – P.120 – 127.

  63. Fuller, R. C. The Stages of a Social Problem / R. C. Fuller, R. R. Myers // The Study of Social Problems; E. Rubington and M. Weinberg (eds.) – 6th Edition. – New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. – 384 p.

  64. Gurvitch, G. The social frameworks of knowledge / G. Gurvitch; Translated from the French by Margaret A. Thompson and Kenneth A. Thompson. – New York: Harper & Row, 1971. – 292 p.

  65. Homans, G. C. Social Behavior: It’s Elementary Forms / G. C. Homans. – London: Routledge & Kegan, 1961. – 404 p.

  66. Homans G.C. The Human group. /G.C. Homans. – London: Routledge & Kegan, 1951. – 484 rub.

  67. Schumpeter J.A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy / J. A. Schumpeter. – New York etc.: Harper Torchbooks, 1976. – 431p.

  68. Spector M. Constructing social problems / M. Spector, J. I. Kitsuse. – New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1987. – 184 p.

  69. Spencer H. First principles / H. Spencer. – New York: De Witt Revolving Fund, 1958. – 599 p.

  70. Spencer H. Principles of sociology / H. Spencer. – Hamden: Archon Books, 1969. – 821 p.

  71. Spencer H. The principles of ethics / H. Spencer. – Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1978. - 170 rub.

  72. Turk H. Institutions and social exchange; the sociologies of Talcott Parsons & George C. Homans / H. Turk, R. Simpson. – Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill. – 1971. – 417 rub.
4. Thematic calculation of hours


State budget educational institution

higher professional education





Direction of training

39. 03. 02 Social work (bachelor)

Training profile
medical and social work with the population
Graduate qualification (degree)


Form of study

Moscow 2014

Work program academic discipline“Sociology” is compiled on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training “Social Work” (qualification (degree) “Bachelor”), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 8, 2009 No. 709 and in accordance with the working curriculum of the training direction 39.03.02, approved by the rector of MGMSU. O.O. Yanushevich.

Compiled by: E.N. PODDUBNAYA, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Social Work, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Reviewers: I.E. LUKYANOVA, Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Social Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
HE. KRASNOVA, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Humanities, Candidate of Political Sciences, Russian State University of Tourism and Service.
The work program was discussed at a meeting of the Department of Social Medicine and Social Work

"24" 01 2014 Protocol No. _6_

Head department, corresponding member RAO, professor ______________ A.V. Martynenko

The work program was considered at a meeting of the methodological commission in the field of training “Social work”

"30" ______01_______ 2014 Protocol No. _1_

Chairman of the Methodological Commission, corresponding member. RAO, professor

A.V. Martynenko

The work program was approved at a meeting of the Central Methodological Council of MGMSU

" " __ ____2014 Protocol No. __

Chairman of the Central Medical Council, corresponding member. RAMS, professor

E.V. Lutsevich

  1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline
The goals of the academic discipline “Sociology” are:

– formation in students of a system of knowledge about the basic patterns and forms of regulation of social behavior, about social communities and groups, types and results of social processes, facts of personality formation in the process of its socialization;

– development of the ability to theoretically analyze the most significant social problems that determine the nature of development modern society;

– developing the ability to identify social problems modern society, analyze them, discuss them, and also compare ways to resolve the main problems that determine the strategic perspective of social development.
The objectives of the academic discipline “Sociology” are:

– mastering knowledge of theoretical principles that provide understanding of the basic socio-technological methods of social work, social protection and social development of various population groups;

– mastering methods of conducting social research, social diagnostics, forecasting and modeling processes in the social sphere;

– mastering practical skills in developing a program and other documents of sociological research, using the most important methods of collecting social information, summarizing and analyzing it, formulating conclusions on this basis and practical recommendations;

– familiarization with the technologies of applied sociological research, its types, stages, methodology, techniques and techniques.

  1. The place of discipline in the structure of OOP
The discipline “Sociology” is included in the basic part of the humanitarian, social and economic cycle of disciplines studied in the direction of preparation “Social work”. The study of sociology requires an understanding of basic socio-philosophical terminology, knowledge of philosophical movements and schools, an understanding of the place and role of one’s profession in the socio-professional structure of society. Studying a sociology course enables students to competently and purposefully approach the study of disciplines of the professional cycle.

  1. Student competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline
The process of studying the discipline is aimed at developing the following competencies:

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must demonstrate the following educational results:


the main stages in the development of social culture in Russia, the specifics of the country’s sociocultural development;

Basic concepts of sociology, structure of sociological knowledge, stages of development of sociology;

Main sociological schools of Western countries and Russia;

Basic concepts of social structure, stratification, social mobility, socialization of the individual;

Fundamentals of the theory of anomie, deviant behavior and social control;

Basic provisions of the theory of social institutions;

Basic methods of conducting sociological research, rules for drawing up a research program, developing tools, presenting research results;

Fundamentals of the theory of social change, development of culture and civilization, types of societies;

Fundamentals of theory and practical aspects of globalization processes.


give an objective assessment of various social phenomena and processes occurring in society;

Understand the needs of society, individuals and the possibilities of sociocultural knowledge in solving emerging individual, personal and social problems;

Identify various social problems that arise among clients;

Take part in empirical social research and present their results;

Analyze, structure, evaluate social information, highlight the main thing in it;

Identify different ways to solve research problems;

Systematically use the results scientific research to improve the efficiency of social services.


methods of analysis of social phenomena and processes;

The conceptual apparatus of modern sociology, methods of independent analysis of sociological literature;

Skills in conducting empirical social research and presenting their results.



in determining the scientific and practical value of problems to be solved in the field of social work, drawing up practical recommendations for using the results of scientific research;

In determining the characteristics of various social groups in matters of social services to the population;

In assessing the effectiveness of the work of social institutions and organizations on which the social well-being of the Russian population depends;

In the implementation of forecasting, design, modeling and expert assessment of social processes and phenomena in the field of psychosocial, structural and comprehensively oriented social work;

When analyzing the specifics of the sociocultural space, the infrastructure for ensuring the social well-being of representatives of various social groups.

  1. Scope of discipline and types of academic work
The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credit units - 144 hours.
Number of hours according to the curriculum (full-time study)
Total – 144 hours.

Classroom classes – 38 hours, including lectures – 19 hours, group classes – 19 hours. 10 hours of interactive lessons.

Independent work 79 hours.


Types of educational work,

labor intensity (in hours)

Forms of ongoing progress monitoring and intermediate certification


Independent work

Classroom lessons



Group (seminars, practical)


Counter. slave.


Well. Work/project

Calculation and graphic



Control points by mod.-rating


Section 1. Subject and history of sociology

Sociology as the science of society








Topic 1.2. The main stages of the formation and development of sociology








Topic 1.3. History of Russian sociology









Section 2. Applied sociological research

Topic 2.1. Organization and methods of sociological research







Topic 2.2. Sociological Research Program








Topic 2.3. Processing, generalization and analysis of sociological information








Section 3. Society as a system

Topic 3.1. Social groups and communities



Topic 3.2. Social structure, social stratification of society








Topic 3.3. Personality and society


Topic 3.4. Social institutions and organizations


Topic 3.5. Social conflicts and social tension








Topic 3.6. Deviant behavior and social control








Section 4. Development of society and the world system

Topic 4.1. Social changes. Globalization and modern concepts of social development


Topic 4.2. The concept of social sustainability and prospects for the development of theoretical















Federal Agency for Education

Chita Institute (branch)

Baikal State University of Economics and Law

Department of Economics and Labor Psychology



For 1st year bachelor's students

Full-time education.

Chita 2012

Published by decision of the Educational and Methodological Commission

Chita Institute BSUEP

Protocol No.________ dated _________2012.

Compiled by: Ph.D., Associate Professor Yankov A.G.

Reviewers: Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor G.I. Zimirev

Department of Economics and Labor Psychology

Protocol No. ______ dated ______2012

Program for the course "Sociology"

The program for the training course “Sociology” is compiled for economic, managerial and legal specialties in accordance with state standard education.

The purpose of the program is to familiarize and introduce future specialists to the problems of sociology as a science that studies the patterns of development and functioning of social systems, social institutions, and social processes. Sociological knowledge accumulated by humanity, both in the field of theory and the methodology of its practical application in various fields social life are an important aspect common system higher education and are an integral part of the professional training of economists, lawyers, and managers.

The Sociology course program consists of several interrelated blocks. The first block - “Sociology as a science, the history of the emergence, formation and development of sociology”, discusses problems associated with understanding the subject of sociology, its functions in the system of sciences. The questions of the formation of sociology as a science in historically. A historical excursion will allow us to create a more comprehensive picture of the general problems of sociology and show continuity in the study current issues modern social development.

Topic 1. Subject, structure, functions of sociology.

The object of sociological knowledge is the entire set of connections and relationships that are called social. The task of sociological science is to typologize social systems, study the connections and relationships of each object at the level of patterns, obtain specific scientific knowledge about the mechanisms of their action and forms of manifestation in various social systems for their purposeful management. Therefore, sociology is the science of general and specific social laws and patterns of development and functioning of historically defined social communities, the science of the mechanisms of action and forms of manifestation of these laws in the activities of individuals, social groups, and peoples. Social is a set of certain properties and features of social relations, integrated by individuals or communities into the process of joint activity. Any system of social relations (economic, political, etc.) concerns the relationship of people to each other and to society. A social phenomenon or process occurs when the behavior of even one individual is influenced by another or a group of them, regardless of whether that individual or group is physically present. Sociology is divided into applied and theoretical, macrosociology and microsociology.

Topic 2. History of sociology.

Understanding sociology is impossible without reference to past social thought. Since ancient times, humanity has been interested in the place of man among others, the possibility of creating a conflict-free society. In ancient times, Plato, Aristotle, Lao Tzu, Confucius left interesting thoughts about society and man. The main feature of social soap of this era is its focus on practice. Eastern thought is more aimed at changing a person, then society, Western thought is the opposite.

The founder of sociology is O. Comte (1798 - 1857). Comte's sociology is positive. Sociology must answer not only the question of what exists, but also the question of how phenomena occur, and be able to foresee and solve emerging problems. One of the central thoughts of O. Comte's sociology is the division of this science into two parts: social statics and social dynamics, which are the main concepts of his sociology.

One of the most important areas of sociology in the second half of the 19th century is the biological-evolutionary school, and its main representative is the sociologist G. Spencer. The main difference in social structures, according to Spencer, is whether people's cooperation is voluntary or forced. Based on this principle, two types of society are derived: “military” and “industrial”. Social laws the same as natural ones, not subject to the will and desire of people.

A recognized classic of sociology is E. Durkheim (1858-1917). Social reality, according to Durkheim, is included in the general universal natural order, therefore it develops in accordance with certain laws. The central idea of ​​E. Durkheim's work is the idea of ​​social solidarity. Her decision is, first of all, related to the answer to the question: “What are the connections that unite people?” There are two types of social solidarity: mechanical and organic. Each has its own special features. A factor in the development of society, i.e. The transition from mechanical to organic solidarity is the social division of labor.

Russian sociology has great traditions. Unlike other countries, sociology in Russia was not just a scientific phenomenon. From the very first steps, sociology played the role of an ideological weapon of liberal democratic circles. A distinctive feature of sociological thought (in contrast to philosophical idealism and Slavophilism) is that it was more oriented towards Western sociological thought. There are three stages in the history of Russian sociology: positivism, antipositivism, neopositivism.

A prominent representative of Russian sociology is P.A. Sorokin (1889 - 1968). Sorokin creates a positivist model of sociology based on behaviorism. Sorokin’s special merit is in formulating ideas about social mobility, stratification, and socio-cultural mobility.

Another major Russian sociologist was M. Kovalevsky (1851 - 1916). Kovalevsky's merit is that in many studies he tried to explain many social phenomena and processes by analyzing their origin. He was the founder of the comparative historical method. The problem of the state, including its origin, occupied a significant place in Kovalevsky’s sociology.

Modern foreign sociology is represented by a number of social theories. Structural functionalism - examines and explains society through a detailed analysis of hierarchies of structures and their functions. The founder of this direction, T. Parsons, believed that reality has a systemic nature, from which it follows that the selected abstract provisions must be logically organized into a single body of abstract concepts. Symbolic interactionism views society as a product of social interaction between people. In the process of interaction, a search for meaning and understanding occurs. Phenomenology and ethnomethodology deal with the problems of personal and social “creation of the world,” the search for meaning in the world, and the creation of values.

In the second block, “Subject of Sociology,” the categorical apparatus of sociology is given. The concepts are revealed: social role and social status, social mobility, social reproduction, etc. Various aspects of the modern social structure of people’s lives are defined, and in particular the following: “Social system”, “Society and personality”, “Social institutions” and others.

Topic 3. Social groups, statuses, roles. The concept of social stratification, social structure and social reproduction.

Social group is one of the important concepts in sociology. A social group is a collection of individuals interacting in a particular way based on the shared expectations of each group member regarding the others. For a group to exist, two conditions are necessary: ​​the presence of interaction between members and the emergence of shared expectations. There are several types of social groups, differing quantitatively and qualitatively. It is in social groups that the primary formation of a person occurs, the formation of his worldview and future social actions. Groups are characterized by group dynamics - the interaction of members of social groups with each other. Group dynamics include the following processes: leadership, group pressure, conflicts, formation of group opinion. In groups, interpersonal communication occurs that influences a person’s perception and position. A person’s position in a group is determined by two concepts: “social role” and “social status.” Social stratification describes inequality in society. The basic concept of social stratification - classes. Social the structure views society as a self-governing system, a set of social elements and connections between them.

Topic 4. Personality, society and culture.

The study of society is impossible without turning to culture. Culture is a multifaceted concept. The concept of culture is used to characterize historical eras, nationalities, specific areas of life or activity. In society, cultural values ​​are considered that influence group and individual behavior. One of the main functions of culture is the regulation of the behavior of members of society through socialization. Closely related to the concept of culture is the concept of personality. Personality integrates socially significant traits. Personality formation occurs through interaction of this person with other people. In other words, personality is a set of social connections and relationships. There are several factors in personality development.

Topic 5. Social deviations.

There are different levels of deviant behavior: cultural and mental deviations, individual and group, primary and secondary. There are also culturally approved deviations. Social deviations (deviant behavior) are closely related to the process of interaction between members of society and the presence of a standard of behavior. Deviant behavior is relative - in some groups behavior is not condemned, in others it is defined as criminal. There are a number of concepts that describe and explain social deviations: the theory of physical types, psychoanalytic theories, sociological theories, the theory of “stigma”, etc.

Deviant behavior is primarily associated with the process of interaction between people, socialization, and the formation of deviant values.

Topic 6. Social relationships, processes and changes.

Social phenomena, structures, and their elements are in constant motion. The nature of the relationships and relationships between them is changing, i.e. changes are happening. They manifest themselves in the emergence (disappearance) of certain elements and the transformation of external (internal) connections. The factors determining social changes are their objective prerequisites and conditions (economic, geographical, ethnic, etc.); special life circumstances; personality activity. The concept of interconnection and relationship includes: contacts, social actions, social influences. The underlying social relationships are determined by shared values. Society is constantly changing due to internal contradictions and new environmental conditions. There are revolutionary and reformative changes.

Topic 7. Social conflict.

Social conflicts are a necessary attribute social life. Conflicts are divided into interpersonal and intergroup. Conflict as a social process has its own laws. Conflicts can be classified according to areas of disagreement. Each conflict goes through conflict stages, characterized by certain behavioral strategies of the participants. According to their internal content, social conflicts are divided into rational and emotional. All conflicts have four main parameters: the causes of the conflict, the severity of the conflict, the duration of the conflict, and the consequences of the conflict.

Topic 8. Social institutions.

The concept of “institution” is one of the central ones in sociology. Social practice shows that it is vital for human society to consolidate certain types of social relations, to make them mandatory for members of a particular society or social group. This, first of all, refers to those social relationships, by entering into which, members of a social group ensure the satisfaction of the most important needs. Thus, the need for the reproduction of material wealth forces people to consolidate and maintain production relations; The need to socialize the younger generation and educate young people based on the examples of the group’s culture forces us to consolidate and maintain family relationships and the learning relationships of young people. There are several main social institutions: the institution of family, economics, politics, religion, youth, education.

Third block: “The social structure of modern Russian society.” This block provides information about the socio-demographic characteristics of Russian society and reveals the social processes taking place in our society.

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The work program on sociology of the federal component of the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines is compiled in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education.

Sociology as a science about society, social institutions, social activity and behavior is one of the components of social and humanitarian training at a university. Based on theory and empirical data, it allows us to give an objective scientific analysis of social reality, addressing the most pressing problems of social life.

The purpose of this course is to form a scientific understanding of sociology as a tool for understanding society, familiarization with the main fundamental categories and paradigms of sociological science, and the use of applied sociological research methods in scientific work and future professional activities.

Solving these problems enables students to increase the level of ideological culture and sociological thinking, introduces them to the range of fundamental concepts and problems of sociology, contributes to the development of various social technologies and the adoption of competent professional decisions.

As a result of studying sociology, students should:

    know the main fundamental categories and problems of modern sociological theory; history and stages of development of sociology; the main functions of sociology and the scope of application of sociological knowledge;

    have an understanding of the structure of sociological knowledge, theoretical concepts of industry trends, social values, norms, patterns of behavior, social relationships at various levels;

    know the specifics of studying society as a social system, social institutions; have an idea of ​​the specifics of the modernization process in Russia, the trends in changes in Russian society, the main factors influencing the formation of new strata, understand the mechanism of horizontal and vertical mobility and its impact on changes in the social structure of society;

    know the main components of the personality structure, the main stages of personality socialization, the concept of social status and social role, understand the essence of deviant behavior and its overcoming;

    master the basic methods of applied sociological research (questionnaires, interviews, observation, analysis of documentary sources), be able to develop the necessary tools for this and apply sociological research methods in practice.

The program is based on the calculation of study time determined by the thematic plan.

Main section

Topic 1. Scientific status of sociology: object and subject of sociology

Object and subject of knowledge of sociology. Discussion about the subjects of sociology. Main categories of sociological science. The concept of social and societal. Social communities, social relations, social institutions, mechanisms of their functioning and development.

The structure of sociology. General sociological theory, special and sectoral sociological theories, applied sociology, processes of their interaction and differentiation. Methods of sociological cognition. The problem of theoretical and empirical research of a social fact.

Sociology in the system of socio-humanitarian sciences. Sociology and law. Functions of sociology: cognitive, methodological, applied, prognostic.