Work program: cultural heritage of the Kuban Cossacks. Work program on the topic: work program for extracurricular activities of the circle “history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Expected results of the program implementation

Extracurricular activities course Cossacks" is aimed at forming in students ideas about the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, about the Cossack atamans and heroes, their Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, military art, etc.



Krasnodar region

Municipal entity Krymsky district

municipal budget educational institution

secondary school No. 1 of the city of Krymsk

municipal formation Krymsky district


for specific types of extracurricular activities



program implementation period – 4 years

age of students 7-11 years

program compilers:

teachers primary classes

Semenova I.L.

Kachura S.V.

Extracurricular activities course"History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" is aimed at forming in students ideas about the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, about the Cossack atamans and heroes, their Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, military art, etc.

Course specifics “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks” lies in the fact that, having a pronounced integrative character, it not only combines social science, historical, and cultural knowledge, but also through research and practical activities gives the child the opportunity to have a holistic and systematic understanding of the foundations of history and culture Kuban Cossacks, and about his clan, his family, presenting the opportunity to join the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks.

Relevance The course is determined by its focus on educating a Russian citizen who is able to “build” his life path on the basis of the organic unity of interests of the individual, society and the state. Diverse information about their native land broadens students’ horizons, helps them adapt to adulthood, form an active life position and more fully realize their dreams. civil liberties, rights and responsibilities.

Target - formation of an initial understanding of the Kuban Cossacks, familiarization with the historical and cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, awareness of their involvement in the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Kuban Cossacks, the formation of patriotism among students.

Problems solved by this program:

  • educating students as patriots, active citizens of Kuban;
  • instilling moral and spiritual foundations of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • acquaintance with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks, their traditions and customs, main occupations, crafts and trades;
  • introducing students to the traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • acquaintance with some events in the history and modernity of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • formation of ideas about the Kuban Cossack army;
  • development of children's creative abilities;
  • developing students' interest in research work.


The student will learn (basic level)

The student will have the opportunity to learn (advanced level)

Talk about the main stages and key events in the history of Kuban;

Talk about types economic activity and occupations of the population;

Use in practice knowledge about the integrity of the development process of societies (family, locality, region, country, world), religious ideas and features of the cultural development of the first inhabitants of Kuban;

Show on the map the territory of Kuban, settlement of peoples, main populated areas, places of the most important historical events;

Distinguish between physical, written, pictorial and oral historical sources;

Work with various sources of knowledge about the population and history of your area;

Distinguish the fictional (mythological) from the reliable, mythological heroes from real historical figures;

Express at the level of emotional assessments the attitude towards the actions of people of the past, towards cultural monuments;

Present in oral and written form the acquired knowledge on the history of the Kuban Cossacks, participating in discussions, quizzes, Olympiads, competitions and performing creative work (essays, excursion reports, abstracts); - engaging in project activities;

Describe the appearance of representatives of the flora and fauna of land and water bodies;

Assess the consequences of your actions in relation to natural components;

Search for information on local history topics in local media, the Internet, etc., differentiate facts and opinions;

Reconstruct the conditions and lifestyle, occupations of people who lived in the region;

Express your attitude to the most significant events in the history of Kuban, historical figures, argue your own point of view;

Understand the figurative language of various types of art; evaluate the creativity of folk artists of Kuban.

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities And everyday life for the purpose:

Awareness of oneself as a representative of an ethnocultural, religious community and space, a citizen of Russia;

Fostering respect for basic national values, cultural and historical traditions of the peoples of Kuban;

Developing the ability to communicate with people of different nationalities and religious views, nurturing artistic taste, emotional and value-based attitude towards artistic and cultural heritage.

Create scientific projects on local history topics.

The program “History of the Kuban Cossacks” contributes to the formation in schoolchildren of the followingpersonality traits:

  • patriotism;
  • tolerance and respect for the history, traditions, rituals, culture, and language of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • responsibility and sense of duty, mercy, dignity, respect;
  • hard work;
  • persistence;
  • discipline;
  • love for the small homeland;
  • partial attitude towards the revival of the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks:

Personal resultteaching the history of the Kuban Cossacks is the formation of:

  • cognitive interest in studying the history of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • a comprehensively educated, developed personality;
  • understanding the significance of the culture of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • feelings of pride for your small homeland;
  • respectful attitude towards the history and culture of the Cossacks and other peoples;
  • ideas about Kuban as an inseparable part of Russia;

Development toolpersonal results are provided by educational material aimed at:

– the ability to formulate one’s attitude towards traditions, military life, folklore, and historical figures of Kuban;

– the ability to use historical and local history knowledge for creative activities.

MetasubjectThe results of studying the course “History of the Kuban Cossacks” is the formation of universal educational activities(UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

Ability to independently acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities;

The ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, organize it, determine its goals and objectives, choose means of achieving the goal and apply them in practice, evaluate the results achieved: independently discover and formulate an educational problem, determine the goal educational activities, choose a project topic. Put forward versions of a solution to the problem, realize the end result, choose from those proposed and look for the means to achieve the goal yourself. Draw up (individually or in a group) a plan for solving a problem (implementing a project). While working according to the plan, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself. In dialogue with the teacher, improve independently developed assessment criteria.

The ability to navigate the world around you, choose goals and meaning in your actions and actions, and make decisions.

Formation toolThe regulatory UUDs are: the technology of problematic dialogue when learning new material and the technology of assessing educational achievements.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation and development through historical and local history knowledge of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

The ability to conduct independent search, analysis, selection of information, its transformation, storage, transmission and presentation using technical means and information technology: analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts, concepts, phenomena. Identify causes and consequences of simple phenomena. Carry out comparison and classification, independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the specified logical operations. Construct logically literate statements, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Compose abstracts various types plans. Be able to identify possible sources of information, search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability. Present information in the form of notes, tables, diagrams, graphs. Translate information from one type to another.

Formation tooleducational materials and textbook assignments serve as educational educational aids:

– awareness of the role of history and Kuban studies in the knowledge of social processes occurring in the world;

– mastering the system of local history knowledge about the history of Kuban, on the basis of which students’ historical thinking is formed;

– use of skills acquired during the study of historical local history for analysis, assessment, forecasting of modern social problems;

– use of maps to obtain local history information.

Communicative UUD:

– defending your point of view, presenting arguments supporting their facts.

– understanding the position of the other in the discussion.

Formation toolcommunicative UUDs are provided by the technology of problem dialogue (prompting and leading dialogue) and the organization of work in small groups, as well as the use of elements of productive reading technology in lessons.

Subject results

Know (understand):

The main stages and main events of the history of the Cossacks from the moment of resettlement to the present day;

The most important achievements of culture and value systems formed during their lives;

Studied types of historical sources.

Be able to:

Correlate the dates of events in the history of the region with the century; determine the sequence and duration of the most important events in the history of the region;

Use the text of a historical source when answering questions and solving various educational problems; compare evidence from different sources;

Show on the map of the region the borders of the region, city, place of significant historical events;

Talk about the most important historical events and their participants, showing the meaning of the necessary facts, dates, terms; give a description of historical events and cultural monuments based on the text and illustrative material of the textbook, fragments of historical sources; use acquired knowledge when writing creative works;

Correlate general historical processes and individual facts; explain the meaning of the studied historical concepts and terms, identify the commonalities and differences of the compared historical events and phenomena; determine, on the basis of educational material, the causes and consequences of the most important historical events;

Explain your attitude to the most significant events and personalities in the history of the region, cultural achievements;

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to understand the historical causes and historical significance of events and phenomena of modern life;

Express your own opinions about the historical heritage of the population of our region;

A peculiarity of the structure of this program is that the authors highlight six main thematic sections during each of the 4 years of study: “Kuban Cossacks”, “Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Work and life of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity”, “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”. The sections are designed to implement the goal and objectives of the program. The content and basic forms of work of each section become more complex depending on the age of the students.

To study the course “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks” in elementary school 135 hours are allocated. In first grade – 33 hours (1 hour per week, 33 school weeks). In grades 2–4, 34 hours are allocated (1 hour per week, 34 school weeks).

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Why are we studying the course “History and Culture of the Kuban Cossacks”. Who are the Cossacks? Our ancestors are Cossacks.

Cossack village. Respect for elders, for old people. The custom of mutual assistance. Cossack family. Traditions and customs of the family. Customs associated with the birth and childhood of Cossacks. A faithful friend of the Cossack.

  1. Work and life.

How the Cossacks lived. Cossack hut. Red corner. Life of a Cossack family. Home improvement, household utensils. The work of a Cossack family. Master hands. Children helpers. Responsibilities of children in Cossack families.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Temple. Rules of behavior in the temple. Cossack traditions. Christmas. Cossack traditions. Bright Resurrection of Christ.

How the Cossacks came to Kuban. Kuban Cossack army. Ataman. Cossack commandments. Cossack service. Cossacks during the Great Years Patriotic War. Kushchevskaya attack.

Children in a Cossack family. How the Cossacks were taught. We are Cossacks. Behavior and form of Cossacks. Family heirlooms. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack proverbs.

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: work, truth, honor, Fatherland. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack village. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks. Honoring the guest.

  1. Work and life.

Yard House. The way of the Cossack family. Cossack occupations. Cossack food.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Orthodox churches of the native village, city. Cossack in the temple. Why do they come to the Orthodox Church? The saint and patron of the Kuban Cossack army is the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky. Saints, especially revered among the Kuban Cossacks. Icon in churches and dwellings.

  1. Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity.

Kuban Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland. Foundation of the first kurens. Ekaterinodar is a Cossack city. Monument to Cossack settlers. Commemoration of the Cossack heroes of the Kuban Cossack army. Our Cossack society.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Folk art for Cossacks. Songs, fairy tales, sayings, legends in my family. Kuban "balachka". Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Bandura is a Cossack musical instrument.

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Peoples of Kuban. Good neighborliness. Moral qualities of the Kuban Cossack. The fortitude and valor of the Cossacks.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Respect for a woman: grandmother, mother, sister, wife, widow. Cossack Mother's Day. Cossack family My ancestry. Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Work and life.

The Cossack is a master and a worker. Occupations, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack clothing. Cossack clothes. Decorative and applied arts of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Prayer. Orthodox churches of Kuban. Military temple. Military priest. Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  1. Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity.

Relocation of the Cossacks to Kuban. Timeline. Main memorable dates. Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Army. Kuban Cossack army today. Departments of the Kuban Cossack Army. Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Army. Carrying out service by modern Cossacks. Troop honor guard. Hour of Glory of Kuban.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Oral folk art of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack tales, epic tales. The dialect of the Kuban Cossacks. Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks. “Cossack did” Fyodor Andreevich Shcherbina.

4th year of study

  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks. Cossack troops of Russia. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Parents and children. Raising boys. Preparation for service, for adult life. Raising Cossack girls. Preparing for adult life. Cossack kuren. Cossack circle. Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Work and life.

Traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks. Decorative and applied arts of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack military suit. Cossack weapon. Awards.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. God's commandments. Orthodox churches of Kuban and Russia. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar.

  1. Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity.

Timeline. Main memorable dates. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Army. Kuban Cossack army today. Management of the Kuban Cossack army. The performance of service by the Cossacks in our time. Keeping order. Help in emergency situations. Help in nature conservation. Outstanding Cossacks of Kuban. Preserving the history of the Kuban Cossacks. Monuments and museums. Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack family in modern life. Attitude to family in Kuban. The story of a family in the history of their native Kuban. Preservation and enhancement of family traditions. Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. Kuban Cossack Choir.


1 year of study

Total, hours

Number of hours



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks."


Get acquainted with the goals and objectives of the course “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks”

Our ancestors are Cossacks

Get acquainted with the concept of “Cossack”

Cossack village

Get acquainted with the way of life of the Cossack village

Respect for elders and old people

Develop a set of rules for dealing with older people

The custom of mutual aid

Get to know the customs of mutual aid

Cossack family

Complete a project on the topic “My Family”

Customs associated with the birth and childhood of Cossacks

Get acquainted with the customs associated with the birth and childhood of Cossacks

Faithful friend of the Cossack

Prepare a message

Section "Work and Life"

How the Cossacks lived

Cossack hut

Excursion to the museum

Life of a Cossack family

Get an idea of ​​the life of a Cossack family. Excursion to the SCC (ethnography room)

Home improvement, household utensils

Organize an exhibition of drawings of Cossack utensils

The work of a Cossack family

Prepare a message

Master hands

Get an idea of ​​work in a Cossack family

Children helpers

To form concepts about the responsibilities of children in Cossack families

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Temple. Rules of behavior in the temple

Excursion to the temple

Cossack traditions

Get acquainted with Cossack Orthodox traditions


Bright Sunday of Christ

Prepare messages about family celebrations

How the Cossacks came to Kuban

Get acquainted with the settlement of Cossacks in Kuban

Kuban Cossack Army


Meeting with Cossack mentors

Cossack service

Cossack commandments

Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War

Prepare a message

Kushchevskaya attack

Meeting with a museum employee

Children in a Cossack family. How Cossacks were taught

Get acquainted with the training of Cossacks

We are Cossacks

Get to know the life of little Cossack children in the modern world

Behavior and form of Cossacks

Develop a set of rules for Cossacks

Family heirlooms

Prepare a message

Games of Kuban Cossacks

Get acquainted with Cossack games

Cossack proverbs

Make a baby book

2nd year of study

Name of sections, blocks, topics

Total, hours

Number of hours

Characteristics of student activities



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks."

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: labor

Form ideas about work

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: truth

Form ideas about the truth

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: honor, Fatherland

Form ideas about honor and Fatherland

Cossack commandments

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Section “Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks”

Cossack village

Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks

Get acquainted with the way of life of a Cossack village, a Cossack family

Honoring the Guest

Develop a set of rules for hospitable treatment

Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare a message

Section "Work and Life"


Get an idea of ​​how the Cossacks lived


Way of life of the Cossack family

Cossack occupations

Get acquainted with the activities of the Cossacks

Cossack food

Organize a master class

Section “Orthodoxy in the life of a Kuban Cossack”

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandment - the defense of the Orthodox faith

Hometown Temples

Excursion to the temple

Cossack in the temple

Why do people come to an Orthodox church?

Saint Alexander Nevsky - patron saint of the Cossack army

Prepare a message

Saints revered among the Cossacks

Prepare a message


Making a model of the elements of a Kuban hut

Section “Kuban Cossack Army: History and Modernity”

Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland

Meet the defenders of Kuban

The first Cossack kurens

Develop cognitive processes


Virtual tour

Monument to Cossack migrants

Prepare a presentation

Commemoration of Cossack heroes

Meeting with a museum employee

Our Cossack society

Meeting with Cossack mentors

Section “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”

Folk art for Cossacks

Get acquainted with folk art. Excursion to the library

Songs, fairy tales in my family

Make a baby book

Sayings, legends in my family

Kuban "balachka"

Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks

Collect an audio collection of Cossack songs

Bandura - Cossack musical instrument

Get acquainted with Cossack folk instruments

3rd year of study

Name of sections, blocks, topics

Total, hours

Number of hours

Characteristics of student activities



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks."

Peoples of Kuban.

Good neighborliness

Give examples of peaceful coexistence of peoples in Kuban

Moral qualities of the Kuban Cossack

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

The fortitude and valor of the Cossacks

Get acquainted with the military exploits of the Cossacks

Section “Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks”

Respect for a woman.

Get acquainted with the way of life of a Cossack village, a Cossack family

Cossack Mother's Day

Prepare a message

Cossack family

Prepare a presentation

My ancestry

Drafting and defending the project

Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare a message

Section "Work and Life"

Cossack owner and worker

Get acquainted with the responsibilities of the Cossack head of the family

Occupations, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks

Get an idea of ​​the activities, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks

Cossack clothing.

Cossack clothing

Complete illustration

Arts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks

Organize a master class

Section “Orthodoxy in the life of a Kuban Cossack”

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Get acquainted with the Cossack prayer

Orthodox churches in Kuban

Virtual tour of the temples of Kuban

Military temple

Get acquainted with Cossack Orthodox traditions and behavior in church

Military chaplain

Get to know the service of a military chaplain

Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prepare a message

Section “Kuban Cossack Army: History and Modernity”

Relocation of the Cossacks to Kuban

Get acquainted with the resettlement of the Cossacks to Kuban


Create a timeline

Main memorable dates

Prepare a presentation

Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks

Virtual tour

Meeting with Cossack mentors

Departments of the Kuban Cossack Army

Meeting with Cossack mentors


Ataman of the Kuban Cossack army


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Serving as modern Cossacks


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Hour of Glory of Kuban


Drafting and defending the project

Section “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”



Oral folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Get acquainted with the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Cossack tales, epic tales


Excursion to the library. Make a baby book


The dialect of the Kuban Cossacks


Collect an audio compilation of Kuban legends


Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


“Cossack Did” Fyodor Andreevich Shcherbina


Get acquainted with the work of F.A. Shcherbina


Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks


Get to know the peoples inhabiting the Krasnodar region


Cossack troops of Russia


Meet the Cossack troops of Russia


Cossack commandments


Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Section “Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks”



Parents and children


Prepare a message


Raising boys. Preparation for service and adult life.


Prepare a message


Raising girls. Preparing for adult life.


Prepare a message


Cossack kuren


Meet the Cossack kuren


Cossack circle


Get acquainted with the functions of the Cossack circle


Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks


Get acquainted with the calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Section "Work and Life"



Traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks


Get an idea of ​​the traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks



Organize a master class


Cossack military suit


Complete illustration


Cossack weapon


Excursion to the museum. Complete illustration




Execute layout

Section “Orthodoxy in the life of a Kuban Cossack”



A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Expand ideas about the religion of the Cossacks


God's Commandments


Drawing up a memo


Orthodox churches of Kuban and Russia


Virtual tour of the temples of Kuban and Russia


Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar


Prepare a message

Section “Kuban Cossack Army: History and Modernity”





Create a timeline


Main memorable dates


Prepare a message


Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks


Virtual tour


Kuban Cossack army today


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Management of the Kuban Cossack Army


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Cossacks serving in our time


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Law enforcement



Help in emergency situations and nature conservation


Prepare a selection of newspaper articles


Outstanding Cossacks of Kuban


Prepare a presentation


Monuments and museums


Virtual tour of memorable places and museums


Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army


Drafting and defending the project

Section “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”



Cossack family in modern life


Drafting and defending the project


Family history in the history of native Kuban


Prepare a message


Preservation and enhancement of family traditions


Think through solutions to preserve and enhance family traditions


Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


Kuban Cossack Choir


Get acquainted with the work of the Kuban Cossack Choir

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 43 of the village of Baranikovsky municipal formation Slavyansky district



Program type: comprehensive

Name:"Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks"

Program implementation period: 2 years

Age of students: 10 – 12 years old (grades 5-6)

Teacher: Kukleva Elena Petrovna


The work program of the elective “Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks” was developed on the basis of the educational program additional education children “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks.” Approved by the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory. Publishing house "Tradition", 2009

The history of a people, its traditions, rituals, art, trades and crafts are one of the factors that help people realize that they belong to a certain cultural and mental environment.

Achieving this task is carried out through acquaintance and familiarization with the culture, traditions, history of the Kuban Cossacks, through examples of the Cossack past and present of their family, village, city; It is during this time period that the formation of love for native land, pride in belonging to the Cossack family.

The educational program on the history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks is the first stage of a comprehensive program intended for Cossack classes, and can also be considered as a completely independent academic discipline of additional education.

Purpose of this program - formation of an initial idea of ​​​​the Kuban Cossacks, orientation in the diversity of historical and cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, education of citizenship and patriotism in students.

Problems solved by this program:

    acquaintance with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks, their cultural characteristics, basic crafts, types of labor;

    familiarization with the main historical milestones of the Kuban Cossacks, introducing students to Kuban Cossack holidays, rituals, significant dates;

    educating students as patriots, active citizens of Kuban;

    instilling the moral principles of the Kuban Cossacks in the spirit of Orthodoxy;

    development of children's creative abilities;

    developing students' interest in research work.

The peculiarity of the structure of this program is that during 2 years of study there are eight main thematic blocks that help to realize the goal and objectives of the program: “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”, “The history of my Cossack family”, “The work and life of the Cossacks in the Kuban” , “Decorative and applied arts”, “Monuments of the history of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Main memorable dates and significant events in the history of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Orthodoxy and the Cossacks”, “Cossack-patriot”. These thematic blocks are repeated in each academic year, however, the content and main forms of work of each block become more complex depending on the age of the students.

Students’ awareness of their involvement in the life of the country is formed by linking the course content to the life of each of them: through personality-oriented questions and tasks, connecting information with the life of their family, their relatives, their region and city.

This program is designed for 2 years of study. Each year of study consists of 68 teaching hours, for each thematic block 8 teaching hours are allocated (8 blocks in total), the remaining 8 teaching hours are used for conducting an introductory lesson, general-type classes, preparation for extracurricular activities. Classes are held in groups for 1 hour 2 times a week with students of the same class.

The main form of work is training sessions. This is an activity-meeting, activity-correspondence excursion, activity-living room, activity-expedition, activity-creative portrait, activity-holiday. On-site classes are also planned for museums, concerts of creative groups, etc. Classes in this program are practice-oriented, creative, and playful in nature. Classes in the first year of study are aimed at using more passive techniques (story, demonstration, communication of information), and classes in the second year of study are exclusively active and interactive (research activities, development and defense of projects, independent search for knowledge).

The report on the work takes place in the form of fairs, open classes, competitions, festivals, and public events.

As a result of the implementation of this program, it is planned to develop key competencies among students.

2. Thematic plan of the program.

Name of sections

Number of hours

Characteristics of student activities


Outside the classroom

1 year of study and 2 year of study

Introductory lesson.

ListenAndunderstand speech of other people.

Select in educational game optimal forms of behavior in relationships with classmates, friends, and adults. Extract discuss Accompany discussion with illustrative material.

Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.


Record and record information about the world around us using ICT tools. Consciously and voluntarily build messages in oral and written form.

Establish analogies.

The story of my Cossack family.

Labor and life of the Cossacks in Kuban.

Ready small messages about the traditions of the Cossacks.

Record and record information about the world around us using ICT tools.

Consciously and voluntarily build messages in oral and written form.

Establish analogies.

Build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in the studied range of phenomena or actions.

Decorative and applied arts.

Study best works masters of decorative and applied arts. Find and provide information about the folk crafts of their region.

Monuments of the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Tell based on the results of an excursion to the museum about the past and present of the native land, places of historical events, historical and cultural monuments of the native land.

Participate as much as possible in the protection and care of the monuments of their city.

Search necessary information for carrying out research work during project activities.

Main memorable dates and significant events from the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Adequately use speech for planning and regulation of its activities.

Work in groups. Learn to perform various roles in the group (leader, performer, critic). Do preliminary selection sources of information to solve the problem.

Recycle information received: observe And do independent conclusions.

Orthodoxy and the Cossacks.

Respect the religion of your people and the peoples inhabiting our region. Study Orthodox traditions in Cossack families. Together agree about the rules of communication and behavior in the temple.

Sustainable adherence in behavior to moral standards and ethical requirements.

Cossack is a patriot.

Evaluate the contribution of their fellow countrymen and compatriots to the preservation of the Russian historical and cultural heritage.

Summing up, preparing and conducting mass educational events.

Extract necessary information from additional sources of knowledge, discuss information received on this topic.

Total hours

1st year of study (68 hours)

Introductory lesson (2 hours)

Introducing students to the program, communication academic discipline with the subjects “Kuban Studies”, “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, “Traditional Physical Culture of the Kuban Cossacks”.

Proverbs and sayings, lullabies of the Kuban Cossacks. Nursery rhymes. Counting books. Calls. Cossack tales, legends, tales. Kuban dialect.

The concept of "Cossack family". My family members. Responsibilities and hobbies of family members. Cossack ancestors. Family photo album. Moral values ​​of the family. Family traditions. Distribution of responsibilities in the family.

The concept of "family life". Life of a Cossack family. Individual and collective work in the life of the Cossacks. Home improvement, household utensils. Kuban cuisine. The horse is the Cossack's faithful friend.

Materials from which craftsmen in our area make products (wood, clay, wicker, etc.). Samples of products, DPI items made in the Krasnodar region.

Section 5. Monuments of the history of the Kuban Cossacks. (6 hours)

Personalities, historical or cultural event that served as the basis for the memorable date. The significance of this event for the modern Kuban Cossacks. Preparation and progress of the celebration (at the choice of the teacher).

Orthodox faith- the basis of the Cossack family. Honoring parents and elders. Celebrating Christmas and Easter in a Cossack family. Saint Catherine and Saint George the Victorious are especially revered saints among the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack. Kuban Cossack army. Ataman. Cossack honor. Regalia. Moral qualities are the basis of the patriotism of the Kuban Cossack. Young Cossacks are the future defenders of their native land. Cossack honor.

Summing up, preparing and conducting mass educational events. (3 hours)

2nd year of study (68 hours)

Introductory lesson. (2 hours)

Repetition of what has been covered, a brief introduction to the program for the academic year.

Section 1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. (8 hours)

Children's games. Game choruses. Songs, fairy tales, sayings, legends in my family. Winter Christmastide, carols, shchedrovki. Carnival. Easter.

Section 2. The history of my Cossack family. (8 hours)

The number and composition of the traditional Cossack family. Attitude to family in Kuban. A child in a Cossack family. Raising boys and girls. Family pedigree. Family tree. The story of a family in the history of their native Kuban.

Section 3. Labor and life of the Cossacks in Kuban. (8 hours)

Traditional and modern life of a Cossack family. The Cossack is a hard worker. Traditional occupations: agriculture and cattle breeding. Tools of labor of the Kuban Cossacks. Crafts: blacksmithing, wicker and straw weaving, pottery. Traditional clothes. Cossack village, courtyard, house.

Making arts and crafts with your own hands:

Collection and preparation of materials common in the area;

    basic techniques for working with material;

    sequence of product manufacturing stages;

    presentation of creative works.

Section 5. Monuments of the history of the Kuban Cossacks. (6 hours)

Monuments to the Cossacks - defenders of the Motherland. The main attractions, monuments of Cossack history and culture of the Krasnodar region. Monument to Catherine I in Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar. Personal contribution to the preservation and protection of monuments.

Section 6. Main memorable dates and significant events from the history of the Kuban Cossacks. (6 hours)

Main memorable dates and significant events of regional and local significance. Personalities, historical or cultural event that served as the basis for the memorable date. The significance of this event for the modern Kuban Cossacks. Preparation and progress of the celebration.

Section 7. Orthodoxy and the Cossacks. (8 hours)

The patron saint of the Kuban Cossack army is the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky. Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icon in churches and dwellings. Red corner in a Cossack hut. Cossack in the temple. Prayer.

Section 8. Cossack is a patriot. (8 hours)

Moral qualities are the basis of the patriotism of the Kuban Cossack. Young Cossacks are the future defenders of their native land. Cossack honor. The valor of the Cossacks. Kuban Cossack regalia. Cossacks guarding the borders of the fatherland. Cossack military suit. Weapons, awards.

Summing up, preparing and conducting mass educational events. (6 hours)

4. Expected results of the program implementation.

Based on the results of children’s attendance at the elective, the following results are expected.

First level results:

Educational and cognitive interest in the culture of the Kuban Cossacks and creative activity.

- adequately perceive the assessment of your work by others;

Make necessary adjustments to the activity after completion based on the assessment and nature of the errors made.

- acquire and implement practical skills in various folklore forms of the Kuban Cossacks, the peculiarities of holding ritual holidays of the Kuban Cossacks.

- take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position.

Second level results:

In the sphere of personal universal learning activities, students will develop:

The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success of activities.

In the field of regulatory universal educational activities, students will learn:

- perform and demonstrate various folklore forms of the Kuban Cossacks;

    talk about your Cossack family;

    Carry out final and step-by-step control in your creative activities.

In the field of cognitive universal educational activities, students will learn:

    reconstruct the main holiday rituals.

In the field of communicative universal educational activities, students will learn:

Cooperate and provide mutual assistance, build your communication with peers and adults kindly and respectfully.

Third level results:

In the sphere of personal universal learning activities, students will develop:

Skill independent work and working in a group when performing creative work;

The foundations of personal and moral qualities are laid: hard work, organization, respect for cultural heritage.

In the field of regulatory universal educational activities, students will learn:

Carry out household duties in accordance with your age;

    carry out some products and crafts in accordance with the technological features inherent in traditional types of creative production of the Kuban Cossacks;

    carry out a research project on the topic “Culture of the Kuban Cossacks.”

In the field of cognitive universal educational activities, students will learn:

Develop artistic taste and critical thinking.

In the field of communicative universal educational activities, students will learn:

Shape own opinion and position.


Program sections

Types of control

Forms of control

What we control


Folklore celebrations

Knowledge of various folklore

naya culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

current, final

nicknames, quizzes, dramatization competition, research project “My Family”.

forms of the Kuban Cossacks. Knowledge of the peculiarities of the ritual holidays of the Kuban Cossacks.

The ability to perform and demonstrate various folklore forms of the Kuban Cossacks. Ability to reconstruct basic holiday rituals

Family holidays,

Knowledge of the history of your Cossack

my Kazakh

exhibition "Family

family and/or family history

whose family.

relics”, publication of wall newspapers “Kuban Family”, creative project “Pedigree of My Family”.


Knowledge and understanding of the way of life, features of the numerical composition and distribution of responsibilities of a traditional Cossack family.

The ability to talk about your Cossack family

and life of the Kazakh

Exhibition of creative works (or products)

Ability to perform household duties according to one's own needs

kov on Ku-

"Traditional re-


crafts and crafts”, “Kuban antiquity”, project “Occupations of the Kuban Cossacks”.

Knowledge of the main crafts, types of creative production of the Kuban Cossacks, the main technological features of the manufacture of individual products


Quiz, testing

Knowledge of the main crafts, types of crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks,


"Crafts and types of decorative

main technological features


creative and applied arts”, exhibition and analysis of students’ creative works.

benefits of manufacturing individual products.

Making some products and crafts in accordance with technological features. inherent in traditional types of DPI of the Kuban Cossacks




Video, slide quiz,

action “In the name of Russia,

for the glory of Kuban", creative

academic project “History of the monument” (of the student’s choice)

Knowledge of the main memorable

construction related

with the history and culture of Ku-

Bansky Cossacks. Carrying out a research project on the topic “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks.”

Basic pa-

mint dates and


New events from the history of the Kuban Cossacks

Quiz, testing,

holidays associated with

observances, research project

Knowledge of memorable events and

dates associated with historical events of the Kuban Cossacks.

Carrying out a research project on the topic “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks.”


and Cossacks

Research project, Orthodox holidays.

Understanding the basics of spirituality

life of the Kuban Cossacks. Carrying out a research project on the topic “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks.”

Research project “Cossacks - warriors of my family”, testing, frontal conversation. Quiz “Kuban Cossack regalia”.

Structure and directions

activities of the Kuban Cossack army. Carrying out a research project on the topic “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks.”

The methodology for conducting classes takes into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren, and therefore an important place in the process of conducting classes is given to visual and practical methods, performing creative tasks, hikes, excursions, and meetings with interesting people.

7. Description of logistics.

Name of facilities and means of logistical support


1. Library fund

Tkachenko P. Kuban dialect. Experience of the author's dictionary. M., 2005

Tkachenko P.I. Kuban proverbs and sayings. Krasnodar, 2008.

Maslov A.V. Kuban in the old days. Krasnodar, 2009.

2. Printed manuals

Frolov B.E. Weapons of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2002.

Tkachenko P.I. Kuban wedding. Krasnodar, 2009.

Tkachenko P.I. Kuban rituals. Krasnodar, 2010.

Tkachenko P.I. Kuban songs. Moscow, 2001.

Vakulenko E.P. Folk craftsmen of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2009.

Vakulenko E.P. Folk culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2009.

3.Technical training aids

Multimedia installation.

4. Screen and sound aids

Presentations for classes.

DVD movies.

5. Class equipment

Double student tables with a set of chairs.

Teacher's desk.

Cabinets for storing teaching materials.

Wall board for hanging illustrative materials.


for the extracurricular activity program “Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks”

technology teacher, class teacher 5 "A" class MBOU secondary school No. 43 of the farm of Baranikovsky Slavyansky district of the Krasnodar Territory

Kukleva Elena Petrovna.

The extracurricular activity program “Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks” was developed for students in grades 5-6. The structure of the program meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and includes: an explanatory note, goals and objectives, a list of personal and subject results, course content, work program, calendar thematic plan. The duration of the program is 2 years.

Relevance and practical significance: 5th - 6th grade is a self-valuable, responsible period of childhood, in which those personality qualities that will “call” or “not call” a child to a club, squad, or organization may or may not develop. A further attitude towards the Motherland and native land, a personal demeanor and a desire to make a contribution to one or another area of ​​activity are laid.

The psychological characteristics of primary school age are such that children are more actively involved in any activity if it takes place in a playful way, especially in a group of their peers or children of a similar age. It is at this age that every child tries to find his place in the team, to demonstrate to others his creative capabilities and talents. It is very difficult to do this only within the framework of the educational process. That's why great value acquires extracurricular activities.

The “Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks” program allows you to organize the leisure time of students in a fun and interesting way, provide them with the opportunity to reveal themselves in a different light to their classmates, form a strong and friendly team, and educate true patriots of their native land, their native land.

Participation in this program will give schoolchildren the opportunity to learn self-realization through participation in collective creative activities, show their activity in any social sphere (in the life of the class, school), deepen knowledge about their native land, and increase the significance of good deeds for society.

The program corresponds to the specifics of children’s extracurricular activities and helps stimulate cognitive processes, develop communication skills, create a communication environment, develop the individual’s creative abilities, and support the desire for independent activity.

The program is holistic in nature, structural parts are highlighted, the main components are presented within the parts, goals, objectives and ways to achieve them are agreed upon.

The thematic plan takes into account the basic requirements for organizing the educational process in an institution by means of organizing extracurricular activities for children. The methodological support of the program sufficiently fully represents the pedagogical, psychological and organizational conditions necessary to obtain the result.


Deputy Director for HR Management Ekaterina Sergeevna Gaidar

History teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 43 Elena Nikolaevna Murchenko

Biology teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 43 Lyakh Svetlana Viktorovna

1 year of study

Lesson number

Number of hours

Introductory lesson.

Cossack tales, legends, tales.

Proverbs and sayings, lullabies of the Kuban Cossacks.


Counting books. Calls. Cossack legends. Kuban dialect. Learning by heart.

Kuban dialect.

Kuban dialect. Practical lesson.

(4 audit. + 4 extra-audit.)

Preparing for the event.

Event “Adoption into Cossacks”

The concept of “Cossack family”

Responsibilities and hobbies of family members.


Family photo album. Practical lesson.


Family traditions. Practical lesson.

The concept of "family life". Life of a Cossack family.

Individual and collective work in the life of the Cossacks.

Home improvement, household utensils.


Event "Kuban cuisine".

Materials from which craftsmen in our area make products (wood, clay, wicker, etc.).

Samples of products, DPI items made in the Krasnodar region.



(4 audits + 2 extra-audits)

The main attractions, monuments of Cossack history and culture of their native village.

The main monuments of the Cossack history of the Slavyansky region.


Excursion to the monuments of Cossack history of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

Main memorable dates and significant events of regional and local significance.

Excursion to the museum of Slavyansk-on-Kuban

8 Orthodoxy and the Cossacks. (4 audit + 4 non-audit)

The Orthodox faith is the basis of the Cossack family.

Honoring parents and elders.


Practical lesson. Celebration of the Nativity of Christ in the Cossack family.


Practical lesson. Celebrating Easter in a Cossack family.

6 Cossack is a patriot. (2 audits + 4 extra-audits)

Cossack. Kuban Cossack army. Moral qualities are the basis of the patriotism of the Kuban Cossack.

Excursion to the Cossack Circle. Ataman. Cossack honor. Regalia.


Moral qualities are the basis of the patriotism of the Kuban Cossack. Meeting with Vitaly Fillipovich Pigulko.

events (6 extra-audit)


Excursion to Ataman.


Event “Young Cossacks - future defenders of their native land. Cossack honor."

Summing up.


"Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks"

2nd year of study

Lesson number

Number of hours

Introductory lesson. Repetition of what has been covered, a brief introduction to the program for the academic year.

10 Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. (6 audit + 4 non-audit)

Children's games. Game choruses.

Songs, fairy tales, sayings, legends in my family.


Winter Christmastide, carols, shchedrovki. Learning by heart.

Carnival. Easter.


Carnival. Easter. Practical lesson.

8 The story of my Cossack family. (4 audit. + 4 extra-audit.)

Attitude to family in Kuban. A child in a Cossack family.

Raising boys and girls.


Family pedigree. Family tree. Practical lesson.


The story of a family in the history of their native Kuban. Practical lesson.

8 Labor and life of the Cossacks in Kuban. (6 audit + 2 extra-audit)

Traditional and modern life of a Cossack family. The Cossack is a hard worker.

Traditional occupations: agriculture and cattle breeding. Tools of labor of the Kuban Cossacks.

Traditional clothes. Cossack village, courtyard, house.


Event “Crafts in Kuban”.

Making arts and crafts with your own hands


Practical lesson. Manufacturing of products.


Practical lesson. Manufacturing of DPI products.

6 Monuments of the history of the Kuban Cossacks. (4 audits + 2 extra-audits)

Monuments to the Cossacks - defenders of the Motherland.

The main attractions, monuments of Cossack history and culture of the Krasnodar region.


Excursion to the monuments of Cossack history. Monument to Catherine I in Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar.

Main memorable dates and significant events from history

6 Kuban Cossacks. (2 audits + 4 extra-audits)

Main memorable dates and significant events of regional and local significance.


Excursion to the local history museum.


Excursion around the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

8 Orthodoxy and the Cossacks. (4 audit + 4 non-audit)

The patron saint of the Kuban Cossack army is the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky.

Icon in churches and dwellings. Cossack in the temple. Prayer.


Practical lesson. Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Practical lesson. Red corner in a Cossack hut.

6 Cossack is a patriot. (2 audits + 4 extra-audits)

Moral qualities are the basis of the patriotism of the Kuban Cossack. Young Cossacks are the future defenders of their native land..


Excursion to the Cossack Circle. Cossack honor. The valor of the Cossacks. Kuban Cossack regalia. Meeting with Cossack local historian Boris Nikolaevich Berendyukov.


Cossack military suit. Weapons, awards. Meeting with Vitaly Fillipovich Pigulko.

6 Summing up, preparing and conducting mass educational

events (6 extra-audit)


Event “Cossacks guarding the borders of the fatherland.”


Event “Cossack honor. Cossack military suit."


Summing up.

Total 68 34 audit. + 34 non-audit.



Type of program: educational program

By specific species activities

Children's creative association "Cossack"

Name: “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks”

Program implementation period: 4 years of study

Age of students: 1-4 grades

Teacher Galina Ilyinichna died

The program was developed on the basis of an educational program for additional education of children on the history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks / Adm. Krasnodar. Territory, Department of Cossacks, Kuban. Cossack army, Krasnodar. Regional Institute additional prof. ped. education.- Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009.-32 p.


  • Explanatory note 3-5
  • 2. Syllabus

    2.1. 1st year curriculum 6-9

    2.2. Educational and thematic plan for the 1st year of study 10-12

    2.3. 2nd year curriculum 13-15

    2.4. Educational and thematic plan for the 2nd year of study 16-18

    2.5. 3rd year curriculum 19-21

    2.6. Educational and thematic plan for the 3rd year of study 22-24

    2.7. 4th year curriculum 25-27

    2.8. Educational and thematic plan for the 4th year of study 28-30

  • Program content 31-36
  • 4. Expected results of program implementation 37-39

    5. Forms and types of control 40-42

    7. Description of logistics 45-49

    educational process

  • This type 2 program is compiled on the basis of the educational program for additional education of children “History and Culture of the Kuban Cossacks” grades 1-4, approved by the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory. – Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009.

    Unlike the original educational program of additional education, which is 36 hours per year of study, this work program contains a smaller number of hours - 34 hours (33 hours - 1st grade) per year of study.

    Thematic distribution of hours

    (1-4 grade)


    Introductory lesson

    The story of my Cossack family

    Work and life of the Cossacks in Kuban

    Work and life of the Cossacks in Kuban

    Cossack patriot

    Summing up, preparing and conducting mass educational events

    The history of a people, its traditions, rituals, art, trades and crafts are one of the factors that help people realize that they belong to a certain cultural environment.

    Achieving this task in primary school is carried out through acquaintance and familiarization with the culture, traditions, history of the Kuban Cossacks, through examples of the Cossack past and present of their family and city; It was during this period that the formation of love for the native land and pride in belonging to the Cossack family began.

    This program is intended for students in grades 1-4 and combines in its content the basics of history, traditional and Orthodox culture Kuban Cossacks. It was developed based on an analysis of a modern educational and methodological set for primary school students.

    Purpose of this program– formation of an initial understanding of the Kuban Cossacks, orientation in the diversity of historical and cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, education of citizenship and patriotism in students.

    Problems solved by this program:

  • acquaintance with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks, their cultural characteristics, basic crafts, types of labor;
  • familiarization with the main historical milestones of the Kuban Cossacks, introducing students to Kuban Cossack holidays, rituals, and significant dates;
  • educating students as patriots, active citizens of Kuban;
  • instilling the moral principles of the Kuban Cossacks in the spirit of Orthodoxy;
  • development of children's creative abilities;
  • developing students' interest in research work.
  • Features of the construction of this program is that during the 4 years of study there are 8 main thematic blocks that help to realize the goal and objectives of the program: “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”, “History of my Cossack family”, “Work and life of the Cossacks in the Kuban”, “Decorative applied art”, “Monuments of the history of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Main memorable dates and significant events from the history of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Orthodoxy and the Cossacks”, “Cossack-patriot”.

    Main forms of work:

  • lesson-meeting;
  • lesson-excursion;
  • activity-holiday;
  • activity-creative project;
  • conversation;
  • quiz;
  • practical lesson.
  • Classes in this program are practice-oriented, creative, and playful in nature. Classes of the first and second years of study are aimed at using more passive methods (story, demonstration, communication of information), classes of the third and fourth years of study are active and interactive (research activities, development and defense of projects, independent search for knowledge).

    The report on the work takes place in the form of fairs, open classes, competitions, and public events.

    Implementation of this program is expected through extracurricular club work. This program is designed for 4 years of study. Each year of study consists of 33 teaching hours (grade 1), 34 teaching hours (grades 2-4), 3-4 teaching hours are allocated for each thematic block (8 blocks in total), the remaining 6 hours are used for introductory classes, generalizing classes type, demonstration events.

    Classes are held for 1 hour once a week.

    As a result implementation of this program It is planned to develop key competencies in students, the formation of universal educational actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative), allowing them to achieve subject, meta-subject and personal results.

    2. Curriculum

    2.1.Curriculum of the 1st year of study

    Total hours

    Number of hours

    training sessions



    Characteristics of student activities




    Introductory lesson

    exhibition of student drawings

    Origin of the Cossacks

    Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks

    A selection of proverbs and sayings, fairy tales, legends of the Kuban people, presentation, CDs with songs. Collection of games

    Cossack musical folklore

    The story of my Cossack family

    mini-reports from students

    Cossack commandments and traditions, their popularization and implementation

    Family traditions. My family

    Family chronicle.

    Me and my family.

    Project work

    Work and life of the Cossacks in Kuban

    mini-reports by students on medicines

    different plants, how and with what the Cossacks were treated. Models of housing, mini-reports from students

    Folk knowledge

    Cossack crafts

    Project work

    Cossack arts and crafts

    Exhibition of works by Kuban craftsmen, exhibition of works by students

    Decorative and applied arts of the inhabitants of Kuban

    Visit to the school museum

    Visit to the city history and local history museum

    Monuments to the history of the Kuban Cossacks

    Trips, excursions to cultural monuments and Kuban Cossacks, student reports about monuments in Kuban

    Monuments in Kuban

    Departure to Krasnodar. Monument to Catherine the Great.

    Monuments in my area

    Main memorable dates and significant events from the history of the Kuban Cossacks

    Exhibition of children's drawings

    Main memorable dates and significant events from the history of the Kuban Cossacks

    Defenders of the Kuban land.

    We know how to be proud of our ancestors.

    Project work

    Hike to the Eternal Flame. Laying flowers.

    Orthodoxy and the Cossacks

    Student reports about religious holidays of Kuban

    Traditional religious holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

    Faith in folk life.

    The first temples in Kuban

    Religious traditions of the Zaporozhye and Don Cossacks

    Excursion to the Holy Intercession Church


    Cossack patriot

    Student reports about the exploits of Kuban residents during the war

    Military holidays

    Cossacks past and present

    Defenders of the Kuban land

    Visit to the Museum of Military Glory

    Summing up, preparing and conducting mass educational events: “Cossacks-Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Miracles at Christmas”, “Maslenitsa festivities”

    Participation in mass school-wide events and competitions

    Total hours:

    2.2. Educational and thematic plan of the 1st year of study

    Name of sections, blocks, topics

    Total hours

    Number of hours

    training sessions







    Introductory lesson

    What is a Cossack and what is a Cossack?

    Origin of the Cossacks

    Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks

    Cossack legends, fairy tales. Cossack proverbs

    Cossack musical folklore

    Folk games of the Kuban Cossacks

    The story of my Cossack family

    Cossack commandments and traditions, their popularization and implementation.

    Family traditions. My family

    Family chronicle.

    Me and my family.

    Project work

    Work and life of the Cossacks in Kuban

    Folk knowledge

    Cossack crafts

    Kuban villages and farms. History of the formation of the village of Apsheronskaya. The history of my village, city. Project work

    Cossack arts and crafts

    Galina Ilyinichna died