Receiving subsidies for utility bills. Calculation of subsidies for housing and communal services. Special categories of citizens

Reading time: 7 minutes

Utility tariffs are constantly rising; paying for utilities is difficult even for families in which everyone works. It is not surprising that many are concerned about the question of who is entitled to a subsidy and how to apply for it. The subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow depends not so much on the status of the citizen, but on the level of his income. Those who, for various reasons, are unable to repay accrued amounts on time can receive compensation.

Assignment of subsidies for utilities

After calculating the amount territorial departments social protection The population is compensated based on the Decree of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 No. 761 “On the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities.”

This normative act containing general rules purpose of the subsidy, valid throughout the Russian Federation.

The right to receive a subsidy in Moscow

The regulatory act that regulates the receipt of compensation for utility costs by Moscow residents is Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004 “On the procedure and conditions for providing social support measures for citizens to pay for housing and utilities.”

The document provides a list of those who are entitled to a housing subsidy in Moscow, and determines that measures social support citizens are based on the declarative principle. This means that the discount is not calculated automatically. To obtain it, please contact:

  • at the MFC at your place of residence;
  • in the State Public Institution “City Center for Housing Subsidies”;
  • through the State Services website to users with a confirmed account received in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 23-PP dated 02/07/2012.

A sample application will be issued on site. You must have with you the set of documents listed below.

To determine who is entitled to a payment subsidy utilities, the applicant must navigate the established standards for residential area and the cost of housing and communal services.

  • Standard 4 applies in cases where the applicant is the owner of housing in an apartment building and does not pay contributions for major repairs.
  • Standard 3 is established for apartment owners who pay contributions for the overhaul of common property.
  • Standard 2 was developed for tenants of housing owned by right of ownership in Moscow, if they are provided with benefits in paying for housing and communal services.
  • Standard 1 is applicable to users of apartments in state, municipal or private housing stock, members of housing complexes, housing cooperatives and other consumer cooperatives before citizens acquire ownership rights.

Housing subsidies for utility bills in Moscow are provided to citizens of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan who are tenants of residential premises in public and private housing stock.

Confirmation of permanent residence for which compensation can be issued is citizen registration.

Subsidies are of a fixed-term nature and are provided for a limited period. To receive payments upon completion, the applicant must once again provide income information to the social protection departments.

The size of payments is not constant, so it can either increase or decrease. The higher the income, the lower the subsidy and vice versa.

Conditions for applicants for state support

An important requirement that the state imposes on applicants for compensation is that it is issued for only one apartment, even if the applicant owns several properties.

If a Muscovite has a small income or none at all, but he owns several residential premises, he has the right to apply for a benefit for housing and communal services only for the apartment in which he lives.

TO mandatory conditions This may also include the permanent residence of citizens at the specified address and the absence of debt for utilities. This is defined in paragraph 5 of Art. 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow region and Moscow are an expensive region, so local authorities have provided an opportunity for those who are unable to pay off their debts immediately before applying for compensation. These applicants may enter into a debt repayment agreement.

Total income of the recipient of a subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow

The acceptable level of utility costs in Moscow is 10% of the family’s total earnings. For the subsidy, the total amount of income for the previous 6 months is calculated. The family includes:

  • spouses and their minor children;
  • blood relatives living together;
  • citizens who have not registered their marriage, but have children together and live together;
  • guardians and trustees living with their wards.

In this case, income includes:

  • wages and other payments provided for by the Labor Code as remuneration;
  • saved average earnings;
  • severance and social benefits;
  • pensions, regardless of whether a non-working pensioner applies or a working one;
  • funds received:

The following are not considered income:

  • earnings of adult children living separately;
  • assistance from the state for child support;
  • income of parents deprived of parental rights;
  • income of spouses passing military service or in correctional institutions.

The procedure for applying for subsidies for Muscovites

Registration of subsidies for payment of housing and communal services in Moscow takes place at Multifunctional Centers, at the district department of the City Center for Housing Subsidies (GCHS) or through the Internet portal public services Moscow.

The main task of the SCHC is to provide targeted assistance to Muscovites in paying for housing and communal services. On the official website of the institution you can find a sample application and request forms for those who do not know how to obtain information about income on the basis of which the amount of compensation is calculated.

The MFC Center is an intermediary between the applicant and government agency. Here, in the “single window” mode, they only accept documents. Employees do not decide on the accrual of subsidies, but redirect the received papers to social security departments.

To get an appointment at the MFC, you need to make an appointment at electronic queue in the very center or in electronic form using the “sign up in queue” service on the website.

In order to minimize the number of visits to institutions when applying for compensation, you can submit an application and copies of documents through the State Services Internet portal.

In this case, citizens will not have to look for where to apply for a subsidy for utilities, because all data can be transmitted over the Internet. Having received the service notification, you only need to present the original documents on the specified date and time.

To access personal account need to register.

Set of documents for subsidies

The basis for considering an application for compensation for housing and communal services is an application and certain documents for a subsidy:

  • passports of the applicant and family members;
  • certificates of income for everyone indicated in the application;
  • a certificate of absence of debt for utility bills or an agreement on its repayment;
  • information about rent in the last month before submitting the application;
  • copies of certificates confirming the right to benefits and compensation: labor veteran, WWII veteran, disability and others;
  • grounds for residence of all citizens specified in the application at the address for which compensation is calculated: certificate of ownership, rental agreement;
  • details of the account to which the compensation will be transferred.

Authorized institutions have the right to check the information. The applicant is held liable for providing false data.

More details about what timeframes and what documents need to be provided to calculate the subsidy are described in the material.

Subsidy for Moscow pensioners

After reaching a certain age and retiring, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to count on regular cash payments. Calculate the pension Pension fund RF based on length of service and earnings, so its size cannot be the same for everyone. In this regard, the Moscow government has developed social support measures for some categories of citizens.

The main criterion for assigning a subsidy is the financial situation of the pensioner. There are no benefits based solely on reaching retirement age.

The need factor is determined taking into account the cost of utilities and the amount of total income. What subsidies are available to pensioners in 2019 is indicated by Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004.

Main payment characteristics:

  • gratuitousness – funds received are not subject to return, but payment may be suspended or terminated;
  • intended purpose - the amounts received must be used to pay for housing and communal services, otherwise they will be collected judicial procedure;
  • subsidies for utility bills are financed from the regional budget.

The main purpose of compensation is to reduce the cost of maintaining housing for pensioners with low income. In this case, the amount of payments should not exceed actual expenses families to pay for housing.

But there is a category of pensioners who, according to clause 1.2 of Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004, receive fixed benefits for utility bills in Moscow in the amount of 50% of costs, regardless of the type of housing stock:

  • rehabilitated persons and members of their families;
  • citizens recognized as victims of unjustified political repression.

If a pensioner has federal or regional benefits (WWII veteran, disabled person, etc.), this fact will definitely be taken into account when calculating.

Subsidy calculation

The procedure for calculating the amount of compensation is set out in detail in the Rules for the provision of subsidies for housing and utilities. The following are accepted as the main parameters:

  • service consumption standards;
  • tariffs;
  • level of improvement of the premises;
  • availability of benefits.

There are several formulas that help you understand how the subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow is calculated depending on the average per capita income of the population.

With an average per capita family income equal to or higher living wage When the average per capita family income is below the subsistence levelIf the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level, with benefits and discounts provided
SSZHKU x n – MDD/100 x DSSZHKU – cost of housing and communal services n – composition of the applicant’s family MDD – maximum allowable share of expensesD – total income familiesSSZHKU x n – MDD/100 x D x KK – correction factor calculated according to the formula: average per capita income of the population / subsistence level of the applicant’s familySSZHKU x n – MDD/100 x D x KK – correction factor calculated according to the formula: amount of payment taking into account the benefit / amount of payment without benefit

By substituting the corresponding values ​​into the formulas that the table contains, it is easy to calculate the approximate compensation for housing and communal services.

The official website of the Moscow Mayor provides a convenient online calculator for the amount of subsidies. If you enter in simple form area of ​​the premises, family composition and number of years registered, the program itself will calculate the amount of the subsidy.

It is useful for Muscovites applying for a discount to learn how to complete it independently and without errors.


Financial assistance from regional authorities helps reduce utility costs. This article discusses the rules that relate to the registration of subsidies. After carefully reading the provisions of these regulations, citizens will find out whether they have the right to payments and how to apply for compensation.

Video: Subsidies for housing and utilities

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg state university. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

Since utility tariffs regularly increase, and the economic situation for the population is often quite difficult, the state provides financial support to low-income citizens in the form of benefits that partially compensate for the costs of housing and communal services. To qualify for such assistance, it is first important to know who is entitled to subsidies for utility bills and what the requirements are for these individuals.

To obtain social benefits, desire alone is not enough, and every circumstance that gives the right to assistance from state budget, must be documented.

The subsidy itself is precisely support, therefore it is not awarded to everyone, but only to preferential categories of the population. This support is completely financially free, and can be partial or shared. The most important thing about this budget benefit is its exclusively targeted nature. The funds provided cannot be spent on anything other than housing and communal services.

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Legislative framework

The question of who is entitled to a subsidy for the estimated rent in Russia is answered completely in legislative acts, which also regulate a number of related nuances. In particular, we are talking about:

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

The conditions required to receive government subsidies for the payment of utility services provided actually allow a very wide range of the population to take advantage of this benefit. The government provides significant support to those who conscientiously fulfill their obligations and provide all necessary documents, including confirmation that the family has a low income. What kind of income will be discussed depends, in particular, on regional regulations. A subsidy on the accrued rent is primarily provided to those whose payments for housing and communal services exceed the level of the subsistence level by a certain percentage. By general rules this is 22%, but it varies in different regions.

When considering who is entitled to subsidies for utility bills, it is worth noting that applications for these are accepted from:

  • Private homeowners;
  • Members of a housing cooperative;
  • Tenants of private apartments and houses;
  • Social housing tenants.

No less important for receiving subsidies for utility services provided, in addition to the subsistence level, is that applicants have Russian citizenship And complete absence debt.

Who is eligible for housing and communal services subsidies?

When determining whether you are entitled to a subsidy to pay for the utilities you receive, you should first of all determine who, according to the law, is entitled to this same compensation for utilities. The list of potential beneficiaries includes:

  • Persons occupying residential municipal or state premises;
  • Registered residents of private housing stock;
  • Citizens with low level income;
  • Persons with disabilities;
  • Conscientious tenants who have Russian citizenship and belong to low-income categories.

Moreover, support such as rent subsidies is provided for particularly vulnerable citizens. Regardless of whether they are entitled to any other support, the following can partially offset housing and communal services costs:

  • Single mothers and fathers with official status;
  • Unemployed persons with a certificate from the Employment Center;
  • Families with large status;
  • Persons with disabilities.

When figuring out who is actually entitled to a state subsidy for partial payment of utilities, in addition to mandatory Russian citizenship, permanent residence at the same address is also important.

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Who is not entitled to

Having become familiar with who is legally provided with a subsidy for utility bills, you should consider who does not have the right to claim such benefits. Compensation for utility costs is not provided:

In other cases, if there are doubts as to whether you can receive a subsidy to cover part of the utilities, it is advisable to apply locally. Responsible employees first of all look at what a citizen’s expenses are for payment, and what his real income is.

Special categories of citizens

Some categories of the population belong to a number of people who are given a state subsidy to pay for utilities, including in the first place and for special conditions. In accordance with the provisions recorded in Article 36 of the Housing Code, the priority right to housing and communal services subsidies, that is, to pay for utility services, is granted to:

These are citizens who are entitled not only to housing and communal services benefits, but who can also qualify for assistance in purchasing housing. In addition to them, the following have priority rights to subsidies:

  • Families who have been affected by a natural disaster;
  • Orphans who have graduated from an orphanage or boarding school;
  • Disabled people of the first group;
  • Judges;
  • Elderly persons who are on social services;
  • Families with a minor child diagnosed with HIV infection;
  • Rehabilitating citizens;
  • Orphanage teachers.

Conditions under which subsidies are not paid

Having considered the question of who can apply for and receive a subsidy for housing and communal services, and even having received approval for it, we must not forget about the possibility of suspending state support, in which nothing will be paid. This decision is made by social protection authorities in locality if you:

Deliberately misleading employees or providing incorrect data also serves as a reason for not accruing subsidies to you or even for recalculating those already accrued. To avoid negative consequences and restore payments, you must document the fact that you had good reasons for the violations.

List of valid reasons:

  1. Long stay in hospital for treatment.
  2. Death of an immediate family member.
  3. Wages were delayed for a long time.
  4. The payment of unemployment benefits was delayed.
  5. Other substantial circumstances.

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Documents for registration

To receive a subsidy for housing and communal services, it is not enough to prove only your small income. A whole list of documents is required to confirm the right to benefits, namely:

This is a standard list that can be supplemented in each individual case.

Subsidy terms

Having determined who can rightfully receive a rent subsidy, and also deciding to apply for a subsidy for utility bills, you should pay attention to the deadline for submitting it.

Regardless of who is entitled to these utility benefits, and whether they are provided in full or in part, it is important to know that the date you submit your request determines when exactly you will receive assistance. This is not only about the speed of processing applications (this takes up to ten working days):

  • When submitting an application from the 1st to the 15th of the month, benefits will be calculated from the beginning of the same month;
  • If you apply after the 15th, you will receive support from the 1st of the next month.

The subsidy period itself is six months. After this time, you need to take care of re-registration of benefits.

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The legislator has established categories of citizens who can apply for a subsidy:

  • tenants of housing in municipal and state housing stock;
  • tenants of housing in private housing stock;
  • owners of residential premises.

Of course, the main criterion here is the level of income of citizens. If most of your income is spent on rent payments, then apply for a subsidy. Naturally, such a service is free, but you will have to prepare a package of documents.

Calculation of subsidies

Citizens who have utility costs exceeding 22% of the average family income can receive a subsidy to pay housing and utility bills, and even rent. But in certain regions this percentage is set lower.

Family income includes not only wages, but also scholarships, pensions, and unemployment benefits. That is why each family member is required to attach to the documents a certificate of income for the last six months. As a result, all these certificates are summed up and calculated, and then they determine what percentage the family spends on utility bills and rent.

Don't forget about relatives

The subsidy is assigned to citizens, taking into account family members who permanently live with them. And proof of permanent residence is citizen registration.

When calculating the subsidy, the income of all citizens living in the apartment is taken into account. Except if one of the spouses is registered elsewhere. After all, the law does not oblige spouses to live separately, but all income is considered joint. So if the second spouse refuses to provide such a certificate, then the subsidy will be denied.

When distant relatives are registered with you in the same apartment (house), who for various reasons do not want or cannot apply for a subsidy, then you can apply for compensation only for your expenses. In this case, the rent is calculated for everyone, but the subsidy is calculated only for the applicant.

How to be unemployed and low-income subsidized

The legislator separately considered the issue of those who have no income. Such citizens are required to submit the appropriate documents - certificates of lack of income. For example, a student who does not receive a scholarship, a woman on maternity leave and other categories of citizens.

When a person is simply unemployed, he brings a certificate stating the amount of unemployment benefits he has been assigned. Those who have not registered with the employment service will not receive subsidies.

Subsidies will be denied

Of course, they may refuse a subsidy not on the principle that there is not enough money for everyone. Let's look at the main reasons for refusal, which are enshrined in law:

  • the applicant submitted an incomplete package of documents;
  • the presence of contradictory information in documents (for example, different amounts registered in different organizations);
  • submission by an unauthorized person;
  • having an income that allows you to pay for housing and communal services yourself, i.e. family expenses for utilities do not exceed the permissible percentage;
  • arrears of payment for utility bills;
  • the applicant or his family members provided false information, which is important when calculating the subsidy.

Collecting documents

To apply for a subsidy, you need to collect the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • bank details where the assistance will be transferred;
  • income certificates for all family members;
  • a copy of the housing document;
  • certificate from the BTI about residential and non-residential space.

When more than just family members live with the applicant, he must bring a document confirming the payment for utilities.

Also, family members who do not work must attach a photocopy to the package of documents work book and a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the unemployed citizen is not registered, and the applicant’s passbook.

Everything is submitted through the Unified Portal, by mail or in person to the State Public Institution “GZhS”.

Calculation and timing

It is recommended to submit documents to apply for a subsidy from the 1st to the 15th of each month. If everything is in order with the documents, the subsidy will be assigned on the day of application. When a person submits documents on the 16th, then the subsidy will be credited.

A subsidy is given for six months. Assistance is assigned on a monthly basis and is determined by the family’s expenses for paying utilities and regional standards when calculating the subsidy.

Living wage

The cost of living varies depending on the subject of the federation. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region this amount will be significantly different than in Nizhny Novgorod or Krasnoyarsk. The subsistence level is reviewed every quarter and is established for 3 categories of citizens:

  • children;
  • pensioners;
  • able-bodied persons.

In order for a family to register as low-income, it is necessary to compare the family’s income with the cost of living in the region where it lives. If it turns out that the family’s income still classifies them as low-income, then you need to go to the social welfare authorities to acquire this status. You must write an application to the social security authority and attach documents. You can find out the exact list from the public protection authority at your place of residence, but assume that it will vary greatly from indicative list, no need:

  • passport;
  • family documents (marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.);
  • documents confirming family income;
  • property documents.

The decision is made from 10 to 30 days.

How is the subsidy paid?

The subsidy is credited to monetary equivalent to the applicant’s bank account (any), for example, this could be the account to which the pension comes or maternity capital. You can choose any bank, but you must remember that not all banks have a wide network of branches.

When a person, for health reasons, is unable to walk, open accounts, or use them, then, by decision of the authorized body, he can receive money at the post office.

Subsidizing the payment of utility bills is compensation from the state, which is returned to the personal account in a bank or any other organization from which the citizen receives funds.

However, not all categories of citizens can count on subsidies for utility bills.

General information about subsidies

A subsidy for an apartment or payment for housing and communal services is a certain amount that is transferred to a citizen’s account before he pays for the next calendar month.

That is, after the right to receive subsidies has been secured, the citizen pays utilities and rent, and then receives a refund from this amount no later than the next payment installment.

Thus, a certain material balance is achieved, allowing you to pay for all housing and communal services on time without accumulating debts.

Regardless of the category of citizens, the right to receive subsidies is assigned only to those who pay all utility bills on time. If at the time of filing an application a person is in debt, the right to financial assistance is lost until the debts are repaid.

Who is eligible for subsidies?

According to the approved standards, the right to receive a subsidy is reserved for all citizens of the Russian Federation whose expenses for utility bills exceed 22% of the total family income. That is, if a family receives a total of 20 thousand rubles a month, and pays 5,000 rubles for housing and communal services, then it is entitled to receive subsidies.

In each region, the maximum percentage threshold for payment is set independently. For example, in Penza and Samara region it is 22%, and in Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk - 18%.

Subsidies for apartments and utilities are provided to the following categories of citizens:

  1. Owners of residential premises. These can be both apartment owners and house owners, as well as room owners in an apartment or house.
  2. Tenants of residential premises under a lease or agreement social hiring. In this case, only formalized relations regarding the rental of premises are implied. If the tenant lives and uses the premises without a contract, then the owner must be the applicant.
  3. Participants in housing cooperatives and housing construction cooperatives.

Where and how to apply for

In each region, district and region, social protection authorities are responsible for providing subsidies.

To register and receive financial compensation, you must contact the USZN at the location of the premises.

List of documents

There is a clearly regulated list of documents required to apply for a subsidy for utility bills:

  • identification documents of the applicant;
  • identification documents of all family members living in the premises;
  • documents confirming the right to residential premises (certificate of ownership or lease/lease agreement);
  • certificates of income of all family members for the last six months;
  • utility bills for the last month;
  • self-declared information about family composition. If they are known to be unreliable, then the guilty person may be brought to justice legal liability- up to criminal;
  • a certificate from the bank with details for refunding funds to the applicant’s account.
If the only income of a family member or applicant is a pension, then a certificate does not need to be provided. USZN are authorized to request this information via an interdepartmental communication channel independently.

Attention! In many regions, citizens are still required documentary evidence they have no arrears in paying utility bills. Such a demand is unlawful. Moreover, even the presence of unpaid receipts for housing and communal services is not a basis for refusal to provide subsidies. Since debt is currently only considered to be a debt collected in court if it has entered into legal force judicial act and/or enforcement proceedings.

Moreover, according to the definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2018, the OSZN does not have the right to refuse applicants to apply for a subsidy if they have not established the reasons for the debt of the applicant for state social assistance. Only if such debts arose due to the fault of the applicant himself can the provision of housing and communal services subsidies be refused.

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Temporarily registered family members

If, along with permanently registered family members, other family members are temporarily registered in the premises, then the package of documents is collected in the general manner. Including a certificate of income for the last six months.

If a person has not worked anywhere and has not received any income, then a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the citizen is not registered as unemployed is used as a certificate of income.

Despite the fact that the income certificate of a temporarily registered family member is mandatory document, the income itself when calculating the subsidy is either not taken into account at all, or is taken into account in a minimum percentage. The full conditions for calculating subsidies must be found out in each region independently.

Receipt procedure

In order to apply for a subsidy for utility bills, you must submit a package of documents within the deadlines established by the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

You can provide documents and an application at Multifunctional center or directly to the USZN at the location of the residential premises.

Deadlines for reviewing documents

USZN reviews documents within 10 working days. If the applicant receives a refusal to provide a service, he is sent an official confirmation with explanations.

As practice shows, those most often denied are those whose monthly total income per family exceeds the average amount established in the region.

Sometimes the reason for refusal is receipt of subsidies for other reasons. For example, if the applicant is already receiving compensation as a pensioner of 60 or 70 years old. In this case, the subsidy will not be re-assigned.

Deadlines for appointment and receipt

As a rule, subsidies are assigned either from the first day of the month or from the 16th day of the month. That is, the USZN begins accepting documents, for example, from October 1 and accepts them until October 15. In this case, subsidies are assigned from October 16th. If admission begins on October 16 and ends on October 31, then subsidies are assigned from November 1.

The period for receiving material compensation is 6 calendar months. After this period ends, the funds simply stop flowing into the applicant’s account. USZN does not notify that the subsidy period has expired. You can resubmit documents during the next document acceptance period.

How is the subsidy calculated?

All funds that the state subsidizes citizens to pay for utility services are provided only within the framework of established housing standards.

So, for a single citizen there are 33 square meters, for a family of two - 42 square meters, for a family of three or more - 18 square meters.

If the area of ​​a residential building or apartment is larger than the established standards, then subsidies are allocated to the maximum possible area according to the standard.

Everything else is paid by the owner or tenant himself.

Calculation formula

There is a formula according to which the approximate size of the subsidy is calculated: C = housing and communal services - Dx * 0.22, where C is the subsidy, housing and communal services is the established minimum for payment of housing and communal services, Dx is the total family income, 0.22 is the percentage that the family pays from income monthly.

In turn, the established minimum is calculated using the formula: Housing and communal services = UK * NP, where UK is the standard payment for utility services for square meter in the region, NP is the area norm.

Calculation example

For example, a family of three receives a total of 30,000 rubles per month.

The area norm in this case is: 3*18=54 square meters. The payment rate per square meter in the region is set at 150 rubles.

Then the minimum for housing and communal services will be 8,100 rubles (150*54). That is, the family must pay utility bills monthly at least this amount.

The subsidy in this case will be: 8100-30000*0.22=1500 rubles. This amount will be returned to the applicant's account monthly.

In 2018, one of the calculation criteria affecting the determination of the volume of subsidies to a specific person changed. Namely: regional standards for the cost of housing and communal services. The total costs of citizens for housing and communal services (depending on which the latter are determined) can now be determined through the ceiling price level for thermal energy

Nuances and features

Despite the fact that you can independently calculate approximately how much the subsidization will be, the actual amount may differ. Thus, the Department of Social Protection of the Population takes into account the average amount as the total monthly income of a family, which is quite difficult to calculate on your own without an accounting education or relevant skills.

Can payments be denied after appointment?

Compensation payments after appointment cannot be canceled within deadline. That is if the subsidy has already been assigned, it will be paid within six months.

You can resubmit documents in the next period. For example, in the fall the owner applied for subsidies, but in the spring he stopped receiving payments. In this case, he resubmits the documents again in the fall. In this case, the package of documents must be submitted again with fresh data.

The income certificate must end with the month before submitting the application. That is, if documents are sent in October, then the income certificate must be completed in September. Not earlier and not later.

Regional features

In each region, the payment percentage is set individually. For Moscow it is 10%. If a family receives a total amount of which only 8% is spent on utilities, then it will be denied compensation.

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  1. Users of residential premises in state and municipal housing stock.
  2. Tenants of residential premises under a rental agreement in a private housing stock.
  3. Members of a residential unit or housing cooperative.
  4. Owners of residential premises (apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building).
  5. Family members permanently residing with these persons.

The following are not eligible for subsidies:

  1. Borrowers under the agreement free use(chapter 36 Civil Code Russian Federation);
  2. Citizens living in residential premises on the basis of a rental agreement concluded with private owners of residential premises (individuals and legal entities), or a sublease agreement concluded with tenants of residential premises in any type of housing stock;
  3. Legatees due to the execution by the heirs of a testamentary refusal (Article 1137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  4. Recipients of annuity under a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents (Chapter 33 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

An approximate list of necessary documents required to apply for a subsidy (may vary depending on the region):

  • Photocopies of passports of all family members (pages with photo and registration).
  • A photocopy of the document for housing (purchase and sale agreement, certificate of inheritance, privatization agreement, certificate of ownership, etc.)
  • BTI certificate about living space.
  • Photocopies of documents confirming relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.). It is necessary to document the relationship of each family member in relation to the owner of the property.
  • Certificates from utility services stating that there is no debt. Certificates of debt must be issued for the month in which the applicant applies for assignment as a resident. subsidies.
  • Certificates of income of family members for the previous 6 months (salary, scholarship, pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, income received from business activities, unemployment benefits, etc.) Certificate of wages must contain: stamp, seal, ref. No. and date, address of the enterprise, contact telephone number, basis for issuance, signatures of the manager and/or chief accountant.

For non-working family members:

  • Photocopy of work book,
  • Certificate from the Employment Center stating that you are not registered.
  • Applicant's passbook.

Deadlines for assigning subsidies and calculating the amount of subsidies for housing and communal services:

When providing the necessary documents provided for by the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings" from the 1st day of the next month.

The subsidy is provided for a period of 6 months.

The amount of the subsidy is calculated monthly and depends on the amount of expenses for housing and utilities, calculated based on regional standards.

Options for transferring subsidies to pay for housing and communal services:

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the new “Rules”, subsidies are provided to citizens in cash by transferring funds to existing or opened bank accounts or demand deposits in banks chosen by the recipients of subsidies. This can be any bank, but you must keep in mind that not all banks have an extensive network of branches. Therefore, when choosing a bank, the recipient of the subsidy must take these circumstances into account. To receive subsidies, recipients can use an account that receives, for example, a pension.

If, for health reasons, recipients of subsidies are unable to open bank accounts or demand deposits and use them, then, by decision of the authorized body, subsidies may be provided through post offices. In the conditions of the city of Tver, we believe this category will be insignificant. First of all, these are lonely elderly people who are served by social workers.

An example of a subsidy payment for housing and communal services:

If a family was assigned a subsidy in October 2018 (its validity period is 6 months), then it ends on March 31, 2019. Therefore, so that the family does not have a break when applying for a subsidy for new term, i.e. from April 1, 2019, she must submit documents to the subsidy registration service no earlier than March 15 and no later than April 15, 2019.

In this case, the subsidy will be assigned from April 1, 2019, and the money must arrive in the bank account before May 1, since in accordance with Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen is obliged to pay for housing and utilities before the 10th day of the month following the previous month.

  1. There are arrears in paying for housing and utilities. Subsidies are provided to citizens if they do not have debt to pay for residential premises and utilities or if they conclude and (or) fulfill agreements for its repayment.
  2. Don’t forget to collect all payment documents for housing bills (payments).
  3. Be careful when collecting documents. For your first appointment, try to prepare all the necessary documents. Otherwise, the specialist will not be able to accept your application, you will have to defend the probable queue again and waste your time.
  4. The provision of a subsidy may be suspended or terminated by decision of the authorized body.

Where should I go to apply for benefits for housing and communal services?

To receive a subsidy, you must contact the State Institution “Department of Social Protection of the Population” at your place of permanent residence.