A competent resume. Sample resume writing. Cover letter for resume - what it is and why you need it

Lately, I often have to help with resume writing. Some kind of general desire to change everything that is possible: life, work, place of residence. The most accessible thing is to change your job for a better one. The first step, so to speak.

As a rule, to establish yourself as a specialist, you need a convincing and well-written resume. And who said that writing a resume is not copywriting? What a great one!

Perhaps the most important selling text for your own benefit. A unique text that will help you sell your skills, your professional qualities for the maximum high price.

Your resume should be a well-written document that demonstrates your credibility and professionalism in every line and paragraph. There is no place for a lengthy biography. No one cares how many times you have been married or what kind of trials you have had to endure.

  • It should contain a concise statement of information that will highlight you in a favorable light among the crowd of applicants, as a class specialist, a professional.
  • Moments of professional growth and achievements that will make HR officers and the employer pay attention to you personally: such a valuable and necessary specialist for the company.

Example of a professional resume

How to write a good resume

  • Title or header.
  • Purpose of writing a resume.
  • Education.
  • Work experience and position for which you are applying.
  • Desired payment.
  • Additional information.

Now in more detail on each point.

IN "Heading" indicate your details:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic - this is required
  2. Indicate your year of birth if you think this information will add points to you. The price is for people 30-35 years old. The chances are significantly lower for 45-year-olds and 19-year-olds. But you can’t hide your sewing in a bag. You will indicate the years of study. So here it’s up to you to decide whether to advertise your age from the very first lines or not.
  3. Marital status is also not necessary, but desirable.
  4. Address, telephone, email, Skype. All those contacts that you consider necessary. This is a mandatory item.


If there are several telephone numbers, first indicate the telephone number by which you can be reached at any time.
The potential employer has a lot of you, applicants. If you don’t get through the first time, consider the train has left and so has the coveted vacancy.

In the section "Target", clearly indicate the position for which you are applying.


As a rule, a resume is written based on the vacancy that is in at the moment required by the employer. You should not indicate several positions at once in one document.

  1. Create a separate resume for each ad.
  2. One job offer - one resume.

In the column "Education" start with the profession and diploma that give you the basis to apply for this position.

Please indicate your educational institution, qualifications, and average score.
If you attended advanced training courses in your profession or did an internship at a prestigious enterprise, be sure to write about it.

Honors degree? Be sure to point out this fact. Academic degree? Absolutely gorgeous.


Feel free to talk about all your achievements in the field of activity for which you are applying.

If education does not correspond to either the position or profession, the name of the educational institution, years of study, diploma or certificate of education must be indicated.

Additionally, write about your level of computer and Internet skills.
List the programs you work with and are fluent in.

Be sure to indicate your language proficiency level. If, of course, such knowledge exists, and consider that extra points are in your pocket.

You can indicate whether you have a license to drive a car or whether you own the car itself.
For some reason, this question from the employer in an oral conversation when applying for a job is heard very often, even if the applicant came to be hired as a janitor or salesperson.

Count “Work experience and desired position” This is the most important part of your resume.

  • Start from your last job. In what organization, for how long, in what terms did you work. Are you still working there?
  • Indicate your achievements, successes, advanced training courses, everything that can confirm your competence and serve to your benefit.
  • Don't list details work book, write about real work experience, use terms, indicate those character traits that will help you achieve success in the position for which you are applying.

The employer must see you as a person who has all the necessary complex of knowledge, skills and character traits.

However, trainings and courses that are not relevant should not be listed. It is unlikely that it will be useful for a future boss to know that you took an origami course if he is considering your candidacy as an economist or HR manager.

Question desired payment- the most ticklish one on a resume.


If you know your worth as a specialist, and are not ready to work for an amount less than you value yourself, feel free to write exactly that.

If you are applying for the same position that you previously worked in another place, and you know how much such a vacancy is paid, write the amount of the expected salary. However, please note that your pay plans and your employer's plans may not be the same.

If you know your lower earnings limit, then write that you expect to be paid at least a certain amount.
You don’t have to specify this item at all and respond to advertisements that indicate wages for a vacancy.
Another example:

How to avoid annoying mistakes

  1. First of all, the resume must be written correctly, without errors and clumsy phrases. Proofread what you have written and make sure that all terms, program names, and abbreviations of educational institutions are written correctly and do not contain annoying typos, errors, or inaccuracies.
  2. An illiterately written resume makes an unfavorable impression. It “hurts” the eye immediately upon reading, and the matter may not lead to an interview at all. Even if the data you provided would suit your potential superiors perfectly.
  3. It is better to place your resume on one sheet of paper. It’s worse if it’s two pages and a stack of several pages is completely useless.
    Imagine a personnel officer or employer who is forced to read multi-page opuses of each applicant-writer. Usually only the beginning is carefully observed.
  4. This single page must be formatted in a readable manner. Both too small and large fonts are unacceptable. Ideally 12 pt.
  5. The text should not be positioned all over each other. Break it up into paragraphs of 2-3 sentences.

Put your soul into your resume, don’t “dry” the text with paperwork. But don't overdo it either. Choose the golden mean between a statement of facts and a list of skills, insert a highlight of uniqueness.

The employer should see you as both a specialist and a person focused on career growth. A specialist from whom the company will benefit from cooperation and a person with whom it will be comfortable to work.

Very important

Writing a competent, convincing resume is not a five-minute task. Spend time on this once, create a template, a basis, and adjust it as needed.

It would be nice if the document includes your photo: small, but of good quality. This will add advantages to a positive decision and your resume will not get lost in a pile of faceless and dryly official submissions of competitors.

Now you know how to create a good resume yourself. Don't rely on online resume writing services. Unique texts always stand out against the background of templates, you will have a chance to attract the attention of the employer.

A resume is the first step in finding a prestigious and decently paid job, which should lead you to an interview. Make it competent and convincing.

Here you can watch and download:

  • a good example of a resume for work in Kazakhstan and beyond,to create your own resume based on it,
  • you can download a template, a resume form in Word to fill out (standard),
  • ready-made example of filling out a resume for a teacher, educator, teacher primary classes, sales consultant, accountant, builder, nurse and enter your details,
  • key skills for a resume, etc.

Not every specialist, professional, worker, employee can and knows how to “sell” himself. You need to “sell” your knowledge, skills, experience, and competence in order to get a job with a good salary. A good resume can make a presentation of you as a specialist.

Here you can see how to write a resume correctly, how to correctly fill out all the columns of a resume, what to write in the section “About yourself”, “Goal”, “Professional skills and personal qualities”, etc.

We hope that the resume samples below will help you quickly create your resume and get a job. good job with a good salary.


This is what a classic resume form looks like, which you can download below. This is a standard resume sample for applying for a job. Here you can learn how to fill it out correctly, what to write in each column. Some columns, such as “Advanced training, courses, additional education" - if you have nothing to fill out this paragraph of your resume with, do not leave it empty, it is better to delete the column.

Download resume form

(downloads: 35335)



If you are looking for a job as an accountant, then this example of filling out an accountant's resume will be useful to you. You can download this sample below and fill it out with your details.

Download this sample accountant resume

(downloads: 17645)


Another ready-made example of a resume for a salesperson, sales consultant. You can familiarize yourself with a sample salesperson’s resume and download it in Word format for further corrections and amendments to suit your data. Rather than writing a resume from scratch, it is always faster and better to use a ready-made resume, competently compiled by specialists.

Download a sample resume for a salesperson, sales consultant

(downloads: 15617)

For sales consultants who have the desire and free time, we can recommend watching several video lessons, trainings on sales techniques, and working with client objections here:

Do this and you can add a “tick” to your resume under the item “Advanced training, courses, additional education”:
- Self-education: educational video lessons, training on techniques, sales psychology, working with objections.


Here we have added, at the request of readers, another example of a resume for a builder in Kazakhstan. This resume example is suitable for those who are looking for a job as a builder, builder-finisher, plasterer-painter. This is a resume of a builder who does not have a specialized education, but has work experience, learned along the way, having gone from a laborer, an auxiliary worker or an apprentice to a builder. The majority of those currently engaged in construction came to this specialty from other professions.
You can download a sample resume for a builder, enter your data, delete unnecessary information, and send your resume to apply for a vacancy.


Myrzakhmetov Bekzat Kusmanovich


Age, date of birth: 32 years old, 02/12/1986.

Address: Almaty, Kuderina st., 272

Marital status: married, two children

Telephone:+7 707 xxx xxxx

Email: [email protected]

Goal, desired position:

Application for position:

  • builder;
  • builder finisher;
  • plasterer-painter.

Work experience in construction – 11 years.

I am proficient in all types of technologies, techniques and methods of finishing work on design various types premises.

  • knowledge of the market for modern finishing materials and paint and varnish products from various manufacturers, their composition, characteristics;
  • experience and ability to work with various finishing materials;
  • experience in laying floor coverings, installing doors, measuring skills;
  • knowledge regulatory documents relating to construction work;
  • knowledge of internal labor regulations, labor safety rules and standards.


2015 – 2018 Construction company "Arman-Kurylys" (Almaty),
Position – builder-finisher.

Functional responsibilities:
- execution of interior finishing of office and residential premises of various levels of complexity:

  • plastering,
  • painting works,
  • plasterboard works,
  • laying laminate, linoleum, parquet.

2013 - 2015 IP "Rakhmetov" (Almaty),
Position – builder-finisher

Functional responsibilities:

  • performing timely and high-quality repairs as requested;
  • Carrying out work on puttying, plastering, leveling surfaces;
  • decorative plaster;
  • painting walls, ceilings;
  • laying tiles, laminate, parquet, linoleum;
  • pouring concrete floors;
  • performing other work.

2010-2012 Construction team (Almaty)
Position – Painter-plasterer.

Functional responsibilities:
- carrying out internal repairs of residential and non-residential premises: plastering, puttying, painting, wallpapering, tiling.

2008 - 2009 Construction team (Almaty),
Position – Apprentice and auxiliary worker.

Functional responsibilities:
- plaster, putty, painting, wallpaper, tiling.


2004-2006 Agricultural College

February 2011 – training with a master “Artistic and decorative finishing of premises”, Almaty.

September-October 2013 – training from a master “Laying floor coverings: linoleum, laminate, parquet.

Self-education: I follow trends and innovations in the decoration and design of premises, finishing materials.

Language knowledge:

Kazakh (native) - spoken,
Russian language – fluent,
English - with dictionary

Efficiency, resistance to stress, efficiency, responsibility, diligence, ability to work in a team, accuracy, decency, performing one's work at a high level, easy to learn.
No bad habits.



Download this construction worker resume sample

(downloads: 7125)


Who needs a sample (example) of a nurse's resume in Word - you can download ready-made resume nurses are here.
You can correct or supplement this resume, enter your details and apply for a vacancy. This is a good, solid summary. Suitable for filling the position of procedural nurse, guard nurse, district nurse, senior nurse.


Ibraeva Dinara Bolatovna


Age, date of birth: 32 years old, 02/18/1986.

Address: Almaty, Kuderina st., 272

Marital status: married, 1 child

Telephone:+7 777 xxx xxxx

Email: [email protected]

Goal, desired position:

Application for a vacancy as a nurse, head nurse. Work experience – 13 years.

Achievements. Professional skills and knowledge:

Knowledge of medical legislation sanitary standards, possession of medical equipment, experience in conducting prof. examinations, skills in conducting intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, dressings, collecting various material for research, ability to maintain medical documentation and records both in paper and in electronic form, skills in working with sterilizing medical equipment, knowledge of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, etc. PC fluency.


2013 – 2018 City maternity hospital No. 3 (Almaty),
Position – guard nurse

Functional responsibilities:

Keeping records and fulfilling doctor's prescriptions for each patient, monitoring the condition of each patient and caring for him, recording and issuing medications, filling out medical records, journals and other department documentation, being on duty, accompanying/transporting patients for examinations, procedures, measuring blood pressure , if necessary: ​​gave injections, IVs, bandages, etc.

2009 - 2012 Private medical clinic “Dostar” (Almaty),
Position – procedural nurse

Functional responsibilities:

Intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections, droppers, drawing blood and other materials for laboratory tests, submitting tests to the laboratory, dressing, sanitizing the premises, recording medications, maintaining medical records.

2005-2008 City clinic No. 17 (Almaty)
Position: district nurse.

Functional responsibilities:
- preparing the office for receiving patients. Assist the doctor during the appointment. Maintaining documentation (filling out patient cards, issuing sick leave, certificates, prescriptions, directions, keeping records, filling out various kinds of journals, issuing coupons, making an appointment in advance). Work on the site, invitation to the prof. examinations, medical examinations, preventive vaccinations, patronage of newborns at home, consulting mothers on issues of care and fulfilling doctor’s prescriptions.

2003 - 2005 Dentistry "Anga" (Almaty),

Position – nurse

Functional responsibilities:
- preparing the dental office for patient reception, preparing the necessary instruments, sterilization and disinfection, caring for equipment, instruments and medications, storing medications, maintaining documentation, processing X-ray films, assisting the dentist.


2003-2005 Medical College "Avicenna", Faculty of Nursing, specialty "Nurse",

Language knowledge:

Russian language - fluent, Kazakh language - spoken, English language- basic

About yourself, personal qualities, additional information::

Efficiency, resistance to stress, efficiency, responsibility, diligence, accurate performance of one's duties, accuracy, decency, easy to learn.
No bad habits.



Download this sample nurse resume

(downloads: 4234)


As an example, we offer a sample resume for a primary school teacher in Kazakhstan; in principle, it will be suitable as a sample for filling out a teacher vacancy in any subject, or a teacher vacancy.

Dear teachers, pedagogues, teacher job seekers, do not hesitate to sell your knowledge and skills, celebrate your achievements, do not be lazy to write about yourself. After reviewing hundreds of published teacher resumes, the conclusion is that drivers are more vocal.

- who is not yet familiar with the State Compulsory Standard of Primary Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan can read here - http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1800017669
- Be sure to check your finished resume for typos, at least in the WORD program (review - spelling).


Karataeva Gulmira Asylkhanovna


Age, date of birth: 34 years old, 08/18/1984.

Address: Almaty, Baitursynov street, 272

Marital status: married, two children

Telephone:+7 747 xxx xxxx

Email: [email protected]

Goal, desired position:

Job application:

  • primary school teachers
  • preparation for school
Achievements. Professional skills and knowledge:

Work experience in teaching – 14 years.

Knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, school hygiene;
- knowledge of the state compulsory standard of preschool and primary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensuring that students obtain knowledge, skills and abilities not lower than the level provided for by GOST of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- knowledge of teaching methods in primary grades and educational work, programs and textbooks for preschool and primary education, forms, methods, techniques and teaching aids;
- knowledge and compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.


2018 – 2019 High school No. 3 (Almaty),

Functional responsibilities:
- conducting lessons according to the updated program,
- maintaining educational documentation, developing thematic and lesson plans, handouts, reporting, monitoring the current progress of students, etc.;
- use of active methods and techniques in lessons for the most effective learning of materials by students;

- additional classes with low-performing students.

2009 - 2018 Secondary school No. 19 (Almaty),
Position – primary school teacher

Functional responsibilities:
- conducting lessons, systematizing educational material, maintaining educational documentation, developing thematic and lesson plans, handouts, reporting, monitoring the current progress of students, etc.;
- speaking at teacher councils, publishing printed works, methodological work;
- educational work (class management), work with parents, holding parent-teacher meetings;
- additional classes with low-performing students
- extracurricular activities: organizing and conducting various extracurricular activities (cool hours, holidays, competitions, theatrical performances, etc.), participation in intra-school events;

Achievements: assignment of qualification 2011 - primary school teacher of the second category.
Achievements: assignment of qualification 2015 - primary school teacher of the first category.

2005 - 2008 Kindergarten “Malyshok” (Almaty),
Position – teacher

Functional responsibilities:
- organizing and conducting developmental and training sessions, preparing and holding holidays and various events. Working with parents. Carrying out diagnostic studies, correctional classes, carrying out adaptation measures. Consulting parents.


2005 Almaty State Pedagogical University named after Abai PMNO, primary school teacher

Advanced training, courses, additional education:

2018 KSU ShG No. 51 Educational and Methodological Center "Tabys", New approaches to training primary school teachers in the context of updating the content of education

2015 GorIPK, Primary school. "Developing critical thinking through reading and writing"

Language knowledge:

Russian language - fluent
Kazakh language – spoken
English - Intermediate

About yourself, personal qualities, additional information::

Passed certification in November 2019. I love my job, I know how to get along with children. Personal qualities: efficiency, stress resistance, efficiency, communication skills, responsibility.
No bad habits. Confident PC user.



Download this sample teacher resume

(downloads: 2913)

Previously, this aspect of employment was not used in our country. Quite recently, the developments of European recruitment agencies began to be applied here. And an incredible number of difficulties and problems have arisen, since citizens simply do not know how to competently and correctly present information about themselves in such a way as to interest a potential employer. In fact, resumes were written in the form of numerous listings of achievements, autobiographies, characteristics, etc. The basic principle of brevity, conciseness and clear structure was extremely rare.

Difficulties in filling out such important document provoked the formation of a significant number of templates and samples. Today, creating a resume is not difficult; you can find ready-made versions online, in which you just need to insert your data. In reality, everything is quite simple and understandable. However, we should not forget that it is this document that plays a decisive role in employment. If it is drawn up dryly and incorrectly, then it is unlikely that your candidacy will be of interest to a potential employer. Here you need a competent balance of brevity and the formation of a list of advantages that define you as a true professional in your field.

Today, competition for employment in good positions is present everywhere. Practice shows that a well-written resume can become an undeniably important basis for attracting initial attention. In fact, only those candidates who were able to catch something from their resume are invited for an interview. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to draw up this document correctly, competently, and competently.

An important aspect is that the resume should consist of key data, the use of which will allow the manager to adequately assess all your advantages over other candidates for the position. In addition to everything, it is necessary to take into account that this document should not contain unnecessary personal information, and should be quite short and concise. Many describe their achievements for several pages, but practice shows that such “sheets” are rarely read to the end. All information you include in your resume must be truthful. In fact, verifying such data is not difficult. But if it turns out that you hid some data or provided false information, this may cause a lack of confidence in your candidacy.

At its core, a resume is a complete and brief description all human abilities that make him competitive in the labor market. This document must contain three main qualities, such as productivity, education and the absence of limitations in abilities.

What is a resume?

Resume- This is a fairly brief presentation that is reflected in writing. The document contains a description of a number of professional skills. You can also include here a description of all your personal skills, a description of your achievements, etc. In fact, you must definitely describe all the nuances that are important for the employer. If you have taken advanced training courses, then this information also reflected in the resume.

You need to be very careful and careful about this issue, then its implementation will be ideal.

When applying for a job in modern organizations, the structure of studying a resume is used, on the basis of which the process of assessing the possibility of further consideration of a candidate is subsequently carried out. Naturally, this hiring structure is used exclusively for prestigious and highly paid positions. However, gradually the method of selecting professionals based on resumes is becoming an integral part of our lives. Such conditions for employment are established by many companies or organizations.

The resume itself is a self-introduction. A very important factor here is that the applicant himself forms the information in such a way that it is of interest to management. On the basis of which management can immediately make a decision about creativity, as well as the creative potential of a person. This is especially important if a person gets a position in which these qualities play an important role.

At the same time, you need to take into account that no one needs lengthy resumes. The manager uses resumes precisely to obtain preliminary information within a minimum amount of time. If your self-presentation consists of 10 sheets, then most likely your request will remain unanswered. Since no one is interested in spending a significant amount of time studying information that may not be useful at all. Accordingly, you need to adhere to text size standards. It is recommended to use no more than two A4 sheets.

It is very important to choose the most optimal qualities that might interest management. However, remember that exactly how you should make your representation depends on the vacant position. If we are talking about working as a psychologist in kindergarten, then it would be foolish to point out the completion of numerous trainings in psychoanalysis of addiction. Agree, the most important qualities in this situation are love for children, the ability to find mutual understanding, an indication of those training courses and education received that relate specifically to the psychology of children.

That is, it is very important to understand where you are going to send your resume. Only in this way will the text be composed competently and interestingly.

Compilation instructions

Before you start writing your resume, remember the basic rules:

  • Try to write only truthful information. In this case, you can use a description of exclusively advantages, and at the same time you can remain silent about possible disadvantages. Of course, this question may arise during an interview, but your resume should not be filled with such a description;
  • Compose your document in a structured manner. Remember that the content should not spread over more than two sheets. Therefore, try to describe all the nuances succinctly, but at the same time briefly. Also make sure that the text formatting is perfect. As you understand, structure will allow you to quickly read your presentation, and in its entirety;
  • Remember that positive emotions and a positive mood are the main elements of your future success.

Compilation instructions:

  • Step 1: Title

In this case, the word - summary is indicated, and it is indicated from whom exactly it was compiled. All data is indicated on one line.

  • Step 2: Goal

It is very important to remember that your resume is written for a specific purpose. At the same time, it is recommended to form it in one line and one phrase. So, you can indicate - applying for the position of a child psychologist.

  • Step 3: Personal information

You will need to provide your date of birth, address, contact phone number, email address. It is recommended to indicate marital status. This item is best written as a bulleted list. That is, try to do everything possible so that all information is read almost instantly.

  • Step 4: Education

Information is provided in chronological order. The name of the educational institution, years of study (entry and graduation) must be indicated, and the name of the profession must be indicated. If you have taken additional training courses or advanced training courses, then you definitely need to indicate this in the bottom line in the form of additional information.

  • Step 5: Indicate work experience

You need to start listing data about places of work from the last place where you worked. In this case, you also need to indicate the date of employment and dismissal, as well as the name of the company where you worked, the name of the position you held.

  • Step 6. Job responsibilities

This parameter is not mandatory, however, you must understand that if you held the same position at your previous place of work, then such a question will certainly arise. It is for this reason that it is recommended to include a description of responsibilities in the document. official procedure that you did at your last job. So, you will immediately provide information that characterizes certain professional characteristics of your candidacy.

  • Step 7. Achievements

A very important parameter that will determine how experienced a worker you are. Your potential employer will certainly want to know why your candidate is the best fit for them. If you achieved your goals at work and received prospects for career growth, you should definitely include such information in your resume. Experts recommend listing your achievements in the form of unique markers. For example, he increased sales volumes by thirty percent for six months, introduced and developed new technologies for optimizing work activities. You need to remember that here you need to indicate real and specific data, and not use general phrases. The more accurately this information is provided, the more likely it will be that the employer will be interested in your candidacy.

  • Step 8. Additional information

Here you will need to describe all your strengths, as well as focus on professional skills, abilities and knowledge that can actually help you perform the tasks assigned to you in the workplace with sufficient quality and skill:

  1. Computer skills and additional security programmatic in nature. You need to remember that if you get a job in an office, then such data is simply necessary. Since, in essence, work that is related to computers must be done quickly, and if the applicant does not own certain programs, then hiring him will be unprofitable for management;
  2. Language skills. It is very important that you clearly indicate not only the language you speak, but also your level of proficiency. If the chosen profession for which you are submitting a resume is accompanied by the need additional knowledge languages, then this point should be described in sufficient detail;
  3. Data on the availability of a car, as well as driving skills, are also indicated. If your proposed job includes the possibility of traveling by car, then such information should be included in your resume without fail. You must also indicate your driving experience.
  • Step 9. Personal qualities

In this section, you should not write too much information about qualities that are not at all relevant to your future work. All qualities that are directly valued social society, may not touch the future leader at all. Among other things, many managers even have a very negative attitude towards those applicants who praise their rich inner world. Reading such information is tedious and uninteresting. Here it would be rational to indicate punctuality and attentiveness, a mathematical mindset, the ability to analyze and make timely decisions. If the profession is creative, then you need to indicate a developed imagination, a sense of style and the ability to take an unconventional approach to solving certain problems.

  • Step 10. Availability of recommendations

It would be great if you could mention these managements in your resume, as well as their contact numbers, so that you can get more accurate data about your professionalism first-hand. That is, in essence, if you are confident that you will be given excellent recommendations at work, you can indicate such data, as it will make your resume more substantial and meaningful.

Samples and templates

At the moment, you can find a fairly significant number of samples and templates on the Internet that will allow you to quickly understand all the nuances of drafting a document.


At its core, the document should reflect several blocks:

  • Personal information;
  • Education;
  • Availability of experience;
  • Additional professional qualities;
  • Personal qualities;
  • Availability of recommendations.

In fact, all information must be structured, otherwise it will simply merge together and will not attract any attention. We will certainly say that information in the form of transfers should be written in the form of a bulleted list. This is the only way it will instantly catch your eye, which means it will immediately attract the maximum amount of attention. The main criteria for drawing up the document are:

  • Objectivity;
  • Brevity;
  • Structurality;
  • Availability of parts.

Thus, it becomes clear that the sample document itself provides a kind of example, on the basis of which you can later quickly compose your resume, taking into account your individual characteristics and qualities.

  1. Full name, telephone number, marital status, registration address;
  2. Description of education;
  3. Description of work experience;
  4. A clear indication of the official duties that were performed at the previous place of work;
  5. Achievements;
  6. Professional qualities;
  7. Personal qualities;
  8. Availability of recommendations.

You should definitely indicate in your resume the date on which you will be able to start performing the job if hired.

Keep in mind that standard samples do not contain any creativity. If you are applying for a creative position, it is recommended to include it in your resume. Also remember that managers do not want to spend hours re-reading such documents, therefore, the most important rule is brevity and scope.

A properly drafted document will definitely be read. If you compose more than 5 sheets, believe me, no one will read them. And since you do not value the time of your potential manager, you are unlikely to be invited to an interview.

Templates represent a ready-made and developed document for a clearly defined profession. Its essence lies in the fact that all the professional qualities that appeal to this profession have already been spelled out. You need to enter personal data, as well as enter into the document those data that directly relate to training and work experience. If you cannot draw up a document yourself, then in this case, the most rational solution would be to use a template. So, within a few minutes you can create a resume and immediately send it to management for review. If your profession involves strict fulfillment of certain obligations, then structure will allow the manager to assess your tendency to create clarity and precision, which can also be a decisive factor in hiring.

Important factors in writing a resume

In the process of drafting a document, it is very important to adhere to certain rules, but there are also significant factors that can make the document more attractive, interesting and successful.

  • Try to write your resume in such a way that a potential employer perceives it as the main source of biographical information, as well as a source of information about professional experience. In other words, you need to include personal data in the document, as well as describe professional achievements and list educational information. Such information must be clear and detailed. That is, if you describe your level of education, be sure to indicate the name of the educational institution, the year of admission and graduation, be sure to indicate the direction, etc. If you indicate work experience, then you will definitely need to indicate data that relates to the name of the company, the position you held , year of admission and dismissal. If there was career growth, this should also be included in the description. This structure will show that you are a serious person, your approach to work is precise and clear, you are distinguished by a certain pedantry, which allows you to reduce the time spent on studying of this document etc.;
  • A very important point is to indicate the data that can reflect that you meet the requirements set by the employer for a clearly defined job. That is, you must initially provide in your document a list of factors and qualities that can clearly determine that your knowledge and skills can become the basis for fulfilling the requirements assigned to you. Be sure to include all information that relates to your job responsibilities at the previous place of work. Thus, you will be able to provide the manager with clear and accurate information, which will determine that you have fulfilled certain obligations in the company and already have knowledge and skills that can be useful in the future. new position;
  • It is recommended to include in your resume all the data that can become the basis for the manager’s interest and can become the basis of motivation for choosing your candidacy. In essence, we are talking about having additional skills and abilities. For example, you can indicate that you have taken accounting courses, can use certain programs, and have knowledge foreign languages, drive a car and you have it in stock. Remember that additional information can become the basis for building some confidence that your profile will be of interest.

A well-written resume can become the basis for an invitation to an interview. Further, everything will depend on you, as well as on your ability to communicate with management. And most importantly, on the availability of professional skills, abilities and knowledge that can be tested through a series of questions.

Basic requirements for writing a resume

The basic rule of writing a document is brevity. You should try to eliminate as much as possible the indication of unnecessary words, abbreviations, and various terms. That is, everything possible will need to be done to ensure that the information provided is clear and structured, concise and does not contain words that cannot be understood by a person not associated with this profession. Only this design can become the basis for a quick study of your resume.

Try to indicate all data specifically. The absence of information that is not related to the profession or to the vacancy in general is an undeniably important element of competent compilation. People often try to use creativity on their resume, but practice shows that when applying for office work, most often such design options turn out to be failures.

Focus. All information must be provided taking into account the specific position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job as an accountant, then indicate that you passed additional training in the field of psychology or trade - not rational (unless we are talking about a higher educational institution).

You need to show some activity in your text. It is recommended to include active verbs in the document. For example, you should indicate this: I know the basics of auditing and accounting etc. Do not form sentences in this style - participated, provided assistance, etc.

All text must be presented accurately, clearly and concisely. Be sure to carefully select the information you must include in the document. You should not indicate all the data, all the courses and seminars that you attended and completed. Indicate only those that relate to the position for which you are applying.

Literacy. All text must be literate. If you make mistakes, this will immediately tell your manager what level of education you really have. Therefore, it is recommended to check the text several times before sending it.

The ability to correctly compose your resume allows you to quickly get a job that would completely suit you. Nowadays, a resume is an essential attribute of any applicant for a prestigious job. A well-written resume elevates you in the eyes of the employer and gives you a lot of advantages over other candidates for a vacant position.

Today we’ll talk about how to write a resume correctly. However, in order not to waste time creating your own resume, you can contact a recruiting agency, professionals, but this service is not free.

Why do you need a resume?

Dear job seekers, remember that a properly written resume is one of the most productive means of finding a job. There are 3 main facts to consider when writing your resume:

  1. You have only one chance to hook an employer at the moment when your resume is read. This usually takes no more than a few minutes. If you couldn’t attract the employer’s attention, then your resume didn’t work;
  2. When writing your resume, be creative. Include only information that is relevant to your position and the position for which you are applying. In other words, a resume should be written for each employer.

    For example, if you were a consultant in a large organization and at the same time engaged in scientific work, then you should not include it in your resume for the position of sales manager, salesperson, or sales representative, describe your scientific work and your writings. It’s better to list the knowledge and skills you gained while doing consulting.

    Writing a resume correctly gives you a good chance of getting the job you want.

  3. A successful resume can entice an employer to meet you in person and you may be invited for an interview. Therefore, you must present information about yourself in such a way that the employer wants to meet you in person.

And if you are nervous before an interview, then our tips:
will help you get rid of the feeling of fear.

How to write a resume correctly

How to write a resume for a job? Most applicants are concerned about this issue.
Each resume should consist of several blocks:

Contact information

  • First name, last name, patronymic
  • phone number
  • your residential address
  • marital status.

What to write in a resume objective

In this block, you should state in 2-3 lines why you want to work in this particular organization and in this position.

What to write in work experience

This section of the resume describes your work experience in previous companies, starting with your last job. Consistently write down all the organizations where you have ever worked, indicating the year you entered the position and the year you left. For each job, briefly describe your responsibilities and your accomplishments.

When describing your achievements, try to use verbs such as “saved”, “increased”, “reduced”, “developed”.

What to write in your resume skills

This block should describe in detail your professional skills and knowledge.

For example, if you are applying for the position of sales manager, write that you have knowledge of various sales technologies and know how to attract new clients, and do not forget to indicate your level of computer skills.

If you are applying for a job as a programmer, then indicate in this block a list of programs that you have worked with.

What to write in the “Education” block

You shouldn’t focus the employer’s attention too much on education. The more time has passed since graduating from higher education, the smaller this block should be in your resume.

For example, for students or graduates, this block should be placed before the previous one, since for newly minted graduates, even if they have work experience, it is not significant.

When describing your education, you can mention disciplines studied that correspond to your goal or report awards received.

What to write in the “Additional information” block

In the block " Additional information"should be written, for example:

  • about knowledge of foreign languages, computer
  • mention having a driver's license
  • You can also write about your hobby, but only if it is related to your desired job.

What font should I write my resume in?

In our age of modern technology, all resumes are printed on a computer, so the question arises in what font to write a resume.

Of course, you can distinguish yourself and print your resume in some designer handwritten font. However, many of these fonts are difficult to read, and the employer will not solve the puzzles.

By using extravagant fonts in your resume, you will ensure that your resume will not be read to the end, which means you will not be able to interest the employer.

The most suitable fonts for writing a resume are Arial and Times New Roman.

What should a resume be like?

The most important thing is that your resume should be short, specific, and active. Avoid using the verbs “participated”, “provided assistance”. This will confirm that you provided only one-time services. Also avoid using the pronoun “I”.

The following phrases should not be used in your resume:

  • “I quickly learn new knowledge”
  • “helped reduce errors”
  • "was engaged in training"

and should be written:

  • "reduced errors"
  • “Trained two employees”
  • “Mastered new technologies.”

Probably each of you needs to write a resume every few years. This article may just come in handy at such a moment. It’s about how to write a competent resume that will attract the manager’s attention and create an impression of you as a successful person. Naturally, they will want to communicate with you personally.

Sometimes an interview goes like this.

I always suggest that you treat your resume very responsibly, because... a good resume will have to match at the interview. If you write about something confidently and declare about your serious successes, at the interview you will have to talk about it confidently and selfishly (and not mumble, like, it happened by chance and I have nothing to do with it). If you write that you are crazy about accounting, then prepare an emotionally enthusiastic speech about tax deductions and VAT. The phrases in your resume should match what you said at the meeting with your manager.

Logic and style of writing a resume

It is said that the first sentence Kurt Vonnegut wrote on a whiteboard in a creative writing workshop at a university in Iowa was, “Remember that you are writing for strangers.” You should definitely keep this in mind when writing your resume.

The resume must be compiled for a specific vacancy

For example, if you have programming experience and experience in sales and customer consulting, then when applying for a job in the customer service department, you should focus on your sales experience, and keep silent about programming (or mention it very briefly in the additional information section).

In the process of providing services for creating a “selling” resume, I very carefully study the vacancies, responsibilities and requirements in them. Job evaluation is an attempt to see the candidate through the eyes of the employer. This vision allows you to “tailor” your resume to the employer and make it easy to read and understand. For several years now, this method has been helping to find a job faster.

The resume should be beautifully designed

Remember that your resume is read in no more than 1-2 minutes and during this time the manager must find in it all the important points for himself. Help him with this, prepare your resume.

  1. Try to place your resume on one A4 page. Maximum of two
  2. Present your resume in a consistent, easy-to-read style. To do this, use Word and its tools (headings, subheadings, tables, lists, separators, highlighting...)

The resume should be written in clear and simple language

Leaders are people too. They read a lot of contracts and documents, and sometimes the formal language makes them sick. Don’t hammer “nails” into their heads, write in simple phrases.

The resume should be constructive

To the point and “without water”.

Resume structure

There are several main parts to a resume.

Name and contact information

It is enough to indicate only your phone number and email.


Decide for yourself what qualities to include in your resume, but rely on the requirements of the vacancy. And, preferably, include only the basic skills, and not all that you have.

If, for example, a designer is required to have knowledge of Photoshop and experience in designing and drawing furniture, then in the skills it is better to indicate these two skills, as well as 2-3 additional skills that may be useful for this position. If you have a lot of experience and you indicate 15-20 skills in the description, then the employer may be embarrassed (for any reason - he will ask for a lot of money, what if he gets bored after 2 months, etc.) If you have a lot of skills, you can easily indicate them in the “Additional information” section (and even in this case, do not overdo it).


Work experience is listed in reverse chronological order. Last place of work is from above.

I will give a fragment, an example of a well-written resume. Structured and simple. This arrangement of elements seems to me as clear and convenient as possible.


The more time has passed since graduation, the less significant a place education should occupy in your resume. For students, I recommend putting education first (after your name and contacts). In this case, you can indicate the topic of the diploma and some significant scientific works that were completed during the period of study.

Additional information

As a rule, knowledge of foreign languages, car ownership, hobbies and unique and strong personal qualities or skills.

For example, if you want to get a job that requires creativity (let’s say a designer), then in the “Additional information” section you can easily indicate your skills landscape design, experience in embossing, working with papier-mâché, good command of plasticine, etc. This will be a big plus for the designer.

As for personal qualities, I advise you to indicate only those that are very highly developed in you. For example, if you have not been late for a single meeting in the last 2 years, you can indicate punctuality; if you clean and maintain order every day, indicate neatness. And so on.

Anything else?

Sometimes a resume includes an “Objective” section. I do not recommend including such a section. I write the purpose in the header of the letter and in the cover letter that I send to the employer. The reason I leave a resume without a goal is that with a goal it becomes more limited. The company may have more than just one vacancy and you may be suitable for several, and the manager may want to invite you to try yourself, for example, not in programming, but in consulting clients on IT issues. But what happens if he sees your goal written in large letters? What if this confuses him and stops him? Don't kill your extra chances! Give yourself more freedom.

Give yourself more freedom

Formulations and phrases


Leaders love specifics and facts. So show them that on your resume.


Sister of talent.


It is undesirable to use negative language. Such formulations distort the meaning. It is always better to say “striving for victory” rather than “running away from a fiasco.”

What not to include on your resume

  • Salary requirements
  • Gender, height, weight, etc.
  • Residence address (unless, of course, you live in another city)
  • Persons who can recommend you. If necessary, the employer will ask you about it.
  • Reasons why you left your previous jobs
  • All your places of work. It is enough to indicate the last 3-4 places of work (the last 5 years of your work experience). The employer can find out about the rest during a conversation