Crossing the stop line before a traffic light: what determines the size of the fine, and what to do in controversial situations? Penalty for crossing the stop line and nuances of the violation. Penalty for crossing the stop line.

Rules traffic(Traffic rules) are written in order to comply with them. Some motorists do not want to follow them and consider them unimportant. Until January 1, 2012, drivers were not subject to monetary recovery for going to the stop line.

Purpose of markings and signs

The traffic rules contain information about the need for drivers to comply with markings such as stop lines. It is dedicated to the car so that it:

  • did not interfere with other cars performing various actions at the intersection;
  • did not create obstacles for people crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing;
  • did not become an obstacle for transport traveling perpendicular to it.

Related to the stop line is the Stop sign, a red octagon with a white border. It means a ban on driving without stopping. Sometimes the sign and markings go together, and sometimes separately. Their presence individually indicates the need to stop the vehicle when there are prohibiting signals from a traffic controller or traffic light. If the intersection is unregulated and has a sign and markings, stopping is required.

Some drivers stop at an intersection and wait for the red light to end. At the yellow signal they are preparing to go, the car is slowly moving. As a result, traffic violations occur and a stop line is driven over.

Recently, cameras that record such violations have been tested in large Russian cities. Drivers often debate whether the maneuver constitutes running a stop line or whether it is simply crossing the bumper. You can't use wheels, but you can use a bumper. According to the Traffic Rules, leaving the stop line with your wheels is punishable by a penalty. However, many traffic police officers also charge a fine for driving into the stop line with a bumper, which is wrong.

Penalty for crossing the markings

Until recently, the fine for driving beyond the stop line was not punishable. As a result, drivers began to enter the intersection, pedestrian crossing. This created certain difficulties for the movement of cars and pedestrians. Since 2012, entering the stop line is subject to a fine. Traffic police officers are responsible for recording violations. How much does it cost to travel for markings?

Arrival at the stop line is paid by the driver in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles. It is important to understand when traffic police officers will charge the first amount for travel for markings, and when they will charge the second amount. It all depends on the specific situation and location of the vehicle. If there are prohibiting traffic lights or a traffic controller on the way, such an exit will cost 800 rubles. Crossing an uncontrolled intersection with markings will cost a motorist 500 rubles. Ignoring the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” will result in a similar fine. It is necessary to take this sign into account and stop in front of it.

The fine for driving along the stop line does not imply punishment for a repeat violation. The collection is paid after 10 days, which are given for appeal. Information about the violation appears in the State Traffic Inspectorate database. In the first 20 days, drivers can pay a fine for driving along a stop line with a 50 percent discount. The full amount of the fine for travel is collected between 21 and 60 days after the decision comes into force.

If during this period the fine for illegally crossing the stop line is not paid, it is considered overdue and falls under the jurisdiction of the Bailiff Service (Bailiff Service). You will have to pay a double rate, i.e. 1600 rubles. The payment will be taken regardless of the desire of the violator. The SSP has a formal agreement with banks that provide information on the debtor’s accounts and, if necessary, withdraw the collection amount from his bank account.

In addition to a double fine for late payment of a collection, the defendant may be arrested for several days. The maximum punishment is 15 days. The defendant may also be required to perform forced labor. In this case, the maximum possible number of hours is 50.

A simple violation, driving along a stop line, can cause serious trouble for the driver. You need to be careful and stop early. If the skill has not been developed, you can slow down the car until the stop line is hidden from view - you won’t have to overpay for lack of driving technique or inattention.

Before intersections, a stop line is drawn at a certain distance from the zebra crossing. It is designed to protect both those crossing
the road of people and the car owners themselves.

After all, in busy areas, traffic occurs simultaneously in different directions. Therefore, ignoring the stop line can lead to collisions.

What awaits the driver when driving through a stop line contrary to traffic regulations?

In this article:

What is meant by stop line

This can be either part of the road markings with the English inscription “Stop”, or a red road sign with a similar indicator.

However, always, seeing a red or yellow traffic light or a corresponding gesture from a traffic controller, the driver is obliged to stop the car. When the traffic light is green, the car can continue moving.

However, on some sections of the road you can find both a stop line and a road sign number 2.5, which is called “Driving without stopping is prohibited.”

In such a situation, the driver must stop regardless of the traffic light or instructions from the traffic controller.

When stopping in front of an intersection, the driver is obliged to let pedestrians in front pass. In addition, in this way the car will not create obstacles for other road users.

Driving a stop line at a red light: responsibility

Many novice drivers, while studying the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, have a question: 12.2 part 2, what kind of violation? This rule establishes a fine for crossing the stop line. This year the amount for the driver will be eight hundred rubles.

Responsibility for crossing markings under Part 2 of Art. 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will also apply when the car has not completely crossed the road markings. It is enough for only the front wheels of the car to cross the limit line.

In this kind conflict situations Often traffic police officers insist that in order to apply a fine, it is enough that only the front bumper of the car crosses the stop line. In this case, the stop line written at the traffic light can be challenged.

However, there are nuances in applying the fine. If the stop line was placed at an unregulated intersection, then driving through it will cost you a fine of 500 rubles.

If the driver passed both the stop line and the red light, then a fine of 1 thousand rubles is provided for this. The corresponding norm is prescribed in Part 1 of Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that soon in some cities illegal driving beyond the stop line will be recorded not only by traffic police inspectors, but also by road stationary video cameras. In particular, in 2016, such a system began working on some roads in Moscow.

How to protect yourself from punishment

They appear on the road different situations, which can also be interpreted in . Therefore, it is important to obtain timely, qualified advice from a lawyer.

He can suggest reliable arguments to the driver based on his own practice and the prevailing position of the courts.

Data from video recorders, which will record all controversial issues that arise on the road, can also help in a dispute with traffic police inspectors.

Based on the relevant record, the lawyer will help his client build the correct line of behavior when appealing the decision to apply sanctions.

Therefore, cooperation with a lawyer can save the driver from having to pay a fine.

Compliance with traffic rules and marking requirements makes the road safer for all road users. The ban on crossing the stop line is also dictated by safety rules for motorists and pedestrians. We will tell you in this article what kind of punishment is provided and how much the fine will be for crossing a stop line (driving, stopping, entering, leaving).

What is a stop line

A stop line is a wide strip, sometimes with the word “stop”, painted on the road surface. It is applied perpendicularly and, as it were, blocks the path of the car. The stop line is placed in the place where the car must stop in front of a traffic light or traffic controller.

It is designed to perform the following functions.

  • Ensuring safe crossing of the roadway for pedestrians and the passage of other vehicles.
  • Prevention of traffic jams and congestion.
  • A stop line can be placed at a controlled intersection. In this case, it indicates the place where the car will stop if such a signal from the traffic controller is shown.
  • It is also applied in front of an uncontrolled intersection or, often in combination with a “No stopping without stopping” sign. In front of the railway, a stop line shows where the car should stop if traffic through the crossing is closed.

A stop line does not mean the same thing as a stop sign. If there is a sign, the vehicle must come to a complete stop at all times and in all cases. The sign says that driving without stopping is prohibited.

Stopping in front of the stop line is only necessary when the traffic light is red; when the traffic light is green, you can pass it without slowing down and stopping in front of it. You also need to stop before the stop line if there is a “Stop” sign nearby.

Read below about fines for driving beyond the stop line at a red traffic light and other types of violations.

A specialist will tell you how to avoid hitting the stop line in this video:

Fines and punishments when driving beyond the stop line

There is a certain monetary penalty for hitting a stop line. It varies and depends on the type of intersection at which the violation occurred. But first you need to understand what a collision with a stop line is.

If the stop line is covered only by the car's bumper, then there is nothing to worry about. It is an offense to hit a marking with the front wheels. It doesn’t matter how the car hit the stop line, a few centimeters or the whole wheel. A fine is provided for any crossing of the markings by the wheels of a car.

  • If a collision with a stop line occurred at an uncontrolled intersection, where, in addition to the corresponding markings, there is a “stop” sign, then the fine for this will be 500 rubles.
  • If a violation is recorded at a controlled intersection when the red traffic light is on or the traffic controller indicates that movement in this direction is prohibited, administrative fine will be 800 rub.
  • If you fail to comply with the stop line requirements at a railway crossing, the fine will be 1000 rubles.

This video will tell you about the fines and features of such a violation as driving beyond the stop line:

  • The penalty for crossing the stop line can be fixed at. You can avoid paying such a fine only by proving that the person who committed the violation.
  • If it is clear that a traffic jam has begun to form behind the intersection, it is better to stop before the stop line in advance and wait for the traffic situation to improve.
  • If the driver has driven beyond the stop line, he can try to reverse, of course, provided that there are no other cars behind him. In this case, you can slightly reduce the fine by receiving a penalty of 500 rubles. for driving in reverse at an intersection.
  • When it is impossible to stop the car without using emergency braking, you can drive through a yellow traffic light. But this risks creating emergency situation, you should not resort to this option all the time. It is best to carefully and carefully follow all traffic rules. Then the ride will be as safe and comfortable as possible.

Let us remind you that we have previously written about the fact that you can also try to appeal a trip beyond the stop line. The main thing is to know how to do everything correctly.

This video will tell you how video recording cameras work in the case of crossing a stop line:

The capital's drivers are again faced with “letters of happiness” from the traffic police. This time, the troublemakers were cameras that recorded driving beyond the stop line without stopping. A number of motorists hastened to say that the system is malfunctioning and is issuing fines for no reason. Izvestia figured out how stop cameras work and how to make friends with the innovation.

What happened?

The Internet is actively discussing the situation with fines for allegedly imperfect offenses, which have begun to be recorded by new cameras in Moscow. The object of heated discussions was the photo complex installed on Nizhnyaya Maslovka Street, near the Third Transport Ring. According to some drivers who caught the eye of the new camera, the system clearly malfunctions, “ignoring” the fact that the car has stopped in front of the stop line and recording a violation. As evidence, photos are provided of those fined who checked the camera, deliberately stopping before the markings and waiting a few seconds before starting to move. What's the problem?

Are these really new cameras?

Answer: yes and no. The recording of violations of passage of intersections with a stop line in itself is not news at all. They talked about it last year and the year before, but the first such complex in Moscow appeared only in August of this year. According to the data center, there are currently two such cameras and their task is to record cases of crossroads passing through in violation of signs and markings. In the decree received by mail, the owner of the car sees two photos: at the moment of entering the camera control zone and at the exit from it (immediately after the stop line).

Did he violate it, or did it seem like it?

One of these complexes became the reason for discussion on social networks on November 6. We are talking about a camera installed at the intersection of Nizhnyaya Maslovka and Raskova streets. Thus, according to information from the Blue Buckets society on Facebook, even those who drove through the intersection according to the rules, with a mandatory stop, received a “letter of happiness.” The ill-fated complex in the comments was quick to call it uncalibrated and the testimony unreliable. Users also noted the interval between the stop line on the asphalt and sign 2.5 (“Driving without stopping is prohibited”) and assumed that the camera was focused on the latter, resulting in false fines.

What does the data center say?

The press service of the Traffic Management Center does not note that among the complexes of this type installed in the capital there are “problematic ones”. In a comment to Izvestia, representatives of the capital’s center stated that the cameras are working correctly and no problems have been identified in the operation of the photo complexes.

Explaining the situation with the control zone on Nizhnyaya Maslovka, the press service of the data center noted that the installed camera was working correctly. “We re-checked the photographic materials. By decision of the road safety commissions, the complexes were installed in places with a significant number of accidents. During the year, more than three traffic accidents occurred at these intersections in which people were injured. The intersections were examined by TsODD specialists together with the traffic police, and before the start of administration, the markings were updated, including the stop line, and “Stop” road signs with increased information content were installed.”

Flash from behind

In a word, the situation is controversial. On the one hand, the signs, markings and devices are applied and installed correctly, on the other hand, drivers, citing their own experience, complain about the illegality of fines.

So, according to Timofey Isaev, who recently received a fine, his initial task was to test the photo complex on himself. “I decided to do everything as carefully as possible, if not grotesquely, just like during the traffic police exam. As a result, I entered the exit, drove up to the stop line, stood there for about five seconds (that is, counting down 1001, 1002...) and then drove off,” Timofey wrote.

However, the recordings from the DVR installed in the car were not preserved. But in vain.
Video evidence from recording devices gives you a better chance of appealing the fine in court. Of course, if the owner periodically saves the footage: the penalty ticket often reaches the recipient late, and by that time the registrar has time to update the internal archive.

Shot from a camera recording traffic violations installed on Nizhnyaya Maslovka street

Against Big Brother

This is not the first time that drivers in the capital have encountered the problem of false orders. A series of incidents last summer became widespread and noisy, when Avtouragan complexes began recording violations where there were none, “adding” extra kilometers per hour to drivers. However, then the reasons for the failure were attributed to bad weather with strong winds that shook the equipment. In the current situation, there is no talk of widespread malfunctions.

Be that as it may, I don’t want to undeservedly lose 500 or 800 rubles (the amount of the official fine for crossing the stop line at uncontrolled and controlled intersections). Despite the fact that today in Moscow, according to the data center, only two cameras monitor exits beyond the stop, the first thing experts advise is to notice not the photo points, but the markings and signs.

The second is to clearly indicate your actions, without simplifying the mandatory stop to a banal reduction in speed. According to lawyer Sergei Smirnov, in the rush of traffic this is often neglected: “Traffic regulations do not specify exactly how long you need to stand at the stop line. Formally, a couple of seconds is enough. Nevertheless, from experience, I recommend stopping for at least five seconds (if there are no cars to which you need to yield) and not right next to the stop line.”

As for the further appeal of the fine received by the “violator,” the expert noted: “It must be taken into account that when a violation is recorded by cameras, the principle of the presumption of innocence does not work. Therefore, the driver who does not agree with the accusation will have to prove the fact of the stop. A video recorder, or rather a video recording, can help with this.”