Liquid gold: ten of the healthiest oils. Which vegetable oil is the healthiest? Rating of vegetable oils by beneficial properties

Despite the fact that vegetable oil is one of the most high-calorie foods (it can contain up to 900 kilocalories per 100 grams), it has many beneficial properties and contains vitamins and microelements necessary for humans. Vegetable oil helps most foods be better absorbed, so nutritionists insist on its mandatory presence in the diet.

In Russia, the most popular oils are sunflower and olive, but many other types can be found on store shelves - corn, soybean, sesame, pumpkin... Which one should you choose?

HELLO.RU talks about the properties of the 10 most beneficial vegetable oils.

Olive oil is the most common vegetable oil in the world, one of the national products of Greece, Italy and Spain. Since ancient times, it has been used for cooking, as well as in religious ceremonies.

The “homeland” of this oil is Spain. 40 percent of the world's supply comes from Andalusia, and Madrid even has an International Olive Council that controls virtually all of the world's olive oil.

Why is this product given so much attention? close attention? Scientists believe that due to its trace elements olive oil reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In order for it to fully manifest its medicinal properties, when choosing, pay attention to the packaging. It should say "Extra virgin olive oil". This means that no heat or chemical treatments were used in the production of the oil.

2. Corn oil

Another popular oil in Russia is corn oil. It is characterized by a high content of vitamin E, which is twice as much as in olive or sunflower oil. Vitamin E is beneficial for the endocrine system, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Another advantage of corn oil is its high burning point, that is, it will begin to smoke and burn only at a very high temperature.

Corn oil has practically no smell, taste or contraindications, so it is ideal for sauces, dressings, it is also good to add to vegetable juices - carrot, for example, should be drunk only with cream or vegetable oil, since vitamin A is not absorbed in our body in its purest form.

3. Walnut oil

A rather unusual vegetable oil that many of us are not used to eating is walnut oil. It contains a lot of useful elements: vitamins A, C, E, B, P, unsaturated fatty acids and various other microelements. Walnut oil is rightfully an important component of many diets: it is easily digestible and serves as a good source of energy. Its disadvantage is its short shelf life, after which it begins to acquire a bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

In Georgian cuisine, meat and poultry dishes are prepared with it. Chefs don't recommend adding walnut oil just before cooking—its rich, nutty flavor will disappear at high temperatures, so use it only as a dressing.

4. Sesame oil

Sesame oil - traditional ingredient Asian cuisine, and in Indian medicine it is used for massage and treatment of skin diseases. It has a pronounced taste, reminiscent of a nut. However, during production it is often diluted with other ingredients or subjected to heat treatment, so the oil on the shelf of a regular supermarket will most likely have no odor. Sesame oil is not famous for its rich vitamin composition, but it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which is good for bones. It is stored for 9 years.

You can add sesame oil to a variety of dishes, the main thing is to remember the difference between its two types: light oil is made from raw seeds, it is added to salads and vegetables, and dark oil is made from fried ones, it is ideal for noodles, woks and rice dishes.

5. Pumpkin seed oil

One of the most expensive oils is pumpkin oil. The reason for this is the manual production method. Pumpkin oil has a dark green color (it is made not from pumpkin, but from seeds) and a characteristic sweet taste. Thanks to its beneficial composition (its most valuable element is vitamin F), it improves blood, kidney and bladder function.

Pumpkin seed oil is most popular in Austria, where it is mixed with vinegar and cider to make dressings for a variety of salads. In addition, it is added to marinades and sauces. Pumpkin oil, like walnut oil, cannot be subjected to heat treatment, and dishes with it must be eaten immediately, otherwise they will become bitter and tasteless.

6. Soybean oil

Soybean oil contains various healthy fatty acids - linoleic, oleic and others. However, it is characterized by another element - lecithin, the share of which in the oil is up to 30 percent. Lecithin is a phospholipid, a fundamental chemical for the formation of intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system and the activity of brain cells. It also serves as one of the main materials of the liver.

Industrially, soybean oil is used to produce margarine, mayonnaise, bread and coffee creamer. They brought it to the West from China. Now this oil can be bought in many stores at a low price (it is much cheaper than good olive oil).

7. Cedar oil

Another expensive oil is cedarwood. It was once exported to England and other European countries as one of the delicacies of Siberia. Russian healers called it “a cure for 100 diseases.”

It is no coincidence that the oil received such a reputation: it only contains 3 times more vitamin F than fish oil, which is why this product is sometimes also called a vegetarian alternative to fish oil. In addition, cedar oil is rich in phosphatides, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), E and D. It is easily absorbed by even the most capricious stomach, so it can be safely added to dishes for people with gastritis or ulcers. If you have serious gastrointestinal diseases, choose cold-pressed oil that is rich in all the above properties. The only drawback of the "Siberian" product is its high price.

8. Grapeseed oil

There are two types of grape seed oil: unrefined, which is used in cosmetology, and refined - for cooking. dietary dishes. Due to its unique property of enhancing the aroma of other ingredients, grape seed oil serves as an excellent dressing for vegetable and fruit salads.

Research by Australian scientists has proven that grape seed oil is beneficial for the nervous system. In addition, it contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins.

Many girls use this product for cosmetic purposes: the oil helps make the skin smooth and moisturized, eliminate dryness and even out the complexion. It can be added to any homemade mask or applied in a thin layer to the face using a cotton pad.

Herbaceous plant, white mustard

9. Mustard oil

Mustard oil is the most controversial. In the mid-twentieth century, it was even banned in the USA, Canada and Europe due to the high content of erucic acid (it is characteristic of all oilseeds of the cruciferous family). However, years passed, and scientists were unable to prove its negative influence.

In Russia, mustard oil became popular during the time of Catherine II. She ordered mustard to be grown along with other crops, although before that this plant was considered a weed.

Mustard oil is rich in biologically active substances: potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, D, E, B3, B6. It is used in French cuisine and in Asian countries. However, you should be careful: if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before purchasing.

10. Peanut butter

Peanuts are a product that has long been known for its beneficial properties. Among the Incas, it served as sacrificial food: when a person died, his fellow tribesmen put some nuts into the grave with him so that the soul of the deceased would find its way to heaven.

Peanut butter began to be made only in 1890. American nutritionists tried to create a dietary plant product that could compete in its nutritional value with meat, cheese or chicken egg.

Today, the most popular is not liquid oil, but paste. It has already become a traditional component of American cuisine. Peanut butter makes sweet and filling breakfast sandwiches. Paste, unlike butter, contains not only fats, but also large number proteins (this is the most protein-rich product in vegan cuisine). You should also keep in mind that peanut butter and butter are very high in calories, so you shouldn’t indulge in them if you’re on a diet.

One of the products that is difficult to do without in the kitchen is vegetable oil. It is indispensable when you need to fry meat, stew vegetables, or dress a salad. But when buying another jar of oil, have you ever wondered what exactly you are taking? It sounds corny, but you need to buy quality oil. How to choose it correctly? What types of this product are there? About this in our article.

Why is it important to include vegetable oil in your diet?

Scientists, doctors and nutritionists declare the benefits of vegetable oil. Despite the fact that this product is quite high in calories (107 kcal in one tablespoon), it is recommended to be consumed even by those losing weight and overweight people. Why? It's very simple. For balance, a person needs to consume not only proteins and carbohydrates, but also fats. They are “good” and “bad”. The latter are found in products of animal origin, and the “good” ones are found in products of plant origin, which include oil. The body needs to receive both types of fats, but much more of the “good” ones. On average, the daily intake of fat is 80-100 grams, of which at least 30-35 grams should be vegetable oil.

About the benefits of vegetable oil

This product is necessary for regular consumption, as it contains fats that are important for the body. The palette of vegetable oils is quite wide. Each type has its own characteristics. Absolutely all oils contain vitamins A, E and F, which reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in blood vessels, break down fats and oleic acid, which helps slow down the aging process and reduces the risk of heart disease. Below you will find a rating of the usefulness of vegetable oils. It is somewhat arbitrary, because every oil deserves to take pride of place in your kitchen. Moreover, experts recommend having at least 5 types of this valuable product at home.


  • Normalization of blood pressure and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improving heart function.
  • Digestion of fats.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.
  • Treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Cleansing blood vessels.
  • Strengthening the immune system and preventing cancer.

When choosing olive oil, you need to pay attention to acidity - it should not exceed 0.8%. This product can be considered the winner of the rating among all vegetable oils also because when heated it retains its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is ideal for cooking fried dishes.

  1. Borges Extra Virgin (Spain).
  2. Monini Extra Virgin Pesto (Italy).
  3. Minerva Kalamata Extra Virgin (Greece).


This oil is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In the ranking of the healthfulness of vegetable oils in terms of the content of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, it occupies a leading position. The oil contains iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, and vitamins A, B, E, F, K. Nutritionists recommend it for obesity, as it normalizes metabolism. The oil also promotes the production of estrogen, which is why it is considered feminine. Main beneficial properties:

  • Removes toxins.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Neutralizes nitrites obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Helps cope with nervous overload.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.

The oil should be consumed pure or in salads, but not subjected to heat treatment. It is worth paying attention to the following brands of flaxseed oil:

  1. "Doctor Maslov."
  2. "Slavyanka Arina".
  3. La Tourangelle.


The composition of biologically active substances in this oil is huge. On the top step is calcium - there is a lot of it in sesame oil. Therefore, in the ranking of vegetable oils in terms of benefits for joints, sesame oil is confidently in the lead.

It also contains zinc, potassium, fluorine, magnesium, iron, copper, vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins. The beneficial properties of this product are as follows:

  • Normalization of metabolism and hormonal levels.
  • Restoration of bone and cartilage tissue.
  • Improving blood clotting.
  • Minimizing the risk of thrombosis.
  • Efficiency of use in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Treatment of the visual organs, respiratory organs and urinary system.
  • Useful for diseases of the genital area in men.
  1. La Tourangelle.
  2. "Butter King"


In the ranking of vegetable oils based on the amount of zinc, pumpkin oil can compete for the championship. If flaxseed oil is a woman's oil, then pumpkin oil is a man's oil. It helps in treatment and prevention male diseases, increases the amount of testosterone. Another very useful component it contains is selenium. It protects against colds and improves immunity. The oil also helps:

When heated, the beneficial properties of the product are lost, so it is best used for seasoning dishes. It is believed that the best pumpkin oil is produced in the southeast of Austria in Styria, and the ranking among oil brands in the segment in question is as follows:

  1. Kotanyi.
  2. Pelzmann.


This is a champion among oils for normalizing cholesterol, contains vitamins E, F. Beneficial properties:

  • Improves brain function.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Effective for nervous diseases.

The most commonly sold corn oil is refined corn oil, which makes it suitable for frying. The best brands of refined corn oil in Russia:

  1. "Sloboda"
  2. "Oleina."
  3. "Good".


In the ranking of vegetable oils in terms of popularity among housewives, sunflower oil is certainly the first. It is the most frequent guest in the kitchen. Most often, people use refined vegetable oil, as it has virtually no odor. However, unrefined sunflower oil can bring real benefits. It contains vitamins A, D, E, F, group B and a number of microelements. However, in the ranking of the healthiest vegetable oils it will not be in first place. Despite this, it makes its contribution to the health of the body:

  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • Reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Has a general strengthening effect.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps remove toxins.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Improves the structure of nails and hair.
  • Calms the nerves.

When heated, unrefined oil loses its beneficial properties, so it is more suitable for dressings. Refined oil is ideal for frying.


This spicy-tasting oil contains vitamins A, D, E, K, P, as well as B vitamins. Its beneficial properties:

  • Works great against bacteria.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Helps improve brain activity.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improves blood clotting.
  • Suitable for the prevention of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases.

In the ranking of vegetable oils with the most piquant taste, mustard occupies a high position. Vegetables seasoned with it retain freshness for a long time. Pay attention to the following brands of mustard oil, occupying the first three positions in the ranking:

  1. "Dove Dove."
  2. "Scents of Life".
  3. "Sareptha."


You may not have heard of this. This oil has nothing to do with mushrooms. Camelina sativa is a herbaceous plant of the Brassica family. It contains acids (omega-3 and omega-6), which a person cannot synthesize on his own, but which he needs for normal life. Naturally, in order to enrich the body with such acids, you need to eat foods containing them. Camelina oil contains these acids, which are important for the human body. In addition, it has a number of other useful properties:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Stabilizes cardiac activity.
  • Helps strengthen blood vessels.
  • Effective for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Normalizes hormonal levels in women suffering from PMS.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

When frying, oil loses its beneficial properties, so it is better to season salads and complement various dishes. The quality products include the following brands of camelina oil, according to the rating:

  1. "Sareptha."
  2. "South of Rus'".
  3. "Gold of Pleasure"

Oil production methods

All oils differ in how they are obtained. There are three of them: cold pressing, hot pressing and extraction. In cold pressing, the seeds are pressed and the resulting product is bottled. It is not surprising that these oils are the highest quality and healthiest. With hot pressing, the seeds are first heated and then only put under the press. This oil is darker than the first, has a longer shelf life, does not have such a specific smell, but is considered less healthy. The third processing option involves refining. With it, the oil is stored longer, loses its taste and smell, becomes ideal for frying, but practically no useful substances remain in it.

Rating of vegetable refined sunflower seed oil

Since sunflower oil is the most popular in Russia, it will be useful to know which manufacturers produce quality products. In 2016, for the first time in the history of the country, a unique rating of vegetable oil producers in the “sunflower, refined” segment was compiled. Based on the results of the study, the best brands were awarded the Russian Quality Mark. All of them are equally premium products that meet all standards.

Places among manufacturers were distributed as follows:

  1. JSC "Efko" (oil "Dobavkin").
  2. CJSC "DonMasloProduct" (oil "Zlatozhar").
  3. LLC "Cargill" ("Zlatnoe").
  4. LLC "Agricultural manufacturing plant SOUTH" ("Carolina").
  5. LLC "Agricultural Production Enterprise YUG" ("Kuban Favorite").
  6. Group of companies "Dixie" ("First thing").
  7. LLC "Company Blago" (oil "Podvorye").
  8. Holding "Solar Products" ("Rossiyanka").
  9. OJSC "Efko" ("Sloboda").
  10. Holding "Solar Products" (product "Solar Line").
  11. OJSC "Fat Plant Yekaterinburg" (oil "Generous Summer").

Rating of vegetable sunflower unrefined oil

A similar study was conducted among unrefined sunflower oils. The following were recognized as high-quality brands:

  1. "Gifts of Kuban" (LLC "Company Blago").
  2. "Kuban Favorite" (LLC "Agricultural Production Enterprise YUG").
  3. "Selyanochka" (LLC "PC "OUR PRODUCT").
  4. "Sloboda" (JSC "Efko").

As can be seen from the list, the following vegetable oil manufacturers in Russia have especially proven themselves: OJSC Efko, LLC Agricultural Production Enterprise YUG and LLC Blago Company. Their products meet high quality standards.


We found that high-quality vegetable oil helps the heart function properly, improves tissue nutrition, reduces inflammatory processes, lowers cholesterol levels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes metabolism and digestion, improves brain activity and the condition of the skin, hair and nails. When choosing this product you need to remember:

  • Unrefined, cold-pressed oils are considered the most beneficial. They are distinguished by their rich color, have a characteristic smell and specific taste for each type. It is best suited for salad dressing.
  • should be consumed before the expiration date and stored in the refrigerator in a glass bottle.
  • Daily norm oil is 1-2 tablespoons.
  • It's better to have several different types unrefined oils, because each has its own benefits.
  • It is better not to use unrefined oils for frying, as they lose their beneficial qualities.
  • For frying and stewing, you need to use refined oil.
  • Under no circumstances should you fry in the same oil several times.

Thus, high-quality unrefined oil is an excellent preventive measure, and refined oil is indispensable for heat treatment of any products in a frying pan.

Despite the common name - vegetable oils - all these products have completely different compositions and properties.

Sunflower oil

Our most popular is sunflower oil. Tons of the refined stuff goes into frying, although some manage to use it for food, and the fragrant “bazaar” stuff goes into salads in liters. But few people know that natural raw sunflower oil is similar in color to olive oil - with a greenish tint, and is significantly different in composition: it contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant,

Olive oil

Linseed oil

Unjustly forgotten, but now experiencing a rebirth, flaxseed oil can rightfully be considered “ours”. Its benefits lie in the content of alpha-linolenic (omega-3) fatty acid and vitamin F, which is not synthesized in the body. Modern studies have shown that consuming flaxseed oil reduces the risk of stroke by 37%.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from the germs of corn cobs; it does not have any special advantages over sunflower and soybean oil, but it contains a large number of useful accompanying substances. It contains up to 50% linoleic acid. Only refined oil is sold. Used in the baking industry, for making mayonnaise, for dressing salads and frying foods.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is similar in composition to fish oils - they contain the same polyunsaturated acids. Refined soybean oil tolerates heat easily, so it can be used for cooking. One thing: most of the soybeans grown are the result of the painstaking work of geneticists, and debates about the benefits and harms of genetically modified products are still ongoing.

Walnut oil

I would especially like to highlight the delicious nut oil obtained from walnut kernels by cold pressing. Today nutritionists recognize it as a leader among vegetable oils. But keep in mind - only freshly squeezed unrefined oil has high dietary properties! Oil walnut, containing unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, C, B, zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium,

Cedar oil

Pine nut oil, obtained from the kernels of pine nuts, is not inferior to nut oil, and even surpasses it in its usefulness. This oil is more of a medicine than food product, because it contains a high content of fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic - and vitamin E. It has a general strengthening effect, relieves fatigue, and increases performance.

Peanut, sesame and canola oils were unfairly considered less healthy until they were studied more thoroughly.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is obtained from the fruit of the ground nut (peanut) and is most often used for frying or salads, but it is especially suitable for making fragrant dough. Its main benefit lies in the presence of the polyphenol resveratrol, which has powerful antioxidant and antitumor activity, helping to prevent diabetes mellitus,

Sesame oil

Sesame (sesame) oil is obtained from sesame seeds. The oil is almost odorless and has a pleasant taste, but it does not contain vitamin A and little vitamin E. The oil is used in the confectionery, canning and other industries, as well as for technical purposes. A big plus of sesame oil is its high calcium content; one tablespoon contains the daily dose.

Rapeseed oil

Doctors have isolated from rapeseed a copy of the female sex hormone estradiol, the hormone of “readiness for conception.” Thanks to this, rapeseed oil is effective for the prevention of cancer, especially breast cancer. Some scientists believe this is due to the favorable ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids. The balance between them in rapeseed oil is 1:2, which is close to ideal.

Palm oil

Vegetable oil is a tasty additive to various dishes and a valuable product that is famous healing properties. Which vegetable oil is the healthiest? Let's figure it out together.

Olives for irresistibility

Among vegetable oils for health, olive occupies a special place. It is called the main secret of the Mediterranean diet. It has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, makes beautiful hair, skin and nails. How to drink olive oil correctly for health? It is most effective to take 1–2 tsp. oil on an empty stomach, washing it down with a glass of warm water 30 minutes before meals. Within a month you will experience very pleasant changes.

Flax for healthy hair

for beauty and health - the most important element. His admirers are sure of this. To prove it, they offer a recipe for an anti-aging mask. Mix 1 tbsp. l. butter with yolk and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. Here's another recipe with linseed oil- for healthy hair. Combine flaxseed, burdock and castor oil in equal proportions, heat slightly, rub into the scalp and leave for an hour. At frequent use Using this mask your hair will stop falling out and will be strong and shiny.

Peanuts for smooth skin

The benefits of peanut butter can go on forever. It strengthens the heart, improves immunity, improves kidney function, protects nervous system from overloads. Peanut oil is very beneficial for facial skin. Mix 1 tsp. butter, chopped walnuts and applesauce. Rub the mask into the skin with smooth movements and leave for 20 minutes. For acne and blackheads, this procedure is a real salvation.

Walnut for healing

Walnut oil is called one of the best vegetable oils for. It normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, and has a wound-healing effect. To experience the health benefits of walnut oil, take 1 tsp. half an hour before meals, without drinking anything. Walnut oil is often dropped into the ears for otitis media. They also lubricate abrasions, scratches and cuts.

Cedar against cancer

Many oils are used in folk medicine for oncology. Cedar oil is just one of them. To achieve positive results, take 30 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The use of cedar oil is also indicated for anemia, liver diseases, diabetes, digestive disorders, psoriasis and eczema. In addition, the oil normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Mustard for pain

The healing properties of mustard oil make it a real elixir of health. It is recommended for the treatment of respiratory organs and fungal diseases, the prevention of colds and flu, and strengthening hair and nails. Recipes with mustard oil help with arthritis, arthrosis and radiculitis. Mix 50 g of oil, dry camphor and alcohol with 3 egg whites. Rub the resulting mass into the sore joints, wrap it in a woolen scarf and leave it overnight.

Sesame for women's health

Followers healthy eating We are sure that the healthiest vegetable oil is sesame oil. After all, it stimulates the pancreas and removes toxins. Sesame oil is especially useful for women's health. Thanks to it, cell aging slows down, PMS is painless, and the risk of breast cancer is reduced. For a healing effect, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. oils on an empty stomach and before bed.

Rizhik for mom

Oil from the seeds of camelina, a herbaceous plant of the cabbage family, is also gaining popularity. They say that camelina oil is indispensable during pregnancy, as it improves hormonal levels and helps the body recover faster after childbirth. It will also benefit nursing mothers. How to use camelina oil? In its pure form, drink 1–2 tsp. on an empty stomach. The oil is also added to cosmetic masks and shampoos.

Pumpkin for male power

Pumpkin oil has been used for men's health since ancient times. It actually works well in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. What are the benefits of pumpkin seed oil besides this? It helps with kidney and bladder problems, periodontitis and stomatitis, food poisoning and hangovers. You should take 1 tsp of oil. on an empty stomach and during meals. But just don't heat it if you add it to prepared dishes.

Grapes for slender legs

The beneficial properties of grape seed oil have also been known for a long time. It is used to prevent heart attack and stroke, strengthen the mucous membrane and restore intestinal microflora. Grape seed oil is effective for weight loss. Mix 30 ml of this oil with 10-15 drops of any essential oil. Rub the anti-cellulite mixture into problem areas with a special roller or brush for 15 minutes. The result will not take long to arrive.

Which vegetable oil is the best for health, in your opinion? Which of the following oils do you keep at home? Share your own beauty and health secrets in the comments.

During a fan study of refined deodorized sunflower oil, the quality and safety characteristics of 57 products under the following trademarks were studied: Kuban, Maslenitsa, Zolotaya Leika, Znatnoye, Zlatozhar, Zlato, Zateya, Donskaya Sloboda, Domashnee, Dobavkin, D (Dixie), Gornitsa, Volshebny region, Benefit, Anninskoye, Alei KONAKO, Avedov, Sunny Gold, Rainbow, IDEAL, Green Ray, Globus (Globe), Clever, Bunge Pro, BILLA, ARO, 365 Days, Solar Line, Razdolie, Podvorye, Miladora, Pearl of the Don, Alyonushka, Southern Sun, South of Rus', Generous Summer, My Sun, Sloboda, Svetlitsa, Russian Woman, First of all, Oleina, Milora, Lyra, Ribbon, Kuban Favorite, Kubanochka, Red Price, Carolina, Every Day, Empire of the Sun, Gold Standard, Golden seed, Verkino oil, Sunny paradise, Altai Amber, Crown of abundance. These are the most popular local and federal brands of refined deodorized sunflower oil of the first, highest and premium grades among Russians. IN this study Nine products under private labels (private labels) of retail chains also took part. The cost of the presented samples ranged from 70 to 150 rubles as of March 2016.

Russian quality system standard

Standard Russian system quality for sunflower oil, in comparison with the current GOST, sets higher requirements for color, anisidine, acid, peroxide numbers, which affect the quality, taste and color of the product. The increased standard of Roskachestvo also more strictly considers the parameter of the mass fraction of toxic benzopyrene in the product. The required level of production localization for awarding the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of the product.

Oil without carcinogen

One of the most important requirements for product safety, which Roskachestvo sets in its standard, is the content of benzopyrene in refined sunflower oil. Benzopyrene is a carcinogenic substance of the first hazard class, which provokes the occurrence of cancer. In the case of sunflower oil, the presence of benzopyrene is doubly dangerous. Firstly, the carcinogen is fat-soluble - up to 95% of the substance can pass into the final product from sunflower seeds. Secondly, this substance can accumulate in the body. At the same time, benzopyrene can get into sunflower oil quite easily: through car exhausts that are deposited in fields along highways, or, for example, when drying seeds with flue gases. The requirements for benzopyrene content have been significantly tightened in the Russian Quality System standard. During tests of the oil in independent laboratories, it was discovered that the benzopyrene content was in such an extremely small amount (less than ten thousandth of a milligram) that it could not harm human life and health. That is, from this point of view, the Russian sunflower oil market can be called safe.


Each of the samples presented in the sunflower oil study was also studied for the content of toxic elements (lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, iron, copper), pesticides and radionuclides. In all the products studied, the content of hazardous substances does not exceed the standards.

Transparent purchase

Most buyers, when choosing refined deodorized sunflower oil, are guided by a simple and understandable guideline - its color. The color number indicates the degree of purification of the oil from natural coloring substances. It is believed that the lighter the oil, the better refined it is. The GOST standards in force in the country establish fairly strict requirements for this parameter: the color number for refined oil of the first grade should not exceed ten, and for the highest - six units. The Roskachestvo standard for this indicator is even stricter: regardless of the type of product, its color number for such a product to receive the Russian Quality Mark cannot exceed six units. The surprising thing is that, despite the variety indicated in the product labeling, all samples without exception met the strict requirements for the color number. Branded products turned out to be “lighter” than others Solar line, Compound And Miladora. In them, the color number indicator was 0.5 units, which is 12 times less than the most stringent requirements of the Russian quality system. It is important to note that despite the successful completion of tests to determine the color number in a number of samples, a number of problems were later discovered. This means that the color of the oil does not always guarantee its quality.

Numeric expression of freshness

The acid number parameter, the requirements for which were increased in the Russian quality system standard, determines the content of free fatty acids in the product. On the one hand, these acids are used by the body to obtain energy and synthesize necessary substances, on the other hand, an increased content of fatty acids may indicate insufficient purification of the product (refining) during production. As laboratory tests have shown, in all 57 submitted samples, the acid number parameter met the most stringent requirements of the Russian quality system standard.

In addition to determining the acid number in the samples, during laboratory tests, special attention was paid to a detailed analysis of the fatty acid composition of each oil. As part of this study, experts examined the content of the 12 most important acids for human health in the presented products.

Details: fatty acids

Linoleic acid– a fatty acid from the category of “essential” (that is, those that the human body is not able to synthesize on its own), required by a person to ensure normal life functions. This acid has a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer, but this positive effect is achieved only with a balanced supply of acid to the body. Increased content of linoleic acid for sunflower oil was found in the samples Kuban, Green Ray.

Gondoic acid refers to monounsaturated fatty acids. Like all such compounds, it also helps maintain blood glucose levels and strengthen the immune system. Of course, this effect will be achieved with a balanced supply of acid to the body. In samples Kuban, Green Ray an increased content of such acid was found.

Content of other acids (myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, arachidic, behenic, lignoceric) in all samples presented in the study, with the exception of goods Kuban and Green Ray, was within normal limits. A deviation from the established fatty acid composition in these products may indicate that in the production of these products the addition of third-party oil not made from sunflower seeds was used.


Let us remind you that this study involved oils of the first, highest and premium grades. The standards establish individual requirements for each of these categories. During laboratory tests, a very interesting fact emerged: first-class goods 17 brands– Znatnoye, Zlatozhar, Zlato, Anninskoe, Avedov, ARO, Razdolye, Miladora, Southern Sun, Generous Summer, Svetlitsa, Oleina, Lyra, Kuban Favorite, Red Price, Every Day, Verkino Oil - according to all studied parameters, they met the requirements put forward for highest grade oils. In fact, when purchasing these goods, consumers will pay for the first grade and receive a higher quality product. Manufacturers may need to think about upgrading the “class” of their product.

Oxidative process

Peroxide value is one of the determining chemical parameters of product quality. This characteristic can tell a lot about the product as a whole - about its freshness, purity and taste. The fact is that fat oxidation processes occur in any oil; they are most active when the product is stored improperly, for example in the light. Therefore, a high content of “peroxide” can form in the oil on the shelves of a retail chain or even at the consumer’s home. It is important to understand that the peroxide value is a dynamic characteristic, that is, this number inevitably increases as the expiration date of the oil approaches. That is why Roskachestvo experts measured the peroxide value in products that were produced not so long ago. And the requirements of the Roskachestvo standard for any refined sunflower oil were established at the level of GOST requirements for premium oils. As a result, in the samples Kuban, Blago, Alei KONAKO, Green Ray, Kubanochka, Empire of the Sun, Gold Standard the peroxide value did not meet the GOST requirements for the highest grade of oil. The problem is that these seven oils are positioned by the manufacturer as premium and premium products that comply with GOST. This fact may be regarded as a violation of consumer rights to reliable information indicated on the label.

Important: After completing the comprehensive study, the production of those goods that were awarded the Russian Quality Mark underwent an assessment of the level of their localization. During these inspections, Roskachestvo experts further studied the peroxide value of the oil before bottling it into containers. Some manufacturers lost the right to be awarded the Russian Quality Mark at this stage: the peroxide value in the shipped product turned out to be higher than the requirements of the Russian quality system standard.

IMPORTANT! Read about how to choose high-quality sunflower oil in a store in this short reference guide. article

INTERESTING: Which oil is best suited for frying, and which one will decorate the dish with a special aroma, read this