Archival work and archival science at the present stage. The formation of archival science in the Russian Federation Archival service at the present stage

Archiving in the Russian Federation

1. The place of archival science in the system of other sciences

2. Archiving today

3. Modern legislation in the field of archiving

4. Automation of archiving


2. Archiving today

Archiving is a branch of activity that covers the storage and use of archival documents.

The entire complex of archival documents is called the archival fund. The archival fund of the Russian Federation is a set of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of its peoples, having historical, social, economic, political or cultural significance and being an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Document organization Archive fund country is carried out at three levels:

Within the AF of the Russian Federation as a whole;

Within the archive;

Within the archival fund.

Organization of documents at the first stage, i.e. at the level of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, forms the basis for building a network of state repositories.

Government Storage Network form all federal archives of the constituent entities of the federation, museums, libraries, and industry funds. In this network, archivists must “catch,” if possible, all documents that are valuable to society and historical science.

Where do the archives come from?

Some arise before our eyes along with new institutions, firms, and governing bodies, in whose activities documents are inevitably created. Others took shape over centuries. Still others were created in response to the advent of new documentation systems and storage media.

By 1991, the State Archival Fund of the USSR totaled 356 million items. hr. (cases) stored in 3268 state archives and more in 213 thousand departmental archives.

With the collapse of the USSR, the number of state archives of the Russian Federation decreased. According to the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of August 24, 1991 “On Party Archives”, due to the fact that the CPSU was part of the state apparatus and the documents generated in its activities are subject to state storage, the network of central and local party archives was joined to the network of state archives.

By the end of 1997, the network of state archives of the Russian Federation consisted of 2,267 archival institutions, of which: federal - 18; regional - 16; regional - 134; city ​​and district - 2060; archive management bodies - 78.

Scientists have developed scientific principles for organizing documents at the level of the country's Archival Fund, which were finally formulated in the late 1950s. They influenced the formation of a network of modern state archives.

Modern features of the organization of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation are:

1. Organization of archival funds and archival documents by type of ownership:

Archival funds and archival documents of the state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation;

Archival funds and archival documents classified as federal property and under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation;

Archival funds and archival documents under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities;

Archival funds and archival documents of the non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation.

2. Organization of archival funds and archival documents by types of media, methods and techniques for securing information:

Archival written and graphic documents on paper;

Film, photo and sound documents, video phonograms, typewritten (electronic) documents.

3. Organization of archival funds and archival documents according to storage periods:

Archival funds and archival documents permanently stored in archives;

Archival funds and archival documents held in temporary storage for established deadlines in departmental archives;

Archival funds and archival documents located in temporary and depository storage in departmental archives and industry depository funds;

Archival funds and archival documents of the non-state part of the Archive Fund.

The archival fund of the Russian Federation is divided into two large parts - state and non-state. The storage of the state part of the archival fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by state and departmental archives. State archives are divided into federal and municipal. Federal archives store documents in strict accordance with the archive profile and lists of acquisition sources. These are the archives:

1. State Archive of the Russian Federation;

2. Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts;

3. Russian State Archive of Economics;

4. Russian State Historical Archive;

5. Russian State Military Historical Archive;

6. Russian State Military Archive;

7. Russian State Archive navy;

8. Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation;

9. Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History;

10.Russian State Archive of Contemporary History;

11.Russian State Archive of Literature and Art;

12.Russian State Archive Far East;

13. Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents;

14.Russian State Archive of Phonographic Documents.

Belukha S.A.

State budgetary organizationsecondary vocational education

Sphere College No. 3,Moscow

olga1-92@ mail. ru

Archival construction in Russia has a long history. Archival business is a branch of activity of human society, covering all theoretical, legal and practical aspects that are part of the historical memory of the past. A significant contribution to the study of the history of archival affairs and the creation of the concept of domestic archival science was made by domestic scientists: N.V. Kalachov, D.Ya. Samokvasov, A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky, S.N. Valk, V.V. Maksakov, I.L. Mayakovsky, M.N. Pokrovsky, A.V. Chernov, V.N. Avtokratov, V.N. Starostin, E.V. Starostin, V.P. Kozlov and others.

To date, it has been created and legal basis state accounting. In accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”, documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of their storage, are subject to state registration.

Archival documents are the most important source of reliable information about almost all possible aspects of the development of society. Both domestic and foreign researchers constantly turn to archival sources. The science of archival science deals with the issues of compiling archives, as well as storing and using archival documents. The main difference between archival science and document science is that archival science deals with information that is not relevant at the present time. The entire complex of archival documents is called the archival fund. The archival fund of the Russian Federation is a set of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of its peoples, having historical, social, economic, political or cultural significance and being an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Modern features of the organization of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation are: organization of archival funds and archival documents according to forms of ownership; organization of archival funds and archival documents by type of media, methods and techniques for securing information; organization of archival funds and archival documents according to storage periods.

The archival fund of the Russian Federation is divided into two large parts - state and non-state. The storage of the state part of the archival fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by state and departmental archives. The non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation consists of archival funds and archival documents owned by non-state associations and individuals.

In 2004 it was adopted Federal law“On archiving in the Russian Federation.” The law elaborates in detail the issues of organizing archival work in all areas. On the storage, acquisition, recording and use of archival documents, the Law includes three independent sections: “Storage and accounting of archival documents”, “Acquisition of archives with archival documents”, “Access to archival documents and their use”. The new law more than doubles the content, definitions, terms and characteristics of various issues of working with archival documents compared to the Fundamentals of Legislation. One of the factors determining the ability of archives to fully and accurately satisfy the ever-increasing need for retrospective information is the degree of automation of archival technologies, covering the processes of acquiring archival funds, recording and ensuring their safety, working with scientific reference apparatus, fulfilling information requests and recording the use of funds.

The development and implementation of automated archival technologies and information retrieval systems is carried out by specialists from the department of automated archival technologies and information retrieval systems, which is part of the structure of the Federal Archive.

Software systems have been introduced into the practice of archival institutions - “Archival Fund” and “Fund Catalog”, which are based on ensuring continuity with traditional forms and methods of accounting, based on the unity of accounting indicators in electronic and traditional formats; possibility of replication software to organize its use not only at archival industry facilities, but also in the repositories of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation of any departmental affiliation.

List of sources used:

1. Alekseeva, E.V. Archives and law: current state and development prospects / E.V. Alekseeva // Office work. - 2013. -№2. - pp. 77-84.

2. Alekseeva, E.V. Archival fund of the Russian Federation: organization of documents in archives /E.V. Alekseeva // Office work. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 66-74.

Discipline: Miscellaneous
Job type: Abstract
Topic: Archiving and archival science at the present stage

3. Archiving today

4. Automation of archiving




Archives are repositories of the experience of civilization accumulated over centuries. They make this experience for everyone and, among other things, provide a basis for historical research.

Through access to archival information, historians and local historians have the opportunity to shed light on the facts of the past and develop among the younger generation an interest in the history and traditions of countries and all of humanity.

To protect and preserve for history the documentary riches of our country is the most important task of state and non-state archives, public organizations, citizens of Russia and, of course, the duty and responsibility of the Archival Service of Russia at all levels.

Archival documents are the most important source of reliable information about almost all possible aspects of the development of society. Both domestic and foreign researchers constantly turn to archival sources. A feature of the archival fund and one of its main differences from other information funds is that its volume is constantly increasing due to new acquisitions, and over time, the informational, historical and scientific value of archival information does not decrease, but, on the contrary, constantly increases. Therefore, the interest of researchers in archival information is also increasing.

The purpose of this work is to consider the state of archival science at the present stage.

In accordance with the goal, we formulate the tasks facing this work:

Consider the features of the science of archival science and its place among other sciences;
Characterize the current state of archival affairs in the Russian Federation;
Consider the problems facing the organization of archival affairs at the present stage of its development.

1. The place of archival science in the system of other sciences

Almost all existing organizations have a document as a result of their activities. A document is the result of consolidating information about objects of objective reality and about human mental activity through writing, graphics, photography or other means on any media, having the property of authenticity and legal evidence of what is recorded in it. It is an obligatory element of ensuring the activities of the state and creates guarantees of systematic knowledge about the past.

In the system of preserving historical memory, the greatest opportunities for its concentration are provided by archives that reflect the system state power And government structure in the country. An archival document is a valuable material carrier of information. The archival service is an integral element of statehood.

Archival studies is a scientific discipline that studies the issues of collecting archives, as well as the storage and use of archival documents. Archival science on the issues being studied largely coincides with document science (both disciplines deal with the study of documented information (documents)). However, the main difference between archival science and document science is that archival science deals with retrospective information, that is, information that is not relevant at the present time.

The object of archival science is text contained on a sheet of paper or other information on another medium.

Subject of archival science classification of documents, storage of documents, processing, systematization of documents and creation of a database.

The disciplines included in archival science are presented in Figure 1.

Fig.1. Composition of the science of archival science

Archeography is a scientific discipline that develops theoretical and methodological issues of publishing activities.

Let's consider the disciplines with which archival science interacts:

Office work;
Heraldry (the study of symbols and coats of arms);
Cryptography (a type of one or another type of technique, known to a certain circle of people or one person and intended for recording speech information in order to keep it secret);
Textual criticism (studies the test, its authenticity, accuracy, authorship);
Diplomacy (studies the history of origin and structure of documents);
Paleography (studies the way of writing, the shape of letters);
Sphragistics studies seals;
Documentary linguistics.1

3. Archiving today

Archiving is a branch of activity that covers the storage and use of archival documents.

The entire complex of archival documents is called the archival fund. The archival fund of the Russian Federation is a set of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of its peoples, having historical, social, economic, political or cultural significance and being an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The organization of documents of the country's Archival Fund is carried out at three levels:

within the AF RF as a whole;
within the archive;
within the archival fund.

Organization of documents at the first stage, i.e. at the level of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, forms the basis for building a network of state repositories.

The network of state repositories is formed by all federal archives of the constituent entities of the federation, museums, libraries, and industry funds. In this network, archivists must “catch,” if possible, all documents that are valuable to society and historical science.

Where do the archives come from?

Some arise before our eyes along with new institutions, firms, and governing bodies, in whose activities documents are inevitably created. Others took shape over centuries. Still others were created in response to the advent of new documentation systems and storage media.

By 1991, the State Archival Fund of the USSR totaled 356 million items. hr. (cases) stored in 3268 state archives and more in 213 thousand departmental archives.

With the collapse of the USSR, the number of state archives of the Russian Federation decreased. According to the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of August 24, 1991 “On Party Archives”, due to the fact that the CPSU was part of the state apparatus and the documents generated in its activities are subject to state storage, the network of central and local party archives was joined to the network of state archives.

By the end of 1997, the network of state archives of the Russian Federation consisted of 2,267 archival institutions, of which: federal - 18; regional - 16; regional - 134; city ​​and district - 2060; archive management bodies - 78.2

Scientists have developed scientific principles for organizing documents at the level of the country's Archival Fund, which were finally formulated in the late 1950s. They influenced the formation of a network of modern state archives.

Modern features of the organization of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation are:

1. Organization of archival funds and archival documents by type of ownership:

archival funds and archival documents of the state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation;
archival funds and archival documents classified as federal property and under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation;
archival funds and archival documents under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities;
archival funds and archival documents of the non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation.

2. Organization of archival funds and archival documents by types of media, methods and techniques for securing information:

archival written and graphic documents on paper;
film, photo and sound documents, video phonograms, typewritten (electronic) documents.

3. Organization of archival funds and archival documents according to storage periods:

archival funds and archival documents permanently stored in archives;
archival funds and archival documents kept in temporary storage for established periods in departmental archives;
archival funds and archival documents located in temporary and depository storage in departmental archives and industry depository funds;
archival funds and archival documents of the non-state part of the Archive Fund.3

The archival fund of the Russian Federation is divided into two large parts - state and non-state. The storage of the state part of the archival fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by state and departmental archives. State archives are divided into federal and municipal. Federal archives store documents in strict accordance with the archive profile and lists of acquisition sources. These are the archives:

State Archive of the Russian Federation;
Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts;
Russian State Archive of Economics;
Russian State Historical Archive;
Russian State Military Historical Archive;
Russian State Military Archive;
Russian State Archive of the Navy;
Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation;
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History;
Russian State Archive of Contemporary History;
Russian State Archive of Literature and Art;
Russian State Archive of the Far East;
Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents;
Russian State Archive of Phonological Documents.

Departmental archives are divided into 5 groups:

organization archive;

Central Archive;
central industrial archive;
united departmental archive;
united interdepartmental archive.4

The non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation consists of archival funds and archival documents owned by:

state associations and organizations from the moment of their registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public associations, including trade unions, charitable and other foundations, political parties and movements, religious associations and organizations;
non-governmental associations (corporations, associations, joint stock companies), institutions, organizations and industrial enterprises, agriculture, other sectors of the economy, science, culture, social sphere, funds mass media;
individuals (documents of personal origin, family archives, collections of documents and others).

In accordance with the third feature of the organization of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, there are three forms of document storage:

Permanent storage - eternal storage of archival documents in archives, libraries, museums.

Temporary storage - storage of documents by institutions and organizations in archives created by them for a period established by regulatory legal acts. Temporary storage of documents from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation until they are transferred to permanent storage The institutions of the Federal Archive Service carry out departmental archives of state authorities and management of state institutions. Temporary storage - storage of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation before their transfer for permanent storage to FAS institutions, which is carried out by departmental archives of public authorities and management of state institutions, organizations, enterprises, as well as state sectoral funds. Municipal (district and city) archives can carry out temporary storage in the FAS institution (these are archives with a variable composition of documents). Typically, temporary storage is carried out in the interests of institutions and departments while the documents are needed to provide information support for the work of this institution. The time frame for transferring documents for permanent storage is strictly limited by law.

Depository storage is the storage of documents in an archive, museum and library on the terms determined by an agreement - an agreement between the owner of the documents and the archive, museum and library, with the owner retaining the right to dispose of archival documents.5

2. Modern legislation in the field of archiving

Archives, due to the authenticity of the documents concentrated in them, are obliged to satisfy the social needs of society, responding to its needs for historical memory. At the same time, unfortunately, society is poorly aware of the importance of archives. The document and archives are incomprehensible to the average person and those in power. Since Soviet times, the majority of citizens have retained an attitude towards archives as the embodiment of a gigantic bureaucratic machine that poisoned life at all its stages. This is not surprising, since in Soviet times there were no laws dedicated to archiving. This situation changed only at the turn of the era: in July 1993, the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives No. 5341-I were adopted, and in 1994 the Regulations on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation were approved.

It so happened historically that almost immediately after this the entire system of civil legislation in Russia changed. In the fall of 1993, well-known events took place, followed in December by the adoption of the country's new fundamental law, the Constitution. A new one was soon adopted Civil code. In 1995, as part of the implementation of the new Constitution, Federal Law No. 154-FZ “On general principles organizations local government in the Russian Federation." According to the Constitution, municipal authorities are not part of the system of state authorities.

But archival affairs is a sphere of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities: municipalities have their own archives, and naturally the need arose to regulate the issues of storing documents by them. Such issues could not be resolved in the Fundamentals of Legislation for obvious reasons.

Government policy is implemented through regulations, and the adoption of federal laws is the most important part public policy in relevant areas. The adoption of the Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” in 2004 marked a new stage in the development of Russian society. One of the features of the new Federal Law is the form of the document. The law elaborates in detail the issues of organizing archival work in all areas. On the storage, acquisition, recording and use of archival documents, the Law includes three independent sections: “Storage and accounting of archival documents”, “Acquisition of archives with archival documents”, “Access to archival documents and their use”. The new law more than doubles the content, definitions, terms and characteristics of various issues of working with archival documents compared to the Fundamentals of Legislation.

The second distinctive feature is the scope of application of the new law. Previously, the Fundamentals of Legislation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives were in force, the name of the new Federal Law is “On Archiving in the Russian Federation”. In full new law as far as municipal archives are concerned, it will come into force on January 1, 2006.

The law clearly complies with Russia's international treaty obligations and its federal laws, in particular with regard to the export and import of archival documents outside the state. The new law is brought into strict compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 No. 4804 - I “On the export and import of cultural property.” In everything related to issues of displaced cultural property, including relocated archives, the new law is brought into strict compliance with the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 64-FZ “On cultural property moved to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a result of the Second World War and located on the territory of the Russian Federation,” because previously the so-called trophy valuables, of which we have a lot in the archives, fell out of legal regulation in the previous archival legislation.

Part 3 Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” states: “State bodies, local governments, organizations and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, if they have relevant archival documents, they are obliged to provide the user of archival documents with archival certificates drawn up in the established manner or copies of archival documents related to social protection citizens, providing for their pension provision, as well as receiving benefits and compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.” This is everything related to pensions, benefits and compensation for victims of repression, prisoners of Nazi camps, etc. When these people seek protection of their rights, such certificates are issued to them free of charge.6

In the context of disclosing the topic of the abstract, it is advisable to consider management issues archival affairs in accordance with the adopted law.

Issues of archival management in the Russian Federation are regulated by the third chapter of the structure, which is as follows:

Creation of archives.
Organization of archival management in the Russian Federation.
Financial and logistical support for archival affairs.
Monitoring compliance with archival legislation in the Russian Federation.7

However, this law has not solved all the problems that occur in archiving. The main of these problems are presented in Figure 2. Let us characterize each of them.

Today, painstaking work is absolutely necessary to bring the existing regulatory framework of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into compliance with the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs”. The problem is that some subjects of the federation have their own laws, which are still not brought into strict compliance with the norms of Federal legislation. These include the laws of such regions as Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Novosibirsk and Moscow regions, and the city of Moscow.

Fig.2. Problems of archival affairs at the present stage, solved by legislation

In archiving, there is a particularly pressing task of introducing and applying uniform access standards, which is a direct requirement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. There must be uniform rules for recording and retrieving information, as well as uniform rules for the operation of all public archives: state, federal, all federal subjects and municipal. It should be especially emphasized here that the Unified Rules for the Operation of State and Municipal Archives is a by-law that should be issued by the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the next year and a half. This document should be normative act, according to which state and...

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Archival construction in Russia has a long history. Archival business is a branch of activity of human society, covering all theoretical, legal and practical aspects that are part of the historical memory of the past. A significant contribution to the study of the history of archival affairs and the creation of the concept of domestic archival science was made by domestic scientists: N.V. Kalachov, D.Ya. Samokvasov, A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky, S.N. Valk, V.V. Maksakov, I.L. Mayakovsky, M.N. Pokrovsky, A.V. Chernov, V.N. Avtokratov, V.N. Starostin, E.V. Starostin, V.P. Kozlov et al. (1).

An integral part of the history of archival affairs in the country is the history of archival affairs in the Stavropol region, which dates back to the second half of the 18th century. It was then, during the period of development of the North Caucasus lands, as a result of the activities of various government agencies and organizations, that archival funds, unique in composition and content, began to be formed. Their documents today make it possible to reconstruct the history of the settlement of the southern lands Russian Empire at the end of the XVIII - XIX centuries. A turning point in the history of archival affairs in the Stavropol region was the creation, in 1906, of the Stavropol Scientific Archival Commission.

In the state archives of the territorial-administrative entities now included in the Southern federal district, almost 12 million storage units are concentrated (9% of the total volume of documents in the state archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), and in municipal archives - about 4 million units. hr. (11% of the total volume of documents for this level). The Stavropol Territory and the Rostov Region have the most voluminous archival funds; their state archives are among the so-called million-dollar archives. These territories also have the most developed network of municipal archives. In the Stavropol Territory there are the State Archive of the Stavropol Territory (more than 1 million records), the State Archive of Contemporary History of the Stavropol Territory (668,204 records) and 33 archives with a variable composition of documents that store about 370 thousand items. hr. The funds of these archives contain the richest sources, which in terms of value, completeness and volume of information are not inferior to the materials of the country’s central archives.

At the beginning of the 21st century, archival science became an independent sphere of practical and scientific activity that concerns everyone, occupying the most important place in the system scientific disciplines and in public life. Modern archival science deals not only with the study of retrospective information, but also penetrates into the essence of the processes occurring with documents in a modern management system.

One of the pressing problems of domestic archival science is the development of issues of archival legislation. Archival business, like any other sphere of social life, has its own legal form - social relations, which are regulated by archival legislation. The main task of archival legislation is to create legislative framework, which would allow, by solving the problem of legal regulation of relations between citizens, society and the state in the field of archival affairs, to ensure the preservation, high-quality replenishment, state accounting and comprehensive use of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, as the most important part of its national and cultural heritage.

In 2004, a large-scale administrative reform was carried out in Russia, as a result of which federal executive bodies, depending on the functions they performed, were divided into ministries (with law-setting functions), services (with control and supervisory functions) and agencies (with law enforcement functions for providing public services and state property management). According to these changes, the Federal Archival Service of Russia was transformed into the Federal Archival Agency, subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” (2) was adopted, which today regulates relations in the field of organization, storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other documents, regardless of their form of ownership . The law also regulates archival management relations in the Russian Federation in the interests of citizens, society and the state.

The fundamentally important provisions of the Law, which distinguish it from other legislative acts in the archival sphere, are: its wider scope of application; lack of division into state and non-state parts of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation; attention to the municipal archival link; development of the conceptual apparatus of the modern archival sphere; a clear delineation of the powers of the Russian Federation, its constituent entities and municipalities in the field of archival affairs; a clear definition of the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation; feature designation legal status archival documents owned by the Russian Federation; an indication of the peculiarities of the civil circulation of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation that are privately owned; proclamation of principles related to the acquisition, storage, recording and organization of use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation; complete regulation of all archival management. Separate chapters of the Law stipulate issues of access to archival documents and their use, as well as issues of international cooperation.

The Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” was the first federal law adopted in the archival field, which, despite its progressive nature, still contains certain contradictions and flaws. The adoption of the law aggravated the problem inherent in the Fundamentals of Archival Legislation in 1993 (3). Then, taking into account the change in the political system and the emergence of private property in the country, archival documents were divided into state and non-state . The consequences of such a decision will affect the current archival activities of institutions and organizations for a long time, because as a result, a colossal number of documents (especially on the personnel of liquidated commercial structures) have already been lost and continue to be lost every year. Real levers that would change the situation in better side, still not found.

With the adoption of the new law, the unified Archival Fund of the Russian Federation was divided into three parts: federal archival documents, regional archival documents and municipal archival documents. Dividing ownership of documents, they did not provide for a change in the system of acquisition and storage of documents that had existed since Soviet times . On the contrary, Article 21 of the law introduced a provision that preserved the existing order: “Documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, formed in the course of the activities of territorial bodies, federal government bodies and federal organizations, other government agencies of the Russian Federation, located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, may be transferred to the state archives of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement between the body or organization transferring these documents and the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of archival affairs” (4).

As a result, the question arose about the fate of documents of territorial divisions of federal authorities, such as courts, prosecutor's offices, tax authorities, security service bodies, customs authorities, commissariats, statistical authorities, federal treasury departments, control and supervisory services, employment services, departments Pension Fund, federal government agencies and unitary enterprises, cultural and educational institutions, etc. According to the new law, all their documentation is federal property and must be accepted for storage in federal archives, the capabilities of which are limited. And there are many similar problems.

At the IV All-Russian Congress of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists, the head of the Federal Archival Agency, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.P. Kozlov noted that over the past 15 years, with the excessive centralization of organizational, regulatory and methodological support for archival work, significant blows have been dealt to it (5). Federal archives were separated from regional ones, and regional ones from each other. The separation of the archival services of a number of departments from the state archival service received legislative formalization; problems arose in the interaction of the state archival services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the municipal archival services of these constituent entities. At the federal level, there has been a fragmentation of functions, once concentrated in a single federal executive body of archival affairs, into political and legislative functions. As a result of the administrative reform of 2004, the function of control over the organization of departmental, archival and record-keeping services, especially at the federal level, remained “nobody’s.”

To date, the legal basis for state accounting has been created. In accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”, documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of their storage, are subject to state registration.

The development and implementation of software complexes - “Archival Fund” and “Fund Catalog” - has been organized into the practice of the country’s archival institutions, which are based on ensuring continuity with traditional forms and methods of accounting, based on the unity of accounting indicators in electronic and traditional formats; the possibility of replicating software to organize its use not only at archival industry facilities, but also in the repositories of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation of any departmental affiliation.

The adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation of the subprogram “Archives of Russia” of the federal target program “Culture of Russia (2001-2005)” (6) was important for expanding work on creating an automated state accounting system. During its implementation, certain funds were allocated for the purchase of computer equipment for state and municipal archives, which is used mainly for maintaining the “Archival Fund” and “Fund Catalog” databases.


1. Chernov A.V. History and organization of archival affairs in the USSR: A brief outline. M., 1940; Maksakov V.V. History and organization of archival affairs in the USSR (1917-1945). M., 1969; Autocrats V.N. Theoretical problems domestic archival science. - M., 2001; Samoshenko V.N. History of archival work in pre-revolutionary Russia. M., 1989; Starostin E.V. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology. M., 1997; Kozlov V.P. Russian archival work. - M., 1999; His: Theoretical foundations archeography from the perspective of modernity // Otech. archives. - 2001. - No. 1.

2. Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” // Otech. Archives. - 2005. - No. 1.

3. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and archives // Otech. Archives. - 1993. - No. 5.

4. Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” // Otech. Archives. - 2005. - No. 1.

5. Information bulletin “Bulletin of the Archivist” // 05/18/2007

6. PCPI-Public Centers for Legal Information// 05/18/2007

Alla Viktorovna Logacheva, applicant for the Department of Archeology and Regional History

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After the collapse of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), on July 6, 1992, the heads of the CIS signed an Agreement on the succession of state archives of the former USSR. Under this Agreement, the parties, based on the principle of integrity and indivisibility of funds formed as a result of the activities of higher state structures and stored in state archives that are located outside their territories, do not claim the right to own these sets of documents. The Parties mutually recognize the transition, carried out in accordance with their national legislation, to the jurisdiction of state and other archives of the union level, including state sectoral archival funds of the former USSR located on their territory.

In accordance with the Agreement on Succession, the central state archives of the former USSR came under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and were administered by the State (Federal) Archive Service of Russia.

In 1998, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Archive Service of Russia” (Domestic Archives. – 1999. - No. 1. – P. 3-8.)

The Federal Archival Service of Russia (Rosarkhiv) is federal body executive power, which carries out state regulation in the field of archival affairs and control over the safety, acquisition and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation.

The Rosarkhiv system includes: federal state archives, scientific and other organizations subordinate directly to the Federal Archive Service, as well as archival management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and institutions subordinate to them. The current high status of the country's archival service allows us to hope for high-quality and rapid development of the archival sphere. Due to the uniqueness of its history, Russia has concentrated the most valuable historical sources in its archives, including those on the history of other countries. Their full use has enormous political, economic, scientific and cultural significance. Archives are the national treasure of any country, the main component of the social memory of society, allowing one to penetrate into the secrets of the past for a better understanding of the present and predicting the future.

In their activities, state archives are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main normative and methodological document defining the activities of state archives is the basic rules for the work of state archives of the Russian Federation. The rules apply modern archival terminology used by the current archival legislation provided for by the State Standard of the Russian Federation R.51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions", modern dictionaries of archival terminology. In the text of the Rules, the term “documents” is used as a general concept; the concept “case” is used wherever we are talking about paper-based documentation; in other cases, use “storage unit”.

Application of the “Basic Rules for the Operation of State Archives of the Russian Federation” is mandatory for all state archives (federal archives, state archives and documentation centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their branches, state archives of districts and cities).

Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives; museums and libraries; organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ "On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation" - apply to state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific archives of regional branches and scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific-industrial and memorial archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which carry out permanent storage of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation), which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carry out permanent storage of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as temporary storage of other archival documents accepted from liquidated government bodies, other government bodies, local governments and organizations.

The Department of Archives of the Tyumen Region (Regulation “On the Department of Archives of the Tyumen Region”) is the authorized executive body of the Tyumen region in the field of archival affairs. The department is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, laws of the Tyumen region, regulatory and legal acts of the Governor of the Tyumen region and the Government of the Tyumen region, the Charter of the Tyumen region and the Regulations “On the Department of Archives of the Tyumen Region "

The department carries out its activities directly and through institutions subordinate to it in interaction with the federal executive body that carries out state management of archival affairs, local government bodies of the Tyumen region, public associations and other organizations.

Management is legal entity, has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form, as well as accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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