I drove on someone else's social card. Controllers will be able to block “other people’s” social cards. Get compensation and benefits

In the spring of 2016, controllers will be able to block the transport application of social cards that are illegally used by strangers. The head of the State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer" Sergei Dyakov spoke about this. Only the owner himself can unlock it by submitting a written application. Moreover, in 2015, the number of “passes” in the metro using someone else’s social card increased by 110%.

"In 2016 we will introduce new scheme work, as a result of which the transport application of the card will be suspended, and it will not be possible to use it until the owner applies for unblocking,” Dyakov explained.

According to him, the system is planned to be launched next spring. "We are currently working on technical and legislative issues", emphasized the head of the Transportation Organizer.

Dyakov added that in 2015, the number of cases of using someone else’s social card in the metro more than doubled. “The number of identified cases of using someone else’s social card in the metro has increased by 110 percent compared to last year,” he said.

Let us remind you that since January of this year, inspectors do not confiscate social cards, but fine passengers for “using other people’s benefits.” Now the fine for traveling without a ticket is 1,000 rubles, for traveling on someone else’s social card – 2,500 rubles.

Since the beginning of the year, people have been fined for using someone else's social card in the Moscow metro. In total, the police, together with inspectors from the State Institution "Transportation Organizer", fined more than metro passengers for ticketless travel. In total, 500 inspectors check tickets in the capital's transport. At the end of October, all metro and ground transport controllers were issued. DVR footage can be used in proceedings both in internal investigations in cases of complaints against controllers, and in court. In addition, by the end of the year, controllers must be issued with the program and devices. They will collect information about the location of the controller using GLONASS.

Chairman of the Passengers Union Kirill Yankov approves of the initiative. "Blocking is a more correct measure than confiscation of social cards. It is important that the card is blocked in electronic form“It’s much simpler,” the expert noted.

According to Yankov, blocking social cards will also act “in a preventive sense” both on malicious free riders and on real card owners. “The unlocking procedure should take place precisely at the request of the owner, who will need to write that his card was used illegally. I am sure that the owner of the card will henceforth think about whether it is worth lending his social card to someone,” Yankov concluded.

Co-chairman of the public organization "City and Transport" Alexander Morozov believes that blocking other people's social cards will bring many positive aspects.

“Firstly, the time will be significantly reduced: controllers will not need to seize the card and fill out documents. Thus, they will work more efficiently without wasting time on bureaucratic details. In addition, taxpayers are interested in the controller catching “hares” like as intensively as possible. After all, he is paid a salary so that he can check more people,” Morozov concluded.

Anatoly Fedotov, Alexandra Supereka, Marina Kurganskaya

At the controllers Transportation organizer new powers may appear. Having identified the fact of unlawful use of a social card, they will transfer the travel document data to the Moscow Social Register to block the transport application. The draft resolution was prepared by the Moscow Department of Transport.

According to the document, having discovered the use of someone else’s social card to pay for travel, the controller must transmit information about this to the Moscow Social Register, after which the card’s transport application will be blocked. The card holder will be able to take advantage of the benefits only after submitting an appropriate application.

Let us remind you that since the beginning of 2015, controllers Transportation organizer They do not confiscate social cards, and they fine the violator every time he tries to take advantage of someone else’s benefits. In 2015, the number of detected violations increased by one and a half times compared to the previous year. On at the moment The fine for paying for travel with someone else's social card is 2,500 rubles.

Fare payments are monitored regularly throughout the operation of the Moscow metro and ground transport, including on night routes. Priority is given to the busiest destinations.

/ Monday, March 28, 2016 /

topics: Public transport Metro

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Having discovered the use of someone else's social card to pay for travel, the controller will transmit information about this to the Moscow Social Register. The transport card application will be blocked. . . . . .

Public transport controllers will be able to block the transport application of social cards that are illegally used by strangers. The draft of the corresponding resolution was prepared by the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure in Moscow.

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In 2015, the number of passages in the metro, travel on the city public transport on other people's social cards increased by one and a half times compared to the previous year. . . . . . At the moment, the fine is 2,500 rubles.

. . . . . Priority is given to the busiest destinations.

Controllers will be able to block transport applications on social cards illegally used by unauthorized persons, the agency reports "Moscow" . . . . . . The draft of the corresponding resolution was prepared by the Moscow Department of Transport,” the press service of the institution told the agency.
. . . . . There are currently about 5.5 million social card holders of all types in Moscow. Of these, more than 3.6 million people are Muscovite social card holders.

But they will be fined, as before, 2,500 rubles.

The capital's public transport controllers will be able to block social cards that are used not by those for whom they are issued, but by strangers. However, the cards will not be confiscated.

Since the beginning of 2015, there has been a practice in Moscow where violators have to pay fines of 2.5 thousand rubles each time they are caught by inspectors for using someone else’s social card to travel on public transport. At the same time, the card itself is not confiscated from them - and they can theoretically try to use it as a travel card again. This approach capital authorities turned out to be not very effective: in 2015, the number of recorded cases of using someone else’s preferential documents increased by one and a half times compared to 2014. To rectify the situation, officials of the capital’s Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development decided to change the work scheme of inspectors. Now, having caught another violator with someone else’s “ social media", GKU employees Transportation organizer will forward the card data to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register". There, the transport component of the map will be blocked - and you will no longer be able to travel on it for free. At the same time, the inspectors will not take away the benefit document itself, but they will issue a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles. In order for the social card to become a travel card again, its direct owner will have to apply to the MFC at the place of residence, after which all previously established restrictions will be removed from it.

1. Is it possible to pay a fine of 50% for traveling on the metro using someone else’s social network? map?

1.1. No 50% of the fine is paid if the Rules are violated traffic, and you have a different type of administrative offense.

2. Can they be deported for traveling on the subway using someone else’s social network? map?. The fine has been paid.

2.1. Can they be deported for traveling on the subway using someone else's social network? map?. The fine has been paid.
for one administrative offense (of this kind) - no.

3. Today in the metro they issued a fine for traveling on someone else’s social card, by mistake I took the wrong one from home, in the amount of 2500. The receipt only contains the amount, can I not pay the fine, is there no such option and what will happen if I don’t pay?

3.1. Hello regarding you you will be enforcement proceedings and the bailiffs will collect 50% of your income monthly as soon as you have money in your account.

3.2. Hello, Victoria!
You don't have to pay. In this case, the fine will be sent to bailiffs for enforcement.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

3.3. In case of non-payment deadline the amount of the fine may double from a certain period.
In addition, the real owner of the card may also be punished.

4. I was issued a fine for traveling on the metro using someone else’s social card for 2500, using the data from my old passport (which was lost), what happens if I don’t pay it?

4.1. Hello!
Article 20.25. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Evasion of execution administrative punishment

5. Fine for traveling on the metro using someone else’s social card, UIN current account and resolution number.

5.1. Please ask a normal question. It's not entirely clear what you need to know.

5.2. What is your question?

6. What to do if your payment receipt is lost administrative fine for traveling on the subway using someone else's social card?

6.1. Contact the metro for a new receipt.

7. You were fined in the metro for using someone else’s social card; you must pay the fine by November 17. I'm a student, I don't want to pay. What could be the consequences, besides doubling the fine, what is the likelihood that the fine will be burned?
P.S. The receipt remains. When they issued the fine, they said that some kind of receipt would arrive in the mail, but it still hasn’t arrived.
In general, I count on your help.

7.1. The probability is low. because the case will be handed over to the bailiffs and they will be after you for a very long time. In addition, there is a possibility of falling under administrative arrest according to Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

7.2. Hello! If you do not pay the fine, then enforcement proceedings will be initiated against you by the bailiff department, and this is in addition to the main amount of the fine, penalties, bailiff fees, etc. I recommend paying the fine to avoid red tape and high costs.

7.3. If you don't pay right away, you'll have to pay later writ of execution. And this is an extra hassle. You will be running after the bailiffs for a long time. You will be stuck in debt in the databases.

8. A fine of 2,500 was issued for traveling on the subway using someone else’s social card. What measures can be taken against me if I did not pay for it due to the loss of the receipt? Thank you.

8.1. If you do not pay an administrative fine within 60 days, you may be subject to administrative responsibility according to Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Article 20.25. Evasion from execution of administrative punishment

[Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses] [Chapter 20] [Article 20.25]
1. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code -

Shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days, or compulsory work for up to fifty hours.

9. A fine of 2,500 was issued for traveling on the subway using someone else’s social card, the girl who wrote it out for me said that she was making concessions and would not confiscate it, but asked to show her, she was confused and showed, she wrote down her number and full name, she could block her without seizure and how can I restore it and will they be fined for it in the amount of 2500? Can it be blocked without a seizure protocol using the card number and that’s it?

9.1. You have already asked the same question several times!!!

9.2. Without documents, no one will block her.

10. I was fined 2500 for traveling on the subway using someone else’s social card, they didn’t take the card, but they wrote down its number, can it be blocked and how can I restore it? The girl who wrote out the fine said that she would make concessions to me and would not confiscate it. I heard somewhere that if a card is blocked, it can no longer be restored, is that true?

10.1. No, it can be restored.

11. I was fined for traveling on the subway using someone else’s social card, they didn’t take the card, but they wrote down its number, can it be blocked and how can I restore it? Thank you.

11.1. They can block it, only the owner can restore it.

11.2. They can certainly block it, but only the owner of this card can restore it.

At the federal level, elderly citizens have the right to use railway transport services throughout the country with a 50% discount, but separately by subjects Russian Federation Some changes may be made. And some categories of citizens, for example, military pensioners or former employees The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has retired, can use railway transport services free of charge when traveling to and from the place of treatment.

How to use a social card to travel on public transport

  • at specialized ticket offices of Mosgortrans (pink flags on the map);
  • in Eleksnet self-service terminals - they operate around the clock, located in all administrative districts of Moscow;
  • through the terminals of the Moscow Credit Bank;
  • if your smartphone supports NFC technology - using the “My Travel Card” application of VTB Bank (PJSC). Available for Android and WindowsMobile.

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2020: how to get transport benefits

Travel subsidies for pensioners are one of the types of social government support for this category of citizens. Every citizen of the Russian Federation after reaching retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 60 years old) has the right to receive benefits when using city public transport(metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses). The rules for reduced fares when using minibuses do not apply.

Which citizens can use state travel benefits on public transport?

As standard, senior citizens receive free travel. In some cases, this category of citizens may be charged money for travel, but the cost will be based on a special discount - it varies from 50 to 60%. Prices are regulated regionally and may therefore vary depending on location. different cities and, which is not uncommon, even in certain areas.

Can another family member use a social card to travel on public transport?

I used my husband’s social card to travel on bus 206. On this day, 3 children fell ill at once, after the pediatrician arrived, I ran to the pharmacy, the closest one is 1 stop from the house. My husband stayed at home with the children. The social card of a large family was issued to him. To the controllers I showed my passport, they saw information about children, about a registered marriage with the card holder (we have different last names). Can I challenge a fine of 2,500 rubles for using someone else’s social card? But I don’t see any crime in my actions, because the card gives a benefit for one of the parents of a large family. I would like to ask that the names of both parents be indicated on the social card, but only one could travel for free at the same time. And depending on the circumstances of the large family, the parents could decide for themselves who should go on the social card today .

Get compensation and benefits

To apply for a discounted travel ticket, you need to prepare the required package of documents, contact the authority authorized to issue the benefit, and register in the Unified Database of Citizens (it will also be available to enterprises providing transportation services for citizens) that have the right to allocate benefits to them. If your application is approved, you must contact the transport depot ticket office with your pension certificate and passport.

Social card

In addition to personal identification information, the card contains technical information about the manufacturer. In addition, various applications issued by banking or social institutions may be attached. For example, in Moscow there is a transport application.

Travel benefits

Disabled people, veterans and pensioners Nizhny Novgorod the discount is 100% , but is provided in the form of compensation in the amount 700 rubles monthly. For schoolchildren this compensation is 500 rubles. However, the number of trips on a social travel card is limited - no more than 39 per month.

Law Club Conference

if my parents at one time earned an apartment in which I can legally live, if they earned money for a car in which I can move freely, then why can’t I take advantage of the same purely material right of free travel they earned?

What benefits are provided to pensioners for travel on public transport?

According to the Social Code of St. Petersburg, this preference is provided for all types of city transport, with the exception of commercial. If the pensioner is a Hero of Russia or Soviet Union, home front worker, or WWII veteran, resident besieged Leningrad who lives in the northern capital, he has the right to buy discounted travel tickets for commuter trains from May to December.

Student social card

You can activate the card on the State Services website. To do this you need to visit personal account, and then enter the card number. The procedure must be completed within 30 days. If this is not done, a blockage will occur. To unlock, you will need to contact the State Services Center.

The government of the Moscow region explained how beneficiaries can take advantage of the right to free travel on public transport in Moscow

We previously reported that the Moscow Regional Duma approved a law according to which 20 preferential categories of citizens received the right to free travel in Moscow. 1.3 billion rubles will be allocated from the regional budget for these purposes. More than 850 thousand residents of the Moscow region will be able to ride public transport in Moscow for free.

Benefits for pensioners on public transport

TO separate category include northerners. Such pensioners can receive monetary compensation twice a year for travel to their holiday destination in the Russian Federation by land, railway, air, sea/river transport. Only the cheapest tickets are reimbursed: seats on buses, reserved seats, cabins of categories 3 - 5, economy class seats. Compensation is separately negotiated if the transport provides only comfortable seats. In this case, the beneficiary must officially receive contributions from the Pension Fund and not work. You can also renounce the privilege and receive financial compensation.

Discount travel pass for schoolchildren

Of course, such a benefit is also in demand in small towns, when locality a small number of educational institutions, and the child lives far from school. In most cases, there is no subway travel in these situations, but school students can use buses.

Law Club Conference

The situation is known to everyone - many of our fellow citizens travel in Moscow (and, probably, not only) transport using the social cards of their mothers, fathers, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, etc. I know that there are regulations, I know that the cards are personal. But the question that worries me is this: if my parents at one time earned an apartment in which I can legally live, if they earned money for a car in which I can move freely, then why can’t I take advantage of the same purely material right to free travel? After all, discounted travel is an exclusively earned right, why can’t children take advantage of it? Why can’t the card be used when the pensioner himself doesn’t use it? On what basis? What difference does it make who will drive on it? After all, we are not talking about travel on the card for 2 or 3 people at the same time.

Moskvich social card - how to safely drive on it when meeting with controllers.

Anyone who often uses public transport in Moscow (SUE Mosgortrans and SUE Moscow Metro) definitely knows that one of the opportunities to correctly “bend” a stupid turnstile and go to the salon/station is to use a social card, which is often not yours. For example, this could be the SCM of your grandmother or another relative. I don’t encourage anyone to travel like this, but I don’t discourage anyone either. I don’t really care how other passengers pay or don’t pay for travel. Large quantity former hares who paid for travel this month will not in any way reduce the cost of buying me a travel card for the next month. Hares do not affect the level of travel of others in any way. It's your business. In this topic I want to raise a question about such a problem as the confiscation of these cards by controllers. Because not in all cases of someone else’s social card being in your pocket, or even obvious travel on it, controllers can confiscate it and impose a higher fine (2500 rubles instead of 1000 rubles).

Let's see. By job description The passenger transport inspector can clearly see in what situation he can confiscate the card:
The controller is obliged to: 3.14. Seize from passengers who presented to the controller during a check on the correctness of fare payment, illegitimate (fake) travel documents, including unlawfully used social cards of Muscovites (SCM), or social cards of residents of the Moscow region, as well as student travel cards that do not belong to the persons who presented them for confirmation fact of payment for travel.
It is clearly seen that the reason (right) for seizure can be one single situation:
The controller asks what the passenger's fare is, and he takes it out and shows it as his fare ticket... Well, THAT'S ALL! All other withdrawal options are illegal!
If your card was confiscated in any other situation, it means you are simply a stupid person and do not know your rights (I call such people Vegetables). This means that you should never, under any circumstances, take a card out of your pocket, no matter how much the controller demands it, no matter what threats you make, etc. Experience has shown that they will do almost anything just to take away your relative’s card, which you yourself can easily return. And as soon as you take out this card (present it, that means) - that’s it, the controller already has the right to confiscate it. If you don’t want your grandmother to have to run around social services a lot and waste her nerves on restoring this card, you need to at least study your rights a little and take precautions if you are not using your social card. I will try to help you in many ways with this, but a lot will depend on you.

In what situations does the controller NOT have the right to confiscate someone else's social card?

The only situation in which he has the right to do this has already been sorted out. Now I give examples of the most common situations when they have no right to confiscate, but often try to do so. For your general literacy, my beloved passengers, whose rights I consider it my duty to protect for no reason. If you want to help, then don’t thank me, but teach this knowledge to other passengers, because my goal is to make all passengers literate, so that they can protect themselves from the arbitrariness of controllers and drivers. Which in the future will lead to friendly defense of each other in cases of attempts at divorce by controllers. After which the fare payment system with filthy turnstiles and inconvenient one-door entry + bandit inspectors will become flawed and die out. Which in the future will lead to a change in fare payment to a more convenient one for passengers. Most likely it will be either the example of Tallinn (free travel with the introduction transport tax with equal opportunities), or the return of conductors. When you just sat down, and already while you were moving they came up to you and gave you a ticket (or showed you your travel card), and you don’t stand like a slave in a queue at the entrance to one door through a turnstile that has not kept hares back for a long time. Just don't confuse the two different problems. When the conductor pushes and annoys everyone, the problem is not with him. The problem is that there is too little transport on the line, and there is an oversupply of passengers. During normal workload, the conductor will not disturb anyone. And if he refuses to pay and get off, he can call the police (just like the controller, without the right to delay the bus or push him out by force). This is a paradox: the more birds there are now (with an inconvenient fare payment system), the better and more comfortable travel will be in the future, and not the other way around. The more they pay for travel now, the faster the old comfortable rolling stock (Ikarus, various comfortable trolleybuses) is replaced by new low-floor, stuffy shit, with much less seating and standing places. Okay, I digress a little. In what situations does the controller NOT have the right to confiscate someone else’s social card:
1) When a passenger presents his social card, which is not even actually charged. Not other people's cards, they have no right to confiscate under any circumstances absolutely.
-But sometimes they try to confiscate it even in such situations.

2) When a passenger travels using someone else’s card, but when asked by the controller “What is your fare”, he answers “Nothing, I’m a hare.” Even if the inspector saw how this person passed on some kind of ticket, and did not crawl under the turnstile.
- The contents of the inspector’s pockets are not affected. The controller has the right to seize someone else's social card only if presented. That's it, that's the point. But in such situations they often try to threaten that it would be better to give away the card. They may use force, not let go (directly grab with hands, force the driver not to open the door) and other violations.
3) When a passenger passes the social card in front of the inspector without having time to remove it, and he snatches it without asking.
- First, the controller must politely ask to see what the passenger has to pay for the trip. Show your ID if the passenger wants, etc., and don’t immediately snatch the tickets.
4) When a passenger says that there is no ticket, and the controller, without the passenger’s consent (which is also a violation), checks his pockets and bags with some kind of scanner, which can show the presence of a social card in his pocket (which is proof of the presence of a social card, not that that she is a stranger). After which he begins to demand to give it back, again using intimidation or force.
The use of other people's SCM by passengers is the result of shortcomings in the turnstile fare payment system. Another argument in favor of the fact that it is high time to remove the turnstiles. If there are no turnstiles, there will be no people who use other people’s cards. But, even if the passenger travels using someone else’s card (commits an administrative offense), this does not give the controllers any right to commit more serious violations against him on the part of the controller!

How to REDUCE the likelihood of SCM seizure? Knowing this does not guarantee 100% success, but it will greatly help any passenger.

Passengers should better understand the rules for using public transport. Especially in the responsibilities of the passenger, who he is. The important point for us here is:
6. 2. The passenger is obliged:
6.2.4. Present for checking ALL KINDS travel tickets, as well as documents for the right to travel free of charge or for partial payment of travel to the controller, conductor or other persons authorized to monitor payment of travel and compliance with these Rules.

- And the term “present”, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary, means: TO SHOW in confirmation of something. This means, speaking in Russian, the passenger is obliged to SHOW the ticket to the controller, and that’s all. And the phrase “ALL TYPES of travel tickets” eliminates any questions regarding contactless types of tickets (smart cards, triplets, not other people’s social cards, etc.). This means that no one is obliged to give anything to the controller! And the controller's accusation ticketless travel in this case, it is not legal! Because LEGAL duty SHOW ticket – You are done. But you have no obligation to hand over the ticket. And according to the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 1.5. Presumption of innocence):
1. A person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses, in respect of which his guilt has been established.
4. Irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person brought to administrative responsibility shall be interpreted in favor of this person.

- and since there are ALL KINDS, then magnetic tickets and social cards too. This means that by showing the ticket from your hands, you fully fulfill your obligations to the controller. And his further doubts do not prove anything. It is in the traffic rules that the driver of the car is obliged to hand over the documents for the car to the traffic police officer, and the passenger is obliged to present the ticket to the inspector... 2 different words, 2 different meanings, 2 different rules, 2 different responsibilities.
- You should always use this nuance when traveling with any type of ticket, not only with SCM. And, in particular, in questions about social cards - when using your social card honestly, or when using your own, but not charged card. So that the controller does not steal it from you, and to set an example for others.
Here is an explanation of why, in fact, the controller does not have the right to confiscate the card if you pass it in front of him and tell him that you do not have a ticket. And when its scanner shows the presence of a card in your pocket. Yes, it’s clear that you need to be careful and not use someone else’s social card in front of the inspector. But situations are different. Anyone can make a mistake and not notice them.
It’s worth starting with the fact that the phrase on the part of the controller “I saw how you walked over something, let’s give it here” is simply a subjective opinion. Which absolutely does not prove that the card does not belong to the one who passed through it, even if this passenger refuses to present it for strange reasons, recognizing the ticketless travel. Secondly, the contents of the pockets are absolutely none of the concern of any controllers; it’s none of their business what the passenger has in his pocket. If a passenger says that he does not have a ticket, the controller has the right only to ask for a passport in order to issue a fine of 1000 rubles for ticketless travel, which the passenger admits to ( Moreover, the passenger is not required to present this passport and has the right to leave freely, incl. – with the use of force, if the controller is the first to use force and tries to hold. But you can read about this in my other posts or in the Vokntakte group dedicated to the problems of arbitrariness of controllers: https://vk.com/bespredelanet. Here is everything you need regarding social cards). But the passenger is not obliged to show the contents of his pockets to the inspector. From which a small conclusion is that the controller is not able to establish that the passenger does not have his social card, even despite the fact that supposedly, if he has a ticket, the passenger admits to traveling without a ticket. It’s a paradox, but that’s Russia. The controller cannot oppose or do anything objective and not contrary to the law in this situation.
Further, when you, a person who understands your rights, refuse to show the contents of your pockets to the inspector, he may be punished different types blackmail or threats.
1) For example, they can check against the validator and record the details of the card that was recently used. And, after which, they will begin to threaten that they will block it if you don’t give it back. Which, again, does not have any objective evidence that the card is someone else’s. Numbers and numbers. Where is the confirmation that the card is someone else's? This only proves the passage on some kind of card, but does not prove that it is someone else’s, and that it is in your pocket. And, if they dare to block it, then the owner can safely sue that his card was blocked while he was driving on it. But, 99.9%, this is a scam, a means of intimidation, so that you yourself will give the card, thereby creating a situation in which the controller will already have the right to confiscate it. And if it were all that simple, the cards would be blocked and that’s it. But this is not an option. And my friends said that they were threatened like that, and nothing happened afterwards. So don't be fooled by this. Similarly, data from the controller’s portable scanner, which he may illegally give to you.
2) Any other types of intimidation, in the style of “We will now call (go) to the police, and they will confiscate the card anyway. So don’t waste your time, give it away now.” They may also say something about a higher fine if it reaches the police. In general, these creatures will take advantage of any illiteracy on the part of the passenger, just to intimidate him and fulfill the quota. But the most important thing is that the controllers are missing out. They have the right to call the police, but not to hold them until they arrive. Those. They called - you rightfully left. Controllers are not the police or any other security agency, and do not have the right to be retained by force.
If attempts at intimidation do not work on you, and you begin to leave, then, most likely, the controllers will commit even more serious violations. They will try to keep you by force. This is either an illegal inducement to violate the driver, forcing him not to open the exit door. Either a barrier to exit with your fat carcass, or direct use of force, grabbing with your hands (both in the car and at a bus stop). All this is illegal. The controller does not have the right to restrain by force, the driver is obliged to open all exit doors at stops, the passenger has the right to freely leave at any stop, and is not obliged to stay with the controllers. Including, if necessary, the passenger has the right to use force in an adequate amount, if necessary, in accordance with Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Self-defense civil rights). For example, if the driver does not let you out, you have the right to forcefully press the door and leave. The inspector does not allow you to pass - you have the right to push him, grabs him with your hands (directly uses force) - you have the right to respond with force (push him away, hit him on the hands), and even using improvised means in an adequate amount, if there is a verbal warning that the inspector has no right to do this - it doesn’t work. Those. You can stick a pen or keys in your hand, and use a pepper spray (just not in the cabin if there are other passengers), etc. But the trouble is that the controllers allow themselves to do this precisely against someone who physically cannot really protect themselves. In this connection, for example, we recommend that students travel together from the institute to the metro, which will equalize the chances at least somewhere.
The use of portable scanners by inspectors without the consent of passengers is illegal. But, when the inspectors have a numerical superiority, and there is only one passenger (usually a girl), they can use force to scan these pockets. Unpleasant - yes. But, in addition to your right to shove this scanner up their ass (figuratively speaking), you can use additional a device so that this scanner does not detect the card in your pocket. This is useful if you are not particularly physically strong, and do not have the opportunity to legally prevent inspectors from illegally scanning your pockets, and it will simply not be superfluous for any person. This means is a cover for a social card made of foil. This idea was suggested by physics enthusiasts. According to them, such a cover will create a shielded card, which will make it impossible for it to be detected by the controller’s scanner. They say that one layer of foil is enough, but 2-3 is better for reliability. On the one hand, leaving the opportunity to get it out. Or just from foil, or wrap it with tape on top for strength. Well, or wrap a standard case with foil. You will have to take out the card very often; it is better not to skimp on the reliability and durability of the case. Because to get into the salon, you will have to take the card out of the case every time, and the shielding due to the foil will not allow the validator to see the card. In essence, the controller’s scanner acts in the same way as the validator at the turnstile, only several times weaker. As a result, you can check whether there is enough foil on the validator itself. And if the validator doesn’t see the card, then the controller’s scanner won’t even see it.
The case should be used by everyone who does not use their social card. How additional a precaution, so to speak. But it is especially recommended for use by everyone, not too physically strong passengers who ride, most often alone. Those. to all those who cannot legally stop the illegal detention by force of the controller. You won’t be able to leave by right whenever you wish; in response to your voicing the controller’s lack of right to restrain you by force, this creature will only laugh angrily and shove its scanner into your pockets. And if the card is found in your pocket, then his impudence will be even stronger. Still, he will not stop illegally detaining you until you give the card back, and they will issue a larger fine (2500 rubles, instead of 1000 rubles). And if the card is in a case, the control brute will break off. Overweight the cover won't do it. But as a precaution, it won’t hurt. Eat a couple of chocolate bars and thereby reduce the fulfillment of the norm for confiscating cards to arrogant controllers.