Who can witness the accident and how to find them. How to record witnesses in an accident and how to find them later: the most complete list of search methods Accidents where the police were witnesses

Reading time: 7 minutes

An accident is always a big nuisance, even without injuries. It is often difficult to determine the circumstances, causes and culprit of an incident. Even professionals like traffic police inspectors find it difficult to do without eyewitnesses to what happened. Not every driver knows how to find witnesses to an accident. But this question is very important for determining the progress of the investigation in the right direction.

If you get into an accident

Art. 2.5 and 2.6 of the traffic rules describe the procedure after an accident. In short, the driver needs to stop the car, turn on the emergency lights, put up a warning triangle, inform the traffic police and not move objects related to the accident. The victims must be given assistance, call an ambulance, and in emergency cases, take them to the hospital.

If traffic is difficult, record the location of the vehicle using video and photography, and then, if possible, clear the roadway. You should write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses, wait for the State Traffic Inspectorate employees, and then take part in registering the accident.

Why are accident witnesses required?

In the investigation of any incident, police officers rely on facts and witness testimony, without which it is impossible to restore the full picture of the accident. The participants, as a rule, were in a state of shock and could not see or remember everything. In addition, they are interested persons. Eyewitness testimony is very important when:

  • the circumstances and causes of the accident are unknown;
  • the testimony of the participants is contradictory or insufficient;
  • one of the participants cannot be interviewed;
  • the culprit disappeared;
  • a criminal case is initiated;
  • an insurance dispute arises.

Random witnesses to an accident can help:

  • restore the sequence of events;
  • assess the correctness of actions, the real extent of damage, the reliability of the testimony of participants;
  • identify the true culprit.

In such a situation, details are more important than ever: how the traffic lights worked, who started moving first and how, who moved at what speed, whether the turn signal was on, etc. There can be an infinite number of nuances, and a disinterested look from the outside can make the task easier. That is why searching for eyewitnesses is included in the list of driver responsibilities.

Road Accident Witness Law

Registration of testimony

Properly recorded witness statements help reconstruct the chronology of events. The participant in the accident is obliged to draw up documents according to the traffic rules, even without the participation of the police, by filling out a notification form. A sample of a completed witness statement for an accident is given below.

Lawyers recommend taking special forms with you, but who listens to them. It is allowed to record readings on a regular sheet of paper in any form. Such a document is certified only by the signature of the witness and an indication of his passport data, but can serve as the basis for conducting examinations and admitting guilt. To submit your testimony, you must indicate:

  • name of the document (witness testimony or explanation);
  • place, time, who received explanations and from whom;
  • personal information of the witness, including address, telephone number and place of work;
  • signature of the witness under the provisions of Art. 51 on liability for providing false information;
  • in the main part - answers to questions asked, clearly and clearly: who, when, where was; what actually happened;
  • at the end - that the witness has no personal interest and is not related to the participants in the accident. Then confirm that the testimony was written by him personally and certified with a personal signature.

In this case, it is recommended to use a phone camera or any other to record the location of witnesses at the time of the accident and the angle from which they could observe what happened. For greater confidence, you can record the readings on a camera or voice recorder.

Registration of an accident with witnesses

A law-abiding citizen will not refuse to be a witness and, of course, will wait for the traffic police inspector to arrive. He will have to be present when the report is drawn up and write an explanation on a form issued by the police officer. The latter will inspect the scene of the accident, talk with witnesses, and draw up a diagram and report of the accident.

The task of those involved in the accident is to make sure that information about witnesses is indicated in the notice. By the way, this must be done even if. Then there will be fewer problems with insurers.

Searching for witnesses after an accident

It is not always possible to find a witness in the first minutes after an accident. For various reasons. But you have to try, because the chances of communicating with an eyewitness to the events remain long time. In addition, there are several search methods:

  • ORM of investigative authorities;
  • visiting apartments, objects and organizations located nearby;
  • placing advertisements in the media, entrances and on poles;
  • advertisements in social networks;
  • monitoring stories about road accidents on YouTube and other sites, searching on specialized resources such as Yasvidetel.ru;
  • hiring a private detective.

Through social networks

One of the most effective ways Internet search is considered to be the dissemination of information through social networks. There is a very high probability that someone saw your accident and will respond. In this case, you can interview witnesses online, without the help of police officers. The explanation can be written at home, scanned and sent to the traffic police. It is quite possible that someone will be able to send video from the recorder or agree to appear in court.

How to write an advertisement looking for eyewitnesses

The advertisement should be entitled “We are looking for witnesses to an accident.” Information must be given about the date, time, place, circumstances and vehicles involved. It is advisable to briefly describe how everything happened and add a photo from the scene of the accident.

The text should be such that there is a desire to respond to your request. In this regard, it is important to mention the consequences of what happened for you personally and the importance of testimony. It is not recommended to put pressure on civic duty and openly offer rewards. In the latter case, false witnesses may come forward, whose testimony will only complicate the situation.

If there are no witnesses

Don’t forget about the “silent witnesses” - surveillance cameras and recorders, the data of which will be taken into consideration by the traffic police and even the court.

DVR recording

Cars with video recording equipment on the roads huge amount. Recorders write automatically and often even on parked cars. If you search, it is quite possible that one of these devices was near the scene of the accident. And then, probably, not a single car enthusiast will refuse to help.

Surveillance camera data

There are more and more CCTV cameras on our roads every year. They are found in stores, shopping centers, train stations, and are also installed in front doors. You should take advantage of this.

If an accident occurred in the city, you need to look around and ask whether the scene of the accident could have fallen into the focus of the lens of one of the cameras nearby. All that remains is to find its owner and agree on the transfer of video materials. It is better if a police officer does this. You just need to do this quickly, because recordings do not always remain in the device’s memory for long enough.

When a witness extorts money

There are often cases when a witness persistently asks for money for his help. You need to weigh everything carefully before agreeing. If you decide not to give in to extortion, it makes sense:

  1. Report to the police. It is quite possible that you are dealing with a criminal who set up your accident.
  2. Do not give the money (otherwise you will have to pay forever), but remind them of criminal liability.
  3. Act confidently, declare the presence of video recorder data and an agreement with another witness.
  4. Look for other eyewitnesses.

The fact of extortion in the police and court can only be proven with ironclad facts. This is done by recording calls, saving threatening letters, and eyewitness accounts.

If there are accusations of collusion with an eyewitness

When a participant in an accident is accused of colluding with an eyewitness, he has to prove his own innocence. Generally, a conspiracy charge is followed by an insurance fraud charge. To protect your interests you can use:

  • testimony of other witnesses;
  • recordings from cameras, recorders;
  • independent examination;
  • with the help of lawyers.

It is better to join forces with a witness who may be charged with false testimony. The investigation into the causes of the accident will have to start anew and without the help of the police, and the case will have to be proven in court. It is difficult and expensive, and gives little chance. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible even at the stage of registering the accident to exclude such accusations. The more different evidence, the easier it is.

If you are a witness to an accident

The Code of Administrative Offenses states that a witness to an accident must be warned of liability for false testimony, and for refusal or evasion to report information known to him, he must be punished. So, an eyewitness to an accident should act like this:

  1. Write down/remember the model, color and number, number of passengers in the car in which the offender (the culprit of the accident) fled.
  2. Provide assistance to the victims.
  3. Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations (police and ambulance) and tell about what happened, give the exact address, number of victims and road accident participants.
  4. Try to prevent conflict between participants in an accident.
  5. Give evidence to the traffic police inspector.
  6. Participate in the construction of an incident diagram.
  7. Confirm testimony in court.


Finding witnesses is not always easy, but it is often vital. Today the problem is easier to solve, because society is becoming more communicative thanks to the Internet, and new technologies sometimes make it possible to completely move away from live communication with eyewitnesses. However, you can give some “eternal” advice:

  1. The search for eyewitnesses of the events should begin immediately and should be conducted in all directions. You need to look for both people and technical devices.
  2. It is worth using alternative search methods.
  3. It is important to draw the attention of traffic police officers to the need to search and attract witnesses and the correctness of their testimony.

Do not forget that every eyewitness to an accident can someday become a participant in it. Then he will need the help of witnesses.

how to find a witness after an accident: Video

During a stressful situation due to a traffic accident or injuries, people tend to get lost and not take into account important details. The driver immediately after the accident does not collect contact information from participants or eyewitnesses from the scene of the incident, and visiting traffic police officers in Moscow have little interest in finding out all the details. Often no one's details other than the victim and the perpetrator are recorded at all. Finding witnesses to an accident who are willing to testify or provide evidence that removes or reduces the degree of guilt can save you from a sentence or significantly reduce the amount of a fine or compensation for damage caused to the car or the health of the victims.

Search for witnesses of an accident: Moscow and the region

Today, almost all cars have DVRs installed, and during road accidents, most passers-by take out their smartphones and record the events on video. As a result of a detailed survey of the people present, photos and video materials that influence the progress of the case are guaranteed to be found. Search on your own the right people in Moscow it is very difficult, even taking into account the large number of sites whose purpose is to search for accidents. It is not enough to find witnesses; they still need to be interested in cooperation.

Cost of services

Who will help in a difficult situation

Our private company will find witnesses to the accident that happened to you in Moscow, collect and organize evidence that can drop charges against you or mitigate your guilt. Our private detectives will be able to interest eyewitnesses in giving testimony by familiarizing them with the laws and taking care of all the bureaucratic nuances. We will save your time and money, relieve you from painful experiences and the risk of making mistakes when collecting data and drawing up a package of documents for filing with the court. Order our services or call and we will provide you with a free consultation.

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Search for witnesses to the accident on Tukhachevsky 3 (Pyaterochka) across the road there was a Kamaz truck with the help of which it was carried out under the Renault Duster, please contact eyewitnesses t.9523640001 100% reward

11/19/2019 on Tukhachevsky street, building 3 (pyaterochka) due to someone standing on the opposite side, a Renault Duster was hit by eyewitnesses of this accident, please call t.9523640001 100% reward

Search for witnesses to an accident on the Central Administrative District, Dvortsovaya Street

The situation is this: I was driving along Dvortsovaya Street, and then a guy in an Audi overtook me and tore off the mirror and disappeared. Maybe someone has a video from the recorder of this moment. My recorder is broken and doesn't work. I myself am not local, I came from another country to visit relatives. In general, if anyone has a video of this particular moment, I would be very grateful, of course for a reward.

Looking for a witness to an accident on Korovov Lane

November 19, 2019, at 21:10, an unidentified driver driving an Audi TT blue, license plate: Т076УВ777, following Kovrov lane, from st. Working towards the street. Novorogozhskaya, in the area of ​​15 on Novorogozhskaya street. He collided with a Nissan X-Trail car, license plate: E645лШЧ199, after which he fled the scene of the accident. We ask eyewitnesses of this accident to respond by phone - 8495 911 2992

Search for DVR footage of an accident on Novorogozhskaya

November 13, 2019, at 21:10, an unidentified driver, driving a blue Audi TT, license plate: T076UV777, following Kovrov Lane, from the street. Working towards the street. Novorogozhskaya, in the area of ​​15 on Novorogozhskaya street. He collided with a Nissan X-Trail car, license plate: E645MO199, and then fled the scene of the accident. We ask eyewitnesses of this accident to respond by phone - 8495 911 2992

Search for witnesses to an accident on Moscow, Art. m. Filatov Lug

Search for witnesses and eyewitnesses of road accidents

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In the process of investigating an accident, representatives of law enforcement agencies face certain difficulties. After all, those involved in the accident are interested in recognition of their innocence, therefore, as a rule, they give testimony that does not always correspond to the truth. The only reliable source of information is eyewitnesses, but finding a witness to an accident is far from easy.

What difficulties will you encounter when searching for a witness to an accident?

In most cases, road traffic accident lasts only a few seconds. Therefore, even in Moscow, on a busy street, it is difficult to find people who can consistently describe the events that took place. After all, most random passers-by react to the noise made during an accident, but cannot describe its mechanism itself. Therefore, searching for eyewitnesses of an accident turns into a rather complex task that only an experienced private detective can handle.

The investigation often has to deal with attempts to deceive, including bribing witnesses. There are cases when law enforcement officials follow the lead of the culprit of the accident, accepting deliberately fabricated evidence. Therefore, the search for a disinterested witness in a criminal case is of paramount importance. And in this case, you should not rely only on the help of the police. It is best to contact a detective agency and order the appropriate services. Our company has repeatedly had the opportunity to search for witnesses to road accidents. Moreover, we provide these services not only in the Moscow region, but, if necessary, in other regions of the country.

What are the ways to find a witness?

It is quite obvious that the easiest way to find a witness to an accident is without delay. Therefore, it is recommended that the direct participant in the accident collect contact information from all persons present. But sometimes the victim is not able to perform these actions. In addition, inexperienced drivers quite often get lost in such a situation, as a result of which they miss eyewitnesses of an accident.

In the future, you can find them in several ways:

  • placing an advertisement in the media;
  • use of police assistance;
  • posting information on social networks;
  • visiting all houses located in the immediate vicinity of the accident site;
  • bypass commercial organizations, whose employees could see the incident;
  • monitoring of online resources that specialize in demonstrating road accidents;
  • search for surveillance cameras that cover the scene of the accident.

The list is quite wide and includes many more different options. In any case, it is best to involve experienced private detectives in the case, who are guaranteed to be able to find the necessary information.