Safety requirements when moving around the enterprise territory. Scheme of safe movement of workers around the territory of the workshop, site Safety requirements when moving around the territory of the enterprise

On the territory of the enterprise, you must be especially careful in places where vehicles are moving, monitor the sound and light alarms, and accurately comply with all the requirements on the posters regulating traffic rules. When crossing a road or railroad tracks, you must give way to moving vehicles. It is prohibited to walk on railway tracks. You cannot crawl under cars during short-term train stops. Unexpected movement of a locomotive can lead to serious consequences.
You should not pass through narrow passages near cars, railway cars, cranes and other transport and lifting mechanisms, as you can get seriously injured.
In the operating area of ​​lifting vehicles, you must strictly follow all the instructions of the prohibitory posters, carefully monitor the alarm when lifting, moving and lowering loads. We must immediately get out of the way of moving goods.
Do not stand or run under a load that is being moved, lifted or lowered. An accident can occur when there is a sudden jerk and a load falls. Particular attention should be paid to areas where the load is turned over (tilting).
Various electrical injuries are also possible on the plant territory. It's always there large number electrical devices: transformers, switches, distribution panels, electrical machines, cables, around which you should behave very carefully. The metal casings of these devices may become energized as a result of moisture and breakdown of electrical insulation.
In the workshops, all the safety rules outlined above must be followed. In addition, it is necessary to comply with additional rules related to the peculiarities of the production process in this workshop. An accident may occur in the workshop due to faulty electrical wiring, clothing being caught in moving parts of machines and mechanisms, burns from hot drops of metal in soldering and welding areas, electric shock during touching live parts of electrical equipment. You must also be especially careful in the area of ​​operation of lifting vehicles and do not enter test stations and control panels without special permission.
Every worker entering the enterprise must undergo an introductory briefing at the labor safety department. Completion of the introductory training is confirmed by a checklist, which is submitted to the workshop administration. Without presenting a control sheet, no new worker is allowed to work in the workshop.
Before starting work at the workplace, every worker, including students, must undergo instruction, regardless of experience, length of service and knowledge on occupational safety previously acquired in classes and during previous instructions.
When switching to a new workplace You must not start work without additional safety training. Depending on the hazard category of the work, repeated periodic briefings are also carried out at certain intervals. The administration makes a note in a special journal or card about the completion of the training, which is confirmed by the signature of the worker and the person who conducted the training (usually the production site foreman).
Persons who have undergone special training are allowed to work on lifting and moving cargo with cranes and other mechanisms.

Federal Highway
Ministry of Transport
Russian Federation
February 20, 1995

Central Committee
workers' union
road transport
and road facilities
December 14, 1994


TOI R-218-54-95

General requirements security

1. This Instruction regulates the basic safety requirements for the movement of construction machines, vehicles and workers throughout the enterprise, and their compliance is mandatory for all workers.

2. The movement of construction machines, vehicles and workers must be carried out in accordance with established road signs and markings along certain routes indicated on the diagram posted at the entrance (entrance) to the territory of the enterprise (structural unit, asphalt plant, pulp and paper plant, quarry, etc. .).

3. When moving around the territory of the enterprise, the worker must know and remember that accidents can most often occur when:

The departure of construction vehicles and vehicles from around the corner of a building, from the gates of the premises, from the territory of the enterprise and entering them;
- violation of the rules for maneuvering and movement of construction vehicles and vehicles in cramped conditions (narrow passages, passages between rows of cars and construction vehicles, etc.);
- carrying (transporting) objects that distract the attention of workers or limit the view of their path of movement;
- movement of construction vehicles, cars and workers on slippery surfaces (ice, mud, etc.);
- crossing access roads, driveways, passages, inspection ditch, trenches, in galleries, etc.;
- exceeding the established speed of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise and indoors;
- entering (exiting) production premises through entry (exit) gates.

4. Safe movement around the territory and production premises is determined by compliance with:

Rules traffic;
- rules technical operation construction machines, apparatus, equipment, vehicles;
- technological rules for the production of work;
- rules of internal labor regulations and labor discipline;
- instructions on labor protection;
- rules against fire safety.

Safety requirements before starting work

5. Driving a construction machine (bulldozer, motor grader, roller, milling cutter, asphalt paver, tractor, etc.) or a car on the territory of the enterprise is permitted only to persons appointed by order of the enterprise and having a certificate for the right to drive construction machines and vehicles. This rule applies to all cases of driving a construction machine or car, including testing them after repair and maintenance.

6. Before starting to move, the construction machine operator, driver vehicle obliged:

Make sure that there are no people in the path of the construction machine, car, or any obstacles to their movement;
- warn people nearby in which direction the construction machine or car will move;
- at night, turn on the lighting of the construction vehicle or car (side lights and low beam headlights);
- carefully inspect the engine and mechanism components, check their serviceability and lubrication condition, check the reliability of the brakes, control clutches and, if necessary, adjust them so that they engage easily and quickly (the brake bands should slow down when you lightly press the lever);
- check the condition of the guards of rotating parts;
- check the engine fueling condition and whether there is enough water in the cooling system.

Safety requirements during operation

7. When leaving the gate of the premises (entering) in reverse, the driver must make sure that there are no people or other obstacles in the way of movement, or contact the foreman (foreman, head of the section, workshop) with a request to appoint an assistant (regulator) who was in charge would be departure (entry).

8. The driver of a construction machine or driver must not drive a machine or vehicle with a faulty brake system and lever steering, as well as in cases where other malfunctions of the mechanism or vehicle threaten traffic safety.

9. When driving in production premises, as well as on the territory of the enterprise, the operator of a construction vehicle, the driver must not exceed the established speed limit:

On the territory of the enterprise, the speed of movement is established by order of the enterprise, taking into account local conditions and ensuring traffic safety, but not more than 20 km/h;
- indoors - no more than 5 km/h.

10. Testing and testing brakes on the move is permitted only in a place specially designated for this purpose.

11. The operator of a construction vehicle, the driver must be careful when:
- leaving the gate (entry) and driving around production premises;
- driving in cramped conditions and limited visibility (between rows of construction vehicles, cars, etc.);
- movement through production areas where people may be working.

12. When moving construction machines and vehicles around the territory and in production premises, it is prohibited for people to be on the steps and fenders of construction machines and vehicles.

13. The driver of a construction vehicle or vehicle driver is prohibited from using auxiliary vehicles (other construction vehicles, cars and other moving mechanisms) for towing without the permission of the site manager.

14. When stopping the car, the driver, leaving the cab, must protect the car from spontaneous movement (turn off the ignition or stop the fuel supply, set the gear lever to the neutral position, brake with the parking brake).

If the car is parked even on a slight slope, it is necessary to additionally place special wheel chocks (chocks) under the wheels.

15. Enterprise employees must be careful:

When moving in areas of possible traffic of road vehicles, mechanisms, cars, especially in the presence of objects that limit visibility. When exiting from behind standing construction vehicles, cars, from the corners of buildings, from gates, you must stop and inspect the path of movement to make sure that further movement is safe; let moving traffic pass;
- when carrying (transporting) objects that limit the view of the path of movement and the surrounding environment, as well as when moving on slippery surfaces and in the dark;
- when moving in narrow passages between construction vehicles, cars (especially with a running engine);
- when moving in production premises to pass through inspection ditches and trenches. Use only walkways equipped with railings.

16. An assistant (traffic controller) assisting the driver of a construction machine or driver when maneuvering a construction machine or car in a limited area must choose a place that guarantees his personal safety.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

17. If the working lighting suddenly turns off and the emergency lighting turns on, enterprise workers must disconnect equipment and tools from the power supply, tidy up the workplace and stop work.

18. About every accident that occurred at the enterprise, as well as when emergency situations or situations that may lead to undesirable consequences, enterprise employees are obliged to immediately inform the foreman (foreman, site manager, workshop).

19. In case of accidents, provide first aid to the victim in accordance with " Standard instructions N 22 on the provision of first-aid in case of accidents" ("Collection of standard instructions on labor protection for road workers." Issue 1. M., 1993).

Safety requirements after completion of work

20. Upon completion of work you should:

Place the construction machine or car in a specially designated place, without creating obstacles to the movement of other construction machines and vehicles;
- turn off the engine, disengage the clutch, put the gear lever in neutral position;
- brake the machine, lower the working equipment to the ground, lock the cab.

21. When storing construction vehicles and vehicles outside of a garage in winter, drain the water from the radiator and engine.

22. Take off overalls and safety shoes and put them in a specially designated place, wash your face and hands with warm water and soap or take a shower.

Washing your hands in oil, gasoline, kerosene and wiping them with contaminated rags is prohibited.

23. Report to the foreman (foreman, site manager, workshop) about the completion of the work and about all problems that occurred during the work.

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for safe movement around the territory and production premises.


1.1. Workers moving around the territory of the enterprise and its production premises must undergo introductory and initial workplace safety briefings.
1.2. Employees, regardless of qualifications and work experience, must undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every six months.
1.3. If an employee violates safety rules when moving around the territory of the enterprise, its production premises, as well as during a break in work for more than 60 calendar days, he must undergo an unscheduled briefing.
1.4. An employee who has not received timely instructions on labor protection is prohibited from moving independently within the territory of the enterprise.
1.5. An employee must know safe routes around the enterprise, precautions when moving inside production buildings, and routes for vehicles around the organization.
1.6. While moving around the enterprise, an employee may be adversely affected by the following hazardous and harmful production factors:
— moving vehicles and self-propelled mechanisms;
— increased slip (due to icing, wetting and oiling of surfaces covering the organization and production premises);
— objects located on the surface of the organization’s coating (hoses, cables, etc.);
— increased noise level;
- increased content harmful substances in the air;
— insufficient lighting of the organization’s territory and production premises;
- glare from floodlights and vehicle headlights;
— low-lying structural elements of buildings and structures.
1.7. To prevent the possibility of a fire, the employee must comply with fire safety requirements himself and prevent employees from violating these requirements (do not use open fire, etc.); Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.
1.8. The employee is obliged to comply with labor and production discipline, internal labor regulations; It should be remembered that drinking alcohol has been the cause of many industrial accidents.
1.9. If an accident occurs with one of the employees, the victim must be given first aid, report the incident to any manager and maintain the situation of the incident, if this does not create a danger to others.
1.10. The employee, if necessary, must be able to provide first aid and use a first aid kit.
1.11. The employee must comply with the working hours and rest periods established for him.
1.12. When moving around the territory and production premises of the enterprise, the worker must know and remember that accidents can most often occur:
- when a car leaves the corner of a building, exits the premises and enters them;
— in case of violation of the rules for maneuvering and driving a vehicle in cramped conditions (narrow passages, passages between rows of cars, etc.);
- when carrying (transporting) objects that distract the attention of workers or limit the view of the path of movement;
— when moving cars and working on slippery surfaces (ice, mud, etc.);
— when crossing an inspection ditch;
- when exceeding the established speed of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise and indoors.
1.13. An employee who violates or fails to comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions is considered as a violator of production discipline and may be subject to disciplinary liability, and depending on the consequences - even criminal; if the violation involves causing material damage, the perpetrator may be prosecuted financial liability in the prescribed manner.


2.1. The employee must be dressed in accordance with weather conditions and standard requirements industry standards, according to his profession, position and type of work performed.
2.2. Clothing must be of the appropriate size and not restrict movement.
2.3. The employee should clarify the routes of movement of vehicles and self-propelled mechanisms throughout the enterprise.
2.4. When moving around the territory of the enterprise, the employee must comply with the following rules:
- walk only along specially designated routes;
— while walking, be careful and monitor changes in the environment, especially in difficult meteorological conditions(rain, fog, snowfall, ice, etc.) and in the dark;
- it should be remembered that in conditions of increased noise sound signals, supplied by vehicles, and the noise of the running engine of an approaching car or self-propelled mechanism may not be audible.
2.5. You should not move around the territory of the enterprise if you have doubts about your own safety.


3.1. While moving around the territory of the enterprise, being on or near the roadway, the employee must pay special attention to moving vehicles and self-propelled mechanisms.
3.2. If there are dangerous obstacles along the route (for example, maneuvering vehicles and mechanization equipment, etc.), the route should be changed to a safer one.
3.3. Particular care must be taken and be attentive near areas of increased danger (for example, in the loading and unloading area, etc.).
3.4. When moving in areas of high danger zones, it is necessary to maintain safe distances from the source of possible danger.
3.5. When moving, you should walk at a safe distance around places on the territory of the enterprise where work is being done at height, there are working units, machines, live parts of electrical equipment, as well as hoses, cables, open wells, hatches, ditches, etc.
3.6. You should cross obstacles encountered along the way (for example, trenches, ditches) along specially equipped crossings.
3.7. When moving, you should pay attention to uneven and slippery places on the territory of the enterprise and production premises, go around them and beware of falling due to slipping.
3.8. Care must be taken when moving near places where repair and construction work is being carried out so as not to trip or hit hoses, cables, cables, sleeves, cylinders, boxes, etc. located in the work area.
3.9. To avoid head injury, you need to be careful when moving near low-lying structural elements of buildings and structures.
3.10. To avoid accidents, you should not be in the maneuvering zone of vehicles - 5 meters.
3.11. It is prohibited to move around the territory of the enterprise in an electric or cart, in the back of a car unsuitable for transporting people, or on the running board of a car.
3.12. While moving around the territory of the enterprise and production premises, the employee must be careful and not be distracted from performing his duties.
3.13. To prevent cases of electrical injury, you should not step on electrical cables or cords of electrical consumers while walking.
3.14. To ensure fire safety, the employee must remember that smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.


4.1. In the event of an accident, it is necessary to immediately stop the impact of the traumatic factor on the victim, while maintaining one’s own safety, provide first aid to the victim, and, if necessary, call an emergency team by calling 103 or help transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.
4.2. The employee must be able to provide first aid for injuries; At the same time, he must know that any wound can easily become contaminated with microbes located on the wounding object, the skin of the victim, as well as in dust, on the hands of the person providing assistance, and on dirty dressings.
4.3. When providing first aid in case of injury, the following rules must be observed:
- you cannot wash the wound with water or even any medicinal substance, cover it with powder and lubricate it with ointments, as this prevents the healing of the wound, causes suppuration and contributes to the introduction of dirt from the surface of the skin into it;
- you need to carefully remove dirt from the skin around the wound, cleaning it from the edges of the wound outward, so as not to contaminate the wound; the cleaned area of ​​skin should be lubricated with iodine and a bandage applied.
4.4. To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open the dressing package in the first aid kit.
4.5. When applying a dressing, you should not touch with your hands that part of it that should be applied directly to the wound; if there is no dressing bag, then you can use a clean scarf, clean cloth, etc. for dressing; Do not apply cotton directly to the wound.
4.6. On the part of the tissue that is applied directly to the wound, you need to drip a few drops of iodine to get a spot larger than the wound, and then place the fabric on the wound.
4.7. The person providing assistance should wash their hands or lubricate their fingers with iodine; Touching the wound itself, even with washed hands, is not allowed.
4.8. First aid to the victim must be provided immediately and directly at the scene of the incident, immediately after eliminating the cause of the injury.
4.9. First aid for bruises and sprains should be carried out in the following sequence:
— to reduce pain and prevent hemorrhage, “cold” should be applied;
- apply a tight bandage;
- create peace for the bruised area;
— you should not lubricate the bruised area with iodine, rub it and apply a warm compress, as this only increases the pain.
4.10. If injury occurs due to exposure electric current, then first aid measures depend on the state in which the victim is after he is released from the electric current:
- if the victim is conscious, but was previously in a state of fainting, he should be placed in a comfortable position and ensure complete rest until the doctor arrives, continuously monitoring his breathing and pulse; under no circumstances should the victim be allowed to move;
- if the victim is unconscious, but with stable breathing and a pulse, he should be placed comfortably, his clothes unbuttoned, a flow of fresh air created, ammonia sniffed, sprinkled with water and complete rest ensured;
- if the victim is breathing poorly (very rarely and convulsively), he should undergo artificial respiration and cardiac massage; if the victim has no signs of life (breathing and pulse), he cannot be considered dead; artificial respiration should be performed continuously both before and after the arrival of the doctor; The question of the futility of further artificial respiration is decided by the doctor.
4.11. If a fire or signs of combustion are detected (smoke, burning smell, increased temperature, etc.), you must immediately notify the fire department by calling 101 and inform management.
4.12. Before arrival fire department it is necessary to take measures to evacuate people and property and begin to extinguish the fire.
4.13. A meeting of fire departments should be organized and assistance should be provided in choosing the shortest route to approach the fire.


5.1. After finishing work, you should move in a safe way, taking into account moving vehicles, in accordance with the safety requirements for movement around the enterprise.
5.2. At the end of work, you should wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap, and if necessary, take a shower.

We thank Marina Velichko for the instructions provided! =)

Instruction No.___

on labor protection
for workers moving around the territory and production premises

The instructions are drawn up in accordance with the “Standard labor protection instructions for workers moving around the territory and production premises” TOI R-218-54-95.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. These instructions have been developed specifically for safe movement around the territory and production premises of the enterprise. Mandatory for all employees to comply with.

1.2. All employees of the enterprise, regardless of qualifications and work experience, must undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every 6 months.

1.3. If an employee violates the requirements of the instructions, the employee must undergo unscheduled instruction.

1.4. The movement of vehicles and workers must be carried out in accordance with established road signs and markings along certain routes indicated on the diagram posted at the entrance (entrance) to the territory of the enterprise.

1.5. When moving around the territory of the enterprise, the worker must know and remember that accidents can most often occur when:

  • exit of construction vehicles, vehicles from around the corner of a building, from the gate of a premises, from the territory of an enterprise and entry into them;
  • violation of the rules for maneuvering and movement of construction vehicles and vehicles in cramped conditions (narrow passages, passages between rows of cars and construction vehicles, etc.);
  • carrying (transporting) objects that distract the attention of workers or limit the view of their path of movement;
  • movement of construction vehicles, cars and workers on slippery surfaces (ice, mud, etc.);
  • crossing access roads, driveways, passages, inspection ditch, trenches, in galleries, etc.;
  • exceeding the established speed of movement of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise and indoors;
  • entering (exiting) production premises through entry (exit) gates.

1.6. Each employee, while on the territory of the enterprise, must adhere to the following rules:

  • to your workplace you should go along certain roads and paths, move on the left side of the road towards vehicles;
  • Beware of injury from long loads protruding from the body;
  • take special care in winter, when there is ice, or during muddy roads;
  • accurately comply with the requirements of warning notices, signs, traffic lights, etc.;
  • do not ride as passengers (even short distances) outside the cabs of tractors, pipelayers, bulldozers and other mechanisms not intended for transporting people;
  • when working in open space (outdoors) with the onset of a thunderstorm, you should move at least 25 m away from places where metal accumulates (pipe stacks, open pipelines);
  • It is not recommended to be in open flat areas, near single trees and tall objects during a thunderstorm;
  • do not walk around the territory of the enterprise unless necessary for production purposes.

1.7. When moving around the territory and production premises, the employee must be guided by the following requirements:

  • traffic rules;
  • rules for the technical operation of construction machines, apparatus, equipment, vehicles;
  • technological rules for the production of work;
  • internal labor regulations and labor discipline;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • fire safety rules;
  • safety rules before starting work.

1.8. While moving around the enterprise, an employee may be adversely affected by the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

  • moving vehicles and self-propelled mechanisms;
  • increased slip (due to icing, wetting and oiling of surfaces covering the organization and production premises);
  • objects located on the surface of the organization’s coating (hoses, cables, etc.);
  • increased noise level;
  • increased content of harmful substances in the air;
  • insufficient lighting of the organization’s territory and production premises;
  • glare from floodlights and vehicle headlights;
  • low-lying structural elements of buildings and structures.

1.9. All employees are required to use special clothing and personal protective equipment issued by the employer free of charge in accordance with the “Industry standard standards for the issuance of funds.” personal protection workers and employees of organizations."

1.10. When moving around the territory of the enterprise, the employee must remember that to prevent fire, smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.

1.11. Do not drink alcohol in the workplace and do not appear at work in a drugged state, alcohol intoxication, since this circumstance may cause an accident at work.

1.12. Only persons designated by order of the enterprise and who have a driver’s license are allowed to move around the enterprise territory in a car. This rule applies to all cases of driving a car or construction machinery, including testing them after repair and maintenance.

1.13. If an accident occurs with one of the employees, the victim must be given first aid, report the incident to the manager and maintain the situation of the incident, if this does not create a danger to others.

1.14. The employee, if necessary, must be able to provide first aid and use a first aid kit.

1.15. Workers must know fire safety rules and, if necessary, be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.16. Employees who violate the requirements of these instructions bear responsibility in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before moving around the territory of the enterprise, the employee must dress in accordance with weather conditions and the requirements of standard industry standards, according to his profession, position and type of work performed.

2.2. The employee should clarify the routes of movement of vehicles and self-propelled mechanisms throughout the enterprise.

2.3. You should not move around the territory of the enterprise if you have doubts about your own safety.

2.4. Before driving through the territory of the enterprise in a car, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to:

  • make sure that there are no people in the path of the vehicle, as well as obstacles to their movement;
  • warn people nearby in which direction the car will move;
  • at night, turn on the car lighting (side lights and low beam headlights);
  • carefully inspect the engine and mechanism components, check their serviceability and lubrication condition, check the reliability of the brakes, control clutches and, if necessary, adjust them so that they engage easily and quickly (the brake bands should slow down when you lightly press the lever);
  • check the condition of the guards of rotating parts;
  • Check the engine fueling status and whether there is enough water in the cooling system.

2.5. When leaving the gate of the premises (entry) in reverse, the driver must make sure that there are no people or other obstacles in the path of movement, or contact the foreman (foreman, head of the site, workshop) with a request to appoint an assistant (traffic controller) who would supervise the exit (entrance) ).

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. When moving around the territory of the enterprise, the employee must remember that:

  • You can only walk along specially designated routes;
  • Be careful while walking, especially in difficult weather conditions (rain, fog, snowfall, ice, etc.) and in the dark;
  • When moving around the territory of the enterprise, do not use headphones and earplugs, since due to them the sound signals emitted by vehicles and the noise of the running engine of an approaching car may not be heard;
  • when exiting from behind standing construction vehicles, cars, from the corners of buildings, from gates, you must stop and inspect the path of movement to ensure the safety of further movement; let moving traffic pass;
  • Care should be taken when carrying (transporting) objects that limit the view of the path of movement and the surrounding environment, as well as when moving on slippery surfaces and in the dark;
  • move carefully in narrow passages between construction vehicles and cars (especially with a running engine);
  • you need to be careful when moving through inspection ditches and trenches. Use only walkways equipped with railings.

3.2. The operator of a construction machine, the driver must be careful when:

  • leaving the gate (entry) and driving around production premises;
  • driving in cramped conditions and limited visibility (between rows of construction vehicles, cars, etc.);
  • movement through production areas where people may be working.

3.3. When driving in production premises, as well as on the territory of the enterprise, the driver must not exceed the established speed limit:

  • on the territory of the enterprise, the speed of movement is established by order of the enterprise, taking into account local conditions and ensuring traffic safety, but not more than 20 km/h;
  • indoors - no more than 5 km/h.

3.4. Testing and testing brakes on the move is permitted only in a place specially designated for this purpose.

3.5. When moving construction machines and vehicles around the territory and in production premises, it is prohibited for people to be on the steps and fenders of construction machines and vehicles.

3.6. When stopping the car, the driver, leaving the cab, must protect the car from spontaneous movement (turn off the ignition or stop the fuel supply, set the gear selector lever to the neutral position, brake with the parking brake).

If the car is parked even on a slight slope, it is necessary to additionally place special wheel chocks (chocks) under the wheels.

3.7. An assistant (regulator) assisting the driver of a construction machine or driver when maneuvering a construction machine or vehicle in a limited area must choose a place that guarantees his personal safety.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If the working lighting suddenly turns off and the emergency lighting turns on, enterprise workers must disconnect equipment and tools from the power supply, tidy up the workplace and stop work.

4.2. About every accident that occurs at the enterprise, as well as in the event of emergencies or situations that may lead to undesirable consequences, the enterprise employees are obliged to immediately report to the foreman (foreman, site manager, workshop manager).

4.3. In case of an accident, provide first aid to the victim, call an ambulance by calling 112 or 03.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Upon completion of work you should:

  • place a construction machine or car in a specially designated place, without creating obstacles to the movement of other construction machines and vehicles;
  • turn off the engine, disengage the clutch, put the gear lever in neutral;
  • brake the machine, lower the working equipment to the ground, lock the cab.

5.2. Take off overalls and safety shoes and put them in a specially designated place, wash your face and hands with warm water and antibacterial detergent or take a shower.

5.3. Report to the supervisor about the completion of the work and about any problems that occurred during the work.


Head of the organization

(deputy head of the organization,

V job responsibilities whom

includes labor safety issues)

___________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)



when moving around the territory and production premises of the enterprise

1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. The movement of vehicles and employees of the enterprise must be carried out in accordance with established road signs and markings along the routes indicated on the diagram posted at the entrance (entrance) to the territory of the enterprise.

1.2. When moving around the territory and production premises of the enterprise, an employee may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

  • leaving a car from around the corner of a building, from the gate of a building and entering it;
  • violation of the rules for maneuvering and driving a car in cramped conditions (narrow passages, passages between rows of cars, etc.);
  • carrying (transporting) objects that distract the attention of workers or limit the view of the path of movement;
  • movement of vehicles and workers on slippery surfaces (ice, mud, etc.);
  • crossing an inspection ditch;
  • exceeding the established speed of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise and indoors.

1.3. Entry (exit) of workers to the enterprise must be through a gate provided specifically for this purpose. It is prohibited for workers to pass through the entrance gate of the enterprise.

1.4. Driving a car on the territory of the enterprise is permitted only to persons appointed by order of the enterprise and who have a certificate for the right to drive this vehicle. This rule applies to all cases of driving a car, including testing it after repairs and adjustments.

1.5. The employee is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease(poisoning).

1.6. It is prohibited to begin work in a state of alcohol, narcotic or other types of toxic intoxication, in a painful and tired state.

1.7. For failure to comply with labor protection requirements, the employee is liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements during work

2.1. Before driving, the driver must:

  • make sure that there are no people in the path of the vehicle, as well as obstacles to its movement;
  • warn people near the car in which direction the car will move;
  • at night, turn on the car lighting (side lights and low beam headlights).

2.2. Before leaving the gate of the premises (entrance) in reverse, the driver must make sure that there are no people or other obstacles in the path of movement, or contact management with a request to appoint an assistant (traffic controller) to supervise the exit (entrance).

2.3. The driver should not drive a vehicle with a faulty braking system or steering system, or if other vehicle malfunctions threaten traffic safety.

2.4. When driving in production premises, as well as on the territory of the enterprise, the driver must not exceed the established speed limit:

  • on the territory of the enterprise, the speed of movement is established by order of the enterprise, taking into account local conditions and ensuring traffic safety, but not more than 20 km/h;
  • indoors - no more than 5 km/h.

2.5. Testing and testing brakes on the move is permitted only in a place specially designated for this purpose.

2.6. The driver must be careful when:

  • leaving the gate (entry) and driving around production premises;
  • driving in cramped conditions (between rows of cars, etc.);
  • movement through production areas where people may be working.

2.7. When driving a vehicle around the territory and in production premises, it is prohibited for people to be on the steps and fenders of the vehicle.

2.8. The vehicle driver is prohibited from using auxiliary vehicles (another vehicle, forklift and other moving mechanisms) for towing without the permission of the site manager.

2.9. Before leaving the cab, the driver must ensure that the parking brake is fully applied.

2.10. Enterprise employees must:

  • Be careful when moving in areas where vehicle traffic may occur, especially in the presence of objects that limit visibility. When exiting from behind standing cars, from the corners of buildings, or from gates, you must stop and inspect the path of further movement to make sure that there is no car;
  • let moving traffic pass;
  • exercise caution when carrying (transporting) objects that limit the view of the path of movement and the surrounding environment, as well as when moving on slippery surfaces and in the dark;
  • move with caution in narrow passages between cars (especially with the engine running);
  • When moving in production premises, to cross inspection ditches, use only transition bridges.

2.11. An assistant (traffic controller) assisting the driver when maneuvering a vehicle in a limited area must choose a position that guarantees his personal safety.

3. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

3.1. The employee must immediately inform the management of the enterprise about every accident that he witnesses, and provide first aid to the victim, call a doctor, and help transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

3.2. If an accident occurs to the employee himself, he should, if possible, consult a doctor, report the incident to his supervisor, or ask someone around him to do so.

3.3. If a traffic accident occurs, the driver involved is obliged to:

  • immediately stop the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and display a warning triangle, and do not move objects related to the incident;
  • provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance by calling 03;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims in a company vehicle, and if this is not possible, deliver them in your vehicle to the nearest medical facility, provide your last name, registration plate of the vehicle (with presentation of an identity document, or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;
  • clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible. If it is necessary to clear the roadway or deliver victims in your vehicle to a medical facility, first record in the presence of witnesses the position of the vehicle, traces and objects related to the incident and take all possible measures to preserve them and organize a detour to the scene of the incident;
  • report the incident to the police, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

4.1. When returning to the organization after completing the task, put the devices, tools, materials, fixtures, equipment and protective equipment in the place designated for their storage.

4.2. Report all violations of labor protection requirements discovered during work, as well as cases of injury to workers at work, to the management of the organization.

4.3. Wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap or take a shower.

I have read the instructions:

(signature) (surname, initials)

"____" ____________ 20____


Head of the labor safety service (labor safety specialist or specialist assigned these responsibilities)

_______________ _______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Head of structural unit (developer)

_______________ _______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)