Flower pollen for women's health. Flower pollen. Application. Use of bee pollen for medicinal purposes

Good afternoon, friends! Nature has prepared for us huge amount invaluable gifts that people can use to improve their health. You just need to learn how to use natural products, which include pollen, the beneficial properties and uses of which are discussed in today’s story. The first mentions of this valuable product are found in ancient Greek mythology. This flower pollen was the basis of nectar that bestows immortality - the drink of the Gods inhabiting Olympus.

Flower pollen - what is it?

Pollen became a food product for people thanks to bees. It is they who collect it in the honeycombs of the hives, and then use it to feed the queen and ordinary bees. Bees find a healing product on plants - these are male cells intended for pollinating flowers. Flying from flower to flower, bees collect nectar on their abdomen, and when there is a lot of it, they clean it with their paws into special baskets located on their paws. Hence another name for pollen - pollen. After some processing by bees, we get another product known for its benefits to humans - beebread.

Beekeepers collect nectar using special pollen catchers - grids. Flying through them, insects lose part of their prey.

Beneficial properties of pollen

Beetroot is ideally balanced in terms of the amount of vitamins and minerals, and so that instead of the pharmacy, in some cases you turn to the benefits of nectar. And for this you need to know the composition of the drug.

Natural composition

Chemical composition The product has been very well studied. Research has proven that among vitamins, substances A, H, C, P, E and the entire group B are present in sufficiently large quantities. Moreover, the presence directly depends on the plants from which the material was collected.

Minerals in the product include phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, potassium, zinc and others, 27 items in total.

Interesting! Pollen collected by bees does not contain allergens, which cannot be said about the product, assembled by hand beekeeper. This can be explained by the fact that the nectar with which the bees process the pollen destroys allergens.

The product will delight you with a full range of amino acids, including essential ones, phospholipids, fatty acids, steroids, terpenes, antibiotics. The composition is rich in natural proteins, which are very important for ensuring human life.

Medicinal properties of flower pollen

  • It will saturate your body with a full range of microelements and help with vitamin deficiency.
  • It will increase immunity and be an excellent preventative against colds.
  • Beetroot is a natural and safest source of energy.
  • It will help cope with heavy physical or mental stress, very useful for athletes and students.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • In case of anemia, it will fill the body with iron.
  • Activates the hematopoietic function, the blood composition will improve, the ESR will decrease, but the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes, as well as hemoglobin, will increase.
  • It will lower cholesterol levels and will be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • With the help of phytohormones it will cope with hormonal imbalances.
  • There is evidence that the drug is able to inhibit the growth of tumors of various origins.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, which affects weight. It is often used for weight gain as it increases appetite.
  • For men. The zinc contained in the product promotes sperm formation. In addition, pollen has a beneficial effect on libido.
  • For pancreatitis. The high balance of substances allows you to fully satisfy the need for pancreatic proteins and other useful minerals. Pollen has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism and normalizes the activity of the pancreas.

Application of pollen

If your goal is to saturate your body with essential healthy substances and use pollen as a preventive measure, follow these recommendations:

If there are no special instructions, then healers usually recommend taking a teaspoon per day, adding the same amount of honey, about half an hour before meals. There is no need to drink pollen with water, and for a quarter of an hour after consumption it is necessary to abstain from any liquid at all. The recommended course is 20 days.

For children, the consumption rate is slightly reduced:

  • From 6 months Up to 12 years - ¼ teaspoon (it can be added directly to food).
  • From 12 and older - ½ teaspoon.

In this case, the possibility of an allergic reaction to the drug should be excluded - in this case, the use of pollen is contraindicated.

Thanks to such valuable content, pollen has found wide use in official and folk therapy. For what diseases can nectar be used:

  1. For problems with blood pressure. Flower pollen is unique in that it can balance opposing conditions in patients. If you have high blood pressure, to lower it, eat a teaspoon of the product three times a day on an empty stomach. To increase blood pressure, take the same amount of the product, but only after meals.
  2. For gastritis. Combine 500 gr. honey and 20 gr. pollen, then stir in 75 ml. aloe juice and take a small spoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals.
  3. For prostatitis. One or two teaspoons taken three times a day is enough. Healers advise all men who have overcome the 40 mark to use the product prophylactically. In this case, eat a teaspoon of pollen in the morning on an empty stomach, and after an hour you can have breakfast.
  4. For diabetes mellitus. Although it is known that the product does not increase blood sugar, pollen can be consumed for this disease only after consulting a doctor. Try to help yourself by preparing the following mixture: take 35 grams. blueberries, dandelion root, nettle. Brew two spoons of the mixture in half a liter of boiling water for two hours. Take half a glass 30 minutes before eating, followed by half a teaspoon of pollen infusion.
  5. For anemia. Eat half a small spoon three times a day for a month. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat if necessary.
  6. Neurosis, irritability. For 3 weeks, eat a teaspoon half an hour before meals. Or mix with honey in equal quantities and cover with water for two hours. The dosage is the same.
  7. Tuberculosis. Eat a teaspoon of pollen three times a day. For children, the dosage is halved.
  8. Chronic fatigue, loss of strength. Take a teaspoon three times a day (if you have trouble sleeping, skip the evening dose).
  9. For cholecystitis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day, washed down with an infusion of dandelion, centaury, St. John's wort, chamomile, 3 large spoons of which are brewed in half a liter of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the collection should be left for another half hour and taken as directed.
  10. For weight loss. In the morning, eat a teaspoon of the product on an empty stomach; you do not need to wash it down with water. You can have breakfast only after half an hour.
  11. For kidney disease. Mix the product with honey in the same amount, pour 100 ml. hot water and leave for at least two hours. Drink a small spoon before each meal for 1.5 months. If necessary, treatment can be repeated again, but only after two weeks.

Attention! A huge plus of flower pollen is that it enhances the effects of other medicines accepted by you. And at the same time reduces

Manifestation of possible side effects from the effects of chemicals on the body.

Beneficial properties of pollen for women

The product contains an excellent combination of two vitamins that are essential for women - A and E. In order to function normally and have a stable menstrual cycle, it is important that these vitamins are always present in full in the body of the fair sex. In addition, these two vitamins have always been considered a guarantee of beauty and prevention of premature skin aging.

The incredibly valuable natural composition of pollen makes it extremely useful for hair and facial skin care. In addition, pollen has a very valuable ability - its grains, due to their small size, easily penetrate the upper layers of the skin.

I offer you several recipes:

  • Nourishing mask. Mix 5 gr. beeswax, the same amount of glycerin, 6 gr. pollen and 25 ml. olive oil and apply for 20 minutes.
  • Rejuvenating mask. Take a couple of large spoons of flour, add a spoonful of honey, half a teaspoon of pollen and beat in the egg white. After stirring, apply the mask for a quarter of an hour.
  • For oily skin. Combine a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of rowan juice and half a teaspoon of pollen. With regular use, sebum production will decrease and pores will noticeably narrow.
  • For dry skin. Mix a large spoonful of butter with half a tea pollen and pour in a couple of drops of lemon juice.

The use of pollen for hair health and the treatment of hair problems was known to our grandmothers. Excessive hair loss, split ends - everything can be controlled by the product.

Recipe No. 1. Distribute pollen through damp hair and leave for ten minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe No. 2. For hair loss, pour 200 g. pollen 100 ml. water and let stand for half an hour. Then beat in the yolk and rub into the hair roots. You can wash off the treatment mask after 30 minutes.

Benefits for pregnant women

If there are no contraindications for use, then pollen will have the most beneficial effect on the expectant mother and the development of the child.

  • Pollen can prevent toxicosis or reduce its manifestations, especially at first.
  • Recommended as a remedy if you are at risk of miscarriage.
  • In the final stages, the product is recommended to improve the immunity of mother and baby.

Fills the body with all the vitamins necessary for a pregnant woman and child, in particular vitamin E, the very name of which means “childbirth” in Latin. It takes part in the synthesis of pregnancy hormones, and also prevents premature birth and strengthens the blood vessels of the placenta.

Contraindications for use

All beekeeping products are quite allergenic, so if you decide to try pollen for the first time, do it carefully and be sure to monitor your body's reaction - it is possible that you are contraindicated for this reason.

What’s interesting is, as I already said above, many people with a pronounced allergy to pollen do not have a negative reaction to pollen collected by bees.

And one more thing: you must always follow the correct dosage when using the product, otherwise you risk experiencing all the signs of poisoning caused by a large amount of vitamin A.

Pollen is involved in reducing blood clotting, so if you are prone to bleeding, it is contraindicated to use it.

Attention! The product has a tonic effect, so refrain from using the product at night.

How to properly store pollen

If you store pollen incorrectly, it can sometimes become dangerous to your health.

  1. When choosing a container, please note that under no circumstances should moisture get into it, otherwise the pollen will soon deteriorate.
  2. A dark glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid is the ideal place for this.
  3. One more point should be taken into account: it is preferable to find a cool storage location, no higher than 20 o C, and it is better to place the bottle in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or door.

I found a video that, in addition to talking about the beneficial properties and uses of flower pollen, very interestingly shows how the product is extracted. Be healthy, friends! And use more often the gifts that nature shares with us. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Chinese Emperor Shen Nan (3rd century BC) included bee pollen in the list of especially important medicines. Roman legionnaires carried bee pollen cakes with them on campaigns to restore energy. The great Hippocrates attached particular importance to pollen and successfully used it to treat many diseases. The ancient Greeks believed that honey and pollen were foods that preserved youth and life.

Scientific articles devoted to bee pollen indicate the presence in its composition of about 16 vitamins, 28 macro- and microelements, 18 amino acids, and enzymes.

Pollen contains a LARGE amount of vitamin P - the vitamin of YOUTH. Even 1 gram of pollen is enough to protect a person from hemorrhage in the brain, heart, or retina.

Pollen is RICH in potassium, iron, copper and cobalt. Pollen contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chromium, and iodine.

Pollen is the richest source of vitamins A, E, C, contains large number B vitamins, as well as vitamins D, P, PP, K.

Allergy sufferers should not be afraid of pollen. Pollen collected by bees, unlike that carried by the wind, does not cause allergies. Pollen and pollen cannot become a source of allergies at all, since they undergo natural treatment with the secretion of the bee glands, during which allergenic compounds are destroyed.


It is effective when used in stressful situations when it is necessary to relieve nervous and emotional tension.

Gives a good effect for hypertension. Mix pollen with honey in equal proportions or in a 1:2 ratio and take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The combined intake of pollen and honey leads to a good effect in chronic respiratory diseases.

For people prone to depression, pollen is very beneficial.

Facilitates the condition of weather-sensitive people.

Helps normalize hemoglobin levels in the blood.

It has pronounced anti-sclerotic properties.

It has a strong antitumor effect and can be taken for all types of benign tumors and some types of malignant ones.

Useful for hypertensive patients, pollen lowers blood pressure much more mildly than synthetic products. For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, pollen is universal. It has a good effect on coronary heart disease, heart defects, cardioneurosis, myocardial dystrophy, and rheumatism.

It is a good remedy for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Take 15-20 g of pollen or bee bread (daily dose) 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals, preferably with honey.

Taking pollen during fasting and dieting prevents the breakdown of proteins in the body, while fat deposits are very noticeably reduced.

Helps with heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, tachycardia, arrhythmia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Stimulates the growth and regeneration of damaged tissues, including liver tissue, which leads to the restoration of its function, therefore it is prescribed for diseases of the liver and pancreas.

It normalizes the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, so it is advisable to take it for neuroses, insomnia, neurasthenia, depression and other nervous disorders, for diseases associated with insufficient functionality of the endocrine system: thyroid adenoma, acromegaly, hyperinsulism, endemic goiter.

Stimulates the immune system, has a strengthening effect, increases mental and physical activity, enhances sexual potency, has a pronounced antibacterial effect, helps with infectious and colds.

It gives good results in cases of early aging and senile weakness, as well as senile dementia.

There is positive experience in treating bleeding ulcers of the stomach and duodenum with pollen.

It is advisable to take pollen for patients who have undergone surgery, intoxication, as well as those who are exhausted, engaged in intense mental and physical labor to people.

Stimulates wound healing, reduces the inflammatory response, improves well-being, normalizes sleep and appetite.

When consuming pollen, there is an improvement in blood composition, activation of hematopoietic function, and a decrease in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

Contraindications. Pollen is contraindicated for people who are allergic to this particular product. Taking pollen with honey is not recommended for people suffering from severe forms of diabetes. Pollen should be taken for no more than a month, then take a break.

- The usual intake of pollen is 1 teaspoon with the same amount of honey once a day, dissolving in the mouth half an hour before meals. You should not drink water; it is better to abstain from any liquid for 15-20 minutes after taking it.

The course of treatment depends on the disease (from 20 days to a month). At chronic prostatitis It is recommended to take pollen throughout the year with monthly breaks (a month - take, a month - break).

Sick or weakened people, as well as children, are recommended to take a teaspoon of pollen every morning 10-15 minutes before breakfast. It can be consumed during meals, but not before bedtime.

After ingesting pollen, it is advisable not to drink or take any liquid for 15-20 minutes.
Pollen storage conditions: store the product in a dark place, dry pollen shelf life is 2 years, pollen in honey is up to 5 years.


Bee pollen, the benefits and harms of which will be described below, is a unique product. It is carried on the legs of insects to the hive, where it is then collected by beekeepers. Not everyone knows how necessary and necessary pollen is for the human body.

This ingredient remarkably tones and strengthens the body, it is an anti-inflammatory and at the same time antitumor natural “drug”. It is able to resist microbes and viruses, protect people from negative impact environment and at the same time rejuvenate cells. Pollen helps with nervous fatigue and depression, it saves you from problems during pregnancy and can improve the processes of human growth and development. For those who take care of their hair, this is the most necessary component, and for those who cannot have children, this is an excellent and natural medicine. Flower particles can help improve sleep, cure anemia, or help with heart problems.

Composition of bee pollen

Possessing a delicate floral-honey aroma and a sweetish taste, pollen has a simply unique composition: more than one hundred and fifty mineral and various biologically active elements, enzymes, hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. This product is of great benefit both for adults (women and men) and for children, since it is an excellent tool for stimulating the proper functioning of the entire body and strengthening the immune system.

It is known that pollen contains amino acids that the human body is not able to produce on its own. It contains 27 different chemical elements. At the same time, it is richest in potassium, cobalt, iron and copper. It contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and others in smaller quantities. In addition, bee pollen is enriched with vitamins such as B, C, E, P, D, K, and provitamin A. It also contains phytoncides, enzymes and biologically active substances, a growth stimulant, and phytohormones.

Medicinal properties

Bee pollen has long been considered the most effective means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. Its active substances, for example, rutin, help strengthen both the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. The benefit of so-called biological catalysts or enzymes is that they improve metabolism and activate the immune system during periods of exacerbation of colds and flu. In addition, this unique creation of beekeeping improves mood and calms nerves, which is important for nervous system person. The benefit of this product is also that it brings significant relief to weather-sensitive people.

Regular consumption of bee pollen can protect against atherosclerosis, preventing plaques from forming on the walls of blood vessels. For hypertension, this natural creation very gently reduces blood pressure, relieves dizziness and headaches. Positive results can be achieved when treating with pollen such heart diseases as cardioneurosis, heart defects, angina pectoris, myocardial dystrophy, ischemia and others.

Flavonoids and phenolic acids contained in pollen strengthen blood vessels, have choleretic, diuretic, radioprotective, antioxidant, antitumor and other beneficial properties. In addition, bee offspring are rich in phospholipids (lecithin, cephalin), which are contained in the membranes of human cells involved in metabolism.

Impact on women's, men's and children's health

Bee pollen will be of great benefit to those women who pay attention to their appearance, as it promotes weight loss and rejuvenation, and in addition helps to adjust and prepare the woman’s body for pregnancy and childbirth. However, it can be harmful if consumed in conjunction with fasting, since this can disrupt the vitamin-mineral balance.

For men, the benefits of consuming bee pollen include successfully combating ailments such as adenoma, infertility and sexual dysfunction.

This creation of bees contains a significant amount of various useful elements; they are of particular importance for children's health. Proper consumption of bee products (honey, royal jelly, propolis, beebread) helps strengthen the growing body and stimulates its functioning: immunity, brain activity, sleep, physical condition.

Application of pollen

Hypertension. To reduce blood pressure, people suffering from hypertension should take pollen on an empty stomach (for the best effect), 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 weeks, after which the course can be repeated if necessary.

Hypotonic state. For hypotension, it is recommended to consume pollen in exactly the same proportions as for hypertension, in a mixture with honey, but only after meals, and not before, as with hypertension.

For children with anemia. For anemia in children, no matter what its origin, honey, pollen and milk are used for treatment. More precisely, honey (100 g), pollen (20 g) and fresh milk (200 g) are taken and everything is thoroughly ground together. You need to take this mixture 3 times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon. The mixture must be stored in a well-closed glass container in a cool, dark place.

For gastritis. Pollen is very useful for gastritis with low stomach acidity, as well as for chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To treat these ailments, take 20g of pollen, 75g of freshly squeezed aloe juice and 500g of honey, all ingredients are mixed in the following sequence: the ground pollen must be mixed with honey, and then add fresh aloe juice. You need to consume the mixture 2-3 times a day, about 25-30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon.

For neuroses. Flower pollen, as mentioned earlier, can have a stimulating effect in case of general weakness, as well as during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses. In order to get this effect, you need royal jelly (2g), pollen (20g) and honey (500g). Preparation is simple: pollen (ground) must be thoroughly mixed with royal jelly and honey. Use the mixture 2-3 times a day, before meals, 1 teaspoon. It is better to store the medicine in a dark glass container with a tightly closed lid in a cool place.

How to take pollen?

The flower pollen that is separated for consumption (about 1 teaspoon) must first be thoroughly chewed so that it is well moistened with saliva, and only then swallowed. To make the intake process easier, pollen can be poured into a glass, filled with boiled water (50 ml), and left to infuse for about 2-3 hours, shaking occasionally. This solution should be consumed approximately 30 minutes before meals. You can also prepare the following mixture: mix honey with pollen in a 1:1 ratio. It can be consumed 1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day.

It is worth recalling that pollen is not entirely balanced in composition with the needs of the human body. Therefore, it is better to use it in specially prescribed doses, no more than 50-100 g per day. If pollen is consumed in quantities exceeding these doses, the nutrients simply will not be absorbed. It is also necessary to remember that pollen should be stored at home in a cool, dry place.

For adults, the standard dose of pollen per day is 1-2 level teaspoons (this is for average weight women), and 2-3 teaspoons for men. If there is increased physical activity, or there is a period of treatment, the dose of pollen can be doubled or even tripled.

Flower pollen can be given to children only from the age of 6 months, the dose for such babies is a quarter of 1 coffee spoon, and it is better to mix it with food. Children aged 12 years and older can be given half a coffee spoon of pollen per day.

Contraindications for use

In order not to cause harm to health, before using bee pollen for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since despite the above beneficial properties pollen, there are certain contraindications to its use.

The greatest harm from consuming bee pollen occurs in cases of individual intolerance. Since bee pollen is of plant and animal origin, it contains a protein foreign to the human body. As a result, a person with hypersensitivity to plant or animal protein may experience rashes and itching when consuming pollen.

Also, consumption of pollen can be harmful to the health of infants; it should not be consumed by nursing women. In addition, consuming it in large quantities can provoke a vitamin imbalance, so it is necessary to periodically take breaks from treatment.

It is undesirable to use this product if you have diabetes and problems associated with obesity, since bee pollen contains fructose and glucose.


Bee pollen, the benefits and harms of which are described above, is very useful. However, taking into account possible side effects, you need to carefully start taking it. It is better if it is several grains and then increasing the amount of product.

brought by bees to the hive (breadbread) have been studied quite well. It is able to regulate metabolism. Some substances contained in pollen, for example, rutin, improve cardiac activity and increase the resistance of capillary walls. When consuming pollen, many diseases quickly weaken or disappear. Opinions about the allergenicity of pollen are erroneous: when collecting it, bees add a little saliva and nectar, which destroy allergens.

Flower pollen is sold in two types - in granules and mixed with honey. It is very hygroscopic; high humidity is dangerous for it, destroying it and making it harmful to the body. Therefore, storing pollen with honey is only possible for a short time. Pollen in granules is stored better and is more convenient for consumption. Flower pollen can be consumed by all people, not just sick people. Take it for a month, a teaspoon a day, several times a year, especially in the off-season, on an empty stomach, mixed with honey, and washed down with warm water. It is not recommended to take pollen before bed or late in the evening.

It must be fairly fresh: when stored, it loses up to 75% of its properties in a year, and after another year it becomes useless.

Flower pollen is a biological stimulant that has a beneficial effect on sexual functions.
When taking pollen, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food, especially animal proteins.
Pollen contains a lot of vitamin P (rutin), which can prevent hemorrhage in the brain, retina, and heart.
Flower pollen is a natural, concentrated, high-quality, nutritious, biologically active product. Contains almost all the basic substances that are necessary for the development and functioning of the body: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics, growth stimulator, glucoside-rutin, etc.

Indications for use

Flower pollen is used as a concentrated food product to supplement regular food products with substances whose content is low or non-existent, but which are essential for the human body.
Also, pollen is used in medicine:

  • for intestinal diseases
  • improvement in weight loss
  • as an antibiotic
  • to improve the mental state of the body
  • improvement of general condition
  • to restore physical strength and stimulate mental activity
  • has a beneficial effect on growth
  • in the treatment of sick and weak children
  • for prostatitis

Directions for use and dosage

Take the daily dose in the morning 10-15 minutes before meals. You can take it with meals, but not at night, late in the evening.

  • The loading dose for adults is 40 tablets of 0.5 g per day.
  • Supportive - 20 tablets, 0.5 g each.
  • Dose for children three to five years old - 12 tablets of 0.5 g each.
  • Six to twelve years old - 16 tablets of 0.5 g each.
  • Over 12 years of age - normal dosage for adults.

Duration of treatment - 1 month. Repeat several times a year. If you have prostatitis, take it all year, sometimes taking a break.
For hypertension, they recommend pollen with honey 1:1 or 1:2, 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Storage conditions

Researchers at the Russian Institute of Beekeeping in the city of Taranov consider flower pollen to be food in which nature has placed everything necessary for life and health. In Chinese medicine it is recognized as a nutritious and energetic biotonic.

Flower pollen is a powdery substance that is white, yellow, green or brown. These are male cells and the gene pool of the plant. Flower pollen is produced at the tips of the stamens in the center of the inflorescence, called anthers. It is needed for procreation - fertilization. When the pollen is ripe for pollination, the anthers rupture and it is carried by wind and insects to other plants. This is how pollination of female flower cells occurs.

Pollen is invisible to humans - it is tiny particles 0.15-0.50 mm in diameter. For a bee, this is food that contains 40% protein in the form of free amino acids, ready for consumption. To collect 1 tsp. pollen, the bee works for a month. Bees do double duty - collecting it as food for the colony and pollinating 80% of the plants on Earth.

Scientific fact: pollen cannot be synthesized in a laboratory. To do this, scientists conducted 1000 chemical analyzes of pollen. They are confident that some of its elements added by bees cannot be identified by science. They play a key role in the fight against disease and old age.

According to American herbalist Michael Tierra, pollen contains more than 20 chemical elements.

In 1 tbsp. pollen:

  • calories – 16;
  • fat – 0.24 g;
  • protein – 1.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2.18 g.


  • iron– has a positive effect on the functioning of red blood cells;
  • zinc– prevents erectile dysfunction;
  • magnesium– a natural antidepressant, responsible for a healthy heart.


  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • chromium.


  • Group B– have a positive effect on the immune system, intestinal health, and nervous system;
  • C, A and E– natural antioxidants that slow down aging;
  • R, rutin– Helps the body absorb vitamin C and produce collagen. Normalizes blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol.

Amino acids:

  • tryptophan;
  • trionine;
  • methionine;
  • arginine;
  • isoleucine;
  • histidine;
  • valine;
  • phenyl-alanine;

The medicinal properties of pollen range from antibacterial and anti-inflammatory to anti-cancer.

Increases physical endurance

“No food on Earth has such essential nutritional properties,” says pharmacist Philipp Moser. He reports that many of the world's athletes take pollen. To verify its effects on humans, Italian scientists selected 1 person from several football teams. They were fed pollen for 10 days. The results showed that the football players had a 70% increase in energy levels and a 163% increase in stamina.

Promotes Prostate Health

Based on research, British scientists believe that pollen is effective in the treatment of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. 53 men aged 56-89 years were scheduled to undergo prostate enlargement surgery. They were divided into 2 groups. For 6 months, the first group was given pollen 2 times a day, and the second was given a placebo. In men from the first group, an improvement of 69% was observed.

Reduces weight

Flower pollen is a low-calorie product that contains 15% lecithin. This is a substance that is involved in fat burning. Pollen increases beneficial high-density lipoproteins, reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Pollen - quickly saturates and removes cravings for food for a long time. Phenylalanine in its composition acts as an appetite suppressant.

Improves the functioning of the reproductive system

Pollen stimulates ovarian function. When women with infertility were introduced to the diet with pollen instead of animal proteins, the intensity of ovulation increased. In parallel, the pollen improved the ovaries' ability to withstand the incubation period.

Strengthens immunity

Romanian scientists have noted the positive properties of pollen for immunity. It increases the level of lymphocytes in the blood, gamma globulins and proteins. This leads to the body's resistance. Lymphocytes are white blood cells - the “soldiers” of the immune system. They are responsible for ridding the body of harmful substances, cancerous and diseased cells, viruses and metabolic debris. Gamma globulin is a protein formed in the blood. The body's ability to resist infection is associated with the activity of this protein.

Is a natural antibiotic

The Chinese use pollen to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Studies have shown that it contains a substance that kills harmful bacteria, including salmonella.

Increases hemoglobin levels

Pollen stimulates the production and activity of red blood cells. According to the observation of general practitioners, when patients with anemia were given pollen, the level of hemoglobin increased.

Reduces bad cholesterol levels

Due to the high content of rutin in pollen, blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation is improved. Cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular diseases are reduced.

Rejuvenates and improves skin

Dermatologist Lars-Erik Essen uses pollen to treat patients with skin diseases. According to him, pollen brings new life to dry cells and stimulates their blood circulation. The skin smoothes out, becomes healthier and fresher.

According to Dr. Esperance of the French Institute of Chemistry, pollen contains powerful substances that turn back time. The fact that it stimulates cell renewal is confirmed by Russian scientists - D.G. Chebotarev and N. Mankovsky. Therefore, pollen is applicable in cosmetology. Manufacturers add it to face and body cream.

Heals the liver

The liver is responsible for filtering toxins from the body. American researchers discovered rapid recovery of damaged livers in rats fed pollen.

Strengthens immunity

Research by Swiss scientists has shown that pollen inhibits allergic reactions in experimental mice. It has antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

Relieves symptoms of menopause

Taking pollen daily can reduce hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

Pollen contraindications

When taken correctly, pollen is safe. But there are cases when it is not recommended.

For allergies

Especially for bee stings. Bee pollen can cause swelling, shortness of breath and itching. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock. Talk to your doctor before adding to your diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

While taking medications

If you accept medicines, especially blood thinners, such as Warfarin, or taking herbal remedies, consult your doctor.