Where to find a Sberbank current account. Providing services via the Internet. Bank details of LLC

To make payment transactions and transfers online through the system of Sberbank and its subsidiaries, the number of the plastic carrier located on the front side is sufficient. But for counterparties, officials Sometimes a personal and current account with a Sberbank card is required. Since such information is not often mentioned in everyday life, the holder becomes confused.

Let's talk about the essence of card carrier details, what a personal account and a current account of a Sberbank card are, what is the difference between them, and where to get them.

Types of accounts in Sberbank

Individuals' money is held at Sberbank in certain accounts opened in the name of the client. Debit accounts contain the holders' own funds, credited salaries, pensions, and social benefits. On credit - borrowed funds issued by the bank within the limit.

Debit and credit accounts provide for transactions using a special key - a plastic card containing a magnetic stripe. It “records” information about the client-holder, the expiration date of the carrier, as well as the account number to which the card is “linked”.


Receiving a plastic card is preceded by a banking operation, which, as a rule, most people do not notice - the opening of a settlement (current) card account. It is for this purpose that the applicant submits an application to the bank, the appropriate package of documents, enters into a banking service agreement and pays an annual commission.

A Sberbank card current account for individuals (often referred to as “r/s”, “rs”) is necessary to control the movement of the holder’s money. Since banking transactions are carried out in an automated mode, it helps to “identify” the money of a specific client from the entire volume of transactions, and perform targeted crediting or debiting of money.

The card account number is generated automatically and is a 20-digit unique sequence of numbers. Traditionally, it looks like this: ХХХХХ - 810 - Х - ХХХХ - ХХХХХХХ.

The table provides a breakdown of the information contained:

The circulation period of Sberbank plastic cards is 3 years. This is followed by a reissue of the media, on the front side of which a new number will be embossed. In contrast, the current account will remain unchanged.


Crediting wages or pensions is a financial transaction of the same type, which the employing enterprise or Pension fund perform a one-time transfer of money from their details to a Sberbank correspondent account.

Specification of recipients of salaries or social benefits automated systems Sberbank is carried out using the personal account code. Therefore, when applying for a job, an accountant of an enterprise or institution sometimes asks to indicate not the calculated one, but.

What are the differences?

The information presented in the table shows that the current account number reflects a larger amount of information than the personal one. And at the same time, debit media opened in the same Sberbank branch in the same currency will differ only in the last 7 digits, which will make up the card’s personal account.

In what cases is an account required for transfers?

If the client performs transactions only through Sberbank or its structures, he, as a rule, does not need a current account number.

The details are indicated when performing transfer operations:

  • for settlements between legal entities and individuals;
  • when performing interbank and international money transfers;
  • to pay off debt on a Sberbank credit card through another bank;
  • when paying for school meals.

If other banks or legal entities are involved in the payment transaction. person, the client must indicate the details open to the plastic carrier.

How and where can I find out the details?

Now we’ll tell you how to find out the current account of a Sberbank card. The necessary information can be obtained from several sources:

  • service contract. The document you signed contains a section “Parties Details”. It indicates the account number for card plastic, consisting of 20 digits;
  • PIN envelope. Upon receipt of the card, the holder is given an envelope with a PIN code. Along with other details identifying the medium, the current account number is indicated;
  • bank operations officer. Contact a Sberbank branch with your personal passport and plastic card to find out your account. Ask the manager to print out the required details;
  • Sberbank-online or mobile application. Log in to your “Personal Account”, “Cards” tab. All necessary information regarding active media will open, including identification of current accounts for them;
  • previously received payment receipt. Study carefully the document that once confirmed the transaction using the card - this is a reliable source where you can also see the card’s current account;
  • ATM. Insert the plastic into the “socket” of the device and perform one of the operations: balance, minimum balance on the card, credit/withdraw a small amount. As a result, a paper will be printed containing the necessary information;
  • call center The operator will first carry out the client verification procedure by asking questions about the card number, personal data of the holder, and code word. If your answers satisfy him, he will dictate the details of the plastic, which must be written down, and if necessary, asked to be repeated.

The listed methods show that finding out the required details is not difficult.

How to transfer money to a current account?

Among Sberbank clients, there are often cases when an individual has a current account, which he uses for entrepreneurial activity and a debit card used for personal needs. In the process, it becomes necessary to transfer money from a current account to a debit card.

There are two possible solutions here. We contact the bank department with the recipient's details. The operational employee will perform the necessary operation using the specified card number, current account for the card, and justification for the payment.

The second option is more convenient - Internet banking:

  • log into your personal account;
  • select the “Payments and transfers” option, and in it - the “Transfer to a private person” tab. A payment order template will be displayed on the screen, in which we indicate the necessary details and amount;
  • to confirm actions on mobile phone a one-time password will be sent. We enter it in the appropriate field, and the operation is completed successfully.

Transferring between your accounts is simpler - select the required card from the drop-down list of active media, indicate the required transfer amount, enter a confirmation code to complete.

Transfers of money to a card account in the system of Sberbank and its divisions will be made without commission payments. If money is transferred to another bank, you will need to pay a commission, the amount of which is specified in the service agreement.

Need to know

Clients sometimes do not distinguish between the Sberbank card number and the current account number for the card carrier. Let's name the simple differences:

  • main card number, which are arranged in four groups of 4 characters. Additional media contains 19 characters - another group of 3 digits is added;
  • after the card is reissued, its number will change, while the current account will remain unchanged until closure.

The card number and current account number are unique details that are generated according to the bank’s internal regulations and never coincide.


The card's current account is a necessary detail when performing individual payment transactions.

There is no need to remember it: if you have online access, the data is always “at hand”. To prevent unauthorized access, it should not be recorded in writing, and it is better to keep the service agreement closed to outsiders.

There are times when to transfer funds you need to know the recipient's current account. If you are the same recipient, and at the same time do not know your card account, then this article is dedicated to you.

How to find out your Sberbank account is a fairly common question. There are several ways to do this. However, first you need to understand what a current account is and what it serves.

What is a Sberbank card current account?

A current account is a twenty-digit combination that is given to each client when receiving a card. This account should not be confused with the card number.

Why do you need a Sberbank current account number?

The current account is used to record all client transactions. Money comes to him and is withdrawn from him.

How to find out your Sberbank account

How to find out your current account through Sberbank Online

Thus, the article discussed all the ways to find out the current account of a Sberbank card.

You may find payment information useful various services through Sberbank Online. This article is posted at this link. And also take ten minutes of your time to read about applying for a Sberbank card by submitting an online application.

Plastic cards are so necessary for people that almost everyone has them. However, as you use them, questions often arise. One of the most common is about the account number. It is not printed on the means of payment and sometimes this greatly complicates the life of clients. How to find out the account number of a Sberbank card if it is opened simultaneously with the issuance of the card and is not always announced to people? Everything is credited to it cash: wages, scholarship, pension, contributions and transfers. What methods should I use?

What is a personal account

This is an accounting system that reflects the monetary relationship between an individual and a bank: deposits, accrued interest, expenses. The information is strictly confidential - according to the law, it is issued only to regulatory authorities upon their request. A personal account is 20 digits that are not similar to the numbering on the card. The latter changes with each re-release, but the score always remains the same.

There are certain rules of the Central Bank. According to them, accounts of individuals begin with certain numbers, for example, with “40820”, “42601”, “40817”. The next 2 digits indicate the currency code, the 9th indicates the bank itself, and the 10th to 13th digits indicate the department financial organization, and the last 7 are the individual client number.

What is the difference between a current and personal account

The main difference between them is that the personal account is a bank account individual(taxpayer), and settlement - legal. The checking account is not used for savings or for the purpose of passive income. He is needed legal entities for quick and reliable access to your finances via the Internet or a personal visit. Clients can deposit any amount and withdraw their money upon request. One person can open several accounts.

Another type of bank account is a correspondent account. It and the BIC are sometimes necessary to know in order to transfer money to an organization. A correspondent account is needed for internal bank transactions and direct settlements with other financial organizations. Not used by private individuals. This account consists of 20 digits, with the same beginning for everyone - 301, and the last 3 duplicate 7-9 digits of the BIC.

Ways to check the account number of a Sberbank card

How can I find out my personal account number? This is the main detail that will be needed to make payments and various types of transfers. About what details are bank card, it's worth reading in more detail. As noted above, you won't be able to recognize them just by looking at your card. However, there are several methods available to obtain necessary information. We will describe in more detail how to find out the account number of a Sberbank plastic card.

In an envelope with a PIN code

Often a bank card is issued along with a special paper envelope. There is also a PIN code inside. The account number is printed on the front. The issued envelope is black and white, impersonal - without the logo and name of the organization. Due to its unremarkable appearance, it is very easy to lose or throw away. The number we are interested in is easily recognizable - it is long, has at least 20 digits. If the paper envelope is saved, there should be no questions about how to find out the current account.

At a bank branch

People go to a bank branch not only to apply for banking products, obtain a loan, make statements, enter into contracts, replenish the balance or change a payment card. They are also visited for additional consultation. If you cannot find out the account number in any other way, you should contact bank employees for help. You must take your passport with you. All details will be printed out for you, including the required number. The only drawback of this method is that you need to spend time on the road.

In a questionnaire or contract

When applying for a card in Russia, clients always sign an agreement on opening and servicing an account. One copy remains with the financial institution, the other with the individual. This document always indicates a 20-digit account number. This is exactly what is needed to carry out monetary transactions. Sometimes the invoice is entered in the loan recipient’s application form, for example, or in the application for a card.

By phone or email

One of quick ways To find out any information, call the support service. To obtain information, you should prepare your passport in advance and remember the code word. If the client has forgotten the security answer, employees hotline will not help, since the information about the account is closed. However, you can get information from them on how to find out the account number of a Sberbank plastic card in other ways, how to view the card details in Sberbank online.

The official website contains a feedback form, which is also worth using. To receive a prompt response, you need to describe the problem in detail, indicate your region and correctly formulate the topic. After clicking the “Next” button, you need to make sure that the application has been sent. After that, you just have to wait for an answer.

Via the Internet using an online service

How to find out Sberbank card details on the Internet? Registered users of Sberbank Online have the opportunity to perform many operations independently: order details, make transfers, control deposits, find out official exchange rates, receive necessary information By plastic card. To use the service you need to create an account. Next steps:

  • log into the program using your login and password;
  • enter the one-time password sent by message to your phone;
  • go to the “Maps” section and click on the desired option (if there are several cards);
  • find the “Information” tab and find your number in the “General Information” section.

The online service allows you to perform operations around the clock, regardless of the day of the week or date. The bank client does not have to travel anywhere, sit in line or communicate with strangers. Operations are carried out almost instantly. The most important thing is that the services are free. If you encounter any difficulties while working, we recommend watching a video on how to find out your account on a Sberbank card.

Via ATM or terminal

If you know what card details are, use remote self-service channels from time to time and have an idea of ​​what they look like, this will suit you this method. It is convenient to use it abroad, where there are no bank branches. To find out your bank details, you need to:

  • insert the card into the device;
  • dial your PIN code;
  • in your personal account, find the “Information” window, then “Service”;
  • Click on the “Screenshot” button to get the full data (they appear on the screen).

Video: how to get the details of your Sberbank card

The video describes in detail how to find out your details and SWIFT code in the Sberbank Online program. The first information is required for domestic transfers, the second – for international transfers. Before making currency transfers, the speaker strongly recommends checking with your bank branch to see if they accept them. Small units may not do this.

As practice shows, many bank card users do not even realize that the card number and the number of the corresponding current account do not match. And when you need to provide your own card account number, the question arises - how to find it out?

How to find out the current account of a Sberbank card

To obtain account information you can:

  • Use the support services,
  • Visit a Sberbank branch,
  • Read the information on the card envelope,
  • Using your personal account.

In addition, you can use the mobile application or through an ATM. For different categories of bank card users, their own method of obtaining information is preferable. If a bank branch is located near your home, then the most reliable way to accurately and without errors find out your own current account is to visit it.

However, in large cities or when time is short, it is much more convenient to use remote methods. How to view the current account of a Sberbank card using each of these methods?

Sberbank card current account through Sberbank Online

Using modern technologies and the appropriate service, you can find out your card's current account at Sberbank online, without wasting time on a trip to the bank or even making calls. How to find out the card's current account in Sberbank Online?

To do this, just use the “Personal Account” service. In this case, on the bank’s website you need:

  1. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and select the “Maps” tab.
  2. In this tab, select the “card information” section (i.e., click directly on your active card).
  3. Next is the section “Detailed information”, subsection “Details”.
  4. After these steps, all the information the user needs will be displayed on the screen. All bank details necessary for making transfers and payments will also be available.

This way you can find out information on any Sberbank card. This method is especially convenient for those who travel often and for a long time, including abroad.

Find out from the agreement with Sberbank or at the branch

If the cardholder still has the agreement, you can find out the necessary details by carefully reading the data specified there. Considering that the instance of this document It is required for every bank client; you just have to spend some time searching for it and you will find out the account number.

A standard contract is one page of text. The necessary data is located at the bottom of the page, in the column called “Card Account Number”.

If the contract is lost or damaged, you can contact a Sberbank branch for information. Moreover, this must be exactly the department that issued the bank card.

This method is not very convenient, since it requires not only a personal visit to a bank branch and writing an application in the appropriate form.

The information is issued to the client in the form of a certificate, and the person responsible for performing this work may not be on site at the time of the request.

But this method eliminates any errors and inaccuracies. The bank is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, so that the funds do not get stuck and end up in someone else’s account.

Call the hotline

You can find out your account very quickly through the bank’s support service. This service is available throughout the state, works around the clock and is absolutely free.

Customers of most mobile operators in the country are not charged for calling the hotline if they call a special short number 900.

From landline phones, the standard hotline number is dialed. You can also view it in the Sberbank Online application on your phone or home computer.

In order to receive information from the operator, the caller will need to provide his information. To identify the person, the client will have to give a code word. After this, the operator provides comprehensive information on the client’s card account.

Using Mobile Banking

A very fast and convenient way to obtain information about the card. In order to use it, you need to have a special application (SBOL) on your phone.

This application is available for all major mobile platforms and is completely free to download and install. To find out the account number, you need to open the “About the card” tab, or go to the “Show Details” sub-item. To use the application, you must have an active connection to the mobile Internet.

This method allows you to spend a minimum of time to obtain information, and is convenient, first of all, for young users who are accustomed to the multifunctionality of their own mobile device.

Video: how to find a Sberbank card current account

Here are visual instructions for actions in SBOL.

Find out your Sberbank card current account through an ATM

This method is also convenient, because most card holders regularly use ATMs. In addition, the network of Sberbank terminals is one of the most developed in the country.

You need to insert the card, then enter the code and select the “Account Operations” tab. In any of the transactions carried out using a bank card, details are indicated, including the card account number. The user will only have to write it down or record it in some other way.

Sberbank card current account number

There are other methods for finding out the current account number of a Sberbank card. In particular, this information is indicated in an envelope containing the card PIN code.

Many users keep it for the entire period of ownership of the card, without relying on their own memory or electronic devices, so the envelope is a place where it is very convenient and easy to look at the current account of the Sberbank card.

The number is located on the inside of the envelope, on the left side of the rectangle containing information about the code. This is twenty characters printed in the last line under the full name of the card account holder.

Sberbank card as a current account for individual entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur who has a card account does not necessarily have to open a separate personal account for work. It is enough just to notify the tax office in a special letter that a specific account of an individual is used to conduct business.

In this case, all transactions in progress are transferred to the current account of the Sberbank bank card. economic activity payments. To carry out such activities, the entrepreneur-card holder will need a BIC and a current account with a Sberbank card.

BIC, that is, a unique identifier that allows you to determine the issuer of a banking product, can be found on the official website of Sberbank.

To do this, you need to have information about which territorial office issued and services the card. Next, you should find it in the “Branches” section, and the required bank identification code will be displayed in the institution details column.

Personal and current account of Sberbank card

Personal and current accounts are often considered synonymous concepts. In fact, these are two completely different identifiers.

The personal account consists of twelve digits. It is created to maintain records and analyze bank transactions for a specific client. This is strictly confidential information that does not need to be shared with third parties.

The current account of a Sberbank bank card is used for direct banking transactions. This - twenty-digit number that must be transmitted to counterparties to receive various payments.

Knowing the account can be useful to any bank card user. It is better to find out this data in advance, or install the application in order to receive information quickly, conveniently and absolutely free of charge at the right time.

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