What is the amount of benefits for birth, child care, pregnancy and childbirth. What is the amount of benefits for birth, child care, pregnancy and childbirth? Termination of monthly payments for a child

Deadlines for payment of benefits

  • At birth
  • Maternity and childbirth (B&C)
  • Child care up to 1.5 years old
  • Putin's on FIRST-BORN

5. Maximum amount of child benefit for workers in 2019.

It is determined depending on, or they are called the limit value, the limit of the base for calculating insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds. We will show you the calculation of the maximum benefit

  • 2017 is - 23,089.04 rubles. ((RUB 670,000 + RUB 717,000) : 731 days x 40% x 30.4).
    Maximum earnings for the billing period (365 + 366), and not 730. And all because 2016 is a leap year.
  • 2016 is - 21,554.85 rubles.
  • 2015 is - 19,855.82 rubles.

Note: About the average daily earnings for calculation maternity benefit And monthly allowance for child care, cannot be greater than the value obtained by dividing the sum of the maximum values ​​of the base for calculating contributions for the two previous calendar years by 730.

6. Maximum amount of maternity benefit 2019 = 301 095,89 rub.

2018 = 282,493.15 rubles.

2017 = 266,191.78 rubles.

2016 = 248,164.0 rub.

2015 = 228,602.74 rubles.

If a woman’s insurance period is less than six months, she will be paid a benefit not exceeding for a full calendar month.

Child benefit table 2019

Indexation coefficient for the amount of CHILDREN'S benefit for 2019 table


COMPENSATION for child care from 1.5 to 3 years

To all employees who are on parental leave for up to three years, employers are required to pay monthly compensation in size 50 rub.

The procedure for assigning and paying compensation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 No. 1206. It states that compensation is assigned at all places of work. And taking into account regional coefficients.

An allowance of 50 rubles is paid from the beginning of parental leave until 3 years of age, that is, you must pay it from the very beginning. It is paid only upon the employee’s application; if there is no application, you don’t have to pay. And for the month it is paid in proportion to the days of vacation.

Note: This type cash payments, by their legal nature, are actually state benefits, and therefore, on the basis of paragraph 1 of part 1, compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.

When, from what week do they go on maternity leave in 2019, how are benefits paid and calculated. What week does maternity leave start from? What should you generally expect if you are a young mother and are planning to take maternity leave from work? The article explains in detail how to calculate maternity payments in 2019, as well as how maternity benefits are calculated and paid for all women.

Update: 15:22 04/16/2019

The practice was finally consolidated in 2017 increase in child benefits and other social payments annually from February 1 based on actual inflation rates for the previous year. This became possible thanks to the Government’s work to reduce the growth rate of consumer prices, due to the high rates of which a year earlier it became necessary for the first time to suspend the current procedure for indexing payments, benefits and compensation that had developed over the previous decade.

At the same time, this does not yet apply to size maternity capital in 2017. Its amount will remain at the current level 453026 rubles not only for another year, but will also be maintained at least until January 1, 2020, according to the new government capital freezing law dated December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ, adopted together with the law on federal budget for the next three years dated December 19, 2016 No. 415-FZ.

Indexation of benefits in 2017 (table)

For the second year in a row, the amount of child benefits provided for by federal law "ABOUT state benefits citizens with children" dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, is revised with the aim of increasing the amount of payments not from January 1 of the new year, as was first established in 2008, but from February 1, 2017 by the amount of actual inflation, which, according to official data from Rosstat, amounted to only 5.4% (a record low figure for the entire modern Russian history).

Compared to 2015, last year, price growth decreased by more than 2 times - then annual inflation according to Rosstat was 12.9%, which for the first time in recent history made it impossible to fully index not only benefits and maternity capital, but also insurance and social pensions. By the way, the Government also promises to fully index pensions in 2017 by 5.4%.

The amount of maternity capital in 2017

The amount will not change in 2017 - its size will again be 453026 rubles. The last time the certificate size increased was from January 1, 2015 (by 5.5% from the previous 429.4 to the current 453 thousand rubles), i.e. in fact, families with children have been dealing with the so-called freezing maternity capital.

Therefore, families can completely forget about indexing the certificate for the next 3 years. The Government associates the need to freeze the amount of maternity capital from 2017 to 2020 with the following main circumstances:

  • in the federal budget

Moscow authorities have increased the amount of monthly child benefits.

Thus, the capital’s government adopted a resolution according to which, from June 1 of this year in Moscow, the monthly child benefit provided to low-income families will be increased by 33%.

According to the document, low-income families will receive 2,000 rubles monthly, which is 500 rubles more than currently. Single mothers will receive financial assistance in the amount of 5,000 rubles per month for children aged 1.5 to 3 years.

Head of the Labor Department and social protection population of Moscow, Vladimir Petrosyan said that currently in the capital there are 168 thousand low-income families, in which average per capita income population does not exceed 15.3 thousand rubles. These families are raising 265 thousand children.

In total, more than 50 billion rubles will be allocated to support low-income Muscovites.

/ Wednesday, May 24, 2017 /

The corresponding decision was made during a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

According to the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Vladimir Petrosyan, supporting socially vulnerable Muscovites is one of the priorities of the capital’s authorities. “About 2 million minor children live in Moscow, of which 265 thousand are in low-income families. For the city government, social support for low-income families and families in general is a priority and one of the main and serious financial obligations of our city. This year the budget will support families with children over 50 billion rubles are provided, of which 27 billion are social payments. Based on the economic situation in our city, we want to propose increasing the monthly child benefit by 500 rubles.", he said.

He noted that 1,100 million rubles would be required to cover these expenses. “This money is available in the state program”, - the official clarified.

According to the adopted resolution, from June 1, 2017, the basic allowance for a child from a complete family under the age of 1.5 years and over 3 years will increase from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per month. The monthly payment to single mothers and fathers increases to 3,000 rubles, and the maximum amount of benefits paid to single mothers for children aged 1.5 to 3 years will reach 5,000 rubles per month. Recipients of these payments are 168 thousand families, whose average per capita income does not exceed living wage per capita.

The capital hosted a weekly meeting of the Presidium of the City Government chaired by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Based on its results, it became known that the capital will allocate more than 1 billion rubles to increase child benefits.
As Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, told Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the basic allowance for a child from an intact family under the age of 1.5 years and over 3 years will increase by 33% - from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per month.
Meanwhile, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin noted that the maximum amount after increasing the benefit (paid to single mothers for children aged 1.5 to 3 years) will reach 5,000 rubles per month.
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During a meeting of the presidium of the city government, Moscow authorities adopted a resolution to increase the monthly benefit to low-income families by a third. The resolution will come into force on June 1, 2017.
“About two million minor children live in Moscow. Of these, 265 thousand are from low-income families. For the city government, social support for such families and families in general is the main serious obligation. Sergei Semenovich, we almost regularly increase the monthly allowance. . . . . . Of these, 27 billion are social payments, that is, more than 50%. . . . . . “We have this money in the state program”, - Petrosyan clarified.

The materials for the presidium meeting note that the basic allowance for a child from a complete family under the age of one and a half years and over three years of age is increased by 33%.

. . . . . About 266 thousand children are raised there.

1.063 billion rubles will be allocated from the Moscow city budget to increase the monthly child benefit.

The monthly child benefit will increase in Moscow from June 1, 2017. The size of payments rises by a third. In general, it will increase by 500 rubles. The corresponding order was adopted during a meeting of the presidium of the capital's government.

The head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Vladimir Petrosyan, recalled that about 2 million minors live in Moscow, and 265 thousand of them live in low-income families.

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It is worth noting that in 2017, more than 50 billion rubles will be allocated from the capital’s budget for material support for families with children, more than 50% of which will be allocated for social support.

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The Moscow authorities adopted a resolution to increase the monthly child benefit for low-income families by a third from June 1, 2017. . . . . . Of these, 265 thousand live in low-income families. . . . . .

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According to the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Vladimir Petrosyan, in the capital, 265 thousand children live in low-income families. He proposed increasing the allowance to these families by 500 rubles.

The official noted that these expenses are provided cash in the amount of 1 billion 100 million rubles.

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Monthly child benefit in low-income families will increase by a third. This will happen from June 1 of this year. This resolution was adopted capital authorities during a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

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This decision was made during a meeting of the presidium of the city government, which was chaired by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin today.

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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin decided to increase the monthly child benefit by 33% - from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles. He stated this at a meeting of the presidium of the capital’s government, the correspondent reports. Rosbalt".

According to the approved resolution, from June 1, the monthly child benefit for low-income families will increase by 500 rubles. . . . . . Among the recipients are 168 thousand families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level - 15.3 thousand rubles per person. . . . . .

As stated by the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection, Vladimir Petrosyan, to increase payments it will be necessary to allocate an additional 1.1 billion rubles from the budget.

The capital's mayor ordered an increase in the monthly child benefit in Moscow by 33 percent.
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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin

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The city authorities decided that from June 1 of this year it is necessary to increase the monthly child benefit for low-income families by a third. . . . . .

“About 2 million minor children live in Moscow,” said Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. . . . . . After the June increase, it will be 2,000 rubles per month.

. . . . . After the increase, it will be equal to 5,000 rubles per month.

In general, after the increase, the monthly child benefit for low-income families will look like this.

For children under the age of one and a half years and from 3 to 18 years:

· single mothers (fathers) - 3,000 rubles,

· for children of military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, and children of wanted parents - 2,400 rubles,

· other families - 2,000 rubles.

For children aged from one and a half to 3 years:

· single mothers (fathers) - 5,000 rubles,

· for children of military personnel undergoing conscription military service and children of wanted parents - 3,800 rubles,

· other families - 3,000 rubles.

In Moscow, 168 thousand families receive such benefits monthly, whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level of (15,382 rubles). . . . . .

. . . . . The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the presidium of the city government chaired by Moscow Mayor Sergei Soyabnin.

. . . . . We are talking about more than 265 thousand children. More than one billion rubles have been allocated from the capital’s budget to increase benefits.

Let us recall that the social obligations of the Moscow Government were discussed in February of this year. The list of main social obligations then mentioned regional social supplements to pensions (more than two million people received them last year), benefits for housing and communal services and contributions to major renovation(about 4.5 million people), benefits for telephone payments (about 900 thousand people). In addition, about 3.7 million Muscovites enjoyed free and discounted travel on city passenger transport.

"The key priority of the budget is the guaranteed fulfillment of all social obligations to Muscovites, as well as improving the quality of education, healthcare and other social services. Social expenses account for more than half of the total budget expenditures", - said Sergei Sobyanin last fall.

The Moscow government, headed by the mayor of Moscow, adopted a resolution to increase the monthly child benefit for low-income families. From the first of June this year, the current benefit will increase by a third.

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According to him, the monthly child benefit will be increased by 500 rubles. In addition, 1 billion 100 million rubles from the city budget will be required to cover these expenses.

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At the beginning of 2018, a Presidential Decree was signed to provide parents with support from the state for the birth of their first child in the amount of 10,000 rubles. monthly.

For which children the specified measures are provided, up to what age payments continue and when they stop, where to apply to receive social benefits, details in this material.

Legislative basis

Based on the decree on the appointment of monthly support from the state for the birth of the first child, federal law No. 418 "O" monthly payments ah to families with children,” dated December 28, 2017. Regulatory act came into effect on January 1 of this year.

The provisions apply to relations to provide support to children born in 2018, inclusive from January 1. The implementation of the act is allowed in relation to first children, both natural and upon adoption.

Measures to implement a legal decision must be taken by authorities at the regional level. This provision is contained in the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children, announced by the President of Russia at a meeting in the Kremlin on November 28, 2017.

This provision contains a step-by-step plan:

  • Provision for the birth of a second child, extension of the program until 2021;
  • Providing payments at the birth or adoption of the first child;
  • Issuance of a maternity capital certificate in cash upon the birth of a second child in the family;
  • Expanding the list of regions to 60 that provide support to children under 3 years of age;
  • Introduction of mortgages with a 6% rate for young families;
  • Elimination of queues in nurseries for infants from 2 months to 3 years;
  • Modern equipment of children's clinics, reconstruction and provision of new equipment.

Based on the order of the President of Russia, social benefits are provided to:

  1. For children born after December 31, 2017;
  2. If the parents’ income is less than 1.5 times the subsistence level based on indicators accepted in the region of residence, the family income is calculated taking into account the child, taking into account the official wages, but dividends rental payments from renting out real estate, interest on deposits is not taken into account;
  3. You must declare the need to receive benefits no later than before the baby is 6 months old, otherwise payments will be made from the moment of application, and not the date of birth;
  4. The benefit is provided only to Russian citizens.

Child benefit amount

At a government meeting in November last year, it was stated that the amount of payments is subject to annual indexation and is 10,523 rubles in 2018, next year it will reach 10,836 rubles, and in 2020 the benefit will be increased to 11,143 rubles.

The amount is set depending on the level of economic development of a particular region. The minimum subsistence level adopted for the 2nd quarter of the year preceding the application for state support is taken into account. For example, in 2018 the figure for the 2nd quarter of 2017 will be set. The amount is accepted in full before deduction income tax.

When applying before the expiration of 6 months from the date of birth of the child, payments are assigned from the date of birth. After missing the specified period - from the date of application for benefits.

The size of payments depends on the region of the country along with the cost of living.

Documents for child benefits

The package of official papers that are submitted to social security authorities to receive government support includes:

  • Parent's ID;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Application form for assistance;
  • Certificate of income for the last 12 months.

The documents are valid for only 1 year. When the new year begins, you must submit certificates to the social security authorities again.

Registration procedure

The list of documents and the procedure for providing state support is established by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 889n dated December 29, 2017. You have the right to submit an application:

  • Mother of a child born or adopted no earlier than January 1, 2018;
  • Father, if the woman died or was deprived by a court decision parental rights;
  • Guardians when making an appropriate decision by the authorities responsible for protecting the rights of the child, in the absence of parents or one of them.

The newborn's representative must complete the following steps to receive benefits:

  • After the birth of the child, within 5 days, obtain a certificate indicating the name from the registry office;
  • Contact the social security authority at your place of registration and provide a package of documents;
  • Receive a decision, payments will be made monthly to a bank account, the details of which are submitted to the government agency.

Where to apply for child benefit

Providing services to establish the right to benefits in connection with the birth of the first child every month in the amount of 10,000 rubles. for the child the following is carried out:

  • In the social security authorities at the place of registration of parents or guardians;
  • In the territorial body of guardianship and trusteeship;
  • At the nearest branch of the MFC, whose employees explain the procedure for submitting documents and their execution, they will help you draw up an application according to the form and fill out personal data;
  • Through the State Services Internet portal, you will have to go to the social security authority once to clarify formalities and provide original documents;
  • When sent by registered mail by Russian Post with a list of the contents and copies of documents certified by a notary.

Termination of monthly payments for a child

The benefit ceases to accrue upon the following reasons:

  1. Lack of a completed application and documents after 1 year from the date of assignment of financial support; for 2019, official confirmation must be submitted after January 1, otherwise the accrual of payments will be stopped;
  2. When the child turns 1.5 years old, if the documents are resubmitted for the second year;
  3. In the event of the death of parents or guardians, a newborn;
  4. When moving to another region of Russia;
  5. In case of a reasoned refusal to grant benefits;
  6. When the income per family member increases by more than 1.5 minimum wages, for example, when the mother goes to work 1.5 years after the birth of the child.

Payments from maternity capital

When a second child appears, funds will be paid for state budget will be provided on account in cash. Previously, such measures were temporarily canceled due to the possibility of transferring designated funds to the account of an entity selling real estate, providing educational services or treatment. It also provides for the contribution of funds for the maintenance of the child to preschool institution if the mother goes to work before the child is 1.5 years old. If there are two children in a family, the first receives a monthly allowance of 10,000 rubles. is not provided, except for cases when he was born after December 31, 2017.

Cash money for the second child under the maternity capital certificate will be provided until the child is 1.5 years old for the intended purpose - to ensure the normal functioning of the children. This provision is enshrined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation along with measures for the appointment of monthly benefits. The validity period of maternity capital is extended until 12/31/2021.

Other payments for children

In addition to the monthly allowance of 10,000 rubles. For the first-born child, the following social payments have been established at the legislative level since February 1, 2018, taking into account indexation:

  • At birth at a time - 16,873 rubles;
  • When registering before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy - 632 rubles;
  • For pregnancy - 100% of earnings, but from 43,652 rubles. depending on the regional minimum wage;
  • When a child appears in a military family - 26,720 rubles;
  • For caring for a newborn - 40% of earnings, but not less than 3,163 rubles;
  • If the father is in a military unit during conscription service - 11,450 rubles.

Payment of benefits is carried out only for one of the parents. When calculating the monthly support provided by the state, the amount of income is taken into account, taking into account the payments listed above. Benefits for disabled minors and payments to single mothers are also subject to accrual. Financial assistance in the amount of ten thousand rubles upon the birth of the first child in a family was introduced in Russia for the first time at the legislative level and represents new way improving demographic indicators in the country.

Question and answer:

1. How is the minimum income calculated at which parents are entitled to receive monthly assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. for a newborn?

— The value that is accepted in the region of residence of the newborn’s guardians is taken into account. Every year this indicator is subject to indexation. To assign benefits, it is important that the amount of income for each family member, including the child, does not exceed 1.5 shares of the subsistence level.

2. We moved to another region due to a change in my husband’s job. Will the monthly benefit be paid in the same amount as was assigned by the decision of the social security authority at the previous place?

— If you change your region of permanent location, you need to contact local authority social protection to obtain a new permit for payment of benefits. The amount of cash benefits may differ and be either higher or lower than the previously established amount of financial support. It depends on the level of living wage in the region. Unfortunately, you did not indicate from which region and where you plan to move, so you need to clarify the amount when submitting your application.

3. When can you apply for child benefit in the amount of 10,000 rubles? and where to go?

— You can contact the social security authorities or submit an application through the MFC on any day after January 1, 2018, if a child is born on this date or later.

4. Until what time will benefits in the amount of 10,000 rubles be paid? for the birth of my first child, if I plan to be on maternity leave until the newborn turns 3 years old?

— Regardless of the time spent on parental leave, benefits within the framework of state support assigned after January 1, 2018 will be accrued until the ward reaches 1.5 years.

5. I have been appointed as the child’s guardian, do I have the right to submit an application to social security for payment of monthly funds from the state in the amount of 10,000 rubles? Based on a presidential decree, is a power of attorney required?

— You have the right to submit an application to the social protection authorities with permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to confirm your authority to protect the rights of the child. In addition, you must provide a certificate of income below 1.5 times the regional subsistence level for each family member, taking into account minors in your care

6. Can a guardian exercise the right to receive child benefit?

- Such a possibility exists if he has Russian citizenship and his income level is below 1.5 times the subsistence level accepted in the region of residence. It is necessary to take into account the indicator for the family, for example, a grandmother appointed as a guardian and a child. That is, her earnings are divided in half.

7. Will there be a payment if the spouse has a first child from another family, and the wife has one child, excluding her husband’s children?

— In such a situation, material support is provided within the framework of maternity capital under the federal and regional program as for the second child. In this case, you should be guided by Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006. Payment of monthly benefits in such cases is not due.

In addition to measures social support In the form of a monthly payment of ten thousand rubles, the state provides the opportunity to receive maternity capital. The amount of funds for 2018 at the federal level is 453,000 rubles. In regions, local laws set their own limits aimed at improving housing or social conditions for a child in the form of one-time maternity capital in the amount of 100,000 rubles. and more. The amount of regional support depends on the economic situation in the region where the family has lived for at least 5 years. It is possible to direct funds to purchase real estate in the child’s name, pay for education or treatment, and take measures for social support for people with disabilities before they reach adulthood. Money is provided through the maternity capital program at the birth of the second, third and subsequent children.

Presidential Decree on the payment of benefits for children under 1.5 years of age

Important changes in the law!

You can now apply to the social security authorities for benefits for the first and second child in any city, and not just at the place of permanent registration of the parents. The relevant law came into force on Sunday, May 12, 2019.

Previously, child benefits could be issued strictly at the place of registration. Now you don’t even need a temporary registration to apply.