Foreign regional studies. Topics of scientific research. Sections of discipline and types of classes



Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

"Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute


Department of Social Pedagogy



"Regional Studies"

Specialty 350500 – social work

The educational complex was compiled by:

Ph.D., Art. teacher


at a department meeting

"___" _____________2007

Tobolsk, 2006

Explanatory note

“Regional Studies” introduces students to the specifics of the region in which they will work, regardless of the area of ​​their professional interests.

The course "Regional Studies" is focused on students' learning theoretical knowledge about the patterns and features of the process of formation, functioning and development of a regional community in all spheres of its life and mastery of various methods of cognitive activity, for the development of humanitarian thinking, intellectual abilities and cognitive independence, which should become the basis of their professional competence.

The training course “Regional Studies” has been prepared for students of the specialty “social work” in accordance with the requirements of the state standard and is mandatory in the cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. “Regional studies” is included in the national-regional component of the curriculum and is based on the historical, national and cultural specifics of the region, without which the training of specialists in modern Russia.

It is studied in the 2nd year in the 4th semester. Total labor intensity discipline is 90 hours, of which 44 hours are allocated to the lecture course; 30 hours – for practical classes; 14 hours are allocated for independent work of students and 2 hours for control independent work student. The course ends with a test.

I.Goals and objectives of the discipline.

The course is aimed at preparing students to perform the following types of professional activities:

v research and analytical;

v educational.

- main directions of state regional policy.

2. The specialist must be able to:

- understand the socio-economic and ethnopolitical processes in the region;

- navigate the foreign policy and internal aspects of regional security;

3. The student must master skills:

- proper organization of independent learning activities;

- taking notes of lectures and recommended literature;

- analysis of the primary source.

3. Scope of discipline and types academic work

Type of educational work









Total labor intensity of the discipline

Classroom lessons

Practical exercises

Independent work

Reading literature and primary sources

Writing essays, performing creative works


Topics for independent study

Control of independent work

Type of final control




4.1. Sections of discipline and types of classes

Section and topic of the discipline

Number of hours

Total hours

National and religious aspects of regional development

Socio-economic processes in the Ural region federal district

Historical aspects of regional studies

4.2.1. Lecture course


Lecture no.

Section, topic of the training course, content of the lecture

Col. hours

Chapter I Regional studies as academic discipline

Topic 1. Relevance of regional studies

Relevance of regional studies. Subject area of ​​regional studies. Model of the region in line with various disciplines. Classification of regional systems.

Regionalization in the modern world and in modern Russia. Globalization as the formation of world integrity. Regionalization as the integration of local communities. Subjects of the Russian Federation: republics, territories, regions, autonomous region, autonomous okrugs, cities federal significance. Levels of development of regions in the Russian Federation and their relations with the center and among themselves.

Model of the region in line with various disciplines. Classification of regional systems.

Topic 2. Region-forming factors

Goals of teaching regional studies. Subject area of ​​regional studies. The concept of "region". Internal and external region-forming factors.

Topic 3. . Regional policy

Methodological aspects of regional policy. Exogenous and endogenous aspects of regional policy. Regional policy in Russia. Causes of crisis situations on a regional scale. Main directions, direct and indirect methods of implementing regional policy. Content of social, economic, scientific and technical, environmental, demographic, humanitarian and national policies. Structure of the region's development strategy. The structure of regional policy in Russia.

Topic 4. Regional development

Problems of functioning of regional authorities. Regional and intraregional management. A. Radchenko about state and municipal government bodies. Main goal and objectives executive branch subjects of power of the Russian Federation.

Status of heads of subjects of the Federation. Division of powers between representative and executive bodies state power. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 15 “Basic provisions public policy in the field of development local government in the Russian Federation."

Principles of organization of regional government bodies. Rights and responsibilities of legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Topic 5. Regional organization of Russia and foreign countries: history and modernity

Foreign experience of regionalization. Specifics of regional organization in Western European countries. Modern trends in the development of territorial organization in the world.

Formation of regional structures on the territory in pre-revolutionary Russia. Administrative-territorial division of the USSR and the RSFSR and modern Russia.

Chapter I I. Political and legal basis for the formation and functioning of subject regions Russian Federation.

Topic 6. Legal framework for the organization and activities of public authorities

Federation. Federalism. Contemporary issues federalism. E. Primakov on 7 problems of Russian federalism. Specifics of Russian federalism.

Topic 13:

Social projects in the Tyumen region

Topic 14: Social problems of regional development

Ecological situation in the flow of West Siberian rivers

Topic 15:

Ural Federal District

Topic 16:

Topic 1. Basic concepts of Regional Studies Regional research methods

Topic 16: History of the Ural Federal District.

4.2.3. Tasks for independent work of students:

Sections and topics work program for self-study

List of homework for self-study


Col. hour.

Topic 1 : Relevance of regional studies

Create a conceptual dictionary

Topic 2: Region-forming factors

In accordance with the algorithm given in Appendix No. 3, prove that it is correct (or incorrect) to use the concept “region” to designate the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

2 week

Topic 2: Region-forming factors

Describe the internal and external region-forming factors of one of the constituent entities of the Ural Federal District.

Topic 3: Regional policy

Create a structural and logical diagram “Goals of regional policy in the modern world.”

Topic 4: Regional development

Write a message “Social Economics”

Topic 5: Regional organization of Russia and foreign countries: history and modernity

Compare the fundamentals of the federal structure of the RSFSR and the modern Russian Federation.

Topic 7: Regional management

Create a structural and logical diagram “Classification of government bodies in the Russian Federation.”

Topic 7: Regional management

In accordance with the following algorithm, answer the question: “What models of regional governance exist?”

Topic 9: National and regional security

Compare national and regional security

Topic 11: Cultural and religious processes in the Ural Federal District

Write a message “The religious factor of regionalism.”

Topic 12: Demographic factors of regional development

In accordance with the algorithm given in Appendix No. 3, describe migration in Western Siberia

Topic 13: Economic development of the subjects of the Ural Federal District

Read and take notes on the monograph by a group of RGEA economists V. Zolotarev, V. Nalivaisky, E. Chebanova, N. Nevskaya and E. Babayan “Economic conditions for the development of federalism in Russia,” published in 1998.

Topic 15: Environmental problems of the region

Write a message “Environmental consciousness and regional environmental policy”

Topic 16: History of the Ural Federal District.

Write a message “The History of a City” about one of the cities of the Ural Federal District,

Compose a crossword puzzle “Cities of the Ural Federal District.”

Topic 16: History of the Ural Federal District.

Write an essay (select from the list by grade book number). Approximate topics of abstract works

4.2.4. Laboratory workshop is not provided

5. Educational and methodological support of the discipline.


1. Regional studies: Tutorial/rep. ed. prof. . – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004.

2. , Butov (economics and management). Study guide. – M.: Tesa, – Rostov n/D: MarT, 2000.

3. Shinkovsky region: the formation of a political regime in the context of globalization. – Vladivostok, 2000.

4. , Chistobaev: Textbook. – M., 2000.


1. Regional development: the experience of Russia and the European Union. – M., 2000.

2., Chistobaev regional policy: Textbook. – St. Petersburg, 1998.

3. Denisov and regional management. – M., 2002.

4. Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993.

6. Logistics support for discipline

· computer and multimedia class.

7. Contents of current and intermediate control:

7.2. Sample list questions for testing:

1. The concept of region.

2. Region-forming factors

3. Types of regions. Regions of Russia.

4. Southern Federal District as a regional entity.

5. Regional studies as an academic discipline

6. Regional studies as a scientific discipline

7. Globalization in the modern world

8. Regionalization in the modern world

9. Regionalization processes in Russia

10. Regional systems, their classification.

11. System analysis in regional studies.

12. Modeling methods in regional studies.

13. Program-target method in regional studies.

14. Regional policy. Evolution of regional policy.

15. Goals and objectives of regional policy.

16. Main directions of regional policy in the Russian Federation.

17. Structure of regional policy

18. Structure of the regional development strategy.

19. Regulatory framework for the organization and activities of government bodies in the Russian Federation.

20. Powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

21. Principles of organization of regional government bodies.

22. Principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation

23. Modern problems of federalism.

24. State regulation of regional development

25. Forecasting and programming of regional development.

26. Regional target programs and their role in the management system

27. Regional management

28. Scientific models of regional management

29. “Synergetic” model of regional management

30. Models of managerial behavior of the regional administration

31. Regional ideology

32. Regional security

33. Ethnosocial stratification

34. Regional conflicts.

To consolidate the lecture material, it is planned to conduct practical classes, write essays and tests.

The discipline "Regional Studies" provides knowledge and skills used in the study of the disciplines "Theory of Social Work", "Economics", "History of Charity", Political Science, Sociology " Domestic history"etc..

Educational practice in the discipline is not provided

Lecture abstracts are given in Appendix No. 1 of the discipline's teaching materials.

Detailed plan of practical training and guidelines for their implementation are given in Appendix No. 2 of the teaching and learning complex of the discipline

The content of tasks for independent work of students and guidelines for their implementation are given in Appendix No. 3 of the teaching and learning complex of the discipline

Guidelines for writing abstracts on the discipline are given in Appendix No. 3 of the discipline's teaching materials.

Materials for current and intermediate control, guidelines for preparing for them are given in Appendix No. 4 of the teaching and learning complex of the discipline

Methodological instructions for preparing for the test are given in Appendix No. 5 of the teaching and learning complex of the discipline.

The program is focused on training valuable and unique specialists who are well versed in all the intricacies and characteristic features region under study: from government system and priority directions of foreign policy to the cultural and national characteristics of local peoples. The direction “Foreign Regional Studies” provides training for specialists in a specific region, individual country or group of countries. At the Department of Theory and History international relations Specialists are trained in the following profiles: China, countries of the Arab East, Russia and adjacent regions.

Purpose of the program

To prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of Foreign Regional Studies.

Competitive advantages of the program

Students study in depth a full range of disciplines related to the region of specialization (China, the Arab East or Russia). Within the framework of the “Foreign Regional Studies” direction, two languages ​​are required to be studied, one of which is the language of the region of specialization. Specialized courses are taught for students not only by representatives of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Economics and the Law Institute of RUDN University, but also leading experts from MGIMO (U) MFA, ISAA at Moscow State University, the Institute Far East RAS, etc.

Students of regional studies have the opportunity to undergo a language internship at universities in the region of specialization, which is conducive to language acquisition.

The Eurasian Studies profile: Russia and adjacent regions is aimed at foreign students who want to study not only the Russian language, but also fully understand Russian culture, history, and mentality. The first two years, the main disciplines are taught in English, and part is devoted to a comprehensive study of Russian as a foreign language. In the 3rd-4th year, when the student already reads, writes and speaks Russian well, disciplines are taught only in Russian.

Main special disciplines studied:

  • History of the region of specialization;
  • Economics of the region of specialization;
  • Foreign policy of the region of specialization;
  • Culture of the region of specialization;
  • Modern foreign policy of Russia in the region of specialization;
  • Political geography of the region of specialization;
  • Socio-political thought of the region of specialization;
  • Chinese transnational business;
  • Investment strategies of Arab companies;
  • History of Russia;
  • Economy of Russia;
  • Cultural values ​​in Modern Russia;
  • Political system of Russia;
  • Doing business in Russia;
  • Financial system Russia.

Internships and practices:

During educational practice Students are assigned to carry out their scientific research in the libraries of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.

Industrial practice takes place in leading private and government agencies Russian Federation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Rostourism, Rossotrudnichestvo, Rosmolodezh, etc.)

Language internships: University of Jordan (Amman, Jordan), Shandong University (Jinan, China), Dalian University foreign languages(Dalian, China), Xi'an University of Foreign Studies (Xi'an, China), Xiamen University (Xiamen, China), Mohammed V University (Rabat, Morocco).

Career and employment:

Having successfully mastered the educational program, the student acquires skills to work with representatives of the country being studied in various areas. Excellent command of foreign languages, in particular Chinese and Arabic, knowledge in the field of economics, law, international relations, history, geography, business etiquette and ethnology allows a regional scientist to find himself in completely different professions, including becoming an analyst in research organizations, editor, media correspondent, consultant, sales representative, translator in government or private institutions.

Graduates of the program have the following competencies

As a result of training, the graduate has general cultural and general professional competencies, and is also ready to apply his skills in the field of educational, information and analytical, cultural and educational, research, and editorial activities.

Objects of professional activity of graduates:

The objects of professional activity of bachelors of regional studies are political, social, economic, demographic, linguistic, cultural, religious and other phenomena and processes occurring at the regional and state levels.

Research topics:

  • History of individual countries in the region.
  • Regional international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy of the countries of the region.
  • Features of the political process in the region.
  • Socio-economic component of political decisions in the region of specialization.
  • Legal basis political interaction between the countries of the region.


  • Technically equipped classrooms located at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Industry department of the scientific library;
  • Access to domestic and foreign electronic information databases;
  • Student cafes and canteens.

Extracurricular life:

The Department of Theory and History of International Relations actively conducts scientific and cultural events with the participation of regional scientists. Students meet with leading representatives of the academic and diplomatic spheres, participate in scientific and practical conferences of the University and other universities, and are actively involved in the work of the Faculty Student Committee. Within the framework of the direction, the scientific student society “Orientalist” operates, and the model movement is dynamically developing. Since 2018, the Model Meeting of SCO Ministers has been held. Regional scientists take an active part in foreign language festivals, organize days of the countries they study, visit museums, exhibitions, film festivals, music, theater and even culinary events dedicated to China, Arab countries and Russia.