Tank design. Typical designs for RVS tanks according to their functional purpose

Project of a fire-fighting tank for 150 cubic meters

Fireproof tank with useful volume V=150m 3

Drawings in dwg after examination. 2015

Characteristics of the reservoir construction site

The construction site is located in the Kibray district of the Tashkent region.

The standard wind speed is 38 kgf/m².

The standard weight of snow cover is 50 kgf/m².

Estimated air temperature in winter - (-20 º)

Engineering and geological conditions

1. According to the report on engineering-geological surveys of the construction site, carried out by "O`ZGASHKLITI" DUK in 2015, the foundations are based on coarse soils represented by pebbles with sand and gravel filler with a thickness of up to 12.2 m.

Design resistance of coarse soils R0=600kPa, En=35MPa, Рн=1.95t/m³, φ=38°.

2. When developing a pit, it is recommended to select bulk soils at full thickness (0.3 m).

4. Groundwater within the site is not exposed to a depth of 6.0 m.

5. Foundation soils are assessed as non-aggressive to concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

6. The seismicity of the survey site is estimated at 8 (eight) points.

7. The depth of seasonal soil freezing is 0.7 m.

8. Before starting construction work, it is necessary to survey and accept the pit by a geologist of the organization that carried out the survey.

9. Prepare the bottom of the tank using class B7.5 concrete with a thickness of 100 mm.

10. Backfill the reservoir sinuses with local soil with thorough compaction and bringing the density of the soil skeleton to a value of at least 1.60 t/m3.

11. Carry out production and acceptance of work on foundation installation in accordance with the requirements of KMK 3.02.01-97.

Characteristics of the design and sequence of work.

The walls and bottoms are made of monolithic reinforced concrete B15, using ordinary Portland cement M-500 RST Uz 22266-94 with reinforcement with welded mesh and frames. Concrete must meet the water resistance degree W6 and frost resistance F100.

Start concreting the walls after the bottom concrete reaches 70% of the design strength, thoroughly clean the abutting surface (strips) of the bottom with the wall using a sandblaster, followed by washing with water.

The walls are concreted continuously along the perimeter. Moreover, the internal formwork is installed to its full height, and the external formwork is built up as concreting proceeds.

When concreting the walls, lay the grades of the embedded elements provided for in the project (gasket, running brackets and embedded parts for embedding the slabs.

After stripping the existing large cavities, seal them with a cement-sand mortar of a 1:2 composition prepared with expanding cement.

Covering slabs according to series 1.465.1-7/84 issue 1 and manhole necks from prefabricated standardized reinforced concrete elements according to series 3.900-2 "Industrial buildings and engineering structures". The installation of prefabricated slabs begins after the concrete reaches 70% of the design strength of the wall. Welding of embedded parts to embedded wall elements is carried out during the installation of slabs using E-42 electrodes GOST 9467-60.

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Containers (reservoirs) in the water supply system are intended to store water supplies, regulate the supply and flow of water and provide the necessary pressures.

Regulatory and reserve structures in water supply systems include:

  • water towers,
  • water columns,
  • tanks and hydropneumatic installations (air-water boilers),

When water is supplied in excess, it accumulates in reservoirs, and when there is a shortage, it is taken from them. Regulation ensures uniform operation of water intakes, treatment facilities and pumping stations.

Reservoirs used in water supply systems are classified:

1. according to functional purpose:

  • regulatory;
  • spare;
  • spare-regulating;

2. according to the method of draining water to:

  • non-pressure (passive);
  • pressure (active);

3. according to design features (pressure tanks) for:

  • water towers;
  • pressure tanks;
  • water columns;
  • hydropneumatic installations;

4. according to the degree of depth (reservoirs) to:

  • buried or underground (reservoirs clean water- RHF);
  • non-buried or above ground;
  • semi-recessed.
Example of technological drawings for a clean water reservoir project

Clean water reservoirs are installed at pumping stations; they are used to regulate the operation of water intakes, treatment facilities and pumping stations. These tanks also typically store a reserve supply of water.

Spare tanks intended for storing emergency or fire-fighting water supplies are relatively rarely built as independent structures. Usually they are combined with control tanks; this is economically feasible and allows one to avoid a decrease in water quality during long-term storage.

As a rule, there must be at least two reservoirs in one unit for one purpose, and each of them must contain at least 50% of the fire-fighting volume of water.

The design of tank structures using new technologies and materials can be very different, depending on the volume, operating conditions, corrosion activity and many other factors.

An example of 3D design of a clean water tank from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements

Region LLC specialists are ready to provide assistance and prepare technical specifications for design and necessary engineering surveys.

The experience of our specialists allows us to solve the most complex engineering problems in the optimal time and offer the customer a competitive price for design and survey work.

List of initial data for tank design

  1. Volume requirements, or data for calculation justification (expenses for household drinking needs, requirements for fire water reserves).
  2. Requirements for design (monolithic reinforced concrete; prefabricated reinforced concrete; metal; made of polymer materials).
  3. Data on the location of the tank and the conditions for its connection to the water supply system (above-ground; underground; under the roadway (not for RHF); indoors, etc.), site for placing the tank.
  4. Technical conditions for connecting overflows.
  5. Engineering survey materials (geology, geodesy, ecology) (the full scope of surveys is required when undergoing the examination of design documentation).
  6. Requirements for division into sections to ensure maintainability.
Mistakes in tank design What could this lead to?

Absorber filters are missing or incorrectly selected and designed in the project.

Standards of sanitary protection are not ensured, and an air lock may form.

There is no emergency overflow with a water seal.

May lead to disruption of station operation or flooding of the area.

The sanitary gaps are not maintained, the size of the sanitary protection zone of the first zone is not ensured. The site selection was not made correctly.

It is impossible to place such an object on a designated site; it is necessary to carry out repeated surveys on a new site.

There is no well for connection fire equipment and sampling.

It is necessary to provide for additional costs for constructing a well.

The manhole hatch is made in a standard design, without locking, sealed devices.

Sanitary protection standards are not provided, unauthorized access is possible.

IN estimate documentation The costs of hydraulic tests, washing and disinfection of the clean water reservoir are not taken into account.

When constructing large reservoirs, significant volumes of water and reagents are required, as well as the technical ability to carry out this work.

Fire extinguishing reserves are not taken into account correctly, especially in industrial areas where significant fire extinguishing costs may be required.

Construction of separate tanks and utilities may be required.

Interesting articles on the topic Water supply:

  • Groundwater treatment
  • Additional purification of drinking water
  • Water disinfection

The main difficulties and mistakes when designing yourself (with your own hands)

Solutions LLC "Region"

  • Lack of an agreed upon design of the Sanitary Protection Zone (SPZ)
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare Terms of Reference for the SPZ project. If necessary, we will carry out the design of the sanitary protection zone and coordinate it.
  • Lack of metering devices and objective (calculated) data on the required productivity.
  • We will collect all the necessary data, carry out calculations and present it to the customer for consideration. If necessary, we will carry out temporary installation of metering devices.
  • Lack of title documents for land.
  • We will assist in the preparation of documentation and, if necessary, include it in the design specifications.
  • Inaccuracies in the preparation of the Technical Specifications: all necessary research was not taken into account, the above listed documents were not taken into account.
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare the correct technical specifications.
  • The price justification was not done correctly, based on commercial offers not specialized organizations, without taking into account compliance with technical specifications, the need to inspect buildings and structures, etc.
  • We will prepare an estimate for design and survey work and inspection, according to reference price guides.
  • Inspection, surveys, design are carried out by different companies - this causes delays and the appearance of additional work.
  • We have significant experience and qualifications to organize a full range of design and survey work. The Region company has SRO approvals for both design and survey work. We are guaranteed to provide a positive expert opinion and support during construction and installation work.
To date, Region LLC has more than 150 successfully completed survey and design works. Our customers are the largest organizations in Russia.Numerous official reviews organizations, confirm our professionalism and responsibility in working with customers.


We have experience in using BIM design technologies and are ready to meet customer requirements and terms of reference develop a BIM project. Technological BIM design is a special art that requires extensive experience and high qualifications, which Region LLC collected bit by bit.


To determine the basic (initial) cost of design estimates and survey work, Region LLC uses a time-tested method: drawing up estimates for design and survey work using reference price reference books. The estimated cost of design and survey work is a justified initial cost of work, which is clarified in the process of clarifying the scope of work and negotiations. An estimate for design and survey work compiled according to reference price reference books can serve as a justification for the price during the competitive procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 and No. 223.

Assistance in completing applications for participation in Federal Target Programs (FTP). We make all technical and technological decisions based on variant design and comparison of all technical and economic parameters, including operational ones.
Assistance in completing applications for cash from regional budgets (feasibility study, Justification). Development of a feasibility study (feasibility study) of the project at the initial stages of implementation of the investment plan.
Consultations on lending from European banks and attracting grants.
Assistance in the development of investment programs. Design and support during registration of water supply and sanitation concession.
Assistance in attracting credit funds for the implementation of energy service contracts (energy efficiency) and environmental projects.
The Region LLC company is part of a number of large design and construction holdings and is ready to implement turnkey projects throughout Russia.


30% Costs of construction and installation works. Based on alternative design and modern technologies, we select the optimal solution. 3D modeling technologies help to avoid waste of materials and minimize the likelihood of errors.
25% For the cost of design and survey work, you get a high-quality project that allows you to implement your plan on time. Thanks to an integrated approach With everything in one hand (collection of initial data, surveys and measurements, surveys) and the experience of our specialists, we can optimize costs and offer you a competitive price.
20% Time during construction and installation work. The decisions made by our engineers and architects are not only reliable and aesthetic, but also thought out in terms of convenience and speed of implementation (flexible solutions in terms of work execution).

We always include warranty obligations as part of the design contract.
And financial liability for missing deadlines.

Region LLC specialists are ready to provide assistance at all stages of decision-making, both at the stage of considering the project concept and when considering options for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures. At the design preparation stage - prepare technical specifications for design and the necessary research.
And also prepare estimates for design and surveys based on collections of basic prices (price justification for holding a competition).


  1. Customer's idea
  2. Preparation of pre-design solutions and variable design
  3. Development of technical-economic feasibility study (feasibility study)
  4. Protection of basic solutions to the customer, selection of the optimal option
  5. Preparation of detailed technical specifications for: project development, engineering surveys, survey
  6. Project development - stage “P”
  7. Development of working documentation
  8. Coordination
  9. Author's supervision
  10. The customer's vision embodied


Region LLC is a member of voluntary quality certification in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Registration No. SMK.RTS.RU.03121.17


We design on nanoCAD - a Russian universal CAD platform containing all the necessary tools for basic design and drawing production.

Our PCs are equipped with Windows 10 OS - operating system for personal computers, developed by Microsoft Corporation as part of the Windows NT family. After Windows 8, the system received the number 10, bypassing 9.

We work on Microsoft Office 2010 - a package of programs focused on the requirements of modern business and the needs of its employees.
Using a licensed software guarantees information security, the legality of the work and reduces the risks of company closure due to inspections by regulatory authorities.

Collection tanks

Fire tanks FLAMAX in fire extinguishing systems

Water reserve as a component of protection

The concept of protection against possible fire directly depends on the characteristics of the object. Risk factors include: the use of energy-intensive equipment, explosive and fire hazardous substances in the production process, large number flammable load in warehouses. There are various types automatic fire extinguishing systems: water (sprinkler, deluge), foam, gas and powder.

Advantages of water systems:

  1. They are used both to directly suppress the source of fire and to prevent the spread of fire.
  2. To operate, it is enough to have access to a water supply from the water supply network or a fire-fighting tank.
  3. Water sprayed by sprinklers during a fire is not only extinguishes the flame, but also cools environment. The water wall created by the deluge curtain traps smoke, toxic combustion products and thermal radiation for a given period of time.

As a rule, production and logistics sites combine sprinkler and deluge fire extinguishing systems, internal fire water supply and external fire hydrants. And this results in significant water consumption. According to SP 31.13330.2012"Water supply. External networks and structures”, in the scheme it is allowed to use either the main supply or fire tanks intended for storing the regulated water supply.

FLAMAX above-ground membrane tanks and their place in the accepted classification

Fire vertical/horizontal tanks can be divided by type of accommodation(aboveground, underground) and according to the material of manufacture(steel, plastic, reinforced concrete, soft). Steel tanks are divided by design for prefabricated and welded ones.

Underground placement saves space. In winter, water heating is not required. You can give the container any shape. But installation will be expensive and time-consuming: it requires excavation of the soil, a significant amount of excavation work, installation of a reliable foundation and multi-layer waterproofing protection against contact with groundwater. An already installed tank is very difficult to move.

Welded above ground tanks are made from ready-made rolled material, which is delivered promptly. However, installation and welding before testing takes a long time and is accompanied by significant energy consumption. The welds must be certified, the hull must be regularly sanded and painted. Water comes into contact with metal and causes corrosion.

FLAMAX supplies above ground holding tanks with a waterproofing membrane ( TU 5265-003-64512625-2015). They significantly outperform underground and welded ones in terms of costs (especially operation) and characteristics:

  1. Installation time is minimal, work is carried out at any time of the year, dismantling and relocation is possible, as well as expansion of existing capacity.
  2. Microdeformations and cracks in the foundation do not affect the membrane in any way.
  3. The design varies depending on operating conditions. You can strengthen the body, install heating and thermal insulation. Moreover, the entire surface (walls, bottom, roof) is thermally insulated - this reduces heat loss and heating costs.
  4. Assemblies and pipes are selected for a specific fire protection system.
  5. The disassembled ground fire tank is very compact, which dramatically reduces transportation costs and simplifies storage before installation.

Advantages of tanks







The self-supporting structure includes:

  1. High strength reinforced PVC membrane. It is manufactured at the factory for each specific tank, which ensures its perfect tightness and the absence of water contact with the metal body.
  2. Housing made of galvanized steel sheets standard size (2,500 × 1,250 mm), combined into rings. Used bolted connections.
  3. Reinforcement rims, the size of which is calculated based on the volume and diameter of the tank.

If necessary, apply:

  1. Insulated roof.
  2. Internal and/or external thermal insulation of the walls and bottom of the tank.
  3. Heating elements or other heat sources.

Together, this provides resistance to corrosion and mechanical damage, snow, wind and seismic loads. The operating temperature ranges from -55 to +55 °C.

Metallic Bolted Storage Tank ( "Metal tanks with bolted assembly technology") were developed by the French company APRO Industrie, therefore they correspond to both Russian and international standards: GOST, FM Global, LPCB, NFPA, APSAD, NF EN 12845. Including the safety factor that is included in the calculations.

Complete set and additional equipment of ground fire tanks

The height of membrane ground fire tanks reaches 13.5 m, and the diameter ranges from 2 to 25 m. The dimensions correspond to a water volume from 20 to 6,500 cubic meters. For products with a volume of more than 6,500 cubic meters, a slightly different sealing technology is used, with a mastic composition.

  • Inspection hatch
  • Platform
  • Insulated roof
  • Insulated walls
  • Heaters
  • Access hatch
  • Water intake unit with anti-vortex plate
  • PVC membrane
  • Insulated bottom
  • Breathing tube
  • Filling and testing units of the required diameter
  • Overflow unit
  • Pipe mounting brackets
  • Connecting pipeline assembly
  • Temperature sensor installation unit
  • Drainage unit

In addition to the tank, the package may include:

  1. Units for pump line, filling, overflow, test, drainage pipelines, vessel communication.
  2. Level gauges, thermometers, thermostats, pressure gauges, temperature and water level sensors.
  3. Access hatches, stairs, platforms.
  4. Breathing valves and heating elements with power from 3 to 20 kW.
  5. Modules for connecting firefighting and other equipment.

In our company you can choose a suitable standard solution, order standard steel above-ground tanks, or individual calculation, design and manufacture of any non-standard design.

Options for placing FLAMAX fire protection tanks on site

FLAMAX has developed various concepts for placing tanks on the construction site. These developments have already been used several times design organizations and have shown their practicality and cost-effectiveness in the construction of water storage and supply systems. In the visualizations of the concepts below, you can understand how these projects are being implemented.

  • Co-location of fire-fighting tanks and pumping station. The tanks are attached to the ends or rear corners of the pumping station.

  • Free-standing tanks. The tanks are installed at a distance from the pumping station.

Our clients have noted that the best option is still to combine the tanks and pumping station into a single whole, since this significantly reduces the costs of implementing projects and their operation. This is achieved due to factors such as the absence of the need for insulation of pipelines and shut-off valves, since all components are located inside the pumping station, the absence of external underground pipelines from the pumping station to the tanks, a single foundation slab and much more.

Selection criteria, limitations of above-ground fire tanks

The procedure for selecting any component of a fire protection system is determined by the regulatory framework, which includes technical specifications (TU), SNiP and Codes of Practice (SP). Departmental regulatory and guidance documents (RD) are also taken into account.

According to SP 31.13330.2012:

“A fire volume of water should be provided in cases where obtaining the required amount of water to extinguish a fire directly from a water supply source is technically impossible or economically infeasible,” and the rules also provide for the required number of fire tanks in order to provide water to fire extinguishing systems around the clock. Required at least two fire tanks or ponds, and in each of them 50% of the volume of water for fire extinguishing must be stored. The water supply to any point of the fire must be provided from two adjacent reservoirs or reservoirs. If the reserve volume is 1,000 m3 or less, it is allowed to store it in one tank.

The supply of water must be sufficient to extinguish any fire. To calculate tank volume the following data is needed:

  1. The time required to completely eliminate the source of fire.
  2. Forecast of fire hazard of an object per unit of time (from a week to a year).
  3. Design solution and flow rate of the fire extinguishing system (number of jets, supply height, pressure).
  4. Total number of tanks on site.
  5. The time required to ensure that the container is filled.

The first membrane tanks in Russia were installed more than 12 years ago and are successfully used without capital investments for repairs or maintenance. In Europe, such tanks have been in use for more than 25 years. Moreover, they store not only water, but also aggressive liquids, which indicates high reliability.

Our company installs above ground fire tanks in any region of the country with a 5-year leak-free guarantee. The expected service life reaches 60 years. FLAMAX tanks have been chosen by many famous Russian customers: IKEA, Decathlon, FM Logistic, Leroy Merlin, PEPSICO, KATREN, Petrovich and others.

For such large customers, reducing operating costs is primarily important. And our tanks allow us to achieve this, since their operation really does not incur serious costs compared to concrete and welded tanks.

Procedure for ordering and delivery of above-ground fire tanks

Each FLAMAX fire tank is manufactured according to drawings taking into account the requirements indicated in the questionnaire. Our specialists first study the layout of buildings, engineering infrastructure, existing or designed fire protection systems. Based on the results, it is selected optimal technical and economic solution.

The work is carried out in stages:

  1. Preparation
    The region of installation, the volume of stored water and its type (drinking or technical) are specified. Restrictions on available area and height are set.
  2. Design
    Geodetic surveys are carried out and a specification for the foundations is drawn up. A tank design is being developed, as well as (if necessary, upon request):
    a. pumping station;
    b. systems for combining a reservoir with a pumping station;
    c. automation of heating and water level control;
    d. other control, maintenance, automation units, additional modules.
  3. Execution of work (delivery, assembly), installation of a ground fire tank
    The product is delivered and assembled on a prepared foundation. A pumping station, automation and control systems are being installed. Technological piping is being carried out.
  4. Acceptance tests
    Systems are tested and brought to the specified parameters.
  5. Service
    The schedule of regular scheduled maintenance is established by the passport or developed individually for the client.

The process of delivery and assembly of FLAMAX tanks on the construction site is clearly depicted in our video

By agreement with the client, after all the work has been completed, we will restore the surfaces in the adjacent area (asphalt, concrete, lawns).

We welcome all our customers, both regular and those who are just choosing an equipment supplier. Our specialists are always ready to provide detailed advice on products. We strive to ensure that after the first use you return to us with new tasks.

WITH full list Completed projects can be found on our interactive map at the link:

Call us toll-free at 8-800-200-62-69 or leave a request in any form on the website - and you will receive the best service: from a small consultation to ready-made solutions. The fire container is produced according to a questionnaire that our specialists will help you fill out.

Fire tanks FLAMAX- impeccable reputation and European quality of components from APRO Industrie and Permastore.