Mineral water for the liver name. Which mineral water is best for the liver? Classification and therapeutic effect

In case of a painful condition associated with gallstone disease, you need to follow a diet. Using mineral water will help cope with it. early stages development.

Gallstone disease is the formation of stones in the ducts and the bladder itself. According to statistics, it is considered common, and approximately 15 percent of the population suffers from its manifestations.

The pathological condition does not occur immediately; the development process itself is quite long. And a person walks around with stones for years and does not suspect that he has them until they reach large sizes. Elderly people, and especially women, are prone to their education.

Many methods are used for treatment. Eating and drinking will be important, of course. Water obtained from natural sources and subjected to mineralization also plays an important role.

The main factors that lead to the appearance of dense formations in organs:

  1. obesity;
  2. sedentary lifestyle;
  3. hormonal system disorders;
  4. unhealthy food;
  5. excessive secretion of cholesterol;
  6. stagnant processes.

They vary in composition, but mostly consist of cholesterol masses.

The main symptoms include:

  1. Severe pain in the right hypochondrium, which radiates to the back, neck or shoulders. They are especially aggravated by errors in nutrition. This is the consumption of fried, fatty and smoked foods.
  2. Heartburn.
  3. Yellow skin, especially the sclera of the eyes - this manifests itself when completely blocked by dense neoplasms.
  4. Heaviness occurs in the right hypochondrium, mainly after eating.
  5. A sharp increase in body temperature to high values.
  6. Indigestion.

The benefits and harms of mineral water for the liver and gallbladder

This water is best suited for properly cleansing our body of unnecessary toxins and waste. Doctors advise periodically using it in your diet.

Mineral water is used both for the prevention and to combat pancreatic pathologies and liver problems.


For such diseases, it is recommended to drink medicinal water. It contains calcium, bicarbonate and many other important components.

These elements will enhance the excretion of bile, improve processes in the liver, relieve the painful process and prevent spasms. Another plus is that when consumed regularly, more hormones are produced, which contribute to better digestion.

Of course, mineral water cannot completely cure. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

In combination with medications, the doctor will prescribe the use of mineral water for pathologies of the digestive system.

This drink is divided into 3 types:

  1. Medicinal.
  2. Medical dining room.
  3. Dining room.

The first of them contains a large percentage of minerals and substances beneficial to the human body. But the mineralization of the liquid does not exceed 1 gram per liter.

To clean the liver ducts, doctors advise drinking medicinal water. Some of the best:

  • "Narzan";
  • "Essentuki";
  • "Borjomi".

Basic rules for liver cleansing

Doctors advise performing this procedure on weekends. A person should not engage in physical activity during this period. You also need to take into account that in the acute period it is better not to use this method.

First you need to prepare and leave the liquid open overnight to remove gases. Since it should only be used warm, it means preheat it to about 55 degrees. To do this, you will need to leave a bottle of mineral water in a pan of boiling water for a while, periodically checking its temperature.

Now take a few sips and lie down for 3 minutes on your right side, placing a heating pad under it first. This is necessary in order to relax the excretory ducts, thus facilitating the outflow of bile.

After the time has passed, stand up, continuing to hold the heating pad, take 3 more sips and return to your previous position. You need to drink 0.5 liters, periodically getting up and going back to bed.

Next time, to increase the effectiveness of this method, also take a choleretic medication.

Contraindications and indications for use

The procedure must be taken seriously. The right thing to do would be to see a specialist for advice.

  • colds, flu;
  • breast-feeding and pregnancy;
  • chronic pathological conditions in the acute stage;
  • postoperative period;
  • menstrual period;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • oncology;
  • fever of unknown etiology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infections of the genitourinary system.

Cleaning is used in the following cases:

  • if consumed frequently, as a result of which hepatocytes suffer from toxic poisoning;
  • if you take hepatotoxic medications for a long time, when cells take part in the breakdown and removal of medicinal metabolites;
  • cholecystitis, hepatitis.

Treatment with mineral water

Water obtained from natural sources is healthy and can not only quench thirst, but also cure many pathologies. Most often it is recommended for stones that form as a result of gallstone pathology.

You need to drink up to 2 liters per day, but if the organ’s motility is abnormal, its amount is reduced to 2 glasses per day. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate at home.

With the help of a doctor, the dose of fluid intake per day is selected. It is individual for each person. With large, dense tumors, it is dangerous to drink large amounts of liquid. This leads to blockage of the ducts and, as a result, immediate surgical intervention will be required.

In order to get the desired effect when consuming such a liquid, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Take water in small sips.
  2. Drink it only warm.
  3. Use it an hour before meals.

During this therapy, it is important not to forget to follow the daily routine, and also:

  1. Enrich food with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Walking in the fresh air.
  3. Do exercises.

You should also drink it with caution if your gallbladder has been removed. This is required so as not to cause inflammation in other organs.

Diet with mineral water

If a person has stones in the bile ducts, then following a diet is simply necessary. Errors in it provoke the formation of new stones and an increase in existing ones.

For cholelithiasis, diet No.5 is prescribed. It includes eating enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You should completely avoid salt or reduce your consumption to 10 grams per day. All products must be steamed.

You also need to include mineral water in your diet. It will help enrich the body with minerals and improve the flow of bile. Thus, the patient will be able to improve his own well-being.

We must not forget that in the presence of large stones it is strictly contraindicated. A large stone blocks the duct, and this dangerous situation and requires immediate surgical intervention.

Prevention to prevent cholelithiasis

Principles of prevention:

  1. Quit alcohol and smoking.
  2. Normalize your weight to acceptable levels.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Optimal physical activity.

As a preventive measure, split meals no more than five times a day will be used. If you have chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or other liver pathologies, then you need to pay special attention to this problem.

Since this also affects the organs of the digestive system. Traditional medicine is still welcome for stones. Before using herbs, consult a healthcare professional.

Gallstone disease is a serious disease and requires dynamic treatment.

Water has been proven to help with this painful condition. Selected for each patient individually. It depends on the stage of the disease.

For small stones, it improves their passage and prevents the appearance of new ones. Liver cleanses are still necessary to prevent stones.

Doctors recommend leading a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits. Serious diseases often arise due to poor nutrition. And they are difficult to treat. Therefore, the use of water will serve as an excellent preventive measure to prevent the appearance of dense tumors.

It is economical in cost and does not impose any special costs on the budget.

It not only quenches thirst during the hot season, but is also considered a good method of preventing serious diseases. By consuming it, the body is saturated with minerals.

Chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract are very diverse both in etiology, pathogenesis and pathomorphology, and in their clinical manifestations and the nature of the flow. Spa therapy is indicated for many forms of pathology of the liver and biliary tract, including chronic hepatitis of varying severity, residual effects of acute epidemic hepatitis (Botkin's disease), chronic cholecystitis, mild cholecystoangiocholitis and diseases developing after surgery to remove the gallbladder (the so-called postcholecystectomy syndrome ). Based on long-term observations carried out mainly in , a number of authors have developed, in relation to resort conditions, working classifications of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract that are subject to treatment with resort factors (I. S. Savoshchenko, 1957; A. S. Vishnevsky and Yu. S. Vishnevskaya , 1963).

Based on the severity of pathological signs, mild, moderate and severe forms of chronic hepatitis are distinguished. In mild forms, pain in the right hypochondrium and dyspepsia are mild and intermittent, the liver is not enlarged or protrudes from under the costal arch by only 1-2 cm, its consistency is not changed, less often slightly compacted, some patients have mild cholecystitis without signs angiocholitis. Functional liver disorders are mild and variable. Body temperature and peripheral blood picture remain within normal limits. The general condition of patients and performance, as a rule, are not impaired.

In chronic hepatitis of moderate severity, pain in the right hypochondrium and dyspeptic symptoms are almost constant, but most often moderately intense, the liver is enlarged by 3-4 cm, moderately compacted; in some cases there is a slight enlargement of the spleen. Liver functions are impaired in most cases, especially during periods of exacerbation. Complications are very often observed - cholecystitis and, less commonly, angiocholitis. Therefore, the course of the disease is usually intermittent - against the background of relatively constant dull pain in the right hypochondrium, moderate exacerbations periodically occur, which are sometimes accompanied
low-grade fever, slight yellowing of the sclera, the appearance of slight hyperbilirubinemia and urobilinuria, changes in peripheral blood. The general condition of the body is usually disturbed during exacerbations.

In severe forms of chronic hepatitis, pain in the right hypochondrium and dyspepsia are constant and quite intense, the liver is enlarged by 4-5 cm or more, and in most cases has a dense consistency. Enlargement, hardening and tenderness of the spleen are often noted. Liver dysfunction is pronounced and persistent. As a rule, there are clinical and laboratory signs of cholecystoangiocholitis. The course of the disease in most cases is recurrent, i.e., it is characterized by fairly pronounced exacerbations with increased body temperature, the appearance of jaundice, and changes in peripheral blood. Characterized by persistent disturbances in the general condition of the body, in particular a decline in nutrition. With the progressive course of severe hepatitis, liver cirrhosis develops, often with symptoms of portal hypertension.

For recent years The attention of clinicians is increasingly attracted to patients with the so-called residual effects of acute epidemic hepatitis (post-hepatitis syndrome, hepatomegaly, functional hyperbilirubinemia, etc.). The significant prevalence of this disease and the high frequency of its unfavorable outcomes make the problem of treating patients in the recovery period of epidemic hepatitis of particular relevance. According to S. M. Ryss (1963), treatment of patients in this period of the disease should be preventive in relation to the transition of an acute process to a chronic one. Emphasizing the importance of such methods of complex therapy that increase the immunobiological strength of the body and restore impaired liver functions to the maximum extent possible, the author includes medical nutrition, the use of vitamins, steroid hormones, oxygen, neurotropic drugs, and antibiotics.

In the clinic of the Pyatigorsk Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, Yu. S. Osipov in 1962 undertook exploratory observations with the goal of finding out the possibility and feasibility of using resort factors in the early stages of the post-icteric period of Botkin’s disease. The results of this work turned out to be very encouraging. Over the next 3 years, the clinic staff studied in detail the indications, methods and effectiveness of spa treatment for patients with residual effects of epidemic hepatitis at different times after jaundice - from 1 to 12 months. Based on a comprehensive assessment of a number of laboratory and clinical signs, three phases of the disease are distinguished: inactive, fading activity and active.

With residual effects of Botkin's disease in the active phase, as a rule, there is persistent and severe pain in the right hypochondrium, a significant enlargement of the liver (by 3-4 cm), often an enlargement of the spleen, jaundice of the skin and sclera, weight loss, a symptom complex of general asthenia, pathological abnormalities most laboratory indicators characterizing the actual activity of liver damage and dysfunction. Depending on the severity of these changes, three degrees of disease activity are established: low, medium and high. We can talk about low activity of the process in cases where the level of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in the blood is increased by less than 2 times, the content of gamma globulins is increased to 23%, the diameter of the “papule” with intradermal administration of autoserum does not exceed 10-20 mm.

With residual effects of Botkin's disease in the phase of fading activity, the course of the disease is generally favorable, however, there is often a moderate pain syndrome, an enlargement of the liver by 1-2 cm, and there are small or moderate deviations in laboratory indicators of the activity of the pathological process in the liver without pronounced dysfunction or with slight changes to individual functions.

With residual effects of Botkin's disease in the inactive phase, the pain syndrome is absent or mild in most cases, the liver has normal sizes or enlarged by only 1 -1.5 cm, the spleen is not enlarged, laboratory indicators of the activity of the process - the level of gamma globulins, the level of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in the blood (G. F. Kulikova, 1965), the results of an intradermal test with autoserum (Yu. S. Osipov, 1964) - do not detect deviations from the norm (or there is a slight change in any one of these tests); the main functions of the liver - the synthesis of albumin, prothrombin, the formation and secretion of bilirubin - are preserved or slightly impaired.

Treatment at drinking and balneological resorts is recommended for patients with residual effects of Botkin's disease, mainly in the inactive phase and in the phase of fading activity at any time after jaundice, including in the first 1-3 months, when this treatment is most effective. For residual effects of epidemic hepatitis in the active phase, spa treatment is permissible only when the activity of the process is low and is preferable at a later date after jaundice (not earlier than 4-6 months). In case of moderate and high activity of epidemic hepatitis, regardless of the duration of the jaundice, re-treatment should be carried out in a hospital setting, and in the future, patients should be sent for follow-up treatment mainly to local sanatoriums, where the therapeutic factors indicated in such cases and, first of all, can be successfully used internal use of bottled mineral waters in combination with a gentle regimen, diet therapy and medications.

For chronic diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract - dyskinesia, cholecystitis, cholecystoangiocholitis - the use of resort factors, including drinking mineral waters, is widely shown and gives a good therapeutic effect.

For all diseases of the liver and biliary tract, drinking mineral waters are used in combination with other medicinal products. In a resort setting, this includes diet therapy, therapeutic mud, mineral and gas baths, hardware physiotherapy, physical therapy, medications, etc. The role of internal intake of mineral waters in this medical complex is very significant. First of all, mineral waters affect the condition of the liver and bile ducts. They increase the bile-forming and bile-excretory functions of the liver, improve carbohydrate and protein metabolism in it, activate detoxifying processes, etc. Of particular importance is the ability of mineral waters to change the physicochemical properties of bile. As a result of drinking treatment in patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, the viscosity of bile decreases, its reaction (pH) is normalized, the content of bile acids increases, etc. (I. S. Savoshchenko, 1957; A. M. Nogaller, 1957; I . D. Frenkel et al., 1962).

All this creates conditions for the elimination of the inflammatory process in the bile ducts and prevents the loss of cholesterol crystals, which is especially important if there is a tendency to stone formation. An important factor in the therapeutic effect of mineral waters in pathologies of the liver and biliary tract is their beneficial effect on the digestive system - reducing inflammation in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, restoring impaired secretory function of the stomach, improving the motor activity of the stomach and intestines, activating the enzymatic function of the main digestive glands .

Of great importance in liver pathology is the normalizing effect of drinking mineral waters on various types metabolism in the body - water-salt, carbohydrate, fat, etc. (V. A. Aleksandrov, G. A. Smirnova, 1958). Finally, it should be emphasized recently obtained data that some methods of internal intake of mineral waters affect the processes of humoral, including hormonal, regulation in the body. In particular, I. S. Nanaziashvili (1962) established the stimulating effect of subaqueous baths on the function of the adrenal cortex in patients with chronic infectious cholecystitis.

The therapeutic effect of drinking mineral waters for pathologies of the liver and biliary tract is due to their chemical composition. A. S. Vishnevsky (1959) and other authors give great value the presence of sulfate, bicarbonate, chlorine and magnesium ions in mineral waters. Sulfate waters enhance bile formation and secretion, promote the removal of cholesterol and bilirubin from the body with bile, and also improve intestinal emptying and thereby reduce the enterogenous entry of toxic substances and infectious agents into the liver. The choleretic effect of hydrocarbonate and chloride waters is less pronounced than that of sulfate waters, but it still has medicinal value. Mineral waters containing magnesium ions have a choleretic effect, help reduce spasms of the gallbladder muscles, and improve bowel movements.

Sulfide waters (mostly low concentrations) also deserve attention, since according to available literature data, these waters increase the content of sulfhydryl compounds in the liver, which are known to play a role in important role during many metabolic processes, especially protein metabolism.

Some caution is required regarding the internal intake of medicinal waters containing radon and other radioactive substances, since, according to the literature, these waters can, under certain conditions, have a negative effect on certain aspects of metabolic processes in the liver (V. A. Aleksandrov, G. A. Smirnova, 1958; S. N. Molchanov, 1960).

Along with the features chemical composition mineral waters, other factors also play a role in the effectiveness of their internal use for diseases of the liver and biliary tract - temperature, dose, method of application, etc. Unfortunately, only a few works are devoted to these issues.

Based on the experience of working in the Karlovy Vary resort, V.N. Donskoy, V.K. Lubinetsi, M.I. Germanova (1957) emphasize the medicinal value of the high temperature of drinking mineral waters (46-58°). According to the authors, hot waters, especially those containing sulfuric acid salts, have a constant gentle tonic effect on the bile ducts, increasing bile formation and bile secretion. The dose of drinking mineral water and the frequency of its intake during the day are also essential. In everyday spa practice, when treating patients with chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, the usual method of drinking treatment is most often used - taking 200 ml of mineral water 3 times a day 30, 60 or 90 minutes before meals, depending on the nature of the secretory function of the stomach.

I. S. Savoshchenko (1957) prescribed two doses of mineral water: the first - at the usual time, taking into account the secretory function of the stomach (150-200 ml) and the second - 20 minutes before meals (another 150-200 ml) to enhance the outflow of bile and its entry into the intestines at the beginning of the act of eating, which, according to the author, improves digestion processes.

A. S. Vishnevsky (1958, 1959) recommends, if necessary, strengthening the bile-forming and bile-excretory functions of the liver, increasing the dose of mineral water from 200-300 to 400-500 ml and taking it not immediately, but in 2-3 doses for 30-40 - 60 minutes during the walk. The author believes that under these conditions, the first portion of mineral water stimulates primarily bile formation, and the second - bile secretion.

In the works of I. D. Frenkel and co-workers (1962), it was established that in case of chronic infectious cholecystitis, an increase in a single dose of mineral water promotes favorable changes in the microflora of bile, the content of leukocytes in it and especially physicochemical properties, causes greater alkalization of bile and an increase in lacks bilirubin, cholesterol and bile acids.

However, in case of chronic infectious hepatitis, increasing the dose of mineral water is apparently inappropriate. This is evidenced by the works of G. M. Krashenitsa and V. P. Pereverzeva (1962) and Yu. S. Vishnevskaya and co-workers (1963). Prescribing mineral water in a dose of 400 ml per appointment (instead of 200 ml), according to the observations of the authors, reduces the overall effectiveness of complex spa therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis. This applies to both the clinical symptoms of the disease and individual liver functions - protein formation, cholesterol secretion, etc. The works note the beneficial effect of an increased dose of mineral water (up to 400 ml) only on some functions of the stomach, but at the same time they emphasize the negative effect of this method of drinking treatment on intestinal condition (flatulence, rumbling, palpation pain). Therefore, in case of chronic infectious hepatitis, an increase in a single dose of mineral water to 400 ml can be recommended mainly in the presence of concomitant gastritis, if there are no pronounced impairments in the functional capacity of the liver and intestines. Increasing the dose of mineral water is also inappropriate if patients with chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis have concomitant disorders of water-salt metabolism and obesity.

Along with drinking treatment for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, duodenal intubation followed by the introduction of mineral waters, tubages (without a probe), transduodenal intestinal lavage and rectal methods of administering mineral waters are widely used. Among the latter, subaqueous baths are of particular importance, which significantly increase the overall effectiveness of complex spa therapy (I. S. Savoshchenko, 1957), help eliminate the inflammatory process in the biliary tract and liver dysfunction, reflexively enhance the emptying of the gallbladder, improve the physicochemical properties of bile and promote shifts in the microflora in it.

A. S. Vishnevsky (1958, 1959) and Yu. S. Vishnevskaya (1961) recommend the use of subaqueous baths if patients with hepatitis and cholecystitis have signs of fermentative and putrefactive dyspepsia and intestinal intoxication. In case of cholelithiasis, subaqueous baths promote enhanced removal of cholesterol from the body. When the sigmoid and rectum are predominantly affected, the authors give preference to intestinal showers and irrigation. Siphon rinses, cleansing enemas from mineral water and suction microenemas are also widely used.

The construction of the entire treatment complex, in particular the methods of internal use of mineral waters, should be differentiated depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease. For chronic (mainly infectious) hepatitis, the treatment complex is built taking into account the severity of the disease, the condition of the biliary tract, and the presence of secondary or concomitant lesions of the digestive tract (Table 8). For mild forms of chronic hepatitis, waters of medium and low mineralization are recommended for internal use. In case of predominant damage to the pigment function of the liver and pathology of the digestive organs, mineral waters with a predominance of bicarbonate, sulfate, chlorine, sodium and calcium ions are indicated. The combination of these ions can be very diverse. The following main types of medicinal waters can be considered the most suitable.
1. Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium and hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium waters; the same waters containing calcium ions.

2. Chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium and chloride-sulfate-sodium waters.

3. Sulfate-chloride-sodium and sulfate-hydrocarbonate-sodium waters; the same waters containing calcium ions.

4. Sodium sulfate, sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate waters; the same waters containing calcium ions.

5. Waters with a more complex anionic composition - hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate-sodium and chloride-bicarbonate-sulfate-sodium (or calcium).

Table 8

Scheme of differentiated use of drinking mineral waters for liver diseases

Clinical form of the disease Brief description recommended mineral waters Internal use of mineral waters Features of the construction of the entire treatment complex
drinking cure other methods of internal introduction of mineral waters
Chronic hepatitis Light form Waters of medium or low mineralization with a predominance of bicarbonate, chlorine, sulfate, sodium and calcium ions; with a predominant violation of the protein function of the liver - weakly sulfide waters. Radon waters are not shown In most cases, 200 ml 3 times a day; increasing the dose to 300-400 ml per dose is indicated for concomitant pathology of the stomach without severe liver and intestinal dysfunction, water temperature 35-55° For secondary inflammation of the biliary tract - Intraduodenal administration of mineral waters (drainage, tubage). For pathology of the gastrointestinal tract - gastric lavage and rectal methods of administering mineral waters. For intestinal dyspepsia, constipation, enterogenous intoxication, subaqueous baths are preferable Diet 5, general mineral or gas baths. In case of secondary inflammatory process in the biliary tract and pathology of the digestive tract, mud applications at a temperature of 42-44°
Moderate Mud applications on the liver area and lower back at a temperature of 40-42° are widely recommended, alternating with baths. Diet and lipotropic
Residual effects of epidemic hepatitis Severe form Waters of low mineralization are predominantly hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium-calcium. Sulfide and radon waters are not shown 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day, water temperature 35-45°. If portal circulation is impaired, drinking treatment is contraindicated Introducing mineral waters through a duodenal tube with great caution, preferably tubeage (without a tube) once every 5-7 days. Among rectal methods, microenemas and cleansing enemas from mineral water are recommended for symptoms of flatulence and constipation. If portal circulation is impaired, rectal administration of mineral waters is not indicated Lipotropic and hypochloride diets. Medications - vitamins C and group B, choleretic, lipotropic, adrenal hormones. Mud treatment with great care at a temperature of no more than 38 - 40° 2-3 times a week, alternating with general baths
Active phase Mainly hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters of low mineralization 150-200 ml 2-3 times a day, water temperature 35-45° Intraduodenal administration of mineral waters. Tubage (without a probe) and gastric lavage - for the same indications. Rectal methods are mainly microenemas, cleansing enemas, siphon intestinal lavages Treatment at balneological resorts is recommended only when the activity of the process is low and not earlier than 4-6 months after jaundice. The regime is gentle - without walking to distant drinking sources. Adaptation period up to
the start of balneotherapy for at least 5 days. General baths at a temperature of 36° no more than 3 times a week, only 8-10 procedures per course. Mud therapy is not used at all or is prescribed 2-3 times a week at a temperature not exceeding 38°. Medications are required
Phases of inactive and decaying activity Waters of low and medium salinity with a predominance of bicarbonate, chlorine, sulfate, sodium, and calcium ions. Sulfide and radon waters are not shown 200 ml 3 times a day, water temperature 35-55° In case of inflammatory damage to the biliary tract, administration of mineral waters through a duodenal tube, tubes (without a tube) 1-2 times a week. For gastritis - rinsing Spa treatment is indicated at any time after jaundice, including in the first 1-3 months. The motor mode in the first half of the course is gentle, then tonic. Period
Ludka For colitis, enterocolitis and intestinal dyskinesia - intestinal showers, siphon and underwater intestinal lavages (the latter not earlier than 4-6 months after jaundice) adaptation before the start of balneotherapy 3 days. General mineral and gas baths in the first 3 months no more than 3 times a week in the amount of 8-10 procedures per course; in later periods, baths are prescribed 4 - 5 times a week, a total of 12-14 procedures per course. Mud applications to the liver area in the first 3 months at a temperature of 38°, subsequently up to 40-42°, alternating with baths. Diet 5, lipotropic

If the protein function of the liver is predominantly impaired, weakly sulfide waters of low and medium mineralization may be recommended.

For drinking treatment, mineral water is in most cases prescribed 200 ml 3 times a day 30, 60 or 90 minutes before meals, depending on the state of the secretory function of the stomach. An increase in a single dose of water to 300-400 ml is indicated for concomitant pathology of the stomach, if there is no pronounced dysfunction of the liver and intestines. Water temperature 35-55°. In case of inflammatory lesions of the biliary tract, duodenal drainage and tubes are indicated. In cases of concomitant pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric lavage and various methods of rectal administration of mineral waters should be widely used. For intestinal dyspepsia, constipation, enterogenous intoxication, subaqueous baths are most effective.

Along with the internal intake of mineral waters, the treatment complex includes diet therapy (mainly diet 5 and 5a), physical therapy, general gas and mineral baths, hardware physiotherapy, climate therapy, etc. For secondary inflammatory processes in the biliary tract and pathology of the digestive tract, mud applications are indicated for stomach and lower back temperature 42-44°, alternating with baths.

For chronic hepatitis of moderate severity, the methods of internal use of mineral waters are basically the same. Increasing a single dose of mineral water to more than 200 ml is not recommended. Mud applications to the liver area and lower back at a temperature of 40-42° are widely recommended, alternating with mineral and gas baths. Along with diets 5 and 5a, the so-called lipotropic diet is used.

For severe forms of chronic hepatitis, of the mineral waters listed above, the most recommended are low-mineralization waters with a predominance of bicarbonate, chlorine, sodium and calcium ions. The use of sulfide waters is not recommended. Water is prescribed in a reduced dose - 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day at a temperature of 35-45°. If portal circulation is impaired, drinking treatment is contraindicated.

The introduction of mineral waters through a duodenal tube requires caution; it is preferable to limit the use of a tube once every 5-7 days. For indications for rectal administration of mineral waters (flatulence, constipation), more gentle methods are recommended - cleansing enemas and microenemas. If portal circulation is impaired, rectal administration of mineral waters is not indicated.

The treatment complex provides for the use of a lipotropic and hypochloride diet, lipocaine, methionine, choline, vitamins C and group B, choleretic drugs; in more severe cases, adrenal hormones are successfully used. Mud therapy is carried out with caution, at a temperature of no more than 38-40°, 2-3 times a week, alternating with general mineral and gas baths.

Treatment of patients with residual effects of Botkin's disease is carried out differentially depending on the duration and degree of activity of the process. In case of residual effects in the inactive phase and in the phase of fading activity, referral of patients to drinking and balneological resorts is permissible at any time after jaundice, including in the first 3 months. For internal use, the above-listed waters of low and medium mineralization with a predominance of bicarbonate, sulfate, chlorine, sodium and calcium ions are used. Sulfide and radon waters are not recommended. Water is prescribed 200 ml 3 times a day at a temperature of 35-55°. In case of inflammatory damage to the biliary tract, duodenal drainage or tubes are widely used at least 1-2 times a week.

In many cases, residual effects of Botkin's disease are manifested not only by damage to the liver and biliary tract, but also by pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, reparative processes in the liver proceed less favorably, and the residual effects of Botkin’s disease become protracted. This leads to indications for the use of such methods of internal use of mineral waters as gastric lavage and rectal procedures; however, subaqueous baths should be avoided during the first 3 months.

The correct use of other components of the treatment complex is of great importance. The motor regimen should be gentle at the beginning of the course (especially in the first 3 months after jaundice), then tonic with limited walking to distant drinking sources.

The duration of the adaptation period before the start of balneotherapy is 3-4 days. General mineral and gas baths are prescribed in the first 3 months after jaundice no more than 3 times a week in the amount of 8-10 procedures per course, in later periods - up to 4-5 times a week, a total of 12-14 procedures. Mud applications to the liver area are used in the first 3 months at a temperature of 38°, subsequently at a temperature of 40-42°, alternating with baths.

For patients with residual effects of Botkin's disease in the active phase, treatment at balneological resorts can be recommended only when the activity of the process is low and not earlier than 4-6 months after jaundice. For internal use, predominantly low-mineralization waters, mainly sodium bicarbonate-chloride, are indicated. Water is prescribed 150-200 ml 2-3 times a day. Water temperature 35-45°. Intraduodenal administration of mineral waters, tubes and gastric lavage are carried out according to the same indications as for residual effects of Botkin's disease in the inactive phase and in the phase of fading activity. Of the rectal methods of administering mineral waters, the more gentle ones are shown - microenemas, cleansing enemas, siphon intestinal lavages.

The motor mode should be gentle - without walking to distant drinking sources. The adaptation period before the start of balneotherapy should last at least 5 days. General baths are prescribed at a temperature of 36-37° no more than 3 times a week in the amount of 8-10 procedures per course. Mud therapy is not used at all or is prescribed at a temperature of 38° 2-3 times a week, alternating with baths. The use of spa factors must be combined with medications; Vitamins B1, B2, PP, B6, B12 (mainly parenterally), lipocaine, methionine, choline, choleretic, insulin, glucose, and antibiotics are widely used.

With residual effects of Botkin's disease with medium and high activity of the process, as well as with a protracted recurrent form of the disease (regardless of the duration of the post-icteric period), sending patients to drinking and balneological resorts is not recommended. Follow-up treatment of patients in local sanatoriums using bottled mineral waters, diet therapy, medications and restorative treatment methods is indicated. Treatment of patients with chronic diseases of the biliary tract is carried out differentiated depending on the clinical form of the disease, the severity and nature of the functional and inflammatory components, the stage or phase of the process, the presence of complications, etc. (Table 9).

Table 9. Scheme of differentiated use of drinking mineral waters for diseases of the biliary tract

Chronic cholecystoangiocholitis

Same. Calcium waters shown 300-400 ml (in 2-3 doses) 3 times a day, for constipation add 1/2-1 teaspoon of magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate Gastric lavage, administration of mineral water through a duodenal tube, clinical tubes, cleansing enemas from mineral water, intestinal showers, siphon intestinal lavages are widely used. Outside of exacerbation and in the absence of significant peri-process - subaqueous baths The diet is anti-inflammatory, magnesium, lipotropic. In the phases of exacerbation and fading exacerbation - antibiotics, taking into account the sensitivity of the bile microflora. Mud treatment using a gentle application method at a temperature of 40-42° or galvanic mud in alternation with baths

In case of biliary dyskinesia, if possible, the predominant nature of motor disorders of the gallbladder should be determined. With the atonic form of dyskinesia, water of medium and high mineralization with a predominance of sulfate, sodium and magnesium ions is indicated - mainly sulfate-sodium and sulfate-magnesium type. Sulfate waters of medium and high mineralization (mainly from 8-10 to 20-25 g/l) of a number of other types can also be used:

1. Sulfate-chloride-sodium and chloride-sulfate-sodium.

2. Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium and chloride-bicarbonate-sodium.

3. Sodium chloride, sodium chloride-calcium and sodium chloride-calcium-magnesium.

If there are only low mineralization mineral waters at the resort, you can add bottled Batalin water (50-100 ml per glass), Karlovy Vary and Morshyn salts or magnesia sulfate (1/4-1/2-1 teaspoon per glass of water).

For the hypertensive form of gallbladder dyskinesia, waters of low and medium mineralization (up to 8-10 g/l) from those previously recommended for liver diseases are indicated. Mineral waters are prescribed 200 ml (less often 300 ml) 3 times a day. For the atonic form of biliary dyskinesia, cold and slightly thermal waters (17-35°) are used, for the hypertonic form - thermal and high thermal (35-55°). In the atonic form, in addition to drinking treatment, duodenal drainage, tubing, gastric lavage and, in case of insufficient bowel movement, rectal methods of administering mineral waters are widely recommended. Other methods of complex spa therapy for biliary dyskinesia include a diet without significant limitation of mechanical and chemical stimuli, enriched with magnesium salts and vitamins. General mineral and gas baths at indifferent temperatures, therapeutic exercises, climate therapy, etc. are effective. If necessary, medications are used - sleeping pills, sedatives, antispastic, cortical stimulants, etc. Mud therapy should be used only if there are additional indications - the development of dyskinetic cholecystitis, digestive pathology tract, etc. It is preferable to use electromud procedures or mud applications at a temperature of 38°, alternating with baths.

For chronic infectious cholecystitis, the above-listed waters of low and medium mineralization with a predominance of sulfate, bicarbonate, chlorine, sodium and magnesium ions, mainly thermal and high-thermal, are used; calcium waters are shown. The drinking treatment method is common. An increase in a single dose of mineral water to 300-400 ml may be recommended if there is an abundance of inflammatory products in the bile and the presence of pathogenic microflora in it. This dose of water is drunk in 2-3 doses with an interval of 20-30 minutes. Intraduodenal and rectal methods of administering mineral waters are widely used. For intestinal dyskinesia, dyspepsia and enterogenous intoxication outside of exacerbation and in the absence of peri-process, subaqueous baths are recommended. Outside of exacerbation, mud applications are widely used on the liver area at a temperature of 38-40-42°, preferably in alternation with baths. In the phases of exacerbation and fading exacerbation, antibiotics are used (preferably taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora to them), an anti-inflammatory and fasting diet, antispastic and choleretic drugs, etc.

For chronic calculous cholecystitis, low and medium mineralization waters are used, mainly the above-listed sodium bicarbonate-chloride (or sodium chloride-hydrocabonate-sodium) and thermal waters (35-42°). Sulfide waters are not shown.

Drinking treatment is carried out according to the usual method; increasing a single dose of mineral water to 400-300 ml (in 2-3 doses) can be recommended in case of pathology of the physico-chemical properties of bile - low pH values ​​and cholate-cholesterol coefficient.

The introduction of mineral waters through a duodenal tube and rectally requires caution, since intense reflex irritation of the motor function of the gallbladder can provoke the migration of stones. When calculous cholecystitis is combined with hypercholesterolemia, obesity and gout, if there is no danger of causing an attack of hepatic colic, subaqueous baths are indicated. Mud therapy is used with caution at a temperature of 38-40° in alternation with general baths. A magnesium diet is indicated (A. M. Nogaller et al., 1955), therapeutic exercises using a gentle method, antispastic medications, cholesterol, etc.

In chronic cholecystitis complicated by angiocholitis, it is necessary first of all to ensure a good outflow of bile. For this purpose, sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate waters of low and medium mineralization are used. To reduce the inflammatory process in the bile ducts and digestive system, bicarbonate and calcium waters are indicated. In the absence of contraindications, water is best prescribed in an increased dose - 300-400 ml (in 2-3 doses) 3 times a day at a temperature of 35-45°; for constipation, it is advisable to add magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate. Gastric lavage, duodenal drainage, tubage, cleansing enemas from mineral water, intestinal showers, siphon intestinal lavage, and without exacerbation and in the absence of peri-process - subaqueous baths are widely indicated. Mud therapy is carried out in the remission phase using a gentle method in the form of electro-mud procedures or conventional applications to the liver area at a temperature of 38-40-42°, alternating with baths. If there is a tendency to frequent exacerbations, low-grade fever, changes in peripheral blood, spa factors are used in combination with antibiotics, which are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the bile microflora. Special diets are used - anti-inflammatory, magnesium, lipotropic diet, antispastic, choleretic, vitamin, lipotropic drugs.

To effectively cleanse the body of toxins, wastes and other negatively affecting substances, the functions of the liver must be carried out correctly. Influence environment, improper diet, taking potent medicines weaken the body's defenses. Therefore, doctors recommend periodically cleaning the organ. mineral water. It is useful to use both for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, etc.

Mineral waters have long been used for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of mineral water for the liver

For diseases of the organ, you need to drink medicinal waters containing moderate amounts of minerals. Doctors advise choosing drinks that contain bicarbonate, calcium and other components. They enhance bile formation and excretion of bile, normalize metabolism in the liver, reduce or eliminate inflammation, normalize the functions of these organs, reduce spasms and pain. In addition, mineral water helps produce more hormones in the digestive system.

Which one is useful?

Before starting treatment for a particular disease, you must visit a doctor. A specialist will help determine which mineral water is suitable for therapeutic purposes, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Conventionally, drinks are divided into 3 types: medicinal, medicinal-table and table. The mineralization of the latter is no more than a gram per 1 liter. Medicinal-table ones contain about 10 grams of minerals, and medicinal ones contain the highest percentage of useful components. For the purification procedure, doctors advise selecting medicinal waters, which are known for their unique properties. First of all, we are talking about famous Caucasian drinks, including:

  • "Borjomi"
  • “Essentuki” (No. 4 and No. 17);
  • "Narzan".

Waters produced in other regions have a similar therapeutic effect and are useful for treating the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, etc. Doctors often recommend that patients drink drinks such as “Sairme”, “Badakhshon”, “Arzni”, “Jermuk” , “Smolenskaya”, “Zaramag”, “Badamly”, “Varnitsa”, Nartan, “Nukusskaya”. Among the Baltic waters, Birute and Vytautas are popular. You can prescribe “Mirgorodskaya”, “Truskavetskaya”, etc. Only a doctor can tell which product is best suited for the treatment of a particular ailment.

Liver cleansing: rules

You can activate the process of bile excretion and help restore the functions of the organ through mineral water. Provided you follow the recommendations, this cleansing method is safe and at the same time highly effective. Experts advise performing procedures on a day off, when a person is free from important matters. In addition, it is better to cleanse the structures of the liver and the body as a whole in the evening, so that complete cleansing occurs in the morning. The following rules must be adhered to:

Cleansing the liver with water is prohibited if you have gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Indications for cleaning. Doctors believe that this procedure has a positive effect on the well-being of most adults, but people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system - biliary dyskinesia, duodenitis, chronic pancreatitis etc. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to use the technique in case of exacerbation of the above pathological processes.
  • Preparation. Before the procedure, the mineral water is left open overnight to allow gases to escape. The next day you should warm it slightly in a water bath. Some doctors advise starting the diet a few days before the cleanse. Cleansing should be done on an empty stomach.
  • A gentle way to cleanse. Drinking water is the most gentle of all the methods used to cleanse the liver and body at home. This technique is as simple as possible to perform. You should choose medicinal water with a specialist, since the products have different indications and contraindications that must be taken into account before carrying out treatment. Mineral water should be drunk 3 times a day before each meal, about 20 minutes before. The dosage of liquid should be calculated taking into account individual characteristics. Approximate calculation: per kilogram of body weight there are 6-8 milliliters of water. The beginning of a therapeutic course may be accompanied by some discomfort, since the drink has a laxative effect. When this effect is no longer felt, the dose should be reduced by half. The course of treatment is a month. After completion, it is advised to drink table mineralized water - it is consumed 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after (dosage - 200 milliliters).

Two-stage cleansing (tubage)

Cleansing with probing with mineral water is also used for manipulations with the liver.

The therapeutic procedure, intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases, is carried out using a special probe or by taking bile-excreting agents followed by heating.

  • 1st stage. It is necessary to heat the medicinal water (10 glasses) to 40 degrees Celsius, then add sea (edible) or table salt to it (a teaspoon per 1 liter). The heated water is drunk and distributed in advance for 1.5 hours (500 milliliters should be drunk immediately, and the rest of the water after 40 minutes). The procedure begins in the morning, before meals. Cleansing is done on a day off, since doing it has a laxative effect. If cleaning is carried out correctly, the liquid flows out in its pure form at the end. Then doctors advise having breakfast with oatmeal. It is generally accepted that if there are a lot of toxins in the patient’s body, then cleansing should be repeated 4 more times with a break of a couple of days. Then it can be done four times a year.
  • 2nd stage. This stage involves cleaning the liver. In the evening, it is advised to open a bottle of carbonated medicinal water so that the gas comes out before starting the cleansing procedure. In the morning, it is recommended to drink a glass of this water with 5 grams of sorbitol. This medication will free the body from stagnation of bile, toxins and waste. 20 minutes later you need to take a second portion of the drink. Afterwards you should lie down for 2 hours with a warm heating pad, which must be applied to the hypochondrium with right side. During cleansing, experts recommend creating a vegetarian diet. Initially, the procedure should be repeated 4 times throughout the year (1 cleaning every 3 months). Next year you can cleanse once every 6 months. It must be remembered that cleaning the liver with mineral water has contraindications. Consult your doctor in advance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Effect of water and cleaning results

Water containing a small or medium percentage of mineralization helps thin bile, improve organ function, and cleans the bile ducts. This allows you to restore the basic functions of the liver, establish filtration and purification of blood in the body, and give the skin a healthy color. Some patients claim that after the 1st procedure they experience a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right side, belching, and a feeling of bitterness in the oral cavity. Regular implementation of such procedures guarantees the restoration of liver function (if the organ was relatively healthy to begin with). Patients suffering from hepatitis and other severe liver diseases are unlikely to be able to successfully treat with water, but some dysfunctions of the organ can be eliminated through periodic cleaning.


The treatment of ailments using tubage must be treated responsibly, since, like any method, it has contraindications that must be taken into account. Thus, the main contraindications include: flu, colds, infectious diseases, exacerbation of various chronic diseases, pregnancy, the onset of the menstrual cycle, breastfeeding. If in doubt, it is better to consult with your treating specialist before starting therapy.

Probing with mineral water for the liver should not be performed on people with gastrointestinal problems, mental problems, or a weakened cardiovascular system.

In addition, liver tubing is contraindicated for people suffering from exacerbations of ailments of the digestive system, mental disorders, weakness and malaise, ailments of the cardiovascular system, and bleeding. Doctors prohibit drinking mineral water for cleansing after surgery. In addition, it should be borne in mind that this procedure is contraindicated in patients with gallstone disease. And although there is an opinion that cleaning the gastrointestinal tract will help get rid of microliths, tubing, at best, will make the formations more mobile. But more serious consequences are also possible.

Therefore, people with gallstone disease should remember that such cleaning in the presence of stones can lead to an urgent need for surgical intervention. It is better to carry out cleansing in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor. Thus, before tubing, it is better to take into account the indications and contraindications in order to reduce the possible risks. It is better to conduct a comprehensive examination or therapy before prescribing the procedure. At least it won't be superfluous.

The use of medicinal mineral waters is an important component of the spa treatment of many diseases, including pathologies of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Mineral water helps restore and maintain the functions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cleanses the body of waste and toxins, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and can be used both preventively and medicinal purposes. Let’s figure out which mineral water is best for the liver and how to take it correctly.

Types of water

Based on its origin, water is divided into mineral (natural) and mineralized (artificially saturated with gas and mineral salts). For medicinal and preventive purposes, only natural waters obtained from natural sources and wells are used. The healing properties of such water are due to the high content of mineral salts, organic substances and biologically active compounds.

Based on the quantitative content of minerals, water is divided into 3 groups:

  • medicinal (15–35 g/l) - “Essentuki” (No. 17), “Novoizhevskaya”, “Semigorodskaya”, “Uvinskaya medicinal”;
  • medical canteen (1–10 g/l) - “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” (No. 2, No. 4 and No. 7), “Narzan”, “Jermuk”;
  • drinking canteen (up to 1 g/l) - “Bonaqua”, “Aquaminerale”, “Dombay” and others.

Table drinking water can be drunk by both healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases. Which mineral water can be used for medicinal purposes must be decided by the doctor in each specific case, taking into account the existing problems and individual characteristics of the patient.

The consumption of table water is not limited, while the volume of medicinal table water drunk per day should not exceed 1.5 liters. It is strictly forbidden to drink medicinal waters uncontrollably and without consulting a doctor.

General rules of application

The most important thing is to choose medicinal water together with your doctor, since drinks have different qualitative and quantitative compositions and differ in indications and contraindications. This rule must be followed by absolutely everyone, be it patients undergoing treatment for a disease, or healthy people who want to cleanse the liver of toxins and remove toxins from the body.

During drinking therapy, especially for diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, you should reduce the consumption of other drinks - jelly, teas, herbal decoctions and infusions

To avoid negative reactions, it is also important to follow these recommendations:

  • combine water consumption with a therapeutic diet;
  • leave the container with water open overnight to allow the gas to escape;
  • cleanse on an empty stomach;
  • Before drinking, heat the water to 40–50 °C;
  • for the period of therapy, stop drinking alcohol;
  • do not carry out mineral therapy for more than a month.

Long-term use of mineral water (longer than 30 days) is dangerous - it can lead to impaired hemostasis, deposition of salts in joints, the appearance of sand and kidney stones.

Drinking therapy

Mineral water is beneficial for the entire digestive tract and hepatobiliary system. Doctors recommend drinking it for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the liver and pancreas, bile ducts and gall bladder.

Indications and method of use

The doctor must select water suitable for treatment, since healing properties liquids are determined by their qualitative and quantitative composition. For example, waters with a low concentration of elements stimulate the production of bile, while mineral water with a high concentration of minerals has a pronounced choleretic effect.

  • After recently suffering from acute hepatitis and cholecystitis, they recommend “Slavyanovskaya”, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki No. 4”. Water should be taken ½ glass once a day for a week, then another week ²/3 glasses twice a day. For the next 7 days you need to drink a glass of water three times a day.
  • Patients with chronic infectious hepatitis and residual manifestations of Botkin's disease are prescribed water with a low and moderate content of minerals (mainly calcium sulfate). It could be “Naftusya”, “Vytautas”, “Essentuki”. Before use, the water must be heated to 45 °C and drunk three times a day. The duration of treatment and dosage of fluid are determined individually.
  • For hepatosis and cirrhosis, Borjomi is prescribed 100 ml per day half an hour before meals.
  • For the treatment of biliary dyskinesia with increased tone of the gallbladder, low and moderately mineralized chloride and carbonate waters are used - “Essentuki No. 4”, “Borjomi”, “Mirgorodskaya”. For an illness accompanied by a decrease in the tone and motility of the gallbladder, highly mineralized waters with a predominant content of sodium and magnesium sulfates are prescribed - “Batalinskaya”, “Izhevskaya”.
  • For peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines (only during remission), “Slavyanovskaya”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Borjomi”, “Smirnovskaya” are prescribed. If the acidity level is low, the liquid should be drunk half an hour before meals, with normal levels - an hour, and with high acidity - 1.5–2 hours before meals. Frequency of use - three times a day, duration of therapy - a month.
  • For the pancreas, including for the treatment of pancreatitis, it is recommended to drink Borjomi (start with ¼ glass, in the absence of signs of exacerbation, the dose is adjusted to a glass three times a day), Essentuki No. 4 (to suppress the production of enzymes) or Essentuki No. 17 "(to activate enzymatic activity), "Narzan" (to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and normalize the production of enzymes by the pancreas).

The appearance of any pain in the epigastric or right hypochondrium should be a signal to stop drinking therapy. In order not to aggravate the condition, it is better to consult a doctor about the advisability of further treatment with mineral water.

Each water has its own indications, contraindications and features of use, which the doctor should tell the patient about


It is contraindicated to carry out treatment and cleansing with mineral water for acute and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and hepatobiliary system, including hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, ulcers, erosive duodenitis.

Gentle liver cleansing

In addition to the treatment and prevention of various pathologies, healing liquid obtained from natural sources is recommended to be used to cleanse the liver and remove waste and toxins from the body.

Cleaning the liver with mineral water at home is a safe, gentle and easy-to-perform procedure. Mineral water should be drunk three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The amount of liquid per dose is calculated individually taking into account body weight, on average 6–8 ml per 1 kg of weight.

At the initial stage of liver cleansing with mineral water, a laxative effect may be observed. When this effect wears off, the amount of liquid you drink should be halved. Duration of water use is a month. After completing the course, you can continue to drink table water - a glass half an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.


Tubage (otherwise blind probing) is a liver cleansing procedure using mineral water and medications. It is recommended to cleanse the liver with sorbitol - medicine based on sorbitol, which has a choleretic, antispasmodic and detoxifying effect.

Magnesium sulfate powder can also be used for tubage


Tubage can be prescribed for persistent headaches, signs of digestive disorders (heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, constipation) and liver function (yellowish whites of the eyes, dull complexion). Most often, indications for blind probing are:

  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystocholangitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • hepatitis.

Procedure technique

Properly performed probing allows you to remove bilirubin, excess bile, and deposits from the body from which stones form in the gall bladder. For the procedure to be beneficial, it is important to properly prepare for it.

During the preparation stage and on the day of the procedure, it is important to adhere to a diet

Preparation for blind probing includes:

  • three day course strict diet, including the consumption of plant products, natural juices, large quantity liquids;
  • removal of toxins from the body using an enema on the eve of tubage;
  • a special dinner before the procedure, including only a salad with carrots, cabbage, beets, dressed lemon juice and vegetable oil.

The procedure begins early in the morning and is divided into several stages.

  1. Immediately after sleep, drink a sorbitol solution in small sips (2 tablespoons of powder per ½ glass of still mineral water). The temperature of the solution should be equal to body temperature (36 °C).
  2. Lie on your right side, apply a heating pad with water heated to 70 °C to the liver area. Lie in this position for 60 minutes. You can't roll over.
  3. After an hour, get out of bed, drink a glass of water with lemon juice, and have breakfast. The diet should include foods that have a choleretic effect. This could be a soft-boiled egg with butter. You can't eat bread and salt. You can drink very sweet tea (2 tablespoons of sugar per cup) in small sips.

Since the procedure has a strong laxative effect, it is performed on a day off. If dubazh is done correctly, diarrhea is first noted, toxins are removed, then clear liquid comes out of the body. Loose stools with bile clots after the procedure are normal, indicating that the cleansing was completed correctly.

On the day of the tubage, the nutritional diet should be limited to fresh fruits and vegetables. You can drink water and green tea. Any dairy products are strictly prohibited.

Complete cleansing includes 3 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 3-4 days. In the future, cleaning is carried out once a quarter.


Liver cleansing using the blind probing method is not possible for everyone. Before carrying out the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor.

The main contraindications to the tubing procedure are:

  • influenza and other respiratory infections;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic system;
  • bleeding;
  • exacerbation of any chronic pathologies, including diseases of the digestive tract;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • undergone surgical interventions.

For women, a relative contraindication is the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Blind probing is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor after an ultrasound to determine the presence of stones in the gall bladder

At the stage of remission of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other gastrointestinal organs, doctors often recommend that patients regularly drink mineral water with a high salt content (over 4 grams per liter).

The main benefit of such therapy is the normalization of water-salt balance in the body, which normalizes the biochemical composition of the blood and accelerates the removal of urea products (sodium salt derivatives).

This will also help balance the composition of the intestinal microflora, since salts in large quantities stimulate the outflow of bile (which speeds up the digestion of food).

But are all mineral waters that are found on store shelves equally beneficial for the liver? Which of them are considered more effective for chronic diseases? All the answers are in our article.

8 facts about the benefits of mineral water

In addition to providing the body with minerals and salts, medicinal waters have the following beneficial effects:

  1. Protects liver cells from destruction. One of the common causes of cirrhosis is a regular violation of the water-salt balance (alcohol abuse can also provoke this). Mineral water restores it to normal and saturates the body with potassium, sodium, sulfates, and chlorine compounds.
  2. Stimulates bile formation. This helps not only to increase the amount of gastric juice produced, but also to prevent the formation of stones in the gall bladder and ducts (which is what most often causes liver pain). This effect is more pronounced in chloride-sulfate mineral waters.
  3. Disinfects. Mineral water restores the normal microflora of the intestines and stomach, prevents the formation of stomach ulcers and duodenum due to the action of Helicobacter pylori. Indirectly, it also prevents the development infectious diseases liver, including hepatitis.
  4. Normalizes stool. For chronic constipation, doctors always recommend increasing the amount of water consumed daily, as well as fiber.
  5. Increases the acidity of gastric juice. This provides a choleretic effect. This comprehensively speeds up metabolism and helps fight obesity. This effect is also important, for example, in hepatosis, when a large number of lipid compounds accumulate.
  6. Improves the secretory function of the stomach. That is, it stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and gastric juice. Again, this improves digestion and increases the amount of nutritional components that the body receives from food.
  7. Reduces blood sugar levels. When the amount of glucose in the body rapidly increases (including in diabetes mellitus), this immediately negatively affects the functioning of the liver, since it is there that the transformation of carbohydrate compounds occurs. Mineral waters not only speed up this process, but also improve the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of insulin.
  8. Prevents the fermentation process in the intestines. In this regard, mineral waters with a high content of chlorine, which destroys pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, are more effective.

Drinking mineral water regularly without the need or medical advice is not worth it.

It is customary to take such water in short courses. With constant use, there is a high probability of cholecystitis. And if there were stones in the bile ducts, then blockage may occur with subsequent inflammation.

What types are the most effective – Top 5

The composition of different mineral waters varies significantly. In some, sulfate compounds predominate, in others, sodium compounds, in others, potassium and chloride compounds. That is why, for example, if the acidity of the stomach is high, Berezovskaya is better suited, but if it is low, Morshynskaya is better. Which mineral waters are the most beneficial for the liver and for the prevention of chronic gallbladder diseases?

1. Essentuki

Belongs to the chloride-hydrocarbonate group. It is for the liver that the most useful Essentuki are numbers 4 and 7 (they are also prescribed to patients with chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder).

This mineral water can also be prescribed for chronic gastritis and gastric/duodenal ulcers.

2. Borjomi

Unlike other mineral waters, Borjomi is water of volcanic origin, which explains the presence of several groups of sulfates. This will be useful for any problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Another additional property of this water is a slight laxative effect.

At the same time, liver detox from accumulated waste and toxins is achieved. Borjomi is the best option for the prevention of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. But in the acute stage, it is better to give preference to waters more saturated with potassium.

3. Mirgorodskaya

One of the most popular “mineral waters” in Ukraine, it is extracted from artesian wells with a high content of sodium compounds. Gives a powerful choleretic effect, stimulates the secretory function of the stomach. Also useful for obesity and slow metabolism.

But drinking is only allowed in short courses. Since 2017, the manufacturer has also been producing Mirgorodskaya Light water with a reduced sodium content - it is suitable for chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Morshinskaya

Stimulates the flow of bile, gives a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. This mineral water is especially rich in chloride and sodium compounds. Increases stomach acidity.

The manufacturer also indicates that it will be useful for patients with diabetes, as it helps the body lower blood sugar levels.

5. Luzhanskaya

Its key difference is the presence of a large amount of magnesium in its composition. It is necessary for the regeneration of liver cells and their protection from further destruction. And due to the presence of fluorine and silicon, such water neutralizes a wide range of toxins, which the liver is responsible for removing from the body.

The manufacturer claims that Luzhanskaya helps “get in shape” much faster when you have a hangover.

How to cleanse the liver?

Liver cleansing with mineral water is recommended for those who have previously been diagnosed with dyspeptic gastrointestinal disorders, duodenitis, and chronic pancreatitis. This procedure can be done at home.

First, preparations for the cleansing procedure are carried out for 3 days. The essence of the preparation is quite simple - eating only plant products (fresh, boiled or baked without oil). Enemas are contraindicated.

It is best to choose the optimal mineral water with a specialist. You can contact a nutritionist or gastroenterologist for help. In this case, you will need to undergo basic tests - this will allow you to establish a general picture of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Liver cleansing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. every morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of still mineral water;
  2. before each meal (20 - 25 minutes) - also drink 1 glass of mineral water;
  3. course of treatment – ​​6 weeks.

It is recommended that a single dose of mineral water be calculated based on body weight, at the rate of 3–4 ml per 1 kilogram of live weight. That is, for a man weighing 90 kilograms, it is recommended to drink not a glass, but 270 - 360 ml at a time.

You can add a few drops of lemon or a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water. Honey water should be drunk at the rate of 2 - 3 ml per 1 kilogram of body weight.

The so-called “gentle” cleaning method is indicated above. There is also a so-called “two-stage” method, but it is contraindicated, for example, in case of inflammation of the gallbladder.

It is important to drink mineral water without gas. And its temperature should be close to body temperature. But it’s better to avoid cold ones.

Features of treatment for diseases

Since the composition of mineral waters varies radically, preference should be given for chronic liver diseases. different types. Let's look at the most common options:

  1. For hepatosis Any mineral water that has a choleretic effect and also enhances the secretory function of the stomach will be equally useful. When replacing liver tissue, the main thing is to speed up metabolism, but it is also important to follow a low-calorie diet (or with a minimal inclusion of protein, if the hepatosis is fibrous, that is, connective tissue ligaments are formed).
  2. For hepatitis the best option is Essentuki number 4 and 7. This mineral water suppresses inflammatory processes, comprehensively normalizes the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, which will help you recover faster from a viral infection.
  3. For cirrhosis the best ones are Borjomi and Luzhanskaya, which help the body cope with toxins, thereby “unloading” the liver.
  4. At the recovery stage Morshinskaya is perfect - it normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces blood pressure, which will accelerate the restoration of liver functionality.
  5. For diseases affecting the functionality of the bile ducts, we can recommend Mirgorodskaya. But this is only relevant in cases where there are no formed stones in the liver.


In total, mineral waters help normalize the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, but their composition is radically different. And to obtain a certain effect, you should individually select the best mineral water; it is advisable to trust your doctor. And you shouldn’t drink such water regularly - you can even harm your liver. It’s better to take courses lasting up to 6 weeks, while drinking only about 1 liter of mineral water per day.