Covering letters for certification in Rostechnadzor. To whom and where can I complain about inspectors from Rostekhnadzor? Forum for environmentalists

The author of the question did not indicate the type of activity of the enterprise, as well as the essence of the claims made by Gostekhnadzor employees. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the degree of legality or illegality of these claims. But we must take into account that the enormous powers granted to the employees of this supervisory service were not given to them in vain. After all, the main goal of their activities is aimed at compliance with safety regulations. And these rules, sometimes too strict, are often written in human blood and misfortune. All accidents caused by equipment malfunction, exceeding permissible loads, operating modes and other violations of safety regulations are thoroughly investigated and analyzed. And often, based on this analysis, changes and additions are made to the rules so that, if the repetition of similar accidents cannot be avoided in the future, then at least reduce their likelihood. Of course, among Gostekhnadzor employees there are different people, and the human factor has not been canceled. At one time I had the opportunity to communicate with many inspectors during my work; each had its own degree of strictness of requirements. One, having noticed the wear of a rope on a crane close to the maximum tolerance, could make a verbal comment to the person responsible for the technical condition of the object and give several days to replace this rope, making a note for memory in his personal notebook. Without any official conclusions. And only if the rope was not replaced within the stipulated period, take more stringent measures. Another could prohibit the operation of the same crane for a couple of weeks just because the paint on the poster “Do not stand under the load and boom” was peeling. Of course, it was too harsh, but it was not beyond the scope of his powers. I also had to communicate with the inspector, who, when obtaining a permit for the work of a freshly installed crane, changed into work clothes and personally inspected this crane from the ground to the top. At the same time, there were no quibbles; everything was objective and correct. And there was one who thoroughly checked the first and second cranes I commissioned, and later could look through the documents submitted for permission in his office and ask just one question: “Did YOU personally install it with your team?” And if the answer was positive, he said that in this case he saw no point in going to the site for inspection, and put a stamp with permission. I was so sure that everything was done without violations.
What is the conclusion to your question? Several options. Perhaps there really are serious violations that should be eliminated. Or maybe the inspector is “angry” about something and is finding fault with every little thing. But these violations do occur. In this case, it is necessary either to normalize relations, or, what is better, to eliminate everything in accordance with the rules. And lastly, is the inspector exceeding his authority and abusing his official position (I have not encountered this, but it is possible) by extorting a bribe? Then complain to a higher authority or the prosecutor's office. But hard evidence is needed.

Example of writing a letter sample letter to Rostekhnadzor

Before sending letters, be sure to check your full name. Standard application to Rostekhnadzor for thermal power plants. Letter addressed to the director of know dpo umitz mosunov s.

Letter addressed to the manager of Rostekhnadzor SZU Slabikov G.V. The appeal is drawn up separately for each person being certified, signed by the manager of the organization in which the certified person works, and certified by the seal of the organization. Tags power of attorney in Rostekhnadzor standard, certificate form 9.

Sample applications and other documents - sertink

Application form

G 1 - pre-certification training of electrical and electrical engineering personnel in electrical safety (ii, iii, iv, v admission group). E-mail This email address is protected from spambots. Certification of non-destructive testing professionals performing work at the facilities of JSC Transneft, information about the work carried out by the candidate being certified (certified) at level II.

Application letter to training center(standard) appeal to the territorial certification commission of Rostechnadzor (standard) copy of the payment. To take the exam at the central certification commission Rostechnadzor needs 2. Structural scheme of scoring the activities of a specialist, level III.

Professional education of municipal employees standards. The appeal of the secretariat of the central certification commission of Rostechnadzor on the relevant direction to determine the scope of certification, see. A meeting of the public council under the federal service was held this year. When sending applications for several attested persons from one organization, the signature of the manager and stamp on cover letter, attached to the appeals. You must have javascript enabled to view it. We train your employees, certify and issue documents of the established standard. G 2 - pre-certification training of personnel in the operation of thermal power plants and thermal networks.

Cover letters for certification in Rostechnadzor

Requirement of the North Ural Department of RTN Application forms are registered 5 days before the exam

Filling out clause 12 of the application form in accordance with the appendix of order No. 233 dated 04/06/2012.

Attach copies of diplomas with the seal of the OK organization to the application forms.

When more than one specialist from an organization is sent for pre-certification training, a cover letter is additionally prepared for the application forms.

If the organization is not the owner of a hazardous production facility, but carries out its activities in the area industrial safety for hazardous production facilities, it is necessary to register a letter with the following contents in Rostekhnadzor

To the head


Dear Leonid Vladimirovich

In accordance with clause 44.1 of the Administrative Regulations for the execution by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the state government function of monitoring and supervising compliance with industrial safety requirements during the design, construction, operation, conservation and elimination of hazardous production facilities, manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair technical devices, used at hazardous production facilities, transportation of hazardous substances at hazardous production facilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2008 No. 280.

(Name of organization, TIN, legal address: .telephone)

1. Officially declares its intention to carry out activity(s) in the field of industrial safety at the following hazardous production facilities:

Facilities using equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115°C

Objects using lifting structures - objects of gas distribution and gas consumption networks - objects of the oil and gas industry. 2. Requests to include the organization in the list of supervised organizations of the North-Ural Department of Rostechnadzor. This statement is the legal basis for the execution of the state function of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety in relation to the organization.

Manager signature Full name

On the organization's letterhead

To the head

North-Ural Department of Rostechnadzor


Dear Leonid Vladimirovich

We ask you to certify managers and specialists (name of organization) in the following areas of certification in order to create a certification commission for the organization.

Example of writing a letter: sample letter to Rostekhnadzor

To an expert organization to conduct an examination of industrial safety of documents for issuance, permission to use. LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Moscow reports data on the supplied gas to Moscow consumers in accordance with the passport issued by LLC Gazprom Transgaz Moscow based on the results of measurements of physical and chemical indicators of gas in accordance with GOST 5542-87 and OST 51.40-93 for February 2011. Sample letters are advisory in nature. On the issuance of a construction permit - an explanation of necessary documents for deregistration of a gas boiler house - during registration, inventory and accounting of objects capital construction, admission to operation of the central heating station industrial safety examinations no project required. To participate in the commission for acceptance of the object. To an expert organization to conduct an examination of industrial safety of documents for issuance, permission to use. LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Moscow reports data on the supplied gas to Moscow consumers in accordance with the passport issued by LLC Gazprom Transgaz Moscow based on the results of measurements of physical and chemical indicators of gas in accordance with GOST 5542-87 and OST 51.40-93 for February 2011. Notification from the customer to the head of the urban settlement about the start of excavation work in the Moscow region. Before sending letters, be sure to check. Technavigator is a library of electronic design, normative and technical documentation, small quarterly heating systems and modular boiler houses MK, etc. and everything related to heat supply, estimates, central and individual heating points central heating stations, literature in the field of industrial heat power engineering, district thermal stations RTS, gas supply title. The conclusion of an agreement for technical supervision of the construction of a central heating station between MOEK OJSC and MTC OJSC is not required. Addressee at the relevant organization. Letters of appeal address of the customer supervisory authorities city organizations service institutions the need to issue project documentation receiving approval call clarification preparation development application notification gratitude. To participate in the commission for acceptance of the object. Notification from the customer to the head of the urban settlement about the start of excavation work in the Moscow region. Appeal to the customer with a request to call an inspector from Rostechnadzor to accept the installed gas equipment.

Sample letter to Rostekhnadzor

Refusal letter from Rostekhnadzor Moscow

The Rostechnadzor refusal letter is an official response from Rostechnadzor authorities that this technical device or other product is not included in Appendix No. 2 of the Administrative Regulations Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision, that is, it is not supervised.

The refusal letter has become the most popular due to the release of the Technical Regulations Customs Union, including industrial safety requirements.

At the same time, in order to use equipment at hazardous production facilities, an industrial safety examination must be carried out, and instead of a Permit for Use, a refusal letter from Rostechnadzor must be issued.

The refusal letter from Rostechnadzor is explanatory in nature; it states that this type technical device does not require a permit for use. At the same time, no one canceled the industrial safety examination.

How to obtain a refusal letter from Rostechnadzor?

We have significant experience in order to correctly carry out the Work related to these changes, we develop a program and methodology for acceptance testing,, if necessary, pre-finalize the documents, and submit them for approval to Rostechnadzor.

We will help you quickly understand all the issues and provide qualified assistance in obtaining either a REFUSAL letter from Rostechnadzor

Cost: Regulations on production control from 40,000 rubles with approval from Rostechnadzor.

Sample cover letter to court

Sample cover letter to court. Elimination of deficiencies in the statement of claim.

In _______________ district court of the city ______

according to the claim of __________________ to ___________________________

on recognition as having lost the right

use of residential premises, deregistration

Cover letter

In pursuance of the ruling of the Nagatinsky District Court of the city of _______ dated _______ on leaving the statement of claim ___________________ to _____________________ for recognition of the loss of the right to use residential premises, deregistration without movement, I eliminate the following shortcomings, namely:

Accept for production statement of claim _______________________ to _____________________ on recognition of the loss of the right to use residential premises, deregistration.

Before submitting an application via the Internet reception, we recommend that you review the “Frequently Asked Questions” section. Perhaps you will immediately find information on a topic that interests you.

To receive a prompt and qualified answer to your question, please provide correct information about yourself. Last name, first name, and email address must be indicated to send a response. Concisely and competently formulate the text of your appeal.

Reports of facts of corruption in government bodies. Using this section, you can also convey information known to you about facts of corruption of civil servants of the authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan.

A collective appeal can be sent by uploading as an attachment a file containing visual images of the signatures of those who applied.

Legal relations related to the implementation by citizens of what is assigned to them by the Constitution Russian Federation the right to appeal to government bodies and authorities local government, and the procedure for considering citizens' appeals government agencies, local governments and officials are regulated Federal law dated May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

In order to find out at what stage of consideration your application is, you can use the service “Stage of consideration of electronic application”. To do this, you need to enter your personal number and password, which will be issued after sending your message.

Select the direction Permission by type of work Industrial safety Civil defense and emergency protection Energy security. Pre-examination preparation Environmental safety Fire-technical minimum Occupational safety First aid Training and knowledge testing on labor protection rules (16, 40 hours) Training and knowledge testing on labor protection rules (seminar 4 hours) Professional training Periodic inspection Hydraulic structures ADR Organization and support security traffic Safety in construction

Select type Permission to safe operation technical devices operating on natural gas Admission to the safe operation of household gas-using equipment Admission to installation of household gas appliances in residential buildings, public buildings Approval for the safe operation of technical devices operating on liquefied, compressed gases Approval for the safe operation of cylinders with liquefied, compressed gases, their transportation, storage Approval for the maintenance and operation of gas cutting stations (operation, transportation, storage of cylinders with liquefied, compressed gases) Permission to perform gas-flame, explosion- and fire-hazardous work using liquefied, compressed gases Permission to fire, fire-hazardous and explosion-hazardous work Permission to perform gas-hazardous work Permission to the safe operation of gas analyzers Permission to the safe operation of compressor units Permission to the safe operation of pressure vessels Permit to safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines Admission to the safe operation of steam generator installations Admission to the safe operation of lifting machines controlled from the floor with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons inclusive Cradle worker located on a lift (tower) Cradle worker of a cargo-passenger construction elevator Cradle worker of a construction facade lift Permit to maintenance lifting structures for mechanics, service technicians Admission to servicing lifting structures for electricians, electricians Responsible for organizing the operation of the facility (elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, escalators, passenger conveyors) Admission to the safe operation of technical devices operating on liquid fuel Responsible for the safe operation of floor-mounted trackless wheeled vehicles transport Admission to the safe operation of an electric stacker Admission to the safe operation of floor-mounted trackless wheeled vehicles Admission to the operation of racking equipment Program of annual training for drivers motor transport enterprises RD 26127100-1070-01 Safe defensive driving Safe winter driving Assessment of compliance of means personal protection. Incoming control Sanitary and hygienic training Radiation safety , radiation control Lean manufacturing Leadership in the field of occupational safety Well control during gas-injection wells Methods and techniques for effective personnel management Working with personnel to prevent injuries and reduce the risk of accidents at enterprises A.1. Fundamentals of industrial safety B.1.1. Operation of chemically hazardous production facilities B.1.2. Operation of oil refining facilities B.1.3. Operation of chemical and petrochemical facilities. B.1.5. Operation of chlorine facilities B.1.6. Operation of mineral fertilizer production B.1.7. Operation of ammonia refrigeration units B.1.8. Operation of hazardous production facilities of oil and petroleum products warehouses B.1.11. Design of chemical industry facilities B.1.14. Construction, reconstruction, cap. repair of chemical hazardous production facilities B.1. 15. Construction, reconstruction, cap. repair of chemical facilities and petrochemical industry B.1.17. Carrying out repair work at chemical and petrochemical plants. and oil refinery GPO B.1.19. Organization of safe performance of gas hazardous work B.1.22. Operation of compressor units with piston compressors B.1.23. Operation of stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines B.1.25. Hydrogen production by water electrolysis B.1.27. Technological processes of nitration B.1.28. Design of hazardous production facilities for petrochemical production B.1.29. Design of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas refining industries B.1.31. Production and consumption of air separation products B.2.1. Operation of oil and gas industry facilities B.2.2. Repair of oil and gas wells B.2.3. Design of oil and gas production facilities B.2.4. Repair, installation. and commissioning. work at hazardous production facilities for oil and gas production B.2.6. Construction of oil and gas wells B.2.7. Operation of main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines B.2.8. Operation of main gas pipelines B.2.13. Design, construction, cap. repair of objects of NGP B. 3.1. Foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals B.3.9. Project., construction., cap. repair of metallurgical industry facilities B.6.1. Mine surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations when carrying out work related to the use of subsoil and its design B.6.2. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations when using subsoil for purposes not related to the extraction of minerals, as well as the construction and operation of hydraulic structures B. 6.3. Mine surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations during the development of ore and non-metallic mineral deposits B.6.4. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations during the development of strata mineral deposits B.6.5. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations during the development of deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials and hydromineral resources B.7.1. Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems B.7.2. Operation of facilities using liquefied hydrocarbon gases B.7.6. Design of gas distribution and gas consumption networks B.7.8. Tech. supervision, construction, reconstruction, capital repair of gas distribution and gas consumption facilities B.7.9. Operation of gas filling stations for natural gas motor fuel B.8.21. Operation of boilers B.8.22. Operation of steam and hot water pipelines B.8.23. Operation of vessels B.8.24. Operation of medical and diving pressure chambers B.8.25. Filling, maintenance and repair of cylinders B.8.26. Design, construction, installation (dismantling), adjustment, maintenance. and rem. pressure equipment B.9.31. Operation of lifting structures for lifting and moving loads B.9.32. Operation of lifting structures for lifting and transporting people B.9.33. Installation, adjustment, repair of lifting structures B.9.34. Operation of passenger cable cars and funiculars B.10.1. Transportation of hazardous substances by rail B.10.2. Transportation of hazardous substances by road B.11.1. Construction, operation of storage and processing facilities for plant raw materials in civil defense and emergency situations for managers of organizations in civil defense and emergency situations for officials and specialists from civil defense and emergency situations organizations for employees of organizations G1 Requirements for work procedures in consumer electrical installations G2 Requirements for work procedures at thermal power plants and heating networks G3 Requirements for the operation of power plants and networks Operational management electrical networks EB. Environmental safety of electrical energy. Ensuring environmental safety when working in the field of hazardous waste management. Safe handling of electrical waste. Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general business management systems PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers, persons responsible for fire safety (mixed group) PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers, persons responsible for fire safety of fire-hazardous industries PTM Fire-technical minimum for gas-electric welders PTM Fire-technical minimum for workers carrying out fire-hazardous work PTM Fire-technical minimum for machine operators, workers and employees of agricultural facilities PTM Fire-technical minimum for those responsible for fire safety of objects under construction and reconstruction PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety preschool institutions and secondary schools PTM Fire-technical minimum for teachers of preschool institutions PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety of consumer service organizations PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety of trade organizations, catering, bases and warehouses PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety of medical institutions PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety of theatrical, entertainment and cultural-educational institutions PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety residential buildings PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers of agricultural organizations and those responsible for fire safety PTM Fire-technical minimum for heads of departments of fire-hazardous industries PTM Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety in institutions (offices) PTM Fire-technical minimum for employees , providing round-the-clock security for organizations, and heads of departments of organizations Fire safety - “Director” Security fire safety 256 hours of labor protection For managers of organizations, including those responsible for labor protection issues 40 hours of labor protection For managers, specialists, engineering and technical workers organizing, directing and carrying out work at workplaces and in production departments, as well as control and technical supervision of work 40 hours OT For specialists of labor protection services 40 hours OT For members of committees (commissions) on labor protection 40 hours OT For authorized (trusted) persons on labor protection 40 hours OT For members of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements 40 hours OT For mixed groups personnel 40 hours OT For heads of organizations, deputy heads of organizations, institutions 72 hours Labor protection specialist 256 hours Labor protection specialist 512 hours Providing first aid 24 hours Providing first aid before providing medical assistance 16 hours Providing first aid to victims with practical techniques for freeing a person affected by electric current 16 hours OT (16, 40 hours) Work at height with the use of scaffolding for workers OT (16, 40 hours) Work at height with the use of scaffolding for responsible OT (16, 40 hours) Work at height without the use of scaffolding for workers 1st group OT (16, 40 hours) Work at height without the use of scaffolding for workers 2nd group OT (16, 40 hours) Work at height without the use of scaffolding for workers 3rd group OT (16, 40 hours) in housing and communal services OT (16 , 40 hours) in construction OT (16, 40 hours) at gas filling stations for natural gas motor fuel OT (16, 40 hours) during loading and unloading operations and cargo placement OT (16, 40 hours) in agriculture OT (16, 40 hours) when working with tools and devices OT (16, 40 hours) when placing, installing, maintenance and repair of technological equipment OT (16, 40 hours) during storage, transportation and sale of petroleum products OT (16, 40 hours) in the production of certain types food products OT (16, 40 hours) in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work OT (16, 40 hours) during road construction and repair work OT (16, 40 hours) when using certain types of chemicals and materials OT ( 16, 40 hours) when operating communication organizations OT (16, 40 hours) when operating road transport OT (16, 40 hours) when operating water and sewerage facilities OT (4 hours) in housing and communal services OT (4 hours) in construction OT (4 hours) at autogas filling stations with gas motor fuel. maintenance and repair of technological equipment OT (4 hours) during storage, transportation and sale of petroleum products OT (4 hours) in the production of certain types of food products OT (4 hours) in logging, woodworking industries and when carrying out forestry work OT (4 hours) during production road construction and repair and construction work OT (4 hours) when using certain types of chemicals and materials OT (4 hours) when operating communication organizations OT (4 hours) when operating motor vehicles OT (4 hours) when operating water supply and sewerage facilities Autoclave operator (10014) Chemical water treatment operator (11078) Concrete worker (11196) Roller (11317) Forest feller (11359) Forklift driver (11453) (electric forklift) Escalator duty officer (11802) Coagulant operator (12809) Roll roofing and roofing operator m from piece materials ( 13201) Roofer on steel roofs (13203) Lift operator (13413) Hoist operator (13507) Automotive crane operator (13788) Crane operator (13790) Loader crane operator Gas generator station operator (13650) Gas turbine operator (13658) Internal engine operator combustion (13689) Operator of a floating non-self-propelled dredger (13736) Operator of grain loading and unloading machines (13739) Operator of compressor units (13775) Operator of pumping units (13910) Operator of a steam mobile dewaxing unit (13969) Operator of steam turbines (13971) Operator of a hoist construction (14014) Process compressor operator (14257) Process pump operator (14259) Refrigeration unit operator (14341) Operator of the central thermal control panel for steam turbines (14349) Mobile power station operator (14413) Installer of external pipelines (14571) Installer for installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures (14612) Installer of scaffolding and scaffolding Installer of technological equipment and related structures (14642) Cylinder filler (15068) Delimber (15385) Gas station operator (15594) Boiler room operator (15643) Operator at sand traps and grease traps (15744) Operator at screen (15752) Filter operator (15756) Wastewater treatment plant operator (15784) Lifting platform operator Equipment control panel operator in the production of construction products (19956) Sludge removal facility operator (16031) Process unit operator (16081) Commodity operator (16085) Operator sludge dewatering plants (16141) Chlorination plant operator (16155) Carpenter (16671) Helper (16771) Product steamer Worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings (17544) Emergency repair mechanic (18447) instrumentation and automation mechanic Mechanic for repair of technological installations (18547) Mechanic for repair of boiler room equipment (18531) Mechanic for repair of heating network equipment (18535) Mechanic for operation and repair of gas equipment (18554) Mechanic for operation and repair of underground gas pipelines (18556) Repairman (18559 ) Plumber (18560) Plumbing operator (18598) Senior boiler equipment operator (18826) Slinger (18897) Hydraulic structures of water management facilities Transportation of dangerous goods by road ADR for drivers Specialist responsible for ensuring road safety (professional retraining) Specialist , responsible for ensuring road safety (advanced training) Inspector of the technical condition of vehicles (professional retraining) Inspector of the technical condition of vehicles (advanced training) Dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport (professional retraining) Dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport (advanced training) ) Construction safety and quality of general construction work, including technical software(BS-08) Construction safety and quality of construction of highways and airfields (BS-09) Construction safety and quality of construction of underground structures, special excavation and drilling and blasting operations during construction (BS-11) Construction safety and quality of construction of bridges, overpasses and overpasses (BS-12) Construction safety and construction control (BS-15) Construction safety. Organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul(BS-16)