Pancreatitis diet what you can eat recipes. Diet for acute and chronic pancreatitis: what it is, what you can eat and what you cannot eat. Fish soup for the weekly menu


  • Nutritional Features
  • Product selection
  • Recipes
    • Vegetable soufflé
    • Meat soufflé
    • Diet soups
    • Cooking quenelles
    • Healthy desserts

Diet for pancreatitis is the basis of treatment. Despite the limited range of products, methods of preparing them and recipes for pancreatitis can be quite diverse. Tasty and healthy dietary dishes will ease the patient’s period of forced restrictions and provide the organ with the necessary functional rest.

Nutritional Features

Pancreatitis develops due to the aggression of enzymes directed at the own cells of the pancreas, which leads to necrobiosis and then necrosis of pancreatic cells. Subsequently, focal necrosis becomes the cause of pancreatic dystrophy.

Pancreatitis does not have a clear clinical picture. In the acute stage, the patient suffers from:

  • abdominal pain;
  • intoxication;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence.

Stereotypical vomiting does not bring relief; against its background, dehydration develops and the water-salt balance is disturbed. When insulin production is disrupted, symptoms of diabetes appear. In addition, as a result of inflammatory processes, the pancreas enlarges and can compress the bile ducts. Obstructive jaundice develops, the patency of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

Against the background of vomiting and disruption of the digestive system, eating is practically impossible, in addition, it is necessary to reduce the synthetic activity of the organ. Therefore, treatment of patients with pancreatitis begins with complete fasting for 2–4 days. During this period, you are allowed to drink up to 2 liters of liquid (this can be rosehip decoction, weakly brewed tea, non-carbonated medicinal mineral water). Then the patient is transferred to a gentle diet (in terms of the chemical composition and mechanical effects of the products). Food is steamed or boiled, then ground. The consistency of the dishes should be liquid, semi-liquid, viscous or semi-viscous. Daily norm calories should be divided into 6-7 doses.

The daily diet for acute pancreatitis should include:

  • 80 g of proteins, of which only 35% are of animal origin;
  • 60 g fat;
  • 200 g of carbohydrates, of which only 15 g are sugar;
  • 10 g table salt.

The daily norm is 1500–1600 kcal, and you need to drink 1.5–2 liters of liquid.

For chronic pancreatitis, up to 2800 kcal per day is allowed, chemical composition wider menu:

  • 110–120 g of proteins, of which 60% are of animal origin;
  • 80 g fats (20% of them are vegetable oils);
  • 350–400 g carbohydrates (40 g - simple sugars);
  • 10 g table salt.

In chronic pancreatitis, as in acute pancreatitis, dietary dishes are steamed or boiled. At the initial stage of the diet, foods must be pureed, ensuring better absorption of nutrients. If the disease is mild or has gone into remission, it is not necessary to wipe the food, but the consistency should be viscous or semi-liquid. For chronic pancreatitis, it is permissible to eat baked dishes without fat and spices. Food should be warm.

The following products should be excluded from the diet: those that stimulate the secretory function of the glands of the digestive system, those that cause flatulence, and choleretic products.

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Product selection

Dishes for pancreatitis are prepared with water or vegetable broth. The meat is pre-cooked and the broth is drained. Soups and cereals should be slimy, liquid or creamy. For their preparation, any cereals are used, except millet. Dried bread is allowed, but not more than 50 g. For chronic pancreatitis - 200–220 g of dried bread white bread.

Recipes for pancreatic pancreatitis, unfortunately, can be made from a limited set of products.

Meat and fish are chosen to be lean, and visible fat, skin and tendons are cut off. For patients with pancreatitis, choose beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and fish - hake, cod, pollock, flounder, mullet, perch, pike, bream. These products are used to prepare:

  • souffle;
  • dumplings;
  • steam cutlets;
  • meatballs.

It is permissible to eat 2 soft-boiled eggs or a steamed egg white omelette per day.

Whole milk is not acceptable, but it is possible to prepare dishes with the addition of milk. As for dairy products, you can include unleavened cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt in the menu. Butter is added to ready-made dietary dishes in small quantities already in the second week of the diet.

Vegetables for patients with pancreatitis are used in the preparation of pureed side dishes, soufflés, and puddings. You can eat:

  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cauliflower.

Compotes, mousses, smoothies diluted with water, jellies and jelly are prepared from non-acidic fresh or dried fruits and berries. Apples can be baked.

Drinks that are acceptable include weak sweet tea, rosehip decoction, mineral water, compotes, and juices diluted with water.

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Recipes for dishes for inflammation of the pancreas, although they consist of a modest set of products, but due to the various methods of their preparation and combinations, you can create interesting menu for every day.

From the list of permitted products you can prepare the simplest dishes:

But you can cook something more complicated from ordinary products. Here are some examples of delicious and unusual dietary dishes.

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Vegetable soufflé

You can make a steamed soufflé from carrots, cauliflower or zucchini. For every day, you can choose a soufflé from different vegetables or their combinations as a side dish.

Let's take carrot soufflé as an example.

2 tbsp. Grated raw carrots must be poured with boiling water and boiled until soft, drain the water (it can be left for vegetable broth). The resulting mass must be ground until smooth and cooled.

Beat 2 chicken whites into a strong foam along with 80 g of sugar, add 100 ml of milk and carrot puree. Grease a baking dish with a thin layer of butter. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and place in the prepared form, which is placed in a deep baking tray with water and placed in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 °C.

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Meat soufflé

A diet for pancreatitis can be called protein-carbohydrate. As a protein component, you can include in your diet simple, steamed portioned pieces of meat or fish, cutlets or meatballs with a side dish of vegetables or cereals. Or you can prepare a meat soufflé. To do this, meat or fish must first be cooked and chopped in a blender or meat grinder. For one serving you need to take 450 g of lean meat. Can be used:

  • lean beef or pork;
  • chicken, turkey or rabbit fillet.

Add 200 ml of milk, 2 raw eggs, 80 g of low-fat cream to the meat paste. The mass is thoroughly mixed until completely homogeneous.

Place the resulting mixture into the prepared pan. Cook by steaming or in an oven preheated to 190°C for 35 minutes.

For patients who suffer from pancreatitis, in addition to taking medicines You still need to eat right throughout your life. This does not mean at all that you will need to consume tasteless foods and deprive yourself of tasty food. Nutritionists offer a wide selection of recipes for dietary dishes for pancreatitis, which are easy to prepare and do not take much time. Meals for pancreatitis are light, they contain the maximum amount of useful elements and vitamins, the food becomes satisfying and varied, the intestines and stomach are not overloaded.

It is better to ask your doctor what recipes for dietary dishes can be included in your diet, since there are some that are unacceptable during an outbreak of pancreatitis, gallbladder disease, or liver disease. Treatment of belching causes of development, which are poor nutrition, chronic course Pancreatitis also goes away under the supervision of a doctor.

The first dietary dishes for pancreatitis have many different recipes. You should eat them daily, this will relieve your stomach. The permitted first dietary dishes include:

  • meat;
  • vegetable;
  • pureed soups;
  • fish.

Dietary okroshka can be eaten only during the remission stage. Monitor your condition after taking a new product. If it worsens, you should consult a doctor immediately.

To ensure proper adherence to the diet plan for a patient with pancreas, in the acute phase of pancreatitis the following is avoided:

  • from sugar;
  • salt;

All products must be thoroughly boiled.

In the chronic form of the disease, unpureed food is allowed, and the food is thoroughly boiled and chopped.
Dietary dishes for the pathology of chronic pancreatitis contain such products.

  1. Sour cream, cream - 15 g up to 10% fat content.
  2. Add butter - 5 g, lean oil - 10 g
  3. Salt – 5 g, sugar – 30 g per day.
  4. Honey – 5 g.
  5. Whole egg up to 3 pcs. for 7 days.

Buckwheat vegetable soup

To make dietary soup you will need the following products:

  • water – 500 ml;
  • buckwheat– ¼ cup;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • carrots – ½ part;
  • zucchini – ¼ part.

During cooking, buckwheat is thrown into the water and cooked for about 10 minutes. Then the potatoes, zucchini and carrots are cut and sent to the cauldron. Ready time 15 minutes. The finished dietary dish is ground in a blender.

Chicken soup

Products used:

  • – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken breast – ½ part;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 liter for soup;
  • water - 1 liter for chicken.

Additional products used are rice, vermicelli. It is better to put coarsely ground noodles in soup.

How to prepare diet soup.

  1. Chicken fillet is sent to cold water and bring to a boil. After boiling, the water is drained.
  2. The meat is filled with replaced water and cooked for half an hour in a small amount of salted water.
  3. Grind the boiled meat fillet in a blender.
  4. Cut the potatoes and carrots into slices and add them to the soup pot.
  5. Cooking time for vegetables is up to 15 minutes; after cooking, mash them.
  6. Noodles with chicken are poured into the soup pan. Cook everything together for 10 minutes.
  7. When serving the soup to the table, season the dish with salt.

The second option for ready-made soup is to blend it with a blender and serve it as pureed soup. You can eat dietary soup only if pancreatitis has a chronic phase and is in remission.

Second courses

Diet for the pathology of pancreatitis. He will help in establishing an accurate menu of dietary products, will tell you what foods for patients with pancreatitis are allowed to include in the table, and which ones may negatively affect health.
It is important to remember that each patient experiences pancreatitis individually, and the diet plan will depend on the patient’s well-being and the degree of damage to the organ.

It is allowed to include such recipes in the diet for pancreatitis.

Steamed pollock fillet cutlets

To make steamed diet cutlets, you need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g pollock;
  • – 2 pieces;
  • egg white;
  • cow's milk diluted with water – 30 g.

The bread is soaked in milk. Grind together with the fish in a blender. Add an egg to the prepared minced meat and form cutlets, which are steamed for 20 minutes.

Steamed fish cutlets are served with buckwheat porridge and potatoes.

Omelet with cauliflower

To make the second dish take:

  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • cauliflower – 45 g;
  • milk – 30 g;
  • salt – 1 g.

The vegetable is boiled and chopped. The egg is beaten with milk and seasoned with salt. Place the cabbage in a baking dish and fill it with the egg mixture. Ready time for diet omelette with cabbage is 15 minutes.

Chicken soufflé

The recipe includes:

  • 500 g – chicken meat;
  • 200 ml – milk;
  • 2 pcs. squirrel;
  • oil to grease the baking sheet.

Grind the chicken meat 2 times in a blender. Add the egg whites and milk into the mixture. Mix well. Then pour into a baking dish and bake in the oven for half an hour. It is not recommended to open the oven door, otherwise the chicken soufflé will fall.
If you make soufflé in a slow cooker, cover the bowl with foil. You can also make a meat soufflé by replacing the chicken fillet with beef.

Stewed zucchini

The dish is allowed to be included in the diet of patients with chronic pancreatic inflammation.

Required list of ingredients.

  1. Small sized zucchini.
  2. Milk diluted with water or skimmed 200 ml.
  3. Salt.
  4. Dill - a tablespoon.

The vegetable is peeled and finely chopped. Bring the milk to a boil and add the zucchini to it. The dish needs to simmer for about 15 minutes. The milk should slightly cover the vegetable. For thickness, add a little semolina. When the dish is ready, add salt and sprinkle with dill.

Second courses for pancreatitis include casserole with meat, dietary Olivier salad, fish salad, pumpkin porridge, and more.


Sweets may be present in the diet for pancreatitis, but only a little and only if the doctor allows it. At the same time, patients with the disease should exclude store-bought products from their diet.

  1. Biscuit cookies.
  2. Casseroles.
  3. Jelly.

Cottage cheese pudding with apples

Required list of products.

  1. Cottage cheese – low-fat 40 g.
  2. Semolina – 25 g.
  3. Milk – 80 g.
  4. Butter – 5 g.
  5. Egg – ¼ part.
  6. Sugar – 10 g.

How to make curd pudding.

  1. Peel the apples and grate them.
  2. Semolina porridge is prepared using milk, which needs to be diluted with water. Cooking time 10 minutes. Then the porridge should cool slightly.
  3. The yolk is added to the cooled semolina with sugar, grated cottage cheese and apples.
    4. Lubricate the vessel with oil and lay out the prepared mass.
    5. The pudding is baked in the oven until golden brown on top.

Apple Pie

List of required products:

  • 300 ml kefir;
  • 3 pcs. apple;
  • 2 pcs. eggs;
  • 250 ml flour;
  • 250 ml semolina;
  • 7 g soda.

To make dietary charlotte for pancreatitis, beat sugar and egg. Next, add kefir and mix well. Next, add flour, semolina, soda and mix. The apples are peeled and cut into slices. The baking dish is treated with oil. Initially, apples are laid out and filled with dough. The dessert is baked at 180 degrees. The readiness time of the diet charlotte is checked with a match.

Compotes and decoctions

Today, nutritionists have selected a diabetic menu for pancreatitis, which includes many options for compotes, decoctions, Izotov and Momotov jelly.

The optimal list of dried fruits for a diet drink is pear, prunes, apple.

Before cooking, the main ingredient is washed and soaked in water for 30 minutes. Next, rinse, then pour 2 liters of boiling water, wait until it boils, reduce heat and cook under a tightly closed lid for 20 minutes. Drink 250 ml per day.

Rose hip drink

Chopped rose hips - 2 tablespoons, pour 250 ml of boiling water and place in a steam bath. It takes 25 minutes to heat the rose hip decoction. Then leave to infuse for about an hour.

Dietary food for pancreatitis is considered the main method of therapy. Only by following the right diet is it possible to increase the duration of remission and prevent exacerbations.

Nutrition for pancreatitis is the most important component of treatment. And it should be organized so that each dish is dietary. But formally correct dishes sometimes do not bring joy - the consumer does not like either the taste or the appearance. In addition, when eating in public institutions, there is not always confidence that all cooking recipes have been followed, and the person suffering from pancreatitis is insured against gastrointestinal troubles, or even complications from the pancreas.

There is only one way out - to cook according to your own recipes as often as possible.

Nutrition rules for pancreatitis

Since people live in families, it is not very convenient to prepare special dishes for a patient with pancreatitis. We must strive to ensure that dietary recipes become a full part of the family menu. To do this, you need to learn how to cook them tasty. If this succeeds, the bonus will be a reduction in the risk of household members acquiring digestive diseases, because diet recipes for pancreatitis are offered proper nutrition.

The starting products must be fresh and of good quality. Cooled and thawed before cooking, store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

For novice home cooks, we provide recipes for dishes that can be safely included in the diet for pancreatitis. It is recommended to prepare according to dietary recipes immediately before meals. But more often than not, this is an impossible task, especially on weekdays. Therefore, it is allowed to store dishes prepared according to dietary recipes in the refrigerator.

Important! Salads and other cold appetizers remain fresh in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and dishes that need to be reheated can be stored for up to 2 days.

Salads and snacks

In classical cuisine, these dishes are designed to stimulate the appetite, stimulate the production of digestive juices for the assimilation of several dishes in one meal. For pancreatitis, this is not necessary - the diet does not provide for a large amount of food at one time. Snacks for pancreatitis are consumed more often as the main part of the “snack” during the day: in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, for gastrointestinal diseases, in particular pancreatitis, another 2 to 4 meals are required. That's when the so-called snacks are used. Some recipes are given in the table.

snack composition for 3 - 4 servings cooking note
meat salad meat fillet – 150 g;

potatoes – 2 pcs.;

protein – 3 pcs.;

fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;

onions – 0.5 pcs.;

natural yogurt – 10 g

Boil the fillet without salt, cool outside the broth, chop finely or chop in a meat grinder;

Boil potatoes in their jackets without salt, cool, peel, cut into cubes;

hard boil the eggs, cool, separate the whites, chop into crumbs;

Peel the cucumber and grate it;

chop the onion finely, scald to remove the sharpness and immediately drain the water;

mix the ingredients, season with yogurt, add a little salt

use beef, veal, poultry (chicken, turkey), rabbit;

you can take quail eggs, then the yield will be 6 - 8 pieces;

onions can be replaced with green onions, they are also scalded, and leeks do not need to be scalded, but only finely chopped

fish salad white fish – 150 g;

rice – 200 g;

protein – 3 pcs.;

onions – 0.5 pcs.;

corn hole – 100 g;

vegetable oil – 10 g

boil the fish, cool outside the broth, remove the skin, remove the bones, cut or mash with a fork;

cook the fluffy rice in lightly salted water, cool;

chop the stiff protein;

boil an ear of corn, cool in the broth;

mix the ingredients, season with oil, add a little salt

they use cod, haddock, blue whiting, hake, pollock, and river fish;

instead of fresh corn, you can use canned corn - if it does not contain preservatives and additives - there are some, you need to read the labels;

Refined sunflower oil, olive oil

pudding minced meat – 200 g;

semolina – 15 g;

egg – 1 pc.;

butter – 30 g;

water – 0.5 cups

boil the meat, cool outside the broth, chop with a meat grinder;

thoroughly mix the raw egg and semolina in water, let it swell;

combine the mixture with meat;

Grease the edges of the mold with oil;

knead the mixture again and place in the mold;


meat products of choice;

instead of the meat component, you can add cottage cheese

sandwich wheat bread - 4 k.;

butter – 8 g;

cheese – 4 k;

boiled zucchini – 4 k.;

baked tomato – 4 k

Grease the bread with a thin layer of butter, put a slice of zucchini without peel, then a slice of cheese, on top - a slice of tomato without peel vegetables can be any permitted, after heat treatment;

the main filling also varies: instead of cheese you can use meat and fish;

served without salt

vegetable salad beets – 1 pc.;

potatoes - 3 pcs;

carrots – 1 piece;

onions – 0.5 pcs.;

sour cream – 10 g

boil the root vegetables, cool, peel, grate or finely chop;

scald the onion, squeeze, finely chop;

mix the products, lightly salt;

fill up

Beets can be replaced with turnips;

You can use it instead of sour cream vegetable oil

As you can see, the recipe for each snack has several cooking options. This allows you to cook from those products that are in the kitchen, and not refuse a dish due to the lack of one or another ingredient.


The soup is very useful for patients with pancreatitis. This is soft food that does not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines and provides one complete meal.

There are several features of preparing soups according to recipes for pancreatitis:

  • cooked with water, skim milk or diluted broth, and a strong broth is never used;
  • the chopped products are boiled well until soft;
  • Cream soups are often prepared.

The table shows some recipes for popular soups that are not prohibited for pancreatitis.

soup ingredients for 3 – 4 servings cooking note
pumpkin – 400-500 g;

potatoes – 2 pcs.;

cream – 150 g;

loaf – 2 k.

Peel the vegetables, chop them finely, put them in a bowl;

pour water 0.5 cm above the level of vegetables;

boil until the food is completely softened, about 20 minutes;

grind the contents with a blender until completely homogeneous;

add cream, heat again, but do not boil;

cut pieces of loaf into cubes (without crust), dry in the oven;

When serving, place croutons on plates

pumpkin can be replaced with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli;

instead of a loaf, use ready-made crackers from wheat bread

Vegetable soup with meat Meat products – 200 g;

carrots – 1 pc.;

cauliflower – 200 g;

tomato – 1 pc.;

water – 1 l

the meat is boiled in advance, chopped in a meat grinder;

vegetables are chopped and boiled in water;

add meat, salt

meat is alternated during cooking;

from vegetables you can include zucchini, turnips, broccoli, sweet peppers without peel;

water can be diluted with broth (0.5 liters each) before cooking;

can be seasoned with fermented baked milk

Milk noodle soup Flour – 200 g;

Egg – 2 pcs.;

Salt – 1 pinch

Water – 0.5 cups;

Sugar – 15 g;

Milk – 400 ml

knead a stiff dough from flour, eggs, salt and water;

roll out and cut thin noodles, lightly dry in air;

boil milk, add noodles, cook until done;

add sugar, mix.

can be replaced with ready-made noodles;
Potato soup with fish fish – 200 g;

potatoes – 4 pcs.;

water – 1 l

Boil the fish separately, grind or cut;

boil peeled and diced potatoes;

add fish, lightly salt

fish can be changed;

the water can be diluted by half with strained broth;

can be topped with sour cream

Borsch meat products 200 g;

beets – 1 pc.;

tomato – 1 pc.;

sweet pepper – 1 pc.;

potatoes - 3 pcs;

water – 1 l

sour cream – 10 g

boil the meat, chop it;

boil potatoes cut into short strips in water;

add sweet pepper, bring to a boil;

grate the beets and put them in the soup, boil;

peel the tomato and put it in the soup;

add meat, boil;


Before serving, add sour cream to the plate

during remission, you can dilute the water with broth;

instead of sour cream, you can season with natural yogurt, fermented baked milk;

Leaf parsley is allowed

Soups can be eaten with bread or croutons. Outside the period of exacerbation, the recipe allows adding finely chopped garlic to some soups, because in the decoction its pungency disappears.

Second courses

These are hot protein meals with a side dish in the middle and end of the day. They are steamed or boiled. The most harmless sauce for such dishes is bechamel (a mixture of flour and milk or cream, heated to viscosity).

The table contains recipes for simple and nutritious dishes.

dish ingredients for 3-4 servings cooking note
cutlets with mashed potatoes Meat fillet – 200 g;

onions 0.25 pcs.;

wheat bread – 2 k.;

milk – 100 ml;

potatoes – 8 pcs.

grind the fillet and onion twice in a meat grinder;

Separate the bread pulp from the crusts, soak in 20 ml of milk;

mix the minced meat and bread, knead well, add a little salt;

form cutlets;


boil the potatoes, drain the water, crush them;

heat the remaining milk, add salt, add to potatoes, stir

the taste of the entire dish depends on the meat product;

can be prepared by stewing, but the resulting juice should not be used in dietary nutrition;

if there is not enough milk, you can add potato broth

Stuffed zucchini zucchini – 1 – 2 pcs.;

minced meat – 100 g;

crumbly boiled rice – 1 cup;

egg – 2 pcs

Peel the zucchini, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the core, lightly salt it;

mix minced meat, rice, chopped egg;

put the filling on the zucchini;

bake in foil for 20 minutes.

Instead of baking, you can steam it or simmer covered in a small amount of water
Fish cutlets with garnish white fish fillet – 200 g;

egg – 1 pc.;

potatoes – 1 piece;

rice – 1 glass;

vegetable oil – 10 ml

grind the fillet;

Grate peeled raw potatoes on a fine grater;

mix minced fish, egg and potatoes, add salt;

form cutlets, steam;

Boil rice in a small amount of salted water, pour in oil

Low-fat varieties of sea fish are suitable;

can be baked in foil

Stew Meat fillet – 200 g;

cauliflower – 1 pc.;

cauliflower – 1 piece;

eggplant – 1 piece;

carrots – 1 pc.

cut the fillet into cubes, add water, bring to a boil, drain the broth;

disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, peel and cut the eggplant;

Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater;

add the vegetables together, add salted water, bring to a boil, drain the broth;

add meat and a little water (at the same level as the food), stir until the meat is cooked

chicken breast fillet works well;

Instead of stewing, you can bake it in foil

original meatballs with garnish Minced meat – 200 g;

boiled rice – 0.5 cups;

cottage cheese – 0.5 cups;

protein – 1 pc.;

natural vegetables – 4 cups

Mix minced meat with rice, cottage cheese and protein, add salt, form round meatballs, simmer;

Steam vegetables, salt when serving

The protein holds the ingredients together, no breading is required;

composition of the side dish – assorted vegetables

As a side dish according to the recipe, you can use boiled crumbly buckwheat, pasta, boiled potatoes, mashed carrots and other vegetables, or mixtures thereof.


Sweets are limited in the diet of patients with pancreatitis. Therefore, when preparing desserts, they play up the natural taste of products or use sweeteners.

If you have problems with the pancreas, any rich pastries are not recommended, as are cakes. Therefore, dessert is served in the form:

  • fruit salads with sweet yogurt dressing;
  • sweet puddings with berries and cereals;
  • compotes from natural fruits and berries;
  • fruits in jelly (cakes without baking);
    protein cream (provided the eggs are absolutely fresh) with fruit;
  • jams with xylitol.


Drinks you can drink:

  • mineral water still;
  • herbal teas;
  • black and green tea with milk;
  • hibiscus tea without sugar;
  • weak coffee with milk;
  • compote of berries and fruits;
  • rosehip decoction, infusion of mint, chamomile, lemon balm.

Jelly requires special attention; the recipe for making the drink is in the table.

Thus, even on a diet it is quite possible to eat tasty and varied food. And if you show ingenuity and creativity, you can create culinary masterpieces every day.

Useful video: Cooking at home for a patient with pancreatitis

With pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), the enzymes it produces are not released into the small intestine, but begin to destroy the gland itself. When treating the disease, special attention is paid to following a diet based on reducing the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. But food for pancreatitis can be tasty and varied if the dishes are prepared according to the recipes given below.

For pancreatitis, eating fresh vegetables is contraindicated. Therefore, every recipe for dietary dishes contains vegetables that have been heat-treated by boiling or steaming.

Beetroot and carrot appetizer

To prepare this dish you will need the following:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil for dressing;
  • greens (optional).

Vegetables are thoroughly washed, boiled, peeled and chopped, grated on a medium grater. For pancreatitis, it is recommended to take all food in grated form, so vegetables are not cut with a knife, but rather chopped.

Place the prepared ingredients in a deep bowl, add a little salt and mix. As soon as the salt has dissolved, the vegetables are seasoned with vegetable oil and mixed again. When serving, the dish can be sprinkled with fresh herbs on top.

In case of acute pancreatitis, this dish can be consumed no more than once a week. For chronic conditions – 2-3 times a week.

Meat snack

The recipe contains the following products:

  • rice – ½ cup;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • veal – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 beets;
  • a glass of natural low-fat yogurt.

Rice is boiled in salted water. Veal, eggs and beets are also boiled until tender. Beets, eggs and cheese are grated on a coarse grater, veal is cut into thin strips. The crushed ingredients are combined with rice and seasoned with yogurt. The finished dish is served in portioned plates or on sandwiches.

Recipes for first courses for pancreatitis

Nutrition for pancreatitis includes daily consumption of first courses. They help relieve the pancreas and improve the general condition of the patient. Preference should be given to vegetarian puree soups. For preparing first courses, it is not allowed to use saturated meat broths. Only light chicken broths are allowed to be used in dietary recipes.

Puree fish soup

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat fish fillet (pike perch, pike, pollock) – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • 1 onion;
  • green.

Place the fish fillet in boiling salted water. After boiling, add diced potatoes and onions to the fish. When the vegetables are completely ready, grind the contents of the pan using a blender. Pour milk into the resulting mass and bring to a boil. If desired, the dish can be seasoned with fresh herbs and a piece of butter.

Vegetable puree soup

Many recipes for pancreatitis include broccoli, a dietary product that gives the dish a unique taste. To cook vegetable soup you will need the following:

  • broccoli – 0.3 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • 1 medium carrot.

Vegetables are washed and peeled, and then cut into cubes. The prepared ingredients are added to boiling salted water and boiled until fully cooked, after which they are crushed with a blender. The dish is served hot. If desired, you can add a little low-fat sour cream or yogurt to the finished soup.

Recipes for main courses for pancreatitis

For pancreatitis, dishes made from cereals and pasta with the addition of boiled, stewed or baked vegetables are allowed.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

To prepare this dietary dish The following products will be required:

  • pumpkin – 0.3 kg;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • rice – 100 g.
  • salt, sugar to taste.

The pumpkin is peeled and cut into small cubes. Salt and sugar are added to boiling milk and pieces of pumpkin are added. Once the pumpkin is ready, add rice. After boiling, the pan with the future porridge can be placed in the oven and simmered at 100°C until fully cooked. If desired, you can add a piece of butter to the finished dish.

Zucchini stewed in creamy sauce

Zucchini, like any other vegetables that have undergone heat treatment, can be consumed if you have a disease of the pancreas. To appreciate the recipe for this dish for pancreatitis, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 1 zucchini;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • cream with a fat content of no more than 15% - ½ cup;
  • salt.

The zucchini is thoroughly washed and cut into cubes. The cream is whipped together with salt. Place the prepared zucchini in the frying pan and pour in the resulting sauce. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese on top, cover with a lid and simmer until cooked over low heat.

Recipes for meat dishes for pancreatitis

People suffering from pancreatic diseases can eat white meat, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and veal without fatty streaks. In this case, the meat is consumed exclusively in pureed form.

Chicken soufflé

The recipe for this dish involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • butter for greasing the pan;
  • salt to taste.

Chicken fillet is ground twice in a meat grinder. Milk, pre-beaten egg whites, and salt are added to the resulting minced meat. The mass is thoroughly mixed with a mixer, poured into a mold and baked in the oven over medium heat. Do not open the oven door during cooking, otherwise the soufflé will settle. You can check the readiness of a dietary dish only after a golden brown crust appears.

Veal quenelles

To prepare a healthy dish you will need the following products:

  • veal – 0.5 kg;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 slices of dried bread;
  • salt to taste.

The bread is soaked in milk and then ground in a meat grinder along with the veal. Beat the remaining milk with the egg, pour into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Pour 2 glasses of water into a saucepan, add a little salt and bring to a boil. Place the quenelles into boiling water with a spoon and simmer until tender over low heat.

Dessert recipes for pancreatitis

If you have pancreatitis, it is recommended to reduce your sugar intake. This recommendation is due to the fact that the inflamed pancreas needs to produce insulin, with the help of which sugar is converted into glucose. If you have pancreatitis, you should avoid any store-bought sweets, including cookies, jellies and cakes. If you want to eat something sweet, you need to prepare it yourself. Only in this way will you be able to get tasty and healthy dish.

Diet charlotte

The biscuit dough for traditional charlotte is prepared with a lot of eggs and sugar. IN dietary recipe with pancreatitis, part of the eggs is replaced with kefir, and sugar is completely absent. You can replace it with sweet apples. To prepare healthy charlotte you will need the following:

  • kefir – 0.3 l;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 cup wheat flour;
  • 1 cup semolina.

Beat chicken eggs until fluffy, add kefir, a pinch of salt and mix. Add sifted flour and semolina to the resulting mixture and mix. The dough should stand for about half an hour for the semolina to swell.

While the dough is rising, you should prepare the apples (peel and cut into thin slices). Next, the apples are placed in the dough, mixed and placed in a mold greased with butter. Place the pan in the oven and bake over medium heat until cooked, which is checked with a wooden stick.

Dessert of cottage cheese and fruits

Sweet dishes for pancreatitis should not consist of raw fruits containing large number fiber. However, you can occasionally enjoy a dessert made from strawberries and bananas, which have a more gentle effect on the pancreas. To prepare this dish, you will need the following:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • bananas;
  • strawberry;
  • low fat cream;
  • sugar to taste.

Bananas and strawberries are peeled and stemmed. Fruits are crushed using a blender. The cottage cheese, together with cream and sugar, is ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, both mixtures are combined, mixed, transferred to a mold and cooled in the refrigerator.

Salad recipes for pancreatitis

People suffering from pancreatitis can eat salads no more than 3 times a week. Salads are prepared from boiled vegetables. During the holidays, vegetable dishes can be varied with meat components from chicken or turkey.

In the process of preparing food for patients with pancreatitis, the use of radishes, radishes, turnips, spinach and pork is not allowed. You should also not eat pickled, salted or pickled foods. It is prohibited to consume all types of sausages.

Diet salad "Olivier"

The recipe for the popular salad has been modified to suit the needs of people suffering from pancreatitis. To prepare not only a tasty, but also healthy dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

First you need to heat a frying pan in which you melt the butter. Flour is added to the oil, frying it until light brown. Pour hot milk into the resulting mass in a thin stream. To prevent lumps from forming during the cooking process, the mixture is thoroughly stirred and then cooked until thickened. Then salt and sugar are added to the finished sauce.

Patients with pancreatitis can consume this sauce every day without fear for the condition of the pancreas.

Pancreatitis- This is a whole group of diseases associated with inflammation of the pancreas. The disease can appear unexpectedly - one of its manifestations is pain. To relieve pain and prevent recurrent attacks, important proper diet . Pancreatitis is divided into chronic and acute; depending on the nature of the disease, you need to choose the necessary nutrition.

In acute or chronic pancreatic disease Pancreatitis is diagnosed due to:

  • Eating disorder.
  • Eating fatty/spicy foods daily.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract, including cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Gastric ulcer.

With exacerbation of pancreatitis there is a need for surgical intervention(opening the lining of the pancreas) in case of little effect from drug treatment, fasting, or removal of food debris from the stomach. Chronic pancreatitis worsens under the influence of overeating, alcoholism, long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones, estrogens, narcotic drugs, Indomethacin, Furosemide, against the background of a diseased liver (in which it is necessary to observe) and gall bladder, which are quite common in adults. When the pressure inside the abdomen increases in women at the end of pregnancy, pancreatitis may develop.

About the causes, symptoms, treatment of pancreatitis:

Diet for acute pancreatitis for 10 days

The purpose of nutritional therapy for acute pancreatitis - relieve swelling, inflammation and infection from the pancreatic duct. For this purpose, in a hospital setting, drug treatment with enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, plus complete fasting for several days to avoid the use of surgery. Hunger is necessary to stop the production of gastric and pancreatic juices and to reduce enzymatic activity due to the lack of food in the esophagus. During this time, the gland will be restored.

In the first days of an exacerbation, you need to fast, you can only drink mineral water with alkali, but without gas, for example, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” No. 4, No. 20, “Slavyanskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, weak green tea or rosehip decoction. The drink should be taken 4-5 times a day, 200 ml. Water will eliminate intoxication of the body and prevent dehydration along with the use of parenteral nutrition - installing IVs with sodium chloride and glucose 5%.

They come out of hunger in 2-3-4 days, trying to eat for a day:
  • dried wheat bread or loaf (unsweetened) - 50 g/day;
  • jelly, fruit drinks (it is better to prepare them from cranberries or black currants);
  • continue to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid, including currant or cranberry juice with mineral water(2:1) with the absence of gas, as well as various decoctions (for example, rose hips).

If symptoms of acute pancreatitis do not occur again, add diet for days 3-5 :

  • salty slimy rice or oatmeal broth;
  • liquid mashed potatoes without oil;
  • semi-liquid jelly or jelly from juices;
  • liquid porridges: oatmeal (read our article: ), semolina, buckwheat, rice (everything is prepared in water or milk, everything needs to be ground or chopped with a blender);
  • dry biscuits;
  • dried bread.

Important nutrition rules! Daily calorie intake is 600-800 calories, daily protein intake is 15 g, up to 200 g. – carbohydrates (you can add honey to your diet). Fats are prohibited.

On days 6-8 you can eat:
  • steam omelette made from whites
  • low-fat cottage cheese soufflé;
  • steamed meat (necessarily chopped or ground through a meat grinder/blender)
  • slimy cereal soups;
  • jelly or mousse from apples, pureed berries without skin;
  • vegetable purees (potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots are good, you can add a little oil)
  • vegetable puddings (steamed);

You can add liquids - green or black tea (not strong), add sugar or honey - 1 tsp each, or tea with milk, beet juice 50 ml / day with mineral water. Calorie content is increased to 1000 calories per day, up to 50 g - proteins, up to 250 g - carbohydrates, up to 10 g / day - fats. At night you need to drink a glass of water with honey, raisins (1 tsp), prunes (2-3 pcs.) or yogurt to prevent constipation.

From 10 days after the attack you can increase the calorie content by more than 1000 cal/day, up to 300 g. – carbohydrates, up to 60 g. – proteins, up to 20 g/day – fats. Continue to eat pureed unsalted food.

Sample menu

Below is a menu for several days; you can create a similar diet yourself based on the list of permitted foods.

Days Eating Sample diet menu for pancreatitis
Day 1 Breakfast Semolina or rice porridge (in water) – 150 g, fruit: orange or apple. Green tea (not strong) with honey (1 tsp)
Brunch Pumpkin puree – 50 gr., Steamed chicken breast or fish cutlets. Rosehip drink (recipe below), honey - 1 tsp.
Dinner Vegetable broth with fish or beef 200 g, mashed potatoes (from potatoes or broccoli) - 100 g, white bread crackers. For dessert, you can bake an apple with honey in the oven, always without the skin.
Afternoon snack Tea with honey and a little cottage cheese (1% fat)
Dinner Protein steamed omelette made from 3 eggs, white bread crackers. Puree from permitted vegetables – 150 g.,
Before bed Boiled water – 1 cup with honey – 1 tsp. or curdled milk.
Day 2 Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with milk – 150 gr. Kissel or green tea (not strong)
Brunch Grated apple with soft cottage cheese
Dinner Pumpkin or cauliflower soup. Minced chicken meatballs
Afternoon snack Green tea with 1-2 slices of dry unsweetened cookies
Dinner Rice-curd pudding -150 gr. Tea or jelly
Before bed Rosehip decoction – 1 glass
Day 3 Breakfast Liquid rice porridge – 150 g. Green tea with dry biscuits
Brunch 1 baked apple
Dinner Soup of carrots, cauliflower, potatoes with meatballs. Compote of ground dried fruits
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese – 100 g, green tea
Dinner Boiled or baked low-fat fish
Before bed Tea with milk or kefir


Can be used after an acute attack of pancreatitis diet number 5p() and observe it for a year. Food is eaten pureed, without salt; proteins can be increased - up to 100 g, up to 40 g. – fats, up to 450 gr. - carbohydrates. Be sure to follow the recommendations and regimen prescribed by your doctor!

Rosehip drink recipe:

For the decoction you will need 0.5 kg of dried rose hips and 4 liters of water. Rinse the rose hips, add water, and let the drink steep for 4 days. There is no need to cook the infusion; the rose hips should be infused in water at room temperature. This drink contains vitamin C. Attention! Since the drink is sour, consult your doctor before taking it.

Puree fish soup:

For the soup you will need 0.5 kg of fish (it is advisable to take boneless fillets, cod, pike, pike perch), 1.5 liters of water or vegetable broth, 50 ml. milk, 1 tsp. butter.

Cut the fish, add water or broth to the pan, and cook until tender. Remove the fish from the pan and grind using a blender. Heat the milk a little in a saucepan and add butter to it; as soon as the butter has melted, add the broth, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add fish, cook over low heat for just a couple of minutes. Salt can be added only if your doctor allows it!

Carrot-pumpkin puree:

For this delicious dish you will need pumpkin (300-400 g) and carrots. Peel the vegetables, cut into 1.5-2 cm cubes. Boil until ready. Drain the water, reserving a little if you want the puree to be thinner. Grind using a blender. The puree is ready!

Forbidden for acute pancreatitis use:

  • alcohol;
  • eat fatty or fried foods;
  • eat any fats and foods that cause bloating: legumes, bran, white cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, peel/skin of fruits and vegetables, unripe fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks with fermentation reactions: kvass, kefir.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

Attacks of chronic pancreatitis can occur immediately after lunch, the menu of which included: hard-boiled eggs, confectionery, raw fruits, vegetables, juices, cold carbonated drinks, chocolate, milk or ice cream. The constant companions of the disease will manifest themselves every time: bloating, a feeling of fullness or heaviness, a lump that is “stuck in the bottom of the chest,” and periodic vomiting.

Against the background of chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus can easily arise and proceed severely - also a serious disease for which it is necessary.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, it is recommended to drink alkaline drink for 1-2 days, rosehip decoction or tea - at least 1.5 liters. per day in 5-6 doses. You need to switch to a gentle, low-calorie healthy diet, excluding almost all fats and carbohydrates. The content of protein and enzyme preparations should be moderate. With 5-6 meals a day, it is recommended to eat chopped or grated food.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis can include:

  • crackers from wheat bread (you can dry the bread yourself);
  • vegetable soups (pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini or carrots are best suited for soups);
  • cereal soups (with semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat or rice);
  • meat - beef or veal, chicken, rabbit. It is better to steam, bake or boil.
  • steamed egg omelettes (2-3 pcs.).
  • low-fat fish: flounder, pollock, cod, perch, pike perch, hake, perch or pike;
  • cottage cheese (not salted): can be eaten fresh or made into puddings;
  • cheeses - choose low-fat, unsalted varieties;
  • In dishes or during cooking, you can use butter or sunflower oil -10-15 g.
  • sour cream, kefir (low fat content only);
  • porridge - rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, vermicelli (their consistency should be liquid or semi-liquid);
  • vegetable puree/stew (don’t forget that cabbage and tomatoes cannot be added), vegetables can also be simply boiled or baked;
  • mousses/jelly from juices, compotes from dried fruits (apricots, pears, apples)
  • fruits (only baked or grated without skin)
  • dietary purees and puree-like canned food for baby or diet food;
  • multivitamin and mineral preparations.

Menu for the day

You should not eat foods that stimulate pancreatic secretion:

  • meat, fish, fatty poultry, forget about smoked meat and fish, sausages, canned food;
  • meat, mushroom, fish broth (as well as soups and sauces based on them);
  • cabbage soup, borscht, as well as cold soups (such as kholodnik or okroshka);
  • milk soups;
  • fish, fried, smoked, salted or canned meat;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • eggs - you cannot eat fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • any beans, white cabbage, eggplants, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, sweet peppers;
  • bakery products, fresh bread, sweet, flour, chocolate, and other sweets;
  • black coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

For pancreatitis with endocrine dysfunction exclude jam, sugar and honey, since they do not have a therapeutic effect, and they are classified as carbohydrates.

In case of an asymptomatic course of the disease or with the presence of mild symptoms, the list of prohibited dishes/products is gradually reduced to the category of products that should only be limited, but not completely excluded.


For the soup you will need: 1 yellow or green bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, 1 small zucchini. All vegetables need to be washed and cut into cubes. Pour water (1-1.5 liters) into the vegetables in a saucepan and cook until tender. Drain the water and use a blender to puree.

To prepare the dish you need: fish (400 g), 100 ml of water or milk, a tablespoon of flour, 2 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks), a piece of butter (20 g). Boil the fish in water, drain, mince or finely chop. Mix milk and flour (preheat the flour in a frying pan until slightly yellow) you will get a milky “sauce”, slightly thick. Now we begin to mix: fish, egg yolks, milk sauce, butter (if your doctor allows, you can add salt). Separately, beat the whites until thick foam. Stirring, add them to the fish mass.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Place the fish mass in a baking dish or baking sheet, put it in the oven and bake until done.

Apple marshmallow (dessert):

To prepare marshmallow, you need to take 1 kg of apples, peel them, cut them, add water in a saucepan and cook. Boil the apples, remove from heat, drain, and let cool slightly. Rub the apples through a sieve or chop with a blender. Drain all the juice from the resulting puree and squeeze out the puree. Separately pour the juice into a small saucepan and cook until thickened (almost like syrup). Add sugar (100 g) to the boiled juice and cook a little more. Mix juice with puree. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet, place in the oven (120 degrees), and dry the marshmallow until completely thickened.

The doctor talks about the diet for chronic pancreatitis: