A minister from North Ossetia became the head of the Saratov region police department. Saratov nine-year plan for a combat general What do Saratov residents expect from the new head of the police department?

In the Leninsky District Court of Saratov, a lawsuit for deprivation of parental rights is pending, in which the defendant is former police officer Roman Kovalev. One of the arguments of the plaintiff, his ex-wife, was the accusation against the man of embezzling child benefits allocated by the state for their three young children.

As it became known to the Central Journal of Journalists “Medialix 64”, the former assistant to the operational duty officer of the OP No. 4 of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Saratov, Roman Kovalev, while married to Olga Kurochkina, registered himself as a recipient of child benefits. However, the funds allocated by the state did not reach either the children or their mother. At that time, although the spouses were married, they lived separately, and in 10 months (from July 2015 to March 2016), the total amount of benefits received by the police reached 100 thousand rubles. Then - in March 2016 - she divorced her husband and never saw this money.

According to Olga Kurochkina, with whom our publication was able to contact, the dismissal of the unlucky father of many children was preceded by her conversation with the head of the regional Central Internal Affairs Directorate Sergei Arenin. She had a personal appointment with the latter shortly after the New Year holidays, in January 2017. The mother of many children told the head of the police headquarters about the situation and showed her an SMS message that she had received from the phone of Kovalev’s current lady love. It said the following: “I ate the gifts for your children. Delicious... And you suck your paw” (referring to New Year's confectionery sets intended for the children of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees - editor's note).

As Kurochkina said, Arenin was indignant and immediately promised to fire Kovalev, and a few days later the police delivered several children’s New Year’s gifts to the address of the mother of many children.

The story of the eaten confectionery products became, as they say, the last straw in the patience of the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In relation to the misappropriation of children's benefits, as well as five more episodes of Kovalev's activities (the latter related to the performance of his official duties), CSS officers conducted an internal audit. Based on the results of verification activities, on March 1, 2017, the employee of the internal affairs bodies who committed the offence, was dismissed from the police in connection with the commission of an offense that discredited the honor of the uniform.

As Olga Kurochkina told the Medialix 64 correspondent, after receiving Sergei Arenin, a stream of SMS messages with threatening and offensive content fell upon her from the phone of her ex-husband’s cohabitant. She made some of them available to our editors, which we cannot publish without cuts for ethical reasons (“You will stay with your excerpts on the street!!”, “You will sit down. I promise,” “Oncologist (Kurochkina works as a doctor - approx. ed.) f..chiy!! and your patients!!!” and others).

Currently, the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Leninsky District of Saratov is conducting an inspection of Kovalev’s actions based on materials sent from the Internal Affairs Directorate. The statement of Olga Kurochkina herself was received by the investigative department from the police on April 19, 2017, but no procedural decision has been made on it yet, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee told our publication.

In turn, the mother of many children herself explained to Medialix 64 that she was really looking forward to progress in this case, since incriminating the defendant could become an argument in the fight to deprive Kovalev of parental rights in relation to her three sons. In their upbringing, says the interlocutor of our publication, he has not taken any part in their upbringing for a long time, and also does not pay the alimony required by law.

13/02/2018 11:47

Observers are commenting on the appointment of General Nikolai Trifonov as head of the police in the Saratov region, who previously held this post in the Yaroslavl region. Upon arriving at his last position, he fired up to 90% of the management team. The former head of the Saratov department, Sergei Arenin, was sent to the Federation Council in September on the recommendation of the regional governor Valery Radaev.

According to Kommersant - Middle Volga, on February 9, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the resignation of the 57-year-old head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yaroslavl Region, Major General Nikolai Trifonov, and on his appointment to the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Saratov Region. The order has not yet been officially published.

On the official website of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Yaroslavl region, Trifonov is no longer listed among the leaders. The duties of the head of the department are temporarily performed by 44-year-old Sergei Kostenko, who since April 2017 has held the position of deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - chief of police. In the Saratov region, there has not yet been an official introduction of Mr. Trifonov as the new head of the main department. The press service of the Saratov Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not comment on the appointment until the order is officially published. In an interview with Yaroslavl media, Mr. Trifonov noted that at the very beginning of his work in the Yaroslavl region he was faced with the fact that some of his instructions were not carried out, and as a result he had to dismiss almost 90% of the managers. He considers it his merit to reduce the number of serious crimes and increase the detection rate.

Deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma, chairman of the board of the public organization “SOBR Veterans” Vasily Bobkov considers Mr. Trifonov “a professional in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.” “We crossed paths with him as a person who supports the veterans’ movement. I have only positive feedback. Thanks to him, the memory of the Heroes of Russia was immortalized - three police warrant officers from Yaroslavl who died in 1999 during a military operation near the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi in Chechnya. A most worthy monument was erected to them,” he said.  “We also worked together during the period when I was the head of the apparatus of the regional anti-terrorism commission, and he, as a representative of the security forces, took part in that work. The work took place with complete mutual understanding.”

Oksana Starozhiltseva, a member of the Public Chamber of the Yaroslavl Region, also says that she can only characterize Mr. Trifonov positively. “There are no complaints from the public,” she added.

Saratov human rights activist Alexander Zhurbin hopes that something will change in the regional police with the arrival of a new chief, because he believes that “it cannot be worse than Arenin.” “I don’t know what the new leader is like. I hope to get an appointment with him, I’ll look at him, and then it will become clear.”

It seems that the residents of the long-suffering Saratov region constantly sinned in past lives. Nothing else can explain the invasion of so many bureaucrats dragging trails of criminal cases behind them.

Meet Vyacheslav Volodin's protégé, already the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Saratov Region, Lieutenant General Sergei Arenin, who successfully reached the federal level, becoming a member of the Federation Council.

Sergei Petrovich Arenin was born on August 29, 1958 in the city of Saransk. Lieutenant General of Police; since September 21, 2017, member of the Federation Council of Russia.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev.

From 1980 to 1996, he worked in the internal affairs bodies as deputy commander of a separate battalion of the police patrol service, deputy chief of the public security police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Mordovia for Saransk.

From 1999 to 2000 - head of the department for ensuring public order of the North Caucasus Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, from 2000 to 2001 - head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chechen Republic, from 2002 to 2005 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tyva, from 2005 to 2008 1999 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia.

From December 2008 to September 26, 2017 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Saratov Region. On September 21, 2017, he was appointed as a representative in the Federation Council from the executive branch of the Saratov region.

The post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Saratov Region turned out to be a real salvation for Sergei Arenin from criminal prosecution in three criminal cases trailing him from North Ossetia. He (according to unspoken but reliable information known in certain circles) was directly involved in organizing a significant number of contract killings in North Ossetia.

If Sergei Arenin had not been given this warm place, he would have been sent off with “honors” to retire to “places not so remote.” But his Chechen “friends” saved him, paying about $7 million for Sergei Arenin for this place. Of course not for beautiful eyes.

Meanwhile, political scientist, president of the Panorama information and research center Vladimir Pribylovsky recalls that Sergei Arenin, the only one of the “Caucasian group” of police generals dismissed from the authorities for abuses, remained in service and was transferred from North Ossetia to the Volga .

“When he was the Minister of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia, the prosecutor’s office of the republic received a complaint against him from the owners of the Fayur-Soyuz vodka factory,” from whom, as they wrote, “extortionists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs demanded a bribe in the amount of $1 million.” At that time, Arenin flew to Moscow and was urgently hospitalized in one of the medical institutions with a diagnosis of acute heart failure. General Arenin was saved from “acute service failure” by the then Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arkady Edelev and reputable Moscow businessmen who, as the media claimed, put pressure on Ossetian alcohol dealers,”- recalls Pribylovsky.

Criminal cases in North Ossetia are frozen and kept secret, which is the “hook” on which Sergei Arenin sits. In addition, he is under the influence of criminal Chechen structures, to whom he remains indebted. The Chechen criminal diaspora is in charge of technical inspections of all types of vehicles, MREO of the traffic police of the city of Saratov and the Saratov region. With his knowledge, the Chechens organized the illegal trade in vehicle inspections and driver’s licenses.

Naturally, they were involved in all the raiding, they also worked with the savings bank on their debts, and they also worked on their own. It got to the point that they took over government financial flows, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To ensure that not even a penny passes by the cash register, they appointed a Chechen to the economic department of the Saratov Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate, who did not understand a word of Russian. But he is the head of economic management, and it is very difficult to find a common language with him, in terms of explaining what is needed: an overcoat or foot wraps. And the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region is covering up all this, naturally, on the instructions of its leadership.

In the very first days of his work at the new place, Sergei Arenin saw expensive cars from the window in the parking lot of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. He called everyone and immediately began “debriefing,” reshaping and redistributing functional business opportunities and cash flows. I began to very harshly “clean” the structure for myself.

In addition, the Chechens decide all personnel issues relating to official changes in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region, and Sergei Arenin is only the executor of their will.

So, for example, at one time Sergei Arenin wanted to remove S.Yu. Urlapov from the post of head of the MREO of the city of Saratov and the Saratov region. for inadequacy of the position held, but under the influence of the opinion of the Chechens, who had previously found S.Yu. with Urlapov. common language in resolving their affairs (we agreed on the amount of monthly payments for their patronage), quickly changed his mind, for which he was also generously rewarded.

Sergei Arenin also distinguished himself in his dealings with Yu.E. Sulyan. In 2008, during the raider seizure of the Pokrovsky market in the city of Engels and other real estate objects (approximately worth 1.5 billion rubles), carried out by Sulyan Yu.E., Sergei Arenin gave instructions to his deputy Chekulyaev E.A. and his assistant V.M. Klochkov. develop a plan for the “expropriation of the expropriated.” As a result, the parties reached a compromise: Sulyan Yu.E. remained free, and Sergei Arenin re-registered these illegally seized objects to his people.

The mayor of the city of Engels, M.A. Lysenko, became aware of these scams, which plunged him into extreme indignation. Wanting to establish justice in this matter, Lysenko M.A. got to the bottom of the truth and established the identities of the people on whom Sulyan Yu.E. fraudulently registered real estate. As for Sergei Arenin, the success of the enterprise to capture the Pokrovsky market “turned” his head so much that raiding became a pattern for him.

But the immoderate appetites of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate could not be satisfied by raiding alone, and he found another reliable way to enrich himself. Thus, under the banner of promoting the development of the “Boxing Association” in the Saratov region, the head of which was Sergei Arenin’s protege V.M. Klochkov. (brought by Arenin from North Ossetia), the collection of monthly tribute from criminal authorities and businessmen of the city of Saratov, the city of Engels and the Saratov region took place and continues to be collected through the association’s current account. Among them are such well-known persons in certain circles as the oil “baron” Zhulikyan A., restaurateur Kamaev and other large businessmen.

How else can you emphasize the great work of Sergei Arenin? Sergei Petrovich very quickly took over the drug traffic. Previously, drug trafficking was under the control of Alexander Ivanov, the drug control general, whose employees destroyed drug trafficking. The most successful drug control operatives took large quantities of drugs that they should not have taken, for which they were quickly fired. But the most immortal here are, naturally, mostly gypsies and gypsy barons, such as Spartak and others, who carried out this drug trafficking, were involved in money transfers, served as black banks, accountants who took into account the interests of the drug control leadership, etc. The main traffic, of course, went through the city of Engels. Route: Chechnya - Volgograd - Engels. From Engels he was distributed to Samara and Moscow. Either through Samara, or directly. These are long-established channels.

The main drug dealer was Alexander Gennadievich Kamaev. This man has been a bandit and businessman since the 90s, he was the first in Saratov to start building casinos, and while they were allowed, they worked at full capacity. Naturally, there was distribution of drugs and the like in the casino. After the ban on casinos, he re-registered everything as restaurants and hotels, and on top of that, he got hooked on another vile and disgusting perverted business - pedophilia. He collects children for dear clients.

Because Kamaev A.G. is also a US citizen and can “get on his skis” at any time, which makes it possible to feel very protected here, and therefore he calmly supplies boys and girls to Moscow and other business trips, including accompanying them to dear clients.

This Kamaev A.G., naturally, was immediately introduced to Sergei Arenin, who took him into his social circle and began to use his services. In particular, approximately in 2010, to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region, Sergei Arenin, for sexual purposes, A.G. Kamaev. was provided by Daria Petrovna Borisovskaya. Arenin liked the young girl so much that he got her a regular job at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the field of folklore, issuing a certificate of an employee of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region to a minor child, where he wrote - specialist. And she was listed as a singer there. What the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region knows about, but modestly keeps silent about.

I would like to believe that when appointing pedophile, criminal and corrupt official Sergei Arenin to the post of the main fighter against pedophilia in the Federation Council, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, unfortunately, probably did not know all the above circumstances, and the security service, most likely, did not finalize or did not agree on much ... But for some reason it always works out this way with us - whoever steals something is assigned there. For loyalty to pedophiles, or vice versa, we don’t know. It is impossible to predict what plans there are, but from the point of view of common sense, this situation is absolutely unacceptable.

Could Sergei Arenin not run for the post of senator? It turns out that he couldn’t. If he refuses, he simply resigns from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and past “frozen” crimes immediately begin to emerge. There will always be well-wishers who activate these cases, and without political patronage, no one needs him, so, naturally, he is imprisoned in the end. In this regard, in order not to answer, having “rolled off” huge amounts of money acquired through criminal means, Sergei Arenin has now become a senator of the Saratov region. And now, from the position of the senatorial chair, he believes that he has reached a place where he is untouchable, where a whole procedure is needed to remove him from the Senate.

When leaving the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Saratov region, Sergei Arenin appointed his equally faithful follower - Poltanov. Now he is acting as head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region, but still reports directly to Arenin. Because the new senator knows how the Ministry of Internal Affairs system works, and has already learned his rights and powers as a senator. Based on this, he became the helmsman of the convoy, but only from the position of a senator. And therefore he continues and will continue to do this business. In any case, his subordinates are ideologically and actually subordinate to their former head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region.

Many questions arise. What right did you have to negotiate and give the state police department into the wrong hands? On what basis do you give someone the economic direction of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for plunder, so that strangers eat up state money that should go to soldiers, servicemen, officers, police officers, for their clothes, uniforms, etc.? On what basis, instead of protecting citizens, were you engaged in “squeezing out” their property? What right do you have to hold the post of head of law enforcement agencies? And so on.

If you now begin to properly check economic management: the finances received, where they were spent, you can find a lot of falsified invoices, a lot of inflated prices and transactions that actually did not exist. As a rule, after this, some room with an archive burns down - oh, sorry, everything burned down.

Why is there now inspection after inspection in Saratov? Yes, because there is such police chaos there, such madness that Moscow has gone crazy. There has been no inspection for nine years. What does this mean? Yes, that there was, most likely, lobbying of certain interests in the necessary authorities for oblivion. As a result, Moscow didn’t meddle for nine years, but then it did and went crazy. And President Putin began to press ahead with this situation across the country in time to restore order. And check after check began, nightmare after nightmare, it turned out that everyone was tied up. The latest inspection (and there were as many as 165 inspectors) revealed such a number of various violations that it gave a “FAIL” to the work of the leadership of the Saratov region. The region was colonial in relation to certain gangster classes, gangster formations in the form of some Chechens who competently work with information, having access to the ear of some generals and colonels in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and very skillfully use this, manipulate, rob and then milk entire regions.

All this could be called another “order”, if not for the fact that State Duma deputies and social activists joined the topic, back in 2013 they wrote a letter to the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to take measures against the head of the Saratov police Sergei Arenin . The authors of the letter noted that he was not coping with his duties, that his subordinates “established an anti-record for crimes on the roads.” According to them, General Sergei Arenin is completely incapable of controlling his subordinates.

The authors of the appeal “on Arenin” regarded as a positive response to their letter to Minister Kolokoltsev the sending to the Saratov region of a commission from the central office of the traffic police, which, already in the first days of its work, revealed new facts confirming the validity of the fears of deputies and public activists.

It would not be amiss to mention that, having raised Sergei Arenin to the rank of senator of the Federation Council, Vyacheslav Volodin actually pushed his protégé away from Saratov affairs, thereby depriving him of support.

Since Sergei Arenin, being the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Region, had very serious access to documents and other information, naturally, just in case, he collected incriminating evidence on Vyacheslav Volodin. And now it has become extremely unprofitable for the second. Moreover, Volodin is thinking about how to move him away from everywhere. On the one hand, Sergei Arenin is his man, and on the other, Volodin himself sits in the lower house of parliament, and he has already become a senator. And a senator with such incriminating evidence, with such an unpredictable character, like a cop, like a gangster, became dangerous to him. In this regard, Volodin is now thinking in every possible way how to put Arenin under some heavy sword, set him to the place where he, in his cop stupidity, ran into a sword and his head off his shoulders.

Based on materials:

Media: State Duma deputy and social activists ask to take action against Arenin:

Valentina Matvienko entrusted Sergei Arenin with the fight against pedophiles:

A State Duma deputy and social activists ask to take action against Arenin:

A scandal is breaking out around the Saratov police general Arenin.

Over the past working week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed several decrees dismissing military officers, governors and employees of various departments from their positions. The posts were left by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, the governors of the Nizhny Novgorod, Samara regions, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as the head of Rossotrudnichestvo and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Saratov Region. What is known about the layoffs is in the “360” material.

Security forces

Russian President Vladimir Putin relieved Colonel General Viktor Bondarev of his post as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces on September 26. The resolution was published on the official legal information portal. It is unknown why Bondarev was removed from his post. Apparently, this is due to his new position - not so long ago the former commander-in-chief became a senator. Now he represents the Kirov region in the Federation Council.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Mamontov

Viktor Bondarev began serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 1992. In May 2012, he was appointed to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force. Three years later, he headed the Russian Military Space Forces. Bondarev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. During his years of military service, he received many orders and medals. The former commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces is also an Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation.

The decree on Bondarev's resignation also relieved Vice Admiral and Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Valery Kulikov from his post. He, like Bondarev, left military service and joined the Federation Council, where he now represents Sevastopol.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Malgavko

Police Lieutenant General Sergei Arenin also left his post. Since December 2008, he headed the main directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Saratov region. Before that, he was the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tyva and the Minister of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia. Now he is the representative of the Saratov region in the Federation Council.


Vladimir Putin fired the head of the Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) Lyubov Glebova. She became a new senator in the Federation Council. Glebova represents Udmurtia.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Belousov

From 2008 to 2012, Glebova headed the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, after which she became a member of the Federation Council from the Penza region. Lyubov Glebova held the position of senator until 2015. Then she headed Rossotrudnichestvo. She is also deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy.


On Monday, September 25, the governors of the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions Nikolai Merkushkin and Valery Shantsev left their posts. Merkushkin was fired of his own free will. The president appointed Dmitry Azarov as acting head of the region.

Now Merkushkin is the special representative of the Russian President for interaction with the World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples. He has led the Samara region since 2012. Three years ago, Merkushkin resigned to take part in the gubernatorial elections. Then more than 90% of voters voted for him. Before starting work in the Samara region, Merkushkin headed Mordovia. He served as governor for more than 17 years.

A day after the resignation of Nikolai Merkushkin, Valery Shantsev, who headed the Nizhny Novgorod region for 12 years, also left the post of governor ahead of schedule. He left the position of his own free will. Gleb Nikitin, the first deputy minister of industry of the region, was appointed acting governor of the region. Shantsev himself served as vice-mayor of Moscow from 1996 to 2005. Until he was appointed to a new position. The reasons for Shantsev's resignation from the post of governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region are unknown.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov

Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Igor Koshin also submitted his resignation at his own request. Vladimir Putin accepted his resignation on September 28. According to Koshin himself, the dismissal is due to a transfer to another place of work. Alexander Tsybulsky, who had previously been Deputy Minister of Economic Development, became the acting head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Igor Koshin was one of the youngest Russian governors - he is now 43 years old. He headed the region in September 2014. Before that, he represented the Assembly of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Federation Council for two years, and seven years before that he was its chairman.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

On Friday, September 29, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky resigned from his post. He also submitted a statement of his own free will and told representatives of the regional government about it two days before his resignation. During the meeting, he expressed regret about unrealized projects and apologized to his colleagues for his temper. Tolokonsky added that he does not yet have plans for a new place of work. Vladimir Putin appointed Alexander Uss as acting governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Viktor Tolokonsky has led the region for the past three years. From 2010 to 2014, he was the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Siberian Federal District. Before that, he served as governor of the Novosibirsk region for 10 years.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Melnikov