State register of codes of rules. Norms and regulations of SNPs and GOSTs for the construction of a private house. Are SNPs valid throughout the year?

SNiP- stands for: " Building codes and regulations", which includes regulatory documents in the field of construction adopted by executive authorities.

As a rule, building codes consist of 4 parts:

  • general provisions;
  • design standards;
  • rules for production and acceptance of work;
  • estimate norms and rules.

GOST- a regional standard adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In this section, we have collected current SNiPs and GOSTs for the design and construction industry, which we follow in our work, which you can also download for review or print.

GOST R 51872-2002 “EXECUTIVE GEODESIC DOCUMENTATION. RULES OF IMPLEMENTATION" was developed by the Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (F.V. Andreeva) with the participation of...

SP 42.13330.2011 “URBAN PLANNING. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS.” Developed by a team of authors: topic leader - P.N. Davidenko, Ph.D. architect, corresponding member RAASN; L.Ya. Herzberg, Dr. Tech. Sciences, corresponding member RAASN; B.V. Cherepanov,...

SNiP 11-02-96 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions". SP (Code of Rules) dated October 29, 1996 No. 47.13330.2010 SNiP dated October 29, 1996 No. 11-02-96. Information about the set of rules DEVELOPED by Production and Research…

CODE OF RULES “ENGINEERING AND GEODESIC SURVEYS FOR CONSTRUCTION”. Date of introduction 1998-01-01. DEVELOPED by the Industrial and Scientific Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia, GO "Rosstroyizyskaniya",…

SP 47.13330.2012 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions." CODE OF RULES ENGINEERING SURVEYS FOR CONSTRUCTION. BASIC PROVISIONS Date of introduction 2013-07-01 DEVELOPED BY NOIZ (L.G. Kushnir, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences B.S. Sokolov,…

Before you start building your future home, you need to try to study as fully as possible the requirements of SNiPs and GOSTs that regulate the process of constructing individual housing construction structures. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to thoroughly study them all; for this you need to be a specialist, but this is not necessary. It is quite enough to get a general idea of ​​the basic laws governing the entire process of building a house.

Who controls compliance with construction standards for private houses?

Compliance with general construction and special standards and regulations governing the construction of individual households is controlled by various local licensing authorities. The main document defining the sequence of development and approval of the entire package of construction and design documentation in individual housing construction is the Republican Construction Standards RSN 70-88.

It is RSN 70-88 that prescribe the rules for developing a private housing construction site, the layout of your house, the location of utility and technical structures such as a bathhouse, barn, cellar, etc.

The layout of the planned house and the entire farmstead must be thought out as carefully as possible already at this stage, since after approval of the construction plan, any changes in it will be considered a violation of the law and will be subject to correction, and illegal buildings will be subject to demolition or additional legalization.

What documents are needed to build a private house?

Based on the “Code of Rules for Design and Construction SP 11-III-99”, it is possible to clearly determine what documents need to be prepared to begin the construction design process.

Quite often, impatient owners of individual housing construction sites do not wait for the entire package of permits to be issued and begin construction. Such haste in most cases leads to additional headaches for the impatient developer.

The first step towards starting the cherished construction of a house will be to write an application for a building permit, supported by:

  • Resolution of the head of the local administration on the provision of a land plot of individual housing construction to you or documents confirming ownership of the plot in the event of its acquisition,
  • master plan of the site,
  • site passport,
  • an act on the full-scale establishment of its boundaries and the breakdown of buildings, red lines and axes of the building.

Based on the package of documents you provide, you will be issued a Decree on a construction permit and a “Passport for the project of a private residential building” will be drawn up, which will include:

  • administration resolution on issuing a construction permit;
  • a document confirming the developer’s right to use (own) the land plot;
  • copying the relevant urban planning documentation from the master plan;
    situational plan of the individual housing construction site;
  • technical conditions (TS) for connecting to utilities with a diagram;
    floor plans of buildings, facade sections;
  • an act concerning the in-situ establishment of the boundaries of a land plot and the breakdown of buildings (with a drawing out scheme).

What documents are included in the “Project of an individual private house”

The package of permits “Project of an individual private house” includes:

  • situational plan on a scale of 1:500, representing the placement of all construction projects in connection with the nearest settlements, infrastructure and communications: electrical networks, heat and water supply networks, sewerage networks;
  • printout of topographical survey images of the individual housing construction site with the adjacent part of the street (M 1:500);
  • master plan of the site with vertical layout and linking the construction project to the area (M 1:200, 1:1000);
  • basement plan of the house under construction (technical underground and ground floor);
  • floor plans of the house (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • main and side facades of the building (M 1:50, 1:100);
  • characteristic sections (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • plans for floors and coverings of non-repeating floors (M 1:100);
  • plan of the roof truss system (M 1:100);
  • roof plan (M 1:100, 1:200);
  • foundation plan (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • cross-section of foundations, characteristic architectural and construction units and details (M 1:10, 1:20);
  • general explanatory note and technical and economic indicators;
  • financial estimates of construction costs;
  • engineering support drawings (as per design specifications).

At what distance should the house be located from other buildings?

The requirements for the location of buildings on a site in the legislative framework are inextricably linked with the concept of “Red Line”. The red line is a conventional line that runs along the border of the site and the roadway of the street, as well as the boundaries of neighboring sites.

According to fire safety standards, the distance between residential buildings located on adjacent plots must be at least 6 (brick structures) or 15 (wooden buildings) meters.

Fences installed around the site must be indicated in the project; their location should not go beyond the red line established by the plan.

If you plan to raise pets or poultry on your property, it would be useful to inquire about the requirements for the construction and location of structures for keeping livestock and poultry. For example, the height of a poultry house and barnyard cannot be less than 2.4 meters from the floor (or ground, if the floor is earthen) to the ceiling.

In the same way, there are rules for the location of garden trees and shrubs on the site. The minimum distance from trees to buildings is 5 meters, and from the boundaries of the neighboring plot - 3 meters. In addition, trees cannot be located closer than 4 meters to load-bearing supports of electrical networks and closer than 1.5 meters to laid underground utilities. For shrubs, the maximum permissible planting distances are 1.5 meters from buildings and 1 meter to the boundaries of the site.

Requirements for the height and area of ​​an individual residential building under construction

Restrictions on the area of ​​the house being built relate, first of all, to the minimum area of ​​its living rooms. SNiP 2.08.01-89, , RSN 70-88 are responsible for determining these standards.

You will not receive a building permit if you indicate the estimated living room area is less than 12 m2. For a bedroom this limit is 8m2, for a kitchen – 6m2, toilet – 0.96m2. Exceptions to the minimum area of ​​rooms are the requirements for attic rooms; here the minimum area of ​​a bedroom is 7m2.

The legislation does not provide for maximum premises sizes.

Based on SNiP 2.08.01-89, the minimum height of rooms in the house is clearly defined - 2.5 meters, except for attic rooms (2.3 m). In addition, there are many more requirements for the size of the functional structural elements of a house under construction, for example, the width of interfloor stairs and corridors of the house cannot be less than 0.9 meters.

How many floors of a house are you allowed to build?

In an individual private house, it is allowed to build no more than 3 above-ground floors. The basement floor is not intended to accommodate living rooms if the height of its upper floor is less than 2 m above ground level. If its height is higher than 2 meters above ground level, then such a base is equivalent to above-ground floors.

Attention: do not confuse the height of the upper floor above the ground level and the height of the basement floor itself!

If the basement floor ends at a height below 2 m above ground level, but its height exceeds 2 meters, it can be used for economic and technical purposes. If the basement floor is used for a garage, its ceilings and walls must be made of fire-resistant materials.

Often the developer himself cannot accurately calculate the area of ​​the house being built, then it is determined using SNiP 2.08.01-89.

Errors may occur when calculating the total area of ​​the house. It is worth remembering that an overestimated building area will result in additional costs in the future - inflated property taxes, excessive payments for utilities.

It is worth remembering that when determining the total area of ​​the house, the areas of balconies, loggias and staircases are also summed up. But the area of ​​unheated utility rooms, underground and attic is not taken into account.

Individual housing construction (IHC) involves the construction of private low-rise buildings intended for living, raising livestock, storing materials and products.

The building and the site on which it will be located must comply with the building codes and regulations specified in the legislation.

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If you ignore these requirements, you may be left without a home and the money spent on its construction.

Existing rules

The plot for individual housing construction must meet several requirements:

  • convenient location near roads;
  • communications carried out;
  • developed infrastructure of the area.

The site must meet the requirements of the owners of future homes.

One of the important conditions for individual construction is fertile soil, distance from industrial plants and well-developed area.

But construction is possible even if these requirements do not meet, which does not affect the strength of the foundation and the safety of living in the house.

Therefore, building codes and regulations come first.

Without compliance with them, it is impossible to construct a private or commercial building.

Individual housing construction must be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules.

Failure to do so may result in a court order to demolish the building, and the owner will be required to pay a fine.

If the building was built without obtaining the appropriate one, then the construction will have to be legalized in court, proving that the house was built in accordance with all construction rules and fire safety standards.

Reflection in the law

When designing and constructing residential buildings, you need to focus on the rules provided for by SNiP 02/31/2001.

They indicate the technical requirements for buildings, land and their intended use.

Obtaining permission

To get a private house, you need to contact the BTI of the municipal district or the architectural department of the city.

Video: new procedure for developing suburban real estate

You must have with you a document according to which a plot of land is issued in.

Land owners will need to provide the following documents:

A statement is written to the BTI authorities, to which copies and originals must be attached:

  1. plot.
  2. on the assignment of land ownership rights.
  3. future structure, compiled by BTI employees.

On average, it takes about 14 days to review documents and issue a permit.

An applicant may be refused if an incomplete package of documents was provided.

The permit is issued in the form of a document valid for 10 years from the date of receipt.

During this time, the applicant can build a house according to the existing design.

SNiP for individual housing construction

If the site is called individual housing construction, then only residential buildings can be erected on it.

These include houses, as well as additional buildings necessary for comfortable living (barn, bathhouse, etc.).

The construction of industrial organizations is prohibited.

When building a private house for living, you must follow the rules provided for.

It states that the materials used for construction are fireproof, resistant to mold and rot, and do not endanger the life and health of people.

SNiP implies the start of construction of a house subject to several rules:

The construction of other buildings on the territory is allowed:

  • compost sites;
  • biotoilets;
  • pit latrines;
  • sheds.

Placement of buildings

Buildings must be located at a distance of more than 5 meters from the highway and at least 3 meters from streets with little traffic.

Outbuildings are located in the depths of the site; the first, relative to the road, is always a residential building.

Particular attention is paid to the distance between buildings and the fence. For the most part, it is the hygiene side of the issue that matters, not fire safety.

The reason is the possible darkening of the neighboring plot if the houses are located too close to their territory.

SNiP specifies the following standards for the location of buildings near the fence:

Distance between two sections must be at least 3 meters (with the written consent of the parties, this indicator can be reduced)
Buildings for keeping livestock and birds should be located at a distance of more than 4 meters from the fence
Bathhouse, outbuildings, toilet and shower at a distance of at least 2.5 meters
Greenhouses on the site should be located at a distance of more than 4 meters to prevent shading of the neighboring area and the ingress of wastewater with fertilizers dissolved in it
Garage and buildings for storing materials (equipment) can be 1 meter from the fence

The best option is to locate buildings at a distance of 3 meters. This will prevent conflict with neighbors due to shading of their site.

Shrubs and trees deserve special attention. They must be located on the site so as not to obscure the neighboring site.

There are several rules for this:

You should not rely on the fact that green spaces or buildings will not cause harm if they are located in a chaotic manner.

A tall tree on the site can grow for a long time until a person moves into the neighboring house and does not like the shade from the tall plant.

And in this case, not only a conflict is possible, but also a trial, ending with a requirement to remove the interfering object and pay a fine for violations of SNiP rules.

Distance between buildings

The location of outbuildings is regulated by SNiP 30-02-97. It specifies the rules for locating houses for fire safety.

If a structure catches fire, the fire will quickly spread to the neighboring area, which will lead to the ignition of a residential building.

Therefore, during construction, it is important to follow the standards provided by law.

The distance between residential buildings is determined depending on the material of the building:

It is allowed to locate houses close together if the building has a “2 owners per 1 house” system.

The distance is measured in a straight line, starting from the house, not the neighbors' fence.

If there are no buildings in the adjacent territory, then primary construction is a priority. In the future, neighbors will have to measure the distance between houses.

The distance between buildings on the site is also indicated in SNiP.

However, failure to comply with the described standards can lead to difficulties with a residential plot, so it is recommended to follow the rules regarding the location of buildings:

SNiP contains information about the location of objects relative to each other.

For example, the well should be located more than 20 meters from the compost pit, toilet and away from the fence.

This can be explained by the likelihood of toxic substances getting into water used for drinking purposes.

Special attention is paid to baths. They are, in most cases, made of wood, which increases the fire danger on the site.

For this reason, the bathhouse should be located at a distance of more than 8 meters from residential buildings (including neighbors).

Construction of a garage

Previously, there were no requirements for building a garage. In 2019, changes were introduced to SNiP.

The garage must be located more than 1 meter from the fence. If it is installed inside a residential building, then additional ventilation must be equipped.

Height of fences

The building regulations also contain some requirements for site fencing.

The fence between neighboring areas should not be higher than 1.5 meters in height.

It is possible to create a continuous fence, but only half to prevent shading of the neighboring area.

As for the external fence, there are no special requirements for it.

But it should not be more than 2 meters high, otherwise the structure will need to be additionally approved by regulatory authorities.

Any material can be used to make a fence.

Standards for individual housing construction

Building rules regulate not only the location of buildings on the site, but the nature of the buildings themselves.

After studying the regulatory documents, you can familiarize yourself with the existing standards:

The basement floor must be more than 2 meters high if it is planned to be used for storing things and equipment. It is prohibited to arrange living rooms in basements.

Engineering communications

For a comfortable stay in a private house, it is necessary to install utility lines or think about the possibility of installing their analogues.


The owner of the house decides what type of heating to install. This could be a wood stove, fireplace, gas boiler.

Heating radiators are installed under the windows of the house to increase heat transfer.

If possible, the house, with the permission of the service organization, is connected to a common heating system.

Gas supply

Gas supply can be used in a private home in two ways:

  1. By connecting to a common highway.
  2. From gas cylinders.

When connecting to the central gas main, it is necessary to correctly lay the pipes and make connections between the parts. It is prohibited to communicate through the living rooms of the house.

The pipes must be connected to the kitchen or heating stove. Exceptions include houses where a shut-off valve is installed near the entrance to the living space.

Communication is laid outside the building, and not through the foundation. The elements are connected by welding.

Shut-off valves can be installed using threaded parts.

If you plan to use gas cylinders for cooking or heating premises, then you need to buy containers with a volume of no more than 12 liters.

The operation of larger volume cylinders is permitted only if they are kept in a specially designated building located away from a residential building.

A prerequisite for installing a gas supply is the use of at least two devices powered by this fuel.

As a rule, these include a cooking stove and a heating boiler.

Electricity supply

Electricity is supplied to private homes through the installation of overhead power lines (power lines).

The main condition is that the wires should not be located on highways or interfere with traffic areas.

On a less busy street, it is allowed to install wires at a height of 2.75 meters.

If the area is busy, people often walk near the house and cars pass by, then the distance from the ground should be at least 6 meters.

This prevents threats and does not interfere with the movement of people and vehicles.

The distance between supports should be no more than 25 meters. If the house is located at a greater distance, then it is necessary to install an additional, intermediate pole.

A distance of 20 cm is marked between the wires. When connecting the power line, metering devices are installed. They are mounted in a special box outside or inside the house.

Wiring in the building must be covered with insulating material and fixed in the corners of rooms or on the ceiling.

Wiring work should only be carried out by professional electricians!

Water supply and sanitation

Water supply in a private house is carried out in several ways:

  • through the central system;
  • well drilling method;
  • delivery of water.

Round-the-clock cold water without additional manipulations is a connection to the central water supply system.

If hot water is required, water heaters are installed.

Sewerage installation is carried out taking into account several requirements:

If a toilet is installed in the house, then the issue of arranging a cesspool is considered.

It can be separate from the sewer from the kitchen or combined.

In a private house, ventilation is not required. Windows and vents are opened for ventilation.

Ventilation is installed in the bathroom and toilet provided that there is no flow of fresh air, that is, there are no windows in the room.

Fire safety standards

SNiP does not provide a separate chapter for fire safety standards.

But the basic rules can be distinguished from the basic requirements for building a house:

Distance between house and road must be at least 6 meters. There should be no obstacles for fire trucks to enter
Between neighboring houses the distance should be at least 6 meters. This is provided that the building is made of fire-resistant material, and there are no windows or doors on the adjacent side. In other cases, the distance increases to 8 meters or more
Electrical wiring is laid according to the rules of the PUE When installing power supply in a wooden house, a metal corrugated pipe must be used. It protects the house from fire in the event of a short smoke in the wiring or a spark. Before commissioning, the electrical wiring is checked by Oblenergo employees
Regularly checking electrical wiring the serviceability of heating appliances is a measure to prevent fire in a private home
Large gas cylinders should not be stored in the house. and flammable substances in unclosed containers. There must be a separate metal box for these materials

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"SNiP 2.04.12-86 Calculation of the strength of steel pipelines"

  • SP 34. ... "SNiP 2.05.02-85* Highways"
  • SP 35. ... "SNiP 2.05.03-84* Bridges and pipes"
  • SP 36. ... "SNiP 2.05.06-85* Main pipelines"
  • SP 37. ... "SNiP 2.05.07-91* Industrial transport"
  • SP 38. ... "SNiP 2.06.04-82* Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)"
  • SP 39. ... "SNiP 2.06.05-84* Dams made of soil materials"
  • SP 40. ... "SNiP 2.06.06-85 Concrete and reinforced concrete dams"
  • SP 41. ... "SNiP 2.06.08-87 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures"
  • SP 42. ... “SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements"
  • SP 43. ... "SNiP 2.09.03-85 Constructions of industrial enterprises"
  • SP 44. ... “SNiP 2.09.04-87* Administrative and domestic buildings”
  • SP 45. ... "SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, bases and foundations"
  • SP 46. ... "SNiP 3.06.04-91 Bridges and pipes"
  • SP 47. ... “SNiP 11-02-96 Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions"
  • SP 48. ... "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction"
  • SP 50. ... "SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings"
  • SP 51. ... “SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise Protection”
  • SP 52. ... “SNiP 23-05-95* Natural and artificial lighting”
  • SP 53. ... "SNiP 30-02-97* Planning and development of territories of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures"
  • SP 54. ... "SNiP 31-01-2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings"
  • SP 55. ... "SNiP 31-02-2001 Single-apartment residential buildings"
  • SP 56. ... "SNiP 31-03-2001 Industrial buildings"
  • SP 57. ... "SNiP 31-04-2001 Warehouse buildings"
  • SP 58. ... “SNiP 33-01-2003 Hydraulic structures. Basic provisions"
  • SP 59. ... “SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility”
  • SP 60. ... "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"
  • SP 61. ... "SNiP 41-03-2003 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines"
  • SP 62. ... "SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems"
  • SP 63. ... “SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions"
  • SP 64. ... "SNiP II-25-80 Wooden structures"
  • SP 66. ... "Design and construction of pressure water supply and sewerage networks using high-strength pipes made of nodular cast iron"
  • SP 68. ... “SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance into operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions"
  • SP 69. ... "SNiP 3.02.03-84 Underground mine workings"
  • SP 70. ... "SNiP 3.03.01-87 Load-bearing and enclosing structures"
  • SP 71. ... "SNiP 3.04.01-87 Insulating and finishing coatings"
  • SP 72. ... "SNiP 3.04.03-85 Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion"
  • SP 73. ... "SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems"
  • SP 74. ... "SNiP 3.05.03-85 Heat networks"
  • SP 75. ... "SNiP 3.05.05-84 Process equipment and process pipelines"
  • SP 76. ... "SNiP 3.05.06-85 Electrical devices"
  • SP 77. ... "SNiP 3.05.07-85 Automation Systems"
  • SP 78. ... "SNiP 3.06.03-85 Highways"
  • SP 79. ... “SNiP 3.06.07-86 Bridges and pipes. Rules for examinations and tests"
  • SP 80. ... "SNiP 3.07.01-85 River hydraulic structures"
  • SP 81. ... "SNiP 3.07.03-85* Reclamation systems and structures"
  • SP 82. ... "SNiP III-10-75 Landscaping"
  • SP 83. ... "SNiP III-24-75 Industrial furnaces and brick pipes"
  • SP 84. ... "SNiP III-39-76 Tram tracks"
  • SP 85. ... "SNiP III-41-76 Contact networks for electrified transport"
  • SP 86. ... "SNiP III-42-80* Main pipelines"
  • SP 87. ... “SNiP III-44-77 Railway, road and hydraulic tunnels. Subways"
  • SP 88. ... "SNiP II-11-77* Protective structures for civil defense"
  • SP 89. ... "SNiP II-35-76 Boiler installations"
  • SP 90. ... "SNiP II-58-75 Thermal power plants"
  • SP 91. ... "SNiP II-94-80 Underground mine workings"
  • SP 92. ... "SNiP II-108-78 Warehouses of dry mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products"
  • SP 93. ... "SNiP 2.01.54-84 Protective structures of civil defense in underground mine workings"
  • SP 94. ... "SNiP 2.01.57-85 Adaptation of public utility facilities for sanitary treatment of people, special treatment of clothing and rolling stock of vehicles"
  • SP 95. ... "SNiP 2.03.02-86 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of dense silicate concrete"
  • SP 96. ... "SNiP 2.03.03-85 Reinforced cement structures"
  • SP 97. ... "SNiP 2.03.09-85 Asbestos-cement structures"
  • SP 98. ... "SNiP 2.05.09-90 Tram and trolleybus lines"
  • SP 99. ... "SNiP 2.05.11-83 On-farm roads on collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises and organizations"
  • SP 100. ... "SNiP 2.06.03-85 Reclamation systems and structures"
  • SP 101. ... "SNiP 2.06.07-87 Retaining walls, shipping locks, fish passages and fish protection structures"
  • SP 102. ... "SNiP 2.06.09-84 Hydraulic tunnels"
  • SP 103. ... "SNiP 2.06.14-85 Protection of mine workings from groundwater and surface water"
  • SP 104. ... "SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding"
  • SP 105. ... "SNiP 2.10.02-84 Buildings and premises for storage and processing of agricultural products"
  • SP 106. ... "SNiP 2.10.03-84 Livestock, poultry and fur farming buildings and premises"
  • SP 107. ... "SNiP 2.10.04-85 Greenhouses and greenhouses"
  • SP 108. ... "SNiP 2.10.05-85 Enterprises, buildings and structures for grain storage and processing"
  • SP 109. ... "SNiP 2.11.02-87 Refrigerators"
  • SP 110. ... “SNiP 2.11.03-93 Oil and petroleum products warehouses. Fire safety standards"
  • SP 111. ... "SNiP 11-04-2003 Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, examination and approval of urban planning documentation"
  • SP 112. ... "SNiP 21-01-97* Fire safety of buildings and structures"
  • SP 113. ... “SNiP 21-02-99* Parking lots”
  • SP 114. ... “SNiP 03/21/2003 Warehouses of forest materials. Fire safety standards"
  • SP 115. ... "SNiP 22-01-95 Geophysics of hazardous natural influences"
  • SP 116. ... “SNiP 02/22/2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions"
  • SP 118. ... “SNiP 31-06-2009 Public buildings and structures”
  • SP 119. ... "SNiP 32-01-95 1520 mm gauge railways"
  • SP 120. ... "SNiP 32-02-2003 Subways"
  • SP 121. ... “SNiP 32-03-96 Aerodromes”
  • SP 122. ... "SNiP 32-04-97 Railway and road tunnels"
  • SP 123. ... "SNiP 34-02-99 Underground storage facilities for gas, oil and their processed products"
  • SP 124. ... "SNiP 41-02-2003 Heat networks"
  • SP 125. ... "SNiP 2.05.13-90 Oil product pipelines laid in cities and other populated areas"
  • SP 126. ... "SNiP 3.01.03-84 Geodetic work in construction"
  • SP 127. ... “SNiP 2.01.28-85 Landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste. Basic principles for design"
  • SP 128. ... "SNiP 2.03.06-85 Aluminum structures"
  • SP 129. ... “SNiP 3.05.04-85* External networks and water supply and sewerage structures”
  • SP 130. ... "SNiP 3.09.01-85 Production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products"
  • SP 131. ... “SNiP 23-01-99* Construction climatology”
  • SP 132. ... “Ensuring anti-terrorist security of buildings and structures. General design requirements Except for sections 1, 7, 8.”
  • SP 133. ... “Wired radio broadcasting and warning networks in buildings and structures. Design standards"
  • SP 134. ... “Telecommunication systems for buildings and structures. Design Basics"
  • SP 136. ... “Buildings and structures. General provisions for design taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility"
  • SP 137. ... “Living environment with planning elements accessible to people with disabilities. Design Rules"
  • SP 138. ... “Public buildings and structures accessible to people with limited mobility. Design Rules"
  • SP 139. ... “Buildings and premises with places of work for disabled people. Design Rules"
  • SP 140. ... “Urban environment. Design rules for people with limited mobility"
  • SP 141. ... “Social service institutions for people with limited mobility. Rules for calculation and placement"
  • SP 142. ... “Buildings of resocialization centers. Design Rules"
  • SP 143. ... “Premises for leisure and physical culture and recreational activities of low-mobility groups of the population. Design Rules"
  • SP 144. ... “Centers and departments of geriatric services. Design Rules"
  • SP 145. ... “Boarding houses. Design Rules"
  • SP 146. ... “Gerontological centers, nursing homes, hospices. Design Rules"
  • SP 147. ... “Buildings for social service institutions. Reconstruction Rules"
  • SP 148. ... “Premises in social and medical care institutions. Design Rules"
  • SP 149. ... “Rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities. Design Rules"
  • SP 150. ... “Boarding houses for disabled children. Design Rules"
  • SP 151. ... "Engineering surveys for the placement, design and construction of nuclear power plants (in 2 parts)"
  • SP 152. ... “Federal court buildings. Design rules (old: Buildings of courts of general jurisdiction. Design rules)"
  • SP 158. ... “Buildings and premises of medical organizations. Design Rules"
  • SP 159. ... “Steel-reinforced concrete span structures of road bridges. Calculation rules"
  • SP 160. ... “Multifunctional buildings and complexes. Design Rules"
  • SP 163. ... “Structures using plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets. Rules for design and installation"
  • SP 164. ... “Strengthening reinforced concrete structures with composite materials. Design Rules"
  • SP 165. ... "SNiP 2.01.51-90 Engineering and technical measures for civil defense"
  • SP 228. ... “Buildings and structures of investigative bodies. Design Rules"
  • SP 229. ... “Reinforced concrete structures of underground structures and communications. Corrosion protection"
  • SP 230. ... “Building enclosing structures. Characteristics of thermal inhomogeneities"
  • SP 242. ... “Buildings of territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Design Rules"
  • SP 245. ... “Corrosion protection of linear objects and structures in the oil and gas complex. Rules for production and acceptance of work"
  • SP 246. ... “Regulations on designer’s supervision over the construction of buildings and structures”
  • SP 247. ... “Pretrial detention centers of the penal system. Design Rules"
  • SP 248. ... “Underground structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 249. ... “Underground communications. Design and construction using closed and open methods"
  • SP 250. ... “Buildings and structures. Protection from groundwater"
  • SP 251. ... “Buildings of general education organizations. Design Rules"
  • SP 252. ... “Buildings of preschool educational organizations. Design Rules"
  • SP 253. ... “Engineering systems of high-rise buildings”
  • SP 254. ... “Buildings and territories. Rules for designing protection against industrial noise"
  • SP 255. ... “Buildings and structures. Operating rules. Basic provisions"
  • SP 256. ... “Electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Rules for design and installation"
  • SP 257. ... “Hotel buildings. Design Rules"
  • SP 259. ... “Bridges in dense urban areas. Design Rules"
  • SP 260. ... “Thin-walled steel structures made of cold-formed galvanized profiles and corrugated sheets. Design Rules"
  • SP 261. ... “Railway track for industrial transport. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 262. ... “Container sites and terminal devices at industrial and transport enterprises. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 263. ... “Adaptation of subways for protective structures of civil defense. General design rules"
  • SP 264. ... "SNiP 2.01.53-84 Light camouflage of populated areas and national economic facilities"
  • SP 265. ... “Communication collectors. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 266. ... “Steel-reinforced concrete structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 267. ... “High-rise buildings and complexes. Design Rules"
  • SP 268. ... “Transport structures in seismic areas. Design Rules"
  • SP 269. ... “Transport structures in seismic areas. Rules for clarifying initial seismicity and seismic microzoning"
  • SP 270. ... “Transport structures in seismic areas. Rules for assessing road damage during earthquakes in remote and hard-to-reach areas"
  • SP 271. ... “Noise suppression systems for air heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Design Rules"
  • SP 272. ... “City and village water drainage systems. Examination rules"
  • SP 273. ... “Water supply and sanitation. Rules for the design and execution of work when restoring pipelines using flexible polymer hoses"
  • SP 274. ... “Bridges. Technical condition monitoring"
  • SP 275. ... “Enclosing structures for residential and public buildings. Rules for designing sound insulation"
  • SP 276. ... “Buildings and territories. Rules for designing protection against noise from traffic flows"
  • SP 277. ... “Sea shore protection structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 278. ... “Buildings of educational organizations of higher education. Design Rules"
  • SP 279. ... “Buildings of professional educational organizations. Design Rules"
  • SP 280. ... “Systems for supplying combustion air and removing combustion products for heat generators using gas fuel. Design and device rules"
  • SP 281. ... “Heat generating units with a capacity of up to 360 kW, integrated into buildings. Design and device rules"
  • SP 282. ... “Apartment heat supply systems based on individual gas heat generators. Design and device rules"
  • SP 283. ... “Construction objects of increased responsibility. Rules for seismic microzoning"
  • SP 284. ... “Field pipelines for oil and gas. Rules for the design and production of work"
  • SP 285. ... “Football stadiums. Design Rules"
  • SP 286. ... “Construction objects of increased responsibility. Rules for detailed seismic zoning"
  • SP 287. ... “Marine mooring structures. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 288. ... “Forest roads. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 289. ... “Structures of livestock, poultry and fur farming enterprises. Design Rules"
  • SP 290. ... “Culvert hydraulic structures (spillways, water outlets and outlets). Design Rules"
  • SP 291. ... “Soil-cement reinforced structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 292. ... “Buildings and structures in tsunami-hazardous areas. Design Rules"
  • SP 293. ... “Facade thermal insulation composite systems with external plaster layers. Rules for the design and production of work"
  • SP 294. ... “Steel structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 295. ... “Concrete structures reinforced with polymer composite reinforcement. Design Rules"
  • SP 296. ... “Buildings and structures. Special influences"
  • SP 297. ... “Fiber-reinforced concrete structures with non-metallic fiber. Design Rules"
  • SP 298. ... “Ventilation systems for road tunnels. Design Rules"
  • SP 299. ... “Wooden structures with screwed joints. Design Rules"
  • SP 300. ... “Systems for jet ventilation and smoke removal of underground and covered parking lots. Design Rules"
  • SP 301. ... “Information modeling in construction. Rules for organizing work by production and technical departments"
  • SP 302. ... “Warehouses for emergency chemically hazardous substances. Design Rules"
  • SP 303. ... “One-story buildings of industrial enterprises. Operating Rules"
  • SP 304. ... “Structures of long-span buildings and structures. Operating Rules"
  • SP 305. ... “Buildings and structures. Rules for geotechnical monitoring during construction"
  • SP 306. ... “Multifunctional shopping complexes. Operating Rules"
  • SP 307. ... “Buildings and premises for storage and processing of agricultural products. Operating Rules"
  • SP 308. ... “Correctional institutions and centers of the penal system. Design Rules"
  • SP 309. ... “Theatrical and entertainment buildings. Design Rules"
  • SP 310. ... “Swimming pools. Design Rules"
  • SP 311. ... “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of high-strength concrete. Design Rules"
  • SP 312. ... “On-farm roads. Operating Rules"
  • SP 313. ... “Roads in permafrost areas. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 314. ... “Ground crane rail tracks. Design, design and operation"
  • SP 315. ... “Thermal networks of ductless installation. Design Rules"
  • SP 316. ... “Container terminals. Design Rules"
  • SP 317. ... “Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work"
  • SP 318. ... “Forest roads. Operating Rules"
  • SP 319. ... “Buildings and premises of medical organizations. Operating Rules"
  • SP 320. ... “Landfills for municipal solid waste. Design, operation and reclamation"
  • SP 321. ... “Residential and public buildings. Rules for designing anti-radon protection"
  • SP 322. ... “Buildings and structures in seismic areas. Rules for examining the consequences of an earthquake"
  • SP 323. ... “Residential territories. Rules for designing outdoor lighting"
  • SP 324. ... “Multi-storey buildings of industrial enterprises. Operating Rules"
  • SP 325. ... “Buildings and structures. Rules for carrying out work during dismantling and disposal"
  • SP 327. ... “External walls with a facing brick layer. Rules for design, operation and repair"
  • SP 328. ... “Information modeling in construction. Rules for describing the components of the information model"
  • SP 329. ... “Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection after a fire"
  • SP 330. ... “Buildings and structures in seismic areas. Rules for the design of engineering seismometric stations"
  • SP 331. ... “Information modeling in construction. Rules for the exchange between information models of objects and models used in software systems"
  • SP 332. ... “Sports facilities. Design Rules"
  • SP 333. ... “Information modeling in construction. Rules for forming an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle"
  • SP 334. ... “Apartment heating units in multi-apartment residential buildings. Design Rules"
  • SP 335. ... “Large-panel structural systems. Design Rules"
  • SP 336. ... “Ventilation and air conditioning systems. Operating Rules"
  • SP 337. ... “Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 338. ... “Noise protection for high-speed railway lines. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 339. ... “Structures made of cellular concrete. Design Rules"
  • SP 340. ... “Reinforced concrete structures and concrete cooling towers. Design Rules"
  • SP 341. ... “Underground utilities. Laying by horizontal directional drilling"
  • SP 342. ... “Protection of railway tracks and structures from adverse natural phenomena. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 343. ... “Structures of industrial enterprises. Operating Rules"
  • SP 344. ... “Internal water supply and heating systems for buildings using cross-linked polyethylene pipes. Rules for design and installation"
  • SP 345. ... “Residential and public buildings. Rules for designing thermal protection"
  • SP 346. ... “Gas-air duct systems for boiler plants with a capacity of up to 150 MW. Design Rules"
  • SP 347. ... “Internal heating systems, hot and cold water supply. Operating Rules"
  • SP 348. ... “Industrial parks and industrial clusters. Design Rules"
  • SP 349. ... “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules for repair and strengthening"
  • SP 351. ... “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of lightweight concrete. Design Rules"
  • SP 352. ... “Single-apartment residential buildings with a wooden frame. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 353. ... “Noise protection of metro facilities. Rules for design, construction and operation"
  • SP 354. ... “Foundations of bridge supports in areas of permafrost. Rules for design and construction"
  • SP 355. ... “Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame structures of one-story industrial buildings. Design Rules"
  • SP 356. ... “Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame structures of multi-storey buildings. Design Rules"
  • SP 357. ... “Concrete structures of hydraulic structures. Rules for production and acceptance of work"
  • SP 358. ... “Hydraulic structures. Rules for design and construction in seismic areas"
  • SP 359. ... “Vertical cylindrical steel silos for storing bulk products. Design Rules"
  • SP 360. ... “Steel-fiber-concrete structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 361. ... “Buildings and structures. Protective measures in the zone of influence of the construction of underground facilities"
  • SP 362. ... “Enclosing structures made of three-layer panels. Design Rules"
  • SP 363. ... “Translucent coatings and lanterns of buildings and structures. Design Rules"
  • SP 365. ... “Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for storing petroleum products. Rules for the production and acceptance of installation work"
  • SP 366. ... “Field pipelines. Evaluation of technical solutions based on risk analysis"