Exists only in the plural. Nouns that have only a singular form. What should you know about them? Definition of ch.r. in the motto

Lesson topic:

Nouns that have only a plural form.

Objective of the lesson: familiarity with nouns that have only a plural form;

Tasks: Remember lexical groups of words that have only a plural form; delimit homonymous forms plural;

learn to find them among other nouns;

use them correctly in speech

Subject: which nouns have only a plural form; how to distinguish them from nouns that have two number forms; learn to find them among other nouns and use them correctly.


Cognitive UUD: ability to work with reference literature, formulation and solution of problems;

Regulatory: the ability to set goals, plan your work, conduct self-examination;

Communication skills: ability to work in a group, search and collect information, mastery of different forms of speech.

Personal: developing responsibility, respect, the ability to work in a group, the ability to evaluate the answers of your classmates.

Required equipment:

    Computer with speakers.

    Multimedia equipment.

    Presentation for the lesson in PowerPoint.

Nouns are the main component of our speech. From the many possible words, we always choose those that are more suitable for us in style and color. The way a person constructs his speech can say a lot about his personality and mentality to his interlocutor. Therefore, it is very important to be able to express your thoughts competently and clearly. To do this, you need to know the basics of Russian grammar and be able to apply them in real life while communicating with people. In this article we will analyze such a category as the number of nouns.

A noun in Russian can be used in one of two forms possible forms- in singular or plural. Number is one of the main characteristics of a part of speech called a noun. But there are Russian nouns that can be used in speech only in the singular or only in the plural. Let's figure it out in order.

Singular nouns

With singular nouns, in general, everything is clear and understandable even without grammatical rules: they denote one thing or person, that is, any (for example, a pen, a book, a house, a cat). Such singular nouns have their own gender (feminine, masculine or neuter; sometimes common), and also, regardless of number, are declined according to cases.

Plural nouns

The same nouns can also be used in the plural (pens, books, houses, cats). These are nouns that denote several objects. Very often in the Russian language there are nouns that have only a plural form. You can read about them below.

Plural nouns that are often misspelled

About the most common mistakes in everyday speech in Russian, more than one full-fledged article could be written, but here we will focus our attention only on the incorrect use of nouns. For nouns, the plural and correct formation of forms are very often questioned.

You should definitely pay attention to the spelling of the following words in the genitive case: boots - boot, felt boots - felt boots, boots - boot, soldiers - soldier, places-places, apples - apples.

And errors in the use of these words in the genitive case can be heard very often in grocery stores: tangerines - tangerines, nectarines - nectarines, tomatoes - tomatoes, oranges - oranges. Nouns that have only a plural form differ somewhat from the data in terms of case declension.

Formation of plural forms: features

Sometimes some difficulties arise in forming the plural form for a certain category of nouns. In the Russian language there are no rules as such that determine what ending is required for the plural of nouns that we need to apply at a particular moment. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to use the word correctly. Let's pay attention to special cases relating to the plural of nouns. It’s better to just memorize them so as not to make mistakes and not doubt the correct use of words.

First of all, these are masculine nouns (s in the singular), with endings -ы, -и, most often denoting professions. For example, a trainer - trainers (not trainers!), a contract - contracts, an accountant - accountants, a lecturer - lecturers, cream - creams, and so on.

The next group is the same nouns as in the previous one, but with the endings -a, -ya: professor - professors, doctor - doctors, director - directors, anchor - anchors and so on.

Nouns, always used in the singular

In the Russian language there are many nouns that do not change in number and are always used exclusively in the form singular. Let's consider the groups into which the following nouns can be divided:

Denoting different feelings, characteristics of the state and human qualities (tenderness, anger, malice, hatred, lust, dependence, security, weakness, kindness);

Denoting characteristics of an object (grayness, blueness, redness, thinness, fullness, density);

Material (oil, gold, steel, tin, silver, nickel, sugar, sour cream, butter, pearls);

Denoting several identical objects in the aggregate (dishes, foliage, children, animals);

Denoting objects that exist in all of nature in a single copy (Sun, Earth, sky, Moon); This group also includes geographical names (Argentina, Stockholm, Moscow, Irtysh, Novosibirsk, Crimea, Ob).

Nouns that have only plural forms

The following nouns exist only in the plural in the Russian language:

Denoting various kinds of substances (blush, perfume, ink, yeast);

Indicating objects in a pair (jeans, rakes, rollers, trousers, leggings, trousers, leggings, glasses, sleds, sleds);

Denoting games or some processes (checkers, tag, hide and seek, blind man's buff, catch-up, elections);

Denoting natural phenomena or time periods (days, holidays, twilight, weekdays);

Which are geographical or astronomical names (Sochi, Alps, Kuriles, Libra).

So, let’s summarize: in the Russian language there are two forms of nouns - singular and plural. Most words have both forms, but there are also nouns that have only a plural form, and, of course, those that are used only in the singular.

Methodological development of a Russian language lesson in 5th grade

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Novonazimovskaya secondary school No. 4

Rimashevskaya Svetlana Fedorovna.

UMK M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky.

The presentation of new lesson material is based on an activity approach - the intrigue of the lesson is created, attracting attention to the topic is caused by using the “magic box” and the objects in it. In the process of resolving a problem situation, students themselves formulate the topic of the lesson and its goals.

The assimilation of new material in the lesson is carried out by performing training exercises in pairs and groups, which makes it possible to include “weak” students in the work.

Subject: Nouns that have only a plural form.


Educational : give the concept of nouns that have only a plural form and their distinctive features from nouns that have two number forms; introduce the main groups of these nouns by meaning; learn to find them among other nouns; use them in speech, observing spelling norms.

Developmental : to develop the ability to set goals, independently analyze information, the ability to work in pairs and groups, expand students’ vocabulary by using only plural nouns in speech, and develop monologue speech.

Educational: cultivate interest in studying the subject.

Lesson type : combined.

Teaching methods : reproductive, partially search. verbal (conversation, explanation), practical ( independent work, exercises), visual (show), analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, heuristic,

Forms of organization of educational activities : frontal, individual, pair, group.

Equipment : textbook T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, presentation for the lesson in PowerPoint, didactic material(cards – tasks, table), pictures for physical exercises, “magic box” , items for the box (scissors, glasses, watches, tongs).

Lesson progress.

    Org moment.

Psychological attitude to work. Greetings. (Appendix1)

Good afternoon, dear guys! Smile at each other and look at me, give your smiles to the guests.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, “cool work.”

II. Updating knowledge

Our lesson today will be held under the motto: “For the student - good luck, for the teacher - joy!”(The motto is written on the board).

How did you understand this motto?

Guys, clap your hands if you know what part of speech the first word in this phrase is. Stomp if you recognize the part of speech of the second word. Raise your right hand if you recognize the part of speech of the third word. Raise your left hand if you know what part of speech the last word in a sentence is. Well done! Write the part of speech above the words.

That's right, guys! For several days now in class we have been talking about the part of speech, the magic of which is that it names the essence of everything that surrounds us in the world. What can you tell us about the noun?

III. Goal setting and motivation. ( Creating motivation to learn. Get students interested in a new topic.)

Our lesson today is not simple, but unusual. I brought a magic box. It contains the following items: glasses, watches, scissors, tongs.

- What do you think these objects are? What do they have in common? Are you at a loss? Then look at1 slide presentations.

It shows plural nouns. You must form them into the singular form.

Singers – (singer) Crowns – (crown) Spikes –

Deer - (deer) horses - pony horse -

success - (success) nuts - nut Armor -

What happened for you? For which nouns were you unable to form the singular form? What are these nouns?

- So, what are we going to talk about in class today? What istopic of the lesson? (nouns that have only plural form.) Slide2 .

- What goals will we set for ourselves?State the purpose of the lesson, building on its theme. Use the reference phrases written on the board for this.



(The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with nouns that have only a plural form; learn to find them among other nouns and use them correctly in speech.)Slide 3.

IV. Explanation of new material.

    Introduction to the textbook material – p.204.

    Work in pairs.Distributive dictation.

Read the words. What do they have in common? What thematic groups would you divide these words into? Find pairs of words by meaning. Fill out the table . Slide 6 , app2 . What do you call each group of words?

Items for movement; sports equipment


Natural phenomena

Time periods

Products, substances

Geogr. named.

Events, holidays.





3 . Conversation.

- Guys, what can nouns that have only plural form mean?

- What do you think? grammatical features do such nouns have?

(Case. It is impossible to determine their gender and declension.)

- And what morpheme will tell us that this noun is only plural? numbers?

(Most nouns end in–Y (-AND)(this is typicallit. language). Some nouns havepercussionending–A (-I)(this is typicalcolloquialspeech).

- Guys, now let’s return to our box again. What kind of items are in it?(noun plural only)

- Let's try to define only plural nouns.

V. Primary assimilation, awareness and comprehension of new material.

Ex. 509, p.205

VI. Physical education minute.

Now let's relax and play. I will show you pictures with drawn objects. If the picture shows only a plural entity. numbers, you get up if singular. or have the form and singular and plural. h. - sit.

Watches, boots, scissors, stockings, milk, money, shoes, rakes, yeast, hammers.

VII. Consolidation.

Work in pairs. Exercise. Slide8. Appendix 3 . Write down the nouns in the following order:

Territory, sled, grove, vacation, chess, ticks, twilight, name, teacher, cream, gate, ink.

Only plural

Singular and plural



VIII. Creative work in groups.Appendix 4.

(For the weak - a card).

Now, guys, please listen to the riddle. Guess what subject we are talking about? This is a plural noun. numbers. Slide 10.

This fabric was made in the 16th century in the city of Genoa, which the Italians called Genova. Trousers for sailors were made from this durable fabric. Then they began to be exported to California for shepherds and gold miners. Now they are worn by people of all ages. This… (jeans).

Who invented them and when is unknown. IN Ancient Greece polished rock crystals were used for them. Venice, the queen of mirrors and glassware, is still considered their homeland. In Rus' they began to be worn since the 15th century. This... (glasses)

In the night sky in the constellation Canis Major There is a star that can only be seen in summer. At this time it was difficult to work because of the heat and people were resting. This summer period was named after this star. Later, schoolchildren began to use this word to refer to autumn, winter, and spring holidays. This … (holidays).

Exercise. Now try in groups to make a similar riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

(Words are drawn by drawing lots from representatives of the groups). Hide and seek, scissors, sliders, scales, cleaning, perfume, pitchforks, swings, stretchers.

Card for “weak” students.


Let's summarize our joint work and put it in the form of a diagram - a web. Let's start with the words "Today we...". Discuss and write down on the sheets of paper what we did today…. The following words will help you draw a conclusion about your activities. Appendix 5.

found out... (There is a group of words - nouns, which has only a plural form)

completed tasks ... (to find nouns only plural)

understood... (how to distinguish a plural entity from other entities)

learned... (find noun, plural)

Guys, there is an envelope on your desks. In it you will find 3 pictures. Choose the drawing that suits your mood and stick it on the board. Appendix No. 1.


Find in orf. dictionary and write down 10 noun words that have only the plural form.

XI. Assessment.

- Everyone worked well. /I announce ratings and give comments /. You gave me warmth and joy. Our lesson is over. Thanks everyone! Goodbye!

Appendix 1.

Appendix 2


Scissors, tongs, Alps, name days, holidays, cream, Sochi, skiing, chess, pasta, freezing, shorts, twilight, hide and seek, jeans, 24 hours, skates, christenings.

Exercise . Read the words. What do they have in common? What thematic groups would you divide these words into? Find pairs of words by meaning. Fill out the table. What do you call each group of words?

Scissors, tongs, Alps, name days, holidays, cream, Sochi, skiing, chess, pasta, freezing, shorts, twilight, hide and seek, jeans, 24 hours, skates, christenings.

Appendix 3


used only in the plural;

used in singular and plural.


Only plural

Singular and plural

EXERCISE..Write down the nouns in the following sequence:

used only in the plural;

used in singular and plural.

Territory, sled, grove, vacation, chess, ticks, twilight, name, teacher, cream, gate, ink.

Only plural

Singular and plural

Appendix 4

Card No. 1

Exercise :

Card No. 2

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.


Card No. 3

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 4

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 5

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 6

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 7

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 8

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

The result of the creative work of group 1.

They are always sharp

And they are needed for work.

They are always in the garden. (Rake)

The result of the creative work of group 2.

They hide, they play,

Then they count to five.

Name the game, dear guys!

Well, of course it is... (hide and seek)

The result of the creative work of group 3.

People use them to measure weight, but they can also weigh food. This is a common noun, inanimate, only plural. (Scales)

Appendix 5.

Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we..."

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we..."

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we..."

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we..."

completed tasks



Card for weak students.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Evaluation sheet.

Definition of ch.r. in the motto

Definition of noun as b.r.

Checking the entry of the table. “Groups of beings, etc. plural.”

Checking the ex. 509

Distribution dict.

Creative Slave.




Nouns that have the form

only singular and only plural

(Russian language lesson in 5th grade)

Lesson Objectives : form an idea of ​​nouns that have only a singular form and only a plural form; develop the ability to find them and correlate them with a specific lexical group; improve students’ speech by teaching them to correctly use such nouns in their speech.

Lesson Objectives :

Educational (formation of cognitive UUD):

Continue familiarization with the noun as an independent part of speech;

Be able to find only singular nouns;

Identify the peculiarities of using such nouns in your own speech;

Developmental (formation of regulatory UUD):

Plan your activities depending on specific conditions;

Develop logical thinking; developing the ability to systematize material in the form of a diagram (drawing), when semantic units of text are highlighted (mastering graphic techniques for presenting information);

Development of techniques of mental activity, attention, memory, creative activity;

Monitor and evaluate the process and results of the action.

Educational (formation of communicative and personal UUD):

Be able to listen and engage in dialogue;

Participate in collective discussion of problems;

Develop the ability to work in a group;

Develop the ability to check the results of activities;

Foster responsibility and accuracy;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards learning.

1.Motivation(self-determination) to educational activities.

Goal: inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

Hello class.

I check the students' readiness for the lesson.

- Our bell rang on time.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place? Everything is fine?

Do you have Bystrov's textbook and notebook with you?

Does everyone want to answer and get grades?

Does everyone here want to study?

So, everyone can sit down.

-How did you feel when you came to class today? Bring up the emojis.

Let's play the game "Third Wheel"

1) Horses, horses, ponies

2)Songs, scissors, storms

3) Twilight, darkness, evening

4) Rusks, loaves, milk

5) Waffles, sweets, sugar.

I ask a question:

What discovery can we make?

Please open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Let's formulate the goals of today's lesson.

*Don't forget to rate yourself

They get up, calm down and sit down at their desks.

Play the game "Third Wheel", check

2) scissors

3) twilight

Answer the question:

There are nouns that have the form only singular and only plural. numbers.

Not everything is can have two numbers (singular and plural)

Children write down the date and topic of the lesson in their notebooks.

Children formulate lesson goals:

D. learn to find a being that is used in the form of only one number;

Include in the knowledge system new material and repeat what has been learned;

Develop spelling vigilance.

Personal UUDs are formed.

Self-determination (L)

Sensemaking (L)

Summing up the concept (P)

2. Updating knowledge(warm-up)

Goal: repetition of the studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge” and identification of difficulties in the individual activities of each student; stating the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered.

We continue our journey through the land of Morphology.

What does morphology study?

Which 2 grams are all the parts of?

What part of speech have we been working on lately?

What is a noun?

K-th constant morphs. Do creatures have signs?

I give you a task: from these words, write down nouns that have only a plural form.

Alphabet, willow, gate, glasses, weather, blizzard, vice, blizzard, ink, sawdust, milk, scales, briefcase, chores, pasta, forest, burners, tools, sofa, rake.

Let's check what words you wrote down.

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Name- self part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions Who? What?

Fast. morph. signs: soul - inanimate, own. - Narits, genus, class.

Write out nouns that have only plural forms.

Take turns calling out the written words.

They check.

Gates, glasses, vices, ink, sawdust, scales, chores, pasta, burners, rakes.

Selective work (P)

Logical actions (P)

Self-determination (L)

Conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance (P)

3. Explanation of new material.

Goal: acquaintance of students with entities, which have only singular and only plural form.

Most of the names of entities denote objects that can be counted. Such nouns have the singular form (to denote 1 item) and the plural form (to denote several items)

How to distinguish a being that has both numbers from those

who they are form of only one number?

Measurement by numbers – non-constant. morph. sign of a being.

Let's do it Exercise 191.

Is it possible to form the plural form? from these beings?

Is what they name countable?

Complete the lexical groups with nouns from part 1.

With 1 word from each group, make a pr-ya.

How many nouns are used?

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Students are introduced to examples and non-posts. morph. a sign of a being's name.

We must try to form two forms of numbers from beings. If the unit form is not formed, then this noun is used only in the plural form.

Students conclude that the plural form. cannot be formed...

Let's check.

Students do work in notebooks.

1. I’ve run out of flour at home.

2. They bought me new shoes.

3.Walking is very good for health.

4. In the summer we will go on vacation to Crimea.

Cognitive, regulatory UUDs are formed.

Communication and interaction with a partner (K)

Self-determination (L)

4. Self-sufficient. work with self-test according to the standard

Target: applying a new way of doing things; reflection on goal achievement

A) I suggest you complete the task yourself.

B-1. Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the singular.

What are antonyms?

Truth, poverty, grief, old age, whiteness,

light, kindness, childhood

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Students complete the task independently according to the standard.

Antonyms are words of the same part of speech with opposite lexical meanings(white - black, running - walking).

1. Truth is a lie, poverty is wealth, grief is joy,

old age - youth, white - black,


kindness - anger,

childhood - adulthood

Then they check and draw a conclusion

Self-determination (L)

Performing actions according to the algorithm (P)

Correction (P

5. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

Goal: inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system, repetition and consolidation of previously learned

Task 1. (text construction)

Assignment: make sentences on the topic “How we prepare for the holiday”, including the necessary nouns. (The words are on the teacher’s desk, they need to be selected from the general composition. The text is individual for each.)

1 person: Before, holiday, dad, do, in, apartment, small, _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I, he, help. We, replace, in, the, kitchen, on, the, floor, _ _ _ _ _ _ , and, in, the, bathroom, stick, new, _ _ _ _ _ . Whitewash, _ _ _ _ _ _ , ceiling.

2 people: Coming soon, 8, Martha. My sister and I will bake a cake. For, he will need products ________, __________, ___________, _________, _________, __________ and ________________.

That's it, we've already bought it.

3 people: We, want, to congratulate, dad, 23, February, and, bake, he,______. For, this, take, 2, glass_____, pour, half a glass_____, break, into, dough, 3, _____, add, for sweetness ___

and a little bit ______. Dad really liked our surprise!

Words for reference: eggs, repairs, chalk, sugar, butter, linoleum, tiles, sour cream, cocoa, baking soda, flour, surprise, milk, pie, fruit.

2) Let’s do exercise 193.

Guess the words by their lexical meaning.

Do these words have a gender?

3) Now there are different tasks for boys and girls.

Assignment for the boys: remember the names of 3-4 instruments that have only plural forms. hours and make a proposal according to the scheme O, O, O and O are working tools.

Assignment for the girls: remember “delicious” nouns and “serve” them for breakfast, and noun. must have only singular forms. Make a proposal according to the scheme O, O, O and O is our favorite breakfast.

4) Let's do the exercise. 194. Review. drawing and find objects-beings in the form of only plural and make up the phrase “adj. +noun.”

Which group will write down the most words?

5) Group work:

There are 2 riddles in front of you in an envelope, they are cut into separate words, you need to collect them.

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Before the holiday, dad made some minor renovations in the apartment. I helped him. We replaced the linoleum floor in the kitchen and installed new tiles in the bathroom. The ceiling was whitewashed with chalk.

March 8th is coming soon. My sister and I will bake a cake. For it you will need products: flour, milk, eggs, butter, sugar and what kind.

We have already bought all this.

We wanted to congratulate dad on February 23 and bake him a pie. To do this, take 2 cups of flour, pour in half a glass of milk, break 3 eggs into the dough, add sugar and a little soda for sweetness.

Dad really liked our surprise!

Day, sleigh, manger, scales, wallpaper, sawdust.

Vices, wire cutters, pliers and pliers - ...

Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and radishes - ...

Black chess, dry firewood, red shorts, curly hair, thick mustache, blue jeans, sharp pitchfork, short rake, new watch, unreliable swing, dark beads, long trousers.

1.Two rings, two ends, carnations in the middle. (scissors)

2. They walk all the time, not a beast, not a man. (clock)

Extraction necessary information

Work in pairs (K)

Learning collaboration with teacher and peers

Statement and formulation of the problem P)

Work in groups (K)

Drawing up proposals according to the scheme (P)

Creative task (L)

Ability to act taking into account the positions of others (K)

6. Reflection

Goal: correlation of the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of work in the lesson.

Guys, remember what we did in class today?

What goals did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

Makes up inner speech.

Reflection clichés:

What can I do?

What am I failing at?

What advice do you have for me?

Speak out loud at will or at the request of the teacher

Reflection on methods and conditions of action (P)

Monitoring and evaluation of performance results (P)

Self-esteem (L)

Adequate understanding of the reasons for success (failure) (L)

7. D.Z.

P. 25, exercise 195 or solve the crossword puzzle.

Each child wrote down their homework in their diary.

Differentiated task (L)