How to recognize breast cancer in the early stages. Breast cancer. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease How breast cancer is diagnosed

is one of the deadliest diseases. On at the moment The success of treating most cancers depends on timely diagnosis. Quite often, a late visit to the doctor leads to the impossibility of providing proper care to the patient. That is why all women should be aware of the signs that may indicate the development of breast cancer.

Signs of breast cancer

In order to be able to respond in time to a possible cancer and undergo effective treatment, all women should regularly conduct self-examination. To do this, you need to go to the mirror and examine your breasts.

The first signs of cancer development may be:

  • presence of breast deformities;
  • breast swelling;
  • breast enlargement or reduction for no particular reason;
  • changes in the area of ​​the areola or nipple: the presence of erosion, inverted nipples, the appearance of discharge that is not associated with breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • the appearance of a “lemon peel” on the skin;
  • the presence of a painful, dense formation or compacted area in the mammary gland that you can feel.

If, after conducting a self-examination, you find one of the above signs, then you should contact a specialist.

But even if after a visual examination you do not find any signs of cancer, every woman aged 40+ should undergo an annual mammogram. Women under the age of 40 also need to undergo examination by specialists; we are talking about an annual consultation with a gynecologist and an ultrasound of the breast. According to research results, about 80% of all women who were diagnosed with breast cancer were able to identify the first signs of cancer themselves. At the same time, most of the tumor formations independently discovered by women are benign, but the help of a specialist is required in any of the cases.

It is worth remembering that breast cancer detected on early stage, in almost 90% of cases it can be completely curable, while the third stage of cancer is only 40% curable.

Risk factors

Risk factors are any conditions or exposures that increase the likelihood of developing a disease. Various types cancer are associated with different risk factors. However, the presence of several risk factors does not mean that a woman will necessarily be diagnosed with breast cancer. Some women with a certain set of risk factors do not develop cancer, while a large proportion of women with breast cancer do not have obvious risk factors. Risk factors can be divided into several groups.

High risk group

Women who have been diagnosed with cancer of one of the mammary glands. In this case, the risk of developing a new malignant tumor is very high.

Moderate risk group

Women at risk include:

  • over the age of 50 years, so, about 77% of patients diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50 years old, while half of them are women aged 65+;
  • Diagnosing breast cancer in close relatives increases the likelihood of its development. The risk increases if a relative was diagnosed with cancer before menopause;
  • genetic factors. The risk increases if you have altered forms of any of the genes that are associated with familial breast cancer. We are talking about BRCA1/2. If a woman has an inherited mutation in any of these genes, the risk of developing cancer reaches 80%.

Slightly increased risk group

This group includes the following factors:

  • diagnosing breast cancer in distant first-degree relatives;
  • presence of abnormalities in the results of previous biopsies. If the presence of complex component hyperplasias, fibroadenomas, single papillomas was detected;
  • birth of the first child over 30 years of age;
  • early menstruation (up to 12 years);
  • late menopause (after 55 years);
  • diagnosing other types of cancer in relatives (ovarian cancer, body or cervical cancer);
  • long-term use of combined progesterone and estrogen preparations.

Breast cancer - there is a way out!

At the moment, breast cancer is not a death sentence, because modern medicine is ready to offer various methods of combating this disease. In this case, the specialist chooses a cancer treatment strategy taking into account many factors:

  • type of cancer;
  • stage;
  • susceptibility of tumor cells to hormones;
  • immunohistochemical characteristics of the tumor;
  • general health of the patient.

If breast cancer is diagnosed in the early stages, the tumor tissue may be removed surgically (lumpectomy). If larger malignant tumors are present, the mammary gland can be completely removed (mastectomy). The nearest lymph nodes are also removed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are carried out after surgery, their main goal is to destroy the cancer cells remaining in the patient's body. Including radiation therapy and chemotherapy are carried out before surgery in order to reduce the size of the malignant tumor and increase the effectiveness of the intervention. If the tumor is sensitive to hormones, then hormonal therapy is performed.

Today, oncologists also use targeted therapy in the treatment of breast cancer, in which drugs are delivered directly to tumor tissues and have minimal negative effects on healthy cells.

Targeted therapy can be used as monotherapy or can be included in a treatment package along with other types of therapy. At the same time, the effectiveness and safety of the treatment, first of all, depends on the timely diagnosis of neoplasms, as well as full and strict compliance of the treatment with international protocols, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


A malignant breast tumor occurs in every 10 women. Oncology is characterized by a tendency to metastasize and aggressive growth. Breast cancer has a number of symptoms that are similar to other breast diseases in women. For this reason, at the first disturbing symptoms, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.

What is breast cancer

A malignant breast tumor is the uncontrolled growth of epithelial cells. Oncology of this type develops mainly in women, but sometimes occurs in the male population. A malignant neoplasm in the breast is one of the most dangerous oncologies. The mortality rate from this type of cancer is 50%. The main reason fatal outcome is the neglect of the disease. If breast cancer is diagnosed at stage 1 or 2, then the survival rate after treatment is very high and long-term results are good.


Often precancerous manifestations are visible on the breast. Peeling skin, swelling, sore nipples are not only hormonal imbalances, but also symptoms of infections, cysts or mastopathy. All these pathologies are a manifestation of a precancerous condition. Symptoms of breast cancer that should promptly consult a doctor:

  1. Nipple discharge. They are observed at all stages of breast cancer. The liquid is yellow-green or transparent. Over time, reddening of the skin of the nipple, ulcers, spots and wounds on the halo form on the chest.
  2. Lumps in the chest. You can easily feel them yourself.
  3. Deformation appearance. When the tumor grows into denser tissues of the mammary glands and metastases appear, the structure of the breast changes (especially in the edematous form or armored cancer). The skin over the lesion becomes purple in color, peeling occurs, and “orange peel”-type dimples are formed.
  4. Flattened, elongated chest. A sunken or wrinkled nipple is pulled into the gland.
  5. Enlarged lymph glands. When you raise your arms, you experience pain in your armpits.

First signs

At the initial stage of the disease, the clinical picture is almost always asymptomatic. More often she reminds different types mastopathy. The only difference is that with a benign tumor the lumps are painful, but with oncology they are not. According to statistics, 70% of women who were diagnosed with cancer were first identified as having a lump in the breast that was easily palpable. The reason to consult a doctor is pain in the mammary gland, even slight. The first sign of cancer is a lump in the breast that does not go away after menstruation.


The main factor in the occurrence of cancer is changes in hormonal levels. The cells of the mammary gland ducts mutate, acquiring the properties of cancerous tumors. Researchers analyzed thousands of patients with this disease and identified the following factors that contribute to the risk of developing the pathology:

  • female gender;
  • heredity;
  • absence of pregnancy or its occurrence after 35 years;
  • malignant neoplasms in other organs and tissues;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • the presence of menstruation for more than 40 years (increased estrogen activity);
  • tall woman;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • low physical activity;
  • hormonal therapy in large doses;
  • obesity after menopause.


A woman may notice the first symptoms of breast cancer at stages 1 or 2 of the disease. The zero (initial) stage is non-invasive, so carcinoma can long time do not appear. As a rule, a woman first learns about cancer during an examination. The primary tumor can also be recognized by palpation. At the second stage of cancer, the size of the tumor already reaches 5 cm, the lymph nodes above the collarbones, near the sternum and in the armpits enlarge.

The third degree of breast cancer is characterized by an increase in body temperature, retraction of the skin and/or nipple at the location of the carcinoma, the tumor begins to grow on the surrounding tissues, and affects the lymph nodes. High risk of detecting metastases in the lungs, liver, and chest. At the fourth stage of breast cancer, internal organs and bones are affected, and the cancer spreads to the entire gland (Paget's cancer). This degree is characterized by the presence of metastases. The disease is almost untreatable, so the likelihood of death is very high.


Breast cancer is classified by type:

  1. Ductal. Characterized by the fact that the cellular structures have not transferred to healthy breast tissue.
  2. Lobular. The localization of the tumor is found in the lobules of the mammary gland.
  3. Medullary. Has an accelerated increase in tumor size, quickly begins and metastasizes.
  4. Tubular. The origin of malignant cells occurs in epithelial tissue, and growth is directed to fatty tissue.
  5. Inflammatory. Very rare. Inflammatory disease It is aggressive, diagnosis is difficult, as it has all the signs of mastitis.

Is there a cure for breast cancer?

At stage zero, treatment for breast cancer leads to 100% recovery. In later stages there are rarely cases of healing; the question is mainly about prolonging life. Once cancer is detected in breast tissue, doctors rely on the patient's five-year survival rate. These are average statistics. There are many cases where, after treatment, a woman lived for 20 years or more, forgetting about the terrible diagnosis. It should be remembered that the earlier cancer is diagnosed, the better the prognosis.


Detecting breast cancer is integrated approach, consisting of many techniques. The main goals of diagnosis are to detect lumps at an early stage and choose a more appropriate treatment method. Primary changes in the breast can be detected during an examination, either independently or by a surgeon, endocrinologist, oncologist or mammologist. To clarify the nature of the tumor and the extent of cancer spread, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • biopsy;
  • blood for tumor marker;
  • cytology of nipple discharge;
  • blood for abnormal genes (for familial cancer).

How to examine your breasts

An important step to early detection of breast lumps is regular self-examination. The procedure should become a habit for every woman, regardless of age, in order to recognize cancer at an early stage. First you should evaluate what your breasts look like: shape, color, size. Then you need to raise your hands up, inspect for any protrusions of the skin, depressions, redness, rash, swelling or other changes.

Next, you should feel the axillary lymph nodes - they should not be large and cause pain. Then the right and left breasts are carefully examined in a circular motion from the armpits to the collarbone, from the nipple to the upper abdomen. It is imperative to pay attention to the presence of discharge. Any suspicion is a reason to consult a doctor.

Breast cancer treatment

Cancer therapy is prescribed only after all of the above examination methods have been carried out. They try to treat breast cancer using local and systemic therapy. With early diagnosis, surgical intervention is more often prescribed. If cancer is detected at a late stage, patients are recommended to undergo complex treatment, in which surgical removal of the mammary glands is combined with hormonal, radiation or chemotherapy. Additionally, biological, immunological and traditional treatment may be prescribed.

Treatment without surgery

When a malignant tumor occurs in the breast, some patients refuse surgical intervention, radiation and chemotherapy, citing toxicity and side effects. Non-surgical treatment methods include acupuncture, Ayurveda, yoga, massage, and homeopathy. Sometimes alternative treatment methods include hypnosis, reading prayers, therapeutic fasting, and the use of dietary supplements. The effectiveness of these methods has no evidence, so such therapy is a big risk for the patient’s life.

Hormone therapy

Indicated if the malignant neoplasm is sensitive to hormones. To determine this, after examining the mammary glands, an immunohistochemical examination of the biopsy material is performed. Based on the results of the examination, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. Estrogen receptor modulators. Prescribed if the tumor has estrogen and progesterone receptors. These drugs include: Tamoxifen, Toremifene, Raloxifene.
  2. Estrogen receptor blockers. They prevent estradiol molecules from joining estrogen receptors. The most famous medications of the group: Faslodex, Fulvestrant.
  3. Aromatase inhibitors. Used to reduce the production of the ovarian hormone estrogen during menopause. Exemestane, Anastorazole, and Letrozole are widely used in oncological practice.
  4. Progestins. Reduce the secretion of pituitary hormones that produce estrogens and androgens. Use tablets for oral administration, vaginal suppositories or ampoules for intramuscular injections. This group of drugs includes: Exluton, Continuin, Ovret.

Radiation therapy

It is not used as monotherapy. The role of radiation exposure in complex treatment increases during organ-preserving operations. Depending on the purpose, lymph nodes or the mammary gland (on the affected side) may be exposed to radiation. Radiation therapy is divided into several types:

  • preoperative;
  • postoperative;
  • independent (for inoperable tumors);
  • interstitial (in nodular form).


The principle of operation of the method is based on the use of antitumor drugs. They are administered intravenously, drip or orally. The duration of chemotherapy depends on the patient's condition. One course consists of 4 or 7 cycles. The procedure is prescribed both before and after breast removal. For breast cancer, chemotherapy requires individual selection of medications.

Surgical treatment

Tumor removal occurs in several ways:

  1. Organ-conserving surgery (partial mastectomy, sectoral resection). Only the tumor is removed, but the breast remains. The advantage of this technique is the aesthetic appearance of the mammary gland, but the disadvantage is that there is a high probability of relapse and metastasis.
  2. Mactectomy. The entire breast is removed. Sometimes it is possible to save skin to insert an implant. The surgeon also excises the lymph nodes in the armpit. The advantage of the technique is that it reduces the risk of cancer recurrence. The disadvantages include decreased self-esteem and one-sided syndrome.


To avoid getting breast cancer, you should remove the risk factors that lead to the disease: bad habits, physical inactivity, stress, poor nutrition. The main measures to prevent breast cancer include:

  • regular examinations by a mammologist;
  • proper nutrition;
  • breastfeeding;
  • body weight control;
  • no abortions.

Photo of breast cancer

Breast cancer is diagnosed in every eighth woman. It is the second most common type of cancer after skin cancer. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death (after lung cancer). Although men have a lower risk, they can still develop breast cancer. If you have a family history of breast cancer, it is especially important for you to monitor your health and note any changes in your breast tissue. Paying attention to your health and early diagnosis increases the likelihood of successful treatment.


Expanding breast knowledge

    Be aware that recommendations for self-exams are changing. In the past, women were advised to examine their breasts themselves once a month, but in 2009, following the publication of a number of studies, new recommendations were issued that require regular breast examinations by a doctor. Studies have found that self-examination does not reduce mortality or increase the number of cancer diagnoses.

    Visually inspect your breasts. This can be done at any time, but it is better to do this after the end of menstruation, when the breasts stop hurting and decrease in volume. Try to do this around the same time every month. Stand or sit in front of a mirror, removing your top and bra. Raise and lower your hands. Note changes in breast size, shape, tenderness, and any tissue masses, including:

    • Indentations and folds in the skin (like the peel of an orange)
    • Redness or rash
    • Unusual breast swelling and tenderness
    • Changes in the appearance of the nipples (retraction, itching, redness)
    • Nipple discharge (bloody, clear, yellow)
  1. Feel your chest. If you are menstruating, it is best to do this when your breasts are least sore, ideally a few days after your period ends. You can feel your breasts while lying down (this position makes the tissue flatter and easier to feel) or standing in the shower (the water and foam will help your fingers glide over the skin). You should feel your breasts like this:

    Get used to your breasts. Remember what your breasts look and feel like. Study the fabric density, shape, size and other parameters. This will make it easier for you to tell your doctor what has changed.

    • Ask your partner to tell you about any changes they notice. Perhaps your partner will notice something that you don't notice because he's looking at your breasts from a different angle.
  2. Be aware of the risk factors. Some people have a higher chance of getting breast cancer. But don't think that because you're in a high-risk group, you'll definitely get cancer. You just need to pay more attention to your breasts, get regular check-ups with your doctor and get mammograms. Risk factors include:

    • Floor. Women are at higher risk of getting the disease than men.
    • Age. The risk increases with age. Most often, cancer occurs after 45 years of age.
    • Menstruation. If you started menstruating before age 12, or menopause after age 55, your risk increases slightly.
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Early pregnancy or multiple pregnancies can reduce the risk, as can breastfeeding. Not having children or becoming pregnant before age 30 increases your risk of developing breast cancer.
    • Lifestyle. Obesity, smoking and alcohol increase the risk of cancer.
    • Hormone replacement therapy. Previous or current use of hormones may increase your risk.
  3. Know your family's medical history. There are individual risk factors associated with genetics and illness in the family, including:

    • Your personal medical history. If you have been previously diagnosed with breast cancer, there is a chance that it will develop again in the same breast or a second breast.
    • Family medical history. The risk increases if one or more relatives have breast, ovarian, uterine, or colon cancer. If a close relative (sister, daughter, mother) has cancer, the risk doubles.
    • Genes. Genetic disorders in BRCA1 and BRCA2 can significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. These violations can be tracked using screening. As a rule, heredity is the cause of the disease in 5-10% of cases.
  4. Look for unusual nipple discharge. If you are not breastfeeding, nothing should come out of your nipple. If there is discharge, especially if there is no pressure on the breast or nipple, see a doctor as soon as possible and get examined.

    Look for signs of swelling. Look for swelling around the chest, breastbone and armpits. There are aggressive forms of cancer that can cause swelling before tumors appear in the tissue.

    Look for indentations in the breast tissue and notice changes in the nipples. Tumors and growths in the breast close to the surface of the skin or to the nipple can distort the shape of the tissue.

    • In some cases, the nipple falls inward. Indentations may also appear above the chest.
  5. Note thinning of the skin, redness, hot sensation, and itching. Inflammatory breast cancer is rare, but it is a very aggressive form of cancer. Symptoms may be similar to those of an infection: warmth in the tissue, itching, redness. If antibiotics do not solve the problem, you should immediately contact your breast doctor.

    Remember that pain cannot be considered a normal condition. If your breast or nipple hurts and the pain does not go away, you should see a doctor. The breast tissue should not hurt - pain indicates an infection, a growth process, a nodule or tumor. Breast pain is not usually a sign of cancer.

    Learn to recognize the signs of long-standing breast cancer. Remember that these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have cancer. However, if they are present, you must make an appointment with a doctor and undergo examinations. These symptoms include:

    • Weight loss
    • Bone pain
    • Dyspnea
    • Chest sores (sores may be red, itchy, painful, and may ooze pus or clear fluid)

Breast examination by a doctor

  1. Make an appointment to be examined at a medical center or clinic. When you see your gynecologist, ask the doctor to feel your breasts. Doctors are trained to do this, so your gynecologist will know what to look for. Do not try to replace this examination (even if it is unpleasant) with a self-examination.

    Get a mammogram. Mammography is a way of examining breast tissue using an X-ray beam with a small dose of radiation. This examination allows you to detect the presence of tumors before they can be felt with your hands. Women over 40 are recommended to have a mammogram once every year or every two years. Women under 40 who are at risk should consult their doctor regarding the frequency of this procedure. Even if you are not at risk and have no symptoms, you should get a mammogram every few years.

    If your mammogram shows lumps or other abnormal formations, get further testing. If anything appears suspicious to your doctor, such as nipple discharge or breast deformity, you will need to undergo additional tests to determine the cause of these changes and confirm or rule out a cancer diagnosis. Such examinations include:

    Do a biopsy. If mammogram and MRI results indicate that you have a tumor, you may have a fine-needle biopsy to determine the type of tumor and determine treatment (surgery or chemotherapy). During a needle biopsy, a certain amount of tissue is removed for analysis. Typically, this biopsy does not require hospitalization. Local anesthesia is only used for surgical biopsy (lumpectomy).

A malignant tumor of the mammary glands is a disease that consists of the formation of malignant tumors, the growth of which occurs quite rapidly. This disease is one of the most common and dangerous, because deaths are common. Women over 45 years of age are most at risk.

How to determine breast cancer is a question that interests many women. At the moment, certain signs are known by which it is possible to independently identify cancerous formations in the breast. When in doubt, it is very important to urgently seek medical help. A breast specialist deals with issues of cancer in women.

Causes of the disease

An oncological disease that affects the mammary gland of women can develop as a result of the following factors and causes:

Each factor poses a particular danger, however, more attention is paid to the age of women. The older she is, the more likely it is that cancer will manifest itself.

What you need to pay attention to

How to recognize breast cancer at home? A question that doctors hear almost every day. Having an idea of ​​the first signs of the disease, it will not be at all difficult to detect a cancerous formation in the gland while at home. You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

In order to determine that a tumor has formed, an examination at home should be carried out in a bright room in front of a mirror. Only in a standing position will it be possible to carefully examine the breasts and notice any nonspecific changes in its structure.

In order to find out about the presence of a tumor, you will also need to take into account the following information: the tumor can be located anywhere in the gland, and the lesion can spread to both breasts at the same time. If a tumor is located in one mammary gland, the chance of metastasis in the second increases significantly. When examined at home, you may feel a lump, the consistency of which will be very similar to dough.

In most cases, a cancerous tumor is round in shape, although its structure may be heterogeneous.

There are cases when the formation reached incredibly large sizes, which significantly aggravated the treatment process.

In medical conditions, it is possible to diagnose cancer in women through the following procedures:

Based on the research, specialists determine the causes and type of tumor, after which measures are taken regarding further treatment of the disease.

How does the disease develop?

In order to diagnose such a pathology in a timely manner, it is important to understand how the disease manifests itself and develops. Experts point out that cancer in women can develop in 5 stages, which have their own characteristics:

Stage 0. The tumor is localized in one place and does not grow into neighboring tissues. It is believed that at this stage the disease can be effectively treated.

Stage 1. During this period, the formation is transformed from benign to malignant. But damage to the lymph nodes and neighboring tissues has not yet occurred.

Stage 2. The tumor begins to increase in diameter and begins to affect the lymph nodes.

Stage 3. At this stage, not only the breast tissue is affected, but also the lymph nodes of the chest. Very often, the symptoms of stage 3 resemble the development of mastitis. However, these diseases should not be confused under any circumstances.

Stage 4. Spread of metastases throughout internal organs. First of all, damage occurs to the liver, lymph nodes and bones. This stage is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which manifest themselves in a sharp deterioration in well-being and the presence of severe pain. Treatment at this stage is the most difficult and does not always achieve the desired effect.

This information will help a woman know how to identify breast cancer. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the warning signs of the disease, but also to the signals that your body sends. If you experience unusual symptoms or a sharp deterioration in your health, you will need to seek help from a specialist.

Breast cancer - symptoms

Descriptions of the symptoms of breast cancer were found in ancient treatises. For thousands of years, until 1700, there was no information about the causes and methods of treating this terrible disease. For recent years Medicine has achieved very good results in the treatment of breast cancer, the main factors influencing the development of the disease have been established, and equipment for diagnosing breast cancer has also been improved, thanks to which the most effective course of treatment is prescribed. When symptoms of breast cancer appear, women have an increasing chance of curing the disease at various stages.

Causes of the disease

The causes of breast cancer may be due to genetic predisposition. That is, if a disease occurs in different generations in a family, the risk of getting sick increases.

Age also affects the occurrence of breast cancer, but only if one neglects one’s health for a long time (advanced chronic diseases, poor diet for many years). So you need to take care of yourself, your loved one, all the time, and not just when symptoms of breast cancer or another disease appear.

Research shows that abortion, late first birth, and refusal to breastfeed can also cause breast cancer.

If you have identified symptoms of breast cancer, do not rush to diagnose yourself. Consult your doctor and get examined. Perhaps the terrible diagnosis will not be confirmed, since some diseases may be identical to the first signs of breast cancer.

How to independently identify breast cancer?

Do regular self-examinations to help identify signs of breast cancer or conditions that may lead to breast cancer. Every month, 6-10 days after menstruation, examine the condition of your breasts, first with your hands down, then with your hands raised behind your head. Next, lie on your back, placing a cushion under your shoulder blades, and consistently feel your chest and armpits in a circular motion. Repeat the examination while standing. Symptoms of breast cancer may include lumps, discharge from the nipples, redness or changes in the skin (inflammation, peeling, changes in shape - sagging, sinking). The mammary glands should be at the same level. There should be no rash, changes in color or shape on the nipples. Timely diagnosis will help avoid many complications in the treatment of breast cancer.

How is breast cancer diagnosed clinically?

The following examination methods are available: palpation, x-ray, morphological and ultrasound methods. Together, they provide complete information that will help to correctly prescribe a course of treatment for breast cancer. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, be sure to establish the cause of the symptoms that are bothering you.

Breast cancer treatment

There are several methods of treating breast cancer, which are prescribed depending on the stage, type of tumor, and metastasis.

Lumpectomy is the removal of abnormal cells and tissue from small tumors.

Mastectomy – removal of the breast.

Hormone therapy – prevents the formation of cancer cells after surgical treatment.

Radiation therapy – radiation therapy, is also prescribed after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells.

Most often, in order to achieve the best effect and prevent damage to other organs, combination treatment for breast cancer is prescribed.

Disease prevention

Statistics show that breast cancer is most common in industrialized countries. The reason lies not only in the environment, but also in a change in lifestyle. Therefore, for all women from 13 to 90 years of age, breast cancer prevention plays an important role.

  1. First of all, you need to pay close attention to your diet - your diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid carcinogenic foods - fatty, fried foods, foods containing dyes and other chemical additives.
  2. You should not wear underwear that puts too much pressure on your chest and interferes with blood circulation.
  3. Don't abuse alcohol.
  4. If you are often under stress, then do not neglect relaxing gymnastics. Normalized loads should be combined with proper rest, both for the body and the psyche.
  5. Do not delay treatment of diseases associated with the female genital organs.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Be attentive to your health, take care of yourself, and never lose hope. Progress does not stand still; technologies are improving every year. Medicine is also developing, offering more and more new treatment methods and saving more and more lives.

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Cancer is the scourge of our time. It would seem that it comes completely suddenly, and people are just trying to understand why they are being punished. In fact, there are a number of reasons that significantly increase the risk of getting cancer. Let's try to figure out what these factors are.

How to identify breast cancer

There is not a single woman on the planet who does not worry to one degree or another about the condition of her breasts. Breast cancer is a fairly common cancer, dangerous but curable. Timely diagnosis of the breast can help avoid severe forms of cancer, which is not always possible. It’s good when you know the main warning symptoms by sight, then you have a chance to see a doctor faster than the disease begins to progress.

If there is pain in the mammary gland or discomfort not related to pregnancy, this should alert the female half first and foremost.

The breasts have changed their usual shape, become swollen, shrunk, and become asymmetrical - these symptoms may indicate the presence of a tumor in the breast.

The delicate skin of the mammary gland has become somewhat wrinkled and began to resemble an orange peel - this symptomatology is a good reason for carrying out diagnostic measures on the condition of the breast.

Pronounced redness of the mammary gland, especially in the form of convex or tongue-shaped irregularities, hyperemia plus high body temperature are dangerous signs of a malignant breast tumor in a particularly acute form.

Bloody discharge from the papilla appeared, its shape changed, it became retracted, swollen or thickened, crusts, scales, and erosions formed on it - a signal for decisive action in the direction of a medical institution.

The lymph nodes in the armpit were greatly enlarged; infectious lymphadenitis was previously diagnosed - this could be a sign of a latent (accult) form of breast cancer.

The skin over the mammary gland has acquired an uneven surface, reminiscent of a shell, the breast has decreased in size - important symptoms that may indicate the presence of oncology.

If you find at least one of the above symptoms, be reasonable and urgently go for examination to a mammologist. Modern medicine quite successfully fights such serious cancer as breast cancer.

Breast cancer: symptoms and signs in women. How to identify and how does breast cancer manifest?

Breast cancer is a disease characterized by the development of malignant tumors in the glandular tissues of the female (or in extremely rare cases male) breast.

What symptoms, signs or manifestations should alarm women, indicating that it is time to sound the alarm?

How to identify the disease in its early stages? We will talk about this and much more regarding breast cancer and its connection with mastopathy in today’s publication.

It must be said that throughout the world, breast cancer in young or older women is considered the most common form of cancer.

This form of cancer affects one in every thirteen to one in nine women, ages thirteen to ninety.

Moreover, breast cancer, which affects even very young women, is considered the second most common disease after cancer that develops in the human lungs.

And since the structure of the breast of women and men is absolutely identical, a malignant breast tumor, in some cases, can develop in a man.

Although, cases of this particular type of cancer affecting men today account for slightly less than one percent of the total number of cancer cases.

A rather sharp increase in the total number of cases of development of malignant breast tumors in women is associated with changes in the last decades lifestyle of the entire population.

In particular, we are talking about the fact that in modern families It has become customary to give birth to significantly fewer children than it was before, indicating that today the deadlines for full-fledged breastfeeding significantly reduced, and so on.

As a result, many women are faced with such primary diseases as lactostasis, mastitis, fibrocystic disease (mastopathy), etc. But it is these ailments that are considered responsible for the fact that after a certain period of time, cancer can develop in 7-10% of cases breast disease.

In many ways, the increase in the number of cancer patients (including women with malignant breast tumors), noticeable in recent years in most developed countries of the world, is associated with an increase in the population of older people.

But the risk of developing such a pathology directly depends on the age of the patients. This dependence is shown in the table below.

And lastly, one cannot help but notice that breast cancer is considered a multifactorial disease, the occurrence and development of which is directly associated with modifications of the cellular genome, which can usually occur under the influence of both purely external causes and under the influence of hormones (or other internal factors).

The insidiousness of oncological diseases and, in particular, of such an ailment as breast cancer is that in the very early stages this disease is most often completely asymptomatic.

At the same time, both women’s breasts remain symmetrical, the affected area looks completely natural, and the disease does not cause the slightest pain or discomfort in these pores. It is incredibly difficult to detect a disease at this stage, especially if you do not pay due attention to your body (its health).

However, many patients can determine (or rather suspect) the development of a malignant neoplasm in the breast before the most dangerous signs and painful symptoms of the problem appear.

Often, women can identify the disease during a self-examination of the breast, finding a small lump or lump in the thickness of its tissue. Sometimes the disease is discovered during routine examinations by a gynecologist, during mammography or ultrasound examination of the breast.

Often, the first signs or symptoms of a serious disease can be represented by the appearance of lumps directly in the armpit, above the collarbone, etc. that do not disappear during the menstrual cycle. Any woman should also be alert to the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of clear or bloody discharge from the breast, which is in no way related to pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Sudden development of nipple retraction.
  • Any change in the color or texture of the skin on a woman's breasts. It is very important to periodically examine, assessing how your breasts look, and promptly pay attention to any changes in them (in shape, color, density).

What do doctors consider to be the most obvious warning signs?

In order to recognize the problem in a timely manner, it is necessary to know exactly how the disease most often manifests itself and what its most frequently noticed signs are.