A list of emergency houses that are planned to be resettled within a year. List of houses for resettlement - procedure and possible nuances. The program must indicate

But it is still unclear under what conditions new housing will be provided in the future resettlement program.

Moscow answered the question. Residents of dilapidated houses, not yet recognized as unsafe, were given hope. The resettlement program will continue after 2017. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Construction to develop a bill. What is the importance of the event? Nowadays, houses that received emergency status before January 2012 are being resettled. And until now it was not clear what would happen to those who were not included in the federal program. After all, there are still dozens of such barracks in the region—thousands of residents.

It’s no secret that local authorities often slow down the official recognition of a building as unsafe - a recent example of Lenvremya in Vyborg is a barracks in the Smirnovsky dead end, the building has no heating, water or sewerage. But it does not appear on the lists of problem areas and is not included in the bad statistics; municipalities are in no hurry to take former departmental housing onto their balance sheet.

Sergei Stepashin, the former head of the Accounts Chamber and now the chairman of the supervisory board of the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Utilities Reform, spoke about just such stories last week.

Sergey Stepashin: “Firstly, housing is aging, and secondly, let’s speak frankly, most provinces and especially municipalities have simply hidden emergency housing.”

Alexey Spirichev met with those who were hidden and who really need hope last week.

Indeed, there are still many such unrecognized “accidents” in the region; that’s how much money it takes to resettle everyone. It is still unclear under what conditions new housing will be provided in the future resettlement program. The federal authorities are in thought - it is difficult for the budget to continue to bear this burden - to give away square meters for nothing. They are considering options - providing apartments to displaced people for social rent with the right of subsequent purchase. The same Stepashin offered a long loan for 30 years at 3%. It is not known, however, whether such an idea will pass. Needless to say, most regions are satisfied with the current scheme of the great resettlement - 50% is financed by the feds, the rest - the subject and municipalities - build and give the keys to citizens for free.

It is on this principle that almost six thousand people are going to be resettled in region 47 in the next two years. Almost 90 thousand square meters of housing will be built for them.

In general, while some residents are hopeful, others are already celebrating their housewarming, and others are stubbornly waiting for the delayed move. Builders do not always meet the deadline.

What they can build in two weeks will definitely be checked. Since last week, a special government commission has been working in the Leningrad region, which will evaluate the quality of square meters for displaced people. Promises to respond to citizens’ complaints and go to the field. There are examples when new housing is clearly delivered with deficiencies.

A specific example. House on Komsomolskaya street in Volkhov. They moved in in December, and now mold has appeared in the apartments. Black spots under windows, as well as at the junction of walls and ceilings. It's time to renovate.

Olga Teplikova, resident of the house
There was green mold. They just washed off this mold and covered it up, and that’s it.

The developer explains that the building is damp. The heating in the house was not turned on on time. To fulfill the plan, the company connected the heat illegally at its own peril and risk. He assures us that the issue will be resolved soon. And by September the house will dry out and the mold will disappear. In the meantime, the walls in the apartments are treated with antiseptics.

A house that is too old threatens the safety of the citizens living in it. Loose beams, creaking floors, cracks in the floors and walls, faulty communications, lack of water and too low energy efficiency - all this makes the building unsuitable for quiet and comfortable living.

Owners of apartments located in such a building have the right to be provided by the state with equivalent residential premises.

Occurs only after the house is recognized as dilapidated or in disrepair. This is done by a special commission, which is formed from representatives of various departments by the local administration.

The main document regulating the procedure for the resettlement of owners from their apartments located in a dilapidated or dilapidated building is Federal Law No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services” of 2007.

Housing Code, and specifically Art. 32, establishes the definition of dilapidated housing, the procedure for relocation and compensation to citizens for its value. In addition, partial compensation for losses due to the demolition of residential premises is provided: the provided area may be less than the lost area, and the difference is compensated in some other way.

In Art. 86 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation talks about the relocation of citizens from dilapidated housing to comfortable apartments of a similar category. Before starting the process and completing all the necessary documents, the owner of the old premises must agree with the decision of the municipality.

The fact that the premises are unsuitable for further residence is established by the local administration, and for this purpose it, in turn, assembles a special interdepartmental commission that will assess the current condition of housing.

In her the composition usually includes representatives such organizations:

The owners of such housing have the right to attend the meeting and participate in the decision making.

The essence and goals of this program

May be confusing to some difference in the concepts of “dilapidated” and “emergency” housing. The difference here is in the degree of deformation of the supporting structures, the high risk of collapse and the danger for people in it. Wear percentage in wooden houses, to recognize them as both dilapidated and unsafe, must be at least 65%, and for brick, panel and other residential structures this figure rises to 70%.

Declaring a house unfit for habitation automatically means the possibility of moving to new housing. This category includes both emergency and dilapidated houses. Residents of the former, naturally, get in line earlier, followed by the latter. A mark of unsuitability for residence is affixed by a special interdepartmental commission after a comprehensive assessment of his condition. She also draws up a three-year resettlement plan for the district, city or region, where you can trace the order, dates and participants of the program.

Among the official grounds for demolition of an apartment building the following are listed:

Replacement of decaying residential premises

Only those houses that are subject to demolition, that is, emergency ones, are resettled; these are the first-priority candidates.

A dilapidated house can also be designated for demolition, but the administration will consider this decision acceptable when it decides that it is inappropriate to reconstruct it. In general, if it is cheaper to destroy than to repair. It turns out that unsafe houses are guaranteed to be demolished in the near future, but dilapidated houses will not necessarily be demolished.

Relocation occurs in several stages:

So, general replacement conditions housing are as follows:

  • obtaining an equivalent property;
  • same area of ​​residence;
  • given the opportunity to choose from 3 options;
  • availability of all necessary amenities and communications;
  • compliance of housing with sanitary requirements.

Owners have the right, by submitting an appropriate application, to refuse compensation for eviction in kind. That is, instead of a new apartment, they can ask for monetary compensation equivalent to new housing.

Once housing is placed on the housing queue for resettlement, owners do not have the right to sell their residential premises. Any transaction with dilapidated or emergency housing considered illegal.

Conditions for participation

Only the owners can receive new housing to replace unsuitable housing.

And the fact whether it is or not does not matter. It turns out that employers can also count on a full-fledged replacement. But ordinary tenants who pay rent to the owner and live in this apartment do not belong here in any way.

To join the program For resettlement from dilapidated housing, you must obtain the following documents:

With these papers you can go to the administration and demand that the building, along with its residents, be placed on a waiting list for resettlement.

Registration procedure

The list of actions depends on the compensation option chosen by residents and their owner status.

If, when moving out of dilapidated housing, a citizen refused to provide the natural equivalent, but preferred money, then the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Submitting an application to receive monetary compensation for housing. All ownership documents and contracts must be attached to it.
  2. Waiting for the commission's decision, usually within 5 business days.
  3. Concluding an agreement with the municipality on the transfer of property for demolition.
  4. Eviction from the apartment, which is recorded by the relevant act.
  5. Providing the administration with its own calculation, including moving costs and rent in the interim period.
  6. Receiving the amount of money for the apartment to the bank account specified in the application.

Further, the former owner can dispose of all funds at his own discretion. However, some of the commitments he made earlier must be fulfilled. For example, allocating a share to a child . Then you will have to buy equivalent housing yourself and register your children there.

If the main document of ownership is social rent agreement, and in fact the state owns the apartment, you should act in this order:

Package of necessary documents:

  • application for participation in the “Dilapidated Housing” program indicating the current address of residence, information about yourself and your family members;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of persons registered on the territory of the resettlement facility;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • papers confirming the owner’s rights to the apartment (social rent, etc.);
  • certificate of ownership;
  • written consent of the spouse, guardianship authorities, creditors;
  • rehabilitation program (for disabled people who need special living conditions).

Validity periods

The federal program “Dilapidated Housing” began to operate in 2002.

Now its validity has been extended from 2014 to September 2017. But officials are confident that resettlement will continue. The fifteen-year implementation of this program, although it covered most regions of the country, still not all objects were demolished or reconstructed. It is necessary to get to every dilapidated and dilapidated house so as not to expose citizens to danger.

Amendments to Federal Law No. 185 many times extended the program in the whole country, but now, after September 31, 2017, the deadlines will be increased only for a specific region. In the Moscow and Kaliningrad regions, the extension is expected until 2019; in Sochi, “Dilapidated Housing” will be valid for another year, until the end of 2018. For the Irkutsk region, it was decided to continue resettlement until 2020.

For more accurate information, you should periodically check online resources. local administration, since some program details change periodically.

In 2019, a new program to eliminate dilapidated housing in the regions was launched. At the same time, each subject of the Russian Federation must adopt its own legal act regulating the issues of relocation of citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

For information on the rules for relocating citizens from residential real estate that is subject to demolition due to its disrepair or wear and tear, see the following video: