Rules of the board game Imaginarium. Board game Imaginarium

The board game "" is one of the most popular entertainments of the Russian publication at the association, an analogue of the bestseller in the world of board games - « » . The game is filled with colorful illustrations and contains simple rules. It will give a lot of positive emotions to the participants and brighten up any party. Depending on the game set, an age limit is introduced: from 6+ to 18+, since some pictures evoke dark and contradictory associations. The party takes 30-40 minutes, but sometimes reaches an hour.

Difficulty level: WITHmiddle

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Vattentiveness, consideration

What's in the box?

When you first open the hefty box with the Imaginarium game, you see something colorful and imaginary. The following components are located inside:

  1. The playing field required for scoring. It is designed in the form of a starry sky, through which clouds float, and they contain numbers corresponding to the player’s victory points.
  2. cards with associations that are not repeated among themselves - 98 pcs.;
  3. voting tokens in the form of small rectangles with numbers – 49 pcs.;
  4. chips – flying elephants – 7 pcs.;
  5. brochure with rules.

The playing field is built into the box, and underneath there are cells for additional sets.

Imaginarium is a game for the company!

As intended, the exciting game “Imaginarium” received a competitive format; the quick-witted, resourceful and attentive player will win the game. It will be useful to learn how to fight with the imagination of true friends and new acquaintances.

It's very simple

In the original “Imaginarium” and in its additions, all manipulations are simple and do not require concentration and concentration when explaining the rules. The party members lay out cards with illustrations, after which the players need to guess which of the laid out cards caused the Association of the Leader, passing further and further along the playing field.

Find out everything about your friends!

The same picture evokes different associations for each player. So, for example, on a map with Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka“animal”, “childhood”, “friendship” and more are guessed. It is associations that will show an old friend or acquaintance from a new side, this will help to get closer by seeing what is really going on in the player’s head.

Cards "Imaginarium"

The most interesting thing that awaits participants in the package with the game “Imaginarium” is cards in quantity 98 pieces custom-sized with original, funny and provocative illustrations. They are required to stimulate the players' imagination. After a dozen games of exciting entertainment, gradually the basic set of cards will begin to get boring, because all possible associations are clearly visible. Additional sets with cards will help such players, only published 5 new decks 98 cards each.

By the way, about artists

The game "Imaginarium" was made by Russian illustrators, and it is popular all over the world. And in the additional set “Imaginarium. Odyssey" and in the anniversary set "Imaginarium", the names of the artists are finally revealed, they are written on a card with brief information about the illustrators.

A difficult mission is expected from the Leader. While he is looking at the illustration on the card, he should not invent a transparent and detached association. After all, if it is not original and obvious, players will easily vote for the Leader card from the laid out pictures. This will cause the Leader to lose 3 points and the rest will remain at the same " cloud» fields.

A similar situation will occur if the Leader makes an association that is too distant from the objects on the map, which will not be clear to the other participants. Then there is a high probability that his card will remain without votes, and again he will take two steps back.

For those who like challenges

The complexity of the Imaginariui game is made by the presence of fields with special characters. The presenter will come up with associations based on the tasks assigned to each sign: present the association in the form of a question or using strictly four words, etc. This way the players will definitely develop imagination and associative thinking skills.

Board game "Imaginarium" - rules of the game

In Imaginarium, the rules of the game can be adjusted as soon as you want. The creators even prepared variations to diversify the same ending games:

  • End the game when one of the player's flying elephants reaches cloud number 39.
  • Do not limit yourself to the game when the deck and cards in hand are completed, but shuffle the discard and thereby form a new deck with illustrations. So the game goes on forever.
  • Make association restrictions permanent. This implies that each association will be made based only on the tasks of special fields.
  • If there is one set available, and there are more than 7 participants, it would be a good idea to pair up and play the game with two people instead of one.

On the fields of the Imaginarium, in addition to the cloud cells, there are special fields marked with special signs.

  • a cell with a question mark requires the Leader to make an association, respectively, in interrogative form;
  • the cell with “4” suggests expressing the association in four words;
  • the cell with “abibas” says that the association should be associated with a popular brand. It is not necessary to mention the brand; it is enough to rely on a slogan, advertising, etc.;
  • “TV” requires making an association based on a famous film, popular TV show, series;
  • a cell with a book implies not just a word or a combination of several words, but a full-fledged story.

Preparing for the game

  1. Each player selects a piece for the party - a flying elephant that will move along the “clouds” of the field, as well as small voting tokens of the same shade. The number of tokens corresponds to the number of participants.
  2. Each participant's chips are sent to the starting cell of the field "1".
  3. Cards with illustrations are carefully shuffled and distributed to participants in 6 pieces. A deck with non-repeating pictures is formed based on the number of players. For four players from the pile with illustrations, 96 cards are needed, for five – 75, for six – 72, for seven – 98.
  4. Choose a player who will become the Leader on the first turn and start the game.

Definition of the first move

It is very easy to designate a participant to go first. You are allowed to choose the usual method for determination. The creators of the game “Imaginarium” offer an option: take a stack of tokens face down, mix them thoroughly on the surface and let the players draw one card at a time. The participant with the largest number on the token will start the game, the rest will be distributed clockwise.

Progress of the game

The turn phase of the game consists of several steps that are easy to remember. It’s safe to say that after 1-2 moves the players’ actions will become automatic.

Imaginarium - board game

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I want to present to your attention an exciting and creative game with which you can develop your imagination and just have a good time. Meet “Imaginarium”!

My review of the board game Imaginarium

Game Features

This is an interesting board game that you can play for hours, if not days. Its main advantage, in addition to being exciting, is the unflagging interest in the gameplay even after the tenth or twentieth game. In addition, the advantages of Imaginarium include:

  • simple rules that can be learned directly during the game (more about the rules will be below);
  • development of creative imagination;
  • the opportunity to increase the level of interest in the game by supplementing and improving the existing rules;
  • the ability to play in groups of two to seven people;

It's not compact card game, and therefore you won’t be able to take “Imaginarium” with you on a trip and play on the bus. But on the other hand, you can spend a lot of fun and interesting time with her at home, visiting, or in nature.

Game box contents

The standard version of Imaginarium, which my friends and I played, comes in the following configuration:

  • thick cardboard box with a built-in playing field. The box is quite voluminous both in height and width. The field is inside;
  • 7 multi-colored flying elephant figures as player pieces;
  • multi-colored chips with serial numbers from 1 to 7;
  • 98 cards with various images;
  • booklet with game rules and illustrations.

The game cards are quite large and bright, made of thick laminated cardboard. The images are clear and understandable, each drawing represents some action or plot. It is worth noting that the printing quality of the entire publication is excellent - neither the playing field nor the drawings on the game cards are erased or damaged during the game.

In addition to the standard cards, the set includes special ones with additional notes. They may contain an image:

  • numbers 4. The presenter must make an association consisting of exactly four words;
  • book. In this case, it is necessary to present the association to the players in the form of a short story;
  • TV. Here the presenter will have to connect his association with a famous cartoon, program, book or TV series;
  • question mark. The association is formulated in the form of an interrogative sentence;
  • logo. This mark means that the presenter should use well-known brands in his clue brands or other companies.

The decision to build the game board into the box itself may seem rather unusual, but it is very convenient. Next to the field there are compartments in which chips, cards and tokens are stored.

Rules of the game

This board game is entirely built on associations and the ability to correctly choose the appropriate definition for a specific image. Official Rules It is recommended to play in a group of at least four people. Otherwise, spending time with a box of Imaginarium may lose its charm.

Official rules of the game:

  1. At the beginning, each player is dealt six game cards.
  2. A presenter is selected. It can be determined by a preliminary agreement between the participants or by drawing tokens from the pile. Whoever pulled out the token with the highest serial number is appointed as the leader.
  3. Each player chooses the color of the flying elephant. They are placed at the starting position of the playing field.
  4. Each participant is given voting tokens of the same color as the player's chip. The number of tokens and their serial numbers must correspond to the number of players. For example, if five people are playing, each person is given voting marks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  5. The player chosen by the host is the first to place one of the cards face down on the table and name the association that its image evoked in him. The hint can be formulated in the form of a poem, one phrase, a proverb, or a set of sounds. You can also use gestures or expressive facial expressions.
  6. Other players take turns placing one game card face down on the table, choosing the one whose image, in their opinion, corresponds to the association named by the leader.
  7. The presenter collects cards from the table, shuffles them and lays them out in front of the players from left to right with the patterns facing up.
  8. All participants except the leader try to determine his card. To do this, they lay out tokens with a number corresponding to the location of a certain card face down. By default, all images that are on the table are numbered from one to four from left to right (assuming there are 4 people playing).
  9. The presenter opens the tokens after voting and places them on the corresponding cards according to the indicated numbers.
  10. If no one has guessed the leader's card, he takes two steps back along the playing field. The rest of the players move their chips forward by the same number of moves as the number of players voted for their picture.
  11. If not all participants have guessed the leader’s card, then he follows the following formula: 3 steps + the number of players who voted for his card.


with four participants, two players voted for the leader's card, and the third gave his vote to another image. Then the presenter moves his flying elephant three main steps and then two more clouds equal to the number of participants who voted for him.

The rules also indicate a special line of conduct for presenters. They cannot:

  • take part in voting for associations;

Each player chooses an elephant and a set of voting cards of the same color as the elephant. There are seven voting cards. You will need as many cards as there are people playing. If there are 6 people playing, you don't need card number 7.

Definition of the first move

You must determine who will go first. You can use voting cards for this. All participants take their voting cards, shuffle them and draw any card at random. The one who drew the card with the highest number starts walking first. Any other mechanic can be used to select the player to start first. For example, we play this right in chess. The game then proceeds clockwise.

Progress of the game

The bishops of all players are placed on the playing field on cloud 1.

The deck with illustration cards is shuffled and each player is given 6 cards.

The player makes an association.

Each turn one of the players becomes the leader. The presenter makes an association on one of his cards, says this association out loud to the other players and places the wished card face down on the table.

Guessing the leader's card

The main task of the players is to guess which of the cards laid out on the table the presenter wished for and vote for it. Each player selects one voting card with the desired number and places it face down. The presenter does not vote or comment on the pictures laid out on the table. You cannot vote for your own picture. When everyone has made a decision and voted, the voting cards are turned over and the points are counted.


Players move their pieces on the playing field by the number of steps corresponding to the number of points won.

The rules of the association game are very simple. There is a box with unusual pictures to which you need to come up with associations. There is also a playing field with colorful figures of flying elephants. All this together is called the “Imaginarium”.
Players have several cards in their hands. The order of moves is self-evident. The one who goes first chooses one of his cards, comes up with an association for it, puts it face down on the table and waits. At this time, everyone else must select a card from their deck based on the voiced association.

In order to imagine how the gameplay works, here are a few moves from one game. Let's try to guess which of the presented cards was originally associated as...



Did you arrive?

Sound of the soul?

Dark occupation?

Then the cards get mixed up, turned over and everyone tries to guess which card the one who suggested the association guessed.
If everyone points to the card you have chosen, then it will be your loss. The association should not be the simplest.
If no one points to the card you have chosen, then this will be your loss. The association doesn't have to be that complicated.
To win, at least one person must guess the card. And in the best case scenario - all but one.
Well, a few points are gained by those whose cards, under the general noise, fell under someone’s guess for an association.

Historically, the board game took the form of a competition in which the most cunning, the smartest and the most resourceful win. But the hardest thing will be to compete in understanding the art and way of thinking of your opponents. To become the winner of such a game, we need to learn to play with the imagination of our faithful friends. Many of you thought: how great it would be if such fun existed. But in reality it exists. We present to your attention the board game “Imaginarium”. The rules are further in the article.

External description

Today in our article we will tell you about the amazing, fantastic and vibrant game “Imaginarium”. When you look at the game box, various thoughts come to mind. The first impressions from what we see in the packaging are that there is something colorful, real and even fictional about the game. In fact, this game is exactly that.

As they say, miracles begin from the first seconds of preparation for the game - exactly at the moment when you remove the lid from the box. Underneath it lies the playing field, designed in the form of a starry sky, along which white translucent clouds float, and on them are drawn the numbers of the playing field and the victory points counter. If you look closely at the clouds, you can see symbols on some of them: a crossword puzzle, a TV, sports symbols, a clock, numbers, and so on. But more about them a little later.

Something without which a game is not a game

Amazing fun - “Imaginarium”. The rules of the game are still close to standard. From 4 to 7 people are involved in the gameplay at the same time. The presence of at least 4 participants is an immutable rule of the Imaginarium game.

Game pieces and tokens are painted in seven different colors. Fans of this fun can even have three of them, since the role of the fourth player can be played by one of them. What's inside the game box? It contains 98 cards of unusual size with bright and fantastic, provocative and funny pictures and images. Such illustrations are necessary in order, as they say, to stimulate your imagination.

About goals and meanings

The goal of the game is not only to spend time with joy and pleasure, but also to get the maximum number of points in the process of unraveling what your opponent is up to. Before starting the game “Imaginarium” (the rules indicate this), each player needs to choose one of the figures of multi-colored flying elephants. Yes, yes, you will have to play with unusual pieces - figures of magic elephants. This is normal for this game. Each participant also needs to take tokens in order to vote. These small square cards will be the same color as your bishop on the board.

Start of the game

Whether it’s a regular game or Imaginarium Childhood, the rules of the game initially remain the same. Chips are placed on the very first field for a move - on the starting cloud. Then the 98 cards are thoroughly shuffled. Each participant must be dealt six cards from the deck, and those remaining must be placed in the center of the table. The player who will be the first to start the game process is selected. As a rule, there is only one leader in board games, but not in the Imaginarium game. The rules are written in such a way that the leader is the player who makes the move.

Start of turn

The presenter, looking at the image on the cards, selects and makes an association for one of them. He voices the hidden association, then places the card face down and face down. The remaining players, looking at their set of cards, choose one of them that best matches the leader’s voiced association. And naturally, they are also laid out on the field with the illustration facing down.

After all these actions, the cards are shuffled and laid out face up. Now each player has to guess which of these cards belongs to the leader. To do this, everyone secretly chooses a token for themselves with the number of the card that they consider to be the correct answer. After this, the tokens are revealed and the winner is awarded a certain number of victory points.

The association should be designed in such a way that it is clear enough to the players, but without overt hints about it.

  • If the association is guessed by all participants in the game, then it was too simple and understandable.
  • If no one guesses the presenter’s thought, then he has overdid it with his imagination.

In the Imaginarium game, the rules are such that in this case the leader is punished: he is given fines. When the turn is successfully completed, the leader and players move forward, receiving victory points.

Examples of unsuccessful associations

If the card depicts a girl in a red cloak or scarlet headdress, then it would be inappropriate to voice the image of Little Red Riding Hood. This association is considered too clear to players. That is, the association with Little Red Riding Hood in this case will be unsuccessful.

If the card shows a bear sitting at a table, and in front of him is a birthday cake with candles, then you shouldn’t make the association “birthday” either.

End of action

When the move is played, the participants take their tokens back, and the played cards with images are discarded. Again, each player receives one new card from the deck. Now the move is available to the next player, which means that he has the right to lead: to make his own association.

End of the game

The finish occurs when the cards in the deck and in the hands of the players run out. The Imaginarium rules dictate the scoring at the end of the game. The winner is determined by the maximum number of points scored among opponents. This was the standard (classical) game scheme.

For those who like challenges

At the beginning of the article, we drew your attention to special signs for presenters in the form of a clock, TV, numbers, and so on. The presenter needs to come up with an association associated with this sign. If you decide to play a non-standard form of fun “Imaginarium”, then the presenter makes and voices the association, taking this sign into account.

For example, on the third playing field there is a number 4. This indicates that the association must be made from 4 words. If a TV is drawn on the field, then your association should be associated with a television movie or a popular talk show. "Imaginarium" perfectly develops imagination and associative thinking.

How the game appeared in Russia

The creators of the game “Imaginarium” once started playing “Dixit”, this is an analogue of the first game. Timur Kadyrov and Seryozha Kuznetsov literally became her fans. They constantly replenished the deck of cards, and then came to the conclusion that it was time to create and patent their own game. This is how our game “Imaginarium” appeared. She is different from her “great-mother Dixit” in many ways. Firstly, Imaginarium is intended for ages 16+, therefore, the creators presented it as a game for adults. Secondly, the playing field has been completely changed. Thirdly, the cards and rules have been slightly changed and supplemented.


Spend your free time playing this game more often, and then you will be able to come up with many more associations for the same illustrations. "Imaginarium" is a beautiful and unusual game that gives you a great mood, joy and laughter. After all, the fantastic illustrations on the cards will not leave anyone indifferent. The rules of the game are clear even to children.

There are various additions to the basic package of the Imaginarium game: “Childhood”, “Ariadne”, “Pandora”. The rules of the game "Imaginarium Ariadne" are similar, only the cards with drawings are even more incredible! By the way, this board game is unique in that the owner of the set can make his own cards for the game! The Imaginarium rules are simple; even children can count points. The game is a must have in your home entertainment arsenal! Develop your imagination and creativity! Logic and positivity will come to the aid of active players.

This kind of fun will appeal to all talented people. "Imaginarium" is a great game for all family members.

Well, we can only wish success to the game developers so that they make all their bold and amazing fantasies come true. The artists of the game "Imaginarium" should express special gratitude, since the illustrations they created made more than one brain boil!