How is the average per capita total family income calculated? Average per capita income - how to calculate taking into account the cost of living to find out about your right to receive benefits. Who can apply

Example 17. The widow of her son is registered at the place of residence together with the woman who is the owner of the premises. Can a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) be considered one family for the purpose of providing them with subsidies?

The definition of family members of the owner of a residential premises is given in Art. 31 Housing Code and subp. "b" clause 18 Rules (see paragraph 38 Benefits), according to which, in this example, the daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) can be recognized by the authorized body as a member of the family of the applicant - owner (mother-in-law), if she is settled by the owner as a member of his family, provided that they both consider themselves to be one family ( subp. "a" clause 8 Rules).

Example 18. The family consists of four adult members: mother, daughter and son, as well as a granddaughter (daughter of the son). All family members are owners in equal shares of a privatized four-room apartment in which they are registered at their place of residence. A mother applies for a subsidy, declaring that she does not consider the relatives living with her to be members of her family. How should a woman applying for a subsidy confirm that the relatives living with her are not members of her family?

As general rule Civil code (Art. 249) establishes that each participant shared ownership is obliged, in proportion to his share, to participate in the costs of maintaining and preserving the common property. The co-owners determine the proportionality of their participation in the costs of maintaining the common property independently. Possession and use of an apartment in shared ownership is carried out by agreement of all its participants, and if agreement is not reached, in the manner established by the court ( § 1 Art. 247 Civil Code). Until the property in common ownership (apartment) is divided and shares are allocated from it (in kind in the form of one or more rooms), all co-owners contribute in accordance with Art. 155 Housing Code, depending on the method of managing an apartment building:

When managing an apartment building managing organization- payment for living quarters and public utilities on the basis of one management agreement;

At direct control apartment building - payment for residential premises and utilities on the basis of contracts for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of repairs of common property in apartment building with persons carrying out relevant types of activities (housing and maintenance, repair and construction, specialized, resource supply and other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, as well as individual entrepreneurs) in accordance with Art. 164 Housing Code;

When managing an apartment building, an HOA or housing cooperative:

owners of the premises who are not members of the HOA or housing cooperative pay fees for residential premises and utilities on the basis of one agreement on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building and the provision of utilities with the HOA or the corresponding consumer cooperative ( part 6 art. 155 Housing Code);

owners of premises who are members of a homeowners association or housing cooperative make mandatory payments and contributions based on membership in a partnership or consumer cooperative ( Part 5 Art. 155 Housing Code).

If a woman who applied for a subsidy did not indicate cohabiting citizens as members of her family in the application for a subsidy, then she must provide documents confirming legal basis residence in this residential premises of citizens not specified in the application, in this case - their right of shared ownership of the residential premises ( subp. "a" clause 8 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

In relation to this example, when the apartment is in shared ownership of several persons, documents confirming the amount of fees paid for the maintenance and repair of residential premises (mandatory payments and contributions of members of the HOA or members of the consumer cooperative) and utilities by the remaining owners in accordance with subp. "d" clause 8 No rules required. The actual expenses of each owner are determined in accordance with their shares in the ownership of residential premises ( Art. 249 Civil Code).

The woman’s application and provision of the required documents confirms that the relatives living with the applicant are not members of her family. In the absence of these documents, the woman is denied a subsidy on the basis of her providing incomplete information.

If agreement on belonging to the same family is not reached between the co-owners of the residential premises, then this issue must be resolved by them in judicial procedure (subp. "a" clause 8 Rules Part 3 Art. 159 Housing Code). In this case, the authorized body takes into account persons recognized as such in court as members of the applicant’s family.
Example 19. In residential premises registered at place of residence *(65) a man and woman who claim to be living in a “common law marriage.” There are no family ties between them, and none of them is a disabled dependent. Can they be recognized as one family?

Classification of citizens as family members of the tenant of residential premises under the contract social hiring carried out in accordance with Art. 69 Housing Code and subp. "a" clause 18 Rules (see paragraph 37 Benefits). The grounds for classifying citizens as family members of the owner of a residential premises are given in Art. 31 Housing Code and subp. "b" clause 18 Rules (see paragraph 38 Benefits). Grounds for classifying citizens as family members of other citizens specified in clause 3 Rules given in Art. 2 Family Code and subp. "c" clause 18 Rules (see paragraph 39 Benefits).

In relation to this example, it is impossible to recognize such citizens as one family (this could be done if the conditions set out in paragraph 41 Benefits).
Example 20. The head of a family of two people, who applied for a subsidy, presented income certificates, according to which during the billing period (6 months) one family member had income for only four months, respectively 1000, 1200, 800 and 500 rubles, the second - six months , respectively 1500, 1500, 1550, 1600, 1500, 1400 rubles. How to calculate average per capita and total family income?

1. The average monthly income of the first family member is:

(1000 + 1200 + 800 + 500) : 4 = 875 rub.

2. The average monthly income of the second family member is:

(1500 + 1500 + 1550 + 1600 + 1500 + 1400): 6 = 1508.33 rub.

3. The average monthly total income of the family is:

875 + 1508.33 = 2383.33 rub.

4. The average per capita family income is:

2383.33: 2 = 1191.67 rub.

5. The total income of this family is equal to its average monthly total income:

1191.67 x 2 = 2383.33 rubles.
Example 21. How to calculate the total income of a minor child registered at the place of residence in a separate residential premises? The child's parents are registered at another place of residence.

When calculating the total income of a minor child, it is necessary to take into account the income of his parents living separately from him. Based on information about the income of the minor child’s parents during the billing period and the child’s income, if any (for example, monthly allowance for child support), the average monthly income of each family member consisting of parents and child is determined. The sum of the calculated average monthly income will be the average monthly total family income. To determine the average per capita family income, the resulting average monthly total income must be divided by three - the number of family members. This value will be the child’s total income taken into account when determining his right to a subsidy and calculating its size.

Example 22. A grandmother and her minor grandson are registered at the place of residence in the residential premises. The child's parents are registered at the place of residence in another residential building. Grandmother receives a pension. How to calculate the total income and average per capita income of a family consisting of a grandmother and grandson?

1. To determine the grandmother’s average monthly income, the amount of her income (pensions) for the billing period is divided by the number of months in the billing period.

2. When determining the income of a minor child, it is necessary to take into account the income of his parents living separately from him. To determine the average monthly total income of a family consisting of parents and a minor child, it is necessary to determine the average monthly income of the parents and minor child for the billing period and sum them up.

3. To determine the average per capita income of a family consisting of parents and a minor child, it is necessary to divide their average monthly total income by three - the number of family members. The resulting amount should be included in the income of a minor child living with his grandmother.

4. The average monthly total income of a family consisting of a grandmother and a minor grandson is equal to the amount consisting of the income credited to the minor child - grandchild, and the average monthly income of the grandmother.

5. The average per capita income of a grandmother with a minor grandson is equal to their average monthly total income divided by two - the number of family members applying for a subsidy.

6. The total income of a family consisting of a grandmother and a minor grandson is equal to their average per capita income multiplied by two.
Example 23. A woman with whom she lives together as a family member and whose niece is registered at her place of residence applied for a subsidy. Both the aunt and the niece have husbands registered at their place of residence in other residential premises. Their minor child is registered with the niece’s husband. How to calculate the total and average per capita income of an aunt and niece when they apply for a subsidy?

1. Based on information about the income of the aunt and her husband for the billing period, the average per capita income of the aunt’s family is determined.

2. Based on information about the income of the niece, her husband and child for the billing period, the average per capita income of the niece’s family is determined.

3. To determine the average monthly total income of a family consisting of an aunt and niece, it is necessary to add up the average per capita income of their families.

4. The average per capita income of an aunt and niece is equal to their average monthly total income divided by two.

5. The total income of the aunt and niece is equal to their average per capita income multiplied by two.

Example 24. The family consists of student spouses studying at a higher educational institution in full-time training and registered at the place of residence together in a separate apartment. Parents of students provide them with systematic financial assistance, and also periodically buy food and clothing for them. What income should be taken into account when calculating the total income of a family consisting of student spouses?

The total income of student spouses is calculated based on the scholarships they receive and (or) other available income. The income of student parents is not taken into account, since student spouses form an independent family living separately and are not members of their parents’ families. Parental assistance provided in cash is considered donated funds, which are taken into account in the income of student spouses in the months of receiving monetary assistance. The amount of this assistance can be independently declared by the applicant if there is no documentary evidence. Taking into account the monetary value of clothing donated by parents and purchased food products in the total income of students’ families List types of income are not provided.

Example 25. The spouses are registered at their place of residence in various residential premises. They have no children. Should a spouse's income be taken into account when determining a spouse's eligibility for a subsidy?

When calculating the total income of the applicant spouse, the income of her spouse must be taken into account ( paragraph 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). Income acquired by spouses during marriage is the common property of the spouses, therefore the income of one of the spouses is always taken into account when determining the right to a subsidy of the other spouse, regardless of separation or joint residence.

Example 26. The head of a family consisting of spouses and their daughter registered in the same residential premises applies for a subsidy. My daughter studies at an educational institution on a paid basis. Tuition is paid for by a relative living in another city. Tuition payments are due once a year for the upcoming academic year. How to take into account the funds for my daughter’s tuition at a higher educational institution on a paid basis in the total family income?

Funds provided by a relative for a girl’s tuition at an educational institution on a paid basis must be taken into account in the girl’s income in the part of the funds that falls on tuition fees during the billing period (the last six months before applying for a subsidy) ( subp. "e" clause 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). The girl’s monthly income must include 1/12 of the money paid for education during the academic year. The total family income consists of the average monthly income of all family members: parents and their daughters.

Example 27. The head of a family consisting of spouses and their daughter registered in the same residential premises applies for a subsidy. My daughter studies at an educational institution on a paid basis. To pay for education, the family took out a bank loan. Should the loan received be taken into account in the total family income?

Accounting for funds specified in subp. "e" clause 34 Rules, as part of the applicant's total family income, is necessary to take into account income received by the applicant or a member of his family in kind. When a bank issues a loan to an applicant or a member of his family, the loan amount must subsequently be returned to the bank ( § 2 ch. 42 Civil Code). The loan is repaid at the borrower's own expense. In this case, there is no payment for the education of a member of the applicant’s family at the expense of other persons, provided on a free and irrevocable basis. Therefore, loan funds used to pay for education must be considered own funds citizen, which should not be taken into account as part of the funds specified in subparagraph. "e" clause 34 of the Rules.

Example 28. A mother and a young child are registered at their place of residence in a separate apartment. The child's father is registered at his place of residence in another residential building. The child's parents are married. Should the income of the child's father be taken into account when applying for a subsidy for a mother and child? How to calculate the total income of a mother and child to determine their eligibility for a subsidy?

The income of the child’s father is taken into account when applying for a subsidy for his wife and child, regardless of their joint or separate residence ( paragraph 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). The average monthly total income of a family consisting of parents and a child is the sum of the average monthly income in the billing period of all family members, including the child’s father living separately. The average per capita income of a family consisting of parents and a child is calculated by dividing the average monthly total income of the family by three - the number of family members. The total income of a mother and child is equal to the product of the average per capita family income by two - the number of family members applying for a subsidy ( paragraph 40

Example 29. A mother and child are registered at the place of residence in the residential premises. The child's parents are divorced. Should alimony be taken into account in the total income of a family consisting of a mother and child if the mother has her own source of income and a monthly allowance is paid for the maintenance of the child?

If a woman receives alimony from her ex-spouse for the maintenance of a child, then in accordance with the List of Types of Income ( subp. "g" item 1) they must be taken into account in the total family income. If a woman does not receive alimony from her ex-husband, then, therefore, there is no this type of income in her family. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If the authorized body reveals that a woman has concealed income from alimony received, then based on the applicant’s submission of knowingly false information about income, the authorized body has the right to terminate the provision of the subsidy before the end of the period for which the subsidy was provided and to demand the return of funds unreasonably received by the applicant ( paragraph 63 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 30. The family consists of a father doing military service, a mother and a child, for whose maintenance a monthly allowance is paid. How to calculate the combined income of mother and child?

When calculating the total income of the mother and child, one should also take into account the income of the father undergoing military service ( paragraph 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). For all family members consisting of parents and a child, it is necessary to determine their average monthly income, the sum of which will be the average monthly total income of the family. The average per capita family income is calculated by dividing the average monthly total family income by three - the number of family members. The total income of the mother and child, used when calculating the amount of the subsidy, is equal to the product of the average per capita family income by two - the number of family members applying for the subsidy ( paragraph 40 Rules, Part 7, Art. 159 of the Housing Code).

Example 31. Family members receive compensation for the cost of living quarters and utilities, since they are classified as family members of deceased (deceased) military personnel. How to take compensation into account in total family income?

Compensation paid to those family members who are entitled to it is taken into account in their income for those months of the billing period for which it was paid ( paragraph 32 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 32. A citizen is the owner of two apartments, in one of which he is registered at his place of residence. His sister and her family members are registered as residents in the second apartment. Is the fact that a citizen owns two apartments a reason to believe that he has income from renting out the second apartment, which must be taken into account when determining his right to a subsidy and calculating the amount of the subsidy at the place of his registration in the first apartment?

The owner of the apartment and his sister living in it, by mutual agreement, determine the type of agreement on the basis of which the residential premises are transferred for use ( Art. 421 Civil Code). The fact that a citizen owns two apartments does not mean that the second apartment is leased to him for use under a lease agreement and he has income from this, which must be taken into account when providing him with a subsidy. The owner can transfer the residential premises belonging to him and under an agreement free use.

If a citizen-owner has provided his second apartment for use to his sister under a rental agreement, then the income received from this must be taken into account when calculating the total income of the owner of the residential premises when providing him with a subsidy in accordance with registration at the place of residence ( subp. "a" clause 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). When a citizen-owner provides his second apartment for use under a free use agreement, the owner has no income. The List of Types of Income does not indicate the savings received by the owner as a result of providing residential premises for use to other persons under a free use agreement (Clause 34 of the Rules, Part 7 of Article 159 of the Housing Code).

If the authorized body has become aware of a citizen’s concealment of income from renting out his apartment, which is confirmed by documents (for example, a copy of the rental agreement), then the authorized body may terminate the provision of the subsidy due to the citizen’s provision of knowingly false information about his income before the end of the period, at which subsidy was provided, and demand the return of unreasonably received funds ( paragraph 63 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 33. How to calculate the total income used in calculating the subsidy for a family consisting of spouses and their child registered at the place of residence in the same apartment, if one of the spouses is a stateless person?

When calculating total income, the income of all family members is taken into account, including the spouse who is a stateless person ( paragraph 18 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). Based on information about the income of both spouses and their child during the billing period, the average monthly income of each family member is determined, the amount of which is equal to the average monthly total income of the family. The average per capita income of a family consisting of parents and a child is determined by dividing the average monthly total income of the family by three - the number of family members. Since a spouse who is a stateless person is not entitled to a subsidy, the total family income used in calculating the amount of the subsidy is equal to the product of the average per capita family income by two - the number of family members who are citizens Russian Federation (paragraph 40 Rules, Part 7, Art. 159 of the Housing Code).

Example 34. A woman living alone who got married two months ago applied for a subsidy. How should her husband's income be taken into account for the billing period (6 months)?

The applicant must submit documents on her husband’s income during the time the spouses were married - the last two months of the billing period ( paragraph 32 And 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). Based on this information, the husband's average monthly income is determined. The applicant’s average monthly income and total income are calculated in the general manner ( paragraphs 37-40 Rules, Part 7, Art. 159 of the Housing Code).

Example 35. The village has a high unemployment rate due to the lack of available jobs. How to calculate the total income of a family living in this village, whose members do not officially work due to lack of jobs and are not members of the employment service due to its remoteness from the village. The family has a personal subsidiary farming, whose products she uses herself and partially sells on the market.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 44 of April 5, 2003 “On the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a single citizen living alone for recognizing them as low-income and providing them with state social assistance" (Art. 11) the total family income is determined on the basis of income received from the sale of fruits and products of personal subsidiary plots, based on the standards of net income in value terms approved in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the sale of fruits and products received in personal subsidiary plots.

Example 36. A citizen living alone is the owner of an apartment and receives a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities. During the subsidy period, the citizen sold his apartment and bought another, in which he registered at his place of residence. After this, he contacts the authorized body with documentary evidence change of place of residence and with an application for a subsidy to pay for newly acquired residential premises. Is income received from the sale of an apartment taken into account in a citizen’s total income?

Income from sales real estate, including apartments, houses, etc., are included in the List of types of income taken into account when providing subsidies ( subp. "e" clause 1 List of types of income, subp. "a" clause 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). Thus, income from the sale of an apartment owned by a citizen must be taken into account in the month of the billing period in which it was received. At the same time, the citizen’s expenses for purchasing new apartment are not taken into account when calculating his total income.

Example 37. The citizen submitted a certificate of income from the Pension Fund for the billing period from January to June. His pension was assigned from January - the first month of the billing period. However, no pension payments were made in January and February. In March, pensions were paid for January, February and March in a total amount of 4,500 rubles. Further, the pension was paid monthly in the following amounts: in April - 1,500 rubles, in May - 1,500 rubles, in June - 1,700 rubles. Which option for calculating the average monthly income of a pensioner is considered correct: [(4500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1700) : 4 = 2300 rubles] or [(4500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1700) : 6 = 1533.3 rubles]?

The second option for calculating the average monthly income of a pensioner is correct. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the period for which payments are made. cash. In this example, in March the amounts of accrued pensions for three months were paid: January, February, March ( paragraph 32 And 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 38. A citizen's work is seasonal. The period of seasonal work lasts from April to November inclusive. The citizen does not work for the remaining four months of the year. He applies for the subsidy in January. Of the six months of the billing period (July-December), the citizen had income for five months (July-November). How to calculate his average monthly income?

The average monthly income of a citizen whose work is seasonal is equal to the amount of his income received during the billing period, divided by the number of months during which he had income. In this example, the average monthly income of a citizen is equal to the amount of the citizen’s income for five months (July-November) divided by five ( paragraph 32 And 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 39. An unmarried woman who was previously married and her ten-year-old child from this marriage are registered at the place of residence in the same residential premises. The woman does not receive child support; a monthly allowance is paid for its maintenance. The woman has a second, five-year-old child, born out of wedlock, and registered at the place of permanent residence with her father. By agreement between the parents of a five-year-old child, his maintenance is the responsibility of the father alone. What income should be taken into account when calculating the total income of a family consisting of a woman and her ten-year-old child registered at their place of permanent residence in the same apartment?

The Russian Federation has established mandatory state registration marriage. Actual marital relations, no matter how long they may be (the so-called civil marriage), are not marriage in the legal sense and do not give rise to legal consequences. According to Art. 53 Family Code when establishing paternity in the manner prescribed Art. 48-50 of the said code, children born from persons who are not married to each other have the same rights and obligations in relation to their parents and their relatives as children born from persons who are married to each other.

Considering that paternity of the second child has been established, there is an agreement between the parents to provide maintenance to a minor child living with the father by only one father (which corresponds to para. 1 clause 1 art. 80 Family Code) and there are no disputes regarding the residence and maintenance of the second child, to calculate the total income of a household consisting of a woman and her ten-year-old child registered at the place of permanent residence in the same apartment, it is necessary to add the mother’s income with the monthly allowance for the first child. There is no requirement to deduct the share of the second child from the mother’s income ( paragraphs 33-34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).
Example 40. A minor child is registered at his place of residence in an apartment alone. The child's father died. The child is paid a survivor's pension and a monthly maintenance allowance. The child's mother, her second husband and their common child are registered at their place of residence in another apartment. How to calculate the total income of a minor child and his mother’s second family?

The unusual nature of such situations is due to the fact that one person, in this case the mother, is, as it were, a member of two families. In this case, it should be assumed that the mother has obligations both to the first child and to the second family, consisting of three people. In this regard, one-fourth of the mother's average monthly income should be added to the average monthly income of her first son to determine his total income, and three-quarters of the mother's average monthly income should be added to the average monthly income of her husband and second child to determine the total income of the mother's second family ( paragraph 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 41. A mother and child and a man who is the child's father are registered in the residential premises at their place of residence. The marriage between the child's parents is not registered. The owner of the apartment is the child's mother. The child's father is married to another woman with whom he has no children. Which of the citizens registered in the residential premises meets the conditions for providing a subsidy depending on the reason for using the specified residential premises? What types of income of citizens need to be taken into account?

The conditions for providing a subsidy are met by a mother and a child - the owner of the residential premises and a member of her family ( clause 3 And 4 Rules Part 2 And 3 tbsp. 159 Housing Code). The child's father is not a member of the apartment owner's family, since he is not married to her. It can neither be recognized in accordance with Part 1 Art. 31 Housing Code “other relative”, nor refers to “other citizens” who can be recognized as members of the owner’s family if they are moved in by the owner as members of his family because he is married to another woman ( paragraph 18 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). The basis of his residence may be rent or free use of residential premises. If he lives under an agreement for the free use of residential premises, he does not have an independent right to a subsidy. If he lives under a rental agreement with the owner of the residential premises, then he has an independent right to a subsidy (Clause 3 of the Rules, Part 2 of Article 159 of the Housing Code).

When calculating the total income of a family consisting of a mother and child, the income of the mother and child, rent paid by the child’s father if he lives under the terms of a rental agreement, alimony or other financial assistance from the father for the maintenance of the child must be taken into account ( subp. "a" clause 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

When calculating the total income of the child's father, it is necessary to take into account the income of his wife and exclude paid alimony. Paid alimony must be documented ( subp. "a" paragraph 35 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 42. The minor child's parents are divorced. The father pays child support. According to the court decision, the child must be raised by his mother and live with her. In fact, the child lives with his mother, but is registered at the place of residence in the same residential premises with his father. The child's father, as the owner of the residential premises, applies for a subsidy. How to provide a subsidy: only for the father or for the father and child? How to calculate total family income?

The subsidy should be provided to the father and the child, since the child is a jointly registered member of the family of the owner of the residential premises - the father, registered at the place of residence, despite the fact that he actually lives with the mother ( clause 3 And 4 Rules Part 2 And 3 tbsp. 159 Housing Code). The place of actual residence of citizens when providing subsidies by the authorized body is not established and is not taken into account (clause 4 of the Rules). The total income of the father and child must take into account the income of the father and child ( paragraph 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). It is necessary to exclude from the father’s income the alimony he pays for the maintenance of the child (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 35 of the Rules, part 7 of article 159 of the Housing Code). Since, by a court decision, the child was left to be raised by his mother, when determining the child’s income, it is necessary to take into account the income of his mother (Clause 33 of the Rules, Part 7 of Article 159 of the Housing Code). The total income of the child and his mother consists of the mother's income, the father's child support and the monthly child benefit, if paid. Half of this amount is the average monthly income of the child, which must be added to the average monthly income of his father when calculating the total income of the father and child ( p. 38-40 Rules, Part 7, Art. 159 of the Housing Code).

Example 43. A student studying at an educational institution on a paid basis and having no income from labor or personal entrepreneurial activity, lives separately from his parents and applies for a subsidy. Parents pay for tuition. Should parents' funds allocated to pay for their son's education be taken into account in their son's income?

Parents' funds used to pay for their son's education must be taken into account in their son's income when providing him with a subsidy ( subp. "e" clause 34 Rules subp. 60.6 Benefits).

Example 44. A student studying in a special educational institution on a paid basis and having no income from labor or individual entrepreneurial activities lives with his parents. Parents pay for tuition. The cost of training is 6,000 rubles. for half a year (semester). The average monthly income of the mother and father is, respectively, 2000 rubles. and 4000 rub. The family applies for a subsidy. Should funds allocated to pay for my son’s education be taken into account in the total family income?

In this case, since the student son’s education is paid for by the parents living together with him, whose income is sufficient to pay for the education, the funds allocated to pay for the son’s education are already included in the parents’ income ( paragraph 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). Additional accounting of funds allocated to pay for education in the total family income is not required.

Example 45. A student studying at an educational institution on a paid basis and having no income from labor or individual entrepreneurial activities lives with his parents. The cost of training is 50,000 rubles. per year. The average monthly incomes of mother and father are equal minimum size wages. The family applies for a subsidy. According to the applicant, the training is paid for by a relative. Should funds allocated to pay for my son’s education be taken into account in the total family income?

In this case, funds provided by a relative to pay for education at an educational institution must be taken into account in the income of the student son ( subp. "e" clause 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 46. During the period of receiving the subsidy, the citizen’s income decreased significantly (by half). Can he apply for recalculation of the subsidy without waiting for the end of the period of the previously provided subsidy?

A citizen has no obligation to inform the authorized body about changes (increases or decreases) in his income during the period of provision of the subsidy ( paragraph 48 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). But he has such a right. If a citizen turns to the authorized body with a request to recalculate the amount of the subsidy due to a change in his income, then such a recalculation must be made.

The new average monthly income of a citizen is calculated according to common ground: for the last six months before applying for recalculation. The subsidy in the new amount is provided until the end of the original deadline providing a subsidy ( paragraph 32 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code), if the applicant provided documents on income as an attachment to a previously submitted application (the applicant may not submit documents confirming information that remains unchanged). A subsidy in a new amount is provided for a new subsidy period if the citizen has submitted a new application for a subsidy and all the required documents ( clause 8 Rules).
Example 47. An orphan who owns a dwelling is under full state care in an educational institution. Is the survivor's pension paid to him/her when he is provided with a subsidy to pay for his own living space included in the income of such a child?

Yes, it turns on ( subp. "a" clause 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 48. A divorced spouse applies for subsidies. Among the income documents, she presented a notarized agreement with her ex-husband on his payment of child support. According to the agreement, the amount of alimony is 200 rubles. Can the authorized body qualify an agreement with this amount of alimony as meeting the requirements for the authenticity of documents, completeness and reliability of the information contained in them?

Such an agreement may be verified by an authorized body in accordance with clause 11 Rules for the following reason. According to Art. 103 of the Family Code, the amount of alimony established under an agreement on the payment of alimony for minor children cannot be lower than the amount of alimony that can be obtained when collecting alimony in court. According to Art. 81 According to the Family Code, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents monthly in the following amounts: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents.

Example 49. Citizen after dismissal from military service upon conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he returned for permanent residence to the previous place in which he lived before conscription. For three months he has been living with his parents and has no independent income. What document about his income can be presented when a family applies for a subsidy?

A citizen who has returned home after completing military service by conscription must submit a document confirming the monetary allowance received during service for the months included in the billing period ( paragraph 32 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Example 50. An adult able-bodied citizen is the sole owner of the residential premises in which he and his family members are registered at the place of residence. According to the citizen, he does not have any income. The income of the remaining family members is documented. Can he and his family members qualify for a subsidy?

If the citizen-applicant documents his lack of income, the subsidy may be provided to him and his family members ( paragraph 34 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). If he cannot provide documents proving his lack of income, he will be denied subsidies on the basis of providing incomplete information. In this case, family members also cannot apply for a subsidy.

Example 51. The citizen applied for a subsidy, but did not provide any information about his income for the first two months (out of six) of the billing period (according to the applicant, he did not work and had no income). According to the certificate of income from the place of work, for four months of the billing period, the citizen had income for only three months, and for one month he had no income (he was on leave without pay): 1st month - 2000 rubles; 2nd month - 1700 rubles; 3rd month - no; 4th month - 2000 rubles. How to calculate his average monthly income?

paragraph 70 Benefits):

(2000 + 1700 + 2000): 3 = 1900 rub.
Example 52. The citizen applied for a subsidy. According to the documents presented, during the three months of the billing period he had the status of unemployed and did not receive any unemployment benefits or other payments to the unemployed. According to the certificate of income from the place of work, for the next three months of the billing period, the citizen had income: 1st month - 2500 rubles; 2nd month - 2000 rub.; 3rd month - 2300 rub. How to calculate his average monthly income?

The average monthly income of a citizen is (see. paragraph 70 Benefits):

(2500 + 2000 + 2300): 3 = 2666.67 rub.
Examples of choosing a house with average conditions in a municipality, establishing and applying regional standards, determining the cost of paying for housing and utilities used in calculating the subsidy
Example 53. Multi-apartment and residential (individual, "single-apartment") buildings in the municipality are divided into the following categories:

1) high-rise apartment buildings with a full range of amenities, equipped with an elevator and a garbage chute - 25% of the total area of ​​apartment and residential buildings in the municipality;

2) apartment buildings with a full range of amenities without an elevator and garbage chute - 35% of the total area of ​​apartment buildings;

3) apartment buildings with a full range of amenities, with the exception of hot water supply, elevator and garbage chute - 25% of the total area of ​​apartment buildings and residential buildings;

4) apartment buildings with partial improvements - 10% of the total area of ​​apartment buildings and residential buildings;

5) residential buildings - 15% of the total area of ​​apartment buildings and residential buildings.

For a given municipality, a house corresponding to average conditions, authorities state power subject of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to choose from the second category of houses, which include multi-storey buildings with a full range of amenities without an elevator and a garbage chute, since the area of ​​the housing stock in this category is the largest compared to other categories. It is not practical to select an “average house” from individual residential buildings, since the area of ​​the housing stock belonging to this category is only 15%.

Example 54. For the municipality, one regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services has been established based on prices and tariffs for tenants of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement living in residential premises in a building with average conditions - a five-story building (without an elevator and a garbage chute). A family living in a nine-story building equipped with an elevator and a garbage chute applied for a subsidy. Should the cost of these services, which are not included in the established regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, be taken into account when calculating the subsidy for this family?

The calculation of the subsidy depends on the amount of expenses for housing and utilities, calculated based on the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services established for the municipality ( paragraph 22 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). The actual costs of paying for housing and utilities, including depending on the presence or absence of certain types of amenities, are not taken into account when calculating the subsidy, but are used only for comparison with the amount of the accrued subsidy in order to fulfill the requirements paragraph 27 Rules

Example 55. The residential premises are in the common shared ownership of two adult brothers, one of whom is registered at the place of residence in this residential premises, and the second - at the place of residence in another residential premises. The brothers' mother and the second brother's daughter are also registered in this residential premises. The regional standard for the standard living area is set for a citizen living alone at 35 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building occupied by two people - 23 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building in which three or more people live - 17 square meters. m.

The owner of the residential premises, living in it, indicated in the application his mother and niece, registered together with him, as members of his family. On the basis of what size of the regional standard for the standard area of ​​a residential premises is it necessary to calculate the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, on the basis of which the costs of paying for residential premises and utilities for this family are determined in order to calculate its subsidy?

When calculating the subsidy for this family, the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services should be applied, calculated on the basis of the size of the regional standard for the standard living area established for one citizen living in a residential building in which three people live - 17 square meters. m ( clause 2, 20 , 2 , 31 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). The cost of paying for housing and utilities for calculating the subsidy for this family is equal to the specified size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, multiplied by three - the number of family members living together.
Example 56. The applicant is registered at his place of residence together with his wife and two children. The applicant's wife is a citizen foreign country, with which the Russian Federation has not concluded an appropriate international treaty. The regional standard for the standard living area is set for a citizen living alone at 35 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building occupied by two people - 21 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building where three people live - 17 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building where four or more people live - 15 square meters. m.

On the basis of what size of the regional standard for the standard area of ​​a residential premises is it necessary to calculate the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, on the basis of which the costs of paying for residential premises and utilities for this family are determined in order to calculate its subsidy?

When calculating the subsidy for this family, the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services should be applied, calculated based on the size of the regional standard for the standard living area established for one citizen living in a residential building in which four or more people live - 15 square meters. m ( clause 2, 20 , 22 , 31 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). If the applicant’s children have acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation, then the cost of paying for living quarters and utilities for calculating the subsidy for this family is equal to the specified amount of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, multiplied by three - the number of family members living together with citizenship of the Russian Federation ( paragraph 23 And 24 Rules). The fourth family member is not entitled to a subsidy ( clause 1 Rules, Part 7, Art. 159 of the Housing Code).
Example 57. Living space with an area of ​​30 sq. m is in the common shared ownership of the spouses, one of whom is registered at the place of residence in this residential premises, and the other - at the place of residence in another residential premises. The regional standard for the standard living area is set for a citizen living alone at 40 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building occupied by two people - 25 square meters. m. Based on what size of the regional standard for the normative area of ​​a residential premises is it necessary to calculate the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, on the basis of which the costs of paying for residential premises and utilities are determined for the spouse registered in the residential premises in order to calculate his subsidy?

When calculating the subsidy, the spouse registered in the residential premises should apply the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, calculated based on the size of the regional standard for the standard area of ​​living space established for a citizen living alone - 40 square meters. m ( clause 2, 20 , 22 , 31 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code), since one person is registered at the place of residence in this residential premises.

Example 58. Members of a family of three are registered at the place of residence in the same residential premises. One of the family members is studying at a higher educational institution in another city. During the period of study at an educational institution, on the basis of an application submitted by the student, fees for utilities (gas supply, water supply, sewerage, hot water supply) accruing to a temporarily retired family member are not charged. How is the temporary departure of a family member taken into account when calculating the amount of the subsidy? How to determine the costs of a given family for housing and utilities used in calculating the subsidy?

When calculating the amount of the subsidy, the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services is used, determined based on the number of family members registered at the place of permanent residence in the residential premises - in this case, three people ( clause 2, 20 , 22 , 31 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code). The temporary departure of a family member from the residential premises is not taken into account (clauses 2, 20, 22, 31 of the Rules, part 7 of article 159 of the Housing Code).

The expenses of a given family for paying for housing and utilities, used in calculating the subsidy, are determined as the product of the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services established per one family member for families consisting of three people, by three - the number of people registered at the place of residence in this living quarters of family members ( paragraph 23 And 24 Rules Part 1 Art. 159 Housing Code).
Example 59. For calculating subsidies, government bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation have established a regional standard for the normative area of ​​living space for a citizen living alone in the amount of 36 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building occupied by two people - 22 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building where three people live - 17 square meters. m; for one citizen living in a residential building housing four or more people - 14 square meters. m.

The maximum allowable share of citizens' expenses for housing and utilities is set in the region at 20%.

For each municipality, one house with average conditions has been established (this does not include houses with the maximum possible list of types of improvement and houses without improvement).

In one of the municipalities included in this subject of the Russian Federation, the main recipients of subsidies are pensioners living alone. Local governments at the expense of funds local budget are going to strengthen social support for this category of citizens and are considering the following options:

1) establish for citizens living alone, including pensioners, a local standard for the standard living area of ​​38 square meters. m;

2) establish a local standard for the standard living area of ​​40 square meters for citizens living alone. m and at the same time for one citizen living in a residential building in which three people live - 15 sq. m instead of 17 sq. m in order to subsidize citizens living alone from the “saved” funds;

3) establish a local standard for pensioners living alone for the maximum allowable share of expenses for housing and utilities in the amount of 15%;

4) when calculating subsidies, do not use the value living wage , established for pensioners, and the cost of living on average per capita;

5) establish a house with the maximum range of amenities for pensioners living alone as a house with average conditions in a municipality.

Which options meet the requirements? Housing Code And Rules, and which ones don’t?

The second and fourth options definitely do not comply with the Housing Code and the Rules. The second option does not comply with the law, since while the situation of citizens living alone improves, the conditions for citizens living in residential premises with three people worsen relative to the standards established in the region ( paragraph 31 Rules Part 11 Art. 159 Housing Code). The fourth option does not comply with the law, since the use of subsistence levels of socio-demographic groups, rather than the average per capita cost of living, when calculating subsidies is clearly stated in the Rules ( paragraph 26 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

The third option does not directly contradict federal legislation, since neither Housing Code, neither Rules do not provide any standards for certain categories of citizens.

The fifth option directly contradicts federal law, since Part 11 Art. 15 The Housing Code of the Russian Federation gives the local government the right to apply, when calculating subsidies, standards for the standard area of ​​residential premises used for calculating subsidies, the cost of housing and communal services and the maximum permissible share of citizens' expenses for paying for residential premises and utilities in total income families, if this improves the situation of citizens receiving such subsidies. The establishment of houses, the level of improvement, the design and technical parameters of which correspond to the average conditions in the municipality, is the prerogative of only the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ( paragraph 22 Rules part 6 art. 159 Housing Code).

Fully compliant Housing Code And Rules first option.

Example 60. A family living under a rental agreement for municipally owned residential premises applied for a subsidy. Is it possible to take into account the rent for residential premises established for the tenant when calculating his expenses for paying for residential premises and utilities used in calculating the subsidy?

The rent for residential premises established for the tenant cannot be taken into account when calculating his expenses for paying for residential premises and utilities used in calculating the subsidy ( part 6 art. 159 Housing Code). The costs of paying for housing and utilities used in calculating the subsidy are determined on the basis of regional standards for the cost of housing and communal services established by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which do not include fees for renting residential premises.

Example 61. The residential premises are owned by one of the spouses registered in it at the place of residence. In addition to the spouses, another citizen is registered in the apartment. The spouse - the owner of the residential premises - submits an application for a subsidy in which the citizen registered in the apartment is not indicated as a family member. According to the applicant, the citizen lives as an employer. What document must confirm a citizen’s residence in an apartment as a tenant? How to determine the costs of housing and utilities for the owner and his wife, on the basis of which the subsidy is calculated for them? Can a citizen registered in an apartment apply for a subsidy? How to determine his expenses for housing and utilities, on the basis of which his subsidy is calculated?

The residence of a citizen as a tenant must be confirmed by a rental agreement concluded by him with the owner of the residential premises ( subp. "b" clause 8 Rules Part 2 Art. 159 Housing Code). Since three people are registered in the residential premises, the costs of paying for the living premises and utilities of the owner and his wife, used in calculating their subsidies, are equal to the product of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services established per one family member for families consisting of three people , multiplied by two ( paragraph 40 Rules). Since the subsidy is provided to a family of two people - the owner of a residential premises and his wife, the specified size of the regional standard is multiplied by two.

The tenant of a residential premises may, upon his application, be provided with a separate subsidy ( clause 3 And 4 Rules Part 2 And 3 tbsp. 159 Housing Code). His expenses for housing and utilities, used in calculating his subsidy, are equal to the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services established per family member for families consisting of three people, multiplied by one ( clause 2, 20 , 23 , 24 Rules paragraph 104, 105 Benefits).
Example 62. The residential premises are in common shared ownership of two brothers, who are registered in it at the place of residence. Can one of them apply for a subsidy and not list their brother as a family member on the application? How to determine the costs of paying for the applicant’s living quarters and utilities when calculating his subsidy? What actual costs should the calculated subsidy be compared with?

Any of the brother-owners living in the apartment can apply for a subsidy ( clause 3 And 4 Rules Part 2 And 3 tbsp. 159 Housing Code). If the owners do not consider themselves members of the same family, then each of them applies for a subsidy independently.

The applicant's (any brother's) expenses for housing and utilities, taken into account when calculating his subsidy, are equal to the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services established per family member for families consisting of two people ( paragraph 23, 24 Rules paragraph 104, 105 Benefits).

The amount of the subsidy provided should not exceed the actual costs incurred by the applicant. The actual expenses of each of the brothers are determined in accordance with their shares in the ownership of the residential premises ( Art. 249 Civil Code).

Example 63. A two-room apartment is in common shared ownership in equal shares of divorced spouses who are registered in it at the place of residence. By mutual agreement, the ex-husband lives in a room of 15 square meters. m, ex-wife - in a room of 20 square meters. m. They divide the actual costs of paying for living quarters and utilities among themselves in proportion to the area of ​​the occupied rooms. The ex-wife applies for a subsidy. When calculating a subsidy, how can you calculate the costs associated with it for housing and utilities? How can you confirm it? actual expenses to pay for housing and utilities?

The income and expenses of divorced spouses are always determined separately ( paragraph 18, subp. "a" clause 33 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code, clause 2 art. 34 Family Code).

Expenses ex-wife, used in calculating the subsidy provided to it, are equal to the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services established per one family member for families consisting of two people ( clause 2, 20 , 22 , 30 Rules part 7 art. 159 Housing Code).

Divorced spouses, as participants in common shared property, have the right to own and use the common property as a whole or its individual parts. As a general rule, the Civil Code ( Art. 249) establishes that each participant in shared ownership is obliged, in proportion to his share, to bear the costs of its maintenance and preservation. Possession and use of an apartment in shared ownership is carried out by agreement of all owners, and if agreement is not reached, in the manner established by the court (

To determine the right of families to a monthly allowance for children under 16 years of age (students under 18 years of age), cash payments to mothers (parents) for the care of three or more children under the age of 16 years, child care benefits for unemployed women, the average monthly total income per family member and three times the minimum wage (from 01.10.94 - a fixed amount of average monthly total income) for the previous quarter.

When determining the average monthly total income of a family, it includes:

º husband, wife, dependent children under the age of 16 or more, if they receive a social pension as disabled children of groups 1 and 2;

º disabled parents those living together with their spouses, if they do not receive pensions and there are no other persons obligated to support them;

º students of higher education (secondary special education), students of vocational educational institutions under the age of 18, including those who receive a scholarship, regardless of where they live (together with their parents or are studying in another area);

º persons released on parole from places of imprisonment and sent to work (for the remaining term) in construction work or in industry;

º persons conditionally sentenced to imprisonment with mandatory involvement in labor;

º persons whose marriage is not registered, if they live together, run a household, and also raise children together;

º stepsons and stepdaughters living with their stepfather or stepmother, if they are not included in the parents’ family;

º adopted children living with adoptive parents, on the same basis as natural children.

If children who are in full state provision, come home during the summer holidays, then during this period they are taken into account as part of the family, and the right to receive benefits is reviewed.

When determining the right to receive benefits and payments within the family, the following are not taken into account:

º grandparents, brothers and sisters of spouses;

º children for whom parents are deprived parental rights;

º children who are taken into account in the guardian’s family, family-type orphanages;

º children who are fully supported by the state (in orphanages, orphanages, homes for the disabled, boarding schools, including sanatoriums, special general education boarding schools for persons with disabilities in physical or mental development, Olympic reserve schools (7 -11th grade), in Suvorov schools, including children whose status is determined by the Law of Ukraine “On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster”);

º cadets and students of military educational institutions that do not have officer rank or the rank of midshipman or warrant officer;

º students of professional state educational institutions who are provided with free food, uniforms and dormitory, that is, who are fully supported by the state;

º conscripts, including those serving in military construction units.

A single mother (regardless of age) with a child who lives with her parents is not counted as part of the parents' family (she and her child).

If one of the able-bodied parents does not work and is not registered with the state employment service as a job seeker (subject to assistance in their employment), or does not have a license to engage in entrepreneurial activities, then it is not taken into account when calculating the average monthly total income of the family, with the exception of:

º unemployed mothers caring for a child until he reaches the age of two (from 01/01/93 - three years of age);

º unemployed mothers (parents, guardians) who have three or more children under the age of 16 and care for them;

º unemployed able-bodied persons caring for disabled people of group 1 or a disabled child under the age of 16, as well as for the elderly who have reached the age of 80;

º non-working parents or persons replacing them, caring for a child under the age of 14 years.

The total family income takes into account:

º wages, including for overtime work, for work on holidays and weekends and part-time work; payment for work in an agricultural collective enterprise; allowances and surcharges of all types; bonuses established by the remuneration systems at a given enterprise, institution, organization, regardless of the frequency and sources of their payment; percentage bonuses and annual remuneration from the material incentive fund for the overall performance of the enterprise or organization based on the results for the year. Bonuses and annual remunerations are included in the total family income according to the time they are accrued, with no more than one long service remuneration taken into account per year;

º other monetary payments of a systematic nature (field support, additional payments for the traveling nature of work, etc., except for travel and lifting allowances);

º scholarships, pensions, benefits (except for one-time benefits);

º income from business activities, personal agriculture (farming) (from a personal plot, service land plot, land plot provided for vegetable gardens to collective farmers, workers of state farms and other agricultural enterprises, profit from the sale of livestock);

º income from handicrafts, private practice, literary, artistic, musical, artistic and other creative activities. The income of persons engaged in handicrafts or private practice is determined on the basis of data from district financial authorities on the amount of income of these persons subject to taxation;

º all types of remuneration paid to full-time and freelance literary workers, artists, photojournalists and other persons from the royalty fund, as well as remuneration paid for the public performance of works;

º all types of earnings for lawyers;

º unemployment benefits;

º income from renting out living space (based on certificates from financial authorities and intermediary bureaus);

º payment in kind at free (market) prices of the given region of the period when the payment was made;

º monetary support for military personnel, except for conscripts, who are not taken into account as part of the family;

º amounts paid in order to compensate for damage caused to an employee by health problems associated with the performance of his job duties;

º earnings of pupils and students combining study with permanent work at enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and management;

º amounts paid for forced absence;

º income from fur farming;

º received alimony and temporary assistance for minor children whose parents evade paying alimony, or when it is impossible to withhold alimony;

º actual earnings of persons engaged in work for individual citizens or a group of citizens. At the same time, the natural part of the wages of these persons is included in their total income in the amount of 100% of it monetary value.

In the total family income, cash payments are taken into account for the period for which they are accrued, and not when they are actually received. The total family income does not take into account:

º bonuses that are one-time in nature and not provided for by the remuneration system;

º earnings of students of higher (secondary specialized) educational institutions, students of vocational educational institutions and secondary schools working during industrial practice, vacations as part of student groups or sent to agricultural work;

º monetary compensation for unused vacation;

º severance pay upon dismissal;

º monetary incentives paid to students of vocational schools for work during practical training;

º an allowance paid in lieu of daily allowance to workers seconded to perform installation work;

º amounts accrued in the amount of a certain percentage of average monthly earnings to machine operators and other workers sent for agricultural work, export of grain and other agricultural products, which are paid in accordance with the procedure established by the government at the place of their main work in exchange for daily allowance and room allowance;

º payments made in foreign currency in exchange for daily allowances to crew members of foreign ships and other specialists who go to work on these ships;

º the cost of free in-kind support received by employees (uniforms, collective food rations);

º cost of vouchers for treatment, recreation, excursions, travel and therapeutic and preventive nutrition;

º the cost of food and uniforms for students of vocational schools that are not fully supported by the state, as well as monetary compensation for such students instead of food and uniforms;

º arrears of alimony received in previous years;

º one-time benefit for the birth of a child;

º income from a land plot of up to 0.06 hectares;

º amounts paid to the victim in order to compensate for expenses for food, prosthetics, sanatorium treatment, etc.;

º insurance amounts (insurance compensation) received from insurance authorities;

º cash payments provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster”;

º targeted financial assistance to citizens with minimal incomes.

Total income is determined by family income for the quarter preceding the quarter of application for assistance.

The calculation of the average monthly total income per family member is made on the basis of documents submitted by citizens by dividing the total amount of family income for the previous quarter by 3, and then by the number of family members.

When determining the average monthly income of family members who were not subject to registration as part of the family due to temporary absence or did not work for less than a full quarter for which income is determined, their income for all full months of work, divided by the number of these months, is taken into account.

If the specified family members worked for less than one month, then the earnings for this time are divided by the number of days of work and the resulting amount is multiplied by the number of working days in a month, determined on average for the year.

When calculating the total income of families in which, in the quarter of application for assistance, changes occurred due to divorce or when the marriage between men was not dissolved, but in the quarter of application for assistance, a court decision was made to pay alimony from the father (mother), when When determining the average monthly total income of a family, the income of the father (mother) is taken into account, and not the amount of alimony paid, and he himself is taken into account as part of the family. When applying for help in the next quarter, the average monthly amount of alimony received is taken into account, and not the income of the departing family member.

If one of the spouses is absent from the family due to imprisonment or referral for compulsory treatment, in the quarter of application for assistance, when calculating the average monthly total income of these families for the previous quarter, the departed family member and his income are taken into account. Partner news: If you liked the news, share it with your friends:

In each Russian family, the monthly income will be very different. This is the peculiarity of a market economy - in which everyone receives as much as they have time to earn.

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At the same time, the state is trying to help low-income families and provides them with various benefits and allowances.

What is the average per capita family income in 2019? It is a way of obtaining family income data to identify and assist those in need.

Initial data

The establishment of low-income categories of citizens occurs through the use of the concept of average per capita income in a family.

It is by this indicator that government control authorities determine those families who need assistance at a certain point.

These may be the following types of government support:

  • loan subsidies;
  • solving the housing problem through the provision of ;
  • — compensation is possible;
  • receiving assistance for children.

In any case, a family with a low income can count on additional payments under government programs.


The average income per person in a family is determined taking into account a specific period of time. And this should be taken into account when determining whether you can receive benefits.

Plus, everyone who falls under this program will be assigned the status of a low-income family. On the basis of this, benefits and allowances are provided.

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the concept of average per capita income. This is the indicator that will be used for calculations.

Since this figure is obtained by dividing the total number of payments in the country by the number of its inhabitants.

This coefficient is also used to carry out various payments and setting prices in the consumer basket for the country's population.

The average income per person in Russia also determines what the minimum wage will be in the country.

The purpose of this indicator in Moscow

In Moscow, a set of regional benefits for city residents is formed using the average indicator of family income.

So, you can find such assistance programs from local authorities:

In this case, registration will be carried out solely for the purpose of supporting low-income families in terms of housing and raising children.

The local authorities of Moscow do not provide any other benefits or payments. Therefore, you should take advantage of the opportunities that are presented in this region and some federal support programs.

What regulations governs

In the area of ​​calculating the income of citizens, one should also rely on Russian legislation. Since nothing in this regard will work without a regulatory framework.

And a low-income family should familiarize itself in advance with all Federal laws and decrees of local authorities in order to understand what benefits they can count on.

One of these legal documents is Federal law“On the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone in order to recognize them as low-income and provide them with state social assistance.”

This document contains articles in accordance with which the category of low-income citizen, family and the algorithm for providing them with assistance will be determined.

The procedure for calculating the average income for each person in a family has been established. It is this algorithm and formula that is used by all government agencies.

The same list of actions is prescribed in this article for a single citizen living outside the family.

You can find out what income will be taken into account when calculating the amounts from the resolution entitled “On the list of types of income taken into account when calculating the average per capita parameter.”

Design rules

It is worth understanding that in order to receive benefits and corresponding benefits, a low-income family must prove its status and go through a certain procedure.

In the Russian Federation, the social protection body for citizens is responsible for providing benefits and assistance to families and individuals with low incomes.

The design algorithm will consist of the following parts:

It is worth noting that if it is impossible to find the place of residence of one of the family members, payments will be calculated based on the filing of an application to search for this person.

Who can apply

Can apply for this benefit separate categories citizens whose official income is less than the subsistence level.

The following families most often receive government assistance:

  • with one parent;
  • full, but with low income;
  • military personnel.

If in any of the cases, for example, for a single mother, the profit is high enough, then she will not be able to receive benefits from the state.

Components of profit

Income that will be taken into account by social protection authorities includes:

These are the main indicators that should be taken into account. But there are a number of additional amounts:

  • alimony;
  • awards for achievements in the field of literature or art;
  • income from an individual enterprise or legal entity;
  • interest amounts on;
  • inheritance or amounts received as a gift.

How to calculate average per capita family income (formula)

When calculating this indicator, you should be guided by the standard formula. It includes the following parameters:

The formula itself will take into account several actions. So, it is necessary to divide all these indicators - profit for the period and for all family members.

As a result of this action, it will be possible to obtain the coefficient of the average per capita income of a particular family.

Documents to be collected (help)

To obtain the status of a low-income family, you must issue an appropriate certificate. This procedure takes place in the department of social protection of citizens.

At the same time, in order for government authorities to carry out registration, the following package of documents should be prepared:

Limit value for obtaining

This indicator is the main determining factor in receiving benefits from the state.

Finding this coefficient is quite simple - you need to multiply the current cost of living by 1.5.

For example, if such an amount is a figure of 15 thousand, then it should be multiplied by 1.5. Then you get a number in the form of 22.5 thousand.

It is this figure that will mean that at this level of income, citizens will not be able to receive government support.

For child benefit

Benefits that may be affected by the limit are payments for the third child in the family.

In this case, the benefit will be paid every month until the child turns three years old. And after that, payments will stop.

But it is worth considering that in this situation, regional legislation will be decisive. Because it is this that sets the size of the limit.

This indicator will be based on the income that people receive in a specific region of Russia.

Housing subsidy

The amount of payments will also vary. The fact is that these indicators completely depend on local authorities.

It is through the establishment of legislative norms in the region that benefits are accrued.

Thus, in Moscow, such families can expect to receive a 10% discount on utilities.

But here it is important to consider what percentage of the income is spent on such services. If this indicator exceeds 22%, the benefit will be activated.

But this needs to be confirmed by relevant documents. Such a benefit can be provided to both owners square meters, and renters. But benefits must be renewed every six months.

Social services

In this case it also depends on the local authorities. Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to set thresholds for average per capita income.

Not all people have a decent income to support themselves. Therefore, the state helps such families with various benefits and subsidies. To understand whether a social unit is entitled to assistance, it is necessary to determine how little income it has.

The average per capita income of a family can be calculated using a certain formula:

SD = D / Km / H, where

  • SD - average per capita income
  • D - total family income
  • Km - number of months for calculation
  • N - number of family members

Let's look at how the calculation is done using a specific example:

Suppose it consists of four persons: child, mother, father and grandmother.

The man earned 180,000 rubles in a year. Grandmother is retired. Its size is 108,000 rubles per year. The child’s mother received a total income of 100,000 rubles for the year.

It turns out that the total family income for the year was:
180,000 + 108,000 + 100,000 = 388,000 rub.

Now let’s substitute the known indicators into the above formula:
SD = 388,000 / 12 / 4 = 8,083 rubles 33 kopecks.

If the family lives in our capital, we can draw a conclusion. The calculation shows that the average per capita income of a family is less than the subsistence level. In the 3rd quarter of 2016, it was approved in the amount of 15,307 rubles. There are no data for the fourth quarter yet.

Who is included in the family

To calculate the average per capita, certain family expenses are taken. Let us consider in detail who can be classified as a family to calculate this indicator:

  1. Officially registered mother and father of children under eighteen years of age.
  2. Unmarried parents and children living together.
  3. Guardians and caregivers living with children.
  4. Relatives living under the same roof.

Not included in the family:

  • adults living separately
  • babies whose mother and father are deprived of their rights
  • children who are fully supported by the state
  • a spouse called up to serve in the army or undergoing training at a military institution
  • spouse in prison

When receiving subsidies, it is important to explain to the specialist exactly where all family members are and live at a given time. This will help avoid unpleasant situations when calculating benefits.

What payments are taken into account in calculating average per capita income?

This indicator consists of all income of the family, that is, people living together. Such payments may include:

  • payment for actual time worked according to tariffs or salary
  • all types of surcharges established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • various bonuses provided for in wage regulations
  • overtime supplements to wages
  • cash payments related to vacation
  • funds calculated based on average earnings
  • compensation and severance pay related to dismissal
  • income saved until employment in case of layoff
  • various pensions and additional payments to them, including compensation
  • scholarship
  • related to unemployment
  • sick leave payments
  • benefits related to the birth of a baby
  • payment for parental leave for children up to one and a half and three years old
  • benefits for military wives
  • payment for contractual relations
  • payment for author's work
  • income related to election campaigns
  • funds received from business activities
  • earnings from shares and dividends
  • money received from renting out residential real estate
  • funds received from the household: growing vegetables and fruits, birds and livestock;
    money intended for child support
  • return on investment

Determining the average per capita income of a family is quite simple. To do this, you need to know all the receipts of money into the budget and the cells of society. By law, the billing period can be twelve, six or three months. The period for calculation is set by local authorities independently.

The calculation period for this must be taken starting from the month preceding the day of applying for the subsidy.

Important! To calculate this indicator, you need to take accrued funds. And insurance premiums are not deducted from it.

Important nuances when calculating average per capita income

When calculating this indicator, all subtleties should be taken into account. These include the following information.

When a child does not live with the family, alimony is not taken into account. To the money of the family that took custody of the children, it is necessary to add the contributions of the father or one of them.

Agricultural income is taken into account only if there is an agreement with the farm. Funds from profits from subsidiary farming are not taken into account in income for calculating the average per capita income if one of the family members has the first or second category of disability.

When a subsidiary farm is run by two families, it is distributed in proportion to the number of all persons participating in the business. Funds accrued but not paid for any reason are not taken into account.

About creating a family budget in video:

Why calculate average per capita income

Calculation of the average per capita income of a family is needed when assigning various benefits and allowances:

  • subsidies for utility bills
  • cash benefits
  • free meals in educational institutions
  • travel by public transport
  • provision of vouchers
  • security
  • reimbursement of money spent on school uniforms
  • and the like

To apply for one of the above subsidies, a person must contact the social security authority at his place of permanent registration. The list of required documentation can be clarified there or on the official website of the organization.

One of them is income certificates for three months. Based on these documents, a specialist from the social protection agency will determine the average per capita income of the family.

Is it possible to survive on a salary, video:

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Russian legislation provides for state support for citizens who have low level income.

To exercise the right to receive financial assistance from the state, you must confirm your status.

To do this, a low-income family must know what income they should have in 2019 so that they can apply for or extend receipt of financial assistance from the state.

To determine a family’s ability to obtain low-income status, it is important to know what the maximum family income is that gives the right to receive a subsidy, as well as how to calculate it for each family member.

The calculation procedure involves adding up all income received by the family and dividing it by the total number of people.

When making financial calculations, you need to know what income is taken into account according to the law. These include the following:

Thus, it turns out that all the funds received by the family are summed up, regardless of their official employment. The calculation must be made for the last 3 months.

It is also important to know that according to the law, a family is recognized as a certain group of persons registered for permanent or temporary residence, who are engaged in joint farming.

In this regard, if her natural mother lives with a single mother, then the grandmother’s income will also be taken into account.

The total number of family members may also include relatives other than the immediate parents and children. These include:

A low-income family in Russia is considered to be one in which each member has less than the established subsistence level.

For the calculation, the amount provided in the region of her residence is taken. It cannot be lower than the established amount at the federal level, but may be higher due to the individual characteristics of the region’s location.

In the current year 2019, the cost of living is set at 10,701 rubles.

For a better understanding of how to calculate the financial status for recognizing a family as low-income, it is better to consider this with an example. Family income is taken for 3 months.

Accordingly, for each source of income it is necessary to take into account the amounts received for each of the last 3 months.

For example, there are 4 people living in a family with the following incomes:

  • the mother of a child who is 2 years old is on parental leave and has no income;
  • the father of the child receives wages in the amount of 15,000 rubles;
  • a two-year-old child for whom a monthly allowance of 50 rubles has been issued;
  • grandmother receiving a pension of 13,000 rubles.

In addition, the family has a garage, which they rent out monthly. From it they receive 4,000 rubles. This amount is also taken into account when calculating the family budget.

So, this family receives per month: 15000+50+13000+4000 = 32050 rubles for all family members. If this amount was received equally in the last 3 months, then it should simply be multiplied by 3 months.

If the family's income was different in these months, then they are summed up for each month into a total amount. The resulting number is then divided by 3 months.

Taking into account the fact that there are 4 people registered at their residence address, this amount is divided by 4. It turns out that in fact each family member receives 8,012.50 rubles on average for 3 months.

This amount is 2,688.50 rubles less than the living wage established for the current year. This difference is calculated at the federal level.

If you make the calculation for the city of Moscow, then for 2019 in the capital the minimum amount has been set at 16,160 rubles.

And if such a family lives and is officially registered in Moscow, then the income for each person will be 2 times less than the established one.

This principle is used to determine who belongs to low-income families. All income must be documented.

Depending on a particular subject of the Russian Federation, families with the same income per person in one region may be recognized as low-income, and in another region with sufficient income for living.

Therefore, before applying for provided benefits and payments, it is imperative to find out which family is considered low-income in the region where it lives.

If a family finds out that their average per capita income is below the minimum living standard in their region, then they must receive low-income status. To do this, they must prove that their income is not enough to meet the minimum standard of living.

Formalize this status social bodies. Therefore, you can submit an appeal:

  • directly to social security;
  • through MFC.

There are no significant differences between these structures, except that the MFC is only an intermediary for the transfer of documents to government agencies.

Therefore, the time frame for providing the service may take several days longer than when applying directly to social security.

But getting the service through the MFC is much more convenient, since this government agency works on the principle of a single window. That is, the same employees accept many applications to various government agencies.

Each Center has many working specialists ready to receive requests from citizens. You can make an appointment by phone or by filling out an electronic queue ticket.

This significantly saves time for citizens, as well as for themselves. government organizations. Since they do not waste time accepting applications from citizens, but are directly involved in checking documents, considering applications and providing services.

To submit an application, you need to know what documents are needed to recognize a low-income family. Full list papers can always be clarified on the website of the local municipality, or by calling social security or the MFC.

Social security telephone numbers are different in each region, but the MFC has a general telephone number 8800 for inquiries. By calling it you can get necessary information from specialists, specifying your region.

To apply for registration of low-income family status, you must fill out an application and attach the established list of documents to it.

These include:

It is important to make copies of all originals, and having the documents themselves with you is also mandatory. The employee receiving the application and the entire list of documents is obliged to verify the data and verify its authenticity.

It is also important to know what documents may be required to verify family income. First of all, they should all reflect information for the last 3 months.

The established package of documents along with the application can be submitted in person or through a representative.

In this case, he will need to issue a notarized power of attorney, granting the right to represent the interests of the entire family in specific bodies.

One person can also be considered as a low-income family if he is single and his income is less than the subsistence level.

To submit an application, he must provide the same package of documents, with the exception of those that do not concern him.

One of the most difficult stages after collecting documents is drawing up an application. It is filled out according to the usual rules of a business letter.

But not all citizens know them. To complete the application, a ready-made form is issued, which facilitates the procedure for filling it out.

The writing algorithm will be as follows:

  1. The name is indicated local authority social security, where this petition is sent.
  2. Next, enter personal information about yourself, including full name, passport and registration data; you also need to indicate your actual residential address and contact telephone number.
  3. The name of the application is usually printed on the completed form.
  4. After this, the essence of the statement is indicated that this family in a certain composition has an average income of a certain amount for the last 3 months, which is below the subsistence level. All family members and their income are listed.
  5. Based on the specified data, a request is made for granting the status of a low-income family.
  6. A list of attached papers is listed.
  7. The date and signature of the applicant are placed.

This document is completed in this order.

If you encounter any difficulties in compiling it, you can always contact the employees of the MFC or social protection with your question.

Therefore, it is better to fill out this application in their presence.

Errors and corrections should not be allowed. If they were admitted randomly, you will need to request a new form.

The procedure for obtaining status does not take as much time as collecting all the necessary documentation.

The design algorithm is as follows:

  1. Preparation of all papers.
  2. Drawing up an application.
  3. Submission of application and documents to competent employees.
  4. Waiting 10 working days from the date of receipt of all papers.
  5. Within 3 working days, social security employees send a notification about the decision taken after consideration.

You can get low-income family status completely free of charge. There is no need to pay any state fees. The only cost you can consider is making copies of documents.

If the decision was made negative, then a reasoned refusal is issued with a detailed explanation of the reasons. If corrected, their family has the right to re-apply.

If a positive decision is made, the family is entered into a special information database of social protection authorities. Based on this, a certificate recognizing the family as low-income is also issued. The applicant must personally obtain such a certificate.

If it is not received at the social security department or MFC, then after 30 days employees will be required to send it by mail to the specified residential address.

After receiving this status, the family will have the right to register due payments, subsidies and benefits, which will significantly improve its financial condition.

State assistance to low-income families is a very important measure of social and financial support..

Since every Russian is required to have a minimum necessary conditions for living, even if he cannot earn money on his own.