Red rice: benefits and harms, recipes for preparing medicinal products. What are the benefits of red rice for women? Cooking Bhutanese Rice with Vegetables

Cereals are a source of health. However, it is the non-polished products of this category that best meet this definition, because they retain all the beneficial substances provided by nature. One of the most popular cereals all over the world is rice. Quite a lot of unpolished types are known, but today we will focus on the one whose popularity is growing by leaps and bounds these days - red rice. We will tell you the benefits of red rice for our body, what harm and when this type of rice can cause health, and we will also share the secrets of how to properly cook and cook red rice. Let's go?

What kind of rice is this?

The hero of this article comes from Iran. Well, this is red rice that only comes from there, and Russians today buy cereal grown in the Krasnodar Territory in supermarkets. Red rice differs from other varieties not only in color, which can vary from muted red to intense brown, but also in shape (the grains of this variety are thin and long).

Despite the fact that we are dealing with an unpolished product, it is also called hulled, because in fact, some of the grains are still freed from the upper, densest shell. This procedure does not affect the quality of the cereal in any way, because the grain of red rice itself remains intact.

Rich composition and calorie content

Red rice is characterized by a rich chemical composition. The product contains B vitamins, including biotin, folic and nicotinic acids, thiamine and riboflavin. There are much more mineral compounds here: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, sodium, zinc and even selenium with iodine are found in red rice. The most important component of unpolished red rice grains is undoubtedly fiber. In addition, the cereal has a place for proteins with excellent digestibility and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Well, the most impressive component of red rice is carbohydrates. There are about 70 g of them in the cereal. By the way, it is precisely due to sugars that the calorie content of the product can hardly be called low. This figure ranges from 340 to 360 kcal per 100 g of delicacy and depends, among other things, on the method of preparation and the type of food additives added to the dish.

What are the health benefits

If you make a popular variety of unrefined grain a regular part of your diet, you will certainly improve your own well-being, and quite quickly. What are the benefits of red rice for our health? To begin with, it is worth noting that red rice improves intestinal function and removes toxic substances and waste from the body. This causes the level of “bad” cholesterol and blood glucose to inexorably decrease to adequate levels. It normalizes protein metabolism and has a positive effect on muscle condition.

Eating red rice makes hair and nails strong. This effect also applies to joints and bones, and all thanks to the calcium, phosphorus and zinc contained in red rice. With this cereal, it is possible to prevent the development of arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis, and also significantly improve the condition of existing osteochondrosis. The product removes salts from joints, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.

A very beneficial health property of red rice is that it improves the nervous system. The abundance of B vitamins in it helps eliminate insomnia, alleviate neuroses and depression, and increase the level of stress resistance. Add magnesium and potassium here, and you get an excellent treat for heart-throbs. Red rice is also useful for hypertensive patients, as it lowers blood pressure to normal levels and reduces the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

Unpolished red-brown grains contain a lot of iron. This fact makes the product beneficial for people suffering from anemia. Iron increases the level of hemoglobin protein in the blood and eliminates such unpleasant phenomena as darkening of the eyes, dizziness, and general weakness. For the same reason, red rice is healthy and must be included in the menu of pregnant women, as well as girls during menstruation.

The benefits of red rice against cancer

Red rice protects the body from the occurrence and development of cancer cells. The antioxidants contained in it (selenium, zinc, copper, biotin, magnesium, Omega-3) destroy free radicals in tissues and thus fight oxidative stress. Fiber also has an anti-cancer effect. Regular consumption of red rice significantly reduces the risk of malignant tumors, primarily in the mammary glands and large intestine.

The rejuvenating properties of red rice are of great importance. Due to the same antioxidants, this product improves the appearance of the skin of the face and body. Under the influence of the nutritional components of the cereal, wrinkles are smoothed out, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, and age spots disappear. Red rice is also very useful for weight loss, despite the presence of an impressive amount of carbohydrates. It gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, swelling in the stomach due to the presence of dietary fiber; removes excess fluid from the body and improves digestion.

Harm of cereals and warnings

Doctors and nutritionists speak of red rice as a completely safe delicacy for health. Red rice can be safely and even beneficially consumed by allergy sufferers and diabetics, despite its high calorie content. Obese people should be careful with this product. You can eat it, but only in small portions. At the same time, it is advisable for overweight people to engage in physical labor or sports. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, it’s easy to gain extra pounds on top of what you already have.

How to cook properly

To enjoy the taste of healthy cereal, you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

So, how to cook red rice correctly? Cook unpolished grains with preliminary soaking or immediately as is. In the first case, the rice must be poured with cold water so that the liquid completely covers the grain, and the product must be left in this state for 30-60 minutes. This measure will reduce the cooking time by almost half.

If this is not important for you, simply sort through the dry red rice, clearing it of impurities, if any. Then rinse the grains thoroughly with cold water several times. And only after all these preparations, pour the product into water that has boiled on the stove, not forgetting to salt it in advance.

The recommended ratio of rice to liquid is 1:2.5. Duration of the cooking process: from half an hour to 40 minutes (without soaking). Stir the red rice occasionally while cooking with a spoon to prevent it from sticking to the bottom. Rice is considered ready when it becomes soft and all the water from the pan with it has evaporated. Remove the dish from the stove, let it sit for five minutes and serve. You can add a piece of butter to boiled red rice, use your favorite sauces or vegetable oils. But remember that this will increase the energy value of the product. And in the case of vegetable fats, the benefits will also increase.

How to cook red rice with vegetables

Red rice makes not only an excellent side dish that goes well with fish and meat dishes. This cereal can also be prepared as a main dish, if you add spices or seasoning to it, and complement it with stewed vegetables. Try red rice pilaf, add the product to soups, or stuffing for cabbage rolls. Unpolished grains are even sprouted, and then the sprouts are added to cottage cheese or green salads. It goes well with mushrooms, zucchini, zucchini, shrimp, corn, green beans, garlic and green onions.

How to cook red rice with corn and zucchini

To prepare a delicious, healthy dish of red rice with corn and zucchini, use our recipe. So, we will need:

  • small zucchini
  • one cob of corn
  • red rice – 1.5 tbsp.
  • dill - a small bunch
  • garlic – 2 cloves (if you like it more spicy, you can add more)
  • pine nuts
  • juice of half a lemon
  • olive oil

Cook the rice; we talked about how to properly cook red rice a little earlier. Then cut the zucchini into rings of about 1 cm, add a little salt, and then fry on both sides in a frying pan greased with olive oil so that a golden brown crust forms on the zucchini rings. Then place the pine nuts in a dry frying pan and fry them for a couple of minutes. Mix lemon juice with chopped garlic, finely chopped dill and a little salt, cut the grains from the corn. Add zucchini, corn and dressing to cooked red rice and toss to combine.

Bon appetit!

The calorie content of red rice is 360 kcal per 100 g. In the Ruby variety - 340 kcal. The energy value is quite high. The contents of the BZHU are as follows:

  • proteins - 7.5 g;
  • fats - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 69 g.

A huge amount of vitamins allows the variety to be used for:

  • restoration of strength;
  • giving healthy looking skin and hair.

Red rice appeared on our table relatively recently, and in the areas where it is grown, the grain is traditionally used not only as a product, but also as a medicinal product.

The benefits for those who care about their health are as follows:

  • a lot of fiber;
  • There are substances that prevent damage to the cell membrane.

This ensures youth and longevity. In ancient times, only the rich were allowed to eat such a healthy product. Red rice grain contains natural antioxidants.

It is important to include cereals in the diet: there will definitely be benefits, but it is unlikely to cause harm to the body if consumed without fanaticism. The rule applies to the vast majority of products.

Features of varieties

Depending on the type, the composition and properties of the cereal change. Fermented rice appeared, which is commonly called yeast rice (a dietary supplement for lowering cholesterol levels). The range of cereals is represented by more than a dozen varieties.

To make the choice easier, we offer customer reviews of the most popular varieties, such as:

  • Ruby;
  • Samarkand;
  • Devzira.

Rhys Rubin(Agro-Alliance) is a budget long-grain option, which is slightly inferior to the product of expensive brands, but is not bad at all as a variety. The taste is rather neutral; you shouldn’t expect anything outstanding from it.

More like boiled wheat, but there are faint nutty notes. When cooked over high heat, loss of shape may occur. To prevent the grains from falling apart, do not allow them to boil too much.

Red short grain rice Samarkand Designed specifically for cooking pilaf - as stated on the packaging. Its calorie content is 320 kcal. The BJU is:

  • proteins - 8 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 75.8 g.

The croup is more brown than red. When flushing, pinkish water flows out. The grains retain their shape well and increase significantly in size during cooking. Despite this, it is not recommended to take more water than indicated in the instructions, otherwise you will end up with a messy mess.

Due to the fact that this variety does not have its own distinct taste, for cooking it is better to take aromatic meat such as lamb or use spices for pilaf.

Devzira- the most expensive of the presented cereals. Unfortunately, the variety is often counterfeited. You can determine whether it is real or not by the characteristic squeak that occurs when you squeeze a handful of grains in your hand. It’s easy to prepare pilaf from real devzira; no special skills are required.

Its own sweetish taste gives even a vegetarian dish richness, and in combination with traditional spices, the oriental aroma is felt even brighter. If you love pilaf, we recommend trying to cook it from the cereal that is considered the best for it, namely devzira.


Red rice of Russian selection is somewhat different from the varieties growing in countries that have long been cultivating the crop. The variety belongs to the so-called soft ones. Thanks to this, it cooks faster, but neither in taste nor in the amount of nutrients it is almost inferior to durum varieties.

It contains anthocyanins, which not only determine the color of the grains, but also act as antioxidants. The same substance is present in black currants, cranberries, blueberries, that is, in berries whose benefits no one doubts.

Anthocyanins are found in red cabbage and in some grape varieties, which, by the way, make the healthiest wine.

The fact that ruby ​​red rice is not polished gives it a very pleasant nutty flavor after cooking. The grains contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, such as:

  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

It is at least strange to talk about whether ruby ​​red rice gives benefit or harm, this is clearly visible from the composition. For example, magnesium helps strengthen memory, heart muscle, and is indicated for hypertension and nervous disorders.

Calcium is taken to prevent osteoporosis, and a sufficient amount of potassium in the body is responsible for joint health.

Of course, this product alone will not provide all the necessary microelements and vitamins, but if you choose between red and white rice, it is preferable to go with the first.

What are the benefits of red rice?

Eating this cereal has a beneficial effect on digestion. If there are no specific diseases for which rice is contraindicated, then it will be very beneficial for health, since:

  • contributes to the normalization of peristalsis;
  • restores microflora;
  • improves bowel function.

Red rice is included in many therapeutic diets. It helps improve the condition of kidney and heart diseases, helps restore the nervous system, as it contains substances for the production of serotonin.

High nutritional value makes cereal useful for athletes. Red rice can be given to children: during the period of growth, it is especially important that the young body receives the required amount of calories.

It is known that red rice is able to “remove” bad cholesterol, therefore it is used as a prevention of vascular diseases. And for those who for some reason have given up meat, it will serve, although not completely, as a replacement for this valuable nutritious product.

Is there any harm to the body?

Any product has more than just benefits. It’s important not to get carried away, then you don’t have to fear negative consequences. Since the nutritional value is at least 300 kcal, it is definitely not worth using rice daily as a side dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you cook it once a week and serve it in the morning, there will definitely be no harm to your figure.

Red rice takes some getting used to. Even if you really like it, introduce it into your diet gradually, as some people may be allergic.

For those who adhere to a gluten-free diet, there is an inscription on the package that there is still some amount of gluten in rice, or rather, the inscription warns that this is possible, so for the sake of a clean diet, it is better to avoid consuming the product.

And, of course, we must take into account individual intolerance. If you are allergic and the product is new to you, try cooking a small test portion. Although negative side effects from red rice are rare, it is better to be on the safe side; the benefits and harms will directly depend on the amount and frequency of consumption.

Video recipe “Red Rice Hedgehogs”

Rice is one of the staple foods in many families. The most common is the white variety. Other types of rice also appear on store shelves, but red is the most useful. Ruby rice is a rare variety: it not only has an unusual taste, but also unique properties, which we will consider further.

Benefits of red rice

  • Red rice improves intestinal function due to fiber.
  • This rice is good for diabetics - it lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Removes cholesterol from the body.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.

All this is thanks to the composition of red rice. This type of cereal is an antioxidant.

Ingredients of red rice:

  • paracyonids;
  • dietary fiber;
  • vitamins B, PP;
  • minerals;
  • amino acids.

It contains no gluten, which makes it suitable for use by teenagers and allergy sufferers.

Red rice is useful for food poisoning, diarrhea, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and asthma. It reduces vascular inflammation, prevents rheumatism and arthritis.

Harm of red rice

While a lot can be said about the beneficial properties of this variety, there is almost nothing to say about the harm. The only downside is that it is high in calories. You should not abuse it so as not to spoil your figure.

Cooking ruby ​​rice

Currently, red rice is grown in all countries.

Short grain rice is grown in France. After cooking, it takes on a sticky consistency. Himalayan rice has the same property. The only difference is the color: when cooked, it takes on a pale pink hue.

The aroma of this rice is unusual, a little strawberry. And the Thai long-grain smells like sweet jasmine. All these types are red in color and have a nutty taste. There is also an American variety that has a burgundy tint.

Ruby rice is more in demand among gourmets. Due to its sweet taste, cooks prepare it as a side dish for meat or fish. But red rice goes well with many foods, even milk and dried fruits.

When you cook ruby ​​rice, don't worry about it overcooking - it won't happen. Due to the fact that all the grains are in a dense shell, they retain their shape.

To prepare a glass of red rice, you will need twice the amount of water and a pinch of salt. Before cooking, it needs to be sorted, since the grains are not polished, and many impurities remain. After this, the rice should be thoroughly washed and placed in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Fill with water and bring to a boil, cook for 30-40 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam first. Once the water has completely evaporated, the rice is ready to eat. After removing from the stove, let it sit and add a little olive oil. The rice will be soft and fragrant.

There are many recipes using red rice. You can cook it with vegetables, mushrooms, meat - use your imagination.

Take care of your health right away so you don’t have to go to the doctor later. Thanks to the beneficial properties of red rice, you will not only improve your health, but also prepare a delicious dish.

    Just a few years ago, red rice was an exotic product for Russians. However, today its popularity is rapidly growing, especially among adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is wild red rice that is considered the most useful among other unpolished types of rice, which also retain the valuable bran shell. It is not for nothing that in Ancient China, red rice was available only to noble persons and members of the emperor’s family.

    Red is called rice that has undergone minor industrial processing without polishing, with a shell color ranging from ruby ​​red to burgundy brown. It contains the most valuable substances. Cereals from this cereal are easy to prepare and have a pleasant, slightly sweet, nutty taste and bready aroma.

    The table provides information about the most common varieties of red rice:

    The calorie content of dry red rice varies from 355 to 390 kcal per 100 g, but the number of calories is reduced by 3 times after cooking the product. A serving of cooked cereal contains only 110-115 kcal. In addition, it is classified as a healthy complex carbohydrate. After all, the glycemic index, depending on the variety of red rice, ranges from 42 to 46 units.

    Ingredients of red rice (100 g):

    • Proteins – 7.6 g
    • Fat – 2.4 g
    • Carbohydrates – 69 g
    • Fiber – 9.1 g


    • A – 0.13 mg
    • E – 0.403 mg
    • PP – 2.3 mg
    • B1 – 0.43 mg
    • B2 – 0.09 mg
    • B4 – 1.1 mg
    • B5 – 1.58 mg
    • B6 – 0.6 mg
    • B9 – 0.53 mg

    Macro-, microelements:

    • Potassium – 230 mg
    • Magnesium – 150 mg
    • Calcium – 36 mg
    • Sodium – 12 mg
    • Phosphorus – 252 mg
    • Chromium – 2.8 mcg
    • Iron – 2.3 mg
    • Zinc – 1.7 mg
    • Manganese – 4.1 mg
    • Selenium – 25 mcg
    • Fluoride – 75 mcg
    • Iodine – 5 mcg

    Red rice is used in cooking for preparing side dishes, soups, and salads. It can also be a separate dish. It goes best with poultry, fish, and vegetables (with the exception of starchy ones: potatoes, turnips, etc.). Cooking time is about 40 minutes, the ratio of cereals and water is 1:2.5. It is permissible to add vegetable oil to the finished rice: olive, flaxseed, etc.

    Tip: Red rice retains the germ, making it suitable for sprouting. Usually the first shoots appear after 3-4 days if the grains are placed in a humid environment. Place rice in 1 layer on a plate or small dish and cover with wet gauze or cloth (linen, cotton).

    What are the benefits of red rice?

    Red rice combines the beneficial properties of all varieties of brown and wild rice with individual valuable qualities. Thanks to its balanced composition, which is rich in vitamins A, E, the entire group B, potassium and magnesium, the cereal stabilizes metabolic processes and blood pressure, supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and prevents the accumulation of salts in the joints.

    Rice with a red shell has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, for which it is valued by athletes. It stabilizes mood and general emotional background, and is involved in the production of serotonin. Due to its low content, diabetics can safely consume the cereal. Red rice not only does not cause spikes in blood glucose, but helps the body produce its own insulin.

    The pigments that provide the red-burgundy tint of the shell contain a large amount of antioxidants. The same as in bright vegetables and fruits. Their positive effect is manifested in a decrease in the concentration of free radicals that destroy the protective shell of healthy cells of tissues and organs.

    As a result:

    • resistance to any diseases increases;
    • the risk of malignant neoplasms is reduced (especially in all parts of the intestine);
    • the aging process slows down.

    The amino acids it contains make red rice an alternative to meat products. It is a plant source of iron, which is useful for preventing anemia. Regular consumption of red rice (2-3 times a week) stimulates the production of natural collagen. Skin elasticity increases, tone becomes smoother. Ladies note clear improvements in the condition of their hair and nails when this type of rice is included in the regular menu.

    Red rice for weight loss

    Nutritionists highlight red rice for its benefits for weight loss. Its nutritional properties are complemented by the absence of stress on the stomach and intestines. , which is contained in large quantities in the bran shell, entering the stomach, combines with water and increases significantly in volume.

    As a result, appetite decreases, and dietary fiber ensures easy and dynamic movement of what is eaten through the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, excess fats are not absorbed into the intestinal walls. Plus, the energy value of the product is high, and as a result: for a long time, not only does the feeling of fullness remain, hunger does not bother you, but you have enough strength and energy for training or other physical activities.

    The popular cleansing diet is based exclusively on red rice. Its duration is 3 days. On the eve of the diet and after it, you should reduce fried and starchy foods, limit salt and sugar, and increase the amount of fresh vegetables in your diet. Diet menu: 250 g of red rice per day. It needs to be cooked without additives and divided into 4 equal meals. Eat, chewing thoroughly. It is also acceptable to eat 3-4 apples without peel. Drinking regime is no less important in such a detox system. The diet allows you to unload the gastrointestinal tract, lose about 2 kg, and remove excess salt, fluid and toxins.

    Harm of red rice

    Red rice is approved for use in children's, dietary, sports and any other menus precisely because it does not have a harmful effect on the body. Consider its calorie content when introducing cereal dishes into your diet, and then rice will be absolutely safe. This is especially important for those who strictly monitor the daily caloric intake of food and the proportions of BJU.

    The only note: if you have never tried red rice, then the first portion should be no more than 100 g. A new product unfamiliar to your gastrointestinal tract, which also contains a large amount of fiber, can cause excess gas formation in the intestines. You should not start cooking red rice dishes if you have worsening problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    To completely eliminate even the potential harm of red rice, sort out the grains and rinse them thoroughly before cooking. Packages of unpolished grain sometimes contain unnecessary husks, small debris or uncleaned grains.

    Are there any contraindications for use?

    The only reason to give up red rice completely is its individual intolerance. Although this phenomenon is extremely rare, since all varieties and types of rice are hypoallergenic foods. Due to the absence of gluten, red rice is not prohibited even for those suffering from ciliacia, for whom rye, wheat, oats, etc. are contraindicated. It is better to consume this type of rice no more than once a week if you have low blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases.

    Pay attention! Do not confuse unpolished red rice (a minimally processed grain) with fermented red rice. The latter is just white, polished, red-colored refined rice that has been attacked by fungal bacteria such as Monascus. Due to fermentation processes, it acquired a burgundy-brown hue.

    This rice is not cooked, but is used as a seasoning, food coloring in the meat industry and as a component of some dietary supplements. It is widely used in Chinese folk medicine. However, it is important to note that fermented or yeast rice is prohibited in the EU countries due to many contraindications. Among them: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, kidney or liver failure, incompatibility with certain products (for example, citrus fruits), etc.


    Compared to traditional types of rice, red rice is more expensive. Therefore, the low price should make you doubt the quality of the product. Red rice does not require special storage conditions. It is enough to place it in a dark place in a closed container.

Red rice is a type of unpolished rice that has higher nutritional value than white milled rice. It has a sweetish taste with a pleasant nutty note.

It is high in fiber, vitamins B1 and B2, iron and calcium, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits of red rice are our topic of conversation today. And according to established tradition, we will talk about its harm towards the end.

All types of brown rice are popular among health and fitness enthusiasts. The secret of such popularity lies in the high level of fiber in this cereal. It is fiber (dietary fiber) that prevents excess weight gain and fat storage for future use.

Fiber slowly passes through our digestive tract. By absorbing water and gastric juices, they swell, causing a feeling of fullness. Regular consumption of foods rich in fiber eliminates the pangs of hunger and searching on the Internet for the next delicious recipe. If your diet includes rice, let it be red.

Besides the obvious benefits for your figure, dietary fiber helps prevent cancer, gallstones and asthma in children.

Fiber also prevents the absorption of cholesterol (LDL - low-density lipoprotein) and sugar into the blood, thereby protecting the heart and blood vessels and bringing tangible benefits to diabetics.

Triple Benefit of Antioxidants

It turns out that red rice is a good source of three types of antioxidants:

  • insoluble;
  • water-soluble;
  • fat-soluble.

They promote energy production, minimize the damage caused to the heart by free radicals, and are an excellent prevention of oncology, in particular: breast cancer, colon cancer and some other types.

Red rice contains a lot of procyanidins - biologically active compounds that give the product its red color. Similar substances are found in other products of plant origin: chokeberry, lingonberry, cinnamon, cocoa, apples and red wine.

The 2012 Journal of Clinical Dermatology confirmed the powerful anti-aging properties of procyanidins. With their regular intake into the body, the number of age spots decreased in the women tested, the elasticity of the skin increased, and the depth of wrinkles decreased.

As you can see, red rice is an excellent product for older women.

Mineral profile

Minerals are concentrated in the rice shell. The high concentration of calcium and magnesium in red unpolished rice is an important advantage of this product.

Magnesium fights asthma symptoms and migraine attacks, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart attacks. It also strengthens the nervous system and makes our muscles stay toned. In collaboration with calcium, magnesium is involved in the formation of strong bones and teeth, and prevents arthritis and osteoporosis.

Red rice can provide additional supply of iron to the body, a mineral from which a huge number of people on our planet suffer from deficiency. According to the American Dietetic Administration, iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of nutrient deficiency in the world.


Scientists have calculated that the concentration of enterodiol and enterolactone in the human body is inversely proportional to mortality. These two compounds are synthesized in our body from lignans.

Red rice is a rich source of plant lignans, a fact that is hard to ignore. Agree: we all want to live happily ever after.


Not much can be said about the harm of red rice. The only drawback is its calorie content, although not too high. Therefore, if you intend to lose weight, do not try to eat bowls of this rice. Keep it in moderation.

Caution is also useful for people suffering from diabetes. If you consume red rice in excess, it will do more harm than good. May cause a dangerous spike in blood sugar.

The miracles of progress have not bypassed this wonderful culture. In pharmacology, yeast fungi are grown on its basis, from which an extract is then obtained. This extract is believed to have many beneficial properties, but it has many more contraindications than red rice itself. The extract is harmful to people with liver disease, pregnant women and those under 18 years of age.

Culinary certificate

  1. Red short grain rice is grown in the Camargue region of southern France, where the Rhone River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. When cooked it becomes slightly sticky.
  2. The Himalayan is not much different from it. It is grown in the Kingdom of Bhutan. During heat treatment it acquires a pale pink tint. Very soft. It has a complex aroma, savory and slightly earthy.
  3. Thai long grain red rice or "cargo" is similar to jasmine rice: it has the same sweet, floral smell and unparalleled taste. But its preparation can only be entrusted to professionals. All three varieties listed have an earthy red color and a pleasant, nutty flavor.
  4. The American burgundy-colored variety “California ruby” stands apart. He has many fans among gourmets.