Visual material on safety in dhows. "Safety corner in preschool educational institutions." Safety corner in kindergarten An innovative approach to organizing didactic classes with preschoolers on road topics. He is beautiful and bright red

Safety corner in kindergarten An innovative approach to organizing didactic classes with preschoolers on road topics consists of simultaneously solving the following tasks: - developing in children the cognitive processes they need for correct and safe orientation on the street; - teaching preschoolers road vocabulary and involving them in independent creative work, which allows, in the process of completing tasks, to study and understand the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and roads; - developing in children skills and sustainable positive habits of safe behavior on the street. When moving from one age group to another, a child must have certain knowledge of the basics of safe behavior on the street. It is necessary to start training from early preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers so that by the time they reach school they can already navigate the street and clearly know the rules traffic.

It is recommended to create an information corner in every preschool educational institution. The “Safety Corner” is an exhibition stand (one or two or three), on which information, reference, statistical, analytical, educational, and visual materials on promoting road safety are located. Every educator must know the rules of the road well in order to conduct educational work with children and parents and ensure the safety of students.

The main goal of creating a road safety corner is to explain to parents that they are the main link in teaching children the rules of the road. It is their actions that determine how firmly the child will master the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is their behavior that is decisive when a child chooses “his style” of crossing the roadway. By designing such a corner, the teacher must make parents his main allies in teaching children the complex alphabet of roads. Here it is important to show parents the seriousness of the problem, identify situations that often lead to tragedy, explain in what cases and why children do not feel entirely comfortable on the road. 1. A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30*65 cm). 2. A set of components, each of which is designed to contain separate information. 3. Folding book Types of corner design: To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example: “The price of haste is the life of your child” “Attention - we are your children!” “The child has the right to live!” “It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of the child’s life”

Considering important role parents on the issue of teaching children traffic rules, the corner for parents should contain: 1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the area. 2. Causes of road accidents involving children. 3. Recommendations for parents on teaching children how to behave safely on the road. 4. List and description of games aimed at consolidating children’s existing knowledge of the Rules of the Road 5. Children’s stories about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents.

Safe behavior in nature. - Introduce the basic rules of safe behavior in nature (do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not pet them, do not tease them; do not tear or put plants in your mouth, etc.). Safety of your own life. - To introduce the object world and the rules for safe handling of objects. - Introduce the concepts of “dos and don’ts”, “dangerous”. - Form ideas about the rules of safe behavior when playing with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand, etc.). I junior group

In the first younger group children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines consist of. Learn to distinguish between red and green colors. Therefore, the gaming corner should have: A set of vehicles. Illustrations depicting vehicles. Red and green circles, model of a pedestrian traffic light. Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, etc.) Attributes for the garage game - various cars, a set of tools (wrench, hammer, screwdrivers, pump, hose). Attributes for the game “Driver and Car”, “Cars and Traffic Lights”. Construction material for building houses and cars. Didactic games “Assemble a car” (of 4 parts), “Put the car in the garage”, “Traffic light”.

II junior group Safe behavior in nature. -To form ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature. -Introduce the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.). Safety of your own life. - Introduce sources of danger at home (hot stove, iron, etc.). - Build skills safe movement indoors (carefully go down and up the stairs, holding the railing; open and close doors, holding the door handle). - Develop the ability to follow the rules in games with small objects (do not put objects in your ear, nose; do not put them in your mouth). - Develop the ability to seek help from adults. - Develop the ability to follow safety rules when playing with sand, water, and snow.

II junior group Road safety. In the second younger group, children continue to work on vehicle recognition, become familiar with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors, become familiar with the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway”. Therefore, to the items available in the road safety corner of the first junior group, the following should be added: A road sign with special instructions “bus or trolleybus stopping place.” Pictures for the game on classifying modes of transport “What passengers are traveling on”, “Find the same picture”. Toys (small cars, house models, builder) for the game “City Street”. Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport". The simplest layout of a street (preferably large), where the sidewalk and roadway are marked. Layout of a transport traffic light (planar).

Attributes for s/r games “We are drivers”, “Transport” ( fire engine, ambulance; steam locomotive and open-top carriages; truck (large, wooden or plastic) steering wheels; striped rod; gas station (large.) Attributes for the game “Sparrows and Cars.” D/i “Assemble a traffic light.” "Cut pictures" by fire safety. Colored flags for the outdoor game “Colored Cars”. D/i “Assemble a traffic light”, “Arrange everything according to the rules”, We are pedestrians.” Telephone. Large construction set. Vehicle cards by name and size (large/small) - passenger car, tram, bus, trolleybus. Visual modeling of road situations (in accordance with age). Albums or special notebooks with assignments. Age-appropriate fiction.

Middle group Safe behavior in nature. - Continue to introduce the diversity of animals and flora, with phenomena inanimate nature. - To form basic ideas about ways of interacting with animals and plants, about the rules of behavior in nature. -Form the concepts: “edible”, “inedible”, “ medicinal plants" -Introduce dangerous insects and poisonous plants. Safety of your own life. - Introduce the rules of safe behavior during games. Talk about situations that are dangerous to life and health. - To introduce the purpose, operation and rules for using household electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, electric kettle, iron, etc.). - Strengthen the ability to use cutlery (fork, knife), scissors. - Introduce the rules of cycling. - Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. - Tell children about the work of firefighters, the causes of fires and the rules of behavior in case of fire.

Middle group Road safety. - Develop observation skills, the ability to navigate the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten, and the surrounding area. - Continue to introduce the concepts of “street”, “road”, “intersection”, “public transport stop” and basic rules of behavior on the street. Make children aware of the need to follow traffic rules. - Clarify children’s knowledge about the purpose of traffic lights and the work of a policeman. - Introduce various types urban transport, their features appearance and destinations (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, Emergencies Ministry vehicle, “Police”, tram, trolleybus, bus). - Familiarize yourself with the traffic signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Public transport stop”. - Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

Attributes for s/r games “Bus”, “Firemen” - cars, buses with open tops, removable roofs, fire truck, ambulance, crane, “railroad” set (medium size), small cars; striped rod; steering wheel on a stand Gas station - garage (for small cars) Traffic light Layout with a zebra crossing, a “safety island”, human figures (voluminous, small) Pictures for the classification of transport Safety Lotto D/and “Who knows more?”, “Collect signs » Photos “Streets of our city”, drawings, diagrams.

Senior group Safe behavior in nature. - Form the foundations of environmental culture and safe behavior in nature. - To form the concept that everything in nature is interconnected, that a person should not violate this relationship so as not to harm the animal and plant world. - To introduce the phenomena of inanimate nature (thunderstorm, thunder, lightning, rainbow), with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. - Introduce children to the rules of first aid for bruises and insect bites. Safety of your own life. - Strengthen the foundations of human life safety. - Continue to introduce the rules of safe behavior during games at different times of the year (swimming in reservoirs, cycling, sledding, skating, skiing, etc.). - Expand knowledge about sources of danger in everyday life (electrical appliances, gas stove, iron, etc.). - Strengthen the skills of safe use of household items. - Clarify children’s knowledge about the work of firefighters, the causes of fires, and basic rules of conduct during a fire. Introduce the work of the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. - To consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call the numbers “01”, “02”, “03”. - Develop the ability to seek help from adults. - Learn to say your first name, last name, age, home address, telephone number.

Senior group In the senior group, the guys learn a lot of new things about road traffic. It is at this age that acquaintance with such large and complex topics, like “Crossroads”, “Road Signs”. Therefore, in the road safety corner the following should appear: Intersection layout. It is desirable that this model has removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street. Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational signs - “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing", "Location of bus and (or) trolleybus stop"; warning signs – “Children”; prohibitory signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; mandatory signs – “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; priority signs – “Main road”, “Give way”; service signs – “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”. It's good to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games. Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street” In addition, children senior group introduce you to the work of a traffic controller. This means that in the corner of the traffic rules there should be diagrams of the traffic controller’s gestures, the didactic game “What does the baton say?”, and the attributes of a traffic police inspector: baton, cap. Road safety.

Illustrations on safety rules Card index of sayings and proverbs about safety Attributes for s/r games “Tram”, “Bus”, “Rescuers”, “Street” (rod, caps, car caps, binoculars/spyglass, truck, cars for various purposes , ship, boat, airplane, helicopter (medium size); small cars (passenger cars, racing cars, trucks, etc.), garage/gas station (collapsible) Lotto “Fundamentals of Safety” Illustrative material with the features of the movement of large and small vehicles Illustrations of transport means - large, trucks, buses, trolleybuses and passenger cars, motorcycles Layout “At the Crossroads” Layout of the city (parts of the city, area); site plan of a kindergarten, street Maps of the village (part of the village, locality) Sets of postcards or reproductions with views, attractions of the native village, locality.

Preparatory group Safe behavior in nature. - Form the foundations of environmental culture. - Continue to introduce the rules of behavior in nature. -Introduce the Red Book, individual representatives of the animal and plant world listed in it. - Clarify and expand ideas about such natural phenomena as thunderstorms, thunder, lightning, rainbows, hurricanes, and introduce the rules of human behavior in these conditions. Safety of your own life. - Form the idea that useful and necessary household items, if handled improperly, can cause harm and cause disaster. - Reinforce the rules for safe handling of household items. - Reinforce the rules of safe behavior during games at different times of the year - Bring children to understand the need to take precautions, teach them to evaluate their abilities to overcome danger. - To develop children’s behavior skills in situations: “Home Alone”, “Lost”, “Lost”. - Develop the ability to seek help from adults. - Expand children’s knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire service, ambulance services. - Clarify knowledge about the work of firefighters, rules of conduct in case of fire. Reinforce the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call the numbers “01”, “02”, “03”. - Strengthen the ability to say your first name, last name, age, home address, telephone number.

Preparatory group Road safety. Systematize children's knowledge about the structure of the street and traffic. Introduce the concepts of “square”, “boulevard”, “prospect”. Continue to introduce warning, prohibition and informational road signs. Make children aware of the need to follow traffic rules. Expand children's understanding of the work of the traffic police. Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport. Develop free orientation within the area closest to the kindergarten. To develop the ability to find the way from home to kindergarten on a local map.

Illustrations on the theme “Home Alone”, “Safety on the Street”, “Safety in the Forest” Costumes, decorations for the puppet show “Traffic Light Slacker” Album “ Different types transport" Role-playing game "Streets of our city" Telephone Collapsible car, plane, helicopter, rocket, ship Thematic construction sets (for small characters) city Illustrative material with the features of the movement of large and small transport Illustrations of vehicles - large, trucks , bus, trolleybus and cars, motorcycles Metal construction set depicting crafts of transport Model of a kindergarten Model of a village (part of a village, area); site plan of a kindergarten, street Maps of the village (part of the village, locality) Sets of postcards or reproductions with views, attractions of the native village, locality. Detailed map-scheme of the area where the kindergarten is located Combined map of the city and the nearest suburb; compass, slate board, chalk

Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes!

You go to work, to run errands, or to the store.

Try to ensure that the child is not alone!

The house is full of technology, just press the buttons.

But for a preschool child

Don't let yourself press these buttons!

Lighters, matches, candles - struck, clicked - light.

The baby has no idea that something bad might happen.

Dad smokes on the balcony, blows smoke, hums

And, without thinking, he throws the cigarette butt down from the balcony.

The daughter looked sternly and said to dad like this:

- “Daddy, I need to visit my kindergarten more often,

Grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers,

Be careful everywhere and always.

Know the rules, follow them

Set an example for your children,

And trouble will bypass you!

Element of fire.

Fire is an element that a person must reckon with, respect and even fear. Fire, on the one hand, is a source of life and heat, on the other hand, it is a source of danger if it is used incorrectly and unreasonably. Preschool children should know the following safety rules:

  • You cannot play with matches or fire in general;
  • Do not touch gas taps near the stove or kerosene lamps;
  • You cannot turn on electrical appliances;
  • If there is a fire, run and call people;
  • If a fire breaks out due to your fault, then the most reasonable and correct way out is to immediately leave the premises, and not hide from people, call for help;
  • Call the fire department - “01”.

Fire safety is one of the most pressing challenges facing adults.

It is important to bring to the child’s consciousness the concept of what fire is and how necessary fire is for people. And at the same time, the child should be aware of the danger of fire that threatens if handled carelessly.

What not to do in case of fire.

In case of fire or fire, do not:

  • Overestimate your strengths and capabilities;
  • Risk your life to save property;
  • Engage in extinguishing a fire without first calling the fire brigade;
  • Extinguish live electrical appliances with water;
  • Hide in closets, pantries, hide in corners, etc.;
  • Trying to exit through a smoke-filled stairwell (wet cloth does not protect against carbon monoxide);
  • Use the elevator;
  • Descend using ropes, sheets, drainpipes from floors above the third;
  • Open windows and doors (this increases draft and intensifies combustion);
  • Jump out of upper floor windows;
  • Give in to panic.

Help for the victims.

If there are victims of a fire, the main thing is not to harm them.

Take them to fresh air, if necessary, perform artificial respiration.

Do not tear anything away from the burned areas, do not try to open the water blisters - you will introduce infection into the wounds. Cover burns and wounds with a clean cloth, do not over-tighten the burned areas with bandages, take the victim to a medical facility - the sooner the better.

For small superficial burns, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide and lubricate the wound vegetable oil, and there is no need to bandage them.

If your or another person’s clothing catches fire

It should be clearly known that burning clothes on a person when he is in an upright position leads to the spread of flame to the face, burning of hair and damage to the respiratory system.

  • You cannot run, this will only intensify the burning;
  • You must quickly throw off flammable clothing, and if this fails, you should fall and roll on the floor (ground), knocking out the flames.
  • If another person’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to throw the victim to the floor (ground) and put out the flame in any way, pour in water, cover with earth, throw in snow, throw a thick cloth (tarpaulin, blanket, coat) and press it tightly to the burning clothing. In this case, leave the victim’s head open to avoid poisoning by combustion products.

Read to the children.

All children need to know this:

It is dangerous to play with matches.

Guys should also know:

It is dangerous to light fires.

Firecrackers are also an evil thing,

They can easily hurt your hand.

You can't play with the iron -

An iron can also be evil.

All children's games with fire

Then they end in trouble,

Baby, don't joke with a match,

And learn these rules:

Don’t light the stove without your elders,

Fire and gas are dangerous! Know!

Don't let trouble happen

You can't turn on the iron.

And candles are not a toy, children,

All kids should know this.

And the lighter is not a toy,

Both the tablecloth and pillow will burn.

Don't burn the leaves! Smoke and heat

After all, they turn into a fire.

Fire is a disaster. Fire is no joke.

The fire hurts the innocent

And it causes a lot of pain.

Give the children riddles.

If the house is on fire then

It will be useful for us...


Small boxes

And the fire dragged.

(Box of matches)

He is flammable, he is volatile,

Required for cars

But it can be dangerous

And causes fires

It's called...


I'm not on my own

And most of all

And most scary of all,

Everybody loves me

And everyone is ruining me.


Red bull

Lying on the ground

Blue Bull

Reaches towards the sky.

(Fire and smoke)

If the smoke billows out,

The flames beat with tongues,

And fire is everywhere, and heat

This is a disaster...


He is beautiful and bright red

But it is burning, hot, dangerous!


It gives warmth and light,

No need to joke with him, no!


Little horse

Instead of a mane there is a light.


You feed, he lives,

Get him drunk and he'll die.


I was born in an oven

Curled into rings.

Danced the trepak

And went into the clouds.


Warms in winter

Smoldering in the spring

It dies in the summer.

Comes to life in autumn.


Sitting in the oven

Growls angrily.


Our grandfather Ermolai

He will eat whatever you give him.


She hangs from the ceiling

Her glass pendants

We'll turn it on in the evening,

And the room will become bright.


He sucks both dust and rubbish,

Cleans chairs and carpet.

He will collect garbage from the house

And he never sneezes.

(Vacuum cleaner)

Red tongue

I'm not used to dozing.


Licked all the wood.


A midge was flying

Aspen leg.

She sat down on a haystack and ate all the hay.


No tail, no arms, no legs

This red animal.

Warms, feeds, shines,

For adults -

First friend!

If children play with him -

It will immediately escape from your hands,

It will burst, it will crack -

It will destroy everything around.


Both in winter and in summer

There is cold and ice in it.

Fish, soup, cutlets

He will save us.


Blue light

helped us cook lunch.


Wet hair after washing.

I can dry it quickly.


To prepare the cream

He beats the eggs into foam.


I'll collect shirts, T-shirts,

And I’ll tell her: “Wash it!”

Spin it in a drum

Return the laundry clean!”

(Washing machine)

She is my assistant

I cook dinner on it.

I light the burners

I cook borscht and fry cutlets.


I'm not afraid of fire

I boldly sit on the fire,

They pour water into me

And the fragrant broth is boiled.


If the water boils,

I'll become very angry.

I'll growl, I'll puff

And I'll blow the whistle.

(Kettle with a whistle)

I'm sitting by the window,

I look at him for the whole world.


An electric ship is sailing

Now back, now forward.


He is alone in the whole world

I'm very glad to meet the dust.

(Vacuum cleaner)

No arms, no legs,

And it quickly creeps up the mountain.


The pig, the golden bristles, is trembling.


On the table, in the cap

Yes, in a glass bottle,

A friend settled in -

Cheerful light.

(Desk lamp)

Only me, only me

I'm in charge of the kitchen.

Without me, no matter how hard you work,

Go without lunch.

(Electric stove)

Look at my barrel

The top is spinning inside me.

He doesn't hit anyone

But it will ruin everything.


I'm pot-bellied and puffing

I'm huge and shiny

If I just want to

I'll boil some boiling water.


I slept in a stone,

I stood up like iron,

I walked up the tree

Like a falcon flew by.


Golden Bee

She sat on the tree.

If you don't drive her away,

The tree may burst into flames.

(Fire spark)

Read to the children.

If in your room

Tears are rolling from the eyes,

As the smoke billows

And the fire chews the carpet,

It takes courage to find

Answer the phone

Try to remember the numbers

From zero to nine.

Feel free to pick up the phone,

Manage to dial “Zero-one”

And name it later

City, street, and house,

And the apartment where you live,

And what kind of lock she has.

And also say: “I give

Give you your last name;

Also phone number

Where I am standing."

Riddle game "If there is a fire."

(Children form a circle. The leader starts the game. In his hands balloon. The player must quickly say last word line of poetry and pass the ball to another participant. If a participant is slow to answer or answers incorrectly, he is eliminated from the game.)


This ball is in your hands for a reason.

Previously, if there was a fire, -

The signal balloon soared high,

Called firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire,

There a ball will rise into the sky,

There will always be a threat to us...


Angry fire. (Pass the ball)

1,2,3,4 - who has a fire?...


In the apartment. (Pass the ball)


Smoke suddenly rose in a column.

Who didn't turn it off?...


Iron. (Pass the ball)


A red glow ran.

Who's with the matches?...


Played. (Pass the ball)


The table and cabinet burned down at once.

Who dried clothes over?...


Gas. (Pass the ball)


A column of fire embraced the attic,

Who are the matches?...


I lit it up. (Pass the ball)


The fire ran into the yard,

Who was burning there?...


Bonfire. (Pass the ball)


The flame jumped into the foliage,

Who burned at the house?...


Grass. (Pass the ball)


Remember, every citizen

This number...


"01". (Pass the ball)


I saw smoke, don't yawn

And firefighters...


Call. (Pass the ball)


This should be clear to everyone

Why joke with fire...


Dangerous! (Pass the ball)

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Guys, after each quatrain, if you agree that this is what you need to do, say in chorus: and if you are not sure that the actions are correct, remain silent.


Who set fire to the grass near the house,

I set fire to unnecessary rubbish,

A friend's garage burned down

And a construction fence?

The children are silent.


Who's the neighbor's kids

Explains in the yard

That playing with fire is not without reason

Ends in fire?


“This, me, this is me, these are all my friends!”


Who's sneaking in the corner

Burned a candle in the attic?

The old table caught fire

He barely escaped alive!

The children are silent.


Who helps firefighters?

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for all the guys?


“This, me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Kindergarten is an important part of every person's life. In a preschool educational institution, the first bricks of knowledge are laid, and here the preparation of a little person for adult life begins.

In kindergarten, there are many activities designed to familiarize the child with safety rules. WITH early years children are explained how to behave on the road, how to use equipment, how to protect themselves from fire.

Fire safety in kindergarten

One of the indispensable tools to help you learn the world around us– fire safety corner. The corner helps to quickly teach a child the basics of fire safety. With the help of a fire corner, teachers offer different game situations, and children learn how to act correctly in case of danger.

To improve perception and involvement in the process, many teachers recommend making a fire corner with children.

Types of children's corners

Safety corners are made for a variety of areas of children's education. The main corner is rightfully considered road safety. Of course, children rarely get to kindergarten on their own, but almost all of them live in busy yards or near roads.

The second, mandatory for every educational institution, is a corner of the rules of conduct in case of fire. This visual material will help introduce children to various dangerous situations, tell them how to act in the event of an emergency and how to avoid them.

Why do you need a fire corner?

A child often does not understand how dangerous playing with fire is. The stand is designed to explain in an accessible form how serious the consequences of a fire can be, and how to prevent a fire. An important task of the corner is to introduce children to dangerous things that should not be messed with. These are matches and lighters, sockets, household electrical appliances and heaters.

Watch the video: Teaching preschool children fire safety.

The Fire Safety Corner contains information on what to do in the event of a fire. Visual material will help your child learn by heart the telephone number for calling the fire department. How not to panic and behave correctly in case of fire. What actions will help you wait for rescuers if you were unable to leave the building on your own.

DIY making

In kindergarten, fire safety corners are made on their own. But not only teachers take part in creating the corner. Children and even parents are involved in the process. The corner should not only familiarize the child with a list of dangerous situations, it is important to make this process simple and interesting. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design of the stand.

To attract attention and interest from children, bright colors and colorful images are used when decorating a fire stand. You should not overuse text, because many kindergarten students do not yet know how to read. You need to try to present text information schematically, in the form of images.

The best way to attract a child’s attention to a corner is with bright themed toys. Use fire trucks, plastic fire extinguishers, firefighter suits. Bright illustrations and toys will undoubtedly captivate children and help them learn the material. Good decision There will be poems selected to the theme of the corner. By learning poetry, the baby can remember the basic safety rules.

An integral part of the fire corner are thematic didactic materials, visual aids and educational games. They will help you acquire skills to behave in dangerous situations and consolidate your knowledge of fire safety. The list of such materials is huge and limited only by the teacher’s imagination. For the fire safety corner, they make models of fire stations and fire panels, laptops, sliding folders, puzzles, board games and much more.

The fire safety corner in kindergarten plays an important role in raising a child. A bright, beautifully decorated corner attracts the attention and interest of children. Such a stand will teach children the basics of fire safety in a playful way and teach them how to act in the event of a dangerous situation.

The safety of children is the most important task for parents, educators and all adults who surround them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangers in the world around us that can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to intensively protect and protect the child, but also to teach him safe behavior in various situations both in the house and outside it. This work is purposefully carried out in all educational institutions, starting from a young age in kindergarten and gives positive results. Because despite the complexity of the organization modern society, childhood trauma is emergency, for which all those responsible bear responsibility.

Safety training in kindergarten

Teach children not to get caught dangerous situations both at home and in the outside world - the most important task for parents and for teachers of child care institutions. It is necessary to teach children safe behavior from the very first steps of life. Exists large number situations when a child can get injured at home, on a walk, while playing, or while traveling in transport. The main task of adults is not only to ensure control over the behavior of children, but also to instill in them concept of one's own safety. Organization in kindergarten safety corner designed to solve this problem. Using stands, models, toys, didactic games, educators teach preschoolers the rules of behavior in the most likely life situations. The materials presented at the stands are also addressed to parents, since the child is with them most of the time, and young parents cannot always properly create a safe environment at home.

Table: studying the rules of life safety in different age groups of kindergarten

Age group Behavior at home On a walk in the park On the street
First youngest
  • Teach what dangerous situations can occur during games, especially when using sand, earth, water, sharp branches and other similar objects.
  • Explain that you cannot drink water from the tap.
  • Do not approach stray animals or touch them.
  • Do not pick leaves or flowers. Don't eat them.
  • Acquaintance with a variety of transport.
  • To develop knowledge about the main colors of traffic lights.
Second youngest
  • Explain the dangers small and sharp objects pose.
  • Develop safe gaming skills.
  • Teach children where and how they can find help in difficult circumstances.
  • Talk about actions that create a health hazard: closing a door, going down steps, getting out of a vehicle.
  • Dangerous items at home: iron, kettle, sockets, electrical appliances.
Studying the rules of behavior in nature:
  • Don't pollute nature.
  • Do not tear plants or break branches.
  • Do not touch stray animals.
  • Consolidating knowledge about types of transport.
  • Practice skills in using a controlled pedestrian crossing.
  • Explain the division of the street into pedestrian and roadways.
  • Talk about the rules of behavior when using public transport.
  • Explain what dangerous situations are possible during the game.
  • What are household appliances used for and rules for handling them.
  • Strengthening the ability to use sharp and cutting objects in everyday life.
  • Tell them how to behave with strangers.
  • Talk with children about fires and the causes of fires, the work of firefighters, safety rules when using fire.
  • Explain what are called “natural phenomena” and which of them are dangerous.
  • Explanation of which plants and fruits are called edible and which are not. What is a "medicinal plant"?
  • Give an idea of ​​dangerous and poisonous representatives of flora and fauna.
  • Learn to navigate indoors, on the assigned territory of a child care facility.
  • Increase knowledge about traffic management. Children should know the names of the main components of city streets: underground passage, sidewalk, and so on.
  • Strengthen the ability to use pedestrian crossings.
  • To form an understanding of the work of police officers, about vehicles for emergencies.
  • Strengthening behavioral skills in public transport and on the street.
  • Talk about safety rules when riding a bicycle, swimming, skating and sledding.
  • Increase knowledge about safe behavior at home.
  • Deepen your knowledge of the rules of conduct during a fire.
  • Talk about the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. How she calls on the phone.
  • Explain the need to know and name basic information about yourself: full name and residential address.
  • To form the concept of “ecological culture”.
  • Explain what to do if you are bitten by a poisonous animal.
  • How dangerous are natural phenomena? How to behave during a thunderstorm.
  • Developing the ability to cross the street and know road signs for pedestrians.
  • Reinforcing the rules of safe behavior during games at different times of the year.
  • Consolidating knowledge about safe handling of household appliances.
  • Develop the ability to seek help from adults and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Strengthen the ability to name information about yourself if necessary.
  • Bring children to the concept of their own safety.
Continuation of work on topics of the senior group.
Talk about the need for a careful and attentive attitude towards nature, give an idea of ​​the state’s activities aimed at preserving the environment.
  • Systematize children's knowledge about the structure of the street.
  • Expand your knowledge of traffic signs.
  • Give an idea of ​​the work of the traffic police.
  • Teach children the need to follow traffic rules.
  • Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport.
  • Using the map of the area, teach children to find their way from kindergarten to home.

Design of a safety corner

The importance of the safety corner in the educational activities of teachers is quite great. But in order to successfully and efficiently teach children the basics of safety, it is necessary to have interesting and varied material in this area of ​​work. The life safety corner may contain:

  • Stands with information for parents about possible traumatic situations.
  • Analytical reports on emergency incidents involving children.
  • Visual materials for teaching safe behavior for children and adults.
  • Didactic games (“Road Signs”, “Good and Evil Fire”, “Smart Traffic Light”, “Safety Fundamentals” and so on) factory-made and hand-made.
  • Layouts fire equipment, ambulance, fire shield - to better familiarize children with emergency services.
  • Models of items for personal safety: reflectors, fire detector, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Toys for organizing role-playing games: firefighter dolls, rescuers, policemen; children's equipment for traffic police and rescue service workers.
  • Floor covering for designing traffic when studying traffic rules.

As part of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten, the safety corner must meet the requirements: aesthetic and attractive design for children and parents, functionality and variability, periodic updating of the content to maintain interest in the material.

Material for printing on the safety corner can be found on the websites:

  • The article “Safety Corner” presents material for placement on the stand in all areas of work.
  • The article “Children's Life Safety” contains many illustrations and poems for the safety corner.
  • Veronika Parfyonova in her work “Safety Corner in the Junior Group” tells how she designed such a corner. There are many photos.

Passport for the safety corner in kindergarten

Included in the group passport. When designing it, the goals and objectives of its creation are indicated and the materials included in this corner are listed. These include:

  • Large-sized models and toys: traffic lights, life-size puppets, road signs, city street models, pedestrian crossing markings, fire shields and fire extinguisher models.
  • Equipment for children.
  • Posters and teaching materials.
  • Stands on fire safety, traffic rules and others.
  • Toys, educational games, books and other equipment available.

Registration of a corner passport

An example of registration of a corner passport is taken from the article “Passport of the preparatory/secondary group” of the kindergarten “Moroshka”.

Examples of design of a safety corner

The name of the safety corner speaks about its purpose. It could be like this:

  • Safety school.
  • Road ABC.
  • Young rescuers.
  • Island of safety.
  • Safe kindergarten.
  • I grow up happy.
  • Safety every day.
  • Safety formula.

As already mentioned, teaching children safe behavior has three components: safety at home, knowledge and application of traffic rules, safe behavior in nature and during games. The corner's stands are also designed in accordance with these directions.

Irina Nesterova

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I would like to present to your attention our group's safety corner. In our corner there is a set of road signs, which includes information and guidance - "Pedestrian transition» , "Underground pedestrian transition» , "Bus Stop Location"; warning signs - "Children"; prohibition signs - "No Pedestrians", service marks - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Gas Station" These signs are also available in a reduced form, on stands, for working with the layout.

Our safety corner equipped with lesson notes on Traffic Rules, posters "The ABCs of Traffic", "Safety corner"Thanks to the help of parents corner was replenished with attributes for s/r games "Bus", "Chauffeur" (driver's cap, steering wheels, conductor's bag, tickets, special-purpose vehicles, gas pumps)

In addition, in our Security Corner we can introduce children to the work of a traffic controller (for this there are diagrams of traffic controller gestures, inspector attributes DPS: staff, cap, organize story games "Train Travel", "Parking" And "ONE HUNDRED"

By section « Safety at home» We resolve issues related to household items that are sources of potential danger to children. They help us with this didactic games"I want to be a firefighter", “Matches are not toys for children”, illustrated material"Emergencies", "If you are left alone at home", "Fire Rules" security» , "Behavior in case of fire", "First Aid".

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD on safety at home in the second junior group “Do not play with dangerous objects!” Summary of GCD on safety at home in the second junior group Topic: “Don’t play with dangerous objects!” Goal. Social adaptation of children c.

Good day to everyone who took a moment and looked at my page. Dear colleagues, I am sure that this will not be news to you if...

Long-term plan for safety at home and in society for children in the preparatory group SEPTEMBER 1 week Topic: “Safety” 2 week Topic: “In the world of dangerous objects” 3 week Topic: “Electrical appliances” 4 week Topic: “Fire”.

Educational and creative project “The ABCs of Safety” (dangerous objects in everyday life) for children 5–6 years old Municipal preschool educational institution“Kindergarten “Romashka” Educational and creative project “The ABCs of Safety”.

Hello, dear colleagues! In our kindergarten, it is customary to hold competitions every year for “The best subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution” V.

According to tradition, at the beginning of the new school year, “Safety Week” was held at MKDOU Kindergarten 10. The children discussed them in conversations and games.