Day of the personnel service worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Okrug congratulates you on the day of the formation of the personnel service. History and traditions of Human Resources Day

From year to year on October 12th Russian Federation Personnel Worker's Day is celebrated - an unofficial professional holiday for employees of the country's personnel departments.

Personnel Day is celebrated in many Russian cities on October 12

Thus, on October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice confirmed the “Instructions on the Company of the Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Militia.” Under this company, the initial personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were formed. Later, when the state opened huge amount new plants and factories, reconstruction of previous companies took place, and the need for personnel officers increased. Most companies have invented principles for hiring and firing employees, and for any position there are job descriptions.

Personnel Day has its own traditions

For the first time, the tradition of celebrating a professional day - Personnel Worker Day - arose directly in the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies. Over time, it was adopted at other enterprises together with personnel workers switching to them. Today, every company, including the smallest one, has an employee responsible for working with personnel. In large structures, this is done by large departments numbering ten, and in some cases more, people.

HR employees include: staff selection experts, HR inspectors, personnel training managers, HR managers, benefits and compensation experts, heads of human resources areas of institutions. Since Personnel Officer Day in the Russian Federation has not been formally confirmed, in addition to October 12, it has a number of other dates in various populated areas Russian Federation.

Personnel employee is a serious cog in every enterprise

One of the main tasks of a personnel officer is the protocol of absolutely all employees in the enterprise. He carefully looks at experience, length of service, and work skills. In a word, all accounting for absolutely everyone lies definitely with the personnel officer. In addition, the HR employee is popular for training the team. If a company takes on interns, then a human resources employee is directly responsible for training, who will acquaint the beginners with absolutely all the intricacies of the activity.

The personnel officer must also provide comfortable conditions for employees (or require them from the manager). For example, if one of the employees has difficulties, he may require a psychologist. In addition, he is obliged to create a friendly atmosphere among the team so that there are no disagreements during the labor process.

Personnel still decides everything

Service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is intense, important and very necessary work, which requires courage and bravery, endurance and good physical fitness, the ability to think logically and, at the same time, empathize, because sometimes the price of this work is human life. The service requires the employee to demonstrate his best qualities: honesty, decency, desire and readiness to help people. Working with personnel in internal affairs bodies is a responsible process that is entrusted to the department for working with personnel.

October 12 is the professional holiday of employees of the personnel departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. On this day in 1918, by the decision of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR, the Instruction “On the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia” was adopted.This instruction formulated the basic principles of recruitment, training and service in the police, as in a professional body state power, contributed to the formation of an integrated staffing system.

In different periods, the personnel department was called differently, today it is the department for work with personnel (ORLS).

The importance of personnel work is difficult to overestimate. A police officer is always visible. Any misconduct, any violation causes a wide public outcry. That is why special attention in the work of the ORLS is paid to the organization and conduct of individual educational work with personnel, moral and psychological training of police officers, and the formation of a positive public opinion about the activities of internal affairs bodies.

The result of the operational activities of the entire police largely depends on which employees are selected by the personnel department. Therefore, the main goal of the personnel service is to select employees who meet high standards and who, due to their education, personal qualities and level of physical fitness, are capable of successfully solving problems of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, preventing and suppressing offenses and crimes.

In addition, among the main tasks of the department’s employees is the organization of educational (including psychological) work with personnel, a wide range of areas of social work (with active employees, with the families of deceased employees, veterans, etc.), which includes and questions legal protection. In other words, personnel officers accompany employees of internal affairs bodies throughout their service - from the moment of selection to the moment of dismissal.

At the origins of the creation of the police personnel service were experienced employees - former heads of the personnel apparatus V.I. Shcherbanyuk, L.S. Baranov, V.A. Pokrovsky, V.I. Khorikov, V.M. Usanov, A.A. Evseev, L.M. Makarova, V.E. Sokolovsky. They made a special individual contribution to the development of the personnel service of the Internal Affairs Directorate, to the unity and improvement of the professionalism of personnel personnel. Those employees who served in the personnel department in previous years also laid down the tradition of a conscientious attitude to their work.

From the first days of its existence, employees of the Yegoryevsk police personnel service had to not only solve recruitment problems, but also engage in educational work, improving the educational level, and organizing leisure activities for employees.

Today, the tasks facing the personnel department are diverse, including staffing departments with qualified personnel, organizing a system of career training and advanced training for personnel, improving the management of personnel processes, etc.

In his daily activities Department employees have to interact with all structural divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs. This requires special professional and human qualities: excellent knowledge of legislation, knowledge of the basics of psychology and sociology, integrity, endurance, responsiveness, and the ability to maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

Since November last year, the department for working with personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Yegoryevsky district has been headed by a lieutenant colonel internal service S.V. Belina, who skillfully directs and organizes the work of the personnel department. She is always ready to provide professional assistance to both the Department’s employees and “people without shoulder straps”, and resolves any service issues that arise in a timely and efficient manner. Svetlana Valentinovna has worked in the department since 2000 private security and was familiar with personnel work. During this time, she had to deal with different situations.

In such difficult work today, she is helped by experienced personnel service workers - O.V. Popova, M.V. Marenina, O.I. Trishkina, E.B. Ivanova, E.V. Dorozhkina, E.A. Pantyukhin. They successfully carry out a large amount of work. N.V. copes well with their duties. Logunova and D.V. Kazakov, who recently began working in the department.

Currently, the personnel department is a cohesive, efficient team capable of successfully solving the tasks facing it. Employees work regardless of personal time, doing everything possible to maintain the personnel potential of the Department of Internal Affairs at a high level, strengthening the legal and social protection of its employees, says the head of the personnel department S.V. Belina. - In our work, we try to maintain contact with our veterans; they are always welcome guests at our special events. It is difficult to overestimate their assistance in educational work with young employees of the department and the younger generation. We work closely and fruitfully with the veterans council. We are especially grateful to its chairman A.A. Lelikov and veterans V.A. Pokrovsky and V.F. Pchelkin.

The work of the HR department of the Department of Internal Affairs is invisible to most people who are not related to the internal affairs bodies, but it is very important. This is not surprising, because they are involved in the upbringing, education and development of people working in the law enforcement system.

At first glance, the everyday affairs of a personnel employee seem simple and understandable, but this is not so. After all, the responsibilities of these people include not only studying the resumes of applicants for a particular job, but also directly conducting interviews.

Currently, when the requirements for the professional qualities of employees of internal affairs bodies are constantly increasing, personnel service employees have to very strictly evaluate all applicants. Each candidate undergoes a thorough check. The level of his education, state of health, family and personal connections, character traits and much more are assessed.

Every year, more and more attention is paid to assessing motivation to serve in the internal affairs bodies, since it largely determines whether a person can steadfastly endure the hardships of service and constantly improve his professional level.

The main thing that a personnel service employee seeks to understand when talking with a candidate is: what is the main reason for this person to want to serve in the internal affairs bodies.

The importance of human resources services for the formation of a highly qualified team cannot be underestimated. And the effectiveness of the activities of the entire Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Yegoryevsky District, and therefore the activity in achieving the intended goals, will depend on how professionally the personnel service employees will perform their duties.

Today, out of 401 employees of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Yegoryevsky District, 247 have higher education,including 155 - legal, secondary vocational education has 121 employees, of which 19 are law school graduates.84 employees are improving their educational level, both in civilian universities and in higher educational institutions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (20 people).

In accordance with approved plans and schedules, recruited police officers are required to undergo initial training courses in training center where they study regulatory documents Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation undergo fire and physical training, study the main disciplines of their professional activities. Each police officer improves his qualifications once every five years. So, for 8 months of the current year for advanced training courses and training fees 22 employees were sent and two were sent to initial training courses. In addition, weekly training sessions are held in the divisions of the Department.

The personnel service in any organization monitors the entire work activity of a person, from hiring to dismissal. The “personal files” of law enforcement officers reflect his merits, promotions, assignments another rank, letters of gratitude, certificates, as well as reprimands and comments. Currently, the priority for heads of internal affairs bodies is to work with personnel. The crime situation in the country depends on how professionally trained employees serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On the eve of the holiday, we would like to congratulate the entire staff of the personnel department and respected veterans of the personnel service on their professional holiday! We wish everyone prosperity, health, success in difficult service, family happiness, a smooth personal life and all the best.

L. Popova

The head of the personnel department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, police lieutenant colonel Vadim Mikhailovich Loginov, congratulated all his colleagues on the holiday...
One of the invisible but significant services in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the personnel service. Employees of the personnel department perform a great and responsible job of ensuring the selection, training of employees, education and improvement of the professional level of personnel. Issues of personnel accounting, assignment of titles, rewards and incentives, promotion to higher positions, registration of insurance payments, severance pay, assignment of pensions - this is not a complete list of the responsibilities of the personnel apparatus. They successfully resolve issues social protection employees, members of their families, service veterans, as well as families of deceased employees. Personnel officers are the main organizers of cultural events. This is where veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs come with all their questions and problems.
– Vadim Mikhailovich, why is the Personnel Service Establishment Day celebrated on this day?
– The history of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia goes back many years. On October 12, 1918, by a joint decision of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR, the Instruction “On the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia” was adopted, in which personnel functions were assigned to the general office of the Main Directorate of the Soviet RKM (workers' and peasants' militia), which was also responsible for recruitment. This document became the starting point regulatory legal act in creating and organizing the activities of personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies of Russia. The instruction formulated the basic principles of recruitment, training and service in the police, contributed to the formation of an integral system of personnel support for police bodies - from the general department of the main police to the offices and desks of personnel in provincial and district authorities.
– What tasks does the HR department solve?
– We are faced with a number of important tasks, namely: the consistent implementation of the unified personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the selection, placement, accounting of personnel, their training, retraining and advanced training, the formation of a personnel reserve for filling managerial positions, staffing for the service of employees and labor activity workers.
Our tasks also include the preparation of draft orders regulating the service, rights and benefits of private and commanding personnel, organization of work on certification of employees, registration in the prescribed manner of materials on the enrollment of persons in the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, assignment of special ranks, appointment to positions and transfer on the service of commanding officers, dismissal from internal affairs bodies, preparation of documents for the assignment of pensions. Organization and conduct of special inspections of persons newly recruited to serve in internal affairs bodies and their close relatives, admitted to state secrets in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, etc.
– There is an expression “Personnel decides everything”, what can you say about this?
– This is an expression whose authorship is attributed to I.V. Stalin, first of all, speaks about people. That unit, without which the existence of any system, including the system of internal affairs bodies, is not possible. It is the employees who are an integral part of the system of internal affairs bodies who solve the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is without them, ordinary employees of the internal affairs bodies, that the functioning of our service is unthinkable; it is for them, it seems to me, that we work. We are entrusted with many functions, personnel departments form the face of our police, because the most important thing is to carry out not “recruitment”, but “selection” of employees for certain positions. We are a kind of sieve, and it is with us that a person first encounters when he decides to tie his future fate with service in the police department. It is by looking at us that he forms his opinion about the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, so to speak, from the inside. But all current employees of our department come into close contact with us, at least once a year, when taking leave. Yes, and when moving in a position, there is no way to do without us.
– How did you start your career in the Human Resources Department?
– I started my service in the personnel department as an inspector of the personnel department in 1999, went through all levels of service: I was an inspector of the personnel department, deputy head of the internal affairs department for personnel and educational work, head of the personnel inspection of the personnel department, head of the personnel department of the internal affairs department for I became a CAO in 2010. I have come a long way, but I do not regret that I connected my life with personnel.
– What would you wish to your colleagues?
– First of all, I would like to wish my colleagues patience, good health, family well-being and mutual understanding in the family, because it is the family that is a reliable support for us. I also want to wish everyone big stars on their shoulder straps, high positions and spacious offices!
We thank Vadim Mikhailovich for his interesting story, and in turn we wish him success in such a difficult career!

Personnel Worker Day 2019 is celebrated in Russia on October 12. The date is celebrated by personnel selection and training specialists, HR managers, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, and heads of personnel services.

The key task for ensuring high performance indicators of any enterprise, institution, or organization is the selection of qualified personnel. Personnel must be trained and motivated, their records must be kept, and a list must be developed. job responsibilities. Employees called upon to perform these functions have their own professional holiday.

Holiday traditions

The management recognizes the best employees of the HR department with certificates of honor, gratitude and memorable gifts. Radio and television stations broadcast programs about the profession of personnel officers and employment.

History of the holiday

The holiday is unofficial. Its date has symbolic meaning. On October 12, 1918, the “Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers’ and peasants’ militia” was signed. The document decided to form in the created government structure personnel departments.

For the first time, the tradition of celebrating the event arose in the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies.

About the profession of personnel worker

HR employees hire, manage staff, lead accounting documentation, participate in the development of a competitive motivation program for the company’s employees. Having received an order to hire, they conduct interviews with job seekers, during which the best candidate is selected. Their tasks may also include training staff, conducting training on personal development, organizing corporate events - holidays for company personnel.

The path to the profession of a personnel worker begins with obtaining a specialized education at a secondary specialized or higher educational institution. The future employee must successfully pass the exams, confirming the level of received theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, psychology, marketing and other disciplines.

A personnel officer must be able to make the right decisions, conduct dialogue, be a purposeful, friendly, responsible and punctual person, and have an analytical mind.

When is this holiday held? Personnel Day in our country is celebrated on May 24 and October 12.

History and traditions of Human Resources Day

We will talk about how this holiday appeared, about the traditions of its celebration and why Personnel Worker Day is celebrated twice in our country.

The history of personnel services in Russia began in the 19th century. On May 24, 1835, the tsar issued a decree “On the relationship between factory owners and working people.”

This document, which regulated the relationship between employers and employees, defined such concepts as “ employment contract", "compensation upon dismissal", "compensation for loss of ability to work" and others, and also established minimum size wages.

Therefore, Personnel Worker Day is celebrated on this day. The holiday was established in 2005 on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. Today, the date May 24 is an unofficial holiday for employees of human resources departments.

Why is HR Day celebrated twice in Russia?

Another date of celebration is associated with traditions that have developed in Soviet years. During this period, the personnel service in our country underwent significant changes.

On October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the “Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia.” The first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created in the RSFSR.

At all enterprises in the country, certain rules for hiring and firing workers were introduced, and job descriptions were developed for each position. And personnel officers began to celebrate their official professional holiday on October 12.

How is Personnel Worker Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On HR Day, enterprise management and colleagues congratulate HR department employees on the holiday. The best employees are awarded with certificates and valuable gifts.

The quality of the work of HR specialists determines the extent to which the organization is able to achieve its goals. Personnel departments employ people with special education. They must have knowledge in many areas - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc.

IN recent years Our personnel officers began to be called HR specialists, as in the West. They not only recruit and hire personnel, but also build effective relationships between various departments at enterprises and distribute the areas of responsibility of employees.

HR officers develop job descriptions and evaluate employee performance. The work of these specialists is very important, and it is not surprising that in Russia the Day of Personnel Department Workers is celebrated twice.