Detailed instructions for filling out the “GIS Housing and Communal Services” - within what time frame the management company should enter the data. Vladimir Putin signed changes providing for the phased introduction of the GIS housing and communal services system in Russia. The deadlines for GIS housing and communal services are being pushed back.

The government decided to abandon innovations that allow the population not to pay for utilities, charges for which are not included in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. Instead, management organizations will be excluded from the right to calculate fines and penalties for late placement of data in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, and the date of entry into force of the changes will be postponed to 2019.

What is GIS housing and communal services

The State Information System of Housing and Communal Services is an all-Russian portal based on the State Services platform, which should become a source of information on all issues of housing and communal services. According to the law of the Russian Federation “On GIS Housing and Communal Services”, the state customer is the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, and the system operator is Russian Post. The portal consists of an open part (with information about laws, news, etc.) and personal accounts citizens, which reflects data on accrued amounts for all types of housing and communal services. Since July 1, 2017, the obligation to enter data into the system has been established for management companies in all regions, with the exception of those operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. For them, the obligation begins on July 1, 2019.

Vladimir Putin signed changes providing for the phased introduction of the GIS housing and communal services system in Russia:

  • since 2018, administrative liability has been imposed in connection with failure to post information;
  • from 2019, a rule on the economic motivation of data placement will be introduced, that is, management organizations will be deprived of the opportunity to charge penalties for failure to fulfill their obligations.

According to the document, the full functionality of the system will be launched in all cities of the country by July 1, 2019, when it will work as a payment system and a tool for monitoring the activities of housing and communal services companies.


Despite the fact that for utility organizations in most regions of Russia the obligation to enter information into the GIS Housing and Communal Services has been in effect since July 1, 2017, administrative liability for its absence will be introduced only after January 1. 2018 (or from July 1, 2019 for cities federal significance). Starting from the specified date, if the information system does not contain data on the amount of utility payments or they do not coincide with the paper receipt, the payment document will be considered as not presented to the housing and communal services consumer.

Initially, it was intended to allow the population not to pay utility bills in such cases. But in the business community, this decision caused a sharply negative reaction: for example, representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs suggested a large flow of non-payments. In this regard, during a meeting of the interdepartmental group on housing and communal services, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, the most optimal option was chosen - instead of complete non-payment of receipts, consumers will have fines and penalties canceled for late payment of housing and communal services due to the lack of accruals in the information system. For this purpose, a mechanism will be formed to confirm the absence of data in the GIS.

Control over compliance with the requirements regarding the composition of consumption standards and their validity is entrusted to the State Housing Supervision authorities. For this purpose, it is possible to conduct both scheduled inspections in the event of establishing or changing standards, and unscheduled inspections when complaints are received from consumers.

Differentiation of responsibilities

Currently for officials Those guilty of violating the rules for entering data are subject to a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles, for legal entities - up to 200 thousand rubles. Responsibility occurs when:

  • violation of the terms and procedure for depositing;
  • non-placement of data;
  • posting incomplete information;
  • provision of knowingly distorted data;
  • discrepancy between charges in the system and on paper receipts.

According to the new amendments, it is proposed to minimize the application of penalties for accidental errors and to bring to administrative liability only in case of deliberate failure to place data. For this purpose, a division of responsibility is proposed in the form:

  • preliminary warning or minor fine for the first violation;
  • more significant penalties for subsequent violations, taking into account the degree of guilt.

Additionally, it is planned to develop sanctions for the Russian Post operator for incorrect operation of the information system and data loss.

Thus, the population will need to pay for housing and communal services, regardless of the absence or presence of data in the GIS housing and communal services. The only thing you can count on is the possibility of not avoiding paying penalties, and then not earlier than July 2019.

Video about GIS housing and communal services:

Moscow, December 21, 2016.— Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications Russian Federation reports that the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the third reading a bill on postponing the deadlines for liability for failure to enter information into the Housing and Communal Services GIS. The amendments provide for the postponement of the obligation to place information in the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services) to July 1, 2017 and the introduction of administrative liability from January 1, 2018. The exception is federal cities, for which such an obligation will occur later. For organizations whose obligation to post information by law has already occurred, the deadlines will not be postponed.

“Unfortunately, not all market participants were able to cope with the placement of information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services within the period established by law. The ministry received large number appeals from housing and communal services organizations and regional authorities with a request to postpone the terms of administrative responsibility. We met our colleagues halfway. It was decided not to arrange shock therapy and postpone the introduction of the obligation to post information for six months - until July 1, 2017, and the responsibility for a year, so that everyone has time to fulfill their duties efficiently without fear of being fined,” noted Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Mikhail Evraev.

According to the Deputy Minister, in the spring of 2016, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, together with the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, completed the formation of a regulatory framework legal framework, the system has been certified for compliance with safety requirements and. At the same time, the system was introduced in stages - for example, since May 2015, the State Housing Supervision authorities began to maintain a register of licenses of management organizations in the Housing and Communal Services State Information System. Currently, the system employs more than 15 thousand management companies (100%) and regional authorities. The situation is different with homeowners' associations and resource supply organizations. They are registered 61% and 71% respectively.

Table of amendments to the GIS Housing and Communal Services

In total, more than 69 thousand organizations are registered in the system, information about 8.9 million houses and 23 million personal accounts is entered. 1,603 IT systems in the housing and communal services sector have been integrated and transmit information to the Housing and Communal Services GIS, including 425 banks that post information about the facts of payment for housing and communal services. utilities. On at the moment 223 million payment facts have been posted. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia conducted more than 400 free seminars with market participants and authorities, the video of which is posted on the main page of the GIS Housing and Communal Services along with textbooks and video instructions.

In the near future, the law “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of empowering state housing supervision bodies to verify the established standard for the consumption of utility services)” will be approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

“There is little time left until July 1, 2017, and all market participants and regional authorities need to make every effort to organize their work and manage to place all necessary information. There will be no more transfers,” said Mikhail Evraev.

To many ordinary citizens, in a series of constant waves of crisis, sanctions, some innovations and other things, it might seem that no one really thinks about them. The population often experiences controversial situations and misunderstandings in the area of ​​public services. Now the state has also taken over this area - and in our country everything always happens somewhat unconventionally, with “adventures”. Changes in the area of ​​control over management companies could not do without this. GIS Housing and Communal Services: postponement to 2019 - all the news about the appearance of the information service, as well as how it was decided to punish careless intermediaries.

Official launch of the housing and communal services information system

The emergence of GIS housing and communal services has led to noticeable changes in the provision of utility services, especially in the work of management companies. After the “pranks” of such organizations with ODN charges, certain indicators were introduced at the legislative level. Now control over all types of financial transactions can be carried out in a matter of minutes. This, at a minimum, limits the unhealthy desire of management companies to charge excessive rates for their services.

According to the original plan, the system with all the information was supposed to start functioning from the beginning of 2017. As a result, this did not happen, the deadlines were moved up, and both capitals and Sevastopol received additional time limits.

Law of the Russian Federation concerning information system, has already been finally adopted, now the deadlines for fully entering information are as follows:

  • Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019
  • other cities of Russia - from July 1, 2017.

This only applies to entering all data into the system, i.e. by the specified dates, all management companies, HOAs and RSOs must regularly reflect the stages of their financial and administrative activities. They must also be prepared to implement their obligations in an orderly manner to avoid economic impacts.

Obligations of management companies and sanctions for violation of them

Now all companies engaged in the housing and communal services sector are required to reflect in the GIS not only their addresses, details and a list of work performed. Additionally, we need information about contracts with the service recipients themselves and resource supply companies.

Penalties for late, incomplete or unreliable information entered have already been introduced. For most Russian cities, such liability began on January 1, 2018. Management companies in Sevastopol and both capitals are exempt from this for now. For them, obligations and responsibility for their failure to fulfill them will begin simultaneously, i.e. from 07/01/2019.

The amounts of fines have already been determined:

  • officials - 30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities in the amount of 200 tr.

Penalties apply not only to homeowners' associations and management companies - all organizations responsible for accepting funds from the public will also bear responsibility administrative responsibility. Separately, it is worth highlighting the responsibility of officials involved in organizing quality work created information system. In case of failures, they also fall under administrative liability in the form of fines from 10 to 70 thousand rubles.

At the beginning of full-fledged work, a single violation will be punishable by a warning and only a repeated violation will be subject to a fine. Subsequently, repeated cases of failure to provide data or their incorrect reflection in the system will lead to an increase in the amount of material sanctions.

In addition, another enforcement measure will appear - in case of violations recorded since January 1, 2018, management companies will be deprived of the opportunity to charge consumers penalties and fines. For the capitals and Sevastopol, this measure will begin to be implemented in January 2020.

Initially, it was intended to give consumers the right not to pay for the service for failure to enter data into the system or to provide it incorrectly. Later, it was decided to abandon this idea, introducing instead the deprivation of the right of management companies to collect penalties.

Along with this impact on the management companies themselves, the final development of measures for the system operator is expected. The activities of the GIS and control of its performance will be handled by Russian Post; a method of influencing the event of system failures or loss of data due to the fault of the operator is currently being discussed.

Reasons for postponing the start date of GIS Housing and Communal Services

The idea of ​​a centralized system of information about housing and communal services, all payments made and accrued, is in a good way cut off unscrupulous intermediaries between resource providers and their consumers. Also, such a system will eliminate the fact of simulating bankruptcy of management companies. The government wanted to put the system into operation as quickly as possible, but neither the participants in the process, nor the operator, nor the program were ready for an emergency start.

If we look at the problem in more detail, we can understand that there was an error in the timing - initially, all companies required to enter data into the system clearly did not have enough time to fill out the primary information. Its volume was too significant, which led to the postponement of the launch, while simultaneously giving all intermediaries the opportunity to correct errors in contracts and other documents.

Even though the GIS Housing and Communal Services announced a postponement to 2019, the very fact of its creation should please ordinary citizens. Such a system complicates the life of intermediaries - now it will be difficult both to inflate tariffs and sometimes to spin consumers’ money in bank accounts before sending it to suppliers of heat, electricity, gas and water. At the same time, consumers of services have gained a chance that the government will at least try to establish control over compliance with standards and will not allow management companies to openly inflate the cost of services provided or engage in banal collection of money for something ephemeral.

The GZHI bodies should have the authority to check consumption standards for ODN.

The bill turned out to be a transformer and by the second reading it was amended with such amendments that only its creators could recognize it. Yesterday, draft No. 1112685-6 was adopted in the third reading, and it was this postponed fines for GIS housing and communal services.

GIS housing and communal services - license requirement

The developers decided not to delay and immediately after the amendments regarding the new powers of the State Property Committee, they presented an addition to Art. 193 Housing Code of the Russian Federation (licensing requirements) - part 6.1. GIS housing and communal services becomes licensing requirement for management organizations in most regions from January 1, 2018, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019.

  • receipts,
  • the amount of payment and debt for payment for residential premises and utilities,

Payment for residential premises and utilities will be paid by the 10th day of the month following the one in which payments were placed. This applies to management organizations from federal cities.

Responsibility under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

The next group of changes concerns Art. 6 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 263-FZ. Amendments are made within the time limits for liability for violation of the order. posting information in GIS housing and communal services under articles 13.19.1 and 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Please note that all of the above amendments apply only to management organizations. Homeowners' associations, residential complexes and housing cooperatives are not licensees, so the changes do not apply to them.

Clause 6, part 1, art. 193 Housing Code of the Russian Federation ( Disclosure Standard) will be extended until December 31, 2017, and in federal cities - until 2019.

The revived Housing and Communal Services Reform remains a licensing requirement until December 31, 2017; another one will be added to their list - GIS Housing and Communal Services.

July 4, 2014 State Duma The Federal Law on GIS Housing and Communal Services was adopted, which received approval from the Federation Council on July 9, 2014. It stipulated:

  • scope of action;
  • basic provisions;
  • the legal basis for the creation and use of the system and its principles;
  • what type of information should be posted;
  • rights and obligations;
  • how to place information correctly;
  • powers and protection of information used;
  • interaction within the system or with other information systems;
  • prescribed punishment for violating this law.

Reference: More detailed information can be found in Federal Law-209.

Time frame

To post information

Initially, the Law required the submission of information from July 1, 2016, then in 2017. amendments were made in accordance with Federal Law 496, and the deadline for posting data was postponed for a year - from July 1, 2017, and for cities that are constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the deadline was postponed until July 1, 2019. What information needs to be provided?

For data storage

This procedure was approved by order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2015. No. 86/201. All transactions placed in the system must be accounted for.

A backup copy is made daily to allow information to be restored in case of unforeseen circumstances, which is stored for at least 30 days. All data in the system will be stored for at least ten years, unless otherwise provided by law.

For update frequency

What is a violation?

According to Federal Law No. 469, management companies, RSOs and other organizations are obliged from July 1, 2017. post information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. Failure to timely post or update information within the time limits provided for by the Legislation will be considered a violation thereof. If the data is not provided before 01/01/2018, then penalties may be applied to the organization, according to