Order on posting information in the Housing and Public Utilities Information System. About the information posted in GIS housing and communal services. How management organizations can work in GIS Housing and Communal Services

Moscow, December 21, 2016.— Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications Russian Federation reports that State Duma The Russian Federation adopted in the third reading a bill on postponing the deadlines for liability for failure to enter information into the GIS Housing and Communal Services. The amendments provide for the postponement of the obligation to place information in the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services) to July 1, 2017 and the introduction of administrative liability from January 1, 2018. The exception is cities federal significance, for whom such an obligation will occur later. For organizations whose obligation to post information by law has already occurred, the deadlines will not be postponed.

“Unfortunately, not all market participants were able to cope with the placement of information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services within the period established by law. The ministry received large number appeals from housing and communal services organizations and regional authorities with a request to postpone the terms of administrative responsibility. We met our colleagues halfway. It was decided not to arrange shock therapy and postpone the introduction of the obligation to post information for six months - until July 1, 2017, and the responsibility for a year, so that everyone has time to fulfill their duties efficiently without fear of being fined,” noted Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Mikhail Evraev.

According to the Deputy Minister, in the spring of 2016, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, together with the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, completed the formation of a regulatory framework legal framework, the system has been certified for compliance with safety requirements and. At the same time, the system was introduced in stages - for example, since May 2015, in the State Information System for Housing and Communal Services, the State Housing Supervision authorities began to maintain a register of licenses of management organizations. Currently, the system employs more than 15 thousand management companies (100%) and regional authorities. The situation is different with homeowners' associations and resource supply organizations. They are registered 61% and 71% respectively.

Table of amendments to the GIS Housing and Communal Services

In total, more than 69 thousand organizations are registered in the system, information about 8.9 million houses and 23 million personal accounts is entered. 1,603 IT systems in the housing and communal services sector have been integrated and transmit information to the Housing and Communal Services GIS, including 425 banks that post information about the facts of payment for housing and communal services. On at the moment 223 million payment facts have been posted. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia conducted more than 400 free seminars with market participants and authorities, the video of which is posted on the main page of the GIS Housing and Communal Services along with textbooks and video instructions.

In the near future, the law “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of empowering state housing supervision bodies to verify the established standard for the consumption of utility services)” will be approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

“There is little time left until July 1, 2017, and all market participants and regional authorities need to make every effort to organize their work and manage to post all the necessary information on time. There will be no more transfers,” said Mikhail Evraev.

To many ordinary citizens, in a series of constant waves of crisis, sanctions, some innovations and other things, it might seem that no one really thinks about them. The population often experiences controversial situations and misunderstandings regarding public services. Now the state has also taken over this area - and in our country everything always happens somewhat unconventionally, with “adventures”. Changes in the area of ​​control over management companies could not do without this. GIS Housing and Communal Services: postponement to 2019 - all the news about the appearance of the information service, as well as how it was decided to punish negligent intermediaries.

Official launch of the housing and communal services information system

The emergence of GIS housing and communal services has led to noticeable changes in the provision of utility services, especially in the work of management companies. After the “pranks” of such organizations with ODN charges, certain indicators were introduced at the legislative level. Now control over all types of financial transactions can be carried out in a matter of minutes. This, at a minimum, limits the unhealthy desire of management companies to charge excessive rates for their services.

According to the original plan, the system with all the information was supposed to start functioning from the beginning of 2017. As a result, this did not happen, the deadlines were moved up, and both capitals and Sevastopol received additional time limits.

The law of the Russian Federation concerning the information system has already been finally adopted; now the deadlines for fully entering information are as follows:

  • Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019
  • other cities of Russia - from July 1, 2017.

This only applies to entering all data into the system, i.e. by the specified dates, all management companies, HOAs and RSOs must regularly reflect the stages of their financial and administrative activities. They must also be prepared to implement their obligations in an orderly manner to avoid economic impacts.

Obligations of management companies and sanctions for violation of them

Now all companies engaged in the housing and communal services sector are required to reflect in the GIS not only their addresses, details and a list of work performed. Additionally, we need information about contracts with the service recipients themselves and resource supply companies.

Penalties for late, incomplete or unreliable information entered have already been introduced. For most Russian cities, such liability began on January 1, 2018. Management companies in Sevastopol and both capitals are exempt from this for now. For them, obligations and responsibility for their failure to fulfill them will begin simultaneously, i.e. from 07/01/2019.

The amounts of fines have already been determined:

  • officials - 30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities in the amount of 200 tr.

Penalties apply not only to HOAs and management companies - all organizations responsible for accepting funds from the population will also bear responsibility administrative responsibility. Separately, it is worth highlighting the responsibility of officials involved in organizing quality work created information system. In case of failures, they also fall under administrative liability in the form of fines from 10 to 70 thousand rubles.

At the beginning of full-fledged work, a single violation will be punishable by a warning and only a repeated violation will be subject to a fine. Subsequently, repeated cases of failure to provide data or their incorrect reflection in the system will lead to an increase in the amount of material sanctions.

In addition, another enforcement measure will appear - in case of violations recorded from January 1, 2018, management companies will be deprived of the opportunity to charge consumers penalties and fines. For the capitals and Sevastopol, this measure will begin to be implemented in January 2020.

Initially, it was intended to give consumers the right not to pay for the service for failure to enter data into the system or to provide it incorrectly. Later, it was decided to abandon this idea, introducing instead the deprivation of the right of management companies to collect penalties.

Along with this impact on the management companies themselves, the final development of measures for the system operator is expected. The activities of the GIS and control of its performance will be handled by Russian Post; a method of influencing the event of system failures or loss of data due to the fault of the operator is currently being discussed.

Reasons for postponing the start date of GIS Housing and Communal Services

The idea of ​​a centralized system of information about housing and communal services, all payments made and accrued, is in a good way cut off unscrupulous intermediaries between resource providers and their consumers. Also, such a system will eliminate the fact of simulating bankruptcy of management companies. The government wanted to put the system into operation as quickly as possible, but neither the participants in the process, nor the operator, nor the program were ready for an emergency start.

If we look at the problem in more detail, we can understand that there was also an error in the timing - initially, all companies required to enter data into the system clearly did not have enough time to fill out the primary information. Its volume was too significant, which led to the postponement of the launch, while simultaneously giving all intermediaries the opportunity to correct errors in contracts and other documents.

Even though the GIS Housing and Communal Services announced a postponement to 2019, the very fact of its creation should please ordinary citizens. Such a system complicates the life of intermediaries - now it will be difficult both to inflate tariffs and sometimes to spin consumers’ money in bank accounts before sending it to suppliers of heat, electricity, gas and water. At the same time, consumers of services have gained a chance that the government will at least try to establish control over compliance with standards and will not allow management companies to openly inflate the cost of services provided or engage in banal collection of money for something ephemeral.

Management organizations, homeowners' associations and resource supply organizations are required to enter information about housing facilities, repairs, utilities, tariffs and other information. Work in the GIS housing and communal services is regulated by federal laws and joint orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Construction, which determine the suppliers of information, its types and the procedure for placement.

How can management organizations work in the GIS housing and communal services?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015 “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” and Federal Law No. 209-FZ “On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services”, management organizations are obliged post management information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS apartment buildings.

From July 1, 2017, all information providers, except organizations in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, are required to post information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS. Administrative liability for violations when posting information in the system begins on January 1, 2018.

The developers of GIS Housing and Communal Services told how to work in the system and protect the company from fines as part of a series of webinars “Work in GIS Housing and Communal Services for specialists of management organizations”, which took place from November 7 to 10 this year.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Poplaukhin, head of the department of structural reforms of the Department of Industry Projects of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, spoke about the legislative requirements for posting information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

The practical aspects of working in the system were revealed by Vitaly Anatolyevich Martynov, a representative of the LANIT Group of Companies, which has developed a unified information resource in the field of housing and communal services - GIS Housing and Communal Services.

Legislative aspects of GIS housing and communal services

Work in the GIS Housing and Communal Services is regulated by Law No. 209-FZ and joint orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Construction, which determine Who , What And How places. At the same time, Dmitry Poplaukhin notes that if any types of information are not provided for by joint orders of ministries, then, therefore, this information cannot be posted.

Certain provisions of joint orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Construction

Joint orders stipulate that the information posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services is official. What does it mean?

- This means that if you posted it there, it means, firstly, you are responsible for its accuracy, and secondly, it can be submitted to any law enforcement agencies, including judiciary. And thirdly, if this information is required to be obtained from the GIS Housing and Communal Services, for example, as a substantiation of some of your requirements, as a presentation during inspections, for example, you can always print this information from the system and an automatic signature will also be displayed on it system operator. This will also confirm the fact of its officiality and reliability,- explained Dmitry Poplaukhin.

Who posts the information?

What information should I post?

The first step to working with GIS housing and communal services is placing a management agreement for an apartment building. Without this, further adding information about the house, premises and entrances is impossible. Management companies, homeowners' associations and residential complexes add information about the organization, a report on the implementation of the management agreement, personal accounts, and housing facilities with technical characteristics, on contracts for the provision of part of the information for use and for the provision of services and performance of work:

  • contract for the provision of services and performance of work;
  • a list of utilities, services for managing common property in the apartment building and work performed to maintain the public property in the apartment building;
  • cost of services and work;
  • volume and quality of utilities and resources;
  • information about metering devices;
  • information about repairs;
  • amount of fees (prices) for services and work on MKD management, for the maintenance and current repairs of the apartment building;
  • the status of settlements of the management organization with the regional distribution network, with the regional operator and with persons providing services and performing work;
  • the state of settlements with consumers of persons who provide utility services.

Management organizations also post information about energy service contracts and responses to requests received using the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

If the HOA and residential complex have entered into a management agreement with the management company, then they NOT post information:

  • on the volume and quality of public services and resources;
  • about metering devices;
  • about repairs;
  • about prices for services;
  • about the status of settlements;
  • on agreements for the provision for use of part of the common property in the apartment building;
  • on energy service contracts.

Posting information about homeowners associations and residential complexes when concluding a management agreement with the management company

How to place information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS?

If the information is not displayed in the system, Dmitry Poplaukhin advises urgently contacting the GIS Housing and Communal Services support service. She will respond within six days of submitting your request.

Practical aspects of working in GIS housing and communal services: first steps

Overview of the open part of the GIS housing and communal services

Under the news there is a button “Legislation on GIS Housing and Communal Services”, by clicking on which you will have access to key regulations. Vitaly Martynov drew attention to two important orders:

  • Order No. 88/203/pr dated March 23, 2015 “On approval of formats of electronic documents posted in the state information system for housing and communal services”;
  • Order No. 74/114/pr dated February 29, 2016 “On approval of the composition, timing and frequency of posting information by suppliers in the state information system of housing and communal services.”

Studying these regulations is necessary for working in the GIS housing and communal services.

In the horizontal navigation menu item “Regulations and instructions” there is technical documentation from the system developers: templates for importing from Microsoft Excel, user manual, technological instructions and version log. The log indicates changes that have occurred in the system. The current version number is indicated in the lower left corner of the page.

- As soon as the next one comes out new version, you will receive a notification about this in personal account- you always know when a new version comes out. So, after the release of new versions, be sure to contact us here, in the regulations and instructions, and download all the updated documentation,- Martynov recommends.

As data is placed in the system, some of it will end up in the public part. After registration, the organization will be listed in the register of information providers. The register of housing facilities will contain information about houses: number of apartments, square meter, year of construction and the like.

Also in the public domain are information from authorities on inspections, disqualifications and administrative offenses. You can check issued licenses in the registers.

Working in the personal account of the management organization

The “Administration” item is visible only to the manager and that employee of the organization who is an administrator. When registering with the Unified Identification and Logistics System, the manager sets roles for employees (administrator, authorized specialist) and grants access rights. Agreements with suppliers, registration documents, information about the apartment building, and deadlines for submitting payment documents must be posted.

Payment details

It is necessary to indicate the payment details used to transfer funds from the residents of the house. Moreover, payment details are indicated both for the management organization and for the organizations with which it cooperates - for example, details of a cash settlement center. To do this, you need to click on the “Add new payment details” button and fill out the “Information about the payee” and “Payee account details” forms.

The payment details must be in the “Current” status, only in this case it can be inserted into payment documents. Current payment details can be viewed and closed, but cannot be changed. Therefore, if any error is found in the details, you will need to close and enter the correct data.

Paying agents

Paying agents are partner organizations that accept payments in favor of the management organization. To add them, you need to click on the “Add paying agent” button, indicate the function in the form that appears, then click on the “Select organization” button and find the one you need in the list. After which you need to add the agreement file and provide paying agents with access rights to post information.

The accounting system of the MA can be integrated with the GIS housing and communal services. To do this, you need to start with the procedure for generating an application for a new proprietary information system. The application is filled out on the GIS Housing and Communal Services website in the “Information Systems” section.

After preliminary settings in the “Administration” section, management organizations place a management agreement, housing stock objects, personal accounts, metering devices, insurance products and information about payment for housing and communal services.

If the meters are installed by RSO, then it places information about the metering devices in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

How to add a management agreement V GIS housing and communal services?​​​​​​

  1. In your personal account, in the “Management Objects” tab, select “Management Agreements”.
  2. On the Contract Register page, click on the “Add management contract” button.
  3. In the “Adding a management agreement” form, indicate the parties to the agreement, the number, the date of conclusion, the date of entry into force, the planned end date and the basis for the conclusion. Add the management agreement itself and its annexes as a text file in PDF, .doc, .docx or .rtf format.
  4. ​​Go to the “List of Managed Objects” tab and click “Add Managed Object”.
  5. Fill out the “Add a managed object” form. Opposite the “Address” field, click on the “Select” button - the “Select Address” window will appear. Indicate in this window a subject of the Russian Federation, district, city or populated area, street and building number. The index is filled in automatically. Click on the “Save” button, the added control object will appear on the “List of managed objects” tab.
  6. Confirm the details of the managed object. ​​​​​​To do this, click on the “Post information about managed objects” button. The system will check the availability of information about the managed object in the License Register. If there is no information about the managed object in the registry, the “Place an application” window will appear.

How to add utilities to GIS Housing and Communal Services?

  1. In the “List of Managed Objects”, hover the cursor over the managed object. Select "Edit Object" from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the “Change managed object” window, click on the “Add service” button. The “Add a type of utility service” window will appear. In the window, click on the “Type of utility service” field and select the required value from the drop-down list. Fill in the fields under the asterisk. Save. The system will display a page with information about the managed object and added services.
  3. Click on the “Post management agreement terms” button. Confirm that the terms of the agreement are posted.

How to add information about the amount of payment for a residential premises?

  1. ​Click on the icon and select “Information about the amount of payment for residential premises” in the drop-down list. The same list contains points for entering information about standards and tariffs.
  2. On the tab that appears, click on the “Add” button. A page for adding information about the amount of payment for residential premises will appear. Fill out the fields “Reporting period”, “Amount of payment (price) for services, work on managing an apartment building.”
  3. Click on the “Add file” button and attach the Minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on establishing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises as text document or image.
  4. After filling out the required fields, click on the “Post information” button.

More detailed instructions for posting information of each type is located in the “Regulations and Instructions” tab on the GIS Housing and Communal Services website. Dmitry Poplaukhin and Vitaly Martynov also advise contacting the GIS Housing and Communal Services support service for any question.

You will learn how to improve the work of your organization at the online marathon

GIS housing and communal services is regulated by 25 laws, orders, and other regulatory documents. The main one is Federal Law No. 209 “On the state information system for housing and communal services.” It talks about the system, the standards for using it, and responsibility for failure to comply with the law. The orders contain clarifications - for example, a list of information that each participant in the system must publish.

Federal Law No. 209 “On GIS Housing and Communal Services”: what is in the main law

Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 27, 2014 came into force on the day of publication. It was last amended on December 31, 2017. Latest edition The law on GIS housing and communal services was published under No. 485-FZ.

The law talks about the system, its goals, and how to work with it. It contains the main provisions. In total, the document consists of 13 articles:

  • Art. 1 defines the scope of the Federal Law. He says that the main goal is to provide citizens, authorities state power, organizations and local governments with data on housing and communal services.
  • Art. 2 explains the basic concepts that are used further in the legislation.
  • Art. 3 indicates legal basis creation, operation, modernization of the system.
  • Art. 4 lists the principles of modernization, creation, operation of GIS housing and communal services. In particular, it indicates that information should be open, transparent, and publicly available.
  • Art. 5 lists the system requirements. For example, it must provide the possibility of modernization, access to information, its collection, storage, and processing.
  • Art. 6 of the Law on GIS Housing and Communal Services talks about 42 types of information that must be posted. Among them - information about received requests, repairs, preparation for seasonal operation of various housing and communal services facilities.
  • Art. 7 explains the rights and obligations of all participants in information interaction. For example, it instructs self-government bodies to place certain types data.
  • Art. 8 explains how to make changes and post new information to the service.
  • Art. 9 explains the legal regime of the data, which is located in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.
  • Art. 10 talks about the interaction of GIS housing and communal services and other information systems and services.
  • Art. 11 provides for liability for violation of the law.
  • Art. 12 lists the final provisions.
  • Art. 13 determines the date of entry into force of the law.

In short, the law explains what state government is information system and why such a service is needed. Instructs management companies, homeowners' associations and other organizations to enter information into the Housing and Communal Services GIS, and also allows homeowners to more easily interact with them.

Various additions to the current edition are issued in the form of other Federal Laws, comments, and orders. They are jointly produced by the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

Order No. 550/1434/pr - changes affecting suppliers

Regulates housing and communal services, in particular, prescribes the actions of information providers. When posting information in the system, they must take into account the data posted by the authorities executive branch, local government, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If the supplier sees that the numbers are incorrect, he has the right to post information on the basis of which he calculates charges.

Order No. 319/906/pr - on deadlines and documents

The order on posting information in the GIS Housing and Public Utilities establishes the form in which documents should be uploaded. Suppliers are required to upload them in electronic format, indicating their main parameters in a structured form: date, number, name. The deadlines are also specified - in most cases, suppliers are required to upload the electronic format of documents no later than 7 days from the date of official publication of the act. There are documents that need to be uploaded at certain intervals. For example:

  • annual reports to the Ministry of Construction on subsidies - no later than January 20 of each year;
  • information on improvement projects that participated in competitions of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation - annually until December 1;
  • reports on the implementation of improvement measures within the framework of government programs - quarterly until the 15th.

Federal Law No. 437 - on fines

Federal law provides for administrative liability for various system participants who violate the requirements of other federal laws. For example, it spells out the responsibilities for GIS housing and communal services operators. If they do not take measures to restore the service, this will entail a fine of 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Federal Law No. 485 - again about responsibility

Federal Law No. 485 largely coincides with the previous federal law. It also provides for the liability of system participants for failure to fulfill obligations. For example, it states that failure to post information within the specified time frame or posting knowingly false information entails a warning or is punishable by a fine:

  • for individuals - 3000–5000 ₽;
  • For officials- 5000–10000 ₽.

Federal Law No. 263 - on changes due to GIS housing and communal services

This federal law made a number of changes to legislative acts in connection with the release of Federal Law No. 209. In particular, the following changes were made:

  • Articles of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative
  • offenses - Federal Law No. 263 established liability for violations of the law for system participants;
  • articles of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - new clauses have been added to it, which obliges the Criminal Code and other forms of management to post announcements about meetings, voting, and other events;
  • Federal Law No. 210 - new law allowed applicants to obtain information from government information systems;
  • Federal Law No. 97 - it replaced the wording “13.18, by articles” with “13.18, by article”;
  • Federal Law No. 403 - paragraph 2 is no longer in force.

Order No. 504/934/pr - about the official website

The order determined the official website of the unified state information system and assigned it the address www.dom.gosuslugi.ru.

Order No. 88/203/pr - on electronic documents

Approves formats of electronic documents that can be placed in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. In particular, their weight should not exceed 50 megabytes. Documents must be open to search and copying of information, and any information in them must not be encrypted.

According to the order, the following can be published in the Housing and Communal Services GIS:

  • legal regulations as PDF or PDF/A;
  • text documents in the form of PDF, .doc, .docx, RTF;
  • tables.xlsx, .xls;
  • images in JPEG or TIF formats.

Order No. 87/202/pr - on the requirements for GIS housing and communal services

This order of the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on GIS housing and communal services approves the requirements for the system. Here are some of them:

  • users should be able to access publicly available information without installing additional software;
  • it should be adaptive, scalable, modular, open, with an intuitive interface;
  • all information in the system must be in Russian.

Order No. 86/201/pr - about information

The document establishes the rules for storage, processing and

providing information contained in the system. In particular, it indicates that information is provided in electronic form and is official, and all information and accounting logs must be copied to a backup physical medium every day.

Order No. 89/204/pr - on interaction with other services

The document established the form of network protocols through which information should be transmitted, and the procedure by which the GIS housing and communal services interacts with other government and information systems. For example, it is stated that the organization of interaction is carried out “on the principles of maintaining the completeness and reliability of the information provided, received, processed and posted within the framework of intersystem interaction.”

Order No. 311/612/pr - on the responsibilities of Rosreestr

This order obliges Rosreestr to place the following information in a unified system:

  • type of property: for example, MKD - apartment building;
  • cadastral number;
  • square;
  • cadastral numbers of all premises located in the building;
  • exact address of the property;
  • information about the copyright holder;
  • other information.

Order No. 368/691/pr - on information about MKD

Lists information about apartment buildings that must be placed in the system by the management organization or other forms of management of apartment buildings. This information includes:

  • building address;
  • date, number of the management agreement;
  • start and end dates for the implementation of management responsibilities provided for in the contract;
  • date of termination of the contract;
  • main conclusions of the contract.

Also, the GIS Housing and Communal Services should contain electronic images of the protocol of the competition for the selection of a management company, and the management agreement for the apartment building itself.

Order No. 589/944/pr - on data, registration, placement

This order regulates several areas at once:

  • the procedure and methods for posting information in the GIS housing and communal services;
  • the procedure for maintaining registers in the system;
  • procedure for accessing the system;
  • procedure for accessing information in the system.

For example, the order states that individuals can gain access to personal accounts only after identification and authentication in the Unified Identification and Autonomous Information System, and there is no need to register in the system. When working with information in the system, management companies must use electronic signature, received in the ESIA.

Order No. 18/34/pr - on information about registered

This order determines the composition, methods, procedure, timing, and frequency of posting information on the number of citizens registered at the place of residence and stay. It is said that information providers must make appropriate changes to the GIS housing and communal services no later than 10 days from the date the system operator places it in the unified interdepartmental system

electronic interaction of a service that allows the supplier to enter information into the system.

Order No. 53/82/pr - on electronic passport

Approves the form of an electronic passport of an apartment building, a residential building, as well as the form electronic document on the state of engineering and communal infrastructures. According to the document, the electronic passport must contain the following information:

  • date of document generation;
  • general information about the house;
  • address and OKTMO code;
  • cadastral number;
  • year of construction;
  • year of commissioning;
  • life cycle stage;
  • year of reconstruction;
  • series, type of building project;
  • common property;
  • many other information.

Order No. 77/120/pr - on information about financial support

The document provides for the procedure for posting information on the provision of financial support to major renovation, resettlement of residents emergency houses, modernization of utility infrastructure, as well as information on compliance with the conditions for providing such support. For example, the order states that the information provider is obliged to place information in the Housing and Communal Services State Information System no later than 10 days from the date of adoption of the relevant decisions.

Order No. 74/114/pr - on posting information

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 74, Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 114/pr dated February 29, 2016 also establishes the timing and procedure for publishing information in a unified system. It refers to other regulatory documents and describes the general procedure for publishing information. Unlike other orders, this one regulates the posting of information about citizens who may receive subsidies, about executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, about standards for the consumption of utility services and other information.

Federal Law No. 469 - on changes to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

The federal law introduces changes to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation related to the GIS housing and communal services, in terms of payment, consumption, and placement of information about utility services. It also provides for liability for failure to comply with the law.

Order No. 85/200/pr - on functional requirements

The document lists the functional requirements for the GIS housing and communal services. For example, it determines that the system must provide the ability to:

  • making payments for housing and utilities;
  • posting information in electronic form using an electronic signature;
  • maintaining registers, posting classifiers, directories;
  • obtaining and using reliable information;
  • holding general meetings of homeowners;
  • other possibilities.

Federal Law No. 255 - on licensing of management companies

The Federal Law of July 21, 2014 introduces another series of changes to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts. Its main provision is that activities related to the management of apartment buildings must be licensed, and information about managers and their licenses must be placed in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

Order No. 393/731/pr - on classifiers and reference books

Explains what classifiers and directories should be in the system. Establishes the general availability of directories, classifiers, as well as the possibility of downloading and using them. According to the document, the following should be placed in the Housing and Communal Services GIS:

  • All-Russian classifier of units of measurement;
  • All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms;
  • qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists
  • and other employees;
  • All-Russian classifier of municipal territories.

Order No. 455/825/pr - on information on tariffs

Approves the procedure, composition, methods, timing and frequency of posting information in the field of state regulation of tariffs. For example, the document states that federal body The executive branch must publish the data no later than 1 day from the date of receipt, and also that all tariffs must have a detailed description.

Orders of local authorities

In addition to the law on GIS housing and communal services, other federal laws, housing codes and orders, work with GIS housing and communal services is regulated by local legislative acts. For example, in every city there is an order appointing someone responsible for filling out the GIS housing and communal services. It appoints specific individuals who take responsibility for entering current information into a unified system.

Already, the activities of the state information system in the field of housing and communal services are regulated by 25 laws, orders, and other regulatory documents. New changes are constantly appearing in the law on GIS housing and communal services. We make sure that they are understandable, and management companies can automate all processes. ACS "Housing Standard" offers:

  • integration with GIS Housing and Communal Services, Housing and Communal Services Reform, Management Company website;
  • two-way exchange of information with third-party services, including GIS housing and communal services;
  • automation of business processes, work with the Housing Inspectorate.

It is more convenient to work with us than directly with GIS Housing and Communal Services. Our service is available around the clock, without interruptions, and authorization is easier. It does not require data integrity and allows you to enter information into electronic passport any home, provides a current passport form. If you have questions, the support service will answer them at any time: call or request a call back.

The Government of the Russian Federation is progressively introducing daily life new open management technologies. One of the innovations is the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services).

The essence and goals of the portal

The GIS housing and communal services system is an information resource that performs a number of useful functions:

  1. Collection of data by region on public services provided to the population, including:
    • about the housing stock;
    • about enterprises operating in this area;
    • about the list of services and tariffs;
    • about maintenance and repair work;
    • about the movements and directions of investment of collected funds;
    • about debts;
    • about utility and engineering infrastructure facilities;
    • etc.
  2. Information processing.
  3. Information storage.
  4. Informing the population on housing and communal services issues.
  5. Posting information.
  6. Use of information.
Attention: registration of an organization in the Housing Information System is mandatory for enterprises that have received a license to organize appropriate services for citizens.

The electronic service of GIS housing and communal services was organized within the framework of the implementation of Law No. 209-FZ of July 21, 2014. In addition, during its creation, the requirements of the Housing Code were strictly taken into account. The system is a site for collecting the following information:

  1. about enterprises providing services;
  2. about the state of the housing stock;
  3. about fundraising;
  4. about their spending;
  5. on the results of state control over the activities of operators.

For reference: the website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services should accumulate complete information about the state of the housing stock throughout the country, which greatly facilitates:

  • state control over the activities of relevant organizations;
  • policy development in this area.

The service is also useful for a regular payer. It allows you to find out the status of your own accounts, including the amount of debt. In addition, all registered organizations post information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. Therefore, it is possible to compare the data provided by management companies in order to transfer functions to them from an unscrupulous organizer.

Download for viewing and printing:

What functions does it perform?

The electronic portal is designed to perform the following functions:

  1. Organizing open information for the population, publishing important data for citizens in the public domain.
  2. Monitoring the state of the residential premises stock in the country.
  3. Collection and systematization of information about enterprises tasked with providing people with the following resources:
    • water;
    • electricity;
    • warmth;
    • others.
  4. Creation of an electronic directory of data on management companies.
  5. Assistance in the implementation of state control functions.
  6. Systematization and dissemination of information about capital repair programs by region, including:
    • on the status of collection of due contributions;
    • about planned and actual costs.
  7. In terms of working with the population:
    • organization of automatic collection of requests;
    • creation of an online service for accepting payments;
    • technical support for voting by residents on issues of improvement of the building and territory.
Hint: the service allows you to automate the collection and transmission of statistical information to government organizations.

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Who should register

The legislation divides users into two groups based on the principle of mandatory registration. They are:

Hint: participation in the Internet system is not mandatory for citizens. Anyone can go through the registration process voluntarily.

Responsibilities of organizations and enterprises

The law provides for entering certain information into the electronic complex and creating an account for all companies operating in the industry. Moreover, liability for failure to provide data does not depend on the form of ownership. Organizations and enterprises must:

  • register;
  • regularly publish information on the state of affairs (specified in regulations).
Attention: the current legislation provides for the liability of officials for failure to comply with the requirements relating to the operation of the portal.

How to register a legal entity

The algorithm of actions for legal entities is the same. Let us describe it using the example of a management company. Step by step instructions looks like this:

  1. The manager must first create his own account.
  2. After confirming it, you need to log into your personal account on the website using your login and password.
  3. Select the “Add organization” function in the data section.
  4. From the list that appears, select the form of the enterprise:
    • individual entrepreneur;
    • legal entity;
    • government agency
  5. In the window that opens, you should step by step enter reliable information about the company:
    • full name (according to extract from the state register);
    • OGRN;
    • location address;
    • telephones.
  6. Certification of data with an electronic digital signature.
Hint: data verification is carried out using the Federal Tax Service database. The process takes up to ten days. At the end of the check, you will receive confirmation of the successful completion of the operation.

Further work on publishing information

The duties of legal entities at the legislative level include the function of providing information about their activities.
Each position is strictly regulated.

A summary of the responsibilities is given in the table:

Function Term
About making a management decisionWithin 24 hours from the date of account registration
Appeals from people (essence and answer)Within three days after the end of the reporting period
Statistics relating to the quality and cost of servicesUpon completion of the reporting period no later than seven days
Registration of metering devicesWeek from event date
When changing accounting equipment data3 days
Quality indicators of services providedWithin a week after the end of the reporting period
Tariff dataWeek
Estimated indicatorsUntil the 10th of the next month
Information about payment deadlines3 days, within 24 hours after changes are made to the decision
About holding meetings by residentsWeek
Terms of the service agreementOne week from registration

Hint: the portal functionality allows you to enter necessary information in two ways:

  • with the help of an operator in the office;
  • by filling out and uploading forms created in Excel.

About responsibility

The information from the table above should be constantly available to the public. Due to the fact that the function of publishing it is entrusted to the organizations that generate it, punishment is imposed for violation of the law.

Attention: regulatory authorities apply fines and disqualification from 01/01/2018 to all mandatory users of the system.

In 2018, only civil servants could be fined within the framework of the law. There are currently no statistics on imposed fines.

Liability arises for the following violations:

  1. violation of deadlines for entering data into the system;
  2. failure to post mandatory information;
  3. publication of false information;
  4. incomplete information of the population;
  5. data distortion.

The identified primary violation threatens (Articles 13.19.1 and 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses):

  • individuals with fines up to RUB 30,000.0:
  • legal - up to RUB 200,000.0;
  • disqualification for a repeated violation for a period of one to three years.
Note: in 2020, financial institutions that organize the collection of utility bills from the population may be held liable. Download for viewing and printing:

GIS housing and communal services for citizens

The system was created mainly to inform the population about the state of affairs in the industry. Citizens can obtain the necessary information on the website:

  • without registration;
  • after completing a simplified account creation procedure.

Hint: citizens who have not become members of the system will not have access to all sections. They will see information of a general information nature, including:

  1. laws and explanations;
  2. news;
  3. general information about:
    • buildings and services;
    • management companies and their licenses.

How to register as a citizen

The site can be accessed via the following link: dom.gosuslugi.ru. The system is connected to the State Services portal. Therefore, to obtain information about housing and communal services, you need to create a personal account on this portal.

Citizens who have an account on State Services can log in to the system using their login and password. IN Xia necessary information will be available in the office.

There are two levels of system user:

  1. Unconfirmed. You will need to enter your first name, last name and email address. Login and password information will be sent by email.
  2. Confirmed. You need to enter your passport details and SNILS number. After verification, you can obtain your personal account login information:
    • by post;
    • through the support center;
    • as well as in a government agency (for example, in a department Pension Fund, if you specify it during the account creation operation).
Hint: more complete information about the functionality of the system can be found in the “User Guide” in your personal account.

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