Test tasks to establish compliance. Comparative characteristics of the forms of pre-test tasks. Sequencing tasks

In tasks for establishing correspondence, it is necessary to establish the correspondence of the elements of one column to the elements of another column. In tasks for establishing correspondence, it is necessary to establish the correspondence of the elements of one column with the elements of another column. Such tasks allow you to test Such tasks allow you to test - knowledge about the relationship between definitions and facts; - authors and works; forms and content; - essence and phenomena; - the relationship between various objects, laws, formulas, dates. - the relationship between various objects, laws, formulas, dates.

Open-form tasks present difficulties in development, since their formulations must be extremely clear, clear to understand and contain the only possible correct answer. Open-form tasks present difficulties in development, since their formulations must be extremely clear, clear to understand and contain the only possible correct answer answer.

Requirements when developing tasks for compliance tasks are formulated within the framework of two sets; tasks are formulated within the framework of two sets; specifying elements are located on the left, and elements for selection on the right; defining elements are located on the left, and elements for selection on the right; there must be several distractors and all distractors must be plausible; there must be several distractors and all distractors must be plausible; the material of compliance tasks must be homogeneous.the material of compliance tasks must be homogeneous.

Instructions “Establish a correspondence” “Establish a correspondence” It is not recommended to supplement these words with various explanations like “Establish a correspondence between such and such” It is not recommended to supplement these words with various explanations like “Establish a correspondence between such and such”

Column headings must apply to all elements of the presented list; apply to all elements of the presented list; be short, precise and understandable for everyone without exception.be short, precise and understandable for everyone without exception. Example: Example: Expression Meaning of expression Words Cases Authors Works

Column elements Express the content of the task. Express the content of the task. Their selection is limited by content curriculum and course programs. Their selection is limited by the content of the curriculum and course program. The number of elements in the right column is always greater than the elements in the left. The number of elements in the right column is always greater than the elements in the left.

Numbers and letters Used as identifiers (labels) of elements. Used as identifiers (labels) of elements. It is better to write numbers in the left column, separating them from the contents of the columns with a dot, letters - in the right, separating them with a parenthesis and a space. It is better to write numbers in the left column, separating them from the contents of the columns with a dot, letters - in the right, separating them with a parenthesis and a space. The job number is placed next to the first job title.The job number is placed next to the first job title.

Examples: Establish a correspondence: Equation Root of the equation Equation Root of the equation – X= 0 A) – X= 0 A) 5 2. X: 8 = 80 B) X: 8 = 80 B) : X = 15 C) : X = 15 C) X – 72 = 10 D) X – 72 = 10 D) 83 E) 640 E) 640 E) 82 E) 82 Answers: 1___, 2___, 3____, 4____. Answers: 1___, 2___, 3____, 4____.

Example: Match: 1. Animals Natural areas 1. Animals Natural areas 1. lynx A) desert 1. lynx A) desert 2. seal B) subtropics 2. seal B) subtropics 3. eared hedgehog C) tundra 3. eared hedgehog C) tundra D) steppe D) steppe E) forest-steppe E) forest-steppe Answers: 1__, 2__, 3___. Answers: 1__, 2__, 3___.

Example: EVENT DATE 1. Abolition of serfdom A d. 2. Beginning of the Crimean War B d. 3. End of the Crimean War C d.. D d.. D d. D d D d Answers: 1___, 2___, 3___.

Establish a correspondence: Establish a correspondence: INSTRUCTIONS TASKS 1) Establish the correct sequence A) open 2) Establish a correspondence B) tabular 3) Circle the numbers of all correct answers C) with a choice of one or more correct answers 4) Add D) to establish a correspondence E) to establishing the correct sequence

Answer Line Helps the test taker determine where to enter his answers.Helps the test taker determine where to enter his answers. It is located exactly in the middle of the task, sometimes in an empty space in the first column. It is located exactly in the middle of the task, sometimes in an empty space in the first column.

Matrix tasks are a variant of tasks to establish correspondence, but they are rarely used due to their cumbersomeness and high costs. option of tasks to establish compliance, but they are rarely used due to their cumbersomeness and high costs. Examples: Examples: 2.Value of Units Instruments 2.Value of Units Instruments of measurement measurements 1. length A) sq. m C) thermometer 1. length A) sq. m C) thermometer 2. area B) m/s D) ruler 2. area B) m/s D) ruler B) m Q) protractor B) m Q) protractor W) compass W) compass Answers: 1 ___ ___ 2___ ____. Answers: 1 ___ ___ 2___ ____.

Score 1 point for correct completion of the entire task. 1 point for correct completion of the entire task. One point for each correctly identified match. One point for each correctly identified match. For all correct answers - 2 points, for one missed error, reduce the score to 1 point, for two or more errors - 0 points. For all correct answers - 2 points, for one missed error, reduce the score to 1 point, for two or more errors – 0 points.

Application The main scope of application of compliance tasks is current and thematic control. The main scope of application of compliance tasks is current and thematic control. They are best used for self-control. They are better used for self-control. They are less often used during incoming and final control.They are less often used during incoming and final control. Almost not used at all in certification.Almost not used at all in certification.

In 2008, an experiment began to introduce a new form of examination work in physics for the state final certification (GCA) of 9th grade graduates. One of the tasks of the examination work in physics in grades 9 and 11 is a task with a choice of answers of a basic level of complexity to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets. These tasks test the mastery of the most important physical concepts, phenomena and laws, knowledge of the history of physical discoveries, as well as knowledge of the operating principle of physical instruments and devices. Types of matching tasks are published in the newspaper “Physics” No. 1, 2009 p. 6.

What are the main problems of preparing students to successfully pass the Unified State Exam? One of the reasons is that students entering MHSOU Secondary School No. 1 do not have a high level of general educational skills and a low knowledge base of physical laws and phenomena. This is superimposed on the negative attitude towards the subject itself formed at school (“I didn’t understand”, “I can’t solve problems”, “I don’t need it for the profession”, etc.). How to change students' attitudes towards the subject? How to create a situation of success in the classroom with low-performing students? How to control results educational activities that allow you to determine the level of achievement of each student? The experience of many years of working at school allows me to draw the following conclusion: one of the modern types of monitoring knowledge and skills, as well as the development of students’ mental abilities, are tests. Tests are increasingly being used in physics lessons.

In 2009, I compiled tests with matching tasks for seventh-graders studying in the Physics program for grades 7-9. The authors of the program are E. M. Gutnik, A. V. Peryshkin.

Test topics:

Test 7-1. Mechanical motion of bodies (§1-§16).
Test 7-2. Interaction of bodies (§17-§32).
Test 7-3. Pressure of bodies, liquids and gases (§33-§47).
Test 7-4. Floating bodies (§48-§52).
Test 7-5. Work and power. Energy (§53-§64).

I use the compiled tests at various stages of the lesson.

1. Current control in 7th grade,
2. For individual work,
3. To work with low-performing students,
4. At the end of the year, during revision lessons in grades 7, 9 and 11,
5. Individual tasks in the final assignment. for 9th and 11th grades.

The experience of using tests with matching tasks shows the effectiveness of their use when repeated, especially in the 11th grade. For example, 11th grade students are asked to complete one or two tests per lesson with assignments to establish correspondence for the 7th grade. During the test, it turns out that students find it difficult to answer the course questions: simple mechanisms, conditions for equilibrium of a lever, moment of force. At the next lesson these questions were repeated. After repeating the test, the test was completed successfully.

Compliance tests in a physics course can be used before and after revision. Analysis of the performance of such tests in the first case helps the teacher to identify poorly understood or forgotten questions by students and pay special attention to them when repeating the material. In the second case, information will be received about the success of the repetition.

7th grade students enjoy taking tests. If a student wants to improve his grade for the quarter, he first writes a test on the relevant topic, then a test. In the lesson preceding the tests, I assign homework to review theoretical material.

The criterion for assessing the assignment for compliance is from 0 to 2 points. In the proposed tests, one task contains four items. A correctly completed task item is scored 0.5 points. Each test contains 6 tasks. The maximum number of points for the test is 12. The system of criteria and assessments is given in the table.

System of criteria and assessments.

IN Appendix 1 I present the tests I compiled for grade 7, option 1 and the answers to them.

In matching tasks, knowledge of the connections between elements of two sets is tested. Such tasks allow you to test the so-called associative knowledge - knowledge about the relationship between definitions and facts, forms and content, about the relationship between various objects, properties, laws, formulas, dates.

Usually the elements of the defining set are given on the left, and the elements to be selected on the right. Each task ends with a line of answers, in which the subject puts in place the dashes the letters corresponding to the selected elements from the right set.

General requirements for compliance assessment tasks:

The task is formulated so that all content can be expressed in the form of two sets (columns) with appropriate names that summarize all elements of the column;

The right column must contain at least some distractors; all distractors in one task must be equally likely;

Column items should be selected on a single basis to ensure that only homogeneous material is included in each test item;

The entire task must be placed on one page, without allowing individual elements to be transferred.

Principles of composition of tasks to establish compliance:

1. Pfacet principle- the basic principle of composition of tasks of this form. He allows you to replace the main elements of the task, activating students’ independent work, and eliminating the conditions for cheating.

Centers of origin CULTURE

cultivated plants

1) Central Asian A) corn

2) African B) potatoes

3) South American B) watermelon

D) grapes

Answers: 1____,2____,3____

The use of some tasks increases learning interest. For example, an assignment based on A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”;


1) Happy people don’t watch A) Famusov

2) Oh! Fables are my death! B) Molchalin

3) She can’t sleep from French books, B) Chatsky

And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep. D) Sophia

4) The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. D) Khlestova

5) You’ll really go crazy from these E) Zagoretsky

from some from boarding houses, schools, F) Skalozub

lyceums... 3) Repetilov

Answers: 1___, 2___, 3___, 4___, 5___.

Basic elements of the composition of matching tasks

The main elements of the composition of tasks of this form: instructions, names of two columns, elements of these columns with numbers and letters, answer line.

Instructions: MATCH

Two column titles must apply to all elements of the represented class, i.e. column elements must fully correspond to its name. If possible, column titles should be short and precise, understandable to all subjects on first reading.

Column elements express the content of the task. As noted, the number of elements in the right column should be approximately twice the number of elements in the left column. To identify elements are used numbers(for left column elements) and letters(for elements of the right column).

Response string compositionally completes the task and indicates to the subject the place where the answers should be entered.

Grade. Various approaches are used when assessing compliance assignments. In the first approach, a score of 1 point is given for the correct completion of the entire task, otherwise - 0 points, even for one mistake made. In another approach, one point is given for each correctly identified match. Third approach: give 2 points for all correct answers, 1 point for one mistake, 0 points for two or more mistakes.

If the test consists of tasks of different forms, then it is better to use the first approach to assessment: for each correctly completed task - regardless of the form - give 1 point. Exceptions are allowed if there are grounds to consider assignments to establish compliance more important from the point of view of testing knowledge of the academic discipline than assignments of other forms.

The main scope of application of compliance tasks is current and thematic control of knowledge. They are also good for self-preparation and self-control. They are used much less frequently during certification events.

Tasks to establish the correct sequence

Tasks to establish the correct sequence are designed to assess the level of mastery of the sequence of actions, processes, etc. The task contains, in a random random order, actions, processes, and elements associated with a specific task. The subject must establish the correct order of the proposed actions and indicate it using numbers in a specially designated place (usually in rectangles on the left before each element of the task).

There are several options for using such tasks.

1) sequence of historical events.

2) sequence of technological actions and operations.

3) the sequence of various processes.

4) a chain of mental actions that forms a system of knowledge, abilities, skills and ideas.

Instructions for tasks to establish the correct sequence has the form:


VI Congress of the RSDLP (b)

Abdication of Tsar Nicholas 11

Lenin's arrival

Creation of the Petrograd Soviet

Capture of the Winter Palace

Kornilov mutiny

Elimination of dual power

II Congress of Soviets

Using tasks of this form, you can test knowledge not only of the historical process, but also knowledge of the literary, artistic, and linguistic.

Tasks to establish the correct sequence are especially effective at the final stage of professional training, which is explained by important role algorithms in professional activities. The purpose of introducing such tasks into the educational process is the formation of algorithmic thinking and algorithmic knowledge, skills and abilities. Algorithm is a system of clear rules for orderly activities. Basic requirements for the algorithm: it must be understandable and accessible to the student, correct in terms of purpose and content, unambiguous in interpretation and effective in the process of implementing a given number of steps. In this case, unambiguity implies the presence of only one algorithm corresponding to the correct answer.

Tasks to establish the correct sequence help solve the difficult task of forming a knowledge structure. The fact is that such tasks are more difficult than tasks of other forms. Therefore, if subjects know the correct answers to such difficult tasks, then they should also know the answers to previous, easier tasks. This is a sign of the correct structure of knowledge.


Select suffix

Select root

Find the basis

Find words with the same root

Select ending

Select prefix

Elements of composition of tasks to establish the correct sequence

The elements of the composition of tasks of this form include

Instructions for the task, the name of the task, its content and place for answers.

From task name the subject learns what he is being asked about and knowledge of what he must demonstrate. It is better to write the keyword in the title in the nominative case.

Let us repeat that tasks of this type do not test everything, but only certain knowledge: algorithmic, procedural, procedural, technological (in the part that is related to the sequence of operations).

Space for answers- these are rectangles drawn on the left, against the rolling of each element. You need to put the corresponding numbers (ranks) in them.

In the task itself, the elements are placed in random order. It is better to write the endings of all words in the nominative case so that subjects cannot guess the correct answer based on the endings of the words.

Grade for completing a task of the form in question may vary depending on its importance and difficulty. However, a dichotomous assessment is predominantly used: 1 point is given for the correct placement of all ranks in the task, 0 points for an error in the answer. If the first answer is defined incorrectly, then other answers are also incorrectly defined.

The tasks to establish the correct sequence are quite specific; the content of many disciplines cannot be transformed into this form.

Correspondence tasks have a specific form, where under the instructions there are elements of two sets, the correspondence between which is asked to be established by the subject. On the left are usually the elements of the defining set containing the statement of the problem, on the right are the elements to be selected.

The correspondence between elements of two columns can be one-to-one when each element on the right corresponds to exactly one element on the left. If the number of elements in two columns is the same, then the last element of the specifying set will not be selected. There are cases, determined by the specific content of the subject, when the same elements on the right are selected for several elements of the left column, so there may be fewer of them than on the left. Finally, the optimal task is one in which the right set contains more elements, each of which is selected only once. For example, success is 1, not success 2, because the number of items to select on the right is equal to the number of items in the left column.

Task 1


Determine the correspondence of manager roles to three blocks according to G. Mintzberg’s model

The answers can be presented in the form of a table, in which case there is no need for detailed instructions, similar to the one given for task 1.

Task 2


Extra elements in the right column that cannot be selected if the answers are correct are called distractors. As in multiple-choice tasks, the greatest difficulties in development are associated with the selection of plausible redundant elements in the right set. The credibility measure of each distractor is established empirically.

When developing compliance tasks, you should be guided by the following rules:

The task is formulated so that all content can be expressed in the form of two sets with appropriate names;

The elements of the specifying column are located on the left, and the elements for selection are located on the right;

It is desirable that each column have a specific name that summarizes all elements of the column;

It is necessary that the right column contains at least several distractors. It’s even better if the number of elements in the right set is approximately twice as large as the number of elements in the left column;

It is necessary that all distractors in one task be equally likely to be plausible;

Column items should be selected on a single basis to ensure that only homogeneous material is included in each test item.

In a certification test, compliance tasks are ineffective due to their cumbersomeness, which does not allow covering a large amount of content.

Matching tasks come with a standard two-word instruction: “MATCH.” Sometimes the instructions are expanded, especially in cases where there is a separate answer form. For example, the instruction may look like: “FIRST WRITE THE LETTERS CORRESPONDING TO THE SPECIFIED ELEMENTS IN THE TABLE GIVEN IN THE TEXT OF THE TASK, AND THEN TRANSFER THEM TO THE FORM.”

Performance on matching tasks is assessed using either a dichotomous or a polytomous assessment. In dichotomous scoring, 1 point is given for all correctly identified matches in the test item. If at least one match is incorrect, then the subject receives 0 points for a partially correctly completed matching task. Another way is to assign one point for each correct match, then when checking items for matches, polytomous scoring is used, and the total number of points for the item is equal to the number of correctly identified matches.

  1. When creating tests to test residual knowledge in a relevant discipline or to test a student’s final knowledge based on the discipline program, it is determinedtest content area And testing goals.

Test plan (Appendix 1) for intermediate control of knowledge it must cover knowledge, abilities and skills in one or more didactic units, for final certification - for all didactic units of the discipline in accordance with the discipline program, for testing residual knowledge in all didactic units of the discipline in accordance with the State Standards for the profession /specialties.

3. It is necessary to include in tests only the most important, basic knowledge that expresses the essence, content, laws and patterns of the phenomena under consideration. All controversial points of view admissible in a scientific dispute should be excluded from test tasks.

4. Everyone educational element must have some average measure of difficulty, which must be taken into account in the process of knowledge control.

  1. When developing a plan of test tasks for a discipline, an approximate layout of the percentage content of sections is made and the required number of tasks (but not less than 3) is determined for each section of the discipline (for each didactic unit) based on its importance and the number of hours allocated for its study in the program .

The main terms of the test task must be clearly and clearly defined.

Test tasks must be pragmatically correct and designed to assess the level of students' educational achievements in a specific area of ​​knowledge.

Test tasks should be formulated in the form of condensed short judgments.

Test items that require the test taker to make detailed conclusions about the requirements of the test items should be avoided.

When constructing test situations, you can use various forms of their presentation, as well as graphic and multimedia components in order to rationally present the content of educational material.

The number of words in a test task should not exceed 10-12, unless this distorts the conceptual structure of the test situation. The main thing is a clear and explicit reflection of the content of a fragment of the subject area.

The average time for a test task should not exceed 1.5 minutes.

  1. It is recommended to adhere to the following test parameters:

Compliance of the content of test tasks with the state educational standard for academic discipline(basic part of test tasks - 70% - 85%), as well as the inclusion of additional test tasks (variable part of test tasks - 15% - 30%).

It is necessary to select tasks that comprehensively reflect the main topics of the academic discipline.

Test assignments for a specific academic discipline should most fully reflect its content and key concepts in order to have a high-quality objective assessment of students’ knowledge. The inclusion of minor content elements in the test can lead to unjustified conclusions about knowledge or ignorance of the academic discipline.

It is necessary to maintain proportions in the number of test tasks on the topics of the academic discipline.

It is necessary to check the compliance of the content of test tasks with the knowledge, skills and abilities assessed in students.

Each test task requires certainty, logic, the absence of incorrect formulations, and the identification of one subject of measurement ( key concept, term, rule, definition, etc.).

  1. Test specification includes:

The purpose of creating the test, justification for the choice of approach to its creation, description of possible areas of its application.

Scroll regulatory documents(basic programs, requirements for the level of training of graduates, etc.) used when planning the content of the test.

The number of tasks of various forms, indicating the number of answers to closed tasks, the total number of tasks in the test.

Coverage of government requirements educational standards by discipline.

  1. Recommendations for the wording of test items

The main elements of the test task are instructions, task (content part), answers to the task.

The instructions for the test tasks determine the list of actions to take when passing the test. It must be adequate to the form and content of the task (“indicate the correct answer(s)”, “establish a correspondence”, “determine the correct sequence”, “enter the correct answer”).

The terminology used should not go beyond the scope of basic textbooks and regulations.

All repeated words must be excluded from the answers and included in the content of the task.

All answer options must be correctly coordinated with the content of the task, uniform in content and structure, and equally attractive. Clear distinctions between responses are needed. The correct answer is clear and should not rely on hints.

Among the answers there should be no answers that follow from one another.

The answer options cannot include the wording “all of the above”, “all statements are true”, “the listed answers are not correct”, since such answers violate the logical design of the test task or contain a hint.

The number of test items with negation should be minimal. In this case, the particle"Not" appears in bold.

  1. Types and types of test tasks. Their features, advantages and disadvantages

There are two types of tasks that combine six types

Scheme 1. Types and types of test tasks

Open-type tasks include two types - addition tasks and free presentation tasks. Their distinctive feature is that to complete them the student needs to write down one or more words (numbers, letters, phrases, sentences).

Closed-type tasks (alternative answers, multiple choice, matching and sequencing) involve various options answer to the question posed: one or more correct answers are selected from a number of proposed ones, correct (or incorrect) elements of the list are selected, etc. These tasks require the presence of a number of pre-developed options for answering the question asked.

Closed tasks

1. Assignments of alternative answers.

For each alternative answer problem, only two answer options are given. The subject must choose one of them - “yes - no”, “right - wrong”, etc.

Assignment form

Text of the task (question)


Statement 1



Statement 2



Statement 3



... ...

Instructions for asking alternative answers: You need to choose one answer option that you think is correct.

Alternative answer questions are more suitable for identifying the level of mastery of complex definitions, knowledge of fairly complex graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc. A feature of alternative answer questions is that the question must be formulated in the form of a statement, since it presupposes agreement or disagreement, which can be attributed to the statement.

2. Multiple choice tasks.

This is the main type of task used in achievement tests. Multiple choice problems involve variability in choices. The subject must choose one of the proposed options, of which most often only one is correct.

1. Any ambiguity or unclear wording must be eliminated in the text of the assignment;

2. The main part of the task is formulated very briefly, no more than one sentence of seven to eight words;

3. The task must have an extremely simple syntactic structure;

4. The main part of the task includes as many words as possible, leaving 2-3 key words for the answer for a given problem;

5. All answers to one task should be approximately the same length, or in some tasks the correct answer may be shorter than others;

6. All associations that contribute to choosing the correct answer by guessing should be excluded from the text;

7. The frequency of choosing the same place number for the correct answer in different tasks should be approximately the same;

8. All repeated words are excluded from the answers by entering them into the main text of the assignments;

10. Answers that follow from each other should be excluded from the list of incorrect ones;

11. Test items that contain value judgments or opinions of the test taker on any issue should be excluded;

12. All answer options should be equally likely to be attractive to subjects;

13. None of the answer options should be partially correct, turning into correct under certain additional conditions;

14. The main part of the task is formulated in the form of a statement, which turns into a true or false statement after substituting the answers;

15. The answer to one task should not serve as a key to the correct answers to other test tasks, i.e. You should not use distractors from one task as answers to other test tasks;

16. If a task contains, among others, alternative answers, you should not give an alternative answer immediately after the correct one, since the answerer’s attention usually focuses only on these two answers;

17. All answers must be parallel in design and grammatically consistent with the main part of the test task.

Form for submitting multiple choice tasks:

Question (statement):

A. Answer option 1

B. Answer option 2

C. Answer option 3

Instructions for multiple choice items: Select the letter(s) that corresponds to the correct answer(s).

3. Tasks to restore compliance.

Tasks of this type include tasks to restore correspondence between elements of two lists and the order of a series. It consists of two groups of elements and a clear formulation of the criterion for choosing a correspondence between them. The correspondence is established according to the principle 1:1 (one element of the first group corresponds to only one element of the second group) or 1:M (one element of the first group corresponds to M elements of the second group). Within each group, the elements must be homogeneous. The number of elements in the second group must exceed the number of elements in the first group, but not more than 1.5 times. The maximum allowed number of elements in the second group must not exceed 10. The number of elements in the first group must be at least two.

Form for submitting tasks to restore compliance:

Instructions: Match what is written in columns 1 and 2.


Answer options:

Column 1

Column 2

Answer: A. 3. B. 2. C. 5. D. 1. E. 4.

The main advantages of tasks of this type are: the ability to quickly assess knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific field of knowledge, and the cost-effectiveness of placing tasks in the test.

4. Sequence restoration tasks

Sequence restoration tasks can be considered as a variant of the correspondence restoration task, when one of the series is time, distance, or another continuum construct, which is implied in the form of a series.

Sequencing tasks are a very high-quality form of test tasks that have significant advantages: brevity, ease of testing.


Instructions: Place in the correct order.


Answer options.

1. A.


3. S. ……. Answer: 1. A. 2. D. 3. B. 4. E. 5. C. 6. F.

Advantages of closed assignments

Assignments can be reliable because there are no factors associated with subjective assessments, which reduce reliability.

Assessment of assignments is completely objective: there can be no differences between the assessments of different assessors.

The ability of subjects to formulate answers well is not taken into account.

Tasks of this type are easy to process and testing is carried out quickly.

A simple filling algorithm reduces the number of accidental errors and typos.

These tasks allow you to cover large areas of knowledge, which is especially important for achievement tests.

Machine processing of responses is possible.

Low probability of guessing the correct answers.

It is possible to obtain an accurate assessment of the content of the test, which is especially important for determining the suitability of the test for the purposes of the study

Open type tasks

Requires a conclusion formulated by the test taker himself regarding the requirements of the task. Appears to be an incomplete statement that is missing one or more key elements. The key elements can be: a number, a word or a phrase. When formulating a task on the spot key element, you must put a dash or ellipsis. The missing element (correct conclusion) in an open form task is entered by the test taker in the place of the dash and/or in a special field clearly visible to the test taker.

These include two types of tasks:

1) additions (tasks with limited answers). In these tasks, subjects also provide answers to questions independently, but their capabilities are limited.

Constraints ensure objectivity in assessing the result of the task, and the wording of the answer should allow for an unambiguous assessment.

Instructions for addition tasks: instead of an ellipsis, enter only one word (symbol, sign, etc.).

An example of specifying an add-on.

Instructions: Instead of an ellipsis, enter only one word.

Question: A company providing network services is...

Answer: provider.

2) Free presentation or free construction. They require free responses from subjects regarding the essence of the task. There are no restrictions on answers. However, the wording of tasks should ensure that there is only one correct answer.

Instructions for free presentation tasks: complete the sentence (phrase), enter the correct answer (phrase, phrase, sentence or several sentences) instead of the ellipsis.

An example of a free presentation assignment.

Instructions: Complete the sentence.

Question: A special program that implements the rules for transferring information between computers is... ...

Answer: network protocol.

The difficulty in using this type of task lies in the difficulty of formalizing answers; the need to prepare assessment schemes makes standardization difficult; the procedure is cumbersome and time-consuming.

The main difficulty in composing open-type tasks is meeting the basic requirement for test tasks (having a clear correct answer).

The positive aspects of well-written addition and free presentation tasks are:

1) inability to guess the answer;

2) brevity and clarity of answers;

3) the need to reproduce the answer from memory;

4) no need to look for several answer options;

5) simplicity of the question formulation;

6) ease of verification.

  1. Grading Criteria

A “satisfactory” grade is given if the student/student answered from 55 to 70% of the questions. The grade “good” is given if the student/student received from 71 to 85%. An “excellent” grade is given if the student/student received 86% or more.

Basic types of chemical reactions

3.2, 3.3

Periodic table of D.I. Menedeleev and properties of chemical elements

Chemical bonding and structure of matter

Chemical kinetics and catalysis. Speed ​​of reactions. Catalysis. (Task)

2. 2.3

Chemical balance. Equilibrium constant. Equilibrium shift.


Dispersed systems. General properties solutions. Energy of dissolution.


Composition of solutions. Mass fraction. Molar concentration.



Electrolyte solutions. Dissociation of acids, bases, salts.


Acid-base reactions. Hydrolysis of salts.


*Note. Types of test tasks:

1 - tasks with the choice of one or more correct answers;

2 - tasks of an open form, i.e. without indicating answers (additions and free presentation)

3 - tasks to establish compliance

4 - tasks to establish the correct sequence

5 – tasks of alternative answers