Working without a work book under a contract - registration. Work under a contract without a work book: pros and cons Official employment under a contract

Some employers, when hiring a new employee, impose a condition - registration without work book. Let's consider what the features of this job are, what are the legal ways to hire an employee without a work record, the guarantees he has, as well as the pros and cons of working without a work record.

Work book, agreement, contract: that’s the difference

  1. Work book is a document that indicates labor activity and work experience individual person. It contains information about the person’s official employment, his dismissal from work, and is required when registering and calculating a pension (see). If available, you can contact labor inspection or confirm the number of years worked at the enterprise.
  2. Employment contract – a written agreement between an employee and an employer, which defines their rights and obligations in relation to each other. The responsibilities of the employee are to personally carry out work in a specific position in accordance with his own and internal labor regulations, and the employer is to provide work with appropriate labor conditions and pay wages on time.

Employment contracts are drawn up for an indefinite period, there are urgent And unlimited, are divided by the nature of the relationship (by main place of work, part-time work, temporary or seasonal work, work for an individual, at home or public service).

  1. Labor contract - This is a type of agreement discussed above. Currently, this term is absent from legislation (since 2002), but there is no prohibition on its use. Contracts are concluded with employees of various government agencies (for example, internal affairs bodies) and military personnel. It is concluded for a specified period of validity, the maximum is 5 years, and after its expiration there is no renewal.

The employment contract contains a number of incentive measures and guarantees related to social security.

An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer: the former undertakes to personally carry out activities in accordance with the qualifications received. A contract is a written document that proves the legal relationship between an employer and a subordinate.

In this case, the work book acts as a document reflecting a person’s work path.

There are a number of situations in which the employer does not make entries in the employment record. These include the conclusion of a contract or civil contract, subject to the temporary performance of work duties, when a certain final result is required, documented in the acceptance certificate of the work/services performed.

Employment agreement and contract: is there a difference?

An employment contract is a fixed-term type of contract.

If an employment contract is concluded for a period that is not clearly defined, then the contract is drawn up for a period from 1 to 5 years. If the employer decides to terminate the employment relationship before the expiration of the contract, he pays compensation to the employee.

Termination of a contract before its expiration is possible solely at the initiative of the employer or if the employee grossly violates the conditions specified in the agreement. This is its difference from a contract, in which there are situations where the employer forces a subordinate to write a letter of resignation from his position. at will. The contract can be terminated by both parties.

Carrying out work duties without a work book can be carried out in a number of cases - for example, during evening work, when working in free time from the main activity.

There are a number of advantages to doing this:

  • Usually, non-labor work implies a flexible schedule, in which the employee determines the time for performing duties and rest;
  • despite the absence of notes in the work record, it is possible to prove the period of time worked on the basis of a work contract, which allows you to establish length of service and calculate a pension;
  • such work is beneficial for pensioners, since in this case the size of the pension is not cut.

However, there are many more disadvantages:

  • there are no paid sick leaves, vacations, maternity benefits, or work-related injuries;
  • experience is not accrued, which will not allow you to confirm your experience when applying for a new job;
  • no bonuses;
  • there is no guarantee that the employer pays medical and pension contributions (this is his responsibility, but he does not bear responsibility);
  • the worker must independently pay taxes on the earnings received;
  • the employment contract can be terminated at any time before its expiration;
  • there is a risk that in case of illegal and groundless dismissal, the employee will not be able to receive the salary due to him;
  • An employee can receive a fine at any time.

Thus, working in the absence of a work book does not fully protect human rights at the legislative level. However, it is not difficult to find a vacancy where it is not required, since many employers seek to protect themselves from the bureaucratic hassle of properly registering an employee.

According to existing legislation, work that involves labor contract, and making a corresponding entry in the work book also involves the so-called social package. The social package includes the provision of paid leave, and maternity, forced downtime, this allows the employee to be protected socially.

In addition, the employer makes contributions to pension fund, to social and compulsory health insurance funds.

All these payments taken together are significant and some employers resort to tricks to reduce costs by concluding civil liability contracts. When concluding an agreement in this category, the employer will not need to provide a social package to the employee or pay into some funds. Here comes another type of relationship, very similar to labor relations, but with a number of differences.

Work under a contract without a work book: options for drawing up an employment contract

In some cases, the Labor Code presupposes working under an employment contract, but without entering information about this in the work book.

In fact there are only two of them:

This is when the employment contract is concluded between an employer, a private individual, not an individual entrepreneur, and an employee. Such agreements take place when hiring nannies, governesses, and gardeners, provided that the fruit is used for personal consumption and not for sale. The employer is not a legal entity and does not have the right, according to the law, to make entries in the work book.

In this case, the agreement is:

  1. The employer is obliged to notify local authorities of the fact of hiring.
  2. Pay taxes to the pension fund, as well as social and compulsory health insurance funds.
  3. If the person who is employed under a contract does not have one, the employer is obliged to arrange one.

As for the provision of vacations and sick pay, these issues are regulated by a drawn up agreement, or, more simply, the parties stipulate this when hiring and come to a mutual agreement.

When working part-time, a contract is concluded, but no entry is made in the work book. However, here it is possible to record information about work when providing a certificate from the place of main work; the legislator left the decision on this issue at the discretion of the employee himself. This type of contract also implies social security for the employee, sick leave payments, and vacations in proportion to the time worked.

In some cases, employment agreements the employer replaces it with a civil liability agreement. If in an employment contract the parties are the employer and the employee, then in a civil liability contract the customer and the executor, the seller and the buyer, the principal and the attorney. This difference concerns not only the names of the parties, but also their responsibilities to each other.

It must be admitted that today such contracts are increasingly being concluded in many countries around the world. Their popularity is explained by the wider capabilities of the employee; he is not obliged to follow the internal schedule of the contractor; he has his own work schedule, convenient only for him. Although along with this there are a number of negative aspects, for example, the lack of the same social package, such an agreement is always limited to a certain time frame - this does not frighten young people.

In Russian practice, it is not uncommon for an employee to go to court due to the replacement of an employment contract with a civil liability agreement. For example, the customer states in the agreement that the contractor is obligated to comply with internal regulations and safety regulations; it is indicated that wages are paid twice a month - all these are signs of an employment agreement.

Most often, the court obliges the employer to provide the employee with permanent employment from the date of conclusion of the contract and , pay sick leave and make all required deductions to funds and penalties, including.

The main options for contracts without an entry in the work book

Civil liability contracts themselves are very convenient and in many cases this is the most acceptable solution to the problem for both the employee and the customer. They allow you to hire workers only for the period when there is a need for their services, without burdening the budget with unnecessary payments. The employee receives freedom of action and the opportunity to cooperate with several employers at the same time.

All contracts can be divided into groups:

  1. Contract, performance of specific work in specific lines, here it is implied that the contractor orders specific work, and the contractor completes it at the agreed time and delivers it to the customer. This ends the agreement.
  2. Provision of paid services– provision of specifically specified services, this type of contract can be long-term, it is often concluded by people of creative professions: photographers, graphic designers, teachers also provide such services, we often encounter the provision of paid services when searching for a tour operator. The contract implies the provision of a specific service and terminates after its receipt.
  3. Agency agreements are not uncommon in the legal field, where lawyers carry out any actions on behalf of the client. Having completed an assignment, for example, representation in court, the agreement is terminated.
  4. Agency agreements They assume that the hired employee carries out activities on his own behalf, for example, the services of a detective or lawyer, and then brings a report to the customer and receives payment.
  5. Commission agreements involve activities, payment for which will be a commission from the transaction.

Disadvantages of working without a work book

1. About the advantages

Most workers, based on civil contracts, see many advantages in them.

Most often called:

  1. Flexible schedule allowing you to work when needed.
  2. The ability to set your own working hours and plan your time.
  3. Many people add to this the lack of need to follow the instructions of their superiors.
  4. Subordination to only one person - the customer.

2. About what is in the red

The negative aspects include:

  1. Most often, we enter into an employment contract for an indefinite period, which allows us to hope for a long-term working relationship, which is always limited to a certain time frame.
  2. Termination of the tenancy agreement is possible in unilaterally, while the contractor is not required to notify in advance of its termination as in the case of dismissal, unless this is specified in the agreement.
  3. Contract work does not imply paid leave, since payment is made only for work performed or services rendered.
  4. Such an agreement does not imply additional payments, for example, bonuses and allowances, which, as a rule, exist during employment.
  5. Sick leave is not paid, no matter how expected and maternity payments.
  6. , sick leave Work experience under a contract will not be taken into account.
  7. The employer makes contributions to the pension fund and the compulsory medical insurance fund, which will allow the period of work under the contract to be included in the pension experience, but only upon retirement, when taking another job, this period is not taken into account in the length of service.
  8. It is noteworthy that the employer bears virtually no responsibility to the employee.
  9. When concluding civil liability agreements, there are no legally defined mandatory standards for the selection of performers, and anyone can be refused, both those with whom the contract has not yet been concluded, and those with whom it is already in effect.

Drawing up a civil contract: information

After weighing all the positive and negative aspects work on the basis of such an agreement, many decide to conclude it. Some employers either personnel workers, without further ado, they take an employment contract and, changing the words employer to customer, and employee to contractor, sign it as a contract of civil liability. And this may well serve as a reason for recognizing it as an agreement on labor relations.

Therefore, everyone who has decided to conclude it should know the key points of its preparation:

  1. The date of the agreement is indicated.
  2. The customer's side is a legal entity, the name of which is written in full and in accordance with the credentials, must be represented by a specific representative, for example, Antey LLC represented by general director acting on the basis of order No. 15 of March 22, 2013. The second party is an individual, his surname and initials are indicated.
  3. The section “Subject of the agreement” indicates:
    • Specifically the type of work or service provided by the contractor.
    • The customer's obligation to accept the result.
    • The deadline by which the work will be completed.
  4. The section “Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties” defines the responsibilities of each party.
  5. The section “Cost of work and payment procedure” determines the form and procedure for payment for work.
  6. The last section specifies the duration of the contract and possibly other important terms.
    • The next section should stipulate how the procedure for delivery and acceptance of work performed or services provided will occur.
    • Sometimes a clause is introduced about special conditions, implying, for example, non-disclosure of information about the customer.
  7. Details assume complete legal address of the customer, an indication of his current account and INN/KPP, as well as full passport data of the contractor, and an indication of the address and his current account.
  8. Both parties sign the agreement.

The difference between an employment contract and a civil contract

One of the main differences between an employment contract and a civil contract can be considered the absence social guarantees employee in the latter, whereas in the employment contract they are spelled out in sufficient detail. Among them are a social package, as well as the provision of uniforms or work clothes, the possibility of additional payments and guaranteed wages, guarantee safe conditions labor, provision of tools and materials necessary for work, and much more.

The employment agreement also stipulates the employee’s compliance with internal regulations and working hours, and defines his main function as an employee, for example, a driver.

There is nothing like that in a civil agreement. Moreover, if a work contract contains such clauses, then it may be recognized by the court as an employment contract and entail corresponding consequences.

How to fill out a civil contract

Today, the contract form itself can be downloaded on the Internet, here you can find almost any sample of any document. Agreements as a result of which an employee receives a job but does not have an employment record can be unpredictable. Therefore, when filling out a contract without making entries in the work book, one of mandatory conditions There should be a consultation with a lawyer who will tell you what pitfalls may be hidden in this particular contract.

After discussing all the nuances with the employer, asking him about mandatory deductions and consulting with a lawyer, you can sign the document.

Instead of conclusions

A contract without an entry in the work book has its positive and negative sides:

  1. On the one hand, it allows you to have more freedom, more opportunities for self-realization, and even offers higher pay compared to permanent work for an employer.
  2. But on the other hand, it makes the employee more unprotected both in generally accepted social terms and in relation to the employer, who does not bear any responsibility to the employee and can terminate the agreement at any time without warning.

Hiring without a work book sometimes becomes a condition of the employer for employment. How does this threaten the employee and does the law allow such registration?

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What does work without a work book consist of under a contract? Sometimes a person gets a job, but the work is not recorded in the work book.

Most often, the initiator of such registration is the employer. How acceptable is such employment for the employee?

What is the scope of work under a contract without recording an entry in the work book?


Correct registration of labor relations provides guarantees for paid vacation, sick leave and other benefits predetermined by labor legislation.

But often an employer offers employment without completing a standard employment contract. Consequently, there is no record of employment in the work book.

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that a work book is a mandatory document when applying for a job.

It is impossible to officially find a job without it. It is the entry in the labor record that certifies that there is a fact of hiring and a certain time period of work.

If you have a completed work book, you can confirm in the future that you have a certain length of work experience.

Also, an entry in the book becomes a compelling argument in case of disputes regarding payment of wages and receipt of guarantees.

Work under a contract without a work book is like activity under an oral agreement, that is, such employment leads to complete absence control over labor relations.

The employer has the right to dismiss an employee at any time, pay less than the promised salary and is not obliged to provide guarantees.

According to the law, hiring without making an appropriate entry in the work book for the employer is fraught with punishment in the form of administrative sanctions.

But there are still legal ways to find employment without a work book.

In particular, the employer may offer the following agreement instead of an employment agreement:

  • contract, etc.

What is it

In this case, the contract may provide for certain conditions for work, but this is not at all necessary.

The contractor under a civil contract has the right to involve third parties to perform work.

There is no need to coordinate this point with the customer, since the main thing for him is to get the finished result and the method of execution does not concern him.

The payment procedure under the GPC agreement is agreed upon by the parties. This can be prepayment, advance payment, payment upon completion of work and signing.

As for the withholding of taxes and contributions, under the GPC agreement, the customer withholds and pays contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund.

Without explaining the reasons, the customer may refuse to conclude a contract. In addition, such an agreement always has specific validity periods.

Legislative framework

The parties are free to decide on the type of contract to be concluded when performing certain work.

By agreement with the employer, a civil contract may be concluded. But the execution of a GPC agreement is illegal if, in essence, an employment relationship arises.

An employer has the right to enter into a civil law contract in place of an employee if the employee’s activities are aimed at performing a specific task to achieve a certain result.

In this case, the performer himself organizes the process of performing the work and is not obliged to carry out the orders of the employer.

If it is proposed to conclude a GPC agreement, but the terms of the employment contract apply, then this is unlawful.

As for concluding an employment contract without making an entry in the work book, only two possible options are allowed:

There are no other methods of employment without obtaining a work book.

If an employee gets a main job or is registered to work for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity and there are no plans to make an entry in the work book, then most likely a civil law contract will be drawn up.

Getting a job under a contract without a work book

In the case of official employment and professional activities, it is mandatory to draw up a contract.

In the absence of an entry in the work book, it is the contract that becomes the main evidence of implementation work activity and the presence of experience.

The law obliges an employer, who is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, to issue a work book for an employee if he works for more than five days () and the work is the main one.

Refusal to make an entry in the work record becomes a violation labor law. The only exception is work or the conclusion of a GPC agreement.

Also, no entry is made when an agreement is concluded with a private person. In such a situation, an individual simply does not have the right to make an entry in the labor record, although certain rules of legal relations exist in this case as well.

Admission procedure

Hiring to an individual is far from uncommon. For example, a person gets a job as a housekeeper, nanny, or gardener. At the same time, the employee’s work does not become a way to make a profit for the employer.

That is, the employee is provided with all the required guarantees and labor relations are formalized in accordance with according to the accepted procedure ().

If the employer does not want to officially employ the employee by making an entry in the employment record and providing guarantees, if the main requirement is to perform a specific job, then a GPC agreement should be concluded.

When working as a security guard

Working as a security guard without entering a labor record is now practiced everywhere. At the same time, the majority of such security guards work for days, without observing the labor regime (according to the Labor Code, no more than 186 hours per month are provided).

But even if an employment contract is drawn up with a security guard, his position is more often referred to as “watchman”, “watchman” or anything else, but not a security guard.

This is due to the fact that, according to the law, the entity carrying out security activities must have an appropriate license. Otherwise, security guards are prohibited from carrying out activities.

When concluding a GPC agreement with a security guard, you should definitely check that the employee has a security guard’s identification card.

Last modified: January 2020

In search of ways to reduce employee costs, many Russian companies It is practiced to work under a contract without a work book. In this way, the employer relieves himself of the need to spend money on social and tax contributions and relieves responsibility for an individual employee.

Working without a work book is beneficial to the employer, but people who want to earn money often agree to the proposed conditions. As a result, the employee risks being left without the payments required under the Labor Code, loses the protection of the law, and the company faces big troubles with supervisory authorities. And yet there are cases when hiring is allowed without obtaining a work book on legal grounds.

Features of employment without employment records

Each employee is required to have a work book, entries in which confirm the fact of work activity, experience in a specific position and length of service. The last point is especially important, since a person learns whether the period of work in a company that practices informal employment is included in the length of service after the fact, at the time of dismissal.

Working under an employment contract without a work book refers to cases of gross violation of the law and gives the injured employee the right to appeal to the labor inspectorate with a complaint about illegal actions with subsequent organization of an inspection.

An arrangement under an employment contract is a measure that allows you to record agreements between the employer and hired personnel. Having a document gives you the right to demand payment for sick leave, paid leave, and other social guarantees. If there is no contract, the employee remains without rights.

There is a company that does not want to provide employment without making a record; only in two cases is such a deviation from the rules allowed, in which an agreement is concluded, but records are not kept:

  1. Registration of a part-time worker (involves making an entry at the main place of work).
  2. Signing a GPC agreement (of a civil nature) on behalf of an individual (since records are made only by a legal entity or entrepreneur).

Sometimes, during employment, a work permit is not provided, however, the employer does not violate the law, since the person has just graduated from college or has lost the document. In both situations, the employing company undertakes the procedure for certifying the work record and makes an entry there after the main hiring.

Is employment official without a work permit?

You should not be deceived and believe the promises of an employer who claims that employment is possible without entering information into the employment form or without signing a contract.

Unofficial work means that the company does not pay social insurance contributions, does not make contributions to the Pension Fund or health insurance. Upon reaching retirement age, a person will not be able to confirm his own experience, i.e. Time spent working for an unscrupulous company will not be counted.

The employer, removing all responsibility for the hired personnel, becomes a violator of the law with all the ensuing consequences.

For an employee, consent to informal employment means:

  • absence legal protection and wage guarantees;
  • lack of vacation, vacation pay, temporary disability benefits, etc.

Having received work injury, injury, it is quite difficult to achieve compensation even through the courts.

When a company replaces a regular contract with an employee, official you should be prepared to receive a fine within administrative responsibility in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, and the company will pay a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles for each identified case of violations. Acceptance of an employee under a GPC agreement by a private entrepreneur also entails a fine.

Hiring a pensioner

Unlike citizens of working age, a pensioner does not need to earn seniority, since the status has already been assigned. Therefore, the situation is often viewed positively by the employee himself.

You can understand the employee - working as a pensioner under a contract on an official basis automatically deprives him of a number of privileges, and the contract makes a note about the status of a “working pensioner.”

However, in light of vigilant control by the Pension Fund, senior citizens risk getting into trouble not only in the form of deprivation of status, but also being brought to administrative responsibility for concealing income and changing status.

Design methods

In relation to legislative norms, registration under an employment contract without a work book is provided for in 2 cases:

  1. Part-time work (the procedure and conditions are described in Chapter 44, Section 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  2. Hiring workers by individuals other than managers entrepreneurial activity(hiring rules are regulated by Chapter 48, Section 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As for working for an individual entrepreneur or in an organization, the law does not provide for registration options without entering information about employment in the work book. The only way to get a job without a work book with a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is through signing a GPC agreement.


If an employee is hired for a period of more than 5 days, and the location is the main one, an entry must be made. If an employee is registered in an additional position, there is no need for records - it already contains information about the other employer. A record of part-time employment is made only at the request of the person.

Otherwise, the rights of a part-time worker under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are identical to the powers at the main place of work, and the contract guarantees compliance with the rights. The employee retains his seniority, and the employer undertakes to pay social insurance contributions for hired personnel.

For an individual

The use of hired labor by ordinary citizens without making notes on the employment record is possible only in one case, if the employer is not an individual entrepreneur, and the work is related to the execution of individual assignments for personal interests. An employee is hired to provide assistance in a subsidiary, personal household, or help around the house.

The law allows for the hiring of an assistant in specific circumstances where it is possible to work without labor. For example, for gardening or gardening. The main condition is that the results of such activities (harvest) do not bring commercial income, i.e. the harvest is used for personal purposes. Since official employment by an individual is unacceptable, no entries are made in the labor record. The only document confirming employment is the employment contract.

During a certain period, the employer is obliged to organize deductions of social contributions (social insurance and Pension Fund).

If a university graduate has become a worker and SNILS has not yet been issued, the first employer is required by law to organize the issuance. ( approx. ed.: the list has changed since September 29, 2019 mandatory documents for hiring. Since the paper version of SNILS has stopped issuing, an electronic version is now needed of this document. You can obtain it on the State Services portal or in your personal account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or the MFC. Paper SNILS received earlier are valid.)

The employer has the right to enter into a contract for a specific limited period or indefinitely, and the text of the contract includes clauses describing the relationship with the landlord that do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Before agreeing to registration without labor, it is recommended to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

The positive aspects of employment without a work book include::

  1. There are no restrictions on the organization of the work schedule, a free schedule determined at the discretion of the performer himself.
  2. For pensioners, concluding a GPC agreement allows them to maintain their status, the amount of pension contributions and the benefits provided by law.
  3. The contractor depends only on the customer who ordered the services under the GPC agreement.

Negative sides are more represented:

  1. There are no benefits for temporary disability.
  2. Paid is not provided annual leave or .
  3. When going on maternity leave, a woman has no right to claim maternity benefits and parental leave.
  4. Not credited.
  5. There are no contributions for future pensions.
  6. Obligation to pay income tax rests with the employee.
  7. The contractor is not protected by law, which means there is no guarantee of receiving regular income, and the employer has the right to terminate the contract at any time at his own request.

When discussing working conditions with a future employer, you should ask in advance whether this is official employment or not. If the registration requirements do not require the provision of a work book, this serves as a signal to clarify the hiring procedure and conditions. It is worth considering if the company administration refuses to formalize the working relationship, since the employee risks finding himself in the position of an unofficial worker whose rights are not protected by law.

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In particular, registration of a work book is mandatory. The entry in it indicates a legally concluded labor relationship between the employer and the employee.

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But, often, employers shy away from working with an employment document, inviting the employee to enter into an employment contract or agreement.

In part, this can be regarded as a violation of labor laws. Let's take a closer look at the differences.

What is it

The employee’s work record book must be maintained by the person responsible for this company, and is also stored until the moment of dismissal.

Storage occurs under strict control and reporting. The primary responsibility for the integrity and safety of the document lies with the head of the enterprise, company, etc.

At the request of the employee, if necessary, he can be given a certified copy or an extract from the work book.

Otherwise, any violations of the rules for maintaining or storing a document will result in disciplinary action or other liability.

Important Concepts

This document is issued for an employee who remains in the position and team for more than five days. It doesn’t matter what position, even security guards are included here.

A labor document may be missing when working with an individual entrepreneur who does not have a formalized status legal entity(unofficial individual entrepreneurs). This nuance also applies to people working in the service sector.

Since the company, even in this case, will transfer accruals for the employee to the Social Insurance Fund, confirmation of his period of stay at this place of work can be easily confirmed by a social insurance certificate (in his name).

What about part-time work? As a rule, this indication of combining several positions is not noted.

As before, the document is maintained at the main place of work (position). At the request of the employee, the company can make an entry in the work book about the combination.

Purpose of the document

The first and direct purpose of the document is as a work book, its use in determining the total length of service.

Its maintenance must be carried out with accuracy up to the last place of work. Every month, and even days, are taken into account when transitioning to retirement.

If you worked for a company for ten years, but there is no record of this in your employment record, then the size of your pension will be significantly less than it could be if this period were taken into account.

The record page contains information not only about the place of work, but also the name of the employer itself, legal address, position held, etc.

If there has been a transfer from one position to another, this is also entered as an adjustment to the document, marking the date of the new appointment (taking on a new position).

Upon dismissal, a record of the event must be made. Disciplinary action or this kind reprimands are not included in the work book.

Except in cases where dismissal occurs under an article. Then the reason for dismissal is indicated as an article from Labor Code RF. Similarly, information about maternity leave etc.

Legislative framework

Pay attention to the content of Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it talks about the obligation to use a work book.

Regarding the form and rules for maintaining a document, this procedure is established by authorized representatives of the authorities of the Russian Federation.

Referring to the contents of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-FZ dated December 30, 2001, two cases are allowed when it is possible not to make entries in the work book:

  1. Part-time work.
  2. As an individual entrepreneur, without official registration, as a legal entity.

Features of working under an employment contract without a work book

An employment contract with an employee without a work book has been concluded quite often lately with employers in the Russian Federation.

On the one hand, the lack of a work book and entries in it can be compensated by an employment contract or agreement.

Thus, the contract becomes proof of the employee’s employment, which will be taken into account when calculating the length of service for a pension.

Admission procedure

Lease agreement with an individual practiced much more often than all others. At the same time, the employee does not become such a source of income for the employer (housekeeper, nurse, nanny, etc.).

According to Art. 309 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person who does not have the status of an entrepreneur does not have the right to make any entries in the Labor Code. Therefore, the only option is to conclude a rental agreement.

Agreements of this type may be of the following nature:

  • urgent;
  • unlimited

The conditions under which it is concluded labor agreement occurs individually, upon agreement of the parties.

Only these conditions should not limit labor legislation in any way:

  • working hours;
  • employee's vacation period;
  • sick leave, etc.

Referring to Article 303 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is an individual. the person must notify the compulsory medical insurance that he has hired the employee or fired him.

If, upon hiring, an employee will have to combine two positions at the same time, then this clause must be mentioned in the employment contract.

With such a mention in the agreement on combining two positions, in work experience everything will be taken into account.

Signing the agreement

Whatever employment contract is proposed and subsequently concluded between its parties, it will be considered valid (legal) only after it is signed by both its participants - the employer and the employee.

Don’t forget the main rule, which applies more to future employees - read the documents before putting your signature on it.

This will help you understand what will be required of you in your position, what responsibility falls on you, etc.

In addition, you may find out some inaccuracies in the contract or controversial issues that the employer kept silent about.

Mainly, the contract should cover the following points:

  1. Responsibilities of the employee.
  2. Period and procedure for payment of wages.
  3. Duration of the contract.
  4. Guarantees.
  5. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  6. Compliance with employee dismissal.

If, under the main contract (position held), there will be a part-time job, then the agreement is drawn up as standard, but with an appendix additional documents and conditions:

  1. Work schedule.
  2. Job responsibilities.
  3. Payment procedure.
  4. Termination of relationship.

All types of TD are subject to signatures by both parties, indicating details and passport data.

Device for pensioners

For employment of pensioners without labor document you can look at it on the positive side. When hired with a mark in the Labor Code (working pensioner), the amount of pension payments is reduced.

The question naturally arises, why show off a document if you can quite well receive a pension and salary?

When working as a security guard

Is it possible to conclude an employment contract without a work book for the position of a security guard? In principle, it is possible. But the employee himself risks a lot.

This method of employment is quite widely practiced in this area. Not everyone wants to work two or three days a day, but the employer can save a lot on the employee in this way.

By Labor legislation Russian Federation, working hours per month should not exceed 168 hours. And with this arrangement of working days, it turns out about 250 hours per month.

Video: what happens if you enter into a civil contract instead of an employment contract

There can be no talk about work experience here. The employee seems to be working, but he doesn’t seem to be. Therefore, from the moment of admission to such a schedule, and even without a work book, the counting of length of service stops, and working as a security guard will not affect the calculation of the pension.

Do I need to pay fees?

In addition to all direct and other obligations of the employer, the main responsibility falls on his shoulders to calculate the contributions required by law:

  1. In the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  2. If an employee does not have an insurance card, then be sure to help him get one.

For temporary employment without registration

As a rule, during temporary employment, the practice is to conclude fixed-term employment contracts or agreements.

The shortest period of such an agreement is two months. In this case, the employee is not assigned a probationary period.

You can also use the GPC agreement, it is longer. GPC provides for the absence of a work book.

In case of urgent employment, the employee is entitled to the same guarantees as under a regular agreement, but for a short period (Chapter 45 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Pros and cons

What are the pros and cons of getting a job without a work book? In my opinion, they are obvious.

When agreeing on an ore agreement with an individual. individual or part-time, if you approach the registration procedure correctly, the disadvantages can be avoided, while the employee retains all his legal rights, with all that entails.

However, it is a little more complicated with regard to concluding a GPC agreement (of a civil nature). Its positive aspects:

  1. With a free schedule.
  2. Freedom of action.
  3. Independent planning of working time.
  4. Subordination occurs directly to the customer.

The disadvantages of such work can be noted:

  1. The employer can terminate the contract unilaterally.
  2. There are no guarantees for receiving vacation, sick leave, etc.
  3. There is no guarantee that it will be included in the length of service for retirement.

It is quite realistic and possible to get a job without making an entry in the work book. But there are pitfalls even here.