Freight traffic restrictions schedule in spring. The authorities of the Moscow region have lifted the spring restrictions on the passage of trucks. Jewish Autonomous Region

See spring restrictions 2017 at the link: " ".

Spring restrictions for heavy trucks are coming into force again on Russian roads. Traditionally, during the spring thaw, the movement of trucks with certain axle loads will be limited for a month, or even longer, due to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the structural elements of the routes. Restrictions for heavy trucks or the so-called spring drying in different regions of the country are introduced at different times depending on the natural and climatic characteristics of the territory, writes DorInfo.

During heavy melting of snow and waterlogging of the soil, road surfaces are destroyed much faster. In order to reduce the impact of trucks on the highways, they are simply closed for some time to vehicles whose axle load exceeds the permissible limit. Each subject sets the duration of restrictions and permissible loads for their regional and intermunicipal roads independently. On average, spring drying lasts a month and mainly falls in April.

In some regions of Russia, traffic restrictions are introduced for more than a month. Thus, the Arkhangelsk region has been introducing restrictions for a month and a half for several years in a row due to its northern location, swampy terrain and “weak” roads. In addition, some regions are extending spring restrictions, as was the case a year ago in the Altai Territory and others, due to heavy rainfall during snowmelt or prolonged floods.

The reason for introducing restrictions for heavy vehicles on regional and intermunicipal roads is obvious. They allow you to save roads during the “thaw” and, as a result, save money cash for repair and restoration work. The carriers themselves do not all agree with the introduction of drying and its duration.

Carriers are dissatisfied with the forced downtime of their vehicles, the search for detours, or the traffic police extorting money from them during restrictions. In addition, a number of carriers believe that the deadlines set by the authorities in a particular region do not coincide with actual weather conditions. This opinion, in particular, was expressed by representatives of the Siberian Association of Automobile Carriers (SAAP).

« In our region (Novosibirsk region - editor's note), seasonal restrictions are always introduced from April 15 to May 15. But there is early spring, when it would be more correct to introduce restrictions a week earlier and lift them earlier, when the roads are already dry"- said earlier President of the SAAP Vyacheslav Stanislavovich Trunaev.

Carriers also believe that it is necessary to increase the permissible axle load to 8 tons, thereby introducing actual restrictions, and not an actual ban on travel.

« Now, during the spring restrictions, it is only 5 tons per axle. Even an empty road train has a load on the front axle of more than 5 tons. That is, at this time he cannot even go to the repair base to perform routine maintenance? Our proposal is to increase the permissible load to 8 tons per axle during the spring restrictions. This will introduce a restriction, not a ban."- noted Trunaev.

In addition, carriers advocate the organization of transport corridors during spring drying, that is, the release of a number of roads from restrictions for the passage of heavy vehicles. This kind of corridor may appear, in particular, in the Leningrad region.

Let us add that in order to travel on roads during the spring drying period, vehicles must obtain a special permit. However, restrictions usually do not apply to international transportation, for passenger transportation by bus, for transportation of food, animals, medicines, fuels and lubricants, seed stock, fertilizers, mail and postal cargo, for the delivery of goods necessary to eliminate the consequences or prevent emergencies to the transport of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Whether transport corridors will appear or not, whether the permissible loads will be increased or not, whether the restrictions will be adjusted or not, there will be spring drying in 2016. Below is a table of the validity periods of restrictions for heavy trucks on roads in different regions of Russia and the established permissible loads. The table will be updated as information becomes available.


Altai region

Jewish Autonomous Region

Ivanovo region

The list of roads and permissible loads can be viewed

Izhevsk (Udmurtia)

From April 15 to May 15 The ban on travel on city roads will apply to vehicles whose total weight and axle loads exceed the permissible values ​​​​established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
From April 25 to May 24 Restrictions will apply to vehicles with the following loads: single-axle trolley - 6 tons; two-axle trolley – 5 tons; three-axle trolley or more – 4 tons; by total actual weight - 20 tons.

Irkutsk region

from April 25 to May 24 and from May 5 to June 4
According to the order, the permissible loads on roads will be established as follows:
· for single-axle bogies - 6.0 tf (tons);
· for two-axle bogies - 5.0 tf (tons);
· for three-axle bogies - 4.0 tf (tons).
The entire list of roads on which restrictions will be introduced can be viewed on the Ministry’s website.

Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El)

From April 4 to May 3 The restrictions will apply to vehicles in which the load on a single axle is more than 6 tons, on a double axle - more than 5 tons, on a triple axle - more than 4 tons.
From April 15 to May 14 The maximum permissible axle loads are six tons for single-axle vehicles, five tons for two-axle and four for three-axle.



From April 18 to May 17
Restrictions will apply to vehicles whose axle load exceeds the permissible values: one axle - 6 tons, two - 5.5 tons, three - 4.5 tons.

Krasnoyarsk region

From April 18 to May 17 The restrictions apply to vehicles that exceed the established permissible loads on each axle: on a single axle - 6 tons, on a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, on a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.
From April 15 to May 14
Passage will be limited to vehicles with an axle load of more than 5 tons.

Kurgan region

From April 15 to May 14 Restrictions during the spring thaw on paved roads will apply to vehicles with a load on any axle of more than 6 tons. In addition, vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons will be prohibited from traveling on unpaved roads at the same time.

Kursk region

From March 21 to April 19 Temporary restrictions have been introduced for vehicles whose axle load exceeds 6 tons.

Leningrad region

For vehicles with a load on each axle exceeding 5 tons - for roads with asphalt concrete pavement, 3 tons - for roads with gravel pavement
The list of roads on which restrictions are introduced for the period from April 14 to May 13 can be viewed

Lipetsk region

The restriction applies to vehicles, laden or unladen, exceeding a load of six tons on any axle.

The restrictions apply to vehicles whose load on a single axle exceeds 6 tons, on each axle of a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, on each axle of a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.

Moscow region

The list of roads and permissible loads can be viewed

Murmansk region

From April 30 to May 29 Trucks with an axle load of more than 6 tons will not be allowed on the roads. For transport transporting timber internationally, there are restrictions of up to 44 tons.

Nizhny Novgorod region

The ban will apply to vehicles with an axle load of 6 tons or more.

Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region)

From April 17 to May 16 Travel on city roads will be prohibited for vehicles with an axle load exceeding 8 tons.

Novgorod region

From April 15 to May 14 The restriction applies to vehicles with axle loads above 5 tons when driving on asphalt concrete roads, and above 4.5 tons when driving on gravel and crushed stone roads.


From April 11 to May 10 More details in the Government Decree.

Novosibirsk region

The restrictions imply a ban on the movement of freight transport with an axle load of more than 5 tons without special permission on regional and intermunicipal routes.

Omsk region

From April 9 to May 8 The restriction is introduced on regional and intermunicipal routes in the north of the Omsk region and applies to vehicles with a single axle load exceeding 6 tons. However, several roads in the region will be closed to trucks weighing over 10 tons.


From March 24 to April 21 Temporary restrictions will apply to vehicles with an axle load exceeding 6 tons.

Oryol region

The restrictions will apply to vehicles whose axle load exceeds 6 tons for a single-axle bogie, 5 tons for a two-axle bogie, 4 tons for a three-axle bogie.

From April 25 to May 15 The temporary restriction applies to vehicles with an axle load of more than six tons. Detour routes.
From April 11 to May 10 According to the order, for paved roads the permissible load on a single axle is 7 tons, on dual axles - 6 tons each, on tandem and closely aligned axles - 6 tons on each axle.
For roads with a transitional type of pavement, the permissible loads are set as follows: single axle - 5 tons, double axles - 4 tons each, triple and close axles - 3 tons per axle.

Perm region

Tambov region

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Yaroslavl region

From April 4 to May 3 .

In spring, the bearing capacity of roads decreases, and the likelihood of destruction of the road surface due to waterlogging of the soil increases. The issue of transporting heavy cargo during the spring closure of roads for drying becomes relevant and pressing. Limits on the axle load of freight transport are established. As a rule, these restrictions, with minor changes, are repeated from year to year.

They are regulated by federal laws, and in particular Federal law dated November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in Russian Federation and changes to individual acts Russian Federation", Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Safety traffic”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2009 No. 934 “On compensation for damage caused by vehicles transporting heavy cargo on the roads of the Russian Federation”, by the Ministry of Transport and local municipal authorities in the regions.

Road closures will pass the Caucasus and Kuban, as climatic conditions These regions contribute to the rapid drying of the road surface. The order of spring road closures for drying in 2016 can be seen in the table below.

Road closure schedule for spring 2016

Region Deadlines


Altai region From April 1 to April 30 The axial mass of the vehicle should not exceed 6 tons
Arkhangelsk region From April 10 to May 24 The axial mass of the vehicle should not exceed 3.5 tons
Vladimir region From April 1 to April 30
Vologda region From April 11 to May 10
Volgograd region From April 1 to April 30 Restrictions apply to vehicles with an axle load exceeding 5 tons.
Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El) From April 15 to May 13 Local roads will be inaccessible to wheeled tractors and all types of transport exceeding the permissible load on a single axle - 6 tons, a double axle - 5 tons, a triple axle - 4 tons.
Kalmykia From March 25 to April 25 For single-axle vehicles, the maximum permissible axle load for the duration of the restrictions is 6 tons, for two-axle vehicles - 5 tons, and for three-axle vehicles - 4 tons.
Kostroma region From April 16 to May 15
Leningrad region From April 1 to April 30 and from April 14 to May 13 in the eastern and northeastern regions The restriction applies to vehicles with a load on each axle of more than 5 tons when driving on asphalt concrete roads, and more than 3 tons when driving on gravel roads.
Lipetsk region From March 15 to April 13 Spring restrictions will only affect vehicles with an axle load of over six tons.
Moscow region From April 1 to April 30
Nizhny Novgorod region From April 1 to April 30 A truck's axle load should not exceed 6 tons.
Novosibirsk region From April 4 to May 3 The axle load of which exceeds 5 tons.
Orenburg From March 24 to April 21
Oryol region From March 30 to April 28 Permissible axle loads for roads with an improved type of surface: single axle - 6 tons, two-axle bogie - 5 tons per axle, three-axle bogie - 4 tons per axle.
Perm region From April 11 to May 10 (59 roads) and from April 18 to May 17 Permissible axle loads for roads with an improved type of surface: single axle – 7 tons. For roads with a transitional type of surface, the permissible axle load is 5 tons.
Pskov region From March 14 to April 14 The maximum permissible values ​​per axle for vehicles traveling on these roads are 10 tons for a single axle, 9 tons for a two-axle bogie, and 8 tons for a three-axle bogie. On most other regional roads in the region, such indicators are: for a single axle - 5.5 tons, for a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, for a three-axle - 4.5 tons.
Saratov region From March 15 to April 15 The spring restrictions will affect trucks with a load on any axle exceeding five tons.
Sverdlovsk region From April 17 to May 16
Smolensk region From March 21 to April 19 Restrictions apply to vehicles whose axle load exceeds 4 tons
Tambov region from April 1 to April 30 For vehicles whose maximum axle load does not exceed 6 tons.
Tyumen region From April 1 to April 30 on dirt roads, from April 15 to May 14 on paved roads
Tyva From April 1 to May 1
Khabarovsk from March 28 to May 6 For vehicles whose maximum axle load does not exceed 3.5 tons.
Chuvashia From April 1 to April 30 Does not apply to the transportation of food, animal feed, seeds, mail, as well as cargo necessary to eliminate emergency situations
Editorial Board of the Russian Road Portal

Spring restrictions for heavy trucks are about to come into force again on Russian roads. Traditionally, during the spring thaw, the movement of trucks with certain axle loads will be limited for a month, or even longer, due to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the structural elements of the routes. Restrictions for heavy trucks or the so-called spring drying in different regions of the country are introduced at different times depending on the natural and climatic characteristics of the territory. Read about when the spring restrictions will take effect in 2016, how long they will last, and which vehicles will be affected by them in the DorInfo material.

During heavy melting of snow and waterlogging of the soil, road surfaces are destroyed much faster. In order to reduce the impact of trucks on the highways, they are simply closed for some time to vehicles whose axle load exceeds the permissible limit. Each subject sets the duration of restrictions and permissible loads for their regional and intermunicipal roads independently. On average, spring drying lasts a month and mainly falls in April.

In some regions of the country, traffic restrictions are introduced for more than a month. Thus, the Arkhangelsk region has been introducing restrictions for a month and a half for several years in a row due to its northern location, swampy terrain and “weak” roads. In addition, some regions are extending spring restrictions, as was the case a year ago in the Altai Territory and others, due to heavy rainfall during snowmelt or prolonged floods.

The reason for introducing restrictions for heavy vehicles on regional and intermunicipal roads is obvious. They allow you to preserve roads during the “thaw” and, as a result, save money on repair and restoration work. The carriers themselves do not all agree with the introduction of drying and its duration.

Carriers are dissatisfied with the forced downtime of their vehicles, the search for detours, or the traffic police extorting money from them during restrictions. In addition, a number of carriers believe that the deadlines set by the authorities in a particular region do not coincide with actual weather conditions. This opinion, in particular, was expressed by representatives of the Siberian Association of Automobile Carriers (SAAP).

“In our region (Novosibirsk region - editor's note), seasonal restrictions are always introduced from April 15 to May 15. But there is early spring, when it would be more correct to introduce restrictions a week earlier and lift them earlier, when the roads are already dry,” said Vyacheslav Stanislavovich Trunaev, president of the SAAP.

Carriers also believe that it is necessary to increase the permissible axle load to 8 tons, thereby introducing actual restrictions, and not an actual ban on travel.

“Now during the spring restrictions it is only 5 tons per axle. Even an empty road train has a load on the front axle of more than 5 tons. That is, at this time he cannot even go to the repair base to perform routine maintenance? Our proposal is to increase the permissible load to 8 tons per axle during the spring restrictions. Thus, a restriction will be introduced, not a ban,” Trunaev noted.

In addition, carriers advocate the organization of transport corridors during spring drying, that is, the release of a number of roads from restrictions for the passage of heavy vehicles. This kind of corridor may appear, in particular, in the Leningrad region.

Let us add that in order to travel on roads during the spring drying period, vehicles must obtain a special permit. However, restrictions usually do not apply to international transportation, passenger transportation by bus, transportation of food, animals, medicines, fuels and lubricants, seed stock, fertilizers, mail and postal cargo, delivery of goods necessary to eliminate consequences or prevent Emergency situations, for transport of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Whether transport corridors will appear or not, whether the permissible loads will be increased or not, whether the restrictions will be adjusted or not, there will be spring drying in 2016. Below is a table of the validity periods of restrictions for heavy trucks on roads in different regions of Russia and the established permissible loads. The table will be updated as information becomes available.

Spring restrictions on Russian roads 2016


Altai region

From April 1 to April 30On the roads of the region there are vehicles with an axle load of more than six tons.

Arkhangelsk region

from April 10 to May 24Passage will be prohibited for vehicles that exceed 3.5 tons

Astrakhan region

From March 28 to April 26Restrictions for heavy vehicles with a permissible axle load of more than five tons. For vehicles with a load of more than 10 tons per axle, travel is prohibited on roads from Astrakhan to Kamyzyak, Zelenga and Volgograd, as well as “Astrakhan - Krasny Yar - border with Kazakhstan”, “Access to Astrakhan from the highway “Three Channels - Yaksatovo” and “ Eastern bypass of Astrakhan".


The press service of the State Committee of the Republic for Transport and Road Facilities explained to a DorInfo correspondent that the restriction will apply to vehicles whose axle load exceeds 18 tons for a two-axle bogie, 25 tons for a three-axle bogie, 32 tons for a four-axle bogie.

Belgorod region

From March 21 to April 19loads are seven tons for a single-axle vehicle, six tons for a two-axle vehicle and five tons for a three-axle vehicle.

Berdsk (Novosibirsk region)

From April 11 to May 14The passage will be closed to vehicles weighing more than 10 tons.

Bryansk region

From March 15 to April 15Restrictions will apply to vehicles with actual weight on any axle.


From April 15 to May 14, 2016During the period of restrictions: for single axles - 6 tons, for two-axle bogies - 5 tons, for three-axle bogies - 4 tons.

Vladimir region

From April 1 to April 30The list of roads and permissible loads can be found here

Vologda region

From April 11 to May 10Restrictions will be introduced for vehicles (with or without cargo) with an axle load of more than 6 tons.


From April 11 to May 10Spring restrictions for vehicles (with or without cargo) with an axle load of more than 6 tons.

Volgograd region

From April 1 to April 30For trucks with axle load

Jewish Autonomous Region

Ivanovo region

The list of roads and permissible loads can be viewed

Izhevsk (Udmurtia)

From April 15 to May 15


From April 25 to May 24Limitations with the following loads: single-axle bogie – 6 tons; two-axle trolley – 5 tons; three-axle trolley or more – 4 tons; by total actual weight - 20 tons.

Irkutsk region

from April 25 to May 24 and from May 5 to June 4According to the order, the permissible loads on roads will be established as follows:
· for single-axle bogies - 6.0 tf (tons);
· for two-axle bogies - 5.0 tf (tons);
· for three-axle bogies - 4.0 tf (tons).
The entire list of roads on which restrictions will be introduced can be viewed on the Ministry’s website.

Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El)

From April 4 to May 3Restrictions on vehicles in which the load on a single axle is more than 6 tons, on a double axle - more than 5 tons, on a triple axle - more than 4 tons.


From April 15 to May 14per axle are six tons for single-axle vehicles, five tons for two-axle vehicles and four for three-axle vehicles.


From March 25 to April 25The maximum load should not exceed 6 tons, for a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, for a three-axle bogie - 4 tons

Kaluga region

From April 4 to May 3


from April 1 to April 30Restrictions will apply to vehicles with a load of 4 tons on each axle.

Kamchatka region

from May 1 to May 30The maximum permissible load on single-axle bogies will be six tons, on two-axle bogies - five tons and on three-axle bogies - four tons.


From April 15 to May 15, 2016 and from April 22 to May 22, 2016.The restrictions will apply to vehicles with an axle load exceeding 4 tons ().


From March 28 to April 26Valid for heavy trucks whose axle load (with or without cargo) exceeds 6 tons.


From April 11 to May 10for transport for which the maximum permissible values ​​of axle loads are: with a single axle - 6 tons, with a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, with a bogie with three or more axles - 4 tons.

Kirov region

from April 20 to May 19The permissible load on each axle of a vehicle for travel during restrictions is 6 tons for a single axle, no more than 5 tons for a two-axle bogie, no more than 5 tons for a bogie with three or more axles.


From April 7 to May 16Driving on city roads for vehicles (with or without cargo) whose axle load exceeds 3.5 tons.


From April 14 to May 28, in some areas - from April 18 to June 1The maximum permissible weight on an axle during this period is 6 tons for travel on roads with a permanent type of surface, 3 tons for roads with a lightweight surface and 1.5 tons for dirt roads.


from April 1 to April 30The restriction is introduced for vehicles with or without cargo, the permissible weight of which exceeds 8 tons

Kostroma region

Permissible axle loads and a list of roads can be viewed


From April 18 to May 17Restrictions will apply to vehicles whose axle load exceeds the permissible values: one axle - 6 tons, two - 5.5 tons, three - 4.5 tons

Krasnoyarsk region

from April 18 to May 17Under restrictions exceeding the established permissible loads on each axle: on a single axle - 6 tons, on a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, on a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.


From April 15 to May 14Passage will be limited to vehicles with an axle load of more than 5 tons.

Kurgan region

From April 15 to May 14Restrictions during the spring thaw on paved roads for vehicles with a load on any axle of more than 6 tons. In addition, vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons will be prohibited from traveling on unpaved roads at the same time.

Kursk region

From March 21 to April 19Temporary restrictions have been introduced for vehicles with an axle load of 6 tons.

Leningrad region

From April 1 to April 30
From April 14 to May 13 in the eastern and northeastern regions
For vehicles with a load on each axle exceeding 5 tons - for roads with asphalt concrete pavement, 3 tons - for roads with gravel pavement
The list of roads on which restrictions are introduced for the period from April 14 to May 13 can be viewed

Lipetsk region

From March 15 to April 13The restriction applies to vehicles, laden or unladen, exceeding a load of six tons on any axle.

Magadan region

from May 16 to June 16For the duration of the restrictions, the maximum permissible loads on vehicle axles have been established:

· for a single axle - 6 tons;

· per axle of a two-axle bogie - 5 tons;

· per axle of a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.

Mari El

from April 15 to May 13The restrictions apply to vehicles whose load on a single axle exceeds 6 tons, on each axle of a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, on each axle of a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.

Moscow region

From April 1 to April 30The list of roads and permissible loads can be viewed

Murmansk region

From April 30 to May 29Trucks with an axle load of more than 6 tons will not be allowed on the roads. For transport transporting timber internationally, the limit is up to 44 tons.

Nizhny Novgorod region

From April 1 to April 30The ban will apply to loaded vehicles

Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region)

From April 17 to May 16Travel on city roads will be prohibited for vehicles with an axle load exceeding 8 tons.

Novgorod region

From April 15 to May 14vehicles with axle loads above 5 tons when driving on roads with asphalt concrete pavement, as well as above 4.5 tons when driving on gravel and crushed stone roads.


From April 11 to May 10

Novosibirsk region

From April 4 to May 3The restrictions imply a ban on the movement of loaded freight vehicles without special permission on regional and intermunicipal routes.

Omsk region

From April 9 to May 8The restriction is introduced on regional and intermunicipal routes in the north of the Omsk region and applies to vehicles with a single axle load exceeding 6 tons. However, several roads in the region will be closed to trucks weighing over 10 tons ().


From March 24 to April 21

Orenburg region

From March 24 to April 22will apply to vehicles with an axle load exceeding 6 tons.

Oryol region

From March 30 toThe restrictions will apply to vehicles whose axle load exceeds 6 tons for a single-axle bogie, 5 tons for a two-axle bogie, 4 tons for a three-axle bogie.


From April 25 to May 15The temporary restriction applies to vehicles with an axle load of more than six tons.


According to the order, for paved roads the permissible load on a single axle is 7 tons, on dual axles - 6 tons each, on tandem and closely aligned axles - 6 tons on each axle.

For roads with a transitional type of pavement, the permissible loads are set as follows: single axle - 5 tons, double axles - 4 tons each, triple and close axles - 3 tons per axle.

Perm region

from April 11 to May 10 (59 roads)
from April 18 to May 17
(from April 18 to May 17)
trucks whose single axle load is no more than 7 tons (when driving on roads with improved surfaces) and no more than 5 tons (for roads with a transitional type of surface)

Pskov region

from March 14 to April 14
(Pskov: from March 14 to April 14)
for transport with an axle load exceeding 4.5 tons for a single axle, 4 tons for each axle of a two-axle bogie and 3.5 tons for each axle of a three-axle bogie

Altai Republic

From April 1 to April 30The temporary restriction is for the period of spring thaw and will apply to vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of more than 10 tons.

Ryazan region

From 4 to 29 AprilDriving on regional roads for freight vehicles with an axle load of more than 6 tons.

Saratov region

from April 4 to April 30The restriction applies to vehicles with a load on any axle above 5 tons

Samara region

from April 1 to April 30The restriction will apply to vehicles whose load on each axle is .

Sakhalin region

From May 20 to June 25Traffic will be restricted for

Sverdlovsk region

From April 17 to May 16Permissible loads on the axles of vehicles with or without cargo are established federal rules transportation of goods by road

Smolensk region

from March 21 to April 19For vehicles whose axle load exceeds the permissible limit (from 3 to 5 tons on different sections of roads, a list of routes can be viewed)

Tambov region

1 to 30 AprilRestrictions on vehicles with an axle load over 6 tons


From April 15 to May 14for the drying period are 6 tons for a single axle, 5 tons for a two-axle bogie, 4 tons for a three-axle bogie.

Tver region

From April 15 to May 15Temporary restrictions are introduced for vehicles whose actual weight exceeds 20 tons on 35 roads ().


From April 13 to May 27The restrictions will apply to vehicles (with or without cargo) whose axle load exceeds 6 tons. During the spring drying of the roads, trucks will travel along the following route: the left bank overpass of the Communal Bridge - Tomsk - Nakhimov Street - Elizarov Street - Baltiyskaya - Osennyaya - Entuziastov - Bauman - Ivanovsky - Vysotsky - Irkutsk Tract - Asinovsky Tract.

Tomsk region

From April 1 to May 15The list of roads and permissible loads can be viewed.

Tula region

From April 1 to April 30Spring restrictions apply to vehicles with an axle load exceeding 4 tons.

Tyumen region

from April 1 to April 30 on dirt roads
from April 15 to May 14 on paved roads
Restrictions are introduced for vehicles whose axle loads exceed the permissible dimensions. The list of roads and permissible loads can be viewed


From April 1 to May 1A list of roads with information about permitted loads can be viewed

Ulyanovsk region

from April 1 to April 30Different roads have different permissible vehicle axle loads, which you can familiarize yourself with.


From March 26 to April 24The signs and list of roads can be viewed.


From April 15 to May 14Restrictions for the period of mud in the Udmurt Republic on regional and intermunicipal highways, but will not apply to the section of the Izhevsk road bypass from km 0 to km 39.


from March 28 to May 6Driving only for trucks whose maximum axle load does not exceed 3.5 tons.

Khabarovsk region

- in the central and southern regions of the region
From April 15 to May 23 - in the northern regions
Restrictions apply on roads of categories 1-3 for vehicles whose total weight exceeds 28.5 tons and whose axle load exceeds 6 tons. Driving on roads of 4-5 categories is prohibited for vehicles with a total weight of more than 16 tons and a load on a single axle of more than 4 tons.


From April 18 to May 15There will be a restriction on the movement of vehicles whose axle load exceeds 5 and 6 tons (depending on road sections). You can view the list of roads on which a ban on heavy trucks is introduced on the website of the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic.

KHMAO - Yugra

From April 23 to May 22

Chelyabinsk region

From April 15 (for no more than 30 days)Restrictions on vehicles with an axle load of more than 6 tons.


AprilThe list of road sections and maximum permissible axle loads can be viewed


Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Yaroslavl region

From April 4 to May 3

Lidiya Terekhova

Spring restrictions for heavy trucks are about to come into force again on Russian roads. Traditionally, during the spring thaw, the movement of trucks with certain axle loads will be limited for a month, or even longer, due to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the structural elements of the routes. Restrictions for heavy trucks or the so-called spring drying in different regions of the country are introduced at different times depending on the natural and climatic characteristics of the territory. Read about when the spring restrictions will take effect in 2016, how long they will last, and which vehicles will be affected by them in the DorInfo material.

During heavy melting of snow and waterlogging of the soil, road surfaces are destroyed much faster. In order to reduce the impact of trucks on the highways, they are simply closed for some time to vehicles whose axle load exceeds the permissible limit. Each subject sets the duration of restrictions and permissible loads for their regional and intermunicipal roads independently. On average, spring drying lasts a month and mainly falls in April.

In some regions of the country, traffic restrictions are introduced for more than a month. Thus, the Arkhangelsk region has been introducing restrictions for a month and a half for several years in a row due to its northern location, swampy terrain and “weak” roads. In addition, some regions are extending spring restrictions, as was the case a year ago in the Altai Territory and others, due to heavy rainfall during snowmelt or prolonged floods.

The reason for introducing restrictions for heavy vehicles on regional and intermunicipal roads is obvious. They allow you to preserve roads during the “thaw” and, as a result, save money on repair and restoration work. The carriers themselves do not all agree with the introduction of drying and its duration.
Carriers are dissatisfied with the forced downtime of their vehicles, the search for detours, or the traffic police extorting money from them during restrictions. In addition, a number of carriers believe that the deadlines set by the authorities in a particular region do not coincide with actual weather conditions. This opinion, in particular, was expressed by representatives of the Siberian Association of Automobile Carriers (SAAP).

“In our region (Novosibirsk region - editor's note), seasonal restrictions are always introduced from April 15 to May 15. But there is early spring, when it would be more correct to introduce restrictions a week earlier and lift them earlier, when the roads are already dry,” said Vyacheslav Stanislavovich Trunaev, president of the SAAP.

Carriers also believe that it is necessary to increase the permissible axle load to 8 tons, thereby introducing actual restrictions, and not an actual ban on travel.

“Now during the spring restrictions it is only 5 tons per axle. Even an empty road train has a load on the front axle of more than 5 tons. That is, at this time he cannot even go to the repair base to perform routine maintenance? Our proposal is to increase the permissible load to 8 tons per axle during the spring restrictions. Thus, a restriction will be introduced, not a ban,” Trunaev noted.

In addition, carriers advocate the organization of transport corridors during spring drying, that is, the release of a number of roads from restrictions for the passage of heavy vehicles. This kind of corridor may appear, in particular, in the Leningrad region.

Let us add that in order to travel on roads during the spring drying period, vehicles must obtain a special permit. However, restrictions usually do not apply to international transportation, passenger transportation by bus, transportation of food, animals, medicines, fuels and lubricants, seed stock, fertilizers, mail and postal cargo, delivery of goods necessary to eliminate consequences or prevent Emergency situations, for transport of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Whether transport corridors will appear or not, whether the permissible loads will be increased or not, whether the restrictions will be adjusted or not, there will be spring drying in 2016. Below is a table of the validity periods of restrictions for heavy trucks on roads in different regions of Russia and the established permissible loads. The table will be updated as information becomes available.

The Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) is preparing a draft order “On the introduction of temporary restrictions on the movement of vehicles on public roads federal significance in 2016,” the department said in a statement.

According to the information disclosure portal, the order is expected to come into force in April 2016.

Rosavtodor notes that in order to ensure the safety of the road surface in the spring and summer of 2016, temporary restrictions will be introduced on the movement of vehicles with or without cargo traveling on public roads of federal significance exceeding the established maximum permissible axle loads “for a period waterlogging and reduction of the bearing capacity of structural elements of roads.”

Spring restrictions will be in effect from April 1 to June 25, 2016 and will affect vehicles with or without cargo traveling on public roads of federal significance in excess of the temporarily established maximum permissible axle loads.

Summer restrictions are introduced from May 20 to August 31, 2016 and will be in effect when daytime air temperatures exceed 32 degrees.

As reported, Rosavtodor annually from April 1 to June 25 for a period of no more than 30 days in each region on federal highways introduces restrictions on the movement of trucks depending on the axle load.

However, spring restrictions do not apply to the following types of transportation:

Transportation food products, animals, medicines, fuel, mail and postal cargo;

International cargo transportation;

Transportation of road construction and road maintenance equipment and materials used in emergency recovery and repair work;

Emergency response services, emergency recovery services;

Transportation of goods necessary to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters or other emergencies.

In turn, the following are exempt from the summer restriction:

Passenger transportation by bus, including international;

Transportation of goods necessary to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters or other emergencies;

Transportation of road construction and road maintenance equipment and materials used during emergency recovery and repair work.

“Currently, the draft order of the Federal Road Agency “On the introduction of temporary restrictions on the movement of vehicles on public roads of federal significance in 2016” is undergoing a regulatory impact assessment procedure. Based on the results of the conclusion of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the draft order must be sent to state registration to the Russian Ministry of Justice and official publication, 10 days after which it will come into force,” notes Rosavtodor.

Previously, Rosavtodor, if the spring restrictions were lifted, estimated the need for additional funds for repair work at 390 billion rubles. At the same time, the road agency estimated the losses of carriers from the spring restrictions at almost 3 billion rubles.

Restrictions on the movement of trucks on federal roads in the spring may affect about 1.5 million trucks in Russia.

On a number of federal highways, from the end of March to the beginning of April of each year, there is a restriction on the movement of trucks. This measure has been introduced since 1961 and, according to Rosavtodor, contributes to the preservation of Russian roads in the spring. The Ministry of Economic Development previously spoke out against the introduction of restrictions, however, they were introduced.

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