What payments can be made to the MFC? Is it possible to apply for child benefits at the MFC? What documents are needed

Today I made another attempt to complete the paperwork at the MFC. with partial success. I’m writing my experience, maybe it will be useful to someone.

So, after the birth of the child, you need to prepare documents for him/her. namely: birth certificate, insurance policy, SNILS and registration.

The first three are fairly easy to do.

At the maternity hospital you are given a birth certificate. With this certificate, your passport, your husband’s passport and marriage certificate, go to the nearest MFC (maybe not at your place of registration). There, first you receive the child’s birth certificate (at the same time you decide on the First Name and Last Name). Then, with this certificate and your passport, you go to other offices in the same MFC and apply for a policy (a temporary one is issued, you have to come back in a month to get a permanent one) and a SNILS (a certificate is issued, you have to come back for the card itself after some time).

If you come to the MFC at your place of registration, you can immediately apply for registration (otherwise, registration of the child at the place of residence). (If not, then go to the MFC at your place of registration, this can only be done there) The child can be registered either with the father or to mother. The consent of other relatives is not asked) If you are registered all together, then any parent can go and register the child. If you are registered in different places, then you will have to go together with your passports and the child’s birth certificate to the MFC where you want to register.

Also, upon the birth of a child, you are entitled to benefits. Please note that the social security department is only open on weekdays.

I will describe those that are due to me.

1) benefits for those registered and social card. (600rub)

You need a certificate from the housing complex and a passport. They may also require a policy and SNILS. The card will be issued in about a month.

2) lump sum payment at birth. (5500r)

You need the passports of both parents and a birth certificate. They may ask for a marriage certificate

3) allowance for a young family (this is if at least one of you is a Muscovite and you are under 30 years old. About 50 thousand)

again passports, marriage certificate, birth certificate

4) one-time benefit (14497.8) (issued at your or your husband’s work)

Application for granting benefits,

A certificate that will be issued along with the birth certificate,

Birth certificate,

Certificate from the other parent (from work or from the MFC (if not working)) that he did not receive this benefit

5)monthly allowance up to 1.5 years (can be at work, or at the medical center). I don't work, so I'm trying to get into MFC.

Birth certificate,

Certificate 2-NDFL from husband’s work (for the last 6 months),

A copy of the husband's work document certified by a seal (at the current place of work it should be written: currently working, date and signature)

A copy of the working mother (me).

Certificate 2-NDFL from mother (if you work)

I don’t have a work permit, I graduated from university quite a long time ago, so they demanded from me a diploma of education and an extract from my individual personal account (it turns out in pension fund, you need a passport and personal identification number with you)

A certificate from my husband’s work that he did not receive this benefit.

Theoretically, all these benefits can be issued through the portal. Now, after the third attempt, I think I have enough documents to submit through him))

If you want enter the child in your passport (in the children column), and at the same time obtain citizenship for him, then you need to Federal Migration Service. He is also located in the MFC. But keep this in mind. that his work schedule differs from the general one. You need your passport(s), birth certificate (if not registration, then temporary registration certificate)

I'm tired of going there already, because every time they ask me for another piece of paper. All I have to do is apply for a monthly allowance and registration. and at the Federal Migration Service. That is, go to the pension, and then return to them. But doing all this is problematic, since there is no one to leave Varka with.

I don’t live by registration, so today I took Varka and I on a march in a car - her first long trip (before that we only drove 5 minutes to the park). Varka was given to her grandmother for a walk, and I myself went to this MFC. She returned, met her mother with the stroller, fed Varka, ate herself and we went back. Varyusha behaved wonderfully, slept almost the entire way in the car, slept the entire walk, looked at everything with interest at home, walked and smiled at her grandmother.

There are several types child benefit– one is paid, the second is paid until the age of 18. The first benefit is issued at the applicant’s place of work (if he is working), while the benefit up to 18 years of age is issued at the department social protection population. Also, residents of the Russian Federation can count on others. How to apply and what is needed for this?

Documents for obtaining child benefits

You can make an appointment and payment at the MFC office at your place of residence (or at any nearest branch). Call your chosen office and make sure it provides this service. Next, we collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • A child’s birth certificate is the most important and necessary document;
  • the applicant (any other identification document is possible);
  • Certificate of family composition - it must confirm that the child lives with the applicant;
  • second parent;
  • Income documents;
  • Documents confirming the change of surname (if necessary);
  • Certificate from an educational institution for children over 16 years of age;
  • Work records of parents or certificates from the place of work;
  • For single mothers - a certificate from the registry office;
  • Certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for the child (for pre-conscription conscripts, if necessary).

You also need to remember that when applying for some types of monthly benefits you may need additional documents. These include work book child (in Russia you can work from the age of 14), executive and court documents, certificates from the place of study of parents, certificates of the location of the second parent, statements about non-receipt of any benefits and much more. Full list documents can be found on the websites.

Consideration of the application and assignment of benefits

The assignment of child benefits is carried out on the basis of a written application - it is part of the package of documents. The staff will help you fill out the application, and they will also give you background information according to other documents necessary for processing certain types of benefits. After filling out the application, all documents are handed over to the employee. Up to 14 working days are allotted for consideration of the application. If everything is in stock necessary documents, and the applicant really has the right to receive a monthly child benefit, then he will receive the monthly payments assigned to him.

Applying for a monthly child benefit is very easy. And to do this, you don’t need to visit the social welfare department at all - there are always a lot of visitors here, and it can be very difficult to catch one or another employee. If you don’t want to waste time, you can apply for a monthly child benefit through the MFC. Today, applications for the payment of almost any child benefits are accepted here.

If you need assistance of a legal nature (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to fill out documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses them altogether), then we offer free legal advice:

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -

Yes, you can. A funeral benefit is a type of one-time social assistance of a compensatory nature provided by the state to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has assumed the responsibility for organizing and conducting the funeral of the deceased.

The procedure for assigning and paying federal funeral benefits was approved by Law No. 8-FZ of January 12, 1996.

In 2018, the amount of such payment is 5 562,25 rub.

Moreover, if in the region when calculating wages applies regional coefficient, then the above amount is adjusted taking into account the established coefficient.

Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide additional payments to the federal benefit. For example: in Moscow the additional payment is 11,000 rubles. (38,400 rubles, if the deceased is a WWII veteran).

Contacting the MFC

Multifunctional centers accept applicants by or in a “live” electronic queue (using a coupon from the terminal).

You can make an appointment in advance:

  1. Via (if such a service is provided in the region of circulation). You must first register on the State Services portal.
  2. By one phone hotline MFC or contact number of the selected center branch.

Who can receive compensation

The recipient of this type social support Any citizen who has incurred material expenses in connection with the funeral of the deceased can speak. In this case, the fact of the relationship does not matter.

Thus, the following may receive compensation:

  1. spouse);
  2. close or distant relative;
  3. legal representative of the deceased (parent, guardian, adoptive parent, trustee);
  4. another person (neighbor, colleague, friend, etc.).

Nuances of applying for benefits

If the deceased citizen was officially employed, as well as in the event of the death of a minor child of working parents, the obligation to pay compensation is imposed on the employer, regardless of the form of employment (main job or part-time job).

You need to apply for a funeral benefit at the MFC if the deceased was:

  • a non-working pensioner;
  • an unemployed person who has not reached retirement age;
  • a minor family member of unemployed parents (adoptive parents, guardians);
  • a stillborn child (born after 154 days of pregnancy).

Increased compensation amounts

It should be noted that for some categories of deceased citizens, increased amounts of compensation are provided, paid at the expense of federal departments and executive bodies authorities.

Such payments are due in the event of death:

  1. military man;
  2. participant in hostilities and WWII, home front worker, blockade survivor;
  3. police officer, tax and customs authorities, fire department.

If family members took on the costs of burying a military pensioner, they can count on compensation in the amount of three times the deceased’s pension. In this case, the amount of the payment cannot be less than the amount of the approved federal benefit.

Documents for processing funeral payments

In order to receive a funeral benefit at the MFC, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

1) General set of documentation, regardless of the category of the deceased:

  • application in the prescribed form (the form will be issued by an MFC employee);
  • the applicant’s passport (or a document replacing it);
  • death certificate (form No. 33);
  • death certificate;
  • documents confirming expenses incurred for organizing the funeral;
  • personal account details for transfer budget funds(certificate from bank).

2) Additionally, depending on the category of the deceased, the following documents may be required:

  • work record book of the deceased;
  • service ID;
  • a certificate from the Employment Center about registration for unemployment;
  • extract from the personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • information from the Social Insurance Fund confirming that the deceased was an insured person (certain categories of citizens: individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, representatives of small peoples of the North have the right to state benefits only if they have entered into a voluntary insurance agreement);
  • certificate of passage of the deceased full-time training;
  • medical certificate for a stillborn child;
  • mother's passport;
  • work books of unemployed parents, etc.

It is not necessary to make copies of the submitted documents in advance. An MFC specialist will make copies on site.

Benefit payment terms

Funds are transferred to the recipient's account specified in the accompanying documentation the next day after submitting the application to the MFC.

You must apply for compensation before the expiration of 6 months from the date of death of the citizen.

Free legal consultation

Have you been refused a service, and do you think that the refusal is unlawful? Do you have another complex legal situation or issues that require legal assistance (not necessarily related to the MFC)?

Call and get a FREE legal consultation!

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -
  • St. Petersburg and Len. region -
  • Toll-free number for regions of the Russian Federation -

Through the MFC you can apply for a one-time benefit at the birth of a child, monthly payments for child care up to 3 years, and assistance to low-income citizens for children under 18 years of age.

Table 1. Receiving child benefits at the MFC

The procedure for applying for child benefits through the MFC

Pay attention! Before submitting an application, it is necessary to register the child at the place of residence!

Registration of child benefits at the MFC occurs in the following order:

  1. Pre-registration or electronic queue. You can make an appointment by phone, online or by contacting the hall administrator in person.
  2. Collection of necessary documents.
  3. Filling out the application. You can fill out the application at home or at multifunctional center with the help of a center employee.
  4. Submission of documents. At the appointed time, you must come to the multifunctional center, go to the reception window and submit documents.
  5. Receiving a receipt from an MFC employee about the acceptance of documents.
  6. Receiving the result of the service .

Who can receive

One of the parents, an adoptive parent or guardian, or a single mother can receive child benefits.


An application for payment of child benefit is reviewed within 10 days.

In case of incomplete submission of the document, the period for consideration of the application increases to 30 days.

Types of benefits

Payments for children can be one-time or monthly.

State assistance is provided to large and low-income families. At the MFC you can apply for benefits:

  1. For registration in the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. A one-time payment upon the birth of a child.
  3. Monthly payments for children up to one and a half years old.
  4. Monthly payments for children from one and a half to three years old.
  5. Benefit for children under 18 years of age.
  6. Assistance in case of loss of a breadwinner.
  7. Children of military personnel serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

Required documents

The list of documents to be submitted depends on the type of benefit.

To receive any type of child benefit you must provide:

  • applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • details of the recipient's current account (certificate from the bank).

If the applicant does not work or study, the following must be additionally submitted:

  • a certificate from the employment center confirming registration for unemployment;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • certificate from the educational institution about training;
  • about the closure of the IP.

At the birth of a child

To receive a lump sum payment you must submit:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • passport of one of the parents;
  • SNILS;
  • bank account details for transferring funds;
  • birth certificate from the registry office;
  • birth certificate (if assistance is issued for a second or third child, birth certificates of all children are provided);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate from the second parent’s place of work confirming that they have not received a lump sum payment.

Pay attention! The application must be submitted no later than six months from the date of birth!

Up to one and a half years

To receive benefits up to 1.5 years you must submit:

  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificate;
  • a certificate of failure to provide payment at the second parent’s place of work;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate from the employment center regarding registration at the labor exchange (for unemployed citizens);
  • statement.

From one and a half to three years

Only large families can apply for monthly payments for up to 3 years. The payment amount is set separately in each region.

Important! To receive benefits, you must provide proof of income for a family member below the subsistence level!

To receive this type of government assistance, you must submit:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • statement.

Benefit up to 18 years of age

After the end of care leave for up to three years, low-income families in need of government support have the right to apply to the MFC for monthly payment for a minor.

The procedure for calculating this payment is regulated by regional laws.

To apply for this type of assistance at the MFC, you must submit:

  • statement;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • parents' passports;
  • certificate of income of family members for the quarter;
  • birth certificate or passport (upon reaching 14 years of age);
  • certificate of study at an educational institution.

Regulatory framework

Submission procedure public services multifunctional centers are carried out in accordance with the Rules for organizing the activities of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2012 No. 1376.

The procedure for assigning and ensuring payments to citizens with children is established by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995.

Types of state assistance to large and low-income families are established in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia No. 431 “On measures of social support for large families”

Amounts of child benefits

Table 2. Amounts of payments for children in 2018, established by federal legislation

Type of assistance Size
For registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) 628.47 rub.
At the birth of a child 16,759.09 rub.
For child care up to 1.5 years:

Those working under employment contracts

(from average daily earnings)

For non-working parents

Maximum size

RUB 24,536.57

RUB 3,142.33 for the first child

6284.65 rub. for second and subsequent children

Transferring a child to a family for upbringing 16,759.09 rub.
Adoption of a disabled child, brothers and sisters, children over 7 years old 128 053.08 rub.
For the children of a military personnel undergoing military service on call 11,374.18 rub.

Refusal to provide service

Receiving state assistance may be denied in the following cases:

  • if more than 6 months have passed since birth;
  • an incomplete package of documentation has been collected;
  • the application was submitted by a person who is not eligible to receive assistance;
  • provided false information and forged certificates;
  • if the income of family members exceeds the subsistence level.

An illegal refusal can be appealed in court.

What documents are needed to process payments:

If you need help with information and legal matters (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses them altogether), then we offer free legal advice: (24 hours a day, seven days a week):

  • MOSCOW and MO: +7 499 93-840-69
  • SAINT PETERSBURG and LO: +7 812 425-14-34 -
  • REGIONS OF THE RF: 8 800 350-84-13 - ext. 638

For the convenience of processing social assistance throughout the territory Russian Federation multifunctional service centers for citizens were created. This approach involves simplifying the procedure for submitting documents for the population. The applicant can receive advice on all necessary issues at the MFC regarding the registration of child benefits and submit the necessary documents. The center employees themselves transfer all the data to the organization that will accrue funds.

Definition of state aid

Child benefit is a state subsidy from the country's budget intended for material support of motherhood. If a woman is an insured person, the payment is made by the Social Insurance Fund.

All types of material financing are carried out in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, which determines the amount of payments, terms of provision and categories of the population.

The procedure is regulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 81 “On state benefits citizens with children."

The accrued benefit is paid every month. The exception is maternity benefits. It is paid one time. Its size is calculated according to the age of the woman in labor, the number of babies born in the family and place of residence.

Types of benefits

The procedure for providing child subsidies is reviewed annually. Starting from February 1 of the current year, all accrued amounts are indexed. The amount depends on the type of assistance accrued. All child care benefits are divided into: the following categories:

The amount of payment at the birth of the first child in the family differs from the accrued amounts for the second and subsequent infants.

Right to payments

Only certain categories of citizens can contact the MFC to apply for child benefits. Applicants for assistance are:

  • low-income citizens;
  • families that include unemployed people.

Insufficient income is calculated based on the minimum subsistence level established during the period the benefit was assigned. Each region sets its own size.

Submitting an application for child benefits through the MFC can be carried out:

If the applicant is unable to personally apply for child benefits, this function is carried out by his representative. In this case, registration is required notarized power of attorney. This situation may arise for citizens who apply for child benefits not at their place of registration, but at their actual place of residence.

To apply for a child birth benefit at the MFC, first you will need to do the following:

  • register the child where one of the parents is registered;
  • determine the nearest service center at your place of residence;
  • obtain preliminary telephone consultation regarding the provision of the service;
  • make an appointment using a coupon or electronic queue;
  • prepare the required documents to receive state subsidies.

List of required documents

Documents are accepted after the applicant fills out the form according to the provided sample. After which the center employee takes the required documents. In return, the applicant receives a receipt for acceptance of papers from registration number and the date of submission of documents.

The multifunctional center is an intermediary institution between citizens and government agencies. Therefore, the appointment of public assistance may take a little longer than sending documents directly to the social security authorities.

Before receiving a payment, the applicant needs to know what documents are needed for benefits at the MFC. Registration of state payments providing for child care until he reaches the age of one and a half years is the same for all age categories. Only the package of documents may differ.

Documents for this type of benefit are accepted from all families, regardless of the fact of employment. They provide the following list:

  • documents certifying the citizenship of both parents, along with copies;
  • certificate of family composition and marriage certificate;
  • certificate certifying the birth of the baby, with a copy;
  • application for benefits at the MFC;
  • bank application with the recipient's account number and details;
  • a certificate of income for each working family member for three months;
  • a certificate from the employment service from an unemployed parent or from the place of study, if studying at an educational institution;

A sample to fill out is located in the multifunctional center along with the forms. If the applicant does not understand how to fill out the application, an employee of the establishment will provide advice.

Registration of child benefits through the MFC is especially convenient for young mothers, as it saves their personal time. To speed up the process, you should do the following recommendations:

Reasons for refusal

Although receiving child benefits through the MFC is an absolutely legal measure, some families may be denied benefits. Cases of refusal are possible for the following reasons:

  • if the applicant provided false information about family members, including their income;
  • in the absence of all required documents;
  • provision by the applicant of fictitious certificates to receive benefits;
  • if the recipient loses the right to payments;
  • after 6 months from the date of birth of the baby;
  • if the average monthly total family income exceeds living wage in the region where the applicant lives;
  • when the newborn is fully supported by the state;
  • when depriving the right to raise a child.

If you are confident that the refusal by the social security authorities is unlawful, you can write a written statement addressed to the head of the institution asking for an explanation of the reason for the refusal. Further, with such a written explanation, the decision of the social institution is subject to appeal in court or the prosecutor's office.

Termination of an already assigned payment may occur under such circumstances:

  • upon discovery of the fact of forgery of documents;
  • when traveling abroad for permanent residence;
  • when transferring a child to state support;
  • at the end of the payment period;
  • when the applicant is deprived of rights to a child;
  • at official employment the applicant;
  • when registering a benefit recipient with the employment service;
  • in the event of death of the applicant or child.

If the question arises whether it is possible to apply for a child benefit at the MFC, the applicant must be sure that he has legal grounds to pay all subsidies provided for by current legislation.

If you need help with legal information (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to fill out documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses altogether), then we offer free legal advice: (24 hours a day, seven days a week).