What responsibilities does a traffic police officer have at the post and on the road? How should an employee and driver behave according to the law? What happens if you ignore a traffic police officer’s request to stop a vehicle Stopping without a reason

Today in Russia it has become commonplace and commonplace for a traffic police officer to stop a passing vehicle on the road with a careless wave of his baton. The reason for the stop can be very different, but the driver should know on what grounds a police officer performing official duties can stop a vehicle. According to the police instructions, the traffic police officer, after waving his baton, must indicate the location of the traffic stop.

Reasons for stopping a vehicle by a traffic police officer

A traffic police inspector does not have the right to stop a car without a reason; there must be a reason to stop a vehicle. The reasons for stopping the car are given in the new one, released in October 2017. In accordance with it, the traffic police inspector has the right to stop for:

  1. Checking documents for both the car and the driver, if there is evidence that he has committed crimes.
  2. Availability traffic violations on the driver's side, installed visually or using technical means. For example, if a driver lights a traffic light, makes a lane or on the highway, which was recorded by radar, then the inspector who notices this violation has the right to stop him to issue a decision on administrative offense.
  3. Information about the presence in the car of people involved in a previous accident, crime or other offense. This information may be received by the inspector in different ways: as a guide, information from the duty service, as information transmitted by radio from a patrol car or a previous post, as testimony from witnesses to the incident, etc.
  4. Finding a car on the list of wanted cars.
  5. Availability of information about the driver or passenger of the car as a witness to the incident from whom it is necessary to take testimony.
  6. The need to use a passenger or driver as a witness during the investigation of an accident.
  7. The need to carry out regulatory or administrative actions that require stopping the car, for example, alternate driving on a narrow section of the road, regulated by a representative of the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  8. Providing a car to help victims, medical workers or by a police officer official duties. If you provide your own car, the driver can drive his own vehicle, and the policeman is nearby. At the driver's request, the traffic police officer is obliged to issue him a certificate indicating the duration of the trip, the distance traveled, his name, position, service ID number, and the name of the State Traffic Inspectorate unit
  9. Carrying out special operational police activities carried out on the basis of written orders, instructions and resolutions of authorized state bodies.
  10. In case of an accident on the road dangerous situation for people, for example, a road collapse, its repair, etc.

It is not allowed to stop vehicles on sections of roads where stopping them is prohibited by the rules traffic, except for cases when such a stop is related to the need to suppress a crime, an administrative offense, carry out administrative and regulatory actions, prevent a real threat of harm to life, health and (or) property of road users, as well as cases of marking the place of a stop by a patrol car with the lights on special light signals, other means of regulating and organizing traffic.

If it is necessary to stop vehicles in places where stopping them is prohibited by traffic rules, the employee takes measures to ensure road safety in that place.

In addition to traffic police officers, traffic controllers, which include road workers, railway crossing and ferry crossing workers, can stop a car.

How should a vehicle be stopped, what documents does the inspector present?

One of the reasons for stopping is checking documents. If previously, according to the law, document checks had to be carried out only at stationary traffic police posts, then according to the new regulations, you can stop the car for checks anywhere.

After stopping the car, the State Traffic Inspectorate employee, in accordance with paragraphs 45 and 89 of the Administrative Regulations, must do:

  1. Introduce yourself, state your position, rank and last name.
  2. Present your driver's identification card upon request.
  3. Inform the reason and purpose of the stop.
  4. State the requirement for the transfer of documents necessary for verification or registration of an offense.
  5. When involving a driver or passenger as a witness or witness, explain to them their rights and responsibilities.

If these reasons exist, the motorist is obliged to get out of the car; in other cases, he is not obliged to leave his car. Also, the driver is not obliged to get into a traffic police service car at the invitation of the inspector or go to the office premises, except in cases where his participation is necessary to draw up procedural documents.

It should be remembered that the driver is obliged to submit documents for inspection only to a police officer (traffic police or traffic police inspector). The driver is not required to provide documents to employees of other services who have the right to stop cars at special checkpoints (veterinary, sanitary, customs, etc.) to check them.

The traffic police inspector may require you to open the trunk or hood. This requirement is legal, but the procedure is called an inspection and requires the drawing up of an inspection protocol vehicle, as well as the presence of witnesses or filming the inspection process on a video camera. Read more about the differences between screening and inspection.

A traffic police officer has the right to ask the driver to get out of the car in the following cases:

  • to conduct a personal search, inspection or search of a vehicle and cargo;
  • to carry out, in the presence of the driver (vehicle owner), a comparison of the numbers of units and components of the vehicle with the entries in the registration documents;
  • when his participation is required in the implementation of procedural actions, as well as in providing assistance to other road users or police officers;
  • the need to eliminate a technical malfunction of a vehicle or violations of cargo transportation rules;
  • when his behavior poses a threat to the personal safety of the employee.

Video: Communication with the traffic police - Vehicle inspection, vehicle inspection rules

Actions of a driver when stopped by a traffic police inspector

The rules oblige the traffic police driver. In doing so, he must perform the following actions:

  • make sure that the maneuver to stop the car will not create obstacles for other road users;
  • turn on the right turn signal and park at the right edge of the roadway or on the side of the road;
  • if the driver is not sure making the right choice stopping place, then you need to turn on the hazard lights so that you can justify incorrect parking as a malfunction of the car.

It should be remembered that wrong parking may result in an additional fine. If the stop occurs at a great distance from the inspector, the driver can reverse in reverse if the situation allows. The inspector who stopped the car must approach it himself and introduce himself to the driver, indicating his rank, surname, position and the reason for the stop.

Documents checked by a traffic police officer

  • driver's license;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • waybill or a patent for the right of commerce in the field of transportation of goods and passengers;
  • certificate of a disabled person when installing the appropriate identification mark on the car.

In addition to these documents, the police officer has no right to demand any other papers from the driver.

As a participant in traffic, every driver thinks about the question of what powers the traffic police inspector has, when he has the right to stop the driver, and whether the officer has the right to stop the car if the driver does not violate traffic rules.

Regulatory framework

First, let's establish what regulatory documents is guided by a traffic police officer when carrying out the service of monitoring and supervising compliance by road users with requirements in the field of ensuring road safety.

The adopted laws are constantly changing and supplemented. Let's look at the laws and regulations in force in 2020.

After the cancellation of the Manual on the work of the road patrol service of the State Road Safety Inspectorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, by order of March 2, 2009 N 185, approved the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation execution of the state function of control and supervision of compliance by road users with requirements in the field of ensuring road safety" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 18, 2009 N 14112).

In October 2017, the new Administrative Regulations for the execution by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the state function of exercising federal state supervision over compliance by road users with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 23, 2017 N 664) came into force, which detailed the rights and responsibilities of drivers and traffic police inspectors.

It is this regulation that defines the basic rights, responsibilities and powers of traffic police officers when communicating with drivers and pedestrians.

In what cases does a traffic police inspector have the right to stop a vehicle?

In accordance with current legislation, a traffic police officer has the right to stop a moving vehicle in the following cases:

  1. signs of violations of road safety requirements identified visually or recorded using technical means. That is, if a driver violates traffic rules, the inspector has every right to stop the violator;
  2. availability of data (orientations, information from the duty officer, other squads, road users, visually recorded circumstances) indicating the involvement of the driver and passengers in the commission of an accident, crime or administrative offense.;
  3. availability of data (orientations, information from operational reference and search records, information from the duty officer, other squads, road users) about the use of the car for illegal purposes or grounds to believe that it is wanted. In this case, almost any vehicle can be stopped;
  4. the need to interview the driver or passengers about the circumstances of the accident, administrative offense, crime of which they were or are eyewitnesses;
  5. the need to involve a road user as a witness;
  6. implementation of administrative and regulatory actions;
  7. the need to use the driver’s vehicle to perform the duties assigned to traffic police officers;
  8. the need to involve the driver to assist other road users or police officers;
  9. Carrying out, on the basis of administrative acts of the heads of the Department of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, special events related to the inspection in accordance with the goals of the relevant special events of vehicles, persons traveling in them and transported goods. Typically such events include Operation Sober Driver, which takes place on holidays;
  10. checking documents for the right to use and drive a vehicle, documents for the vehicle and the cargo being transported.

More details about the reasons and grounds for stopping a driver by a traffic police inspector

New. Since 2017, the Administrative Regulations have provided for the right to stop vehicles to check documents for the right to use and drive a vehicle, documents for the vehicle and the cargo being transported, as well as documents identifying the driver and passengers, not only at stationary traffic police posts.

Actions of a traffic police officer when stopping a vehicle

Current regulatory legal acts The actions of a traffic police officer when stopping a vehicle are clearly regulated.

Thus, in accordance with the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a request to stop a vehicle is made using a loud-speaking device or a hand gesture, if necessary using a rod or disk with a red signal (retroreflector) aimed at the vehicle.

In this case, to attract the attention of road users, an additional whistle signal, special light and (or) sound signals can be used.

When giving signals to stop, the location where the vehicle will stop must be indicated.

Thus, Analyzing the current legislation, it has been established that a traffic police inspector has the right to stop a car even with a hand gesture, without the use of other technical means. At the same time, it is not allowed to stop cars on sections of roads where stopping them is prohibited by traffic regulations, except in cases where such a stop is related to the need to suppress a crime, an administrative offense, or to prevent a real threat of harm to the life, health and (or) property of road users.

Actions of traffic police officers after stopping a car

In accordance with the above Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a traffic police officer, having stopped a vehicle, must immediately approach the driver, introduce himself, briefly state the reason for the stop, state the requirement for the transfer of documents necessary for checking or registering an offense, when involving the driver or passenger as a witness, or witness - explain to them their rights and obligations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Important. When presenting, the traffic police inspector must state his position, special rank and last name.

Stopping to check documents

The main reason for stopping drivers is checking documents.

Let's look at the rules for checking drivers' documents. According to clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Regulations, the driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to: have with him and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification: a driver’s license or temporary permit to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category or subcategory; registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds); in established cases, permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi, waybill, license card and documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods; MTPL insurance policy of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law.

You can read about liability for driving a car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in the article at the link.

For reference. Since 2016, the driver has also been required to submit a document confirming the fact of disability, in the case of driving a vehicle on which identification mark"Disabled person".

You can read about the rules for checking documents by a traffic police inspector in the article at the link.

It should be noted that in the absence of the necessary documents and the driver’s unwillingness to submit them, in addition to administrative responsibility according to Art. 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the inspector may apply Art. 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of a police officer).

The practice of bringing drivers to justice under Art. 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation indicates that this article is applied when drivers use special restraints for documents (chains).

Thus, one of the drivers was stopped by a traffic police inspector to check his documents. The driver presented documents: a driver’s license and a vehicle registration certificate, fastened to each other on a chain. The driver was asked to provide the documents in expanded form, to which the driver refused, thereby disobeying the lawful demands of the police officer. The district court judge came to the reasonable conclusion that the driver’s actions form the objective side of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 19.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The presentation of documents on a chain prevented the transfer of documents to a traffic police officer for verification.

The driver’s arguments that he complied with the employees’ demands to present documents and presented the requested documents in a special holding device, the court considered unfounded.

The court in its decision indicated that the Traffic Rules provide for the driver’s obligation at the request of the authorized official hand over to him for verification the documents listed in clause 2.1.1 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. In violation of this norm, the driver presented documents on a chain without handing them over to the traffic police officer. The driver must store documents in such a way that, if necessary, they should be checked by an authorized traffic police officer, there will be no obstacles to the transfer of documents for verification, but the driver deliberately fastened the documents with a clamping device, attaching this device to a chain, which prevented the transfer of documents to the traffic police officer and their further verification.

The smart driver was brought to justice under Part 1 of Art. 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the sanction of which provides for liability in the form of administrative arrest for up to fifteen days or an administrative fine.

Stopping a vehicle when the driver violates traffic rules

Just as in the case of checking documents, the traffic police officer is obliged to introduce himself and explain the reason for the stop. If the driver violates traffic rules and there is sufficient data indicating the presence of an administrative offense event, the employee explains to the person what offense he committed and what it consists of. At the same time, it finds out whether there are circumstances that exclude proceedings in the case of an administrative offense.

In the presence of the driver, a protocol on an administrative offense is drawn up, a determination is made on the appointment of a place and time for the consideration of the case, and a resolution is issued in the case of an accident.

In case of disagreement with the decision, it can be appealed within 10 days from the date of receipt of its copy.

Cases in which an employee has the right to ask the driver to get out of the car

The legislation establishes the following cases:

  • the need to eliminate a technical malfunction of a vehicle or violations of cargo transportation rules;
  • the driver has signs of intoxication and (or) illness;
  • to carry out, in the presence of the driver (vehicle owner), a comparison of the numbers of units and components of the vehicle with the entries in the registration documents;
  • to conduct a personal search, inspection or search of a vehicle and cargo;
  • when the driver’s participation is required in carrying out procedural actions, as well as providing assistance to other road users or police officers;
  • when the driver’s behavior poses a threat to the personal safety of the employee;

A traffic police officer has the right to invite the driver to take a seat in a patrol car or go to the office premises when his participation is necessary for the preparation of procedural documents.

Prepared by "Personal rights.ru"

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Today I will talk about...

According to paragraph 3 of the Regulations on the Federal state supervision in the field of road safety approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2013 N 716, officials authorized to exercise federal supervision in the field of road safety are traffic police officers and local police officers.

In fact, if you don’t know some of the nuances, it seems that someone other than an ordinary traffic police inspector has the right to stop a vehicle. He certainly has this right, but not all motorists know that it is valid only while the traffic police inspector is on duty.

According to paragraph 32 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the execution of the state function of control and supervision of compliance by road users with requirements in the field of ensuring road safety, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 2, 2009 N 185 (hereinafter, the Administrative Regulations),

The basis for the beginning of the performance of a state function is the decision of the head of the unit on the entry of employees into service.

According to paragraph 38 of the Administrative Regulations

The basis for the implementation of traffic control is the decision made by the head of the internal affairs body or unit on the employment of an employee.

According to paragraph 57 of the Manual on organizing the activities of the road patrol service of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2009 No. 186 dsp (hereinafter referred to as the Manual)

The duty officer is obliged... when training employees entering the service... to issue employees in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia... badges (using substitute cards of the established form or against a receipt in the accounting documentation).

According to clause 65.2 of the Manual

Employees joining the outfit must... have with them: a badge and a badge with a personal number.

According to clause 104.3 of the Manual

Upon receipt of the command (permission) to end the service, the traffic police detail: hands over to the duty unit of the combat unit, territorial internal affairs body... a badge....

In other words, a badge is issued to a traffic police inspector only for the duration of his duty. You've probably guessed what I'm getting at?

Right! If you are stopped by a traffic police officer (or a person wearing a traffic police officer's uniform), be sure to look at his badge.

Traffic police officers have a round badge, unlike all other police services, whose badge is oval.

In the center of the badge, under the double-headed eagle, there should be three letters “DPS”. Below is the region code and through the dash the personal number of the inspector himself.

So, if the traffic police inspector who stopped your car did not have a badge, then this traffic police inspector is at the moment is not on duty, is not a traffic controller, and therefore does not have the right to stop a vehicle and does not have the right to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense.

At most, in this situation he can act as a witness to the administrative offense you committed, but nothing more.

In addition to the badge, I advise you to pay attention to the following points.

According to paragraph 41 of the Administrative Regulations

When State Traffic Inspectorate employees perform actions directly related to traffic control, the use of vehicles other than patrol cars is not permitted.

The concept of a patrol car is given in paragraph 35 of the Administrative Regulations

Patrol vehicles include vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate (car, motorcycle, bus), which are on the balance sheet of the internal affairs bodies and included in the checklist. Further also - “patrol car”.

Patrol cars can be used with a special color scheme applied to the outer surface in accordance with the national standard of the Russian Federation and equipped with devices for supplying special light and sound signals, as well as without the specified special color schemes and signal devices.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 44 of the Administrative Regulations

When monitoring traffic, a squad of officers in a patrol car without a special color scheme ensures its interaction with other squads (stationary, pedestrian posts, squads in patrol cars with a special color scheme), which, if necessary, stop the vehicle and formalize an administrative offense.

In other words, if an inspector, while on patrol, is driving a car without a special color scheme, then he does not have the right to stop the vehicle.

Okay, we've sorted out the military automobile inspection and traffic police. Let's now consider such a question as stopping a vehicle by a police officer of another service.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Administrative Regulations

Employees of other police departments can carry out, within the limits of their competence in accordance with their position, administrative actions to perform state functions when, on the basis of administrative acts of the heads of internal affairs bodies, together with employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, special events to ensure public order and public safety

That is, it turns out that police officers not related to the traffic police can serve on the road only together with traffic police officers, and then only by order of the head of the internal affairs agency.

05.2012 No. 403 “On the powers of officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to draw up protocols on administrative offenses and administrative detention» other police officers can also draw up protocols for violation of traffic rules when performing their duties to protect public order.

This is confirmed by judicial practice. So in its Decision dated April 11, 2011 No. GPKI 11-372 Supreme Court The Russian Federation indicated the following:

This right is granted to these officials provided that they are employees of internal affairs bodies, and only when they carry out, in the prescribed manner, duties to protect public order and ensure public safety.

Let's take the police patrol service (PPSP) as an example. According to paragraph 218.2 of the Charter of the Police Patrol Service, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2008 No. 80

Patrol and guard units are obliged to prevent the driving of vehicles by persons in a state of intoxication, or by persons under the age that gives the right to drive a vehicle (when the age is obvious or known to the employee), and in the prescribed manner to suppress these and other offenses entailing obvious a threat to the life and health of citizens, as well as, within the scope of their competence, violation of traffic rules by pedestrians.

In other words, a PPSP employee does not have the right to simply go out onto the road and slow down anyone to check documents or, for example, issue a ticket to anyone, since there is no obvious threat to life and health.

But drawing up a report on a pedestrian or stopping a drunk is easy. Therefore, do not be surprised if you cross the road in the wrong place and the PPSP officers suddenly start to get to you.

Now, you know that one of their responsibilities is to stop pedestrians from violating traffic rules.

Remember that if your car is stopped not by a traffic police officer, but by an employee of another police department, his actions must be exactly the same as those prescribed in the Administrative Regulations for traffic police officers (that is, introduce himself, briefly state the reason for the stop, etc.).

Accordingly, your rights in a conversation with a police officer are the same as in a conversation with a traffic police inspector. Therefore, you can ask the police officer to introduce himself, present documents and state the reason for the stop.

I hope it is now clear to you which police officer has the right to stop your vehicle.

Attention: I do not provide telephone consultations on the issues outlined in the article. The article outlines my vision of the situation and provides a working solution to the problem. If you still have questions about the topic of the article, please ask them in the comments below. Thank you!

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The latest statements by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, about the inadmissibility of stopping a car without a compelling reason, just to check documents, give hope for an end to police brutality on the roads. Nevertheless, sadly, the law in Russia is often the same as a drawbar - as you turn it, so it turns out. In addition, more often they work in favor of officials rather than ordinary citizens.

Few people know that even today, if a traffic police inspector allowed himself to stop your vehicle unnecessarily, he committed an administrative offense, for which Article 12.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine of up to 20,000 rubles for an official. However, it will be extremely difficult for you to prove that there is no legal reason to stop your car - it is almost impossible.

Judge for yourself - according to paragraph 63 of the “Administrative Regulations of the Traffic Police”, the grounds for stopping vehicles are:

1) signs of violations of road safety requirements identified visually or recorded using technical means;

2) the availability of data (orientations, information from the duty officer, other squads, road users, visually recorded circumstances) indicating the involvement of the driver, passengers in the commission of an accident, crime or accident prevention regulations;

3) the availability of data (orientations, information from operational reference and search records, information from the duty officer, other squads, road users) about the use of the vehicle for illegal purposes or grounds to believe that it is wanted;

4) the need to interview the driver or passengers about the circumstances of the accident, administrative offense, crime of which they were or are eyewitnesses;

5) the need to involve a road user as a witness;
implementation of administrative and regulatory actions;

6) the need to use a vehicle (paragraph 5 of clause 4 of the “Administrative Regulations”);

7) the need to involve the driver to assist other road users or police officers;

8) carrying out, on the basis of administrative acts of the heads of internal affairs bodies, management bodies, special events related to the inspection in accordance with the goals of the relevant special events of vehicles, persons traveling in them and transported goods;

9) checking documents for the right to use and drive a vehicle, documents for the vehicle and the cargo being transported, as well as documents identifying the driver and passengers (only at stationary traffic police posts).

It is worth emphasizing that a police officer can stop vehicles only at stationary traffic police posts or during special events. Legal grounds for checking documents outside a stationary post in accordance with paragraph 82 of the “Administrative Regulations of the Traffic Police” are orientations, instructions in accordance with the purposes of special events, suspicion of the involvement of these persons in the commission of a crime, the need to initiate a case of an administrative offense, identifying signs of forgery of title documents, and also in case of their involvement as a witness or attesting witness. Please note that the most “evil” reason is the suspicion of your person’s involvement in the commission of a crime.

Usually, the conduct of special events is indicated by a patrol route card, where the police officer makes the appropriate notes, but the law does not provide for presenting it to the driver. So the holding of a special event can usually be judged only by its obvious signs: such as, for example, blocking the roadway, the abundance of police on the roads, “cordons” and riot police patrols, the presence of bulletproof vests on law enforcement officers.

Keep in mind that if the case goes to court, then there you can submit a written petition for the provision of these documents testifying to the special event, and the truth will come out.

That is, in reality, it turns out that a police officer can easily argue that stopping your car outside a stationary checkpoint is some kind of “special event”, without presenting any evidence on the spot, and for the fact of checking your documents there is an abstract: “I suspect you!” At the same time, the inspector is not obliged to explain to you the reasons and grounds for his suspicions.

Another “ambush” lies in the concept of “stationary traffic police post.” As usual, here too, from a legal point of view, everything is quite vague and unclear. It seems that according to paragraph 22.4 of the “Manuals on the organization of the integrated use of forces and means of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to ensure law and order,” everything is extremely clear: “A stationary traffic police post (SPDPS) is a traffic police squad of the traffic police, performing a task in a certain place, equipped with special office premises, equipped with operational-technical and by special means, engineering and other structures."

But at the same time, in paragraph 14 of the “Administrative Regulations of the Traffic Police” there is a small, cunning and ambiguous note: “The concept of a stationary traffic police post also includes a police control post and a checkpoint.” This in no way means that a parked traffic police car can be considered a police checkpoint anywhere.

It is clear that at a stationary post, the traffic police inspector has broader powers in relation to drivers, so if you are stopped at a great distance from the nearest traffic police post and they claim that this area is allegedly included in the area of ​​responsibility of such and such a post, you have the right to familiarize yourself with diagram of this very zone. If they do not provide it to you, you should record the distance to the stationary traffic police post in the administrative violation protocol.

Do employees of other police agencies other than the traffic police have the right to stop you? In this matter, the “Police Law” and the Traffic Regulations (clause 2.1.1) does not distinguish between traffic police officers and other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, for each structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and for each position, the orders clearly state when an employee has the right to stop a car while performing their official duties (Article 18 of the Police Law).

For example, a police officer can stop a car to restrict access to the uncoupling zone, to check documents, and is even given the right to inspect vehicles... - paragraph 25, article 10 of the “Police Law”.
In this case, the actions of the police must exactly coincide with the actions of the traffic police officer. Your rights in a conversation with any police officer remain the same as in a conversation with a traffic police inspector.

You have the right to demand that the police officer introduce himself, show documents, and state the reason for stopping the vehicle. According to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 444 of June 2, 2005, in addition to traffic police inspectors, other police officers can draw up protocols under articles 12.1-12.3, 12.6, 12.7, 12.10-12.20, 12.25, 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, but only when they are carrying out their duties.