How to make a bouquet of flowers from napkins with your own hands. We make beautiful flowers from paper napkins with our own hands. Flowers from napkins - roses

In this master class we will learn how to make flowers from napkins with our own hands and assemble a charming bouquet from them. It can serve as an original gift and a wonderful decoration for your interior. Moreover, such a product is easy to make, because you don’t need to run around the shops and look for some special means for its execution. Only improvised means or available materials are used, which can be purchased at the nearest supermarket.

Required materials:

  • newspapers;
  • the thinnest knitting needle you have, No. 1 or No. 2;
  • PVA glue;
  • Moment glue, hot glue gun, any other;
  • acrylic paint, or stain, dyes for painting tubes;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • napkins or toilet paper for pasting the base;
  • napkins of different colors.

For a wicker pot we use newspaper tubes. If you want to weave a pot with a more natural effect, for example, imitation of a vine, then tubes twisted from office paper/draft paper will do. They are harder and less obedient, do not wrinkle or flatten. For this bouquet they were used as risers for relief.

We cut the newspaper into strips 4.5-5 cm wide, the length of a strip of newspaper.

If you twist only the top and bottom of the newspaper, the tubes will be white; they can be easily painted over with stain and color. But since acrylic paint will be used here, you can take tubes with letters. We place the knitting needle so that the angle between it and the newspaper is minimal.

Using your fingers, roll it into a tube. It's like we're spinning a thread. Apply PVA glue to the tip of the corner.

Let's wind up some extra tubes (a couple of newspapers) and start weaving. We start the bottom of the pot with eight tubes folded crosswise. We connect two tubes and bend them in half. We go around two riser tubes.

We begin to weave with a rope. We install the front working tube behind two risers, the rear tube in front of the risers. We braid 3 rows with two risers each, from the 4th row we braid one riser each. We weave until the bottom matches the size of the mold. A caviar jar was used here.

Then we tuck the working tubes into the already woven bottom and cut off the tails. Let's move on to the walls of the pot. To do this, we bend one riser behind the next, lifting it up.

We bend the last riser into the first. The result is curved risers wrapped in a spiral.

It will not be possible to straighten them out right away. They need to be aligned during the weaving process. They need to be replaced immediately with tubes twisted from office paper. We connect two newspaper tubes, go around the riser and begin to weave with the same rope. We place the front tube behind the riser, and the rear tube in front. We weave closely with the form.

The risers can also be hidden in weaving, but here a bend was made so that the shape fits well into the pot. The bending is the most basic. We tuck one riser behind the next, bending it into the inside of the pot.

We fill the last riser into the first. We coat the joints thoroughly with PVA glue and when dry, you can cut them off. Or you don’t have to cut it off, since the inside won’t be visible.

Now you need to paint the product. Since there is no white in the selected colors for the product, it was decided to add a drop of yellow artistic acrylic paint to the white acrylic paint.

We will paint the pot only on the outside, since the inside will not be visible. You need to paint 2-3 times so that all the newspaper spaces are covered.

Leave to dry for several hours. In the meantime, we will make the base for the flowers. Just crumple office drafts, newspaper or any other paper into a ball of the required size. It is important to know that the ball should be slightly larger than the pot. Wrap it with threads and align it well. Now this ball needs to be covered with napkins, like papier-mâché. Green napkins are better for this. Even if there are gaps between the flowers, a green “lawn” will be visible.

Add a little PVA glue to the water, place a napkin on the ball and blot it with a brush. Leave to dry for several hours.

Let's start making flowers. Fold the napkin in half twice and secure it with a stapler in the middle. Cut out a round shape from cardboard. We cut a circle along it. Take the first top layer of the napkin and crumple it at the base. Then the next layers of napkins. For speed, you can crumple two layers. In order to cover the entire ball, 20 cm in diameter, with flowers, 48 ​​pieces were needed.

When the pot and the base are dry, glue the base with “Moment”, a glue gun or other glue. Let's wait for the glue to dry and start gluing the napkin flowers.

We start gluing flowers from the bottom, alternating colors. On the top of the head we glue the flowers more tightly.

We decorate the pot with a bow. To do this, we take: satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide, 14 cm long and 1 cm long, 12 cm long, a ribbon 1 cm wide and long enough to encircle the pot, a ribbon 3 cm long, a needle and thread. We singe all the ends so that the ribbon does not unravel. Sew the bow: fold the ends of the ribbon in the middle, sew first one and immediately the second. Pull the thread so that the bow shrinks in the middle. We wrap it with the same thread. That is, they squeezed, reeled.

Glue a “belt” and a bow on it. The charming bouquet is ready. Such flowers will last a very long time and will always give you a good mood.

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You can also make this elegant using one of our master classes.

DIY crafts are always highly valued. When a master creates something with his own hands, he puts part of his soul into the product, especially if it is a gift for a loved one. And almost no surprise is complete without flowers. However, not everyone can buy fresh flowers. After all, children do not always have the required amount. But anyone can make them from ordinary napkins. Next, you will learn master classes on making flowers from different paper napkins.

How to make carnation flowers from napkins?

To make such a flower, prepare:

  • red napkins, maybe yellow or orange;
  • tape, thinning scissors;
  • wire, green napkins for the stem.

Work progress:

  • Take a four-ply napkin. With left and right side Use special scissors to trim the edges to create teeth.
  • Fan the napkin.
  • Tie it in the middle with a ribbon
  • Spread the napkins as shown in the picture and form a flower.
  • Secure it to the wire.
  • Then wrap the wire with a green napkin.

How to make dandelion flowers from napkins?

For dandelions you will need yellow and green napkins and wire to secure the stem.

Work progress:

  • Roll the yellow napkins into strips 2.5-3 centimeters high.
  • Using scissors, carefully cut a thin strip from one side.
  • Then cut thin strips of 2-3 millimeters across the entire width of the napkin.
  • Just when you cut them out, do not cut through the base of the napkin all the way so that the structure does not fall apart.
  • Roll the flower into a spiral in a circle and secure with tape.
  • Make a stem and cut out leaves like in the image above.

How to make a rose flower from napkins

Any gentleman can make such a creative rose and give it to his lady right in the restaurant. This requires one napkin and skill.

Work progress:

  • Spread out the four-ply napkin. Fold the top part 4 centimeters in half.
  • Wrap the top part around two fingers.
  • Tighten the resulting spiral tighter to form a bud.
  • With two fingers, squeeze the place where the bud ends and the stem begins.
  • Carefully, so as not to tear the napkin, twist the stem halfway.
  • We form a leaf by lifting the lower part of the stem.
  • Then we twist the stem to the end.

Chamomiles made from paper napkins

You can make delicate daisies from yellow, white, and green napkins.

Work progress:

  • Fold the white napkin in thirds so that the strip is 3 centimeters high.
  • Use scissors to cut out the petals, only touch the base of the napkin.
  • Fold the yellow napkin in half and do the same steps as you did when making the dandelion. Make the flower (yellow center) small, as in the picture above.
  • Then wrap white chamomile petals in a spiral around the middle of the flower and secure at the bottom with wire.
  • Make a stem with leaves, and then connect it to the top of the flower.

As you can see, you can make different flowers from napkins. Moreover, the flowers look like real ones. Bouquets of them can decorate the interior or festive table. And if you show your imagination, you will get a beautiful composition. Invent and create bright and unique flower bouquets, which will then delight your loved ones with their appearance.

Method No. 1

1. Take a table napkin yellow, which consists of three layers. Separate all these layers.

2. Then take two thin layers and fold each one four times.

3. Fold each of the resulting layers very much in four again.

4. Now you need to carefully layer the layers on top of each other.

5. Let's take a stapler and staple all these layers together.

6. For greater strength, we will punch them again, and the paper clips must be placed crosswise.

7. Then, from the resulting square of napkins, we will cut out a circle.

8. Along the edges of the circle with scissors, we must make many cuts about 10 mm deep at approximately equal intervals.

9. Now we need to lift the top thin layer.

10. Press it with your fingers to the center of the circle.

11. In the same way, we will lift all the layers following the first and also press them with our fingers to the center.

12. In exactly the same way, we must lift all the layers of the napkin one after another. You can sometimes lift two or three layers at a time.

13. As a result, we got a lush, beautiful flower.

14. To make leaves for a dandelion, you need to take strips of green paper measuring approximately 4x10 cm, fold them in half and cut off the corners.

15. The cloves need to be cut out in sections. First, use scissors to make a cut perpendicular to the fold line, then an oblique cut, and so on.

16. Now let's unfold the sheet and bend it a little. In the same way, cut out a few more leaves. different sizes and other shades. Only the lower part of the leaves needs to be glued to the base of the flower. We will make the stem from a strip of thin green paper rolled into a tube. So we made flowers from napkins with our own hands.

Here's ours The yellow napkin flower is ready.

17. In order to make small flowers apple tree branches, also take two layers of colored napkin, white and pink. Fold each layer four times, then four more. Place the resulting layers on top of each other. Staple the napkin in four places.

18. Then cut it into four parts along the marked lines. Cut out four flowers. You can use a template for this.

19. Lift and squeeze the top layer of the flower with your fingers to hide the paperclip.

20. In the same way, lift all the following layers in turn. At the end of the work, squeeze the entire flower a little.

21. Now straighten the flower and give it the splendor you need. We made our own flowers from napkins.

Twist the branches from brown corrugated paper. Take brown paper for our branch. The branches will turn out to be of different configurations if you change the depth of the cuts and their number. Now we need to glue flowers and leaves to our branches.

Method No. 2

You can also make one like this in which flowers from napkins will participate.

The background for this work is a finished drawing. In the middle of sunflowers there are real seeds. And we will make the petals as follows.

1. Take a small strip of corrugated paper. Cut off the corners at the edges. These will be the tips of the petals.
2. Now we will twist the strip twice, but not in the middle of it, but approximately divide our strip approximately 1:2.
3. Fold it in half where it twists.
4. Now we will stretch the paper and try to give the petals a slightly deeper shape.
5. We have a double petal. It is a little larger on the outside and a little smaller on the inside.
6. It is necessary to glue the petal with the part where we twisted it, about 5-6 petals per flower. Thus, the flowers are voluminous and very beautiful.

Method No. 3

You can also make a beautiful bouquet of roses from napkins.
DIY flowers made from napkins can be used as a gift for relatives on March 8th or a birthday.

To make a bouquet you will need red, green, yellow paper napkins and definitely scissors.

1. Unfold and straighten the red napkin.
2. Now cut off about one third of it.

3. Carefully peel off one layer of the napkin if it consists of 3 layers.

4. Then carefully fold the napkin in half. Now you need to bend its upper half in half, as shown in the figure.

5. Wrap the upper part of the strip very loosely around your left index finger in the same way as shown in the figure.

6. Our rosebud preparation should look exactly like this.

7. Then try to tightly twist the napkin along the bottom folded edge.

You will be surprised when you find out how many beautiful crafts can be made from paper or openwork napkins. In this material, we presented 5 step-by-step master classes, following which you can make decorative items, accessories for table setting, Christmas tree decorations, gifts for loved ones or toys for children. By the way, all ideas are designed for both adults and children’s creativity.

Master class 1. Dancing dolls made from paper napkins

Looking at these graceful figures of ballerinas and fairy fairies, it seems as if they were made by a real master. In fact, even children can make such crafts with their own hands from the most ordinary paper napkins.

You can come up with a lot of ways to use a paper ballerina. For example, you can hang it on a New Year's tree, put it on a shelf as a figurine, give it to a loved one, use it as a doll, or make a children's mobile from several ballerinas, as in the photo below.

Mobiles with ballerinas made from napkins

What you need:

  • Flexible wire approximately 1.5 m long;
  • Plain napkins of any color (in this project we use 30x30 cm napkins);
  • PVA glue and brush for applying it;
  • Thread with a needle;
  • Scissors.

How to do it:

Step 1. First we need to make a “skeleton” of the ballerina from wire. To do this, divide your wire into two unequal parts: the long wire should be 90 cm long, the short wire should be about 40 cm. You can make the ballerina of a different size, but keep in mind that her dress will be made of napkin, and therefore a “skeleton” shouldn't be too big. In this master class, the size of the “skeleton” is designed for a dress made of napkin 30x30 cm.

Step 2: Fold the long wire in half, twist it a little, and then form a small loop (see photo below). This will be the head. Pull the two ends of the wire apart to form legs, then make a loop on each leg.

Step 3. To make the arms, fold a short piece of wire in half and twist it, forming loops at the ends. Then wrap and tie the resulting blank around the ballerina’s torso just below the neck. As a result, each arm will be 7-8 cm long, and the “skeleton” will look something like in the photo.

Step 4. Now let's work on the “muscles”. Cut or simply tear the napkins into narrow strips and start wrapping them around the “skeleton”, simultaneously brushing the layers of paper with PVA glue using a brush. When the figurine is ready, leave it to dry.

Step 5. While our ballerina is drying, we can make her a dress. Take a napkin folded into a square (that is, in its original form), fold it into a triangle, then bend the top of the triangle to the fold line and cut the workpiece along the curve as shown in the photo below.

Having straightened the napkin, you will see that it is cut in the shape of a quadrant (quarter of a circle). Place the quadrant on 2-3 napkins folded in a stack and cut out blanks for the dress along it.

Step 6. Twist each piece so that the dress is soft and textured. If desired, the napkins can be painted at this stage.

Step 7. Take 2-3 blanks for the dress, fold them as shown in the photo and cut off their ends at once (just a little!).

Step 8. Now put the dress on the ballerina through the resulting hole, pull it up to the shoulders, then sew the back and front parts to each other. Hurray, almost ready! All that remains is to tighten the waist with a thread/ribbon and tie/glue a loop to it (for example, to the back or arms raised up).

By experimenting with the color, length and style of the dress, as well as the position of the arms and legs, you can create a whole collection of dolls that are different from each other.

Master class 2. Volumetric balls from openwork napkins

Now we offer to make crafts from lace napkins in the form of three-dimensional balls that can decorate any holiday, and especially New Year and Christmas.

You can also make a beautiful mobile from lace balls.

These little balls on a baby mobile are made from 4 napkins that have been previously decorated with colored paper.

What you need:

  • 10-12 openwork napkins for the cake (you can use openwork napkins of a smaller diameter to make small balls, in this case you will need about 4-10 napkins for one ball);
  • Thread (colored or white);
  • Needle;
  • Beads for decoration (optional).

How to do it:

Step 1: Stack 10-12 cake napkins and draw a line in the middle.

Step 2: Sew the stack of napkins straight along the line. Use clothespins to secure the sheets while sewing.

Step 3: Flatten your ball.

Master class 3. Lush flowers

These beautiful paper flowers can be placed in a vase or glued to the wall, say, for a wedding or March 8th.

What you need:

  • 4 napkins of the same color;
  • 1 napkin in a contrasting color;
  • Thread or ribbon;
  • Scissors;
  • Wooden skewer or any other wooden stick;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch.

How to do it:

Step 1: Spread out your napkins and fold them into a pile.

Step 2: Take the contrast napkin in its original form (i.e. folded into a square) and cut the edges about 2.5cm wide on the right and bottom sides.

Step 3. Spread out the contrasting napkin, place it on top of the rest, then fold the resulting stack into an accordion. Squeeze the accordion in the center and tie it with thread.

Step 4. Use scissors to shape the ends of the accordion into a round or tongue shape.

Step 5: Arrange your accordion so that it resembles a bow, then begin to gently lift each layer of paper toward the center to “fluff” the flower.

Step 6. Tape a wooden skewer-stem to the underside of the flower, then mask the tape itself with a piece of napkin. Hooray! Your craft is ready! By the way, if you paint the flower stems with green paint and add artificial leaves to them, the flowers will turn out more realistic.

Who would have thought that the white hydrangeas in the photo are made from paper napkins. To make one hydrangea, make two flowers according to our instructions and glue them together or simply use more tissue paper. In this case, it is advisable to trim the edges of the napkins in waves, paint the stems and add large artificial leaves to them

Master class 4. Angels made from openwork napkins

Another idea for a New Year's craft made from openwork napkins is angels for decorating a Christmas tree or for a festive table setting.

What you need:

  • Scissors and stationery knife;
  • Paper glue;
  • Markers;
  • Chenille wire or pipe cleaner (available in tobacco stores) in silver/gold color.

How to do it:

Step 1. First we need to make the body of the angel. To do this, cut the napkin in half so that you get two semicircles. Then, using a utility knife, make small slits for the wings in one of the semicircles. Glue the edges of the semicircle to form a cone.

Step 2. Now we will make the wings. Take the remaining semicircle and cut it into two parts. Insert the resulting quarters into the slots on the angel’s back (with the corners).

Step 3. And finally, let's make the angel's face. Draw two identical circles (determine the diameter by eye and to your taste), cut them out, then draw closed eyes and a mouth on one of the circles. The second circle will become a cap; it needs to be glued behind the face and slightly above it. By the way, if you have shiny silver or gold paper, then it is better to cut out the angel’s cap from it.

Step 4. The angel is almost ready, all that remains is to make the halo. To do this, take a chenille wire or pipe cleaner, make a round loop at one end and tilt it slightly. Next, glue the angel's face to the wire and finally insert the wire into the top of the cone (body) and secure it with glue or tape (on the inside of the cone).

Here are a few more ideas for crafts made from openwork napkins in the shape of angels, which are not difficult to make with your own hands even without instructions.

The crafts were made from openwork napkins, wooden beads and chenille wire.

Master class 5. Butterflies for holiday decoration

Now we will introduce you to how to make butterflies like this in a matter of minutes. This master class is so simple that even the smallest craftsmen can handle it.

What you need:

  • Two paper napkins;
  • Wire (preferably in colored braid);
  • Clothespin.

How to do it:

Step 1. First we will make the top pair of wings. To do this, unfold the napkin completely, then fold it into a triangle. Fold the triangle into an accordion shape and secure the center with a clothespin.

Step 2. Now we will make the lower wings. Take an unfolded napkin and place it in front of you in a diamond shape. Fold the accordion as shown in the photo.

Step 3. Connect the upper and lower wings with wire and remove the clothespin.

Step 4. Tie a straw with two ends of the wire or use tape to decorate the wall with a butterfly.

Exists large number options for crafts made from napkins. This pastime is well suited for adults as an opportunity to make something beautiful, to calm nervous system, and for children to lift their spirits.

The list of what can be made even from paper or viscose napkins is huge. Unique products will decorate your home or make an excellent gift.

What is the name of the technique?

The following techniques for crafts made from napkins and paper are distinguished:

  1. Origami. This is the creation of a variety of figures without the use of glue or scissors.
  2. Origami and wet folding. To create figures, the paper is slightly moistened with a sponge or spray bottle.
  3. Modular origami. A more voluminous figurine that can be made from parts of the same size. They are simply stacked one on top of the other.
  4. Paper rolling. For this technique you will need long and narrow pieces of paper. They will need to be twisted into a spiral, given a certain shape and fixed with a glue gun. From these spirals you can make a candy bowl, decorate a postcard, or create a vase for dried flowers.
  5. Kirigami. This technique is very similar to origami, but you can use both glue and scissors.
  6. Papier-mâché. To do this, pieces of paper are soaked in paste. They will need to be glued to each other, and then primed and painted. Most are used to make masks for carnival.
  7. Trimming. New technique in . You need a long thin stick on which long strips are wound. It is important to glue the resulting part onto the base. This job requires a lot of perseverance, but it is not difficult at all.
  8. Decoupage. This is updating old items using paper and glue.

For making all kinds of figurines, postcards and paintings, ordinary napkins, which are sold in any store, “Freken Bok” and any others, are suitable. But to make the figures very beautiful, it is better to use multi-colored models for needlework.

How to make flowers of natural beauty

Making crafts in the form of flowers from napkins with your own hands is not difficult, but the end result is real beauty. You can make small and large flowers, it all depends on own desire and available materials at hand.


1 option


  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • pencil;
  • thick cardboard;
  • napkins of different shades, for example, you can take pink, raspberry, light pink, and also green for leaves.

For roses, you can take a large number of napkins of different colors. The more shades, the more colorful the flower will be. First, take the paper and lay it out on the table, cut it in half. Next you will need one half, bend it in half three times. We secure the middle with a stapler.

Now draw a circle on it and cut it out using scissors. We crumple the napkin as close to the center as possible so that the edges are smooth. We do this one layer at a time. You need to make a lot of such flowers.

On thick cardboard we draw a beautiful rose with leaves and cut it out. Now the drawing can be filled with flowers. Apply glue to the middle of each and glue it to the cardboard. We start with the lightest shade and move to the darkest.

Let's move on to making petals. First we form veins of dark color, and then we fill in the rest of the empty space.

Option 2

Video on how to make a flower:

You can surprise your girlfriend on a date with a homemade rose. It is made quickly, the proposed option is also suitable for novice craftsmen.

Steps on how to make a rose:

  1. First, flatten the napkin, especially if it has been folded several times.
  2. Bend the left edge a few centimeters inward. Then we return to the starting position.
  3. We take the edge that we just bent. In this case, the middle and index fingers should be on top, and the thumb should be under. We wrap it around our fingers.
  4. We walk our fingers along the inside of the rose.
  5. Approximately in the middle you need to twist it and begin to form a stem. Twist tightly. The rose is ready.

Step-by-step photos and diagrams of several rose options:


To make it you will need embroidery threads, napkins, glue, cotton wool and scissors.

For the middle, you can take napkins of two variations, for example, yellow and orange. White petals are suitable.

To make petals, you need to cut each napkin into 4 parts. On one side we cut the edges so that they are rounded. We retreat 2.5 cm from the edge and tightly twist the rest.

Now we make the middle of the flower. In the white quarter, trim the edges and form a circle. We put cotton wool inside and create a ball. We tie the bottom with thread. We glue the petals to it.

We take the core of a pen that no longer writes and attach it to our flower. We wrap it with green thread. You can separately make leaves from a green napkin and glue them.

Another master class:


You will need bright yellow or orange paper, PVA glue, scissors, and a stapler. Even a child can create such flowers. You need to cut a circle out of a napkin and secure it in the middle with a stapler. We form leaves from green paper. Another green napkin will be needed to form the stem. Next, the entire composition is glued to a sheet of paper.

To make the flower more voluminous, the leaves must be expanded.

The step-by-step process is shown in the photo:


Making a tulip can be classified as a children's craft, because creating this flower is very easy.

We take red napkins and use a ruler to divide them in half. Make the edges rounded. We twist it into a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. At a distance of 5 cm from the rounded edge, we begin to twist the tube very tightly, forming a dense stem. The tulip is ready!

Other options:


Take 2 napkins and cut them into 4 parts. Then we fold each square like an accordion. We make the edges rounded. Now tie it in the middle with a thin thread. We lift the leaves first on one side and then on the other. You can make a beautiful bouquet of multi-colored peonies.

Step by step execution of this method:

Another way to make peonies:

Water lily

We take six green napkins for the leaves, as well as 12 pieces each of white, pink and blue.

First we need green for the base. Take a napkin and bend it in the middle, so you get a triangle. Now we bend the corners into the middle and fix them well. The design is reminiscent of the “airplane” that many of us made in childhood.

We turn the napkin over and fold the ends that are visible again inward. We make leaves from all the napkins and sew them together. A circle should form from the middle of the leaves. We create the petals in the same way, but sew them a little further so that the green ones become the middle.

Instructions for a similar version:


Making this flower will help not only decorate the interior, but also develop fine motor skills in a child. We take several different color shades. Making a lily is easy: fold the napkin in half to form a triangle. Then we fold the corners and form a rhombus.

Now we turn away all the layers so that only one remains. We bend and roll them again into a small triangle, fixing the lower part so that they will hold on to each other. Then we wrap the lily petals to create a flower.


Aster is also a great option for a napkin in the shape of a flower. To make an aster you will need a pack of white napkins. We do not unfold them, but connect them together with a stapler. Draw a circle and cut it out. We outline the edge with a marker of any color.

Separate each layer and compress it with your hands. We do this with the remaining leaves. The flower is ready. You can attach a stem to it from an ordinary green cocktail tube.


For a lotus flower, it is better to take three-layer hard napkins, those that are difficult to disassemble. In most cases, they are sold with a pattern, but you can also find plain ones. You will also need a ruler, scissors, a needle, an awl, and embroidery thread. Approximately 108 leaves are needed for a lotus, of which 12 are green in color, and the rest are optional.

For the base you need to take 12 green napkins. We form an even corner for the triangle. We bend the corners on the wide side to make a boat. We pierce all the leaves with an awl.

We lay out the leaves in a circle and collect them on a thread from the bottom and top from the wide side.

We tie it tightly, otherwise our leaf will unravel.

We fold the petals of the flower itself in the same way. Let's attach them to it. If we attach the leaves with a boat to the table, then we form the first row of petals in the opposite direction. Next you need to make 6 more levels of the flower. The lotus is ready.

Step-by-step photo of performing a lotus:


These flowers are formed from paper napkins. You can do it with your children. The process is not difficult, but it requires perseverance. The bouquet can be made to decorate a room or as a handmade gift.

To make it, you need to take napkins of several colors, wooden skewers (used for canapés), PVA glue, scissors, a stapler, and a simple pencil.

We take napkins of the same color - 4 pieces. They should be folded as in the package, that is, in four. We connect them in the middle with a stapler. To make them hold tighter, you can punch them again. Draw on a circle and cut it out. We make cuts in a circle up to 2 cm deep. The distance between the cuts is 0.8 cm. Carefully lift each layer and press it to the center.

Now we make the stem. To do this, cut the green napkin into equal strips 0.5 cm wide. We begin to wind them onto a stick. First, lubricate each strip with a glue stick. We pierce the flower with the finished stem where the paper clips are located.

Take rectangles from napkins and cut out a beautiful leaf. Glue it to the flower. Ready!

Another option:


For this flower you will need the simplest white napkins. But to make the carnation beautiful, you will need felt-tip pens of different colors. Before forming a flower, you need to outline the edges of the circles with multi-colored felt-tip pens. They can be used to decorate a table, make a bouquet, or use them for a “tree of happiness.”


Unfortunately, summer does not last the whole year, but you always want beautiful flowers. They decorate the room and help lift your spirits.

For an easy craft you need:

  • skewers;
  • napkins;
  • scissors;
  • semolina;
  • black makeup pencil.

First we begin to make the stamens. To do this, take half of the yellow napkin and fold it in half. We make cuts, but 1-1.5 cm should not be enough to the edge. We twist each division.

Add a little makeup pencil to the semolina. Place the edge of the stamen in PVA glue for a few seconds, then in semolina and leave to dry.

Now we make leaves. We'll need pink napkins. Divide each into 4 parts and fold in half. Using a skewer, fold the corners inward. This will be the top of the petal. Now we take the bottom one and simply squeeze it towards each other. For one flower you will need approximately 12 petals.

We take a skewer and wrap it with our stamens. The lower part must first be treated with glue. Then we attach the first petal, and the second opposite it. This is how we fold the flower.

Cut half of the green napkin into 3 equal parts. One needs to be wrapped around a skewer to create a beautiful green stem. From the other two we make leaves and attach them to the stem. Using this principle, we make several flowers and put them in a vase.

The video shows another method of creating flowers for a cute bouquet:

Volumetric flowers

Three-dimensional paper flowers include water lilies, lotus, and poppies. For this option, you will need to purchase bright napkins. For example, red, bright crimson and green. You will also need scissors, wire and glue.

We fold the napkin several times and begin to cut out the petals, but so that the middle remains untouched. With the next one we cut out the parts a little smaller in size.

Take a green napkin and cut out small circles. We make cuts evenly in a circle. We sew several circles in the middle and lightly fluff them to add volume, but it is important not to damage our core.

To make the flower more like a real one, you must additionally use a sheet of black paper. Make the black circles a little larger than the green ones.

It's time to assemble the product. First we connect several tiers of colored petals, then black and finally green. Place a flower on the wire. You can divide it into several parts, so there will be several flowers on one branch. Don't forget about the leaves. You can create several branches and put the bouquet in a vase.

Volumetric flowers that look like a pompom:

In pots

Making a bouquet in a pot would be a good gift. It can be placed on the windowsill or left on the table.

A flower pot should be purchased in advance. We pour soil for plants into it or form a ball out of newspaper and put it inside.

For flowers, you need to take several napkins of different shades. Cut each into 8 pieces and stack on top of each other. The middle needs to be carefully stitched with thread. To make the petals beautiful, we cut off the edges.

Then it depends on how the bottom is made. If you put the newspaper in the form of a circle, then you need to cover it with corrugated paper on top. If you choose soil, you will need a small stick and you can attach flowers to its top.

There are different options for how to make decorations in pots. Some of them are shown in the photographs:

From openwork models

Openwork or lace napkins look beautiful on their own, and if you prepare them with flowers, you will get a masterpiece. You can take a round napkin and cut it in half. Begin to twist from left to right in a circle. The rose must be fixed with thread or glue.


Preparing the herb is quite simple. To do this, you need to take the paper and fold it several times. Afterwards, cuts are made in the upper part, almost halfway. This herb can be used to make topiary or a “tree of happiness.”


You can buy green napkins or take the simplest white ones and then paint them. They are useful for decorating a bouquet, a tree, or just a room.

We take thick napkins and cut out leaves from them. You can fold the napkin 4 times and cut out the leaves. We take two identical leaves, coat them with glue, and put a wire between them. Draw green veins with a toothpick.

There is another option. You need to wrap a napkin around the wire. Also, form veins from wire and napkins and fill it all with PVA glue. Leave it like this for several hours until completely dry. These leaves can be used to decorate fruits.

No wire method:

Holiday numbers

Recently there has been a fashion to decorate the hall for a birthday, wedding or other holidays with the help of beautiful inscriptions or numbers made from napkins. For example, this could be an inscription in English “love”, “bitter”, “wedding”. And also for small children they create a composition in the form of numbers with their years. This decoration will also be suitable for a photo shoot.

You need to take thick cardboard from which the figure will be made. The larger the size of the base, the larger the decoration itself will be, the more interesting it will be for guests and photographs. To ensure stability of the number, we cut out one more side from cardboard, as well as several identical narrow strips. Glue the entire structure together using a glue gun.

We wrap the number with corrugated paper or foil. Making flowers for the numbers. To do this, take several napkins and divide them into 4 parts. We fix the middle with a stapler. Lift each layer separately and fluff it well. Using glue, distribute the flowers evenly on the unit. For girls, you can additionally glue pearls and beads to the number.

We decorate our unit with roses, daisies, and carnations. You can do it easier and just wrap the number with embroidery thread. If your child’s birthday is on New Year’s holidays, you can additionally cut and glue the rain.

Video lesson:


It is believed that the best gift is a gift created with your own hands. For example, every mother will be pleased to receive a card that her child made himself.

To do this, you can use the same technique as when making a picture from napkins. First you need to create a template and then create a design from small balls.

You can also write on the card and glue on some daisies or roses, depending on the birthday girl’s favorite color combinations.

There are many ways to decorate a card. There are easy options for children and more complex ones for adults:


To make pineapple you will need thick napkins.

The shape of the leaves should be the same as that used to make the lotus.

Take a plastic plate.

On it we place the bottom layer of napkins in the form of green boats.

We place alternately orange and yellow leaves on top.

8 rows required.

The closer to the top, the denser the leaves need to be made. On top we make large pineapple leaves out of green paper.


To create flagella, you only need napkins and two hands. We cut them into strips of 2 cm. We hold them with our right hand, and with our left we begin to gradually twist them. This must be done very carefully, otherwise the product will tear. The flagellum does not need to be fixed or glued. He will stand on his own.


To declare your love or just as a gift, you can make a heart with your own hands. First you need to prepare a lot of roses from napkins. They can be made in only one shade, if desired.

You need to take a sheet of foam plastic, a knife, a needle and thread, a pencil, corrugated paper, and napkins.

First, it is advisable to create a template. To do this, draw and cut out a heart on a sheet of foam plastic. You can cover it with napkins, corrugated paper or foil.

We fill it inside with roses. To do this, take a napkin and set it into even strips. We carefully roll each strip into a tube. You can fix the rose using a stapler.

In order to hang a heart with roses on the wall, you need to attach a narrow satin ribbon to the back side with a stapler.

A heart with roses of two colors looks beautiful. For example, we glue white ones to the edge of the template and pink ones in the middle.

You can form a heart in another way:

Paper, but adorable containers


A paper vase will be an interesting decoration for your home interior. For this craft you will need a needle, ordinary napkins, glue, varnish and an inflatable ball.

First of all, it is important to inflate the balloon and tie it with thread. Take embroidery threads and soak them well in glue. Then we wrap the bottom of the ball with thread and let it dry. It will be faster if you replace the PVA glue with superglue, but then the work will have to be done very quickly.

When the threads are dry, glue napkins on top. The vase will be especially beautiful if you take openwork or with some kind of pattern.

Candy bowl

All children have a sweet tooth. It will be especially interesting for them to make a candy bowl with their own hands together with their mother. To do this, you need to take a bright napkin. Open it completely. We bend each corner towards the middle. It should be a square. Turn the napkin over to the other side and bend all the corners towards the middle again.

Now put the glass in the middle and bend all the corners. You should end up with a small pocket. The candy bowl is ready!

Variant of a candy bowl in the shape of a lily:

Napkin holder “Bird of Happiness”

An option on how to form a beautiful napkin holder with your own hands: you need to take a lot of napkins of any shade and fold them according to the following principle - we bend each of them in half to make a triangle. Then we fold it again, but only bend a small corner.

Now we insert one into the other and push it into the candy bowl. Of course, the bird must have a neck. Roll the napkin into a tube and bend your head.


You need to take the napkins and cut them into 4 equal long strips. We twist each strip. In order for it to stick well, it needs to be lubricated with glue. We cut out a circle from cardboard and begin to weave a basket on it with flagella. Multiple colors can be used.

Don't forget to make a handle. To do this, take three flagella and braid a spikelet from them.

This is not the only way:

beautiful tree

This new look decorations.

You must first purchase napkins in two shades. For example, green and pink. You will also need a flower pot, a sponge, a satin ribbon, paint, a wooden stick, glue and a foam ball.

Take soil into a pot and place a wooden stick. Instead of soil, you can buy plant soil at the supermarket. To make the stick stick better, add a little water.

Take a foam ball and glue it using a glue gun. Cut the napkins into strips and cover the ball with them. They can be replaced with baking foil. For fixing to balls, either hot glue or Moment glue is suitable.

We create a floral tree by decorating it with peonies, roses or dandelions. Glue beads or pearls between the flowers. We wrap the tree trunk with satin ribbon.


This is a new fashion. At weddings, for example, initials made from paper napkins are often used. You can also please your beloved husband or child on his birthday by making their name out of cardboard and flowers. It is absolutely not difficult to do this. Much depends on how long the name is and whether it can be shortened. For example, the name Andrey is not abbreviated, but instead of Ulyana you can simply write Ulya.

You will need cardboard. These could be old boxes from a TV or other household appliances. We form a template on it and cut it out. Use satin ribbon to hide the cardboard. We fix the edges with hot glue. Next, we attach the roses or any other options using a stapler. At the top of the inscription, at the same distance from the edge, we attach a ribbon so that our inscription can be stuck to the wall.


To make such a ball you will need a large number of old newspapers, colorful napkins, glue and scissors.

We make a ball from old newspapers. Then make a new layer using new newspaper. Secure with thread and tape. Wrap the ball around using napkins. The edges can be joined together with a stapler. We make daisies, as already described above, and glue them.

Other step-by-step methods for creating a ball are described in the video:


A new method of napkin applique art that is just coming into fashion. Both adults and children can make masterpieces. First, a certain drawing is drawn on a landscape sheet with a simple pencil. It can also be found online and printed on paper. The main thing is that the drawing consists of large details.

If you plan to frame the picture, you should do this after you have made the template. Otherwise, the picture will lose its appearance.

Next you should cut into squares with a side of 2 centimeters. First you need to decide on the colors. Don't cut too much at once. Make 2 of each first, then you can add more. To make it easier to work, we arrange the napkins by color in small boxes.

You need to take a pen without a rod and wrap a napkin around its edge. Glue it to the corner where the drawing begins. Glue the next corner as close as possible to the previous one. You can glue each piece individually by dipping it in glue, or apply it to a small amount of the painting. All napkins should lie flat. If there are edges that protrude, this can be corrected with scissors.

The napkin applique looks voluminous and unusual. Examples of work:

Master class on how to make paintings:


A good idea for decorating a living room or kitchen. Moreover, for such a miracle you only need an hour of time and a few napkins.

Create a drawing on cardboard with a pencil. Napkins are prepared separately. To do this, one needs to be cut into 16 equal parts. Roll them into small balls.

Apply a drop of glue on an unnecessary sheet of paper, and then glue small dots. There should be no empty spaces in the picture. Therefore, if there are white fragments, they must be removed using white balls from ordinary napkins. The panel is ready.


Modern creation of masterpieces from napkins. You will need a potty. Stores now sell very beautiful multi-colored pots that can be used to make topiary. You should also take small pebbles for the aquarium, napkins of different colors, a stapler, tape, scissors, leaves from artificial flowers, old newspapers, ordinary and embroidery threads.

You need to prepare the mixture for the pot first. Combine sand, cement and water. Place a branch in the middle and wait until the mixture hardens.

Make a circle out of newspapers and secure it well with tape. We fix the ball itself with threads. Wrap it in beautiful corrugated paper. Make flowers from napkins and attach them to the ball with glue. Glue artificial leaves to the trunk.

The pot can be decorated with ribbon, corrugated paper or foil.

How to paint products

In fact, if you want to make a craft, but don’t have the required color, you can repaint it. This can be done by initially changing the color of the napkin, and then repainting the finished product in the same way. For this you will need gouache. But do not forget that you need to wait until the material dries. And don't use a lot of water.

You can make all kinds of products, unique decor, owls, ghosts and much more from napkins with your own hands. They will please your eyes, will be able to unite you with your child, and will delight your guests. All you need is a little patience and free time.