What is the ideal size for a woman? Normal parameters of the penis and possible deviations. Penis size meaning

Penis size is something that bothers most men, even if they have nothing to be ashamed of. In order to get rid of complexes once and for all, you need to figure out what the normal penis size is for people of different nationalities.

If a man is able to satisfy a girl in bed and have children, his reproductive organs are fine

While many men measure the penis with a ruler in different positions, hoping to at least visually gain an extra half a centimeter, doctors say that the normal size of the penis is a length sufficient for full sexual intercourse and conceiving a child.

From a physiological point of view, a normal penis size can be considered a length greater than 8 centimeters. This is explained by the peculiarities of female physiology, because for conception it is necessary that ejaculation occurs deep in the vagina, and for this approximately 6 cm is enough. To satisfy a woman during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of female physiology. Thus, the main number of nerve endings sensitive to stimulation are located at a depth of approximately 7-10 cm. This determines the physiological norm for the size of the sexual organ.

A penis size of less than 7 cm is a disorder known as micropenia.

In other words, the normal size of the penis is determined by the main function of the organ, that is, the possibility of fertilization. It is interesting that a man with a normal penis size, that is, about 10 cm, who wants to undergo surgery to enlarge the organ, may be refused in most clinics, since from a medical point of view this is the normal length of the penis, which does not require surgical intervention.

The diameter of the penis, the norm of which is not determined in any source, should be comparable to the length of the organ. On average, the girth of the organ in a man with a small penis is about 8.5-9.5 cm.

Statistical norms

As a result of research, it turned out that for the majority of the fairer sex, size is not fundamentally important

Having figured out what the normal size of the penis is from a medical point of view, you should turn to statistics. It is disappointing for Asians, and Russians may also disagree with the data presented, but these are official statistics; measurements of the organs of volunteers were carried out by medical personnel.

What is the normal length of a penis - it depends on where you live. Statistics provide the following data:

  • Asian countries - 10-11 cm;
  • Europe – 15.5 cm;
  • USA – 13.5 cm;
  • Africa – 17 cm.

Each region has its own fluctuations in average sizes. Thus, the smallest penises among Asians belong to Koreans - about 10 cm. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of life, the residents North Korea penises are 9.5 cm, while those of the South Korean population are 10.5.

Residents of India also cannot boast of large sizes; the average length of the penis is 11 cm.

In Europe, the sex giants are the Czechs, the average size is 16.5 cm. For the countries of the post-Soviet space, the statistics as a whole are much more modest than is commonly believed:

  • Russia – 13 cm;
  • Belarus – 14.3 cm;
  • Ukraine – 14.6 cm;
  • Georgia – 15.2 cm.

But “hot Italians” have an average penis length of 15 cm. Of course, there are exceptions among every nationality. The given data does not mean that all Russians have penises that do not exceed 13 cm.

Interesting! According to some reports, the “average” penis increases in size every year. The reason is affordable, high-quality nutrition and fewer serious diseases suffered in childhood.

The normal thickness of the penis is not given in any statistics. The fact is that in medicine this indicator is not taken into account, since if the penis is of sufficient length, fertilization occurs regardless of the thickness of the penis.

The only statistics that take into account the thickness of the organ is the norm for penis size by age.

The normal length of the penis in teenage boys is important information that allows timely recognition of a number of anomalies in the development of the reproductive system. The average data is shown in the table.

The table shows the length of the penis in an erect state.

The normal size of the penis changes with age only during puberty. The data is given for Europe, so it may be slightly higher than the statistical average for the Russian Federation or Belarus. It is interesting that until the age of 16 the penis grows mainly in length, but after that it quickly increases in girth. Due to the change in size, the length of the penis decreases by about 3-6 mm, so the size after 17 years becomes slightly smaller.

Upon reaching puberty, the size of the penis does not change. These indicators cannot be affected by hormonal therapy and other conservative methods other than surgery.

What determines the size of an organ?

Problems during pregnancy can lead to underdevelopment of the baby's genitals

Contrary to popular belief, penis size is not dependent on other physical characteristics such as the size of the ears, nose or feet. The maximum size is reached during puberty, and the penis remains the same size as it was at 18-19 years of age until the end of life.

Factors that may affect the final penis size:

  • genetics;
  • diseases suffered in childhood;
  • ecology and nutrition;
  • intrauterine developmental anomalies.

Genetics plays important role. If all the men in the family had small members, the normal size of the penis in the descendants will remain approximately at the same level, with minor deviations of 1-2 cm.

The most important factor influencing the development of the genital organs is the functioning of the hormonal system. Lack of testosterone and somatotropin leads to slow growth of the penis. Disturbances in the production of these hormones are associated with intrauterine anomalies of fetal development, or with serious illnesses suffered in childhood. The synthesis of these hormones in adolescents may be adversely affected by long-term glucocorticoid therapy or cancer chemotherapy.

Another important factor is ecology and nutrition. People living in industrial regions, areas of increased radioactivity, or in areas with a high content of heavy metal salts in the soil may experience delayed sexual development and weakness of the hormonal system, which leads to the fact that their normal penis length is noticeably lower than statistics say .

Nutrition has the same effect. Flaw useful vitamins and microelements can cause various disorders in the development of a child, including delayed puberty. It is precisely due to the fact that the general environmental indicator and the quality of food have increased that every year there is a slight “increase” in the average size of a normal penis.

Due to severe illnesses in early childhood, the reproductive organ may not form

Having figured out what size of the penis is considered normal, you should consider the extreme degrees of deviation. It is interesting that a deviation above the norm is not a pathology and is not considered by medicine as a problem.

Today, it is considered normal to have a penis whose size exceeds 10 cm. If the length is less than this value and is in the range of 5-9 cm, a diagnosis of “small penis” is made. This size may not be enough for fertilization, so a decision may be made to surgically enlarge the penis.

The extreme degree of deviation is micropenia or micropenis syndrome. The genital organ in this case is developed normally, but its dimensions are 2-4 cm in the erect state. It is for the timely detection of this problem that it is necessary to know what the normal size of a teenager’s penis is, since the first signs of micropenia are noticeable already at the beginning of puberty.

How to measure the penis?

Knowing what the normal length of a man’s penis is, everyone will want to compare their performance with the norm. To do this, you need to take the measurements correctly.

The man should stand up straight and lower his erect penis slightly so that it is parallel to the floor. Then a measuring tool is applied to the base. When taking measurements, the distance between the base and the head is taken into account.

Pay attention! Measuring the penis from below is incorrect. Due to the proximity of the scrotum, such measurements differ significantly from the result obtained when measuring the upper part of the organ.

To measure the circumference or girth of the penis, the norm of which depends on the length of the organ, it is necessary to take three measurements at once - at the base, in the center and near the head. To do this, you need to take a measuring tape and wrap it around the organ, recording the final value. Afterwards, all three numbers are added, divided by three, and the resulting number is considered to be the girth of the penis. Such calculations are more accurate than simply measuring the penis in one place, since its width varies from the base to the head.

The resulting value indicates the girth of the penis. To calculate the diameter, this number must be divided by 3.14.

So, having figured out which penis is considered normal, you should not forget about the diameter. The average man with a penis larger than 12 cm has a diameter of approximately 4 cm.

When should you enlarge your penis?

The indication for penis enlargement surgery is that the length is insufficient for full sexual intercourse or fertilization. On average, surgery indicated in all cases where the penis is less than 9 cm.

Since the operation is complex and can lead to severe consequences, surgical penis enlargement is not performed on men with average and normal sizes due to the risk of complications. For example, a man with a 15 cm penis who wants to enlarge the organ to 18-19 will find it difficult to find a surgeon who will take on such responsibility.

Mandatory indications for surgical treatment are a small penis and micropenia. In these cases, the penis is enlarged by cutting the tissue at its base, as well as removing fat in the pubic area.

For micropenia, hormonal treatment is indicated, but it is prescribed only in adolescence, since testosterone injections do not help men over 18 years old to enlarge the penis.

Having figured out what penis size is considered normal, you should think carefully before attempting to enlarge it. Home enlargement methods are especially dangerous, as they most often involve injury to the tissues of the genital organ. It is important to understand that the average size of the penis is comparable to the average size of the female vagina, so men with small penises do not experience problems in their personal lives.

For each man, the concept of ideal penis size is purely individual, as is the case for the female half of society. If women pay attention to a man’s ability to control his dignity, then men are fixated on the length and width of the organ. Experts insist that ideal parameters of the penis simply do not exist, there are only generally accepted norms.

The first thing men need to consider when assessing the size of their reproductive organ is genetics. Also, size directly depends on nationality, body proportions, lifestyle and puberty. The imposed stereotypes that the larger the organ, the more pleasure a man can give a woman, is in fact fatally mistaken.

To find answers to the questions of what is the best penis size, scientists repeatedly conduct research and social surveys. For example, Colombian scientists recently conducted research on what women's idea of ​​an ideal lover would be. Many women noted that the size of the reproductive organ is an important parameter for them.

In addition to the size of the reproductive organ, women paid attention to the man’s height, the width of his shoulders and hips. And according to research results, it was found that most women prefer tall men with a penis size of at least 13 cm in a relaxed state. If the length of the penis was below 7.5 cm, the indicators of sympathy from women sharply decreased.

Important! The majority of women had a negative attitude towards large-sized male dignity, since women were interested in the quality of orgasm and the absence of any discomfort from sexual intercourse. So, the best penis size according to research was 12.7 cm in diameter, 16.1 cm in length.

What is the best penis size?

For representatives of the stronger sex, the ideal penis size is one that will allow a woman to experience maximum pleasure from sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, statistics say that most men are dissatisfied with nature’s data regarding the genital organ. Experts conducted research, after which the ideal length and thickness of the penis were established from the point of view of men.

  1. Ideal length– after conducting surveys and research, it was found that every man is missing approximately +2 cm in the length of his penis. Experts note that there are no apparent reasons for such a desire, it is just a consequence of prejudice.
  2. Ideal thickness– this parameter is much more important, since the degree of a woman’s pleasure from sexual intercourse depends on the diameter of the penis. As in the previous criterion, most men are about 2 cm short of the available data.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

The medical certificate has its own classification of the male penis according to size. For example, 2-3 cm in length is a micropenis, no more than 9 cm in length is a small penis, more than 9 cm is a normal penis, and 18 cm and more is a large penis. As for the thickness parameter, the classification of organ sizes and types is 8-15 cm.

What penis length do women consider optimal?

For the female population, the length and thickness of the penis are not so important when it comes to serious relationships. If a lady does not have a permanent partner, she will think about what penis size will be ideal for her. According to social research, the following parameters for the ideal penis size have been established:

  • Length - among women surveyed aged 18-50 years, it was found that 65% of ladies want a partner to have a penis length of 14-17 cm, 10% would like a length of about 10-15 cm, another 10% like a penis with a length of about 20 cm , the rest have not yet decided on their own preferences.
  • Width - as surveys have shown, most women prefer a phallus 5-6 cm thick; they pay much more attention to the length. Although experts say that the degree of satisfaction with sexual intercourse for women is determined more by the thickness than by the length of the phallus.

Is your companion satisfied with the size of your penis?


Medical experts say that large parameters of the reproductive organ are characteristic of men of the African race. For Europeans, the length of the male genital organ should be 16.5 cm, and the thickness – 14 cm. And if men are inclined to the ideal size with +2 cm to the specified parameters, then women, on the contrary, would like to see an organ 1 cm smaller.

Should you see a doctor?

You only need to see a doctor with one single problem - micropenis, that is, when both parameters in the size of the reproductive organ do not exceed 2-3 cm. In this case, we are talking about a serious pathology or congenital developmental anomaly, which requires medical study and correction. You need to see a urologist or andrologist.


Penis size for men is considered an indicator of his dignity and masculinity. Women, on the other hand, determine their ideal lover based on the parameters of the phallus. Experts have concluded that most men would like to add about 2 cm to their penis length and thickness, while women are satisfied with the average. The desire to have a large phallus is a mistake imposed by stereotypes and social prejudices.

Both a penis that is too large or too small can cause problems in your intimate life. The formation of an organ is influenced by many factors, even before the birth of a boy.. Many men, even in adolescence, doom themselves to complexes in the near future, creating negative conditions for the full development of the penis during puberty.

depends on the level of androgenic hormones, that is, from the entire set of factors that directly or indirectly influence their synthesis. In the male body, the production of androgens is subject to a strict hierarchy - this is the so-called HPG chain (hypothalamus-pituitary-testes). The signal to activate or stop testosterone synthesis comes from the brain to the testicles through the production of certain substances:

  1. The hypothalamus produces the hormone gonadoliberin hormone (GnRH).
  2. GnRH, entering the pituitary gland, stimulates the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LSH).
  3. LSG signals the testicles to produce testosterone.

The more smoothly the mechanism described above works, the larger the volume of testosterone and the penis.

The formation of the penis in a male child begins even before birth, so its size is influenced by congenital factors: the nature of pregnancy, the presence of genetic mutations of the X chromosome, pathologies of intrauterine development. As for the transfer of member parameters by inheritance, there is such a possibility. Moreover, genetics can manifest themselves in the 3rd generation.

A boy’s penis begins to actively grow during puberty (puberty), which begins from the moment when the brain starts the process of synthesis of stimulating hormones (read). Low level testosterone (hypogonadism) in the period from 10 to 16 years will lead to a lack of dynamics of penis growth. The main circumstances that provoke androgen deficiency in adolescents:

  • Pathologies of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, provoked by injuries, tumor processes, infectious diseases;
  • Inflammation of the testicles followed by atrophy of their tissue (probably as a complication of mumps);
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • Obesity (in adipose tissue, testosterone is converted into the female hormone estrogen);
  • Chronic stress and excessive exercise (cortisol suppresses testosterone synthesis);
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the gonads;
  • Addiction to bad habits (hormonal metabolism is disrupted).

Symptoms of hypogonadism during puberty, preventing the body from revealing its potential

Under the influence of the above factors, the development of the penis slows down or stops altogether..

Some men are sure that phimosis is preventing the growth of their penis. Doctors deny such claims. Also circumcision, masturbation and sexual abstinence do not affect penis size.

The size of the penis does not particularly depend on height. Often, tall men have a thin and rather modest penis, while short and stocky men have a long and fleshy penis.

Factors influencing size in adulthood

In adulthood, the penis may become smaller due to various diseases that affect the structure of its tissues (for example, Peyronie's disease), due to injury or age-related atrophy. In men who abuse alcohol and cigarettes, the genital organ loses tone much earlier due to insufficient blood supply and nutrition.

Adult men can keep their penis in good shape provided they have regular sex life (frequent natural blood flow helps to increase tissue turgor - the tense state of cell membranes), and replenish the deficiency of vitamins E, C, A, zinc, selenium, magnesium.

The better the physical shape, the more optimal the condition of the penis and the more balanced the hormonal levels.. In obese men, the phallus is visually smaller because it is hidden in the pubic fold, and testosterone levels are lower.

Medium size

The average (normal, standard) size of the penis is a conventional value that doctors rely on to determine whether a child’s sexual development corresponds to his age. At 10-13 years old, the length of the penis in a calm state can be from 3 to 6 cm, at 14-15 years old - from 6 to 9 cm, at 18 years old - 10-12 cm. At 20-22 years old, the growth of the penis stops.

There is no clear size standard. Various sources offer their own ranges. An example of the classification of members depending on the length in the excited state:

  1. Up to 4-6 cm - micropenis.
  2. Up to 12 cm – small.
  3. From 12 to 18 cm is the normal size.
  4. More than 18 cm is large.

In the vast majority of men, an erect penis normally reaches from 12 to 14 cm in length and 3-4 cm in diameter. The small size of an unaroused penis does not mean that its owner is sexually incompetent - when aroused, such an organ will enlarge much more than a large one.

What is considered normal for the shape and size of the penis

Another factor influencing the average penis size is race. IN different countries your standards. Statistical data from studies have shown that the leaders in the average length of the erect penis are the inhabitants of Congo and Sudan - 18 cm. The most modest average size is among the Thais - 9.4 cm, the Chinese have a little more - 9.7 cm. Among Europeans - 13-14 cm, for Asians - 11-12 cm. In Russia, according to different sources size ranges from 14 to 17 cm.

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The largest penis, the parameters of which are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, belongs to the American John Falcon. Maximum size during erection – 34.29 cm, length at rest - 20.32 cm. The smallest genital organ is that of the Pole Lee Przyzbylovich. His penis barely reaches 4 cm during erection. In medicine, such a deviation from the norm is designated by the term “congenital hypoplasia.”

Does size matter?

Since the length of the penis does not affect the physiological excretory functions, sex life is the only area where its size matters. Most men are sure: the larger the penis, the more satisfied the woman will be. Not a fact. It all depends on the depth of the vagina, the elasticity of its muscles and the degree of arousal - the perfect size for every woman. The average depth of the vagina in a calm state is 7-9 cm, in an excited state - 15-16 cm. Exactly 15 cm is the optimal length of the penis according to most women.

The hypothesis “the deeper, the more pleasant” does not work, since the vagina is an organ poor in nerve endings. In some areas their density is higher (as in the G-spot), but this area is 2-4 cm from the entrance, so the length of the penis does not play a special role in achieving orgasm for a woman. Diameter is more important. It is this parameter of the penis that affects the feeling of fullness and the degree of stimulation of the nerve endings located in the walls.

What do women think about penis size?

A penis that is too long (from 20-22 cm) causes a man no less problems than a short one: Most women experience pain and discomfort during and after sex. Position options are very limited, you have to be careful. Intense shocks to the cervix during intercourse can lead to injury.

The muscles of the vagina, like the muscles that control the penis, can be trained. With mutual desire, the sexual compatibility of partners will significantly improve.

How to determine the size

Men should know the size of their penis, if only in order to choose the right condom. Many people complain on forums that when the contraceptive is pulled on, the erection disappears and protected sex becomes impossible. In 90% of cases, the cause is an incorrectly selected size.

Measurements are taken on the erect organ. The length is determined using a regular ruler, slightly pressed into the pubis. The distance from the root of the penis to the projection of the end of the urethra onto the plane of the ruler is taken into account.

The girth of the penis can be measured with a measuring tape or thread (wrap it and then place it on a ruler). The circumference is measured at the thickest point. Dividing the result by 3.14 calculates the diameter.

How to increase size

Before and during puberty, the parameters of a teenager's penis can be influenced using hormonal therapy. Testosterone or human chorionic gonadotropin is administered in short courses.

In adult men, the effect of testosterone on penis size fades into the background, so hormonal therapy to increase it after puberty is not advisable. First of all, the following means are used:

  • Devices: and rings, ,

    The most effective exercise for penis growth is jelqing, video on how to do it correctly

    All of the above only works if used regularly over a long period of time.. Men who are not ready to devote the lion's share of time to massaging their penis can choose other methods of increasing it:

    1. into the head and trunk. The effect lasts for 6-12 months.
    2. Plastic surgery using your own fat or muscle tissue.
    3. Implantation of a self-resorbable biomatrix.
    4. Penile prosthetics.

    All methods carry a certain health hazard: rejection of implants, suppuration, migration of materials, leading to irreversible deformation of the penis and necrosis of its tissues. According to statistics, more than 84% of men seeking surgical penis enlargement do not need it.


    There is no “gold standard” for penis shape and size to go by. A man's degree of satisfaction with the parameters of his penis and intimate life is largely determined by the successful selection of a partner. Harmonious relationships do not give a reason to think about how a member fits certain standards, and do not force one to look for ways to enlarge it.

Doesn't matter . However, this topic worries both representatives of the stronger and weaker sex.

Men are obsessed with him, giving him nicknames, treating him with special respect and comparing him to others.

They consider it a symbol of masculinity, pride and joy.

In different countries it is called differently. For example, the French call it a “crossbow”, the Bulgarians “chock”, the Italians “stuffed animal”, and in Russia “stick”, “twenty-first finger” and others nicknames

There are a number of common superstitions that indicate connection between some external signs and the size of manhood.

Although there is no scientific evidence that such a connection actually exists, there are several methods that provide clues as to whether a man is naturally blessed with large dimensions.

Man size

Does he sway a little or shuffle a little when he walks or walks a little awkwardly, as if something is bothering him? A man's gait can give away what he's hiding in his pants.

After all, it is much more difficult to walk when you have a “third leg” between your legs.

© BZH22/Getty Images

This is one of the common methods for determining the size of manhood that most people resort to. It is believed that the shape and size of a man's hand is a direct indication of how big he is.

The fact is that the amount of prenatal testosterone that boys are exposed to in the womb directly affects the production of hormones, which is reflected in the hands and genitals. Thus, high testosterone levels can lead to bigger arms and more.

© Andrew Poplavsky

Often, men who are confident are those who have impressive genitals.

If he is very attentive, passionate, affectionate and always finds a reason to accidentally touch a woman, then he knows that he has nothing to worry about.

A man who knows that you won't gasp in surprise will act more relaxed and won't look for reasons to flirt with you.


If a man constantly praises his achievements and abilities, you should be careful. In general, this behavior is already questionable.

It may also indicate that he has an exaggerated opinion of himself and his manhood.

Manhood length

© Koldunova_Anna / Getty Images

Many also believe that the shape of the fingers can be an indication of what to expect. If his fingers are short and thick, then his place of origin is the same.

If they are long and thin, then nature has endowed it with length, but not width.

There are also scientific studies that claim that if a man’s index finger is shorter than his ring finger, then his performance is above average.

© rclassenlayouts/Getty Images

If you want to know his size, don't judge him by how pumped he is. A man can dial muscle mass by going to the gym to hide your real body shape.

Often very pumped up men who do not go out gym, work on their body to look more attractive and compensate for the parts of the body that they cannot change.

© Wavebreakmedia/Getty Images

This is another comparison that sounds like a cliché, but many would argue that there is some truth to it.

And yet, you can meet a man with large feet and large dimensions, but also one who has huge feet, but not such a large manhood.

© Syda Productions

If he constantly boasts about his size or the fact that he is good in bed, then most likely this is just theater. Men who think a lot about themselves can boast little in terms of physical data.

Perhaps he just wants to divert attention from his complexes and make you believe that he is a real God.

© sematadesign/Getty Images

This seems like a stereotype, but part of it has been confirmed scientific research. It has been proven that men from certain countries are larger due to genetic factors.

The eternal source of male complexes - the size of the penis - is discussed so often that even those of us who have never paid attention to such

characteristic, sometimes they look at their partner with curiosity. There is a popular opinion among women that technique in sex is more important than anything else. But nevertheless, to the news that you slept with a man for the first time, girlfriends more often react with the question “what is he like?” than “how gentle is he?” Heroine looks at what an ideal male penis should be like and what to do if your partner’s size leaves much to be desired.

What size is considered normal?

According to various studies, the average penis is considered to be between 11 and 17 centimeters in size in an erect state. We can talk about pathology if the male organ is shorter than 7 centimeters. Members larger than 20 centimeters are not very common and can cause serious discomfort to a woman in bed.

Why do women have no consensus on the meaning of size?

The question of the size of manhood does not lose relevance, largely because the opinions of women are diametrically opposed. Some are convinced that the ability and desire to please a girl is more important than physical parameters, others categorically state that a man with a small penis is not able to satisfy them. Both categories are right, because it all depends on how a woman is used to reaching climax. Orgasm is conventionally divided into clitoral and vaginal. Scientists still doubt the existence of the second, although many girls claim that they experience it regularly. Obviously, for clitoral orgasm, the length of the penis does not matter. But for vaginal this parameter is fundamental.

What Science Says

On average, the length of a woman's vagina is 7-12 centimeters. At the same time, it has elastic walls that can stretch significantly, otherwise childbirth would be impossible. As for orgasm, the capacity of the female organ does not play a big role here. As experts note, most of the sensitive areas are located at the entrance to the vagina and occupy about a third of its front wall - for about 5 centimeters. In the rest of the vagina, sensitivity is extremely low. This is again connected with the need to give birth - if there were as many nerve fibers in the entire female organ as in the clitoral area, we would die of pain. Therefore, if size matters, then we are talking more about thickness than length. One study in which women had objects of different lengths inserted into their vaginas found that they felt almost no difference in length between 12 and 15 centimeters, but immediately felt a change in circumference.

What to do if you are not happy with the size of your partner's penis

Whatever statistics and science say, this is little consolation for girls who do not enjoy sex with a guy. First, we recommend making sure that it really is a matter of size. There are many ways to make a woman orgasm that don't require a penis at all. If the guy doesn't know about them, talk to him and explain what you like. Don't forget that the success of sex depends on how excited you are, so you need to prepare not only physically, but also mentally. Look for images and poses that turn you on, visualize, use your imagination and share it with your boyfriend. If you want powerful and deep penetration, sex toys can help you. There is nothing weird about using a vibrator and other devices during sex with a guy. Only you determine the boundaries of what is permitted, again during an open dialogue. If your boyfriend is over 20 (years, not centimeters), you shouldn’t flatter yourself with the hope that his penis will still grow. But you can increase it for a short time with vacuum massage. You don’t have to do anything; there is a special device for such manipulations - a hydraulic pump. Let him use it before sex, it will add a couple of centimeters to the length and circumference, besides, the erection and his sensations from sex will also increase. Find out what a vacuum hydraulic pump is