How to promote yours. How to promote Instagram: the best methods of promotion and a step-by-step plan for promoting your account yourself. Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

1. Terms and definitions In this agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the terms below have the following definitions: Operator - Individual Entrepreneur Oleg Aleksandrovich Dneprovsky. Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the Agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the User (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this User. User - any individual or legal entity, having successfully completed the procedure of filling out the input fields on the site. Filling out input fields is the procedure for the User to send their first name, last name, phone number, personal email address (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data) to the database of registered users of the site, carried out for the purpose of identifying the User. As a result of filling out the input fields, personal data is sent to the Operator’s database. Filling out the input fields is voluntary. website - a website located on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement has been drawn up on the basis of the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and the provisions of Article 13.11 on “Violation of the Law Russian Federation in the field of personal data" of the Code on administrative offenses Russian Federation and applies to all personal data that the Operator may receive about the User during his use of the Site. 2.2. Filling out the input fields by the User on the Site means the User’s unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement (Acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User does not fill out the input fields on the Site. 2.3. The User’s consent to the provision of personal data to the Operator and their processing by the Operator is valid until the termination of the Operator’s activities or until the User withdraws consent. By accepting this Agreement and going through the Registration procedure, as well as by subsequently accessing the Site, the User confirms that, acting of his own free will and in his own interest, he transfers his personal data for processing to the Operator and agrees to their processing. The User is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the Operator on the basis of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. 3. List of personal data and other information about the user to be transferred to the Operator 3.1. When using the Operator's Website, the User provides the following personal data: 3.1.1. Reliable personal information that the User provides about himself independently when Filling out input fields and/or in the process of using the Site services, including last name, first name, patronymic, telephone number (home or mobile), personal email address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transferred to the Site services during their use using the software installed on the User’s device, including IP address, information from Cookies, information about the User’s browser (or other program through which the services are accessed). 3.2. The Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User. In this case, the Operator assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the questions proposed in the Input Fields. 4. Purposes, rules for the collection and use of personal data 4.1. The Operator processes personal data that is necessary to provide services and provide services to the User. 4.2. The User's personal data is used by the Operator for the following purposes: 4.2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing the User with personalized services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company by sending letters); 4. 2.3. Maintaining contact with the User if necessary, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object that the information specified by him in certain cases may be provided to authorized government agencies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. The User's personal data is stored and processed by the Operator in the manner provided for in this Agreement for the entire period of activity by the Operator. 4.6. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, and manual methods. 4.7. The Site uses Cookies and other technologies to track the use of Site services. This data is necessary to optimize the technical operation of the Site and improve the quality of service provision. The Site automatically records information (including URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of request) about each visitor to the Site. The user has the right to refuse to provide personal data when visiting the Site or disable Cookies, but in this case, not all functions of the Site may work correctly. 4.8. The confidentiality conditions provided for in this Agreement apply to all information that the Operator can obtain about the User during the latter’s stay on the Site and use of the Site. 4.9. Information that is publicly disclosed during the execution of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by the parties or third parties from sources to which any person has free access, is not confidential. 4.10. The Operator takes all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User’s personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, including: ensuring constant internal verification of the processes of collecting, storing and processing data and ensuring security; ensures physical security of data, preventing unauthorized access to technical systems that ensure the operation of the Site, in which the Operator stores personal data; provides access to personal data only to those employees of the Operator or authorized persons who need this information to perform duties directly related to the provision of services to the User, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the Site. 4.11. The User's personal data remains confidential, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons. 4.12. The transfer by the Operator of the User’s personal data is legal during the reorganization of the Operator and the transfer of rights to the Operator’s legal successor, while all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information received by him are transferred to the legal successor. 4.13. This Statement applies only to the Operator’s Website. The Company does not control and is not responsible for third party sites (services) that the user can access via links available on the Operator’s Website, including in search results. On such Sites (services), other personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may also be performed 5. Rights of the user as a subject of personal data, change and deletion of personal data by the user 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require the Operator to clarify his personal data, block it or destroy it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, and also take measures provided by law to protect his rights. 5.1.3. Receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including information containing: confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the Operator; the purposes and methods of processing personal data used by the operator; name and location of the Operator; processed personal data related to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the presentation of such data is provided for by federal law; terms of processing of personal data, including periods of their storage; other information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by the User by sending the Operator an appropriate written (printed on a tangible medium and signed by the User) notification. 6. Responsibilities of the Operator. Access to personal data 6.1. The Operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and non-targeted access to personal data of Users of the Operator's Website. In this case, authorized and targeted access to personal data of Site Users will be considered access to all of them. interested parties, implemented within the framework of the objectives of the activities and subject matter of the Operator’s Website. At the same time, the Operator is not responsible for possible inappropriate use of Users’ personal data that occurred as a result of: technical problems in software and in technical means and networks beyond the control of the Operator; in connection with the intentional or unintentional use of the Operator’s Websites other than for their intended purpose by third parties; 6.2 The Operator takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other misconduct third parties with it. 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Applicable legislation 7.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to these Regulations without any special notice to Users. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new edition of the Regulations comes into force from the moment of its publication, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Regulations. 7.2. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Regulation and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Regulation. I accept I do not accept

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know each other a little and I'll get started.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram too! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling around the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could have made a paid course on the promotion and promotion of Instagram, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money from such training execute me for this :)

I think today’s article will be long but interesting, so I recommend reading it carefully to the end. And at the end, leave your reviews and comments about what you read.

So, let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, it is in first place for me.

Because there is not as much garbage there as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News feeds and updates in which are teeming with advertising and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still strive to use Instagram for its intended purpose, to add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, I recommend that everyone who is promoting their brand, looking for clients, selling their services and products, should start promoting their business accounts or personal page on Instagram. Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch, using free and paid methods, which I will talk about today.

Some specialists who offer to quickly promote an Instagram account do the same thing only at 5-10 times the price. My friends, freelancers and online entrepreneurs have ordered similar services, and the results are the same with what I do myself.

Instagram promotion is a constant process; you shouldn’t hire guys who promise you to gain a lot of subscribers in a short time.

If you don’t have time to promote yourself, then it’s better to hire a permanent remote employee - an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain your audience and bring new clients.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I’ll say right away that I’m not interested in inflated numbers (subscribers), which are usually of no use. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to start?

Ahh? A! - Audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to promote Instagram? Earn? I think that is why 95% are interested in this issue.

Then how are you going to make money? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, NEED? If I can put it that way.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to it, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback. I know that I have a large audience ranging from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys aged 21 - 35 who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it’s easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 simple steps- This:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will look at them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photo and information about you or your product is the first thing a person who visits the page will see. For me personally, these two indicators play important role subscribe or not.

For example, this is what my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile photo is a live photo that is used on all my social networks. This makes it easier to find and remember me.
  2. First and last name. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Translit, firstly, not everyone will decide to make out what is written there, and secondly, they may read and remember it incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from? Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who are you and what do you do? Let the person know right away what you do and on what issue you can be useful. To make it clear why I should subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile. The only place on Instagram, where you can put an active link. It can lead to your website or other social network. In my case, there is a link (), which leads to an article about the online marathon in ours.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. Posts usually simply write a “call to action” - click on it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will click on them.

How to publish posts?

As they say: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are the main factor which will hook a person, turn a visitor into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a friend or client, and will retain him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram and gain live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, not often, you can dilute them with some pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access. Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great photos.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, photos of food, etc. Nowadays, few people are interested anymore. People need your photos! It's cool when Instagram is done in real time.
  2. Sign your photos.
    Create useful and entertaining content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, let's useful tips. Encourage your opinion in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Reply to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to respond to comments immediately. Active discussions attract the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with subscribers in person will create more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments when subscribers are very active. Therefore, the StarComment service helps me in controlling comments under all posts.

To properly maintain contact with your audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan based on the interests of your target audience. In a separate article we will talk about how to draw up such a plan (link will come later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow you to be noticed and interest real people.

Free actions:

  1. Conduct live broadcasts.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. Using hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here's an article about
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also notice you using geolocation tags.
  5. Give it a like. The person you liked may want to know who liked their photo, and they will go to your profile.

Having your own website, the first thing you need to do is make a plan for its promotion. Without clear planning and setting goals, you won’t be able to promote a resource on your own. It must be said that there is no specific algorithm for website promotion. Each specialist builds his own strategy, which is based on personal experience.

If you are new to this business and don’t know where to start, then you can follow the approximate plan that is described in detail in this article. Naturally, you can change, supplement and adjust points, trusting your intuition.

Where to start promoting a young website?

If you want your resource to be in search and outperform competitors in all respects, then you should start by working on the main points:

  • Drawing up a semantic core. Your task is to find queries that are close to the promoted resource. To find high-frequency search phrases, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of an ordinary user. You must understand your future audience, know the interests of users, their age and gender. Once you find those high-frequency queries, start highlighting the low-frequency and mid-frequency ones. Thus, you will form the semantic core of the resource.
  • Niche analysis and forecasting. After determining the core, it is necessary to do a market analysis to identify the main competitors. Enter the high-frequency queries you have selected into the search bar and analyze which resources are in the TOP. Go to each page, study in detail the work of your competitors, what promotion methods they use, the main trends and positions. Having worked through this point, you can make a forecast of traffic to your resource and adjust your optimization strategy.
  • Internal SEO audit. Having studied your competitors, you need to move on to studying your resource or auditing it. This is a fairly complex task that requires at least basic knowledge of SEO. The purpose of the audit is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the resource. Please note that after working through these 3 points, no fundamental changes have yet occurred on the site. Although a lot of time will be spent. All you have received is a huge amount of knowledge with which you can safely move on.
  • Micro markup. If you want to bring your site to the TOP, then micro markup is extremely important. Basically, your page is initially marked up using common tags and attributes. Usually this is enough for search engines and many sites still exist and even thrive this way. However, if you want to help search engines understand your resource, understand its structure, pointing out those areas that need to be paid attention to first, then it is important to implement micro-markup (add additional tags and attributes that will point to everything). By doing this, you will help search engines understand the structure and content of your resource, and also increase its traffic.

Popular technical errors

Let's look at the technical side of optimization and the main mistakes that webmasters make. After analyzing many sites, we can conclude that there are often the same shortcomings that experts make. Errors can affect an Internet resource in completely different ways. Some shortcomings prevent search engines from indexing resource pages, others help competitors use possible errors for their own purposes, while others have a negative impact on promotion and positions. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify shortcomings in time and correct them.

The most common errors:

  • Availability of the resource name at different addresses. If a site can be accessed using different addresses (for example, with and without the www prefix), a duplication problem arises. In this case, the search engine will perceive the content at one of the addresses as non-unique and move it to additional search results. To correct this defect, you need to add the Host directive to the robots.txt file of all resource mirrors and specify the main domain.
  • Low download speed. This error can directly affect the ranking of the page. Therefore, correcting this defect will help increase the credibility of the site from search engines.
  • Availability of the main resource page at different addresses. Remember, the main page of the website should be accessible only at the main address, otherwise there will be a problem of duplication, which is likely to result in a decrease in the ranking of the resource.

How to promote a site?

When you know where to start website promotion and the main technical mistakes that are important to avoid, let’s determine what types of promotion exist. Today there are 3 main types:

  • By position. The specialist selects a list of queries and displays them in the TOP;
  • By traffic. The main goal with this type of promotion is to increase search traffic to a certain figure within the time allotted for optimization;
  • Comprehensive promotion. Includes the first two types and additional promotion on social networks, Direct advertising and much more. Comprehensive promotion is much more expensive, so only wealthy website owners use it, or customers who are ready to really spend money to achieve their goals.

What type of promotion to choose depends on the specifics of the site. If you attract visitors to your resource in order to sell goods and services, then it is better to choose traffic promotion. The more traffic, the higher the sales. If you have an informational site, then choose promotion by position. And if you have money for promotion, then turn to comprehensive promotion.

Having decided on the type of promotion, you will be faced with the question of choosing pages for promotion. The page that users initially land on (the main login page) is important when promoting a resource. It should be convenient, understandable and meet the expectations of visitors. If you ignore these requirements, you will inevitably lose customers. Users who do not find information of interest on the main page will leave the site.

To select landing pages, use the advanced search of the search engine. To do this, enter a query for which the page will be promoted in a search engine, and delimit the search area with your resource. The first page in the list will have the greatest relevance, which means it should be promoted.

Now create an anchor list. This is a very important stage of promotion. Proper distribution of anchors in the sheet will significantly increase the site’s position.

The anchor list includes a list of all text links installed on the resource. In addition to them, the sheet should contain information about the frequency of use of anchors and the addresses of the pages to which links lead.

Your anchor list must meet the following parameters:

  • It should be dominated by non-anchor links, approximately 45%;
  • About 40% should be anchors consisting of several words;
  • Approximately 15% should be occupied by anchors consisting of 4 or more words.

Placement of links and analysis of donors

When promoting a resource, an important role is played by external factors that influence the movement of the site to the TOP positions in search engines. One of these factors is the acquisition of permanent and temporary links on other resources.

Placing links on different sites can help with optimization or be completely useless. Therefore, before purchasing a link, it is important to analyze the donor site and understand whether such cooperation will have a real effect. When doing the analysis, pay attention to the following characteristics of the donor:

  • Domain age;
  • Resource spam;
  • Attendance;
  • Number of pages indexed;
  • Lack of filters from search engines;
  • Content quality;
  • TIC and PR.

Improving usability and monitoring competitors

There are proven techniques that help improve the usability of a resource:

  • Information filtering. Remove unnecessary information from the site, and you will significantly increase user loyalty.
  • Convenient navigation. The more comfortable and confident the user feels on the site, the greater the chance that he will return here more than once.
  • Study and analysis of user behavior on the site.

Don’t forget to learn from the experience of others, study the behavior of your competitors, and follow their innovations. This will help you stay on trend, and if you use the information correctly, you will be able to beat your competitors.

Website promotion in search engines

Let's look at how to effectively promote a new, young resource in the most famous search engines:

  • How to promote a website in Yandex. First, understand the main thing - it takes time to get to the TOP of this search engine. The search engine indexes new pages in a random order, so some pages may be indexed within 30 minutes, while others will wait a week. The same situation is with the position in the search results: everything is very unstable. Even with active page promotion, your site can remain in one position for a long time without moving. So be patient. Promote the resource constantly, observing some frequency. A one-time burst of link mass gives short-term results. Be selective about your link donors. Pay attention to details - site accessibility, loading speed, resource design, layout.
  • Features of promotion on Google. In this search engine, the important role is played by the page, and not the domain as a whole. Having one well-developed page on a young resource, your chances of being in the TOP of the search engine increase geometric progression. Pay more attention to internal resource optimization. The search engine loves over-optimized texts, so don’t be afraid to increase the keyword density (this doesn’t work for Yandex). But, try not to overdo it with keys, as this can harm readability for users. Use links, they will definitely help the resource reach the TOP faster (this number will not work with Yandex).

Promotion by HF requests

To effectively promote a site for high-frequency queries, it is best to use articles. Typically, texts of 3000 characters without spaces are purchased; their cost may vary depending on the professionalism of the copywriter. Links to the promoted resource with an anchor that corresponds to the high-frequency request are inserted into the purchased article. For example, promoting the query “flowers”, the link will acquire the following form: ˃href=”resource address”˃flowers˂.

Buy articles for high-frequency requests on the same topic from different copywriters. This will help you get really high-quality and informative texts. Since one, even the best copywriter, is not able to produce 30 original texts on one topic.

By promoting your resource in this way, you will reach the TOP in just a couple of months. It is not necessary to immediately spend a lot of money on purchasing articles if the budget is limited, but promote the site gradually.

How to advertise a site?

To advertise a site, you should post information about it on different services in accordance with the topic of the resource. Advertising placed on Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords works best. Teaser and thematic banner advertising also works well. Of course, don’t forget about PR on social networks on the pages of famous bloggers. In general, the more publicity your site has, the better, so when launching an advertising campaign for your site, use a non-standard approach that will help attract the target audience to the resource.

Reading time: 12 min

Good afternoon, friends!

After another break, I decided to write another rather interesting post, which will primarily be useful to beginners. But even experienced webmasters will be able to learn something new.

As you already understood from the title, the post will be about how to promote a website from scratch. We will touch on many aspects, and not just the issue of promoting a resource through content. The importance of every little detail in promotion will be considered. But there is one important note that I want to make right away - the material will be useful only for information projects, that is, article sites, blogs.

He can also help other sites and learn the basic truths that are important for each type of site. But not all recommendations will suit you if you have a forum, an online store or a website for real estate rentals, and so on. Let's begin.

Let's start by considering the preparatory actions (technical part) before promoting a resource, since promoting a young site is only possible if all possible rules and targeted optimization are observed.

Actions before website promotion

Before you promote a website yourself, or rather, start doing this, you always do some kind of foundation for the site, popularly called the foundation, and in the world of SEO this is technical or internal optimization of the site. Without it, as you understand, there is no way if you want to promote your site as effectively as possible and, most importantly, save money. In some niches, it is still possible to promote a website without any investment at all, just by making a competently internally optimized website. This is rare, but such niches do exist.

In more common niches, thanks to internal optimization, you can bypass your competitors, get closer to them faster than other competitors, or at least achieve the same results with a smaller investment of money.

In order not to argue too much and not to try to somehow stretch the text of this post, I will try to give all the information in the form of checklists and succinctly explain each item from the list.

Let's go over the technical aspects that must be implemented on an information site if you want to promote your site in Google and Yandex as simply and effectively as possible.

  • There must be a high-quality layout that will contain a minimum of code. The ratio of third-party layout code to content should be about 30/70, where 30% is content, the rest is layout. We need to provide as much content as possible to the search engine. Naturally, you can’t do without third-party code, because... it forms the site structure, functions, scripts and other elements on the site. If we remove them and leave only the content, the site will simply lose its functionality or stop working altogether. There are quite a lot of subtle nuances in the layout that should be taken into account when creating a template. There will be a separate post about this, which I recommend you wait for.
  • The technical optimization of the site itself must be done, which includes a set of actions that expand the functionality of the WordPress engine itself. By default, WordPress does not allow us to do some important things. Such functions include: adding meta tags to each page and setting up indexing for each type of page - one of the SEO plugins will help with this (I recommend WordPress seo by yoast), site map (both XML - for indexing, and HTML - for people and indexing), automatic backup - WP Database Backup plugin, caching - (hyper cache, wp super cache, w3 total cache plugins) and automatic linking at the end of each article (I recommend Yet Another Related Posts Plugin). It is also worth installing an equally important plugin for translating links into RusToLat transliteration. This is the minimum set of plugins that expands the standard set of Wodpress capabilities and adds minimum required for high-quality initial site optimization.
  • In addition to the above plugins, it is worth installing human-readable URLs (page addresses), which is a very important point. First, install the RusToLat plugin, which will translate Russian words into transliteration, and then go to “settings-permalinks” and set a custom view links, which will display the full nesting structure of the document. Find out what you need to insert into the field of this setting from the article about.
  • Also, don’t forget about the important Robots.txt file, which tells search engines what needs to be indexed on the site and what it’s better not to pay attention to.

That's all that needs to be done before promoting a young site. And these are not the weeks and months that beginners spend searching for information about internal website optimization, wondering how to promote a website on their own. The above set of actions is done in 20-30 minutes. Of course, not counting the layout, since ideally it should be done by a professional.

In the list above, I did not write all the features of the layout and design for the site, since there will be detailed material about this soon with rather subtle points. In addition, at the very start of the site it is not entirely necessary to do expensive layout and design. It is enough to find a high-quality template (without errors), even with minimal design, to start publishing materials and get the first results.

I recommend looking for such templates on the official WordPress website - this will save you from installing a bad template with viruses and too severe errors. In addition, now all templates have begun to be added with adaptive design, which is currently a rapidly growing trend. Its meaning is that it adapts itself to popular mobile resolutions and the site is very easy to read on mobile devices, there are no unnecessary elements. All buttons and links have normal sizes, easy to click and the site does not need to be scrolled in horizontal mode.

Also, I did not write about installing various plugins for displaying popular and recent posts, rating plugins, subscription forms and other things that are used on a lot of sites. Yes, this is necessary, but not immediately, but later, when the site is already producing results. In the beginning you need to make the maximum start with the required minimum. And 4-5 plugins and a couple of settings for this are complete. In the future, it is possible and even necessary to install various functional plugins to make the resource more complete and functional.

For example, on my new medical portal, the only such gadgets include a plugin for fresh posts for the sidebar and a rating in the form of stars after the text to make the snippet in the search results more vivid and attract the attention of users. The site, in fact, is completely empty in appearance - there are no popular posts, subscriptions or other elements, and this in no way prevents the user from entering and easily reading the content.

Therefore, once again, what needs to be installed and done:

  1. Configure the type of URL addresses (RusToLat plugin + configure permalinks);
  2. Set up the Robots.txt file;
  3. Install one of the SEO plugins (I recommend WordPress seo by yoast);
  4. Install a caching plugin (to begin with, I recommend hyper cache or wp super cache);
  5. Make 2 types of sitemaps (XML - Google XML sitemaps, HTML - Dagon Design Sitemap Generator);
  6. Install an automatic linking plugin at the end of posts (I recommend Yet Another Related Posts Plugin).

By the way, now I jumped into the water and immediately wrote about the technical optimization of the site, but this is not the very first thing that needs to be done before high-quality website promotion. There are 2 more points that are the most important in promotion. And their point is not to promote the site as a whole, but to get the fastest possible result and, perhaps, even without any investment.

What do you think is being said now?

- A correctly chosen niche and semantic core are the basis for every article site. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a simple information site or a personal blog. The blog also has its own niche and it definitely needs a semantic core.

A correctly chosen niche will allow you, with a minimum budget, and maybe even without a single penny, to get quick and tangible results in traffic and profit. And the semantic core will help you publish high-quality texts and have on hand the entire list of articles in the selected niche, which will be a plan for publication in the near future of the site’s development.

These 2 things are the foundation of any project. You can find a niche that will be completely unoccupied, but in demand by the audience. Thus, having published only 20-30 texts, you will already be the leader of this niche, have solid traffic and make a profit.

Of course, choosing a niche for an information site is a rather difficult step, which is not done in one day and at random. It is worth doing multi-level generation of ideas, then expanding the list of ideas, and only then starting to evaluate each niche. It may turn out that you will have to analyze more than a hundred niches, and this is not so easy and fast. But in the end, you can stumble upon a very good direction, in which nothing has been taken yet and the result will be immediate.

By the way, one of the following materials will be about choosing a niche. It will be complicated, but that’s why I’m writing it, to help you figure it out.

There is no need to talk much about it in this post, since I already wrote an article recently that will help put together good semantics (let’s go to the material from the previous link). If you don’t want to collect it yourself, then you can contact me and I can help you with this for a fairly modest fee. But it’s better, of course, when you go through this yourself, so that you know all the mechanics of the actions, and then delegate this matter to other people.

So, let's summarize. Before filling and promoting the site, you must:

  1. Choose the right niche;
  2. Collect a high-quality semantic core;
  3. High-quality internal optimization;
  4. Create a high-quality template + design (this can be done at a later stage).

An important point in internal optimization is optimizing site loading speed, since in the Google search engine this is one of the most important ranking factors. Google says that it tries to provide users with the most relevant answer to their query and that fast sites are more likely to satisfy users' needs. In addition, if there are 2 equal sites in the search results, then loading speed can become a determining factor that will help one of the sites reach higher positions. Be sure to take care of the loading speed of your resource.

Differences between Yandex and Google

Let's look at the differences between both search engines in several points:

  • Domain name;
  • Hosting;
  • Optimization of texts and meta tags;
  • Relinking;
  • Links;
  • Structure;
  • Responsive design.

If you want to get a good handle on the topic “How to promote a website from scratch,” then you definitely need to know the principles for determining the quality of sites in both search engines. We will look at this briefly now, adhering to the list above.

You should not take all comparisons of both PSs as an option for tailoring a site for a specific search engine. You just have to understand that Google gives results much faster than Yandex. The last search engine has been looking at the site for quite a long time and, when Google is already giving good results, Yandex will only begin to slowly push your site to the TOP. Therefore, it is still better for young sites to focus on Google at the very beginning of their existence. But this does not mean that if a site is designed only for Google, it will not rank well in Yandex. It will, but after some time, and after a certain period of time, Yandex will even overtake Google.

Domain name

It's no secret that the determining factor in both search engines is the age of the domain. The inclusion of the most high-frequency keywords in the domain name also plays a small role. This is true for both Yandex and Google.

But an interesting fact is that Google also pays attention to the domain registration period. This is explained by the fact that if the site intends to be created with high quality and be for a long time in the game, the domain is registered for a long time, while useless domains are rarely registered for more than 1 year.

After this, you may decide that you need to pay for the domain for several years. This is not necessary, since the influence of this ranking factor is not so great compared to others. It would be much more appropriate to work on the site as a whole (content, links, etc.). If the resource is at least slightly better than competitors whose domain is registered for several years in advance, then this will not save them. You will get around them without any problems.


If you don’t already know, Google differs from Yandex in hardware power, and therefore Google responds to changes in the site much faster than Yandex.

Google indexes the site much more often, so it’s worth getting good hosting, characterized by high-quality, uninterrupted operation, so that the resource is always up and running. If the site is often unavailable, Google will not rank the site highly.

I can say from my own experience that this moment is very important. At an important stage in the development of this blog, when I began to experience a sudden increase in traffic from Google, an unpleasant situation occurred - the site became inaccessible. At first there was downtime for 1 day, then another 1 day. As a result, letters from Google immediately began to arrive saying that the search engine could not access the site because it was unavailable.

I resolved the situation a couple of days later, but after that: firstly, important pages that brought the main traffic fell out of Google’s index and to this day they have not returned to their previous indicators. Secondly, the site stopped growing for 3-4 months. Only now the attendance has begun to slowly grow from week to week by a couple of dozen visits per day.

It is also worth understanding that the choice of a non-hosting tariff will depend on the load that your site will create. As a rule, up to 3-5 thousand visits per day will be sufficient with regular virtual hosting. Moreover, it is better to protect yourself and move to a dedicated server so that the site loads as quickly as possible. And, as you already know, the loading speed of a site is an important point in determining its position in the Google search engine.

Recently I have tried 2 hosting providers that I can confidently recommend:

  • Makhost (
  • Eurobyte (

At the moment I am working with Eurobyte, as there was some conflict with Makhost, after which my site was blocked.

Optimization of texts and meta tags

In principle, the work of search engines in this direction is similar. Both Yandex and Google require only high-quality texts that fully cover the topic and answer the user’s question.

The only difference concerns the length of the text and meta tags. Google loves long texts more - this is explained by the fact that large text is able to cover a wider range of questions and give a more comprehensive answer to the user’s question.

Yandex also loves texts that give a comprehensive answer, but it is better to focus on competitor analysis to determine the average length of text from the TOP. The slogan is: “We do it like our competitors, and even better.”

Google also prefers texts with a higher density of keywords in the text and a greater presence of their synonyms. For Yandex, it is better to determine the average number of occurrences of keys from competitors.

Regarding meta tags, it is worth mentioning the description meta tag, which in most cases is taken by Google to form a snippet, and Yandex takes it very rarely and only in the case when the text included in the description is used in the text itself and contains yourself the highest keyword density.

Thus, you can control the formation of the snippet in Yandex and Google. In the latest search engine, this is much easier - in most cases, it is enough to simply fill the description meta tag with the required text. To generate the necessary snippet in Yandex, you need to get a little confused - create a part of the text with a sufficient density of keywords and place it both in the description meta tag and in the text itself, so that Yandex will certainly take it into the snippet.


The principles of linking for Yandex and Google are almost identical. Relinking is aimed at improving the behavioral factors of the site by pointing users to other materials on the site. Linking is also involved in the distribution of static weight between the pages of the site.

In website promotion (manual within the text) is the most powerful internal factor that can improve search rankings and increase traffic by 2-3 times, without investing a penny, but only by devoting some time and patience to linking.

It is also worth installing automatic linking after the text of the article. It is also worth adding, but it only gives results if the block of similar posts contains links to thematic materials.


Link promotion is a fairly powerful factor, which at a certain stage makes the growth of the project simply explosive and spasmodic. This is especially true for Yandex, when at first traffic stagnates, and then pages simply fly to the TOP and the traffic growth graph begins to sharply rise. Jumps are quite real, when from 100-200 visitors per day in the next update there is a jump to 1000 visits.

There are 2 options here:

  1. Either the site itself is generally good and Yandex decided to sharply move it up;
  2. Or the links worked.

If you follow development trends in the field of link promotion, then you probably know that Yandex has recently begun to cancel link ranking for commercial topics in some regions. If you work with information sites, then you have nothing to fear - the links are still working and working well. But there is one important nuance- links must be of high quality, of which there are fewer and fewer every year, and even every month.

On Google, the situation is a little different. Google spokesman Matt Cutts says that there will be no abolition of link ranking, as this will negatively affect the quality of search results. Regarding the quality of links, it is also worth adhering to here, and even more so than in Yandex, since Google severely punishes sites with its “Google Penguin” filter for low-quality link mass.


The qualitative structure in both PSs plays an important role, as it is capable of providing good behavioral characteristics of the resource. If your structure (menu, sections, arrangement of elements, etc.) is simple and clear to use, then the user will certainly interact with the site and increase its rank in the eyes of the PS.

The structure is quite an important stage in creating a website. If we take an information portal as an example, then the structure (divisions, subsections) should be created in accordance with competitors and only if you have a complete semantic core in hand in order to make the correct distribution of materials among sections and subsections.

Responsive Design

The real world is already moving away from using a computer for regular Internet browsing. The modern mobile lifestyle dictates the conditions for Internet users. You have to go online and look for answers to your questions directly from mobile devices (smartphones, tablets).

If earlier it was possible to get by with a regular website design and users viewed it normally via mobile phones, now you need to have an adaptive design that will adapt to different screen resolutions mobile phones and tablets. The time will soon come when most Internet traffic will come from mobile devices. What can we say, if now in some niches mobile traffic accounts for about 50% of all visits.

What is the situation in Yandex and Google with adaptive design? If we take the first search engine, then the lack of adaptive design will simply negatively affect the behavioral factors of the site as a whole, since ordinary computer design is quite inconvenient to perceive on mobile phones.

With Google the situation is different and quite interesting. Quite a long time ago, Google announced and has already applied the ranking of sites in mobile search in its algorithms. That is, there is a certain division of results for mobile users and computer users. If there are 2 absolutely equal sites, but one has an adaptive design, then the user who is looking for information from a mobile device will be shown a resource with an adaptive design in the search results.

Therefore, it definitely needs to be done. Especially if your niche involves searching for information from mobile devices. As a rule, these are ordinary information niches in which you do not need a direct presence at the computer, when you just need to go in and check some facts, perhaps look at recipes or some symptoms.

From my own experience, I can say that even in medical niches, about 15-30 percent is mobile traffic. And thanks to the fact that I have adaptive design everywhere, visitors read the texts perfectly and do not leave the site.

How to quickly promote a new website

When asking the question “How to quickly promote a website,” you must understand that there will not be immediate results in the form of thousands of visitors in any case, since it will take time for the search engines to take a closer look at you. In addition, to get at least 1000 visits, you need a corresponding amount of materials on the site, the publication of which will take 1-2 months, if you adhere to the standard publishing regime - 1-2 texts per day.

Now there will be simple arithmetic. The average response time for a document is 2-3 months, provided that the text is written for a request with minimal competition. That is, we wrote the text and only after 2-3 months it will reach the TOP for its main queries. Thus, you can roughly calculate how long it will take for you to have the coveted 1000 visitors per day.

Let’s say that you need 100 texts to overcome the bar of 1000. Then, publishing 1 text per day, the last 100th text will be posted on the site only in the last days of the 3rd month. It turns out that we are delaying the result of our 1000 by approximately the 6th month. The principle of calculation, I think, is clear.

Therefore, an important condition for rapid explosive growth in website traffic is the publication large quantity texts immediately after its creation. Ideally, all texts from the semantic core are ordered from copywriters and within a couple of days all articles are posted on the website. All that remains is to wait for them all to work. With this approach, growth occurs in large leaps after 2-4 months to solid traffic.

After the texts are published, all you have to do is wait. And it’s even better to buy high-quality links in order to somehow show search engines the dynamics of the site’s development, since all the texts will already be on the site and there will be nothing to write about. Links will give an even greater “boost” in development and when they work, Yandex will generally push your site to the TOP for most queries.

Also, do not forget about internal manual linking after publishing all texts.

But we all understand that this approach is only possible if there is a sufficient budget to order all the texts at once, of which there will be about 300-500 in the average niche.

If we are an ordinary ordinary website owner and publishing materials in the mode of 1-2 texts per day is the only possible option for us, then it is worth determining the competition of the entire semantic core and first publishing texts only for queries with minimal competition (up to 5) and with maximum frequency. Such texts will reach the TOP in the very near future and will give the maximum return. This is the only reasonable option if there is no budget.

I can say from recent experience that texts can generate traffic not after 2-3-4 months, but immediately after publication. In Google it’s exactly like that, but in Yandex the first text that hits the search is immediately. I published 4 texts on a new medical website and the texts immediately began to bring traffic from Yandex. From Google it’s a little less, but the traffic comes right away. And this is only due to the fact that the texts had minimal competition - this is a decisive factor in quickly getting traffic to these pages.

I hope that you understand - the faster you fill the site with texts, the faster they will work and the result will be. Otherwise, you will wait a very long time. There will be results, but they will appear systematically and slowly, since quickly promoting a site is only possible with a reactive approach.

This can be compared to a rocket, which at the start spends 80% of its fuel to overcome gravity, and then simply maintains its functions thanks to the remaining 20% ​​of the fuel. It’s the same with an information site. We create a website, investing 80% of our effort and money into it, and then wait for it to take off, and support it with the necessary steps in development, which will require 20% of our effort and money - analytics, money for links, and so on.

You must understand once and for all that on information projects (article sites, blogs) the best way to promote a site is content. It must be of high quality, there must be a lot of it. The more content, the more traffic, the greater the coverage of the niche and the more earnings, both from contextual advertising networks and from the sale of direct advertising.

By the way, according to Yandex, a high-quality website is a resource that has information completeness in a niche, that is, the site contains all the materials on the topic.

In no case do we forget that the text must be optimized for absolutely every material, otherwise we simply won’t see high positions. But the principle here is the following. The main thing is that the text itself is the main dish, that is, it is of high quality, fully revealing the issue, and optimization is a kind of seasoning for the main dish - the text. This is the only approach that works now.

Ideally, we first write a very high-quality text of the required length, and then, based on competitor analysis, we use the required number of occurrences of keywords from the group of queries for which the material is being written. Thus, the material is absolutely for people, but contains a small amount of seasoning for search engines, so that the latter understand that the text is specifically on a given topic.

In no case should you highlight individual key phrases in bold, italics, or underlining. For this, sites are punished - sanctions (filters) are imposed. You can use meaningful tags such as bold, italics and underlining to highlight only the important semantic parts of the text that you need to draw the visitor’s attention to, as I did at the beginning of the paragraph. These are entire sentences or even paragraphs, but not individual words (especially key words).

It is imperative to use subheadings and images in your texts. It is advisable to have one picture and one title per user screen. Images do not have to come with any instructions. Many themes use images related to the theme, but only for coloring purposes. For example, in a weight loss niche, you can place images to color the text to make it easier to understand. Find a couple of pictures with people with a beautiful figure to color the text.

In general, the following requirements are imposed on the text:

  1. The text should be written purely for people - the main course;
  2. Ideally, the text should be rewritten not from one source, but from the TOP-3 search results;
  3. The length of the text and the number of occurrences of keywords are determined only by competitor analysis. We use keywords as seasoning for the text;
  4. Be sure to use pictures, subheadings, highlighting semantic parts of the text with emphasis tags: bold, italics, underlining, quotation;
  5. Under no circumstances should you highlight the keywords themselves. They must be harmoniously integrated into the text itself.

If truly high-quality, competitive content is published, the effect will not be long in coming, growth will proceed quickly and the question of how to promote a young site will no longer exist. Too young projects close attention is given, so we need to show from the first days that we are serious, namely: to do everything at the highest level and as quickly as possible.

  • Firstly, there is no need to dwell on published materials. Always remember that the quantity of materials is the key to good traffic from search engines, be it just a content site, or a personal blog. Search traffic is needed everywhere, as it is as easy as possible to obtain, free, and highly targeted. If the entire semantic core has been published, then you can publish news on the topic by creating a new section. This will have to be done in any case, when all the texts are written out, since the resource always needs to grow. If it is not updated, then it is a matter of time before the site starts to crash. You can also create separate sections on the site, for example, “Answers to questions” or the “Question to an expert” function, when you will be asked questions through the feedback form, and you will make detailed answers to them, from which separate pages will be obtained - this is additional content , and the function of expert answers itself is an added value on the site.
  • Secondly, it is always necessary to do manual internal linking, since only this can give a huge increase in the positions of site pages in searches, affecting only the site itself and nothing else. This is how to quickly promote a website, just without promoting it, by connecting materials together using some technology. Ideally, linking is done constantly as new texts are published, but we understand perfectly well that it is difficult to do this ourselves, since it is constantly necessary to analyze new and old materials for links between them. Therefore, you can do the following - do global linking as a certain number of texts are published. For example, at the very beginning we published 100 texts and linked them together. Then they published 50-100 more texts - they linked again, but not only the new 100 texts are taken into account, but also the old ones, since the linking must be complete.
  • Thirdly, one of the important elements of site development is the increase in link mass to the site, since when you write out the entire semantic core, you will no longer have anything to do except come up with various services on the site (answers to questions, calculators, catalogs, forum and others) and engage in linking. A good signal that a resource is useful is an increase in the link mass. This is an inevitable moment if the site contains truly high-quality content. But such a natural increase will only occur when the site occupies the first positions in the search results for the majority of niche queries. This takes time, so it’s worth starting with quality sites.
  • Fourthly, do not forget about attracting direct traffic, that is, traffic that will come to us from various social networks, services, forums and other similar sites where the target audience sits and you can leave a link. It will be strange if the site has good traffic from search, but there are no direct visits from bookmarks, social networks and other sites. How can a website with quality content not be featured on various websites? No way. Therefore, you need to immediately ensure that people come to your resource from various sources. Traffic diversity is needed. Plus, while your site is only a couple of days old, you can already start placing links to existing site materials on various sites and attract direct traffic, and already gather a permanent audience for the site. In addition, search engines will evaluate the behavior of users on your site and, if their behavior is good, then such visits can quickly give impetus to the site reaching high positions. These are what are called behavioral factors.
  • Fifthly, there is no need to use any runs through article directories, trust site profiles, and the like. Previously, this gave results only after building up a trust link cushion, which was initially created from high-quality eternal links from authoritative sites. We bought 30-50 links, and then finished off the pillow with a run. Now this may work, but it would be more profitable for the money that the run costs to buy a couple (or maybe a dozen) of good eternal links that will work with an almost 100% guarantee.

Options for website promotion without investments

In principle, you already know how to promote a website without money - focus on content, although this also means investing in the texts themselves.

The way out of this situation is simple and complicated at the same time - you will have to publish the texts yourself. This is actually the first option for free website development. We take all our strength into our fists and devote absolutely all our time to writing the maximum number of high-quality texts. If you see somewhere recommendations that you need to publish 1 text per day, or even better - 1 text every 2-3 days, then know that such “quick” filling of the site will not give tangible results in the near future.

This option for writing texts yourself is quite complex in terms of many parameters. The main problem is the lack of copywriting (rewriting) skills. If they are not there, then one text will take a lot of time, especially if a complex project topic is chosen. If you have the skills, or even better, you understand the topic, then there will be no difficulties in publishing texts.

This option is most suitable for beginners who want to save money, but it is far from the fastest in achieving good results.

The second option is some kind of partnership with a rewriter. You need to find a person. It is advisable if this is an experienced copywriter who has been doing this for a long time and has experience in writing texts in a given niche.

The fact is that copywriters earn quite well, but they are always drawn into the process of writing texts and always strive to find something more passive. You need to find a person who is ready to write 3-4 texts a day on the site, understanding that the result will be in 3-4 months. As a result, you divide further profits from the site in half.

Finding such a person is quite difficult if you cannot prove to him that there will really be an effect. You don’t want to just work for 2-3 months without rest. But, if you manage to find a copywriter partner, then consider that you both win. All you have to do is content management - publish articles on the site, design, search for pictures, videos. You will also have to deal with other technical things. In general, the management and promotion of the site falls entirely on you, and the copywriter is responsible for quickly writing high-quality texts.

By the way, if someone is reading these lines now and has skills in rewriting or is an active copywriter (rewriter), then you can contact me. Recently, I began to actively attract friends to create affiliate sites using the technology described above. If you are interested in this type of cooperation, then you can write to me and we’ll discuss everything.

The most interesting thing is that you can find such a person even from your circle of friends (friends, relatives) or from the circle of your loved ones. You don't have to look for a copywriter. Everyone has some kind of education, hobby, field of activity. So why not publish all your knowledge in the form of high-quality expert texts on the website. This is quite an interesting option. The only difficulty is to prove to people that it works and you need to work actively first and then collect the cream.

I think you already understand why I offered only 2 options on how to promote a website without money. We have already figured out that the promotion of an information site primarily comes from its content. Therefore, I provided 2 options to choose from, which involve exactly filling the site.

  1. We write the texts ourselves - it’s long and difficult;
  2. We find a person who will write texts - if the person is experienced in the topic and knows how to write texts, then the process will be quick.

Naturally, the preparatory stage before filling the site itself will ideally not do without minimal investments, since to collect the semantic core you need a KeyCollector costing 1,700 rubles and you will need to assess the competitiveness of texts in the Mutagen service (100 requests 30 rubles). Assessing competition is necessary if it is not possible to immediately publish most of the semantic core on the site. Otherwise, the competition needs to be assessed in order to publish texts that produce results in the fastest possible time at the very beginning.

Let's summarize everything that was written earlier in the form of a short list.

Checklist for creating a successful information project

  1. Choose the right niche.
  2. Collect a high-quality semantic core.
  3. Carrying out high-quality internal website optimization is the foundation.
  4. Fill the site as quickly as possible with a large number of materials, intelligently optimized for key queries.
  5. Regularly increase your link mass (eternal links).
  6. Regularly make internal links within texts as new materials are added.
  7. Create useful services on the site (calculators, catalogs, ratings, reviews, forums, etc.).

Now you know how to promote a website yourself. You have a clear plan for the creation and development of an information project. The main thing you understand is that content is the basis for resource promotion. You can achieve impressive results with content alone, but only if other requirements are met: a correctly chosen niche, high-quality semantics and internal optimization.

If you want to go through this with me, then click on the button below and get acquainted with the offer.

On this note, this material is finished.

His main thoughts are:

  1. It is imperative to choose the right niche;
  2. There must be a semantic core;
  3. The necessary minimum of internal optimization is required;
  4. For the rapid explosive growth of a project, a reactive speed of text publication is required;
  5. To strengthen the project, links and services are needed;
  6. As texts are published, do internal manual linking.

By following these rules, you will always know how to promote a website on the Internet and promotion will happen quite quickly and without any problems. Well, you can find out how to do all the technical nuances (niche, linking, plugins, etc.) on my blog. I try to cover all these topics in as much detail as possible and provide information that is not discussed on other SEO blogs.

That's all. See you soon)

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Let's start with the fact that I promoted and promote this site myself, and for free. Currently, the site’s traffic is slightly more than a thousand people per day. How to promote your website also?

How to promote a website in search engines yourself and for free?

From the very beginning, you need to decide on the theme of the site. Let's say you bought a domain/hosting, linked them, installed them on your WordPress site, and installed a theme. What's next? And then I will tell you how to promote an information site.


And now in order to start promoting our site, we need write articles for your website, and at the same time optimizing them. Personally, I take a specific request and write an article for it.

Allows you to select queries (keywords) with minimal competition. This is important because competition in many areas is very high. And if you want to promote for free, then you need to select queries that have competition of 5 points or lower.

Let me give you a clear and good example:

In the screenshot above we see the request that brought you here. You can see just the minimum level of competition, and at the same time such a number of views. The request is very tasty and low-competitive.

And if you write the same article for this request, then you will probably also get to the top of the search and will already receive visitors. The bottom line is that you need to select keywords with low competition and high views.

Writing an article

Now when we have a request, we write an article. I won’t say how many words are needed, what the keyword density is, etc., because I don’t adhere to any rules. I try to write in such a way that the topic is revealed. Remember the main rule: you write for people, not for robots.


After writing the article, I optimize it a little.

This is just it brief description, which you see in search engine results. If you want to see clear information about your post, then the plugin will help you.

The SEO plugin helps me do this – All in One Seo Pack.

Pictures. To compress images I use the RIOT program, that is, first we compress the images, and only then add them to the post. This is necessary so that the page loads in less time. Affects output.

In conclusion, I want to say that don’t expect quick results. To promote a website for free, you need to invest your efforts every day in improving it, writing posts, this cannot be done in 1-2 months, it is a long way.